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the BOOK of OBERON About the Authors Daniel Harms is the author of The Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia, The Necronomicon Files (co-authored with John Wisdom Gonce III ) , and The Long-Lost Friend: A 19th Century American Grimoire. His articles have appeared in the Journal for the Academic Study of Magic, The Journal of Scholarly Communication, Abraxas, Fortean Times, Paranoia, and The Unspeakable Oath. His work has been translated into four lan­ guages. His blog, Papers Falling from an Attic Window, provides commentary on top­ ics including the horror writer H. P. Lovecraft and the history of books of magic. He lives in upstate New York. James R. Clark has been working in various fields of philosophical and esoteric study for nearly two decades. His primary areas of focus are philosophy of number, Golden Dawn, and alchemy. James is a self-taught artist. He has illustrated The Essential Eno­ chian Grimoire (20 14) and the seventh edition of Israel Regardie's Golden Dawn (20 1 5) . He currently resides in Chicago. Joseph H. Peterson has been studying esoteric texts for decades, intrigued by the Re­ naissance intellectual and experimental approach to spirituality. After years of col­ lecting and digitizing rare texts for his own research, in 1 995 he created the and websites to share them with a wider audience. He lives near Rochester, Minnesota. the BOOK of OBERON A Sourcebook of Elizabethan Magic Daniel • ]amesR. • Joseph H. HARMS CLARK PETERSON Llewellyn Publications Woodbury, Minnesota The Book of Oberon: A Sourcebook of Elizabethan Magic © 20 1 5 by Daniel Harms, James R. Clark, and Joseph H. Peterson. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. FIRST EDITION First Printing, 20 1 5 Cover art: V.b.2 1 ( 1 ) Page 200 from Book of Magic, with Instructions for Invoking Spirits: By permission of the Folger Shakespeare Library; 1 2363556/©ShutterWorx Cover design: Kevin R. Brown Interior illustrations: James R. Clark Llewellyn Publications is a registered trademark of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd. Special thanks to the Folger Shakespeare Library for allowing us access and permissions to Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC, MS V.b.26. Note: The contents in this book are historical references used for teaching purposes only. All herbal formulas are given for historical understanding and reference. Please consult a standard reference source or an expert herbalist to learn more about the possible effects of certain herbs used within spells and charms. Llewellyn Worldwide does not suggest, support, or condone the animal mistreatment or sac­ rifices detailed in this book. These practices should be viewed as a historical curiosity; the reader may revivify these practices with symbolic substitutions rather than harming live animals. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Book of Oberon. English. The book of Oberon : a sourcebook of Elizabethan magic I Daniel Harms, James R. Clark, Joseph H. Peterson ; translated and annotated from the Folger Shakespeare Library's 16th Century Manuscript.­ First edition. pages em Translation of the anonymous 2 volume Latin manuscript, compiled from around 1 577 to sometime after 1 583, and held at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C, number V.b.26. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0- 7387-4334-9 1. Magic-Early works to 1 800. 2. Spirits-Early works to 1 800. 3 . Evocation-Early works to 1 800. 4. Magic-England- History- 16th century-Sources. 5 . Book of Oberon. 6. Folger Shakespeare Library. I. Harms, Daniel. II. Clark, James R. , 1 98 1- III. Peterson, Joseph H. IV. Title. BF 160l.B66 1 3 20 1 5 1 3 3.4'309420903 1-dc23 20 1 4028274 Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd. does not participate in, endorse, or have any authority or responsibility con­ cerning private business transactions between our authors and the public. All mail addressed to the author is forwarded, but the publisher cannot, unless specifically instructed by the author, give out an address or phone number. Any Internet references contained in this work are current at publication time, but the publisher can­ not guarantee that a specific location will continue to be maintained. Please refer to the publisher's website for links to authors' websites and other sources. Llewellyn Publications A Division of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd. 2 1 43 Wooddale Drive Woodbury, MN 55 1 2 5-2989 www. Printed in the United States of America Other Books by Daniel Harms The Long-Lost Friend The Cthylhu Mythos Encyclopedia Necronomicon Files: The Truth Behind the Legend Other Books Illustrated by James R. Clark The Essential Enochian Grimoire The Golden Dawn Seventh Edition CONTENTS NOTE: The table of contents has been added to give a quick overview of the parts of the text but has been worded differently in some cases for clarity. Introduction 1 Abbreviations and Typographic Symbols 31 Part 1: Theurgia 33 Preparatory Prayers 33 Excerpts from Heptameron 50 Excerpts from the Enchiridion, for protection 53 Excerpts from Heptameron resumed 7 4 Prayers before you call or consecrate: The Lord's Prayer, Hail Mary, Creed, psalms 76 Sprinkling the lustral water 8 1 Blessing of the fumigations and exorcism of the fire 82 Concerning the garment and pentacle, and their use 82 The oration to be said while putting on the garment 83 To consecrate all instruments 83 The Athanasian Creed 85 The Gospel of Saint John 87 How you can speak with your own good angel whenever you wish 88 Prayer for one's angel 92 The method of the glass or stone 93 Another method to have a spirit in a glass, with sufflations and olive oil 1 02 Experiment of invisibility 1 07 The licence (or releasing) of any spirit 1 1 1 Consecration of the circle 1 1 2 Consecration of the holy water 1 1 3 In order that the spirits don't have the power to harm you 1 1 3 Concerning Baron 1 14 A bond for a spirit who is rebellious and won't appear 1 20 Prayer of purification 1 2 1 X CONTENTS A vincle or call 1 23 A conjuration of obedience 1 25 A band to bind them into the triangle or ring 1 25 To speak with a spirit in thy bed 1 32 For winning at games 1 33 Table of planetary hours 1 34 Planets which be good and evil 1 35 Signs that be good to work 1 36 John's gospel 1 36 Protection against thieves 1 3 7 Confession 1 38 Seven Angels 144 If you wish to test experiments 1 45 Epilepsy spell 1 46 Excerpts from Cardano of the intelligences, numbers, and names of the planets 1 47 T he parchment, ink, pen, and writing 1 48 Seven planets, twelve signs, thirty days 1 49 T he nature of the seven planets 1 50 Seven precious stones which were in the crown of Zepheraziel 1 53 Excerpts from Sepher Raziel on stones, herbs, and beasts 1 53 Of suffumigations called incenses 1 55 To defend treasure from finding 1 57 To constrain and bind devils 1 58 To see spirits, etc. 1 58 T hat one shall prosper in his affairs 1 59 To win favour of princes, etc. 1 59 To see devils or spirits 1 59 To bind and loose spirits 1 59 Upupa 1 60 To subdue spirits 1 60 Suffumigating 1 6 1 Semoferas 1 62 Four great names 1 66 A name to get victory 1 66 To remove wrath and sorrow 1 66 For victory 1 66 T he consecration of the ring 1 67 Days most expedient to work any marvels on 1 68 CONTENTS XI A malediction for the fire 1 69 If he come, rewrite his name . . . 1 70 Another for the fire for the four kings 1 70 A suffumigation that rejoiceth spirits 1 72 Tables of planets and signs 1 73 A table of every thing of every sphere by himself 1 75 To make a thief not to depart 1 78 The names of the seven sisters of the fairies 1 79 Experiment for a theft 1 79 To be said at the beginning and ending of every work 1 84 Prayers of purification and consecration 1 87 Officium de spirittibus ("The offices of spirits" ) 1 9 1 Mycob, the queen of the fairies, and the seven fairy sisters 207 The four kings of spirits of the air and their subservients 208 The names and shapes familiar to the spirits of the planets, their fumigations, and conjurations 2 1 5 Sun I Sunday 2 1 5 Moon I Monday 2 1 8 Mars I Tuesday 220 Mercury I Wednesday 223 Jupiter I Thursday 225 Venus I Friday 228 Saturn I Saturday 230 Directional and planetary incenses 233 List of Pagan gods 234 Spirits that make books and write books 235 A conjuration most necessary to the angels of each day to the obtaining of any spirit thou callest 236 The order of the circle work 239 The blessing of the fumigations and fire 246 Opening and entering the circle 266 The consecration and fumigation of the circle 279 Fumigations that rejoiceth spirits 279 The necessaries for this art of Necromancy 290 The beginning of circle work 29 1 Rules and preparation 292 XII CONTENTS An invocation unto the four kings to urge and constrain a spirit 297 After you have done 3 1 4 A good constriction for a spirit 3 1 5 For the ground 3 1 5 This must be laid in the earth to urge a late dead man to appear and speak 3 1 8 For hidden treasure 3 1 9 The spirit of the North, who is called King Egin . . . 340 Conjuration of Baron 346 An experiment of Rome 35 1 In order to know about things lost, or accumulated . . . 356 Treatise on the experiment for a theft 357 To make an oil for seeing spirits from the air, as followeth 358 An experiment of two hazel rods of one year's growing 363 This is the office of angels, spirits, and devils . . . 364 To see spirits in the air or elsewhere 366 The secretness of secrets hid 368 A collection of talismans 370 Characters of the planets 38 1 The ten most sacred names of God 382 Hebrew for the planets 382 Seals without characters of the seven planets 383 Fumigations, excerpted from Petrus de Abano and Agrippa 385 Brief notes concerning the course of the Moon 385 The spirits of the planets and signs 387 Prayers before beginning 388 Circle work 39 1 Instruments of the Art 398 An experiment approved by Friar Bacon to have a spirit appear in a circle . . . 399 Bilgall-Conjuration of the Spirit 40 1 For enclosing a spirit in a ring 403 Experiment of Solomon for having whatever you may covet. Lapwing. 407 Annabath 409 Ascariell- Conjuration of the Spirit 4 1 0 For making a stolen item return again 4 1 6 An experiment to see in thy sleep whatsoever thou shalt desire 4 1 6 To know whether one suspect b e the thief o r no 4 1 7 Satan-Conjuration of the Spirit 4 1 8 Experiment concerning the spirit called Baron, Baaran, Bareth, o r Baryth 426 . for theft 492 For the toothache 493 Experiment to overcome enemies 495 For all manner of headache 496 For to bind any ground or house or field that nothing shall be stole out. or snake 522 To cause sleep 523 Terebinthus 523 To cause conception 525 A special good for women in travail 525 For the ague 526 For one that is bewitched 526 To cause a spirit to appear in thy bed chamber 527 Magrano-Conjuration of the Spirit 528 An excommunication 528 A conjuration. adder. . . . . 497 To find treasure of the earth . 499 Ritual for hunting 500 For shooting 50 1 Rite using bread loaf to find a thief 502 Instructions to the Steward 505 This longeth to the priest to use after this manner following 507 For biting of a dog. . regarding a theft 533 Experiment for having the spirit Sibilla in the light of a candle 537 For to take fowls with your hands 540 . CONTENTS XI II Saint George 432 The figure of the mirror 433 Romulon-Conjuration of the Spirit 434 Mosacus-Conjuration of the Spirit 445 Orobas 453 Oberyon-Conjuration of the Spirit 454 Figures and Characters of Oberyon and His Followers 455 Another way to invoke Oberion 473 The circle for the great work. proven.e. 482 On the nigromantic doctrine for all useful experiments 483 Concerning the Baths 485 Part 2: The Key of Solomon 491 The Eye of Abraham. to call the four kings . i.. . . 543 In the event of theft 543 In the event of thefts.. Huius libra Guilielmus Braius professor 55 1 How to call the king of the pigmies 55 1 For the Swallow 554 The virtue of vervain 555 Bibliography 557 Index 569 . .XIV CONTENTS For a maid's thought 54 1 For love in the day and hour ofVenus 54 1 Against thieves 54 1 Against thy enemies 54 1 Against witchcraft 542 For axis or ague 542 For sorrow of the teeth 543 A charm for thndbr. proven 544 Experiment for thieves 544 To make one fair 545 For the toothache 546 To make a maiden to dance 546 To make one follow thee 547 For a woman's love 547 If thou wilt know if she is a maid 54 7 To make love between men and women 54 7 If any be angry with thee 54 7 Also to make thieves to stand as well by night as by day 547 An experiment for thieves 548 For ulcers or p raid es (?) bladder & yard 550 For fretting of the yard or any other part 550 [ ???] a reumen 55 1 . find­ ing a seat beneath an impressive stained glass window showing the Seven Ages of Man from As You Like It. playbills. with ghastly illustra­ tions of spirits to be called. and the manuscript would not be sent up for an hour and a half. THE BOOK OF OBERON: AN INTRODUCTION Daniel Harms with Joseph H. The trees on Capitol Hill pro­ vided welcome moments of shade as I skirted the House chambers. I was happy to find a port for a flash drive. Behind the build­ ing was a block mostly taken up by the Adams Building of the Library of Congress. and I was confronted with page upon page of minuscule text 1 . stopping only briefly to pick up a late breakfast sandwich. photographs. Tourists were photographing themselves in front of the White House. and I was late to my demon hunt. musical instruments. and manuscripts-and one of them was an unprecedented col­ lection of spells and incantations from the time of Shakespeare. Thoth. I spent the next hour or so happily creating a PDF file of the entire manuscript. and I trundled off down the stairs into the concrete labyrinth of the Folger basement. its doors bearing reliefs of the gods of writing and scholarship-Nabu. paintings. the library has become a major center for research and cultural events dealing with the Bard and his era. a nephew of the famous coffee entrepreneur. My tardiness had taken me into lunchtime. however. But the one I wanted was on microfilm. well shot. Founded by Henry Clay Folger. and Quet­ zalcoatl. I walked quickly down Pennsylvania Avenue from Washington Circle. When I went to the desk. It is host to an amazing collection of books. The book itself was waiting when I returned upstairs. Would I like to see it? I certainly did. I acquired my gold reader's card and entered the oak-paneled reading room. movies. but I hurried past toward the Capitol. and I was ecstatic when I realized the microfilm was clear. Peterson It was summer in Washington. and highly detailed. DC. I found disappointment. The remainder of the block was taken up by the world's foremost center for re­ search on William Shakespeare-the Folger Shakespeare Library. I hoped they would smile upon me that day. Most of the text was written in secretary hand. but my initial opinion of it was confirmed. suggested James Clark for the project. alchemy. As such. a scholar and artist who spends much time investigating the psychogeographic landscape of Yorkshire through both folklore and music.l&mi=12&trs=292) and Folger articles. This was no easy matter. and sacred ge­ ometry to rendering the numerous figures within. our editor at Llewellyn. if there ever was one (See On the Manuscript: Title ) . My other collaborators worked on the same transcriptions. We were anxious for advice on how to proceed. Elysia Gallo. The original manuscript title has been lost to us.. Nonetheless. and one which readers with all sorts of interests should be able to view. He became a most-welcome addition to our team. I discussed the book with my friend Phil Legard. with instructions for invoking spirits. the three of us have 1.b. we decided it was certainly worth bringing the book to print. a variant of Oberon from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. It was an important work for the study of magic. and spir­ its. etc. known for the Esoteric Archives web­ site and a series of published editions of various grimoires. along with the spirits and the circles into which the magician must call them.2 THE BOOK OF OBERON and bright red lettering signifying holy names. I realized we would need a better title than the ((Folger manuscript" for the book.and seventeenth-century script that is quite different from modern letters and calligraphy.. Folger Shakespeare Library gave it the descriptive title ((Book of Magic.. and it was his research that re­ vealed the origins of many of the book's spirit portraits. and Joe took it upon himself to compare our different texts to minimize variant readings." Please see the digital collection (http:/ /luna. T he first step was to conduct a painstaking transcription of the entire text. Phil was originally slated for drawing the book's talismans. Reading the book was going to be a monumental 1-6-6. magic circles. but he was called away by the responsibilities of family and a well-earned aca­ demic position. ..26+(l)o/o22. abbreviations.folger. so we consulted with Joseph Peterson. and long passages of Latin. Joe suggested that he join us and work on the translations from the Latin. After I returned home.1 Two of its operations were intended to summon the king of the fairies Oberion. BINDINGS-I. we decided to call the manuscript ccThe Book of Oberon" (henceforth the BoO ) . this was easy in comparison with dealing with the book's many variant spellings. Having looked it over. James brought his experience in ceremonial magic. As we e-mailed back and forth. a sixteenth. As we considered these to be items of great interest to potential read­!FOL GERCM1-6-6-367711-13131l?qvq=q:Call_Number=o/o22V. His own collection of manuscript reproductions allowed him to find connections between the Folger's manuscript and many others that have yet to see print.. a Douai-trained priest who had returned to England. A Study of Elizabethan and Early Jacobean Anti­ Catholicism.3 Many Catholics fled to France. Wiener. it was hoped. Instead. Certainly this reflected the common social tendency to classify disreputable practices together. 1 ( 200 1 ).' Past & Present. creating an atmosphere rife with paranoia and scapegoat­ ing. and discussion of various aspects of the text. no. England was embroiled in religious turmoil following the decision of King Henry VIII to abolish English Catholicism and set himself up as the head of the country's church. As such. learned individuals often held ideas that are seen as incongruent or irrational by today's standards. Not only did the library acquire both parts of the manuscript. AN INTRODUCTION 3 conducted extensive transcribing. had published an article on the manuscript in Shakespeare Quarterly/ and the book had appeared in two of the library's exhibitions. founded in 1 568. who made major contributions to mathematics and navigation while holding private conversations with angels. restrictions. This situ­ ation set Catholics and Anglicans against each other. This diversity of views did not always come with safety. it is better considered as a period in which various strands of previous thought-whether classical or medieval. with the situation evolving through the brief reigns of Edward and Mary. editing. but magical literature relied 2. where the seminary at Douai. Magic and witchcraft were also ubiquitous parts of the Elizabethan milieu." Shakespeare Quarterly 52. research. we should not be considered the ((dis­ coverers" of the book by any means. The ascension of Queen Elizabeth meant that Catholic sympathizers found themselves dealing with an escalating suc­ cession of oaths. served as a training ground for English priests who. Perhaps the shining exemplar of this was John Dee. Barbara Mowat. Despite all of the work that we have done. became the first to be martyred. 5 1 ( 1 97 1 ) . often tied to Catholicism in the popular imagination. Barbara Mowat. however. Cuthbert Mayne. Credit goes to the Folger Shakespeare Library and its excellent and helpful staff. the first year given in the BoO. 3. its former director of research. approved or het­ erodox-interwove with explorations of the new frontiers of geography and experi­ mentation. Carol Z. 1-33. and propaganda. 27-62. ((The Beleaguered Isle. no. Protestants portrayed Catholicism as monolithic and subversive. would eventually be allowed back into the country. . ((Prospera's Book. Late in 1 577. Religion and Magic in Elizabethan England Many think of the Renaissance as a time in which rationalism and science came to prevail over medieval worldviews. 4 THE BOOK OF OBERON greatly on Catholic theology and practice as essential parts of its rhetoric and prac­ tice. 56 1 . Relations Politiques Des Pays-Bas et de l'Angleterre. Sovereigns & Society in Early Modern England (New York: St. They found their legitimacy in traditional religious methods of seeking help from God or other spiritual beings. The Confessio Fidei Scoticanae II of 1 580 listed the "conjuring of spreits" alongside more orthodox Roman Catholic practices that were to be abjured. 2006) . and divine forces to the diabolical. finding stolen goods. Catholicism and magic were further tied together in the popular imagi­ nation due to a plot uncovered among priests and prominent families of Essex to use occult means to predict Queen Elizabeth's date of death. vol. names of saints. such as those in­ volving wealth. Nonetheless. 5. The Crown's prosecution was hampered due to the decrim­ inalization of such practices by Edward VI. and dangerous force. In addition. most still believed that magic was a real. with Translations vol. Thus. Despite our emphasis on criminal prosecution. 1 8 77. most notably in Reginald Scot's The Discouerie of Witchcraft in 1 584. Norman Jones. 1 87-203 . 483. The Creeds of Christendom: The Evangelical Protestant Creeds. especially when much of the literature was not in open circulation. that might not be entirely con­ sistent with the Creator's motivations. 3 (Harper. lust. Google eBooks. performing magic was considered not only heresy. and influence over the powerful. leading to the passage of laws against sor­ cery and witchcraft. magic retained many of the beliefs and trappings of Catholicism. 1 998 ) . with treasure hunting. the prevalence of jury trials and reluc­ tance to use torture were instrumental in preventing the same excesses that character­ ized the Continental witch trials. saints and angels to God. The first glimmers of skepticism regarding the exis­ tence of witches were visible. Among the other offenses of which they were accused were the conjuration of demons and the holding of a Mass to consecrate a love spell. "Defining Superstitions: Treasonous Catholics and the Act Against Witchcraft of 1 563" in State. Schaff. but was associated in the popular imagination with sedition .5 The queen's 1 563 statutes banned all manner of incantations. Nonetheless. The Protestant ideal of a direct relationship with God left no room for the flexibility that a larger spiritual hierarchy provided to pursue goals. This 4. magic and the occult sciences were still an important factor in Elizabethan England.4 In 1 56 1 . and love spells bringing a year in prison for the first offense. . Martin's Press. a key structural element of such magic was me­ diation-layman speaking to priest. Centuries of usage of Catholic elements-prayers of the Church. and conjuration of evil spirits and spells calling for execution. le Baron Kervyn de Lettenhove. 1 88 3 ) . As such. P. Hayez. the privileged place of the clergy when dealing with spirits-could hardly be overcome via a change of national policy. and was thus widely condemned in connection with that faith. vital. 2 (Bruxelles: F. Traditional authorities are not always in agreement on the matter. 8 . 7. the explorer Sir Humphrey Gilbert experimented with con­ tacting demons and the dead. "The Guardian Angel in Protestant England" in Conversations with Angels: Essays towards a History of Spiritual Communication. magic was a topic of interest at very high levels of society. edited by Joad Raymond (New York: Palgrave Macmillian. The Works of Sir Walter Raleigh. officially banned in England in the 1 540s. Frank Klaassen. Religion and the Decline of Magic. The Magical Universe: Everyday Ritual and Magic in Pre-Modern Europe (London: Hambledon and London. 33-34. An illustrative case is the practice of bringing home palm leaves blessed on Palm Sunday as a blessing. Walter Raleigh. Palm leaves and palm crosses are used magically in several places in the BoO. Marion Gibson. 110. The Arch-conjuror of England: john Dee. When God is seen as too exalted or unknowable to be demeaned with trivial human wants. 7 The very process of banning such practices often lent them power and mystique for those who did not find the conventional religious rites efficacious or satisfying. J. The Witch-hunt in Early Modern Europe (1987 ) . according to one recent author. often fashioned into crosses. Thomas. depending on which authorities made the discrimination. 8 Even the queen herself was fascinated by the concept of alchemy and. and Thomas Birch. 3-5. William Oldys. 1550-1750 (2003) . for example on p.. Brian P. 9. whether the ghost of the former king in Hamlet or the three witches who 6. by way of averring its legitimacy. and the annals of the time describe numerous cases of magic conducted for one or another of the proscribed purposes. Parry. 2. Keith Thomas.9 British historian Keith Thomas provides numerous examples underlining the prevalence of magical practices among the common people of the era. Witchcraft and Society in England and America.6 Another example is the traditional prayer to one's guardian angel. 1100-1700. Shakespeare's works often touch upon supernatu­ ral themes. Peter Marshall. continued in folk practice. Levack. This practice. Nonetheless. 252-300. Kt. Religion and the Decline of Magic ( 1971 ). of whom the most famous was William Shakespeare. 378-405. 10 The same period saw a flourishing of authors and playwrights. 10. which many Elizabethan Protestants viewed askance but nonetheless tolerated. was actively engaged in such experiments herself. . 295-316. Magicians such as John Dee competed for favors at court. such as saints and angels. Stephen Wilson. "Ritual Invocation and Early Modern Science: The Skrying Experiments of Humphrey Gilbert" (2012 ). recited daily by many Catholics to this very day. Sir Walter Raleigh wrote on magic in his History of the World. "Everyday ritual" was perceived as either acceptable or not. Now First Collected: To Which Are Prefixed the Lives of the Author ( 1965). G. 182-7. AN INTRODUCTION 5 and similar texts frequently quote biblical passages illustrating this fact. 2000 ) . 252-300. other spiritual or supernatural beings are frequently petitioned. 77. vol. 2011) . R. 341-366. In this text. 12. along with excerpts from more 11. 1 2 Magic. Oberon intercedes in the action to save the son of a no­ bleman from the king's wrath. he may appear as Petrus de Abano. or Peter de Abano. W. Marlowe's Doctor Faustus (Oxford: Claredon. Of particular in­ terest to us are A Midsummer Night's Dream.. We know little of Shakespeare's attitudes to­ ward the supernatural. and others-are com­ prehensive systems of magic. 1 590) . 1970 ) . spiritual practice. fairies. such as Catholic indulgences (excerpted from the Raccolta). The poet Edmund Spenser took the trappings of fairy. Christopher Marlowe adapted German com­ pilations regarding Faust and his dealings with devils for his play Doctor Faustus ( c . are other works by Shake­ speare's fellow playwrights and authors. including psalms and traditional prayers. Significance of the Manuscript The BoO is an unusual work that sits apart from the majority of works on ritual magic familiar to today's readers. complex rites intended to carry out a number of pur­ poses based upon the particular spirit to be called or talisman to be consecrated. a compilation of material gathered by a magician or magicians over time as needs or opportunities presented themselves and with little effort made at overall organization or systematic labeling of the texts. The Scottish History offames IV (London: Methuen. The Faerie Queene (New York: Penguin.1 292 ) . mentioning authors of actual works of necromancy such as Petrus de Abano ( 1 257-1 3 1 5) 1 1 and Roger Bacon ( 1 2 1 4. 1950 ) . Greg. In Robert Greene's The Scottish History ofJames IV (c. calls up spirits while exiled on an island. The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage. demons. and scholarship. W. . Less remembered today. and used them to frame allegorical de­ pictions of the virtues in his unfinished poem The Faerie Queene ( 1 590. Pietro d' Abano. It contains excerpts from a wide number of sources. 1978 ) . In particular. in which Prospera. on the other hand. Robert Greene. which made the fairy rulers Oberon and Titania into cultural icons. and the like were not merely subjects of belief.The Key of Solomon. Petrus de Abano has several variant spellings of his name. and The Tempest. Edmund Spenser. The Goetia. The BoO.6 THE BOOK OF OBERON treat with Hecate and proclaim Macbeth's ascension to the throne. but nonetheless influential. the Duke of Milan. The text Heptameron is probably falsely attributed to him. read­ ing. ed. is a magical mis­ cellany. but they were also sources of entertainment to many audiences. the BoO typifies early modern magic texts.1 9 1 8 ) still have immense influence on publishing. including two mentions of Oberon himself. but it is clear that he considered them good entertainment. the idiosyncratic selection of texts and editorial choices of Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers ( 1 854. The most popular texts.1 596) . 1 592 ) . In many ways. such miscellanies were the norm for presentations of ritual magic. and the Transformations of Magic: Manuscripts of Magic 1 300. and other substances. L. 1 966 ) .1 53 5 ) . image magic had mostly fallen out of favor by this time. A Book of the Offices of Spirits.g. MacGregor Mathers. and ritual magic. often abstracted hastily. or (little) Key ofSolomon. 1 845 ) . 14 Even so. as most scholars have concentrated their attention upon either theoretical works (e. Carleton F. Wunder-. the philosopher Marsilio Ficino ( 1 433. 1 999 ) . Magische experimenten en toverpraktijken uit een middelnederlands handschrift: with an English Summary ( Gent: Seminaire voor Volkskunde. Despite newfound interest through the works of Ficino and Agrippa. 20 1 1 ) . But what sort of magic might this be considered? In medieval times. und Vorzugsweise Komischen Literatur (Stuttgart: J. 1 5 . 1 7 and a fifteenth-century collection that includes several Middle Dutch magical texts (Wellcome MS. Only a few such texts have been printed: the manual of sorcery kept at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (MS. Brown and Johann Georg Hohman.1600" ( PhD thesis. ) or more popular books of magic that have undergone editorial selection of content. dealing with the inherent prop­ erties of stones. 18 As such. Richard Kieckhefer. ((The Long Hidden Friend.' The Journal of American Folklore 1 7.. magical works were often divided into three categories: natural magic. Clavicula. Scheible. 1 99 8 ) . The Key of Solomon the King (Clavicula Salomonis). 16 the grimoire of the London cun­ ning-man Arthur Gauntlet ( Sloane 3 8 5 1 ) . In early modern Britain. such material has rarely been published. the text known to modern readers as The Greater Key of Solomon is another "Little Key. 1 8. "Religion. the Picatrix and texts by Agrippa. 1 7. with few manuscripts 1 3 . Thus.. The Book of Consecrations. Petrus de Abano. . PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. Arthur Gauntlet and David Rankine. 1 6 . 89-1 52. no. 5 1 7) . 1 46. and later Arbatel. Meist aus der Altern Deutschen Volks-. The Grimoire ofArthur Gauntlet (London: Avalonia. herbs.I3 The Book ofRa­ ziel. Weltlich und Geistlich. Klaassen. calling upon God or spirits to intercede in this world to accomplish a goal set forth by the magician. Science. Clm 849) and published by Richard Kieckhefer." 1 4.1 54 1 ) . The latter often included passages from Heinrich Agrippa ( 1 486. 65 ( 1 904). Scheible.1 600) . which enhances our under­ standing of magic as practitioners recorded it. in which talismans were cre­ ated based on astrological conjunctions with no assistance from spirits. AN INTRODUCTION 7 patently magical texts. to the benefit or detriment of the text. The term Clavicula is a diminutive. etc. Willy Louis Braekman. seek­ ing whatever sources came to him to enhance his repertoire. Compare to S. Das Kloster. and Filippo (Giordano) Bruno ( 1 548. 1 5 None of these can be said to portray the notebook of a working magician. image magic.1 499 ) . Paracelsus ( 1 493. University of Toronto. ed. Frank F. Forbidden Rites: a Necromancer's Manual of the Fifteenth Century (University Park. Curiositiiten-. J. the BoO is an important addition to the literature on this topic. Boudet." 2 1 In his detailed comparison of Weyer's version with older versions. 22. "Les who's who demonologiques de la Renaissance et leurs ancetres medievaux. voces hinc inde prcetermisi studio. the Weyer." Various versions of this ((catalogue of demons" are found in manuscripts dating at least as far back as the thirteenth century. CLM 849 contains one of the older examples. Scot. Translation by JHP of Ne autem curiosulus aliquis. on the other hand. As James discovered in his research on the il­ lustrations. but were part of a living tradition. fols. Beelze­ bub. .8 THE BOOK OF OBERON being created during this period. Florence BNC II III 214. a translation of Pierre Boaistuau's Histoires prodigieuses ( 1 560) . showing that these lists were not simply repeated verbatim. due to its inclusion in the collection of texts known as The Lesser Key of Solomon. Forbidden Rites. who admits to omitting many passages from the text ((in order to render the whole work unusable . see Frank' Aries 3. 22 The publication of the BoO finally reveals the material that Weyer sought to suppress. http://medievals. ut universa delinquendi occasio prcecideretur." Medievales 44 ( 2003). Web.revues. One interesting example is the ((Offices of Spirits. Satan. 291-293. 36674. The relevant section. See Kieckhefer. via an English translation included in Scot's Discouerie of Witchcraft. "Medieval Ritual Magic in the Renaissance. 19 Nonetheless. 20. Another important aspect of the BoO text is the pictures of the spirits. Opera Omnia (1660 ) . fascino nimis detentus. profes­ sor of medieval history Jean-Patrice Boudet concluded that Weyer's text seems to be missing text from the beginning _that would have had information on Lucifer. Such pic­ tures only appear occasionally in the literature of magic. Many of these illustrations are copied from woodcuts in Pierre Boaistuau and Edward Fenton's Certaine secrete won­ ders of nature ( 1 569) . the ritual is much shorter. The Goetia version can be shown to derive from a version included in Jo­ hann Weyer's Praestigiis Daemonum ( 1 563 ) . lest anyone who is mildly curious. 26v-29v for which see Jean-Patrice Boudet. and MS. ((Les who's who demonologiques de la Renaissance et leurs ancetres medievaux. and our initial hypothesis was that they represented visions or hallucinations that a practitioner of the tech­ niques might have had during rituals. 65r ff. book one. retained its popular­ ity. Unfortunately. is known as Goetia. and Lesser Key versions all suffer from severe editing by Weyer. and the four demons of the cardinal points. 2 ( 2003 ) . MS. 19. Ritual magic. 166-199. Moreover. For more on distinctions among these types of magic. may dare to rashly imitate this proof of folly. and it is unsurprising that the BoO consists mostly of such material. with the addition of seals of the spirits. 2 0 A version of this text went on to become very popular in ritual magic to the present day. 21. Other examples are found in Additional MS. 649." . along with some later additions made by the book's author. no. this was not the case for at least some. the BoO is unique in that it has much fuller treatment of some mate­ rial from the printed tradition. hoc stultitice argumentum temere imitari audeat. From "Pseudomonarchia daemonum" appended to Praestigiis Daemonum in Johann Weyer. . it does little to narrow down either the potential dates of the latter part's composition or the geography of the author. Adam. What clues does the manuscript give as to the author? The poor quality of the Latin in the book is suggestive of its origins. the Apostle Paul. Green. and some­ times available for the lower classes. The majority of the text in the BoO is written in secretary hand. due to the tra­ ditional practice of attributing books of magic to various historical or mythical indi­ viduals. 2 4 Thus. including King Solomon. less likely. AN INTRODUCTION 9 a work describing mysterious animals and horrific birth defects. Humanism and Protestantism in Early Modern English Education (Farnham. and others. and who had certainly not gone on to university or to be employed in a capacity in which knowledge of Latin was a requirement. . Those within the BoO fall into neither of these categories. 2009 ) . and it would have been unsuccessful at either concealing the magical nature of the manuscript or 23. By the late sixteenth century. we are dealing with an indi­ vidual who likely had little training in Latin (or. a school could be found in almost every town in England. who had forgotten much of the schooling) . England: Ashgate. 2 3 As such. and instructions. as the de­ scription of Bilgall in the Offices of Spirits described above indicates. Fenton was a soldier who later went on t o accompany Frobisher on his explorations o f the Northwest Passage and to take up piracy in the South Atlantic while attempting to become king of the island of St. The cipher in question is quite simple. Perhaps a specialist in early modern paleography could find some clue within. M. Helena. I. Part two of the manuscript includes some enciphered text. Cyprian. The Latin curriculum in schools throughout the sixteenth century was largely consistent across the board. 24. including charm titles. although the quality of the instruction varied considerably. and literacy was certainly available to the upper classes. readily available to the burgeoning middle classes. Given that this was a common script. they most likely represent figures added to the text to impress onlookers-although. down to the small group of texts used to teach the subject. Authorship The BoO contains at least four names or initials that might indicate authorship or ownership of the work. ingredients. with only the vowels being swapped out while the consonants are left in place. These should be treated with some skepticism. Latin grammar was a key component of school­ ing even at the lowest levels (whence comes the term "grammar school" ) . but some might have been in­ cluded in material copied from another source. those descrip­ tions managed to seep back into the spiritual lore of the manuscript itself. the oldest edition listed in Worldcat is in the Bibliotheque nationale de France: Enchiridion Leonis Papae. 28. that this is the same individual. These initials do not appear in other texts of the Enchiridion. and the Transformations of Magic: Manuscripts of Magic 1300. St. 1 562. contenant plusieurs oraisons de St Augustin. Science. and weapons. BI. He was still present at Colston Bas­ sett in 1 587. the Enchiridion. Various lay­ men with the same name also appear in the historical record. Duke of Savoy. 27. Compare BoO pp. A similar cipher can be found in Sloane 38 53. John Porter Given that his name was encoded. B. is to anoint the eyes with rose water. tells us of how he performed a working for the "Prince of Pavoye" and the prince's lieutenant.' 1 95-96. "Monsieur Brettencourt:' along with a canon who taught him how to make a miraculous ointment allowing him to see fair­ ies. AB. and thus was active during the period in which this manuscript was writ­ ten. this is the most likely candidate for an actual owner of the book. and examination of these texts and others from the period suggest that these were part of an aesthetic strategy to add an air of magic and mystery to the text. 2 8 The rite supposedly took place in the city of "Dewway. A John Porter was appointed as the vicar of Colston Bassett on January 1 5. Cyprien et autres: ensemble les sept pseaumes (Lyon: 160 1 ) . Presently. Weston. 26. Clergy of the Church of England Database.l. Inst. "Religion. These prayers are taken from the classic grimoire.' or Douai. but it is unknown whether they are those of an author of the BoO or merely part of material copied from elsewhere. 1 07r.1600. implying a transfer of the BoO's ownership from one man to another. 1 560. J. Notts Presentment Bills (Visitation Returns) : 1 587. . its inclusion does not indicate any great level of learning by the author. Klaassen. the supposed au­ thor of one section of the book. BI. 2 5 As such. and Cropwell Bishop on April 23. however. but there is no particular reason to select any of them as the author.2.26 supposedly given to Charlemagne by Pope Leo III. There are many editions of this text.1 40. This individual is named within a set of prayers on pages 2 1-22 of the manuscript as a recipient of their blessings against foes. Inst. John Weston John Weston's name appears soon after the encoded name of John Porter. AB. 139. 2 7 We have no assurances. It bears noting that Emmanuel Philibert ( 1 528-1 580 ) . misfortune. 25.10 THE BOOK OF OBERON preventing a rival from deciphering the text. now in north­ ern France. One of the "rules and observations" for invoking Oberion in Sloan 3846. 1 579. The manuscript was likely acquired in the latter part of his life. are noted as those of the magician in the conjuration of Oberion. though this historical fact might be used to validate an invented tale. it is impossible to determine from the context if these belonged to the owner of this manuscript or another person. vicar of Stow Bardolph. Also. 1 82 1 ). The earliest reported owner of the manuscript is Richard Cosway (c. becoming rector of Wim­ botsham. Stanley on June 1 2.1 82 1 ) . 1 990). vol. 2 9 Tracking down Monsieur Brettencourt or proving that a John Weston was present in Douai during the period in question might aid in supporting this hypothesis. Extensive. University of Oxford and Joseph Foster. 1 905 ) . the manuscript seems to have passed through a number of hands. A. On page 1 92 of the BoO. 1 604. . AN INTRODUCTION 11 governed Douai from 1 556-59. 33. placing it after both men's deaths. 1-8 . Ed­ ward Kelley. 1 05. who passed away in 1 582. the names of whom are lost to us. Douais: Dechriste) .30 Another would be the "clark" John Weston or Wesson. Alumni Oxonienses: The Members of the University of Oxford. 57-58. R. Richard Cosway. when the painter became increasingly concerned with occult topics. the book passed to the 29. 1 . 4 (Oxford and London: Parker and Co. Both of these identifications are problematic. 1 82 1 . however. 1 582. the initials N. George Charles Williamson. 3 1 . Based on Her Autobiographical Poem on the Occasion of the Death of Her Mother" (Cahiers Elisabethains 37.n. Chroniques de Douai (vol. We might have a few candidates for this "John Weston" in other sources. and Valuable Library of Richard Cosway. Bell and Sons. with a Record of Their Degrees. Susan Bassnett. and died May 6. A. 3 2 . M. who married Joane Cowper on June 29. Esq. and Year of Birth. Owners After the initial authors. above.31 The latter is especially tempting. (London: s. given that his widow would quickly marry the con-man. 1 740. One was a John Weston who gained his MA from Oxford in 1 575. ''Revising a Biography: A New Interpretation of the Life of Elizabeth Jane Weston (Westonia) . George Stanley and Richard Cosway. 30. R. 44. Eugene Fran�ois Joseph Tailliar. As with J. neither individual is known to have been present at Douai or to have expressed an interest in magic. as the section purporting to be written by Mr. N. 1500-1714: Their Parentage. B.M.. magician. Birthplace. ( London: G. 1 89 1 ) .3 2 It might have been among his twenty-five undescribed manuscripts of magic auctioned by Mr. a noted miniature painter and occultist. A Catalogue of the Very Curious. Weston appears after the given date of 1 583. and scryer.33 After his death. and rector of Snetterton. to be recopied by Hockley and others. Graham ( 1 784.' which raises a question of how quickly Ra­ phael might have taken possession of the book from Graham. 38. including the list of spirits. in the same order as in the manuscript. Campbell. 2 1 6. B. for himself. 20 1 1 ). has been referred to as "the most accident-prone of all the well-known aeronauts. T. C. book collector. 1783-1903 (New York: Walker.1 832 ) . 48-49. though the specific passage the statement is attached to is not in the manuscript. the current first page of the manu­ script bears the initials "R. In the latter year.. 39. L. C. an 1 838 flight at Reading that killed a pedes­ trian when it knocked loose part of a building. After Raphael passed on in 1 832. referring to Raphael as "that puffing philosopher. 3 5 . The Refugee Question in Mid-Victorian Politics (New York: Cambridge University Press. 86-87. 35 He was also a likely member of a group of ma­ gicians known as the Mercurii. ME: The Teitan Press. Occult Spells: A Nineteenth Century Grimoire (York Beach. 36.38 Hockley is known to have possessed Part 1 . 39 34. He nearby mentions a publication from Cosway's collection on magic valued at 500 guineas." 34 Among his most famous flights were a 1 825 crash landing at sea. the work became part of the collection of the ac­ countant. Graham was a noted balloonist. and a near-collision with the Crystal Palace. Colin Campbell. 1 966). claiming it would be useful when tens of thousands of immigrants rose up and attacked London using caltrops and incendiary time bombs shot through blowguns. . Porter. 1 822 . in 1 85 1 . A Book of the Offices of Spirits (York Beach. better known under the moniker of "Raphael.1 837 ) . The presence of charms from Part 2 in one of his notebooks. S.1 867) . Graham also tried to market a riot shield to the Home Office. The Aeronauts: a History of Ballooning.36 Raphael seems to have reproduced part of the manuscript-an abbreviated form of the invocation of the spirit Egin-in his publication The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century ( 1 82 5 ) . Rolt. known as the as­ trologer ((Zadkiel." In the same year. A key member of the Mercurii was Robert Cross Smith ( 1 79 5. shows that he also had access to that section. 37. with his wife. 44. John Palmer ( 1 807. 1 82 5 ) . Frederick Hockley and Silens Manus. Raphael and Anglicus.1 842 ) . who were reputed to have a large collection of manu­ scripts on mystical topics. ME: Teitan Press. with thousands of people inside. The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century (London: Knight & Lacey.12 THE BOOK OF OBERON London bookseller John Denley ( 1 764. who. 2008 ) . 2009) . who sold it to George W. and mystic Frederick Hockley ( 1 808-1 885 ) . 1 1 2 .37 which Hockley insisted was the same work." Indeed. A Book of the Offices of Spirits. xviii.' made a copy of several pages of the manuscript. Hockley had worked for Denley and was familiar with his clients. Breslauer Founda­ tion. "Fairy Lore.26 at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington. Spearman. and that all. and the other of 30 pages.' on the manuscript. The second part of the manuscript comes from the collection of Robert Lenciewicz ( 1 94 1-2002 ) . and it is written in black and red ink on vellum. who donated it to the Folger. the work had been split into two parts. H. The manuscript resurfaces in a sale by Maggs Brothers in 1 929.8" by 9"). the noted artist. Composition of the manuscript. 2007. . bound in tan calfskin. in Highfield in 1 958. at least some in separate quires 2. 1889-1918 (London: N. OfMy Early Life. It was sold as a "manuscript grimoire" with portions of Lenciewicz's collection at Sotheby's on July 1 2. The changes are listed below in order of occurrence: 1 . Insertion of notes in cursive script in some unfinished quires 3. con­ ducted on April 6-7. AN INTRODUCTION 13 Hockley kept the book for over half a century until his death.1 7. 1 929 . occurred before Raphael's acquisition of the book in 1 822.b. which is the last date given in the manuscript. the manuscript has also lost pages and been pagi­ nated on two occasions. The book was sold with Meyerstein's library at So theby's of London on December 1 5. On the Manuscript The manuscript published herein as the "Book of Oberon" (BoO) is listed as Manu­ script V. The physical manuscript has undergone several changes over time. 1 957) . The Folger Library purchased it from Day's (Booksellers) Ltd. after which the manu­ script turns up as lot 380 in the Sotheby's sale of Hockley's book collection. DC. 1 887. 1 952. The original mea­ sures approximately 35 by 23 centimeters ( 1 3." 40 He placed the date "July 8. to the B. Edward Harry William Meyerstein. save that they all were completed after 1 583. Compilation and foliation of the same in brown ink 40. In addition to the aforementioned separation. at which the Brit­ ish author Edward Harry William Meyerstein ( 1 889-1 952) purchased it. Meyerstein had an interest in occultism since childhood." at the end of Part 1 . Before the library's acquisition. one of 1 9 1 pages bound in half calf in the nineteenth century. and he accumulated what one biogra­ pher called "one of the most important collections of manuscripts and books [ on magic] ever in private hands. save perhaps for the final separation. 25. and wrote a short poem. as lot 474. We have little idea as to the exact dates for these. but none of these seem comparable in content to what appears in this work. "Introduction: Theurgy. 26-28. W. no. . 42. 17. 2 (2011 ) . 44. ( 2007). Magic.41 based upon a text published by the de Laurence Company of Chicago in 1 9 1 6. d e Laurence. Meyerstein written on September 8. 1916 ) . Scott & Co. no. 2001 ) . Meyerstein was also responsible for the insertion of his horoscope. Reading. which tells us little about the text.1 13 and the combination of the two sections 5. 7. Title Any title that might have appeared at the beginning of the manuscript is now long gone. Federico Barbierato. 1. 43. In fact. L .1 7.45 The title we have selected. Joseph H. Part 1 in­ cludes a poem. "Fairy Lore. and 1 1 1.d. "Theurgia" has been used in a wide variety of contexts across many different faiths. 40. Fanger.. Loss of pages 1-14 and 33-34 7. many magicians' miscellanies had no title whatsoever.' by E. The Book of Evil Spirits (Chicago. W. Peterson. Repagination of the manuscript in blue ink 6. and revised on May 30.' Invoking Angels: Theurgic Ideas and Practices. "The Book of Oberon. W. 70. 45. 1 935.14 THE BOOK OF OBERON 4. H. Y. and Mysticism.' Societas Magica Newsletter.42 and including two full-color seals. which has been removed and catalogued separately as Folger MS. Either would likely lead modern read­ ers to mistaken conclusions about the contents. neither of which is the original title. The Lesser Key of Solomon: Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis (York Beach. drawn up by the president of the Poetry Society T.43 The current binding on the two volumes identi4es them as "Theurgia" and "Key of Solomon. "Writing. 265. Robert Mathiesen. 1 929. Part 2 concludes with a brief set of notes on linkages between the text and the classic grimoire the Lemegeton. Thirteenth to Sixteenth Centuries ( University Park PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. Writing: Scribal Culture and Magical Texts in Early Modern Venice" Italian Studies 66. 2012 ) . 38. Separation of the two sections More recent accretions have appeared in both sections of the manuscript. 3-9. ME: Weiser Books. IL: de Laurence. Claire. "The Key of Solomon: Toward a Typology of Manuscripts. The Lesser Key of Solomon: Goetia.' re­ spectively. Ramsey. 1-33.' is in itself slightly misleading. Loss of original leaves 1 5.44 The ''Key of Solomon" genre covers a great number of manuscripts. as the king of the fairies named 41. on page 105. but the title makes clear the book's link to both folklore and literary traditions. the Athanasian and Apostle's Creeds. The BoO appears to be a text assembled with no overall plan. where one prayer can be used for multiple spirits. while oth­ ers appear with no heading whatsoever. Thus there are several repetitions in the text. Hail Mary. 1 577. The Motivation and Context of the Text One key question is whether the work was compiled by a collector or collectors fasci­ nated with the topic. It is difficult to re­ construct what the organizing principles might have followed in the BoO. Organization Along with the title. in which particular items were added as they became available or became of interest to the author. such as the headache cure from Cardano and the first chapter of the Gospel of John. the loss of the first pages of the text has also taken with it any possible table of contents that might have accompanied the work. the Lord's Prayer. Given the similarity in purpose and the mod­ ular nature of some of these operations. some are labeled prominently. it becomes difficult at times to definitively declare where one item ends and another begins. almost halfway through. such as on manuscript page 1 95. and 1 583. A collector would have little motivation to spend time and effort transcribing material that was commonly available. At the same time. while a practitioner would be interested in having relevant passages close at hand during a ritual. at least for some of the time of its composition. procedures for other purposes also appear alongside them with no clear effort being made to distinguish amongst them. We still might ask how long after the 1 583 date the text con­ tinued to be worked upon. where blank spaces . as material in the early pages likely dates to texts published in 1 575 . Dating The book provides us with two dates-May 8. The presence of Psalms. An excellent indicator is the presence of material copied from the Bible in the work. AN INTRODUCTION 15 herein is actually Oberion. and the first chapter of John indicates that the book was intended for actual use. We can be relatively certain that the text before page 5 1 was not composed long before that date. on page 5 1 . there are places in the text. As for the individual items. Although the text is primarily one of ritual magic for summoning spirits. or if it was intended for practical use. As such. The BoO represents how both belief and doubt came together to create what is a truly impressive compilation of ritual magic. from Incantation Prayer to Magic Spell. Despite the BoO being a primarily English text. Nonetheless. At the same time. even if they had appeared in an­ other text being copied. that the failure of one might be only a temporary setback. whether due to mistranslation.16 THE BOOK OF OBERON were accidently left in the manuscript. A more certain indication can be found on pages 2 1-24 in the manuscript. different hands) do sometimes state that this work went on among the members of a group. This hardly precludes the author from practicing magic-indeed. shoddy copying. Claudia Rohrbacher-Stickler. as these omissions most likely would have been noticed and corrected." or Enchiridion. it is difficult to confirm the accuracy of either of these stories. the ritual magician always seeks out as many magical texts as possible. including instructions. the magician must express doubt toward the efficacy of any particular operation. raises questions as to how much our scribe understood and was able to practice the material therein. obviously for switching pens. 24-26. sometimes in the form of brief conjurations.' "errare" for "esse"-which.' Jewish Studies Quarterly 3 (1996 ) . The authors (there are at least two. The Latin texts are riddled with all manner of basic errors-such as "equa" for "aqua. We might also point to the sheer volume of material collected herein as an indica­ tor of a sincerity of purpose. at its center. and at others entire rituals. incantations often are seen as powerful due to the presence of words incomprehensible to the reader 46-but the presence of op­ erations that are entirely in Latin. especially when it comes to the Latin passages therein. or other interference. or a network of scholars from both Or­ leans and English universities who worked together on the magical art (on manu­ script page 2 1 3) . and likely more. but must believe that words and actions spoken by humans can bring about communion with spirits of Creation and lead to the accomplishment of great works. including the directions. It might also be asked whether our author was an individual working in a solitary manner or was part of a broader network of magicians and collectors communicat­ ing with each other.' "trim ores" for "timores. Ritual magic has. the same thoroughness could also point us toward the collector pos­ sibility. The magician is not only sincere of faith. after which the regular text continues. both belief and doubt. ((From Sense to Nonsense. could have been easily corrected. We can infer that the 46. this suggests that at least some portions of the text were not put into practice. whether as those who carried out a working intended to impress the Prince of ''Pa­ voye" in Douai (on manuscript page 1 42 ) . in which the ceremonies of conjuration are broken into for a transcription of the "little book. a considerable amount of the text within is Latin. At the present. . and indeed they contain or are juxtaposed with clearly mythic elements. Ceremonies directed toward a particu­ lar spirit are by no means unique here-those for Birto and Oberion have appeared 47. J . It also shows that magicians were not averse to adding other names they en­ countered. . 1 904) . Wier. De Praestigiis Daemon urn. with major dif­ ferences in both the spirits listed and the order in which they appear in the other sources. Google eBook. On manuscript page 93. The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King (Inverness: Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth. that are to be used for the conjuration of par­ ticular demons. Aleister Crowley. angels. published in the book the Goetia. Gods. demons. among whom various magical manuscripts traveled. Another such list. and fairies are conflated within the text. Much of the published literature of spirit summoning has provided a general system for evoking any desired spirit. 48. & Incantationibus Ac Veneficiis ( Oporinus. 1 583. The Offices of Spirits is another section worthy of comment. 909-3 1 . Indeed. and other members of the infernal hierarchy. Another striking aspect of this manuscript is the presence of short operations. as those at the very end reflect the spiritual operations elsewhere in the work. with spells calling upon all three appearing in close tex­ tual relation. and his wife Mycob is listed immediately after the list ends. mostly clustered near the end of Part 1 . as the magician seeks knowledge and power through whatever entities are available. and fairies break down here. demons. but those to summon the fairy Sibilia into a candle and a ritual for invisibility on manuscript pages 38-39. we have a list of Greek and Roman deities. AN INTRODUCTION 17 author had one manuscript of spirit conjuration that he knew he could pick up and transcribe later. has become a staple of magical practice in the West from the early twentieth century. and he copied down items as time permitted. spirits. Lucifer. most particularly fairies. These ap ­ pear not only in the two operations to summon Oberion. This suggests that one author was part of an informal network of others interested in magic. One striking element is the integration of a large number of spiritual beings into the text. Some elements of the BoO have implications for the study of magic that have not yet filtered into much writing on the topic. given without commentary but possibly for some usage of the magician. The list in the BoO provides a useful counterpoint to the ones previously published. and a copy of the "little book" which might have been available for a shorter period of time. The divisions that we have drawn between the worlds of angels.47 The list has been generally acknowledged to be comparable to those given in Weyer's "Pseudomonarchia Daemonum" in De Praesti­ giis Daemonurn ( 1 583 edition) 48 and Scot's Discouerie of Witchcraft. Oberion appears on the list of the Offices of Spirits along with Satan. " 50 In fact. The most crucial point about the BoO is that. 260-26 1 .18 THE BOOK OF OBERON elsewhere 49-and the manuscript also includes the modular rites at other points. "Religion.. sometimes accompanied by a triangle or second circle for the spirit to appear in. asking a demon to bring a treasure directly to the magi­ cian instead of creating gold) . especially near the end of the work. and other naturalia.g. the rituals given herein are interesting for the number thereof and the intriguing illustrations with which they are coupled. Usually they are drawn in the soil with a metallic instrument such as sword or knife. Page 1 4 1 refers to a "booke of pictures. rituals for summoning. and the Transformations of Magic: Manuscripts of Magic 1 300-1 600.' 151. Frederick Hockley. as well as various noxious substances such as sulfur to punish uncooperative spirits 49. 50. 2009 ) .1 94. The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet. scholars. books of secrets.g. • Fire. Klaassen. We do find a few natural magic recipes. and heretics. 1 89. dissenters. sometimes made with special wood such as elder or thorn • Food offerings for the spirits • Fumigations or incense to purify and attract spirits. As with other ritual magic texts of the period. The Clavis or Key to the Magic of Solomon (Lake Worth. but sometimes made with oil. Rather. . calling up a spirit to teach the magical proper­ ties of herbs) or directly (e. Peterson. it is by no means a reflection of one particular individual set apart from the milieu of his time. despite its other notable qualities. whether indirectly (e. FL: Ibis Press. and Joseph H. Elsewhere the following are used: • Amulets." • A circle. chalk. it is one element in an exploration of an underground Elizabethan world of criminals. or palm ashes. but overall the book deals with ritual magic. natural philosophy. such as paper cure for headaches • The Book: The present book is regarded as the primary ritual implement. Science. it does not display much interest in "astrological literature. Nonetheless. Gauntlet. Ritual Implements Page 1 1 0 of the manuscript has a summary of the requisite implements. As lengthy as the BoO is. and dismissing spirits often supersede the purpose of other such material. alchemy.. binding. many occult fields are passed over. Ebenezer Sibley. Magical Elements of Peter de Abano. AN INTRODUCTION 19 • Garments. Honorius and Gosta Hedeard. Heinrich Cornelius. for ritual directions see pp. The wording of some of the prayers indicate that the virginity of the child is a proxy for the practitioner's own lost virginity. and especially the "pentacle of Solomon. Philomathes (London: Printed by J. It was a symbol of the mas­ ter's authority and power and an unspoken threat to evil spirits. Liber Iuratus Honorii: a Critical Edition of the Latin Version of the Sworn Book ofHonorius (Stockholm. Robert Turner. and Petrus de Abano. 1 42. • Rose water • Scepter (with ''crowne imperiall" and ((misticall scripture" ) [ and? ] pentacle • Scryer. .51 a priestly garment. Arbatel of Magick. consecrated or lustral • Whistle: described in detail in the Liber Iuratus Honorii. 52.. Of Geomancy. 1 48. • Scrying stone. 5 1 . 2002) . or ((glass" ( i. usually a virgin child. for John Harrison. crystal ball.52 but mistranslations have obscured it from Heptameron and subsequent texts Other isolated experiments call for special ritual apparatus. Like the staff. at the Lamb at the East-end of Pauls. 1 40." of kidskin parchment. C. Translated into English by Robert Turner. a basin for water or other vessels. Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell International. green hazel-a common tool of the medieval schoolmasters to ((correct" or chastise students or subordinates. or a garment made of white linen • Ink • Oil (usually olive oil) • Parchment • A pen and a pen stand • Pentacles. it is a symbol of power. The Nature of Spirits. Astronomical Geomancy.1 1 0. as described by de Abano • A ring with the name "Tetragramaton" for controlling the spirits. mirror) • Sword • Table • Wand of hazel • Water. as in de Abano's Heptameron. and candles. Henry Cornelius Agrippa His Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy. for description and details on its preparation see pp. Agrippa von Nettesheim.149. 1 655). 69. The original intent was to use new-growth.e. Another ring is described for enclosing a spirit. such as a nail and silver foil (manuscript page 137 ) . The ubiquitous hazel wand deserves special attention. Contact with the same. Alastiell.. as well as the largely unplumbed manuscript tradition of the period. Thomas Aquinas. Mosacus. especially in the days following the operation. Preparation As in many other magic texts. the most prevalent of these being the Lemegeton. sed corrigat virga [ "The master does not punish/beat with the staff. locations. and occasionally their advisors. and Annabath or Annobathe. Although a particular spirit might be assigned particular powers. They might change the treasure to something worthless or mask it. . or illusions. The De Malo of Thomas Aquinas (New York: Oxford University Press. Those that are featured promi­ nently in the manuscript and known from other sources are below. Modern practice may differ. fasting. or molest the practitioners in various ways.g. are previ­ ously unknown to the corpus of ceremonial magic. and charity. the rituals themselves often provide few details on the appearance or capabilities of a particular spirit. could compel a spirit to appear and render service. visions. but corrects with the wand/switch" ] . This is not in line with the Church's position. spirits are expected to be tricky. de­ mons could be exorcized via bringing them into contact or proximity with holy words. The essential element is that it is very flexible. like a switch. The BoO also gives an­ other reason: that the spirits hope to redeem their fallen state by doing good deeds for mortals. produce fantasies. Mostly they could be compelled to cooperate. manuscript page 1 2 1 ) . Some of these are known from other texts. For the most part (e. Why would spirits do the magician's bidding? From an orthodox perspective. preparation for the practice of magic here includes ab­ stinence. to intercede. traditional Catholic confession. The Spirits The spirit conjurations within the BoO call upon a wide range of different beings. gestures. The weather should have been clear and calm for three days. items. Oth­ ers. 53 As such. 200 1 ) . As the saying goes. sometimes by calling upon their superiors. Magister non poenit baculo. 53. Thomas Aquinas. the magical doctrine herein was he­ retical in the extreme. 876-7. for the ma­ gician.20 THE BOOK OF OBERON but less threatening. simply outlining the procedure for calling them. had declared that evil spirits had made their choice for all eternity at the beginning of time. including Romulon. one of the church's greatest authorities. and individuals. In Huon. over an Indian boy he wants to train as a knight. wreaking havoc in nature. In that play. 2006) . 32 1 . Notably. although this appears in ceremonies for other spirits. <'Liber Salomonis: Cephar Raziel" (2006) . The poem Ortnit. bound with a copy of the Sepher Raziel. Oberon becomes a friend of the knight Huon. Ortnit's Alberich and Huon's Oberon are both quite similar: diminutive yet mighty kings who provide the hero with all manner of supernatural help against their foes. he was given many gifts but was also cursed to grow no more after three years of age. Nibelungenlied (New Haven. as a dwarf defeated by the hero Siegfried. a weaver named Bottom. taking away his cloak of invisibility and forcing him to serve as a vassal. New York: Cambridge University Press. who Puck adorns with an ass's head. his queen. SC: Camden House.55 which calls upon Oberion as an angel perceived in a crystal via a special unguent placed in the 54. John Warrack. It is less known that Oberon was also an important figure in both the literature and popular spiritual practices at the time. AN INTRODUCTION 21 Oberion I Oberon Oberon. the king of the fairies. CT: Yale University Press. Shakespeare's powerful depiction has been responsible for countless works of literature and art. Oberon's first appearance is in the fourteenth century epic Huon de Bordeaux: chanson de geste. Raziel (pseud. 1 6. helping him to escape obstacles in his adventures with magic. Burton Raffel. 5 5 . He sends his minion Puck to find a flower with love-bestowing juice to sprinkle upon his queen's eyelids so she will love the first creature she sees-in this case. we also have a number of ritual magic manu­ scripts providing operations to summon a spirit called Oberion. in which the hero learns that the dwarf king Alberich is his father and calls upon his aid to acquire him a princess for his bride. Carl Maria Von Weber ( Cambridge. Yet Oberon has more ancient roots. causing pestilence. At his birth. Among these is the ''Raxhael" from Sloane 3826. came a few decades after the Nibelunglied. as his name derives from the Old High Ger­ man Alberich in which alp/alb elf. he is the offspring of a lady from a secret isle and Julius Caesar. Ortnit and Wolfdietrich ( Columbia. 1 986) . 54 Starting with the sixteenth century. written circa 1 200. Oberon uses the same power to cause discord and later harmony among the play's human lovers. and -rich ruler. 1 976) . in the end blessing them with fortunate and healthy offspring. . The two monarchs have separated. John Wesley Thomas. ) . as well as the naming of one of the moons of Uranus after the king. Oberon is feuding with Titania. the description here mirrors the stipulation that Oberion appear as a three-year-old spirit in the present work. and the confusion of the seasons. crop failure. Alberich appears in the epic = = Nibelungenlied. is a figure known to millions from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Brought Against James Richardson and Others. Andrea Mal­ chus and Inchubus. 1 87. Pierre de Lancre. M. 1 86. 1 622). 59. on a lamin. no. popular belief in Oberion continued. 57 Another such call ap­ pears in Bodleian Library manuscript e. who tells of Sir John of Leiston and the parson of Lesing­ ham summoning the spirit Oberion via a magical plate with two others. the infamous witchhunter Pierre de Lancre mentions a case of a man in the French commune of Brigueil who had dealings with a spirit named Abiron. would seem to be the discovery of treasure. The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet. According to that entry. . 4669. 1 73 . 26 1-62. Compare BoO pp. 457. James Gairdner. and natural magic. and the king of the waters." Folklore 64. 295-3 1 8. K. Oberion was supposedly silent upon his appearance. and the Invocation of Spirits for the Discovery of Hidden Treasure in the Sixteenth Century. and thence to Sir Thomas Moore." Norfolk Archaeology 1 ( 1 847) . 56 The ceremony in Sloane 385 1 calls upon Oberion to appear in either the air or the circle. Mus. based upon the emphases given in the manuscript. The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century ( Westminster.22 THE BOOK OF OBERON eyes. Dawson Turner. Gauntlet. Treasure. 58 Finally. Sloane 3826" Esoterica 3 (200 1 ) .61 These cases might not be unique to the British Isles. 7 1-8 1 . a London man was placed in the pillory for his operations involving a spirit called "Oberycom. includes an experiment <<To Have a Familiar Spirit Called Ebrion at Your Disposal. "Liber Lunae and Other Selections from British Library MS. His primary purpose.60 The same year. either as a beautiful soldier or a seven-year-old boy. medicine.." which is derived from older 56. 57-64. 6 1 . Illustrative of Trial by Jury. Those who called upon this spirit also came to the attention of the authorities.century case reported by the clerk William Stapleton. but he rriight be called upon to assist in operations of invisibility." 59 More famous is the early-sixteenth. 1 965) . Wellcome MS. Accompanied with Documents. 62 Even after the fairy king's appearances in new dramas waned. NY: Camden Society. 77 1-72. with the other spirit claiming that this was due to being bound to the Lord Cardinal Wolsey! The plate used in the experiment passed to the clerk. 60. "Some Seventeenth-century Books of Magic. including those of Oberion and Storax. 1 85. "Brief Remarks. ln 1 444. "Proceedings Connected with a Remarkable Charge of Sorcery. 4 (1 953 ) .' The Archaeological ]ournal 1 6 (1 859) . the BoO includes not only two operations to call the spirit. 58. et al. written in 1 796. Briggs. 57. Oberion is under the power of the sun and the moon. the priest James Richardson was accused of writing mystical names. James Raine. in the Diocese of York.trove. AD 1 5 1 0. 62. but its Offices of Spirits provides a description of his abilities. Don Karr. L'Incredulite et Mescreance du Sortilege Plainement Convaincue ( Paris. his overall appearance and purpose is very close to both the Oberon from Huon and the Alb­ erich of the German epics. Micol. Micob IMycob IMicoll. 1 959). More likely influences for Shakespeare were Huon of Bordeaux.63 In the nineteenth century. 220-26. invocations of Oberion appeared in both The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century edited by Raphael. England: Society for Esoteric Endeavour. queen of the fairies in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. and she commands seven fairies that perform similar functions. 65. first published in Eng­ lish in 1 534. She teaches medicine. Titam. 66. and the Ring of Invisibility. Given the character of Oberon in the play (portrayed as a mature man contrasting with the young changeling) . appears in Sloane 1 727. one of the owners of the BoO. a powerful figure who appears as a young man and can bestow great riches and even invisibility if brought into a person's service. as opposed to the queen Micol and the servitor's described in the BoO ) . .64 How much knowledge of the folk traditions surrounding Oberion might Shake­ speare have known? A Midsummer Night's Dream was first performed around a de­ cade after the BoO was written. is a variant of Micob in 63 . the BoO provides the long-awaited link between ritual and fiction. 1 1 4. against the wide range o f capabilities listed in the Offices of Spirits). 42-46. and in the back pages of an elaborately illustrated Key of Solomon originating from the shop of London bookseller John Denley. It seems possible or even likely that Mab. 1 590) . and his functions (fertility and marital bless. any direct connection between the two seems unlikely. Raphael. 20 1 2 ) . 2009 ) . A similarly named individual.. Although the particulars might differ. Stephen Skinner and David Rankine. AN INTRODUCTION 23 experiments directed at the fairy king. and the Seven Fairies Micob is depicted as the queen of the fairies. A Collection of Magical Secrets (London: Avalonia. The spelling Micoll is also found in the BoO. 64. We might expect her to be paired with Oberion in the hierarchy. Anatomy of Puck: an Examination of Fairy Beliefs Among Shakespeare's Contemporaries and Successors ( London: Routledge & Paul. Experimentum Patens Magna in Occult Philosophy Arcanorum ( Hinckley. the queen of the pygmies. even Katherine Briggs was reluctant to do more than note the similarity in names. natural magic. 66 The BoO pro­ vides us with one magician's answer: Oberion is indeed the king of fairies.65 Yet are the Oberon of plays and poems and Oberion of the magical texts the same? Given the general lack of detail on the spirit in magical writings. Greene. The Scottish History of ]ames the Fourth. or Robert Greene's play The Scottish History offames IV (c. Frederick Hockley. Katharine Briggs. but the separate references in the text indicate the conver­ gence of two different traditions. 24-3 1 . his companions ( Titania and Puck. As such. eds. The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century. also Barachin (Wellcome MS. 2 ( 20 1 2 ) . ofJohn Foxe the Martyrologist ( London: Camden Society. William Wycherle or Wicherly confessed that he and four men. 7 1 . Les manuscrits latins de medecine du haut Moyen Age dans les bibliotheques de France ( Paris: Centre national de la recherche scientifique. 1 99 1 ) . Likewise Shakespeare's fairy Titania is likely a variant of Titam. was instrumental in the trial of the infamous noble. 68 Baron Baron is a spirit mentioned frequently in the unpublished literature of magic. Thomas Cranmer. no. X. Gauntlet. one Italian and one 67. 2 34. Medieval Medicine: a Reader ( Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Rituals to Baron would appear after the BoO as well. knowledge. 70. and a circle of Solomon. This and subsequent evocations failed to yield any appearance of the demon when de Rais is present. John Foxe. he can also procure maidens or bring about agreement or disagreement. a ring. 323-354. The illustration of Baron provided with the third operation likely derives from a translation of Boaistuau's work on prodigies.67 Later on. although according to the second operation. The seven fairies themselves appear first as seven fevers in an eleventh-century charm attributed to Saint Sigismund. 69 In BoO. 203. 1 8 59). Gilles de Montmorency-Laval.70 Another ritual to Baron appears in Sloane 3 8 5 1 . Narratives of the Days of the Reformation: Chiefly from the Mss. which describes a ritual to summon one of these women for treasure. 20 1 0 ) . even after it was offered the remains of one of his victims. de Rais and a priest named Prelati called upon this demon to appear in the lower hall of the castle of Tiffauges. 332-33 . baron de Rais ( 1 404. Frederika Bain." elsewhere Barahim or Barachim (in Sloane 3853 ) .24 THE BOOK OF OBERON the BoO. 69. one of which is brief and includes no incantation.1 0. Barron. ten years before at the town of Pembsam ( Pepplesham? ) in Sussex. 222-24. 32-33. and mass murderer of children. 1 1 0) . 68. Georges Bataille. including another manuscript at the Fol­ ger. alter­ nate spellings include "Barahan or Baron. we have three different operations for Baron. The spirit is chiefly employed for operations to find treasure." Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies of Preternatural !. The Grimoire ofArthur Gauntlet. they appear with some variations in the exact names in a few different locations. in which a virtually identical satyr is shown speaking with Saint Anthony. 1 966 ) . Ernest Wickersheimer. and sex. and John Gough Nichols. had attempted unsuccessfully to conjure the spirit "Baro" using a crystal. companion of Joan of Arc. In 1 549. Faith Wallis. A spirit with a similar name. which also occurs in magic texts as Tytan ( Sloane 1 727) and Titan ( Sloane 3885 ) . ((The Binding of the Fairies: Four Spells. 69. in the writings of early seventeenth-century cunning-man Arthur Gauntlet. The Trial of Gilles de Rais ( Los Angeles. CA: Amok. .71 The University of Leipzig possesses two manuscripts. In the summer of 1 439.1 440) . a Sepulchral History of Great Britain. . Even though Hockley would eventually own the Folger manuscript. and Nichols. the manuscripts he created for John Denley are taken from the second category. Foxe. The first. AN INTRODUCTION 25 German.76 Named Individuals "Friar Bacon" At least two Bacons are mentioned in this book. from the seven­ teenth century. and Peterson. Nenia Britannica or. with the first calling a white-handled knife and the second requir­ ing a portrait of a wyvern (the spirit itself?) drawn on parchment. the 72 . Narratives of the Days of the Reformation. Sibley. Another appears in Rawlinson D. 1 2. One of the most notable is a charge to the spirit in Sloane 3849. appears in a few contemporary works.72 The most recent mention we have of this spirit in the magical literature appears in 1 770.74 Ceremonies to evoke Birto might be seen as falling into two categories defined by ritual implements. The Clavis or Key to the Magic of Solomon.75 with addi­ tional material in Sloane 3 8 5 3 . Ascariell The spirit Ascariell. and later examples can be found in the Clavis tradition and other manuscripts transcribed by Frederick Hockley and possibly others for the London bookseller John Denley. Beelzebub. 1 7. along with Satan. Hockley. 1 987). to be conjured into a crystal. 75 . The BoO includes the earliest known ritual for summoning the spirit. 333.1 8 . in the "Equinox Working" of the Ordre des Elus Coens began by Martinez de Pasqually ( 1 727-1 774) . and Leviathan. James Douglas. from the Earliest Period to Its General Conversion to Christianity (London: 1 79 3 ) . 253. 73. 96. Cranmer. and more often use is made of his last name. 74. William Wycherle was able to call a spirit named Scariot into a crystal a hundred times to help with the recovery of stolen goods. when a spirit named "Baran" is invoked. 8 1 -82. La Franc-mafonnerie Occultiste Au XVIIIe Siecle : & L' ordre Des Elus Coens (Paris: La table d'emeraude. The ritual in this book is of the first category. Mag. featuring brief operations for calling the spirit. Rene Le Forestier. 76. raising the question of which individual is being referred to. In 1 549. UniversiHitsbibliothek Leipzig Cod.73 Birto Birto is a spirit best known for the curious image of a dragon that often appears in the illustrations associated with his rite. De Nigromancia: Sloane Ms. so it is likely that Mr. the ((clerk in divinity" is the head of the association of magi­ cians described on page 2 1 3 of the manuscript. Clergy of the Church of England Database. A more troubling individual is "William Bacon. Rogerus Bacon and Michael-Albion Macdonald.26 THE BOOK OF OBERON thirteenth-century Franciscan theologian and philosopher Roger Bacon ( 1 2 14. To further muddy the waters. of course. 1 605.78 and others drawing parallels with the astrologer Wil­ liam Bacon ( 1 577. LA. Drowre or Drury.1 294) had a reputation for magic and had texts thereof attributed to him (such as De nigro­ mancia 77) . 1 607. Some contro­ versy has evolved over his identity." The author's tone and the presence of one possible historical figure. no. Drury is a figure whose reputation would have been familiar to potential readers.1 653 ) . Visitation Book Vj 1 1 . Possibly born at Maids Moreton in Buckinghamshire. 3885 & Additional Ms. The closest we might have are a Thomas Druery or Dewrye serving as cu­ rate at the parish of Broughton on January 24. this one without any clerical sta­ tus. Gauntlet and Rankine. and as curate of Broughton and Bossingdon on September 30. we can say with some confidence that the astrologer was far too young at the time. or is in fact another individual who has gone without remark before. 80. 78. 8 1 . with some postulating that his name as a corrup ­ tion of that of Roger Bacon. 9. We might also consider another Thomas Drury. 14.' Opuscula 1 . so his appearance here is not unexpected. NJ: Heptangle Books. 79 Although some ambiguity exists as to the dating of the material mentioning him in the present work.8 1 None of these individuals seem to have been particularly well-known. sug­ gest that this ((Friar" was a contemporary of the manuscript. Tho mas Drury I Drowre Mr. This could still be a mythical figure. HRO 2 1 M65 B 1 /23. we have few records of any clergyman of this name being present at the time. The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet. 36674 (Gillette. 79. 1 (20 1 1 ) . as well as ((approving" the experiment of Birto.80 Another Thomas Drewry served as the curate of Checkendon in 1 540. The tale told there is intended to jus­ tify the status of the steward in the rites of a magician. either William Bacon is a modifi­ cation of Roger Bacon. PRO E 1 79/57. Clergy of the Church of England Database. Thomas Drury. Nonetheless. this Thomas Drury rna- 77. ((Three Early Modern Rituals to Spoil Witches. . 1 988) ." referred to as a Franciscan friar who created the "Experiment of Rome" to gain knowledge of all things throughout time with Satan's help. Thus. Frank Klaassen.1 5. a later section of the book tells the tale of a small group of wizards working together ((with the helpe & counsell of Friar Bacon. Most of the passages given come either from the Vulgate Latin Bible. that he would invoke the devil against her. A prayer on page 1 9 of the BoO corresponds to one con­ tained in Aphorism 14 of the Arbatel. and other such authors can also be found in the text. on Michaelmas 1 57 1 . that would indicate that the writer was a keen student of magic who managed to access this work two years after its original publication. Meeres was arrested for threaten­ ing Edetha Beast. . Cyprian. 69. though lost to us. Joseph H. 83. 1 992 ) . What interests us here is an incident in which this Drury was involved in 1 585 with a fellow Temple student named John Meeres. Nonetheless. Charles Nicholl. part 1 . it can be placed squarely within the reli­ gious and magical literature of the time. a widow who spurned his advances. was known in Basel at the time. Much material was also adapted or taken wholesale from Catholic prayer books o r the Mass. or from the "Great Bible" published from 1 5 39-69 . The Reckoning: the Murder of Christopher Marlowe (New York: Harcourt Brace. two years before the composition of the BoO began. 84 If this prayer does indeed originate in the Ar­ batel. Aside from these. Hermes. 302. This is more impressive given that the next published edition of the book appeared as part of Agrippa's Opera 82. Shading into the magical side. Alumni cantabrigienses. Arbatel This book of forty-nine aphorisms on the topic of Christian planetary magic was first published in Basel in 1 575. Some of the more prominent magical works deserve special mention. we find a number o f other passages with ties to various breviaries and other religious texts. 2009 ) . Venn. Arbatel-Concerning the Magic of the Ancients: Original Sourcebook of Angel Magic (Lake Worth.82 Drury later served as the instigator of Baines's re­ port to the queen on Christopher Marlowe's supposed heresies that eventually led to the author's death. Sources Although the BoO has many unique aspects. 2. vol. Cambridge. 24-27. and joined the Inner Temple in 1 577. FL: Ibis Press. Drury turned informant against Meeres and only spent a brief time in jail. he does not appear to have been a member of the clergy. Peterson. various works at­ tributed to Agrippa. Drury would have been connected with the summoning of infernal pow­ ers only two years after the latest date in our manuscript. 83 Thus. 84. Con­ temporary accounts indicate that the identity of the author. AN INTRODUCTION 27 triculated as a pensioner at Jesus College. One prominent element is the use of Biblical passages as part of the ceremonies therein. Grasset?. birds. Thus in the first chap ­ ter. 2002 ) . Agrippa. the virtue of various stones and animals. 86. .1 6. Raziel.28 THE BOOK OF OBERON published in the same town in 1 579. in his highly influential De occulta philosophia libri tres (hereafter OP) . and other natural magic. 89. This is especially true for the material on plants. Amulet and Alphabet: Magical Amulets in the First Book of Cyranides (Amsterdam: J. In general. As abundantly illustrated by V. "The First Book of White Magic in Germany" in Magia. the Cyra­ nides (or Kyrranides). (Note: Another book of the same title appears in an extensive Hebrew tradition. 209. attributed to the angel Raziel. drew heavily from Sepher Razielis. Carlos Gilly. the associations of various plants. Pope Leo III granted its protective prayers and signs to 85. and eagle-ray are associated because their Greek names all start with the letter Alpha. but it bears little corre­ spondence with this book. Alpha. Sepher Raziel This book. it is apparent the Dumas translation also adds a lot of new errors." is known at least from the sixteenth century. eagle. 1 987). making the BoO an important early exemplar. 20 1 1 ) and the translation in Dumas's Grimoires et Rituels ( Paris: Belfond. ) It includes seven chapters dealing with such topics as as­ tronomy. Comparing the editions in Michael Cecchetelli's Crossed Keys ( Scarlet Imprint. and other topics. Gabriel Grasset's Enchiridion Leonis Papae. and stones seem haphazard at best. the logic becomes clear. natural magic.85 More material from the Arbatel appears later in the book. or ((Secrets of God. 1 77 5) shows errors not in Folger. we find many errors in the 1 775 edition. The Crossed Keys edition seems to follow the French translation.87 which in turn drew from an older text. operations of the hours of the day and night. ani­ mals. suffumigations. 1 775 French and Latin edition (Anconae: G." 87. The coverage is often curious. Gieben. fish.86 The author takes quite a bit of material from Raziel on topics such as the creation of ink. It is clear that at least one of the authors had a copy of Raziel in his library along with the BoO.88 Enchiridion of Pope Leo The BoO includes one of the earliest known manuscripts of the Enchiridion. C. 1 972 ). They are organized around the theory of sympathy based on the first letters of their names in the Greek Cyranides. sometimes missing better readings in the Latin. and possibly as far back as the thirteenth. including transcription errors and omissions. white vine. eaglestone. stones. For example. and the sacred names of God. ''Liber Salomonis: Cephar Raziel. In modern derivative texts. as the author of the text will stop in the middle of a procedure to refer to Raziel. Perrone Compagni in the footnotes to his edition. Alchimia. Maryse Waegeman and Hermes. 88.89 Ac­ cording to the book itself. Scienza Dal '400 al '700 (Firenze: Centro Di. but from studying the older work. " Similarly the Greek "IHS" or " LT]<. creating a text that is both accessible to today's reader and ties the manuscript to the broader tradition of Western ceremonial magic.' standing for the Latin "Iesus" ( "Jesus" ) is found throughout the text and . Should we use modernized spelling? What about the passages in cipher? Should we render each figure exactly as it appears? What if the words in a figure had been written inaccurately? What if a mistake ap­ peared in the Latin? As it happened. * Capitalization and punctuation: have been normalized for readability. Note particularly the frequent use of Greek "XP" or xp for "Christ. The actual text is first mentioned in the sixteenth century. may refer to the Folger web­ site and easily track down the page in question. it can be found at http:/ /luna. As stated above. This same abbreviation occurs on the lamin in Heptameron and countless derivatives. or to ensure its accuracy. the Folger Library solved our difficulties by placing graphic files of its manuscript online. if one searches for "Book of magic. AN INTRODUCTION 29 Charlemagne circa 800. Editorial Principles One constant struggle we have had as we have proceeded with this project has been deciding upon what we wanted to present." In textual studies this is commonly referred to as "chi rho. ) * these " " have been expanded." ) This has given us the freedom to move to the other end of the spectrum. (At this time. which almost nobody recognizes as simply a very common abbreviation for "Christ. 67. (The first few examples occur on pages 36." and is frequently misunderstood by nonspecialists. * Catchwords (words written in the lower margin of a page that repeats the first word on the following page) : are rarely used in the manuscript." Thus ''XPus" (abbreviation for "Christus") looks like Latin "Xpus. these are not included in the transcription. 4 1 . it appears that the manuscript passed through the hands of the scribe on a short-term basis. and 70. names of: The manuscript generally uses the common practice of ab­ breviating the name Iesus Christus with Greek letters IHS XP ( Ifl S Xp ) . Note the following changes from the original that can be found in the BoO: * Abbreviations: have been expanded. Those who wish to double-check our work. . just as it is the spoken texts cannot readily be classified as either prayer or spell.30 THE BOOK OF OBERON illustrations. * Decorated initials (Litterae florissae) : are not indicated in the transcription. abbreviates the Latin. i. or illustrative elements intended to finish lines: are not included.e. we indicate Latin text in italics. spirit. or client should be inserted. The Book of making it impossible to classify them as either linguistic or alinguistic. For shorter passages where this is not practical. * The abbreviation N. which is a great space saver. like most other manuscripts of the genre. Due to the qual­ ity of the text and uncertainty as to dating. important words. more complete and legible set of pagination in the manuscript.e. * Running titles: are not included in transcription. * Line fillers. * The term Pseudo-Agrippa: refers to the Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy. * Original corrections: are generally noted. When page numbers are referred to in footnotes. based upon context. * Marginalia: have been included in the footnotes when legible. who want both understanding as well as authenticity. In the illustrations in particular they are often mixed. not part of prayers or incantations) has been replaced with the English translation. due to changes in the word order between the languages. * Latin text: in the original manuscript that is purely descriptive (i. Additionally. it is these to which they refer. Refer to footnotes for more information on some of the illustra­ tions found herein. with the exception that text that has been stricken through in the original has not been included. We have included the use of red in this edition. Longer Latin passages are generally accompanied by our translation in par­ allel columns. This poses a problem for modern audi­ ences.. many instances of these have been omitted. * Red: Such ink was used to indicate beginnings of passages. and holy names at the times when the scribe possessed ink of the said color. The full transcription however can be found online at esotericarchives. has no discernible linguistic content. * The original page numbers: have been included in brackets.: stands for a place in the original manuscript at which the name of the operator. which most scholars believe was falsely attributed to Henricus Cornelius Agrippa. a great deal of the text and illustrations is alinguistic. followed by translation in quotation marks. Those in text translated from the Latin app ear in italics. These are from the second. in a tradition going back thousands of years. (?-) Reading of first letter or glyph is uncertain. = Greek H. = Secunda manu.. [] Original page numbers are shown in [ ] . AN INTRODUCTION 31 Abbreviations and Typographic Symbols <> Errors in the original that should be ignored are indicated in <>.. place. (?) Reading is uncertain. sec. or item to be conjured in. such as erroneous duplication of words. Damaged or missing text. i.26 that has been transcribed to become the Book of Oberon Gk.b. = In most cases the manuscript uses ((M. = In most cases the manuscript uses ''N. = Heptameron. [* (?) ] Corrected reading. [ ''. JHP = Joseph H . v= \!erso . spirit. [ ???] Letters illegible and no conjecture. or person for whom the spell is intended. Number of '?' indicate approximately how many letters are missing.." to indicate when an appropriate name for a place or object should be inserted. o r deduced from other sources. written in a different handwriting. [*] Corrected reading of previous text. Peterson KJV = King James Version of the Bible LIH = Liber Iuratus Honorii marg. i. ELP = Enchiridion Leonis Papae Folger = Original Folger Manuscript V. Manuscripts N.e. MS." ] Translation o f preceding text. De occulta philosophia libri tres r= Recto RT = Robert Turner translation of Heptameron in Agrippa ( 1 655 ) .e." to indicate when an appropriate name should be inserted.. where it can be reasonably deduced is included in [ ] . [+] Text that has been added by u s for clarity. but with more uncertainty. whether that is a location. man. in Agrippa ( 1 967) . MSS = Manuscript. the reading assumed by the translator. = In margin M. OP = Agrippa. whether that of the operator. a fragment of a fa­ mous grimoire. or a casual reader. . I will have gone over its text at least half a dozen times. No set of annotations that we can provide can capture all of these. By the time you read these words.32 THE BOOK OF OBERON Conclusion The most compelling reason to publish this manuscript is how much it offers the reader. and it is my hope that having thousands of eyes view the same material might tell us much more about the book and the culture of which it was a product. whether a historian. a spiritual seeker. and yet I find something new each time I revisit it-the prayer to Saint George. or a clue as to the origins of the folklore surrounding the toad-bone. and presumption. 0 most mighty Jehovah. knock and it shall be opened. on the frailty of my youth and sins past. and I shall be purged from all unjust and sinful acts. and grace to men. didst drown the whole world. thou that hast promised. art pitiful of all pities and merciful of all mercies. Alpha and Omega. but in my contrition. to thy prophets. and diverse other sinners and offenders. virgins. for thou. 0 Lord God. god of all gods and king of all kings and lord of all lords. gifts. Thou confoundedst the language of all nations. and I shall be clean." Bow down thy ear. thy unworthy servant. Peter. 0 Lord. Extend thy favour and pity to­ wards me as thou didst on David. Thou. 0 Lord. the ruler and power of all powers. to thy twelve Apostles knowledge of tongues and power to cast out devils. and hast ordained to thine angels that which they shall not go beyond nor break their limits and bond without thy licence. grace. martyrs. and I shall be whiter than snow. Mary Magdalene. to Moses and Aaron boldness and eloquence in speech. unto me. look down here below upon us. cleanse me. and confessors constancy. to Saint Stephen faith. for their pride. Thou gavest wisdom. Whom thou savest are saved. without beginning without ending. and in the seas. in earth. Think not. thy unworthy servant and son of thy handmaid. dominations. for thy dear 33 . for the sin of man. PAR T 1: T H E U R G IA [ 1 5] [ + Prayers for Purification Before the Rite and Protection] Prayer From the throne of thy maj esty. 0 Lord. wash me. disobedience. what thou sayest is done. for none can alter it. right only excepted. Thou art the only well and fountain of all wisdom. 0 Lord. Take mercy upon me. Thou art the same God which. the first and the last. Even the same God art thou that madest all things and preservest all things. Thou bindest in the sea and hast set her bonds which she shall not pass. to Solomon wisdom. and goodness. Purge me. "Seek and ye shall find. threwest down the stately angels from their seat of glory to their state of foul devils. ask and ye shall receive. to learned and unlearned. in hell. and all creatures in heaven. So my god Eloy. that thou hast power to do it. I give thee power over all clean and unclean spirits. Sachiel. only in obedience of thy will they fell down. the like grace. "Lo. may be by thy grace. And further.2 and all such N. fall down and avoid. so mighty and great Adonay. blains. courage. thy unworthy yet true servant. Christ Jesus. 0 Lord. and to be as obedient unto me as the Red Sea that divided itself by thy will and power. however. so let these N. Cassiel. virtue. lightning. come. Compare Agrippa. 0 Lord mighty Jehovah. after they were compassed of thy people seven times without stroke or force of man. frogs. I do beseech thee. for John Harrison. Anael. Let not them nor any of them be able to delude. 1 or remove from any place. 1 . 63.. let all N. as the Sun and Moon that stood still at the commandment of Joshua and Moses. lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world. and power so constrained and forced to come and to come forth and avoid to fulfill and accomplish my will and commandments to their uttermost power and dili­ gence." for I know." to indicate when an appropriate name should be inserted.3 and obey me. and power be obedient to come unto me. grasshoppers. and sores." 3 . Gabriel. strength. unto me. and be as obedient unto me as the wind and the sea became calm. and let them be as obedient unto me as the hail. 1 65 5 ) . Michael. Say unto me. Henry Cornelius Agrippa His Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy (London: Printed by J. 0 Lord.34 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON son's sake. virtue. Raphael. power. botches. which I call to come or to avoid from any place may through thy grace. and come from all places and coasts. 2. let all such spirits which I shall call or command to come or avoid from any place be present and ready with all diligence to obey my will and commandments to their uttermost powers. Eloy. Eloy. grant me the assistance of thy holy mighty and blessed angels. to come into the land of Egypt. and boldness that all such spirits which I shall either call or command to come or to avoid out. ed. so grant. apparently we are to substitute the class of spirit. rain. at the Lamb at the East-end of Pauls. wisdom. 0 Lord mighty Jehovah. In most cases the manuscript uses "N. and as obedient to obey my will and commandments as the bears and fire were by thy will ready to obey the command­ ment of Elisha. Avoid out: to remove. condemn. will. and as the foul spirits came out and possessed the swine at thy bidding. In this prayer. thick darkness. faith. such as "spirit" or "angel. C. but as all spirits were through thy grace obedient to thy Apostles to come forth and obey their com­ mandments. and let them be as obedient unto me to go. and stand still and avoid from all places. were by thy will ready to come and accomplish thy commandments at the lifting up of Moses's hands. 0 sweet Jesu. thunder. or in any wise disobey me. even as speedily as the walls of Jericho fell down. . so let them come calm and quietly. despise. but let their pains be increased and augmented according to the number of the sands of the sea.5 in his journey against the monstrous fish and devouring spirit Asmodeus. as I shall call or take on me to avoid from any place in thy name and power. 1 65 5 ) . 1 976) . OP Book 3 chapter 1 7.4 or some one of them. bind. Pansophie I (Berlin: E. there to be griev­ ously punished and tormented without any ease at all. and power to keep them always in awe and let them fear and tremble before me whensoever I shall call them. to be present with me in this my work and busi­ ness. . until they will fulfill and accomplish my will and commandments in all things speedily. Recounted frequently in magic literature. and truly to their uttermost powers in whatsoever I shall command them and let them not. 85. through thy good will and might unto me given.6 there to be grievously punished for their disobedience unto me and for the little regard they have to obey me. and if they or any of them delude. Revelation 2 1 : 8 (KJV) . 1 5 . and the power of thy mighty angel. then let thy holy and blessed angels be present and ready to be with me in my work and business. These are the seven planetary archangels. Raphael. 1 3. at the Lamb at the East-end of Pauls. PART 1: THEURG I A 35 and Samael. if they refuse to obey unto the virtue of them. Abraham Avenares (circa 1 1 45) lists them as Michael. and avoided by thy will. Astronomical Geomancy. which. This matches Petrus de Abano Heptameron in Agrippa.g. Arbatel ofMagick. Henry Cornelius Agrippa His Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy. and as the same Asmodeus was constrained. 6 . being called and commanded to come to me by the virtue and power of thy holy names by me p ronounced in calling and binding of them. Philomathes (London: Printed by J. e. then let thy holy angels carry them into the bottomless pit of fire and brimstone after the male­ diction pronounced upon them by me when as they disobey me. Let them be pun­ ished in the lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death. Apocryphal Book of Tobit 3 : 1 7. ed. let all such N. Sloane 3825. Satkiel. 0 Lord God mighty Jehovah I do beseech. 5 . C. Anael. and throw them into the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death. and Samael in Peuckert. to the uttermost of their powers. Caffiel. may be forced to come and obey me and to fulfill my will and commandments in all things faithfully and truly.. and to take. The Nature of Spirits. come from out of that place of torment until that I call them from thence and that they will and do obey my will and command­ ments with all meekness and humbleness. and then Lord hear my prayer and grant my request to re­ lease them and give me faith. might. Of Geomancy. 1 50. Eloy. part 1 chap. ]anua Magica Reserata.. re­ fuse. bound. for John Harrison. John Dee's Five Books. Schmidt. and condemn my will and commandments or disobey me or refuse and neglect to fulfill and accomplish them in any part. Magical Elements of Peter de Abano. fulfilling my will and commandments to their uttermost powers. so my god Eloy. Gawriel. 0 send thy holy spirit 4. Eloy. yea even as thy holy and blessed angel Raphael was guide to young Tobias. Translated into English by Robert Turner. justly. carry. which I undertake to do in thy name and power. Arbatel Aph. help me. which liveth and reigneth with thee forever. God of all celestial virtues. to call and compel all such spirits which thou in thy just judgments hast thrown out of heaven for their pride and presumption. be my coadjutor and helper. and willingness obey me. to be present with me. 0 Alpha and Omega. and God the Holy Ghost be rendered all praise. majesty. which of the Blessed Vir­ gin Mary hast willed to be born. unknown. of whose unspeakable sweetness the heavens and the earth and infernal doth obey. 0 Saday. in whose presence is all things pure and clean. In marg. Fill me with the power and verity of the Holy Ghost that I may flow and abound with power and might. force. 0 give me might. which openeth and no man shutteth. that thou wouldst loose the world from sin and show unto man true judgment which without beginning and without ending art one God. and that they may with all diligence. Amen. to their uttermost power. to grant me my petition. and mercifully to preserve me. 0 mighty and merciful Emanuel my saviour. I require thee. holy Father and marvel­ ous disposer of all things which from God the Father earnest human into the world. and dominion both now and forever. and from whom no secret is hid. when thou offeredst thy body to be 7 crucified and sufferedst thy blood to 7. I do beseech thee. which I undertake to do in thy name. thou which hast the keys of hell and of death which bindest and no man looseth. unto whom every heart is open and to whom every soul doth confess it­ self and every tongue doth praise and speak of thy loving kindness. for the tender love that thou barest unto mankind. Grant this. the beginning and the ending. I beseech thee meekly to hear me. 0 mighty and omnipotent Jehovah. 0 mild and merciful Saviour. might. and hid is manifest and open. the first and the last. world without end. Amen. and keep me in protect­ ing of me in this my work and business. 0 Adonay. T H E B O O K OF O B ERON of power and might into my heart and fill me with power. I do require thee. readiness. give me leave and power to bind and to loose. and shutteth and no man openeth. to whom with God the Father. for thy dear and only beloved son's sake Christ Jesus. grace. that the devils and spirits may be made obedient unto me. . and true to remain Alpha and Omega. world without end. and strength to bind them and compel them to come to me and to cause them to avoid from all places. and comfort. power. one god. So shall I rejoice in thee and be glad for evermore.: "w" glyph. king of glory. in whose sight all things visible and invisible are ope n and manifest. A prayer before you call 0 Lord Jesus Christ. God the Son. to whom all things doubtful. [ 1 6] which thou didst send to the Apostles after thy ascension up to heaven. Amen. and as truly as the voice came from heaven. and as truly as thou didst feel the torments due to sin sustaining the anguish thereof upon the Holy Cross. which I do or shall call or command to come before me and that they never have power to resist or stay in any place until they have accomplished and fulfilled my will and commandments. increasing and adding affliction upon affliction. then let thine holy. which shall despise or con­ demn the words of my mouth. "Eloy Eloy Eloy. or some of thy holy and blessed angels take all such disobedient N. and as truly as Michael the Archangel threw down Satan out of heaven and overcame him and bound him up for a thousand years. in whom I am well pleased." so truly do I cry unto thee in the vehemency of my spirit. horror. let all N. and to make them humble and meek unto me. and to cause them to fulfill my will and commandments in all things faith­ fully and truly in as ample manner as I do or shall require. aid. or disobey me feel the tortures and torments of hellfire. so truly. and torment them with new plagues. so truly let me bind all such N. Samael. so truly let thine angels Michael. and blessed angels take and bind them so surely as thou my saviour and redeemer of the world in thy humanity wast bound to the cross. Sachiel. Eloy Eloy. and deny to obey me. «This is my well-beloved Son. 0 lamb of God which takest away the sins of the world. and as truly as thou didst raise Lazarus out of his grave from death to life. so truly let me have the comfort. and assistance of thy holy and blessed angels to be present with me in all my works and business. let me see thy holy and blessed angels and have their help and aid in all my work and business which I take in hand to do at this time or at any other time hereafter. so truly. . and as truly as thou wast wrapped in linen clothes and laid in a new sepul­ cher where never was none laid before thee. so truly. and sorrow and never to be released or come from thence until that I do call them and that they will obey me and help me to their uttermost powers and as truly as thou wast comforted by the administration of angels. Raphael. mighty. and as truly as thou wast bound in linen clothes and laid in a new sepulcher where none was never laid before thee. in saying.' so truly. hear me and help me. 0 thou mighty lion of the tribe of Judah. upon them which offer to disobey me and deny to come when I call them. Cassiel. If they or any of them re­ fuse this to do. 0 my God and merciful saviour. Anael. PART 1: TH EURG IA 37 be shed for the washing away of mine iniquities. and as truly as thou didst cry in the vehemency of thy spirit unto thy Father. help. which seek to delude. and to bind all those disobedient spirits which shall seem to resist or disobey me. hear ye him. Gabriel. and send thy holy angels to be present and ready to succour me. let thine angels bind all those disobedient N. do seem to disobey me or condemn and despise me or refuse to come with all diligence and quickness to obey me and show me the truth of all such questions which I shall ask or demand be bound and thrown down into the depth of all pain." that all such N. "Eloy. 0 my saviour Christ Jesus. deceive. give unto me leave. showing me the truth of all my questions and demands and as truly as thou didst breathe on thy disciples and saidest. didst rise the third day from death to life and didst show thyself unto thy Apostles after thy resurrection. majesty. and as all N. so. I now do call unto thee seeking and suing for grace. so truly. and also over all other N. the guider and preserver of all men that trust in thee. to my god and to your god. ever one God. glory. 0 my God. powerful. that by the help of thee I may be able to accomplish all those things which I do now take in hand or shall ever hereafter take in hand to do. to loose. force. were obedient to come forth by the commandment of thy Apostles. let all such N. which liveth and reigneth with thee. and as truly as the graves of the saints did open and the saints did rise and appear to many at thy death. T H E B O O K OF OB ERON power. that through thy might and power. might. and merciful God and Saviour. and blessed Trinity. show unto me the truth of all things which I shall ask or demand.' so truly. and dominion. Let us pray 0 Almighty and everlasting. wise. might. 0 Christ Jesus. 0 holy. 0 merciful God and father. "Go tell my breth­ ren that I ascend unto my father and to your father. to whom with the Father. so truly. Amen. "Receive ye the Holy Ghost. the Son. be willing and ready to obey me. let all such N. 0 my God. which I call or shall call. and as truly as thou. saying unto Mary. 0 my God. Grant this." even so truly as thou didst speak to Mary these words and didst appear to thy twelve Apos­ tles. Amen. and to constrain all such N. breathe into me the spirit of power and might that all N. let all spirits arise from all places and come unto me and yield unto me their obedi­ ence quietly and peaceably. which I do take in hand at this time that so soon as I shall once begin to name or invocate them by N. and the Holy Ghost be rendered all praise. beseeching thee to send thy help unto me with the company of thy holy. which I shall call or command to come before me or to avoid from any place. which I call to come be obedient unto me and be ready to obey me and fulfill my will and commandments in all things to their uttermost powers. to compel. judge of all men. for thy dear son's sake. pure. both now and forever. Amen. world without end. and to command. and so truly let them obey my will and commandments even as truly as thou didst obey [ 1 7 ] and ever fulfill the will and commandments of God the Father in all things. to call. 0 my God Eloy Eloy Eloy. and help and assistance from thee. Jesus Christ's sake. and blessed angels. I may have might and power at this time and all other times to bind. and might through the virtue of thy holy names to raise all such N. . which thou for their pride and presumption didst throw out of heaven. faith. redeemer of all mankind. and power. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses." . and as thou didst throw them down by thy might and power. 1 2 . for their pride and disobedience against thee. 0 thou mighty and powerful + Tetragrammaton + give me leave and power through and by thy mighty power to bind. and power. for the Good of Mankind (Lake Worth. FL: Ibis Press. 1 0 . Compare Raziel: See Peterson. I do beseech thee. In marg. 1 1 . and dili­ gence. Moses. and that they never depart until I shall licence them. 2 64-27 1 . might. suffer me and give me leave and power to bind all thine N. to their uttermost powers. faithfully and truly. and make them obedient and serviceable 8. and compel and command all those which thou threwest out of heaven. The manuscript frequently sets sacred names or words apart with crosses. and through the power of these thy holy names. 0 mighty and merciful + 9 Tetragrammaton 10 + i11i1"+ Agla + Saday + Haley + Kes + El + Amye + Semy + Hasy + Hayn + Venmissoy Saacodere + Barew + Adabahew + Eya + Hey + Hew + Hew + Va + Ha + Eye + Eye + Eye + Ya 1 1 + Ya + Evef + El + El + Ahey + A + Ha + Ahue + Ahue + Ahne + Va + Va + Va + Vadua + Ylaye + Alenda + Le + Ane + Hy + He + Ha + Ysale + Ne + He + Ha + Araya + Acamine + Leena + Quiloso + Lyeneno + Phealet + Neale + Ye + Ye + Malahe + Huana + Nethe + Heyrete + Hasyonada + Balysany + Methe + Pheniphatol + Comithomon + Sedalay + Thro + Thro + Homos + Zepny + Aglatha + Vyell + Ioell + Sacomith + Paconith + Pyfam + Ytomor + Hygarom + Ynquiron + Cengaron + Myron + Mycon + Dasnot + Cassas + Jatas + Yeton + Eya + Rabba + Raba + Rabarman + Sarus + Eyessaraye + Ala + Yana + Maysay + Sye + Sere + Myge + Mehata + Sare + Maasame + Evanat + Ate + Dacye + Byne + Rahew + Yabe + As­ trolye + Lroe + Saye + Gole + Maha + Samoer + Byby 12 + Loey + Ybyyre + Tylay + Raby + Lee + Vel + See + Leace + Cade + Lethe + Lyby + Yre + Tylay + Raby + Lee + Vel + See + Leace + Cade + Lethe + Lyhele + Meamare + Tyrya + Hyse + Saquiel + Mum + Seyme + Yele + Have + L Hele + Amye + Hara + Eyesserye + Agios + Iskiros + Athanatos + Agla + On + Tetragrammaton + Jehovah + by these thy holy. 2008) . Magical Spirits-Art: Known As the Wonderful Arts of the Old Wise Hebrews. which were put out of heaven. Taken from the Mosaic Books of the Cabala and the Talmud. In marg. These seem to be simply punctuation. Folger has an ((i" (no dot) written above the first «y. by the might and power of them. fearful. so. for thy dear son's sake Christ Jesus. 70. 9. strength. or. loose. PART 1: T H EURG I A 39 that then they do presently come and appear 8 with all quietness. : ((+" glyph. and boldness to overcome and bind and bring to my obedience all those N. might. Folger p. courage.: ((w" glyph. glory. not a rubric to make the sign of the cross. I do beseech thee. humility. 0 holy and merciful Father. which I call or shall call at this time or hereafter at any other time. dreadful. praise. give me power. being full of all honour. fearful [ sic] . fulfilling my will and commandments. and mighty names. Another version of this prayer can be found below. honourable. . filling me with all might. and bring to my obedience all N. to my comfort and consolation. to bind. Shadrach. and Abednego out of the fiery furnace. in truth and verity. Eloi. and enterprise. and Jacob. that thou wilt hear them. for Christ Jesus's sake. Isaac. as thy sweet son Christ Jesus + overcame hell.' etc. hear me now. with all diligence and faithfulness. God the Son. let me find thee. eyes. 0 you three persons in trinity and one God in unity which didst deliver Daniel out of the lions' den. power. world without end. lama sabachthani" from Mark 1 5:34. for thy son Jesus Christ's sake. comfort. I seek thee now. might. ever one God. and the help and assistance of thy holy and blessed angels to bring this my desires to effect. Alpha and Omega which liveth and reigneth with thee. saviour and sanc­ tifier of me. that as I lift up my hands. 0 my God. 0 Father of mercy. and have power [ and] might. and power. and soul unto thee. Now I ask of thee for thy dear son's sake Christ Jesus + now let me receive the spirit of grace. now in this my work. boldness. 0 my God." "Lamazabathany. I call unto thee now. and God the Holy Ghost be rendered all praise. to me given. give me power. command. poor sinful wretch that I am. which deliveredst Joseph and madest him ruler over Egypt which madest the children of Israel to overcome their enemies. unto all those that call on thee. 0 Lord God. to whom with God the Father. help. so. constrain. cogitations. courage. so may I receive from thee. and dominion." "lama Zabacthani. heart. and also of all humankind. Me­ shach. which is often found in magical texts.40 T H E B O O K OF OBERON unto me. and compel. might. which heareth and seeth me totally as well in words. and assistance. strength. Grant this. now hear me and help me now. faith. in giving me might and power. loose. which hast ever been benign and bountiful. bringing my desire and work to effect. faith. and assistance from thee or by thy might and power. in helping me in this my enterprise. Amen. This is apparently derived from ''Eloi. Elsewhere in text. and ableness. death. and damnation by his lifting upon the Cross in shedding his precious blood for the redemption of mankind. and to those that call on thee. parallel passages read "lamazabathani. and deliveredst Susanna from her false accusers. speed and quietness. 0 thou my great and mighty redeemer. at the lifting up of Moses's hands. glory. 0 thou of incomprehensible majesty. I do desire thee to [ 1 8] hear me. 0 + Agla + Pater Kirie + Adonay + 0 thou Creator and Redeemer. 1 3 . and thoughts. which hast promised to those which diligently seek after thee shall find thee. 0 thou God of Abra­ ham. Now let me not be without thy aid. 0 thou El + and Eloy Lamabatani +13. and those that ask of thee unfeignedly in the name of thy son Jesus Christ they shall receive of thee. I ask mercy and forgiveness of thee. by thee. business. although I am not worthy to receive any comfort. Amen. which I shall call at any time and at this present do in­ tend to call. might. aid. majesty. and to thy eternal praise and glory. and strength. 0 merciful Saviour. for­ sake me not. both now and forever. now forsake me not. Yana. my helper and preserver in all my necessities. defraud. and to obey and fulfill my will. per thy humanity. which hast dominion over the heavens. and grace. Yana. With all humility and lowliness I do beseech thee. and to the sweet and ghostly comfort of mine own soul. let them be with me and be my coadjutor and helper in all my works and businesses. my sweet and comfortable guider in all my afflictions. and for thy son's sake Christ Jesus + which died for the sins of the people. mercy. give me power to bring this my desires to effect. and profit of these which shall need my help and comfort. Yseraye. omnipotent. 0 thou pitiful and merciful Saviour. to draw them. and also to gather them together and to bring them from all places and make them to obey me. 0 Yana. Yseraye. and everlasting God. 0 thou powerful Tetragrammaton 1 4 + to hear this my request and prayers in giving me faith and divine power to constrain and compel all thine angels N. and the seas. to bring my desire to effect. thou that orderest the heavens and rulest the earth. which were cast down from heaven. I do desire and pray thee. or guile. 0 which art first and last. even for thy own name's sake. PART 1: TH EURG I A 41 Another oration 0 magnificent. without any delay. assisting.: "w" glyph. and by the virtues of these thy mighty 1 4. 0 hear me and help me now. the great creator of all men. even by the virtue of this thy name. my aider. 1 5 . which I take in hand to do through thy leave and help. to command and compel them to come before me and to be meek and obedient unto me presently and speedily. and succourer. my maker. beseeching thee as thou art true God and man to give me leave and licence by the virtue of thy holy names. 0 mighty Jehovah. and obey me. and to loose them. that thou give me dominion and power over all thine angels and spirits thrown out of heaven for their pride and presumption and give them into my hands through thy power unto me given thy holy and blessed angels. the sweet comforter of thy afflicted servants. deceit. Folger: Tertragramaton. aiding. yielding 15 themselves serviceable unto me with all readiness and meekness. Yseraye. Alpha and Omega. to bind. and that through the virtue and power of thy mighty names they may be made humble and meek to bow. most merciful. that thou mayest thereby be glorified and I satisfied to the great comfort of thy poor servants. in all my works and busi­ nesses. . hell. look upon me. In marg. and helping me in all my works and business to tie them and bind them. I thine unworthy yet true ser­ vant do most humbly fall down and prostrate myself before thee. to loose them. with the eyes of thy mercy in sending thy holy and blessed angels to be my help. earth. the ruler of all the world. to my comfort and thy glory for evermore. I cry to thee meekly from the bottom of my heart with sincerity. bend. I do now require (?) thee by the tender love which thou barest unto mankind. and mildly unto me. or any living creatures whatsoever. they obeying my will and commandments with all diligence faithfully and truly to their uttermost powers without the hurt of my body. rebukes. or any living creature. 0 merciful redeemer of mankind. 1 7. which I would bind and gather together to come before me. peaceably. 268. bringing to my obedience all those spirits which were thrown out of heaven for their pride and disobedience. and obediently let them yield their obedience unto me in fulfilling my will and commandments to their uttermost power. air. 0 thou powerful. showing thy mighty power in binding and in gathering together all N. mind. air. to loose and remove all spirits which I would loose and remove from all places. 270. 5: See Peterson. and by the virtue of these thy names 1 6. goods. even as meekly as thou. earth. so meekly. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. Semiforas 6: See Peterson. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. to me which doth ask and require to have my desires accomplished in giving me leave and power to bind and to loose all spirits which I do or shall ever hereafter to bind and loose. did [ st] suffer the reviling. and strokes of the wicked counsel of the Jews. showing thy mighty power in binding and in gathering together all spirits which I do or shall desire to bind and gather together to come before me. truly. . quietly. and further with thy gracious help I require thee to give me leave and licence to have to my help the company of thy holy and blessed angels eve [ ? ] through the virtue of these thy pure and blessed names Letamynym 1 6 + Letalogan + Letafyryn + Vabagana + Rytyn + Letarymytnun + Letafatazin + let the winds. and everlasting God. that they come and accomplish my will and commandments faithfully. and all things be my help to bring those spirits before me and to my obedience quietly. even by the virtue of these thy names + Adona + Sabaath + Ado nay + Cados + Addona + Am ora + let the virtue and powe� of these thy wonderful names be assistant unto me. meekly. This grant. or wheresoever. even by the virtue of these thy holy names: Saday 17 + Hayleos + Loez + Elacy + Citonii + Hazyhaya + Yeynimesey + Accida + Vacuc + Hyadonenni + Eya + Hiebu + Ven + Vaha + Oyaha + Eye + Eye + Ha + Hia + Haya + Zihia + Hahya + Yaia + El + Ehehel + Ya + Ya + Va + by the virtue of these thy powerful names do I trust to obtain.42 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON holy and sanctified names to be assistant unto me. and as meekly and as willingly as thou didst suffer the pains of the Cross for the redemption of mankind. and justly to their uttermost powers presently and speedily. faithfully and truly without the hurt [ 1 9] of my body. soul. even by the virtue of these thy powerful names let the heavens and all therein contained be willing to help me and accomplish my will and desires to bind all spirits and demons which are in the compass of the four parts of the whole circle and globe of heaven. soul. This list of names is found in Sepher Raziel. peaceably. This list of names is found in Sepher Raziel. chap. omnipotent. hell. or goods. and seas. by these thy mighty names Yaena + Adonay + Cados + Ebreel + Eloy + Ela + Egiel + Ayom + Sath + Adon + Sulela + Eloym + Delyom + Yacy + Elym + Deliis + Yacy + Zazael + Paliel + Man + Myel + Evola + Dylatan + Saday + Alma + Papyn + Saena + Alym + Catmal + Vza + Yarast + Cal phi + Calsas + Safna + Nycam + Saday + Aglataon + Fya + Emanuel + Joth + Za­ laph + Om + Via + Than + Domyfrael + Muel + Lalialens + Alla + Phenor + Aglata + Tyel + Piel + Patriceion + Cepheron + Baryon + Yael + do I vehemently call on thee that thou wilt vouchsafe to help me and send me aid and comfort to bring my desires to effect. holy. pure. may your name + Yseraye + be blessed through the word" ] + that thou fulfill my questions and bring my desires to effect. pious. 0 maker. benign. merciful. and divine power with the help of thy holy. make me to come to the end of my work and accomplish it to my comfort and profit. 0 mighty. mighty. and hear me. and further I call on thee. and knowest 1 8 . crying unto thee to hear me and send me thy help. fulfill my question. 0 thou my Creator. blessed be your name. do mine. virtue. I call. 4: See Peterson. and everliving God. 0 Lord. benedicte. 0 thou my maker. make me come to the end of my work. living. 0 blessed-one. Thou knowest. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. 0 Lord. benedictum nomen tuum tu completur meam compleas questionem tu factor fac me ad finem mei operis elarg[i]untu[r] sancte et miserationis mei miserere nomen tu um + yseraye + sit per verbum benedictum [ "0 God. 270. This list of names is found in Sepher Raziel. Saday + Samora + Ebon + Pheneton + Eloy + Eneyobcel + Messias + Iahe + Yana + Oreloyen + deus vive verax magne fortis patens pie sancte munde omni bonitate. great. have mercy on me. true. giving me virtue. plene. mighty. you who are fulfilled. 0 holy and merciful one. powerful. PART 1 : T H EURG I A 43 I do believe my will shall be accomplished: Nicracon 18 + Incly + Xeddam + Peddem + Roexi + Saconits + Patrint + Pyston + Ycymor + Hygaron + Ygnyron + Temgaron + Mycon + Micondasnos + Castas + Laceas + Astas + Yecan + Cina + Tabluist + Tabla­ nao + Zacuss + and I do humbly call unto thee. 0 my creator. Even I do beseech thee to hear me even by the might. have mercy on me. Thou holy and merciful. full of all goodness. thy glorious name Y seraye + be it blessed and sanctified by me. both now and ever­ more. boldness. fulfilling my will and desires where­ unto I shall command them. courage. faith. and power of these thy sanctified names to help me now. showing me justly and truly my questions and demands. chap. Yana + Yane + Sya + Abibhu + Vanohia + Accenol + Tivgas + Yena + Eloym + Ya + Vehu + Yane + Hayya + Vehu + Ahyaema + that all spirits whatsoever may be brought and come before me quietly and yield me their obedience. Now I earnestly call on thee in the anguish of my soul from the depth and bottom of my heart. and blessed angels assisting me to bring my desires to a good end. to send thine angels to be my helpers in this my work and business both now at this present and ever hereaf­ ter. . better to give than I am able to ask. which is written in faded brown ink.true longing I desire to learn fully the sarias. through your only minum nostrum Iesum Christum ut des begotten son our Lord Jesus Christ. call upon voco per fillium tuum unigenitum do.and honour. which I so willingly would and do seek to accomplish this. FL: Ibis Press. Open thy hand which is full of all blessings and fill me with thy holy power and spirit of grace that I may abound and be full of all blessings to the obtaining of this my desires. 56. I acknowledge thee to be the giver of all goodness. It also occurs on Folger pp. who are immersed purcate infinitis humanis opinionibus. qui me own power. Grant to me also a heart that 1 9. as I see that I iis assequ [ u ] turum te non docente: da can understand nothing through my mihi unum de spiritibus tuis. Seeing that thou knowest all my doings and all my ways. unless you teach me. 48. 24-27. to whom with God the Father and the Holy Ghost be rendered all glory. me therefore one of your spirits. vt] qua [ e ] me docueres [ *docu. � Therefore you should pray thus: 19 Domine Celi ac [ *et] terre omnium 0 Lord of Heaven and Earth. in mihi spiritum sanctum tuum qui me in order that you give your Holy Ghost to veritate<m> tua dirigat ad omne bonum me. which liveth and reigneth with thee ever one God. From Peterson. . te and invoke you. Because with sidero artus [ *artes] huius vitae et neces. It is unclear what it indicates. Xiiii. There is a glyph after the "Amen" that looks like an anchor. might. and the usefulness of our eris ] facile percipiam et in m entem neighbors. Amen.44 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON before I ask what I would desire. Amen. Arbatel ( Lake Worth. 2009 ) . tuum. though unworthy. In marg. in immense darkness and fouled with ut ego videam me meis viribus nihill in unending human beliefs. world without end. 0 most merciful God and loving Father for thy dear son's sake. Christ Jesus. maker visibilium et Invisibilium conditor et and creator of all that is visible and in­ creator: ego Indignus te Iubente. which may direct me in your truth. [ ad laud em & honorem tuum et will teach me whatever you wish me to vtilitatem proximi. quae skills of this life. qure vis nos discere et cognos. majesty. nobis perfecte cognoscere. I. quia vero desider [ i] o de. [for your praise docile. and 63. Amen. and knowest my thoughts long before they appear or approach.: "w" glyph and the anchor glyph is repeated. and dominion both now and for evermore. power.for the good of all. and those things which immersa [ e] sunt tan tis tenebris et cons. Da mihi etiam cor learn and understand. who cere. Aph.visible.are necessary for us. Grant doceat ea. Deus secundum magnam misericordiam tuam. according to thy great mercy. 452 ff.Name of Jesus. et Pii V. 0 good Jesu! 0 most tender Jesu! 0 sime Iesu. for all necessary uses.don of thee. fear. and according to your many mercies. jussu editum (Antuerpiae: Christophori Plantini. et pietata: o dulcis the Virgin. Name of j oy! Ergo Iesu p ropte r nomen sanctum Name of Jesus. so] that I may easily re­ tanquam da [ * de ] tuis inexhaustis tain in my mind what you have taught. these great gifts of yours only with hu- mility. thesauris ad omnes usus necessarios: et and I will secure them there to b e d a mihi gratiam ut tantis donis tuis brought forth. and invoking this holy vocantem o nomen Iesu nomen confor. tuum. . et secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum. forth for sinners. o clementissime have pity on me! 0 most merciful Jesu. Compare Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis. a s from your inexhaust­ humillime cum metu et tremore utar. And p e r d o [ m ] i n u rn n o s t r u m I e s u m grant to me your grace. 64. according to your great mercy. te deprecor per illum sanguinem entreat thee by that precious Blood of pretiosum. asking humbly par­ tentem. John. o Iesu fili mariae virginis . quem pro p eccatoribus ef. full of mercy and kindness! 0 Iesu secundum magnum miserecordiam sweet Jesu. and to look upon me. 0 God.thine. Amen. et hoc nomen sanctum Iesus In. Son of Mary plena miserecordia. poor and et indignum humilliter veniam p e . sweet tans: quid est enim Iesus nisi salvator? Name ! Name of Jesus.unworthy as I am. that I may use Christum cum sancto spiritu tuo. through our Lord Jesus Christ with your Holy Ghost.* tuam miserere mei. Name of strength ! Nay. iquities. ible treasures. 0 Name of Jesus. Amen. and trembling. o dulcis. destroy my iniquities" ] . PART 1: TH EURGIA 45 me am reco ndam in de p ro fe renda. Max. Pont. Translation from Catholic Church and Ambrose St. The Raccolta: Or Collection of Indulgenced Prayers ( 1 88 0 ) . et salva me: ne what meaneth the Name of Jesus but * This phrase seems to be an adaptation of Psalm 50:3 (KJV 5 1 :3 ) : Miserere mei. which thou didst will to pour I fundere voluisti ut abluas omnes iniqui. 2 0 . 1 575 ) . esto mihi Iesus. dele iniquitatem meam [ ccHave pity on me. is easily taught. Prayer to Jesus 20 0 bone Iesu o piissime Iesu. nuper reformatum. I Iesu. most sweet Jesu! 0 Jesus. to wash away all my in- 1 tates meis: et in me resspicias misserum. nor rum Electorum tuorum 0 Iesu salus in te will those who go down into hell. let me enter into the infundae in me gratiam. Amen. Jesu. that I may be able perfectly to love thee. and save iquitas mea. Jesu. 0 good tuum est [ et] absterge quod alienum est Jesu. pour into me grace. ut of those who believe in thee. Son perfrui tibi -servire. te lation of those who fly to thee. descend into eternal corruption?" t The o Iesu Iesu Iesu admitte me intrare nume. o Iesu fili Mariae virginis. miser [e] re mei dum thy Almighty goodness made . by thine hilo creasti: o bone Iesu ne perdat me in. 0 Jesu. Jesu. T H E B O O K O F OBERON permittas me damnari. castitatem et humilitatem. to serve thee. t Compare Psalm 29: 1 0 (KJV 30:9). o mitissime Iesu.not when it is the time of j udgment. 0 sweet tempus est miserendi. salvation charitatem. o dulcis Iesu recognosce quod thou didst create out of nothing. have pity on me while corruptionem" "non mortui laudabunt it is the time of pity. and make my boast in thee. et of Mary the Virgin. 0 Jesu. quem fecit omnipotens bo. quod tu de ni. while I Iesu: o dessederati te laudare.Saviour? Wherefore.dead shall not praise thee. Jesu. ." =I= 0 credentium o Iesu solatium ad te confu. quod wisdom. qui de. + Compare Psalm 1 1 3 :25 (KJV 1 1 5: 1 7) .most loving Jesus ! 0 Jesu. sap ientiam. omnes qui Invocant nomen tuum. and condemn me te domine Iesu neque omnes. to praise thee. scendunt in Infernum. Amen. Jesu. and tempore Iudicandi "que utillitas in san. to enj oy thee. ne damnes in Jesu. and that all those who invoke thy Name.own holy Name. chastity. and humility. may join with me in these acts.wipe away from me what is not of thee! guine meo dum descendero in eternum 0 most kind Jesu. est Iesus. charity. Lord Jesu. Suffer me not to be lost-me. recognise what is thine own. et in te gloriare." o amantissima "What use is there in my blood. conso­ possim te perffecte deligere. which is Jesus. number of thine elect. let not my iniquity destroy what o benignissime Iesu. whom nitas tua. be to me Jesus. most longed gietium o Iesu dulcis remissio omnium for by thine own ! 0 most gentle Jesu! peccatorum. [ 1 498?] ) . qui de sinu summi patris God. true verus Deus. to have mercy on the et lugentes consolari dignare domine contrite in heart. who. after a wonderful manner. 456 ff. to restore strangers ducere. contritis corde misereri. bus et tu domine Iesu Christe [ sicut] vouchsafe to stretch over me.Jacob : even so. 0 Lord.Jesus Christ. 0 Lord Jesus Christ.gather the dispersed. and to shew thy grace upon contra me habent. inas­ sione. Translation from the Catholic Church. 0 Lord famulum tuum N de afflictione. and to pour upon me thy mercy. dolentes to their country. Max. thou. afflictos redimere. to deliver the imprisoned. 296-99. into thy protec­ guine tuo mirabiliter mercatus es. jussu editum. Compare Horae secundum ordinem sancti Benedicti (Barcelona: Johannes Luschner. which they have against me. et Pii V. to comfort the sorrow­ Ie [ su ] Christe absoluere. and hast of thy pity. me. et mitigare. who from God the Father recepisti. pur­ tu domine Iesu Christe digneris inter me chased paradise for us with thy precious et Inimicos meos stabilire. thy servant. et tribu. wert lent into the world peccata relaxare. PART 1: THEURGIA 47 [20] A prayer in affliction 2 1 0 dulcissime domine Iesu Christe 0 most sweet Lord Jesus Christ. Doghlan. 1 790 ) . to redeem the af­ carcere positos soluere. from the bosom of the Al­ omnipotentis missus es in mundum mighty Father.much as thou art man. P. in qua positus sum et tu domine thy servant. by thy cruel inter angelos et homines pacem fecisti. et me liberare of Esau. and had made peace between an­ concordiam et pacem: et gratiam tuam gels and men. et irtfundere misere. The Primer. Also found in Officium Beatae Mariae Virgin is. . o r Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary (London: J. latione. as Christe super me famulum tuum bra. passion.thou tookest away the anger and hatred chium tuum extendere. to gregare. tribulation into which I am fallen: and A cleo patre omnipotente in custodiam thou. quod my enemies. vouchsafe. et tion. out of the affliction and qui genus humanum in quantum homo. peregrinos in suam patriam re.flicted.vo uchsafe to establish and confirm cordia tuam: et ad omne odium et Ira. nuper reformatum. 2 1 . n obis paradisum p retio so san .agreement and peace between me and cundiam Inimicorum meorum. dispersos con. et ex pietat [ e] tua. crudeli pas. in to release sinners. et confirmare blood. sicut Iracundiam et odium and vouchsafe to extinguish and miti­ Esau abstulisti. super me ostendere. quod habe [ba] t adversus gate all the hatred and anger of my ene­ Iacob fratrum suum ita domine Iesu mies. 0 Lord Jesus Christ. Pont.Almighty had received mankind. digneris extinguere. which he had against his brother digneris ab omnibus me odio habenti. et liberare me ful and mourning. to absolve and deliver me. Noe per Arcam diluuii. manu holiphernis daniel em de lacu leo. by thy holy nativity. dauid regem. Noah by vitute Aegipti. by thy heats. per alapis. Son of the per frigus per calores. rum suorum. et pau. et populem Is. que pendens in cruce by thy God. et Iacob de manu Jesus Christ. Misach. and from the num tres pueros sidrach. by the thorny Amen Amen. et de ser. and come gella.ham from the hands of the Chaldeans. dico tibi hodie mecum eris crown. liberare digneris de omnibus In. and Joseph raelem de manibus pharaonis. by thy holy incarnation of the Virgin et aceti p er sevissimam mortem crucis. and Lot from the saulis. et sucurrere in adiutorium was tormented by the Devil. from the furnace of burning N dulcissime domine Iesu Christe. by dixisti domine latroni in cruce pendenti: the nails. King David from the nago de camino ignis ardentis Ionam de hand of Saul. and lum de vinculis: ita me famulum tuum Abednago. ventre ceti. per labores. by thy hunger. 0 Lord sacrificii cum ariete. vouchsafe to deliver me thy flictiones. 0 natiuitatem tuam per famem per sitim most sweet Lord Jesus Christ. fili fire. by dixisti.from the hands of his brethren. Daniel from the den of lions. p er clauo s . by the af­ ignosce illis quia nesciunt. and Jacob from tuos Moysen et Aaron. Mary. Abde.bondage of Egypt. Judith from the hand of H o ­ profundo puteo inferni. and Peter from the sea. per ffla. de manu the ark from the flood. THE B O O K OF OB ERON liberasti Abraham de manibus caldeo. et goliae gigantes: susannam de city of Sodom. et Adam de tion . quid faciunt fronts and buffets. and thy servants Moses falso crimine testimonio : Iudith de and Aaron. and deliver me rum et fillium eius Isaac de Immolatione from all that hate me. per septam verba. Jonah from the whale. ut homo de virgine Maria: per sanctam and Paul from his bonds: even so. scillicet. et filium chananeae. and the dei vivi. et af. deo patri omnipotenti thy labours and afflictions.from the hand of Pharaoh. by the drinking of gall and by .the three children.the hand of Esau his brother. and Adam meum per sancta beneficie tua: per sane. and the people of Israel.daughter of the woman of Canaan. per speedily to my help. by thy most tam Incarnationem tuam quam accepisti precious blood. Sidrach. by the lance. And thou. pretio sissimo lofernes.from the deep pit of Hell. et and his son Isaac from being offered in Loth de civitate sodomor [ urn. ] famulos sacrifice with the ram.servant from all my enemies. by thy cold. que erat Susanna from false crime and accusa­ tormentata per diabolum. per sputa.thy arm and thy grace. who imicis meis. et petrum de Mari. and of Goliath the giant. by thy holy benefits. spineam coronam: per potationem fellis. as thou didst deliver Abra­ Esau fratris sui et Ioseph de manu frat. p er lance a m . Misach. by the scourges. sanguine tuo. nostra cupiendo. Eli. by thy holy resurrection. and by all thy Rogo te dulcissime domine Iesu Christe: benefits. Ecce mater tua.danger here in this present world. deus meus. I say to thee. which ." Thou sanctarum." fende me per descentionem tuam ad in. 0 pulo. Dixisti Domine] patri lama sabacthani. et in futuro.Thou saidst. 0 Lord. quae in limbo fuerunt. nisti. tu produxisti me tu ad that to come. contra diaboli tentationem me premu. et saidst. dixisti domine matre Father Almighty. de. ter hos etiam rogo te. my God.know not what they do. 0 Lord. "Woman. to thy Father. quos pro Mother. ut quid cross. et etiam pro cunctis beneficiis tuis from the malignant enemy. by the com­ ter ista. tuo: In manus tuas commendo spiritum "My God.signifying thy labours and sorrows now sionem tuam : per adventum spiritus to be ended. "forgive them. to God the dereliquisti me. redemptor domine shewing thyself to have care of thy Iesu Christe ut me famulum tuum N friends. lama Zabacthani quod est interpre. to the thief hanging on the cross. feros. "Behold thy thy Disciple. and also for all thy b enefits . and in cisti ex nihilo. per sanctam resurrectionem tuam "Into thy hands I commend my spirit. thou spakest. 0 Lord. custodias ab hoste maligno. and from all mihi famulo tuo colla tis. 0 of the Holy Ghost the Comforter. my re­ mine et per sancta [ *cuncta] beneficia deemer. I Iuditii: per hac omnia exaudi me do . habere tuorum amicorum dixisti do . prop." Thou saidst. to thy significans labores et dolores. 0 Lord. ostendas curam Lord. that thou keep me thy servant tua. iam finiri. quia tu me fe.and the often comforting thy disciples. et omnia alia. hanging on the tatum: deus meus. que occulis [ *oc. nee in the day of dreadful judgment: by all cor hominis assendit [ * ascenderunt] : these hear me. dixisti domine consumatum est: saken me?" Thou saidst. For these therefore.were in Limbo. for they tue: mulier ecce filius tuus." et frequentem discipulorum tuorum Thou saidst. to wit. "It is consummate. by the heli. et ab omni to wit. and with desire of ours. vitam eternam promitendo. which periculo hie in presenti. which thou tookest upon sancti p aracliti p e r diem trimendi thee for us sinners. 0 Lord Jesus Christ. 0 Lord." consolationem: per admirabilem assen. by culus] non vidit. the salvation of holy souls. Amen. nee auris audivit. Prop ." then nobis miseris thy wonderful ascension." Thou saidst. behold thy Son. deinde desci. ] to thy Father. [ " I wo rds.''Amen.beseech thee." which is interpreted. Defend me by thy descend­ fidem sanctam tuam perduxisti me: et ing into Hell. "Eli. this day mine [ Sitio: scilicet salutem animaram thou shalt be with me in paradise. why hast thou for­ meum. PART 1: THEURGIA 49 in paradiso dixisti domine patri tuo heli the most cruel death on the cross. promising eternal life. me famulum tuum N . in the Circle 22 Amorule. et cor. vouchsafe to bring me to thee. Taneha. to be said in the four parts of the world.these spirits which I call by thy judge­ sponsa. et semper contemplator of thy divine works. although a sinner. miserere mei. that I by thy will may be made a sim illustrari omni sapientia.thou hast made me of nothing.may be illustrated with all wisdom. that thou vouchsafe to deliver me thy servant N. Oriston. H. convicti et humbly implore and beseech thee. clementissime Omega. nunc et hast produced me. Taneha. 1 1 9. now and ever.. Latisten. mercy upon me. operum contemplator. Escha. these and all other. Here begins excerpts from Heptameron. in me hodierno die. Adonay: 0 my pater mi celestis. from all perils of body and soul. Alpha & Leyste. after the course of this life. 0 sweetest Lord Jesus Christ. pos. I beseech thee. .appear the arm of thy power in me this chium.spirits. nor ear heard. for that paris pro tuo [ *tua] pietate. de quibus eos Interrogavero: ment may be bound and constrained to 22.bestowed on me thy servant. Leyste. contra hos spiritus perticinacis. world without end. Amorule. ] seen. for thy pity and mercy's sake. Taneha. nor has ascended into the heart of ( alth ough thy unworthy child ) simus: ut ego te volente. which eye has not Amen. the living and true God. thou cordia. Oriston. factus tuorum against these obstinate and pernicious divinorum. Aladia. Adonay. Latisten. Aladia. have catoris. veniant vocati et dent vera re. clariffica. and perfectly guided semper liberare digneris. Latisten. Escha.most merciful heavenly Father. that constricti. Amen ] . Taneha. A prayer to God. who [ + lives and reignest. et misere. sup.. and plicitur exoro te et invoco vt tuo iudicio always worship and glorify thy name. et post huius me unto thy holy faith. and hast de­ vitae cursum ad te deum vivum et fended me against the temptations of verum me perducere digneris qui [ + the Devil. Rabur. For viuis et regnas in saecula saeculorum.1 20. licet pee. Rabur. make licet Indigno filio tuo tue potentie bra. a et w. and. I hi spiritus: N quos THE BOOK OF O B ERON ut ab omnibus periculis animae. and glorificare et adorare nomen tuum. Latisten. Beralanensis. nona cohorte: ego vos Tartare an seat: Primae. and give true and perfect answers vell nos precipietur eis. non] fir. and i t was plasmatum omne seculum. and affrighting no man. in all these things which I command them. And through this ineffable name + mare retrogradatur. Aer concu [ t] itur. nee me sociosque meos vell unto us those things which by me or us aliam creaturam ledentes. by t e r r a t re m it . or Celestial Intelligencer. Being a Complete System of Occult Philosophy ( 1 80 1 ) . Baldachiensis. baldachiensis. Tetragramaton + i11i1" Iehovah in quo est through him who spoke. with tartareae sedis: p rimae hie p rincep s the Genii of Liachida. and the seat of Apologia/j ustifica­ tatesque magnanimas. per pentacculum salomonis advocati Through the pentacle of Solomon I have [ * advo cavi ] dent mihi r e s p o n s um summoned upon you I conjure you. quo audito done.any creature. which * Francis Barrett.tion. fying me or my fellows. sint obedientes. through the noble kings and pow­ p o tente s . not hurting terrentes: sed petitionibus meis in omni. . misreads "primae" (first) . Pauma- chiae et Apologie sedes per Reges potes. atque the seat of Apologia/justification. but let them be obedient to my requests. non [ nocentes to those things which I shall ask them. non laedentes. The Magus. verum. and the most powerful princes. alicui creaturae. nor hurting any other creature.and that they may declare and show mentes. I p o tently command yo u . Then he should say: Beralanensis. genio liachidae. * this prince of Invoco et Invocando vos coniuro. neither injuring nor terri­ bus que precipiam eis. PART 1: THEURGIA 51 dentque et differant nobis eaque per me come. give me a true answer. in the supernae maiestatis munitus virtute po.chia.tected by the strength of the heavenly turae : et per hoc nomen ineffabile. he should hold his hand near the pentacle and say. ac princepes pre. et cui obediunt omnes crea. et neminem shall be commanded them.ninth court: I call upon you. and to whom all creations obey: Elementa corruunt. Then standing in the middle of the circle. ministers of the sedes Apologie. ministri ers. ignis extinguiter Tetragrammaton + i1 1 i1 " Iehovah . and in call­ tenter Impero per eum qui dixit et fac. o m n e s que exe rcitus which all the world was formed. + maj e sty. and pro­ tum est. Pauma. the eternal name of the true and living fabilis. RT ( 1 655) and Francis Barrett ( 1 80 1 ) both follow the reading in Agrippa. terrestium et infernorum tre. t and fulfilling our or- sine omni ambiguitate. and phantasms beating on devices and all sorts of musical instruments. the ment.being heard the elements crumble. all the way to the is extinguished. because they are able to face the master himself. and come peacefully. visible to us. with a voice that is clear and in­ telligible to us. terrestrial. the earth trembles. and quod cupimus: Coniurati per nomen answer reasonably everything that I will eterni. 1 970) : ((Helioren. reveal­ persistentes semper usque ad fin em et ing whatever we wish. nobis intelligibili [ et] God *Heliorem. 1 1 2 ) . et affabiles: without delay. boundless visions will appear. clara voce. and it is done by the spirits in order to terrify the associates and force them to flee from the circle." However. the sea retreats." Liber Iuratus Honorii [ Stockholm: Almqvist. Opera I (Hildensheim: G. now without delay. respondeatis vos crumble : Therefore come quickly. has Heliore (with a tilde over the final e ) . visibilis nobis et af. ab universis mundi partibus ve. which could be read ((Heliorem" or ((Helioren. ME: Weiser Books. should say: . ((97th name of God. vivi et veri dei Helioren [ *Helio. After this you will see boundless archers with the boundless multitude of awful beasts. since the form ((Elyorem" occurs in LIH.and all the celestial. 200 1 ) . which compose themselves thus. ders. Being conjured by intentionem meam. they have nothing to fear. persisting always. Olms.+ t Heliorem: H. setting aside all other matters.52 THE B O O K OF O B E RON celestium. and without any ambigu­ ity. Goetia: first conjuration as seen in Peterson. and et veniatis pacifice visibiles." + This passage from H. mota.nal armies tremble. and sympathetic to my intent. are disturbed. was also used in the Lemegeton. and cunque interrogavero. JHP considers the former to be more correct ( Gosta Hedegard.ask. et rationabilliter de omnibus que. turbantur et corruunt: quatenus air shakes violently. 2002 ] . visibly and rem ] : et mandata nostra perficientes. Visiotts and apparitions With these things duly completed. verse. as if they wish to devour the associates: However. the cito et sine mora et omni occasione re. and infer­ niatis. from all parts of the uni­ [ et] nunc <et> sine mora manifestantes. 48. holding out his hand to the pentacle. The Lesser Key of Solomon: Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis: Detailing the Ceremonial Art of Commanding Spirits Both Good and Evil (York Beach. sympathetic. Then the priest or mas­ ter. [ + being con- jured. i. ] * * The last line of text is cut And through the power of the heav­ rati. 1 9 1 1 ] ) . in pencil. and through tori vestro qui vacatur Octinomos.) 23 [ + Excerpts from the Enchiridion] 24 [2 1 ] 23. shaken . dominorum vestrorum: et ent pentacle which rules potently over per personam Exorcizatoris.. This section is excerpted from the Enchiridion of Pope Leo III. by the power of these names. who with mighty ve [nite] ergo cum festinatione in virtute force has called upon you. festinati venire. ] the person of the exorcist. but has been included per H. should say: Ecce Ecce pentaculum salomonis. Then the exorcist. In the marg. History cited by Waite.enly spirits. un­ vo s exo rcizando invo cavit et vocat. in media presence: Behold the person of the exor­ exorcismi. & obedire prrecep. through the eternal names presens pentaculum quod super vos po. holding his hand near the pentacle. The Book of Ceremonial Magic [Secaucus: Citadel. hasten to come and obey your master. is a marginal note " [ Here] begins ( ? ) a new book-see bottom of 20." . Come therefore with Saraye + Aye + Saraye + ne differatis ve. And then the spirits will assemble to obey the master. (Look into the second leaf for the rest which followeth this.e. who is called Octinomos.haste. + nire per nomina eterna dei vivi et veri + Aye + Saraye + Aye + Saraye + do not Eloy + Archima + Rabur + et per hoc delay coming. cist in the middle of the exorcism. [ + coniu. is E9 in same brown ink as the anchor glyph on Folger pp. Beneath this. behold the pentacle of Solo- quod ante vestram adduxi presentiam: mon. observant. and the associates will see nothing further. Behold. who Intrepid us. qui viribus patens has been very well fortified by God. resumes after the "Little Book'' section. the virtue of the banner of God. providus. 1 9. PART 1: THEURGIA 53 fugiat hinc Iniquitas vestra virtute Cease your hostilities at once through vexilli dei. 56. The text from H. and calls you novum [ *nominum] istorum. 24. with multiple printings between 1 584 and 1 633 (Christian. qui est optima a cleo munitus. which I have brought before your Ecce personam exorcizatoris. in a different handwriting. said to have been printed first at Rome ( 1 52 3 ) . the heading "The Rest as Follows" on Folger p. + Aye + with exorcising. of your lords.of the true and living God + Eloy + Ar­ tenter Imperat: et per virtutem celestium chima + Rabur + And through this pres­ sp irituum. and 63. 24. Text is in marg. 48. 0 God of Abraham + God + deus Moysis + deus Aaron + deus helia of Isaac + God of Jacob + God of Moses + deus Noe + Iste deus mecum sit Amen + God of Aaron + God of Elijah + God Angelus Michaell angelus gabriell.of No ah + may the same God be with Ius Raphael. on vivit et regnat in eternum ut su [ u ] m behalf of me. the seraphion Isti angelei Isti arcangeli et angel Gabriel.' § a sinner. eleison imas. the angel Raphael. . these omnibus diebus vite mea [ ut] deus meus same angels. Holy Immortal. and virgins intercedatis pro me miser [ o] peccatore of God. . "have mercy" t Fides . arch­ omnes sancti [ sint] in adiutorum meum angels. . 0 you angels seraphin + intercedite p ro me e cce Michael. intercede * Eleyson: Gk. but i t was also used in the Latin liturgy. in vitam eternam Amen + Amedum + tan. martyrs. confesso res [ &] virgines dei ut female. . the little book Rogo vos omnes sanctos et san etas I ask all of you saints. . who with the Father and the tum qui cum patre + et spiritu sancto Holy Spirit lives and reigns forever. miserere nobis ["Holy God.Strong + agios + Athanatos + Elishon tori Amen + Angeli michaell + Raphael + hima [ s ] + * 0 Holy Immortal. to intercede with our Lord Jesus a [ d ] dominum nostrum Iesum Chris . Arcangelus cherubin atque me. May the angel Michael. § Hagios otheos . Raphael.Holy God + agios + Isquiro s + Holy tus immortalis miserere mihi + pecca. Amen. confessors. there are the symbols ] ] . Amen. . with Latin translation interspersed: Sanctus Deus. Amen. both male and martires. have mercy o n me: This i s the ancient Greek Trisagion prayer. Unit + Regnas: "Faith .54 THE B O O K OF OB ERON Here beginneth. hi mas. ange. Holy Strong. More properly. a wretched sinner. Agios o Theos. + Ame­ gedita + Eleyson + maton + egion + eri. have mercy on us" ] . Agios ischyros. Sanctus Immortalis. cruce [m] domini fugite [s] partes adversae the Cherubim and Seraphim. Amen. unites. and all of the <ut> omnipoten [ s ] me producat ad saints aid me all the days of my life.o rder that my all-powerful God may stos + tanstazo + berachedio + memor + lead me to eternal life. cherubim and seraphim. archangels. that I mihi dignetur concedere regnum Amen may be deemed worthy to enter his king­ deus Abraham + deus Isaac + deus Iacob dom.Christ. you reign" :j: In marg. Sanctus Fortis. Agios athanatos. have pity Urie [l] + gabriel + barachel + cherubin + on me.dum + tanstos + tanstazo + berachedio gam + fides + veloy + unit + Regnas + + memor + gedita + Eleyson* + maton sadan + hagios + otheos + sanctos deus + egion + erigam + fides + veloy + unit agios + Isquiros + sanctos fortis + agios + Regnast + sadan + "hagios + otheos + + Athanatos + Elishon hima [ s ] + sane. Gabriel. Uriel. Barachel. . ianua. holy. 0 mighty Lion. the Root of David has conquered. 0 Jesus prehende] arma et scutum.praise you: Otheos. you. Elyson. I have acknowledged my faults to feci. and from those who are after my blood. gate. Ha- Hagios delictum meum cognitum tibi gios. It is based on Apoc. and care. and I have not hidden my injustices. It is also found in the "Dismissio jesuitarum" section of Verus ]esuitarum Libellus [ " The True Petition of the Jesuits" ] . in your name save me. Christ reigns. 5:5. da mihi intel.** 0 God and fro m the Amen. . Teach me and give me lectum et ins true me te ado rare.* Sanctus. flower. Amen. Christ commands. in your name save me. Otheos in nomine tuo saluum me fac: Otheos. judge the dica me noce [ n ] tes domine leo fortis. So- ther: Emanuell. t t Psalm 54: 1 (KJV ) . just as you redeemed your servant David. lancea. Behold the Cross of the Lord! qui redemisti david servum tuum de gla.Holy. sanctus. Emanuel. which means "God is with pretatis] nobiscum deus. "draw your * Psalm 3 1 : 5 (KJV 32: 5 ) . Elyson. aprehenda [ *ap. overthrow expugna impugnantes me: Messias.ther.' take hold of arms and shield. Anthony's Brief' dates to the thirteenth century. qui inteprecator [ *inter. 0 God. et iniusticias meas non abscondi. 0 Athanatos. glorify. so rescue me from the sword of the wicked. Christ conquers. workers of iniquity.t bread. lance. Amen. and in your strength judge me. panis. guilty. Pope Pius VI had these words carved in the Pagan obelisk in St. � The short exorcistic poem ecce cruce . alleluia! � Deliver me from Christus ab omni malo me defendat my enemies . .tt Just as you save kings. mens. alleluia [ "Behold the Cross of the Lord! Flee ye adversaries! The Lion of the Tribe of Juda. PART 1: TH EURG I A 55 tua Iudica me + qui das salutem regibus for me. flos. lux. . laus. has + Christus regnat + Christus Imperat + conquered. alleluia! " ] . the Root of David.those who are attacking me: Messiah. mind. petra. 0 Lord. et exurge in adiutorum mihi. light. sanctus. known as ''St. and rise up to help me.Flee ye adversaries! The Lion from the dio maligno eripe me + Christus vincit Tribe of Judah. iu. et magnificare: Otheos. gemstone. t Compare Psalm 34:2 (KJV 35: 1 ) . Iesu salva me save me. lapis rock.the understanding to honour. ** Psalm 142:9 (KJV 1 43:9 ) . Peter's Square in 1 586. may Christ defend me from all evil. holy. So. glorifi. :f: Compare Psalm 34:3 ( KJV 35:3 ) . 0 Christ to my et veni. 0 Jesus.God + master of all + merciful + most mis + salvator meus Iibera me famulum high + save me.enemies." Flecte pias from those who rise up against me. and block the way of et conclude adversus eos qui me perse. angustias et miser [i] as. Saviour. ne tradideris me in deliver me not over to the hands of my manibus inimicos meos.* tuum J B per hec tua nomina sancta through these holy names of yo urs. in order that the spirit of for- potenter extinguat. and of the Holy regnas in secula seculorum. and you reign unto the ages. quas pro peccatis witness my anguish and misery. Sabaoth." ELP reads "N . et good works. et ad omne opus nication is forcefully extinguished from bonum perceneratur [ *perseveranter] me. Amen. ut spiritus fornicationis in me your grace. Ghost.' Iesu salvator. "deliver me from my me de inimicis me is. * For "J. vidi [ *vide ] afflictions and false accusations." + 0 Jesus our cuuntur. and enflame me to be steadfast in all accendat per virtu tern patris. and come and free me from my calumniantibus me. sabaoth." § auras [ *aures] Christe ad praeces meas. et Iibera me ex affligentibus." . "effunde frameam esquiros. die animae meae.+ of man + Tetragrammaton + Jesus + natur + omnium + misericors + altissi. B. and defend me surgentibus in me Iibera me. + Agla + pentagrammaton + o n + + Agla + pentagrammaton + on + Athanatos + anasacron + on + p en. and of the Son. Turn yo ur holy ears. and munda m e : accelera et asp erge me cleanse me from my sins.tion. J. You are eternal. "eripe enemies.those who persecute me. sword. Iesu. world without end. et prayers.' 0 true Panton Pantastron Creator.Athanato s + anasacron + on + pen- tateon + fama + crux + agratan + grex + tateon + fame + cross + agratan + the lux + telasustus + hominis + tomon + flock + the light + telasustus + the book Tetragrammaton + Iesus + deus + domi. T H E B O O K OF OB ERON Athanatos. B. God 0 my God. et a peccato meo rightly suffer because of my sins. which I meis digne patior. through the virtue of the spiritus sancti qui es eternus. tastron creatori. Amen. say to my soul "I am your salva- salus tua ego sum: verus panton pan. free me your slave. Ischiros. [ et] filii. Hasten and hissopo stilantis [ *stillantis ] gratiae tua sprinkle me with droplets of hyssop of [ *tuae ] . et sine fine Father. deus deus et ab in.. § Psalm 58:2 ( KJV 59: 1 ) . and close that Athanatos die animae [ meae ] salus tua of those who attack me. "of hosts. PART 1: THEURG IA 57 qui [ a] ego indignus seruus tuus sum. that I may not be held fast.t 0 Jesus Christ. do [ *putredinis ] super me os suum sed os not let the putrid well of their mouth meum redemptio me aperi et conclude open wide against me. This motto is frequently seen on rings. :j: Compare Psalm 34:3 (KJV 35:3 ) .swallow me. God Sabaoth. son Christi fili [ D ] ei vivi + miserere mei of the living God + have mercy on me. te because I am your unworthy servant. let not the tatio mea ne aperiat puteus putridicnis raging fires burn me. let not the deep sea athanatos ne me ardeat furor ignis + exal. 0 cross Christi protege me + crux Christi ab of Christ protect me + 0 cross of Christ omni malo me defende + Iudica domine defend me from all evil. t Luke 4:30." + + 0 dideris me in manibus Inimicorum meo. saviour of the * Sabaoth: Gk. 0 Jesus. and fight mihi + deus messia [s] + sabaoth + sother against me. and all your rum [ *tuorum] + Iesus ante [ *autem] saints. who are reminiscere miseratione tuas et libera everywhere. Holy profunda Aquarum + o salus nostra ne God. Amen. deliver me. absorbeat me profundum maris + o + 0 Our Salvation. "I am your salvation. Draw me out of the [ *infigar] + deus sanctus lib era me de mire. + 0 Exaltation. deliver me out of the deep waters. recollect your mercy. I vocans sed tu domine qui ubiqui es. but you 0 my soul. o Iesu salvator seculi salva me baoth. deliver me from those who rise + panis uiuus + flos Incommu [n] tabilis up against me. + Judge them nocentes me + deus fortis expugnantes that wrong me + 0 God.into the hands of my enemies. Amen. + God + Messias + Sabaoth + Emanuell + apprehenda arma et scu. + Crux Christi salua me + crux + 0 cross of Christ save me. and me [ ab ] Insidiis Inimicos meos.t but open my adversus eos qui me p ersecuntur + mouth. and through the sancte crucis et omni sanctorum suo . call upon me from the snares of my enemies. + Athanatos." t Compare Psalm 68: 1 5. + 0 Athanatos.+ Sother + Emanuel + Take up arms and tum deus sabaoth dominus n [ ost] re Iesus shields.Tetragrammaton + do not deliver me rum + o sabaoth eripe me ab insurgenti. coins. and amulets. visibi. say ego sum + o tetragrammaton + ne tra. lum et Invisibilum et per hanc virtutem visible and invisible. . 0 my redemption.virtue of this holy cross. * our Lord Jesus Christus eripe me de luto et non infingat Christ . + 0 Sa- bus in me.1 5 ) .1 6 (KJV 69: 1 4. + But Jesus passing through their transiens per medium illorum ibat Iesu midst went his way. Gebam. B. p at r i archarum of Saint Catherine of Mount Sinai be prophetarum apostolorum evangelisti. and of the Holy othon. hagios invisibilis dominus per tuum 0 Hagios. and Holy benedictio omnium sanctorum angelo .Ghost be upon me.God. and when * Clamanti ["to/with the proclaiming" ] : Reading <<clamantis. and Lord of deus pater et in alio non habeo spem nisi Lords . suth. rex regum et dominus dominantium so as you are king of kings. et quando dixit dominus fiat lux Ghost.saints. visible and gebam. and popes be upon me. patriarchs. ELP reads dementi ["to/with the merciful" ] . + May the blessing montis <montis> sinay sit sup er me + of the holy Trinity. which doesn't seem to fit any better. and I have no in te deus deus [ *meus ] quia<m> celes. I beg et libera me J b de inimicis meis visibilis you to have mercy on me. Amen. 0 Lord. obsecro te adiuua me de your name Oston. a sinner peccatori + Tetragrammaton sicut tu es who cried out* to you. invisible Lord. martyrs. virgins. please be merciful to me et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen pri. super me + benedictio super [ *spiritus ] May the blessing of our Lord Jesus sancti sit super me + benedictio sancti Christ with his holy apostles be upon trinitatis. in nomine patris + invisible. evangelists. The first name of God is tertium nomen est lophias + in nomine On. and of the Son. God the father. except in you my tia simull et terrena gubernas et moder. rum. Father. because you govern and guide the aris te deprecor miserere mihi peccatori heavens and earth simultaneously.' which fits better. . apostles. I entreat you to help morte sucurrere mihi ad te clamanti [ s ] me from death. Son. Amen.up on me. + Bread of Life + Un­ sancte mariae virginis cum fillio tuo sit changing Flower + Virtue and Gate of super me benedictio domini nostri Iesu Paradise + may the blessing of the holy Christi cum suis sanctis Apostolis sit Virgin Mary with her Son be upon me. and to assist me. sutam. Suth. angels. Tetragrammaton. + May the blessing of all carum martirum virginium monacho .hope in any thing. through nomen oston. a T H E BOOK OF O BERON + virtus et Ianua paradisi + benedictio world. archangels. patris et filii et spiritusancti sit me. pontificum sit super me Amen. save me. and et Invisibilis do mine sis miserator mihi free me J. + May the blessing of the Holy super me + benedictio sancte Catherine Ghost be upon me. prophets. Sutam. monks. in the name of the mum nomen dei est on secundum est Father. + May the blessing rum arcangel o r u m . from my enemies. the second is Otho n. PART 1: TH EURGIA 59 domini et individue trinitatis + antaci­ the Lord said. also compare 1 623 Sicilian charms in Gaetano Millunzi and Salvatore Salomone-Marino. also compare Arthur Edward Waite. 27. that you may not meum effundatis donee tertegit [ *ter te.. + In due trinitatis Amen . The Book of Ceremonial Magic (Secaucus: Citadel. and inseparable Trinity + [ *Adonay] Amen Antaciton + Iturrensis Grin Ado nay. Compare ELP p. all types of cultellos bipennis. Amen.harm me J. save me T h e de s . ''Un Processo di Stregoneria nel 1 623 in Sicilia" Archivio Storico Siciliano 25 ( 1 900) : 268 and 3 56. Amen. 92. nor spill my blood. 0 Lord. and the Son. spikes. all types of weapons and trem et filium et spiritum sanctum ut metals. and at 25. and Ei. B. 44 and figure 1 . 26. + co niuro vo s the name of the holy and indivisible o m n i [ a ] genera Ar m o r um gladi o s Trinity. + In the name th e d e s et ei et dot h e o s Ado n e y of the Lord. non ledatis me J b neque sanguinem and the Holy Ghost. and of the sancti Amen. genera armorum et mettellorum per pa. "let there be light" [it was ] . lanceas clavos omnia weapons-swords. and of the Holy Ghost."] 26 [ + Conjuration of all types of weapons] 27 In nomine patris et filii et spiritu. In the name of the Father. and D o theo s *Ado nay. 92. . battle-axes.. I conjure you. Compare ELP p. eds. Unless tigerit] ex praeceptis me is que ceedunt I have touched them three times.lances. through the Father. Tau cross from ELP. In nomine sancte et indivi. ton + Iturrensis grin Adonay salua me the third name is Lophias. Amen. knives.Son. 25 Per sign um do mine ta u libera me [ ''Deliver me. 1 9 1 1 ) . by the sign + Tau. B . by the iron gridiron datis + Iterum coniuro vos omnia gen. . sanguis e t aqua u t m e J B n o n ledatis nor spill my blood. per equuleum ferreum quo blood. B. that Iterum coniuro vos omnia genera ar. that you not harm me tus fuit et adductus ante Iudica ut me J b J.types of weapons. + Again I gladium quo sanct [us ] paulus fuit de. p e r. B . + Again I conjure neque sanguinem meum effundatis + you by the pillar which our Lord Jesus Iterum coniuro vas per Columnam in Christ was tied to. by the sword with which Saint sanguinem meum effundatis + Iterum Paul was beheaded. and * John 1 9:35. nor spill my morum. and blood and water Iesu Christi perforauit exiuire [ *exiere] emerged. p r o s p e r a [ ad ] [ 2 2 ] Alio r u m . nor Iesu Christi transfiexerunt ut me J b non spill my blood. . + Again I eon­ non ledatis neque sanguinem meum ef.but in the hands of [22} others they melt venerunt. . that you not harm coniuro vos omnia genera armorum per me J. nor spill my blood. by the iron shackles with capitatus ut me J b non ledatis neque which the blessed Agnes was bound and sanguinem meum effundatis + Iterum to rtured for two years .jure you by the three nails. nor spill my blood.* that you not harm me J.on which Saint Lawrence was roasted. they will succeed in strik­ manus meas omnia genera arm arum ing or cutting while they are in my hand.conjure not harm me J. which pierced fundatis + Iterum coniuro vos per tres the hands and feet of our Lord Jesus clavos qui manus et pedes domini nostri Christ. tunc sicut sera liquescant + like wax. + Again I conjure all you types Iterum coniuro vos omnia genera ar. by the iron spear which morum per ferream lanceam qua lon . + Again I conjure all you types of Assatus fuit ut me J B non ledatis neque weapons. nor spill my lam ] ferream in qua sanctus lawrentius blood. + Again I ligata fuit beata agnes duobus annis et conj ure all yo u typ es of weap o n s . cum e o cruciavit + ut m e non ledatis through the iron torture-rack o n which neque sanguinem meum effundatis + the blessed Agatha was suspended.6o THE B O O K O F O B ERON scindunt dum sunt in manu mea... era armorum per carticcula [ *craticu.of weap ons.Longinus used to pierce the side of our guis [ *Longinus ] latus domini nostri Lord Jesus Christ..before the judges. arrows and battle-axes.. nor spill my blood. B. sic ad my command. that you not harm me J. that you not coniuro vos per ferreu [ m ] ligamen quo harm me. + Again I conjure all you swor-ds beata Agatha suspensa fuit ut me J b non and knives.that you not harm me J. B. after being brought qua dominus nostre Iesus Christus liga. B. + Again I conjure all you ledatis neque sanguinem meum effun. Cecchetelli's Crossed Keys. eds.** and by all teachers. and mitas et per omnes virgines et viduas et through the o ath o f our Lord Jesus omnes santos et sanctas dei et per Iura. Again I dei Tetragrammaton + lot + ser + neot + conjure you by all the joys and sorrows nain + he + Iterum coniuro vos per of blessed Mary.names of God. clergy. + Qui omne: Reading qui regit as in Millunzi. and through the sacred mina sancta dei et manifesta. column 2. Millunzi. as nomen Dei + et manicolum in quo Isac [sic ] vincit duobus [sic] regis [ ((name of God + and manicles by which Isaac conquered the two kings" ] . Archivo Storico Siciliano 25 ( 1 900) : 269 and 356: qui amat [ "who loves" ] .� by which Joshua conquered vos per sanctum nomen dei + si mando. *glorie". perpetual virgin + and I omnia gaudia ac dolores beata Marie conjure you by all apostles. and everything that is et per sanctum nomine dei qui omne in them. and by the twenty-four seniors/ omnes apostoles evangelistas. p. � nomen dei + si mandolum in quo Josue vicit duodecem reges: included in Millunzi. motus glorie [ "and they are calculated. and by all virgins and doctores confesso res manachos et her. and through these true and most mentum domini nostri Iesu Christi et sacred words.. 140 reads "seventy-two.widows. martires et elders. as in the oration that follows. ** Vigintiquattuor seniores [ "twenty-four elders" ] : See Revelations 4:4. and ELP p. p. whereby he governs+ coniuro vos per septuaginta nomina dei heaven and earth. through all the datis + Iterum coniuro vos omnes gla. Dumas's Grimoires. Again I conjure you by lum in quo Iosue vicit duodecem reges + the holy name of God Tetragrammaton Iterum coniuro vos per sanctum nomen + Lot + Ser + Neot + Nain + He. p.Christ.the twelve kings. evangelists. Archivo Storico Siciliano 25 ( 1 900 ) : 269 and 356. 1 40: ((who governs. Archivo Storico Siciliano 25 ( 1 900 ) : 356. with which nobody has the t So also Millunzi and Salomone-Marino. . and ELP p. per viginti 4 or seniores et per omnes monks. and which is internal [ *eternal] . glorious movements" ] .§ And I conjure eis sunt quid est interna [ *eterna ] vel you through the holy name of God + Si huiusmodi gloria [ *glorie] + et coniuro mandolum. Cecchetelli's Crossed Keys p. 94." Dumas's Grimoires et rituels magiques reads "soixante" (sixty) ." § Millunzi. hermits. The passage is not found in D umas. 67. 94 read <<*eterne . [ *regit] celum et terram et omnia qua in or of this kind of glory.holy and revealed names of God. PART 1: THEURGIA 61 ledatis neque sanguinem meum effun. Archivo Storico Siciliano 25 ( 1 900) : 358.. + Iterum name of God.all types of weapons. 67: qui aime [ ((who loves" ] . "Un Processo di Stregoneria nel 1 623 in Sicilia" Archivio Storico Siciliano 25 ( 1 900) : 253-379. ELP p.. 94: qui imat [ "which but yet?" ] . + dios et culltellos. sagittas et bypennes et Again I conjure you through the seventyt omnia genera armorum per omnia no. Millunzi. Archivo Storico Siciliano 25 ( 1 900 ) : 358 reads: et sunt calcolus. Perhaps an error for seventy-two. and by all the saints of God. semper virginis + et coniuro vos per martyrs. through the seal of the cross. 96: "Hely + Heloy + Het + Clavis + Egon + Eth + Hue + Proh. + nostris libera nos deus noster salue + Behold the precious cross. and telis et sagittas et ab omnibus generibus from all darts and arrows. feros. Grimoires. only begotten Son. alleluia! Deliver us 0 our God." Dumas. Proth. from all eo rum vulneribus et ab omnibus gladiis knives + from their wounding. 68: "heli. + eros + homo. hue." Millunzi. and from + et ab omnibus lanceis et ab omnibus all swords + and from all lances. heloy. + benedic + me + sanctifica me + per sig. and from all armorum pretege me J b + salva [ me ] types of weapons.+ Amen. who came from the Father. + Feros + [ me ] . protect m e . + lotos + homo. cetcras. Archivo Storico Siciliano 2 5 ( 1 900): 358: "agras + tue + proh + R/ + ceratus + A.hension + and spirits of council and tudinis + spiritus scientia + pietatis + strength + 0 spirits of knowledge + of spiritus tim oris domini protege et de." Millunzi. vulnera omni [ urn] ar. t ELP p. fende me J b ab omnibus culltellus + ab p rotect and defend me. + quinque vulnere fillii dei custodiant me The five wounds of the Son of God + hely + heloy + het + clavis + gon + eth guard me + Hely + Heloy + Het + Clavis + hue + proth + + + ceratus ++ feros + + gon + Eth + Hue + proth + + + Cera­ homo + Rex glorie venit in pace + ver." Millunzi ." :j: John 1 : 1 4.* Behold the Cross of the Lord! Flee ibo + ecce crucem domini fugite per te ye adversaries ! The Lion from the Tribe adversa vincit leo de tribu Iuda Radex of Judah.piety + 0 spirits of the fear of the Lord. + I therefore nerandi atque sanguinem effundendi + passing through their midst. the glory of the veritatis Amen. * Paraphrase of Luke 4:30. B. will go my ego enim transiens per medium illorum way. bless + me + sanctify me + nacullum crucis. . . + The Word was videmus gloriam dei [ *eius gloriam] [ made] flesh. B . het. as mentioned above. eth.wound or blood to flow.62 THE B O O K OF O B ERON per illa vera et sacratissima verba quibus p ower required to strike and cause a potestatem nemo habet ledendum vul. well represented on charms and coins. hegon. come in peace. J. B. homo. avert the morum anecte [ * auerte ] a me J b + wounds of all weapons from me J. p.tus ++ Feros + Homot + 0 King of bum caro est et habitauit in nobis et Glory. + Jotos + homo. davis. crux presiosa suspice me per eum qui through him who was hanged upon you pependit in te + spiritus sapientie + et + 0 spirits of wisdom + and compre­ intellectus + et spiritus consilii et forti. full of grace and truth. J . Archivo Storico Siciliano 2 5 ( 1 900) : 270: «Egon + Heu + Proh + R/ + Ceratas + A. We quasi unigeniti a patre plenum gratie et have seen [ his glory] . hold me up. the Root of David has con­ David + per signum crucis de Inimicos quered. Archivo Storico Siciliano 25 ( 1 900): 3 57: "Egon + Heu + Proh + RJ + ceratas + A. + Rx + Ceratas + A. and dwelled among us. patris et filii et spiritus undivided Unity.Holy Ghost.weapons. nails. 268-269. coniuro vos omnia genera ar. especially for strength 2 8 In nomine sancte trinitatis et Indevi. nor draw fundatis. I conjure you all types of morum per patrem et filium et spiritu. short lanceas ences cultellos sagittas claves swords. 1 07.iron lance which Longinus used to pierce foravit et exiuit sanguis et aqua et per the side of the Lord and draw blood and ista sanctissima nomina + loth + hee + water. Father and Son and sancti coniuro vos omnia genera blood. t No dot over the "i. and by the cum quo long [ in ] us latus domini per. and by this most holy name: + van + hee + ut me famulum tuum J b loth + Hee + *Vau + Hee + that you will non ledatis neque sanguinem meum ef. by the Father and Son and sanctum coniuro vos bacculos gladios Holy Ghost. knives. ar­ funes et omnia alia genera armorum per rows. Seventh Semiphoras.. This prayer can be found on ELP p. in Peterson. In the name of the holy Trinity and due Unitatis.not strike me. B." 28. and all other types of septuaginta duo nomina et per eius vir. ropes. through these most nomina dei + hel + ya + hye + eado + holy names of God: * Hel + Ya + Hye + Ebore + Eloym + Agla + Agiel + Azez + Eado + Ebore + Eloym + Agla + Agiel + sadon + esul + helox + holoyx + delis + Azez + Sadon + Esul + Helox + Holoyx yevi + yacerdel + yosi + helym + rasael + + Delis + Yevi + Yacerdel + Yosi + Helym paliel + manuel + oneha + dilaton + + Rasael + Paliel + Manuel + oneha + axday + alma + panix + Alim catinal + dilaton + axday + alma + panix + Alim utanzaraf + zalphi + eala + ealsali + Catinal + Utanzaraf + Zalphi + Eala + saffna + hictimi + sed + dar + agla + Ealsali + Saffna + Hictimi + Sed + Dar + aglaia + pamiel + paninon + oniel + on Agla + Aglaia + Pamiel + Paninon + + homon + eteoi + lestram + panteon + O niel + O n + H o m a n + Ete oit + bamboy + ya + Emanuell + yoth + Intasi Lestram + Panteon + Bamboy + Ya + + om + via + caliphlon + ysrael + mel + Emanuell + Yoth + Intasi + Om + Via + * Compare Liber Sepher Razielis. I conjure you clubs. PART 1: TH EURGIA Precious. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. long swords. lances.weapons . I conjure all types of weapons mosi supradictorum per ista sanctissima mentioned above. your slave J. . by the seventy-two names and tutes et potentias et per ferream lanceam by their strength and power. Saffua. Helim. a name of Christ. Yeni.Lord has exalted me: I shall not die. By the grace of God. Emmanuel. non traddit me" Amen benedicamus In chastising me. Compare ELP pp. Azoz. so we have followed the reading from Dumas. B. and a pregnant woman who ties it over her stomach will be free of pain. Sazaron. Pyel. Caliph. Agiel. Oniel. Calsali. Catinal. 30. me. Grimoires. THE BOOK OF OB ERON eyel + piel + patriteron + safaron + le. ELP p. the Lord has punished domino cleo gratias. Zaphi. Yac. saying: "Whoever wears these names on himself cannot be harmed by their mortal enemies. Del. . Esul." Prayers 29 against all worldly dangers The apostle Saint Thomas and Leonard 30 wrote to Charles. Dilaron. 29. Cados. ]ulaf. and proclaim the works of the Lord. Rosael. Sasael. Ya. Agla. facer. May we bless the Lord. Helox. Sed. 1 08-9: hei + ya + hye + yae + va + adonay + cados + oborel + eloym + agla + agiel + azel + sadon + esul + heloy + heloyn + delis + + yeuy + yacer + del + yosi + helim + rasuel + rasael + palile + mammiel + oncha + dilaton + xaday + alma + pavix + alim + cutival + utauzaraf + zap hi + cala + carsaly + faffua + hictimi + sed + der + agla + aglaia + pamiel & pannion + oniel + on + homon + oreon + lestram + panteon + bamboy + ya + emanuel + yoth + lulaf + on + via + caliph + Ion + ysrael + miel + eye! + pyeel + patriteron + fafaron + leuyon + yael. Va. Oreon. king of France. Lestram. t Psalm 1 1 7:15-1 8 (KJV 1 1 8:15-1 8). Miel. and it is said that whoever sees. " The right hand of the Lord has dextera domini exaltauit me non moriar created strength. On. speaks. Via. This text is not clear in Folger. Crush not my ex eo "dextera domini fecit virtutem bones. Haye. and if any sick person wears it around their neck. Israel. nor will he be able to harm them. And note. or carries it. Voth. Yael. Leo. Pamiel. Hamon. your slave J. 1 09-1 1 0.. Veni." t Amen. Heloi. Davix. Ya. Agla. Zaday. Heloina. Dar. The right hand of the sed vivam et narabo opera domini caste. Yosi. Adonai. Alma. + There is a note pencilled in marg. Panuion. they will enjoy health. 69. Bambry. Oin. Azim. Vransara Pi.Caliphlon + Ysrael + Mel + Eyel + Piel + nion + yael + ut me famulum tuum J b Patriteron + Safaron + Lenion + Yael + * no [ n ] ledo [ *ledatis ] neque sanguinem that you not strike me. Sadon. Patriteron. Oucha. 69: Hel. next to this paragraph reading: "this left out. Mammier. Paliel. Ela. Lulapti. Heloix et Delis. Ebrore. will not die an evil death that day. Hictimi. meum effundatis os non comminuetis not draw my blo o d . Calfasi. Eye!. this writing contains a name Agla. Len ion. Eye!. Pantheon. but did not hand me over to death. Aglaja.+ * Dumas's Grimoires p. but gans castigavit me dominus et morte live. " + Eleison: Gk. t Athanatos: Gk. + unus deus + sabaoth + Adonay + co." .and The Trinity and undivided Unity + teraton + yson + son + Ion + con + son One God + Sabaoth + Ado nay + cotera- + osiam + solus + vita + via + veritas sa. In the name of the Father + and of tusancti + Amen surge causa ad iuvan. Arise for our cause. ''have mercy. Wisdom + I am + who I am + + leo + vermis + sol + Agla + Imago + who is + Lamb* + The Egg + The Calf + panis + vita + flos + mons + Ianua + The Worm + Aries + Leo + The Ram + fons + petra + lapis + angelus + pastor + The Sun + Agla + The Image + The propheta + sacerdos + sanctus + Imor. "mighty. and help us.ton + yson + son + Ion + con + son + pientia + ego sum + qui sum qui est + osiam + only + Life + The Way + The agnus + ouis + vitulus + serpens + Aries Truth. "immortal.the Son + and of the Holy Ghost + dum nos et trinitas atque indiuisa unitas Amen.+ The Tenth Seloy + The Eleventh Hely ria + lux + mundus + Angularis + sane.+ The Twelfth Legon + Athanatost + tus + et Imortali + Iesus + pater + filius Heloy satus + Ecanto + Himas + Elei- + omnipotens + spiritusanctus + mi. PART 1: THEURGIA In nomine patris + et fillii + et spiri." § Ischiros: Gk.son + + Saviour + The Alpha and Omega sericors + candor + eternum creator + + First Born + The First + The Paraclete redemptor + magni consilii + Angelus + ( ''Advocate" ) + The Mediator + The trinus + et unus deus + dominancium + Word + Ischiros§ + Glory + Light + The deus deorum + deus Ineffabilis + deus World + The Corner + Holy + and Im- Incomprehensibilis + Iudex Iustus + mortal + Jesus + Father + Son + Al- mighty + Holy Ghost + Merciful + Whiteness + eternally The Creator + * LIH has a shortened version of this.Bread + The Life + The Flower + The talia rex m a i o r + p r imus s u m + Mountain + The Gate + The Fountain + secundu [ s] leo + tertius flos + quartus The Rock + The Stone + The Angel + obise + quintus terre + sextus premax + The Shepherd + The Prophet + The septimus sagal + octauus bethelen + Priest + Holy Immortal Great King + nonus Tetragrammaton + desimus seloy The First I am + The Second Lion + The + undecimus hely + duodecimus legon Third Flower + The Fourth The Bolt + + athanatos + heloy satus + ecanto + The Fifth The Earth + The Sixth Premax himas + Eleison + salvator + a + et w + + The Seventh Sagal + The Eighth primogenitus + principium + paracletus Bethelen + The Ninth Tetragrammaton + mediator + verbum + ysquiros + glo. Middeleeuwse witte en zwarte magie in het Nederlands taalgebied: gecommentarieerd compendium van incantamenta tot einde 1 6de eeuw (Gent: Koniklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal. Halt. God of the Apostles.en Letterkunde. who is gentle and non vult mortem peccatoris nee delecta. I pray sime domine deus per tuu [ *tua] [ ? ? ] 0 most holy Lord God. 0 3 1 . ELP p. C. P. God of the clergy. Gedebilone S. have mercy on us. Prayer against arrows 3 1 Coniuro te sagittam per charitatem I conjure you." meaning unknown. 302. audeas me et custodias me ab omni and guard me from all evil. by charity. deus Iacob. Compare Willy Louis Braekman. E. deum nostrum Jesum Christum qui pius before our Lord God Jesus Christ. I beg you to hear me. God fess orum deus virginum deus omni of the martyrs.most holy names. 1 1 2 reads Catharactorum. 0 arrow. aboli ut eruas me hie et in futurum deus that might threaten me now or in the fu­ Abraham.t and all the saints and intercedant pro me J b ad dominum elect of God. from all dan­ malo ab omni periculo et adversitate di. God of sancti et sancte dei et Electe [ *electi] dei the Hatharats ( ? ) . 0 God of Abraham. * ELP reads "Gedebelone S. and from the adversity of the devil. B. God of Isaac. who is et clemens qui mitis et humilis corde qui kind and merciful. et semper in praelio in mari vel in And always have mercy on us in bat- aqua gedebilone S C q. by the heavens terram et stellas et planetas o sagitta sta and earth and stars and planets. God of apostolorum deus martirum deus con. through your sanctissima nomina deprecor te ut ex. 1 1 6. 0 king of the nobis ille luya [ *alleluya] precor sanctis. deus ture. God of sanctorum.66 T H E B O O K OF OB ERON Redeemer + Great Advisor + Angel + Threefold + and One God + being Mas­ ter + God of Gods + God ineffable + God incomprehensible + Just Judge +. D umas's Grimoires reads Cataractes [ "waterfalls" ] . who intervene for me J. Angelo rum deus Archangelorum deus God of Jacob. ELP p. Halt. God of all the saints. 0 arrow. alleluyah. Q. [ 2 3 ] In bello rex Iudiorum miserere p.* and going [23] to war. q. 1 997).the archangels. t Hatharatorum: Perhaps patriarchorum [ "of the patriarchs" ] best fits the context. by sea or water. deus hatharatorum et omnes the virgins.humble of heart. et semper itur tle. et per flagellacionem dominum nostri and by the whipping of our Lord Jesus Iesu Christi o sagitta sta per celum et Christ. nor delights in the de­ struction of sinners. deus Isaac. who doesn't wish the tur in perdicione peccatorum Amen death of a sinner. Amen.Jews. . God of the angels.ger. p. 0 arrow. in carnem meam. by the living deum sanctum et per ilium deum qui ex God. sancte marie virginis et per caput sancti by the virtue of the holy Virgin Mary.2 . 0 arrow. and by the virginity of the mariae o sagitta sta per sanctissima trin­ body of our Lord Jesus Christ. + 1 + q + g 2. 2. and by per trimendum die Iuditii et per virgini­ the worlds which are within the heavens tatem cor p o ris domini no stri Iesu and earth. a + et w + Emanuell + non intret gladius servant of God. may you not harm me. o sagitta sta o sagitta per virtutem prophet Elij ah. 2. Pax domini n o stri Iesu Christi The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ mecum sit cum potestate heliae proph. and by tires et confessores virgines et vidas dei the four evangelists. Halt.tist. If you are uncertain about the words written above. 0 arrow. J. Halt. by the ineffable memory lum dei J B . 0 arrow. + 1 + q + g . and by itate Amen. et angelos et arcangelos dei o sagitta sta confessors. by the holy God. and by the terrible Day of Christi et corporis gloriosissima virginis Judgment. PART 1: TH EURG IA p er sepulcrum dominum nostri Jesu arrow. widows. m . a of Jesus Christ. and by the martyrs. Halt. sit natus [ * nutus ] 1 . by the true God.nunciation of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 . by the most Holy Trinity. and by the twelve apostles. 2. Amen. ria Iesu Christi ut non noceas mihi famu. virgins.2.2 .be with me. Halt. and per deum vivum per deum verum et per archangels. you can attach them to the neck of some animal. nihil [ o ] cuncta creavit o sagitta sta per by that God who created [ all things ] annunciacionem domini nostri Iesu from nothing. by the tomb of our Lord Jesus Christi o sagitta sta per resurrectionem Christ. with the p ower of the ete. Alpha + and Omega + Emanuell + . 0 celum et terram et stellas et planetas celi arrow. . and then bring them to a place where you can test it. m . by the heavens and earth. by the an­ Christi o saggita sta per ineffabile memo. 0 arrow. by the et universa que in celo et in terra sunt et stars and planets in the heavens. 0 arrow. Halt. B. the glorious body of the Virgin Mary.Halt. Halt. Iohannis baptista et per duodecem apos. and you will see that they will not be harmed. by the resurrec­ dominum Jesu Christi o sagitta sta per tion of our Lord Jesus Christ.and by the head of Saint John the Bap­ tolos et per 4 or evangelistes et per mar.2 . 0 arrow. angels. so they won't harm me. nor en­ chanted weapons. you can attach these prayers to the neck of a cock. +++ And if you are sceptical. by the lance [ ? ?? ] .Halt. J. it is num nostrum Iesum Christum ut non deflected by Jesus my governor. Amen. but will be safe at all times and in all places. Amen. 0 arrow.68 THE B O O K OF O B ERON per Iesum gubernatorem meum domi. and arise to help rum meum [ *mihi. * Compare Psalm 34: 1-2 ( KJV 35: 1-2 ) . that the swo rd has no tuum J b Amen. over- imp ugnantes me.. nor poisons. visible and in- famulo tuo J b Amen visible. B . Take scutum et surge [ *exsurge ] in adiuto. our Lord habeat gladius potestatem in famulum Jesus Christ.up arms and shield. ab omnium periculum mortis corporis et B. * Something seems to be missing here. Barnasa + leuitas + bucella + buella + Barnasa + leuitas + bucella + buella agla + agla + tetragrammaton + Adonay + agla + agla + Tetragrammaton + + domine deus magne et mirabilis. or any of their weapons. I I power over your servant. B. Iudica deus nocentes me expugna Judge those who harm me. . your ser- vant J. help me your unworthy servant J.May the sword not enter my flesh. nor being harmed by unclean spirits. J. Amen. nor being harmed by their swords. + Tate + Aiti + Aitaeti + ait�ti + custodiat me famulum tuum + Protect me your servant + from all evil ab omni malo et periculo mortis Amen and mortal danger. may fear no enemies. and will b reak the sagitta sta per lanceam et omnia arma sword of all those who fight against me. Amen. nor the snares of the devil. anima Adonay + 0 Lord God. + Christus regnat + Christus imperat + Christ rules + Christ commands + + Christus + fregit in me sit et franget Christ + caused this swo rd to b reak gladium istum qui contra me pugnat + o when it struck me. from all mortal danger of body and . great and won­ [ *adiuva] famulum tuum J b indignum derful.* and assist me. omnium inimicorum meorum visibi. and you will see that no weapon will be able to harm it. Whoever carries the previous prayer. aprehenda arma et throw those who fight against me.* and all lum et invisib ilum non noceat mihi weapons of my enemies. ] et in auxilium mei me. B. a servant of famulum dei J b + amen + tate + aiti + God. arrows. Christ. martires.* [ *ut? ] diligat me + Amen + * Compare Millunzi. 0 arrow. I com­ praecipio vobis per merita sanctorum mand you by the merits of all the saints omnium ut non habeatis potestatem that you have no power to pierce my sturdendi [ *scindendi] ca [r] nem meam flesh. This is dei J b hoc enim est corpus meum + et my body + and he loves me + Amen. rum mearum visibilum et invisibilum + visible and invisible. 0 arrow. by the crown of mini nostri Iesu Christi [ +] o sagitta sta thorns worn on the head of our Lord p e r coronam spine am qua p o rtata Jesus Christ. in quocumque nomine Deus: + Evau " + Eloi + Eli + Ada + Adonai + Corpus Christi + Logi + Sabaoth + Lamina + Crux +" Coniuro vos omnia arma cum qui. caput sancti Iohannis baptista [ e ] . by the apostolos. + Halt. by the capture and whipping of o ur Lord Jesus Christ" ] . 1 2 1 adds: 0 sagitta sta per captionem. 0 arrow. and in my de­ domini nostri Iesu Christi sit in memo. and from all traps of my enemies. et viduas per angelos et arcangelos + o by the annunciation of our Lord Jesus sagitta sta p er annunciacio [ n ] em do. benedictio domini nostri Iesu Christi sit + Halt. + There are ten decem sunt nomina quibus apellatur names whereby God is known every­ deus in quocunque + nomen deus + where + the name Deus ( God) + [ Evau] [Euau + ] <crux + > Elu + Eloy + Ela + + Elu + Eloy + Ela + Ado nay + Corpus adanay [ *Adonay] + corpus Christus Christi (the Body of Christ) + Sabaoth + cogi + sabaoth + nania [ *nomina] + Nania + Crux (the Cross) +. I conjure all of you weapons which bus occi [ si] sunt omnes sancti martyres have killed all the holy martyrs. by the virtue of the Vir­ semper mecum + o sagitta sta per virtu. and widows. nor strike your nee sanguinem meum spergendi [ *spar. B.. These are of crux [ + ] hec prosunt familo [ *famulo ] benefit to the servant of God. 0 arrow.soul. p er confessors. PART 1: THEURG IA animae.servant J. and by the apostles. + May the peace and blessing of ria et in defentionem mea [ m ] + pax et our Lord Jesus Christ be with me always. + * Halt. et ab omnibus insidiis inimico.. confessores virgines angels and archangels. virgins. 0 arrow. and by the head of John the tern beate<m> Marie virginis et per Baptist. & flagellationem Domini nostri ]esu Christi [" Halt. This fits the context. martyrs. + Halt. Archivo Storico Siciliano 25 ( 1 900) : 267: . nor spill my blood.fense.gin Mary. J. B. May the gendi? ] nee offendendi famulum dei J b cross and p assion of our Lord Jesus nee in aliquo ledendi + crux et passio Christ be in my memory. . with any injury. by the * ELP p. 70 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON [ *posita? ] fuit in capite domini nostri nails which pierced the hands and feet of Iesu Christi [ + ] o sagitta sta per clavos our Lord Jesus Christ. by qui perforavit manus et pedes dominum the wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ.. though my J b quia peccata mea multa sunt aput te many sins make me unworthy to be et non suum [ *sum] dignus vocare se. by your venerable cross [ crucem ] tuam custodi pedes meos et guard my feet and all my God. + 0 niam et vitam eternam + sancte deus holy God. Therefore I beg you ruus tuus propterea deprecor te ut mit. may you be with [ *eripe] me ab omnibus adversarii meis me. Deliver met from all my adversaries." t ELP p.+ I conjure you. 0 sword.. wh o * Abba: Aramaic for ''father. . have mercy on me + sancte spiritus meu [ *mecum ] sis erne 0 Son + 0 Holy Ghost. B. a ser­ urrectionem Iesu Christi ut non posset vant of God + in the name of the Father [ *possit] ledere me famulum dei J b + in + and the Son + and the Holy Ghost + nomine patris + et filii + et spiritusancti Amen. vives et regnas deus per omnia [ secula Amen. domini nostri Iesu Christi per res. have Imortalis deus miserere mei famuli [tui] pity on me. and omnia membra mea. et tribue mihi ve. seculorum] amen. tas in cor meum amorem celestium qui who lives and reigns for all [ eternity] . son of the liv- sanctam crucem tuam ut dimittas pee. by your holy cross. Abba pater miserere mei + o filii + o 0 Abba* send the celestial love into my heart. 0 strong God. your slave J. which is more problematic. 0 immortal God.Thus may you not harm me. that you cata mea + per sanctam crucem tuum fo rgive my sins + by your holy cross custodi caput meum per venerabilem guard my head. + coniuro te gladium per sanctem sacer. Halt.and by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. + Amen + obsecro te domine fili dei viui per I beseech you 0 Lord. 1 22 reads erue me [ "destroy me" ] .called your servant. by the holy dotem veteris testamenti qui intraduxit p riest o f the O l d Testament. sanctiffica me fortis deus fortiffica me strengthen me. nostri Iesu Christ [ i] o sagitta sta per vul. B. J. 0 arrow. make me holy. nera.grant me favour and eternal life. PART 1: THEURGIA 71 maria et dominum nostrum Iesu Chris. shall obteyne . These were the words which Pope Leo sent to the emperor and King Charles the Great ( Charlemagne) . and sayth it ones a daj' e. and its virtue has been proven. or by water. V. or reads it out loud. a servant of coniuro vo s Iapides p er be atum God. whether by fire. saying "a sword of anima [ m] doloris gladius [ per] transibit grief has pierced my soul. by lapidaverunt qui statuit pro suis perse."* that it will ut non posset Ieclere famulum dei J b not be able to harm me. of the whiche we t'yndest wryten who that bereth thys blessynge upon hym. 97. + and of the Son + and of the Holy Ghost.' journal of the British Archaeological Association 3 0 ( 1 874) : 357-374: ''Thys epystell of our Savyour sendeth our holy father pope Leo to the emperour Carolo magno. 1 675. "On the Measure of the Wound in the Side of the Redeemer. for they know not famulum dei J b + In nomine patris + what they do. Sparrow Simpson.Ixxx. 0 stones. J. that you stephanum p rotomartirum qui iudei can't harm me. The Discouerie of Witchcraft." In the name of the Father filii + et spiritusancti + Amen. t Acts 7:58.introduced Mary and our Lord Jesus tum in templem dicentem tuam ipsius Christ in the temple. and will not be able to go to ruin.. B. 1 674. and he shall not perysshe wyth soden deth. or suffer any misfortune. M. ann. and on the Five Wounds as Represented in Art. but will die in honour and old age. lenttyge. Whoever therefore carries this on his p erson. the protomartyr. (Little Office of the Seven Sorrows of the B. saying "judge quid faciunt ut non possint Ieclere me them not for this sin.xl. Compare Scot. she will have a short labor. 1 32. Amen. a servant of God. M.t cutoribus exorare dicens ne statuas illis who the Jews stoned. Also Thomas Bartholin. Thomae Bartholini Acta Medica et Philosophica Hafniensia (Hafniae: Haubold. Worn Anciently as a Charm. yeres of pardon and . or causes it to be read. who pleaded on hoc peccatum quia nessiunt [ *nesciunt] behalf of his persecutors. I conjure you. * From "Ad Matutuinum" in Officium parvum de septem Doloribus B.. and if any pregnant woman carries these words on herself." . J. compare also W. And the words are as follows: 32 32. V. that day will avoid the danger of an evil death. 1 676).the blessed Stephen. ) . B. Amen. + signum + crux Christi sit mihi potestas The Cross of Christ is a sign worthy of + crux Christi spondeat omne bonum admiration. See also Richard Rolle. ELP p. + The Cross of Christ num crucis sit mihi dividuae [ *diuinae] delivers me from all evil present and to gratie omnes intercessio + crux Christi come. 97r. 1 2 5: fit in porta [ "makes a gateway" ] . 376. In the name of the Fa­ ther + and the Son + and the Holy Ghost. . t ELP p. These are the names of almighty God. and these are the words following: . 1 895 ) . + May the antiqu [ u ] s diabolus ubi te videt a me Cross of Christ be with me and save me. * There are variations of this prayer in various Horae. recedat + per crucis hoc signum + May it be before me and behind me. way. + Through the Cross of Christ I auferret a me omnes adversitates huius obtain divine grace . Whoever carries these on himself will succeed in business.§ + The Fountainhead + The Begin­ ning + The Ending + The Truth + Al­ mighty + Jesus. Through this sign + panta + yeto + esbray + Iesus ante of the Cross all evil spirits flee from me. fol. 1 (London: S. + [ sit] pro me + crux Christi sit admirabile The Cross of Christ is for my behalf. MS. fol. ( ? ) t vera salus + crux Christi [ sup erat ] and true safety.1 500.+ mundi + crux Christi sit mecum et sal. so fugia [ n ] t a me omnes malignos spiritus that if that ancient devil sees it. § Luke 4:30. he will + per heloy + Tetragrammaton + dyday back away from me. c. 329. our Lord Jesus Christ. GkS 1 6 1 2.The Cross of Christ takes away all adver­ vet m e ante me et p o st m e quia sity of this world from me. and went his et filie + et spiritusancti + amen. transiens per medium illorum ibat + + Through Heloy + Tetragrammaton + fons + principium + finis + veritas + Dyday + Panta + Yeto + Esbray. for example Horae ad usum Roman urn. Det Kongelige Bibliothek. + The Cross of Christ omnem gladium + crux Christi superat [ overcomes ] all swords. which are extracted from other similar names. in Kieckhefer. and cannot be captured at any time or charged with treason. Compare Clm 849. + The Cross of Christ is . + The Cross of Christ promises malo presenti et futura + per hoc sig. Most parallel passages do not contain anything corresponding to these words. + The Cross of Christ is my mihi + crux Christi liberat me ab omni strength. Forbidden Rites. All intervention. Likewise if it hung on the neck of anybody they will be esteemed by all. + Jesus omnipotens + Iesus in nomine patris + passed through their midst.72 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON [ 24 ] Crux Christi est quem semper adoro The Cross of Christ* is that which I + crux Christi sit in imper orta ( ? ) et adore. 1 25. 1 490. . + The Cross of [ *soluit] vincula mortis + crux Christi Christ overcomes the bonds of death. Yorkshire writers vol. 34r. + (?) Text seems to be corrupt here. Sonnenschein.all good for me. 840-9 1 2 ) list in John Ferguson. 1 974) . Snake. " Ferguson." Ars Quatuor Coronatorum. or has beseeched God and said them for seventy-three years. no enemies will be able to ambush him on a journey. but perhaps flos [ "The Flower" ] . Clement ofAlexandria (New York: Twayne Publishers. but will prevail through the grace of his soul. perhaps for perillustris [ "shining" ] . Likeness. Way. 1 6 ( London: Quatuor Coronati Lodge. § ELP pp. Worm. ELP: Atitay. J. and you will be able to pass by your enemies." Ars Quatuor Coronatorum: Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. Flower. Splendor. Adonay + I + + + + + principium + Adonay + I +++++ The Beginning + finis + unctio + sapientia + veritas + The End + ointment + wisdom + The spes + paracletus + ego sum qui sum + Truth + The Hopes + The Advocate + I fons + mediator + hagios + ovis vincu. Calf.§ * The Earth: reading tellus for to los. Whoever carries them on himself. Fount and Origin of God." 33.' presumably Latin *puellus. Lamb. "+ Valeanda Zasac +" nor will he be able to be assaulted. Word. the last letter Omega. Deathless." Hughan. or colt. Emanuel. Sabaoth. Prophet. First-born. W. Hand. 1 6 1 read "the child. Sun. Rock. Lion. Life. Door. :J: Hughan: Alithay. Virtue. the Head. Saviour.Earth* + The Hand + The Corner-stone + tas] + verax + teternium + gratia + veri. And if he carries these words or names upon himself. no. Hughan. 1 27-8. Light. Mountain. provides Notker the Stammerer's somewhat similar list of the names of Christ: "Messiah. Sheep. Sure.+ jagia + agios + hischyros. small animal. 1 26: "Authos + a nostro + noxio + bay + gloy + apen. Clement who I am + The Fountain + The Me­ lum + pes + leo + panis + tolos [ *tellus] diator + holy + The Sheep.Source + Aritayt (?)+ + Love + Halleluya hannes + marcus + lucus + + Amen + Unity + Strength + Newest + Almighty + Matthew + John + Mark + Luke +. Adonai. Mediator. Described by Bro. Shepherd. Another possibility is tholos [ "the dome" ] . Prince. ELP p. J. God. Alpha. Wisdom. Bridegroom. 2 ( 1 903 ) : 1 32-1 56. 1 04. Equal. Beginning. 1 903 ) : 1 3 5: "Adonai + Principium + Finis + Unitas + Sapientia + veritas + spes + paraclitus + ego sum qui sum + fans + mediator + agios + avis + vinculum + leo + tellus + manus + lapis angularis + petra + alma · + sponsus + perillus + deitas + verax + Dexter + Pons + pax + Alithay + amor + Alleluia + Amen + Unitas + Fortitudo + Novissimus + omnipotenti + matheus + Johannes + marcus + lucus. and these names must be written on paper.teternium (?) + Grace + Truth + Peace + mus + omnipotenti + matheus + Io . W. The Bond + + manus + lapis + angularis + petra + The Foot + The Lion + The Bread + The alma + sponsus + pullus + dietas [ *dei. 7 5 and Crossed Keys p. Paraclete. Ram. t Pullus: ''Chicken. which would also fit with Notker the Stammerer's (c. Hughan transcribed an almost identical German text in Anonymous. "The Magic Scroll. Angel. All-Ruler. PART 1: TH EURGIA 73 + Anthos + Anostro + noxio + boy + Eloy + Apen + Agla + Agipa Ysquiros +33 These are the words which Adam spoke when he was in hell or Limbo." . here reads perillus. Vine. Bread. 1 04. vol." It is also tempting to speculate that manus [ ''the hand" ] is a mistake for mons [ "the mountain" ] . Stone. Dumas's Grimoire p. Glory. Like­ substanced. Mouth.The Rock + The Nurse + The Promised tas + pax + fons + aritayt + amor aleluya One + Pure (?)t + The Deity + Truthful + + Amen + unitas + fortitudo + novissi. "The Magic Scroll. Only-begotten. 2076 London 1 6. as on Folger p. he will not be able to be captured. which would fit better with "cornerstone. ELP: telos. 22. and your tongue frames deceit. + + tum [ *factum? ] felix + Amen + lex + Christ."§ + Amen. and in the name of Saint Aloysius. qui vacatur come and obey your master. si that one. + 0 Jesus. so that we was not able to be killed nor captured. in holiness he may be fruitful. And if you wish to test this. The law. ponebas seeking? I am. in the name of God and the holy Mary. + Amen. In space before the new prayer is the anchor glyph repeated and in pencil in sec. ELP reads "o + var + adar. * Luke 4:30. It may originally have been an r. : "from page 20 at the bottom. "When you saw a thief.74 T H E B O O K OF OB ERON These most holy names are for the protection of my soul and body. os tuum obundavit [ *abundavit] malicia then you joined with him." This section resumes the excerpts from H.: anchor glyph. + But rum ibat + o + var + adaf + malarum Jesus passing through their midst went terrarum negat + verbum car [ o ] factum his way. videbas fuit [ *furem] currebas cum eo et + Amen. 34. who are you cum adulteris portionem tuam. festinate venire et obediri Having been conj ured. terrarum negat. + + + + + + + pathay + vay + adonay + + + + + + + Pathay + Vay + + in nomine patris et filij et spiritusancti Ado nay + in the name of the Father and + Iesus autem transice per medium illo. and he bequeathed to King Aloysius who himself carried it upon his person. called Octinomos. put it upon any (beast) which is to be butchered.flesh + and dwelled amongst u s .of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. + John 1 : 14. and partake et lingua tua concinabit [ * -bat] dolos + with adulterers. You use your mouth for et benedic hereditati tue + laus deo + + evil.1 9 ) . Here endeth the little book The Rest as Follows 34 Coniurati. h asten to [ *obedire] preceptori vestro.t + The Word was made Tetragrammaton + qui ait illi sit in sane. who 1s octinomos. t 0 + Var + Adaf The final flooks altered. Tetragramaton + who said to Amen + Iesu quem queritis ego sum. + and bless your inheritance . In marg.* + 0 + Var + Adaf + malarum est + et habitauit in nobis + Christus. from all evil. . which names King Fabricius carried upon himself.1 9 (KJV 50: 1 8. § Psalm 49: 1 8." malarum terra rum negat [ ''of the bad earth (he/she/it) denies" ] . man. + Praise God. + Aberer + Then immediately they will come. Do not depart with­ centia m [ ea] recedatis. vt hie ante cir. "What do you desire. say: bene veneritis spiritus vell reges no." 3 5 And since the spirits have now appeared. ficiatis voluntatem. show them the pentacle covered with fine consecrated linen. and you will immediately see great motions. As long as I con­ culum visibiles. Pete quid vis. And when you see them near the circle. you should say: quid tardatis quid moramini quid fa. affabiles p ermaneatis : strain you. you should say: Ecce conclusionem vestram. PART 1: THEURGIA 75 This being Prepare to obey your master. quia dominus ad hec nos subiugauit. [ and uncovering it. in the tori vestro in nomine domini Bathiat name of the Lord Bathat or Vachat + [ *Bathat] + vel Vachat + sup er Abrac rushing upon Abrac + Abeor coming ruens + superveniens. vis ­ tam diu tamque constantes. per potentiae illius through the power and virtue of Him 35. celestium terres. or noble kings. Welcome 0 spirits. Nor is there any who quatenus constringo vos. bilissimi: quia vos vocavi p er ilium cui because I have called you through him omne genu flectitur. until you have fulfilled fallatia aliqua et veredice [ *veridice] per. And they will say to you. n e e sine li. And when you see this. disobedient. because the Lord has subjugated us to this. Why do you delay? What is delaying citis? praeparate vos. et obedite prrecep. earthly. in their own proper form.b e fore who m all b eings b end their trium et Infernalium cui us in manu knees-even celestial. . Abeor + super upon Aberer. quia nos sumus parati complere omnia mandata tua. ] nolite Behold your conclusion ] if you are fieri inobedientes.contradict his majesty. powers of all kings. because we have been prepared to fulfill all your orders. donee meam sine out my licence. you should whistle towards the four directions of the world.ible and courteous. And suddenly you will see them in a peaceable form. and infer­ omnia Regna Regum sunt: nee est qui nal beings-in whose hands are the suae contrarius esse po ssit maiestati. remain before this wishes truthfully and without deceit. it should be in the manner of the subsequent figure. and it will be done. But in order to make it easier to understand the plan for a circle. and glory forever and ever. and lege ill ius pontetiae [ *potentiae ] non through the power of his law not passing pe [ r] transit fines suos. but deliver us from evil. parati sitis venire vo. Hail Mary Salve* [ sic] maria gratia plena domi. ated all things. And lead us not into a nos a malo.places. suum. but deliver us from evil. et whom nobody is able to disregard. and lead us not into temptation. say the Lord's Prayer Our Father which art in heaven. Afterwards. namely God's. Blessed art tho u amo n g et benedictu [ s ] fructus ventris tui Amen women. I will provide a specific example. 36. the Lord. . T H E B O O K OF O B ERON virtutem. Amen. d o m in i qui c u n c ta the most high king. filij et spiritus In the name of the Father. and be prepared to come when you are called. go in peace to your own sit inter nos et vos. and sancti. and blessed is the fruit of thy et ne nos Inducas in tentatione sed libra womb. temptation. Amen. Then command whatever you wish. This what Petrus de Abano has said regarding the Elemen ts of Magic. dei scillicet Al. The figure is not given in the text at this point. thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Son. qui m ari p o suit terminum who divided the sea from the land. and let there be peace between cati you and us. Hail Mary full of grace. * Evidently a mistake for Ave ["Hail" ] . it [ e ] in pace ad loca vestra et pax Holy Ghost. hallowed be thy name. power. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our tres­ passes.beyond his boundaries. 1 33 and also H. but can be found below on Folger p. who cre- crea [ uit.36 [25] Before you call or consecrate. t i s s i m i Re g i s . thy kingdom come. Amen. as we forgive them that trespass against us. Therefore. if you wish to make a circle for the first hour of Sunday in the springtime. ] Amen. quem praeterire nemo potest. our lord is nus tecum benedic [ t] a tu in mulieribus with thee. Amen. for thine is kingdom. licence them to depart as follows: In nomine p atris. suffered under Pontius Pi­ gine pass us sub p [ ontio ] pilato cruci.[ sinners ] . Mother of God. death ] . in the holy spiritum sanctum sanctam ecclessiam Catholic Church. was crucified. ] nunc et in hora <nos.rection of the body. The translation here follows exactly that in The Great Bible ( 1 540) . and was buried. Psalm lxvii 37 God be merciful unto us. This Psalm is used in the Clavicula for constructing the circle. born of the [ *de] spiritu sancto natus ex maria vir. and be merciful unto us. Amen. and in Jesus Iesum Christum dominum nostrum fil. I [ *Judicare ] vivos et mortuos credo in believe in the Holy Ghost. and show us the light of his countenance. and consecrating the place. Amen. fixus mortuus et sepultus discendit ad He descended to hell. I believe i n God. died. and life everlasting. Psalm 66 (KJV 67) .Virgin Mary. who was lium eius unicum qui conceptus est a conceived of the Holy Spirit. the Father almighty. Blessed art thou amongst benedictus fructis [ *fructus] ventris tui women. Let the people praise thee. in the communion of catholicam sanctorum communionem saints. The Creed Credo in deum p atrem omn1p o . dominus Hail Mary. where he sits at the sedet ad dextrum dei patris omnipoten. and as­ mortuis et in celum [ *ad celos] asscendit cended into Heaven. in the remission of sins. and on the third Inferos [ *Inferna] 3io die resurrexit a day was resurrected from death. and bless us. now and in the hour of [ our tris> [ mortis nostrae. womb. rectionem et vitam eternam. Amen. full of grace. the resur­ peccatorum remission em carnis resur. Amen] .right hand of God the almighty Father. the lord is tecum benedicta [ tu ] in mulieribus et with thee. our sweet Lord Jesus . . 0 God. yea. sancta maria mater dei ora pro nobis Holy Mary. PART 1: TH EURGIA 77 Another Hail Mary Ave maria gratia plena. tentem creatorem celi ac terrre et in maker of Heaven and Earth. and thy saving health among all nations. our Lord. That thy way may be known upon Earth. let all the people praise thee. 3 7.late. pray for us [ peccatoribus. and blessed is the fruit of thy dominus noster Iesus dulcissimus Amen. tis inde venturus est < ad> Iudicandum there to judge the living and the dead. clothing. Amen.Christ his only son. and all the ends of the world shall fear him. even our own God. shall give us his blessing." attributed to the mid -sixteenth century composer Thomas Caustun. praise the Lord. and avenge me in thy strength. 40. because it is so comfortable. 1 982 ) : 1 7-42. Then shall the earth bring forth her increase. Wording again follows The Great Bible. Psalm liiii 39 Save me. 38. and mine eye hath seen his desire . What ever hath the benefit of breathing. For strangers are risen up against me. This Psalm is used in Clavicula for constructing the circle and for consecrating the pentacles. seek after my soul. Psalm 1 50 (KJV 1 50 ) . Behold God is my helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul. Hear my prayer. Praise him with timbrel and with flute organs and virginals. and earth. praise him with loud cymbals. the other being in the Chirk Castle part-books at the New York Public Library. doi: 1 0. let all the people praise thee. and harken unto the words of my mouth.2307/85376 1 .: ((w" glyph. wax. To praise the name of God the Lord. See Peter le Huray. upon mine enemies. An offering of a free heart will I give thee and praise thy name. give him praise. According to his excellency of greatness. For he hath delivered me out of all my trouble. agree with one accord. and God. THE B O O K OF OB ERON 0 let the nations rejoice and be glad. destroy thou them in thy truth. water. the place. With sounding cymbals praise ye him. Psalm 53 (KJV 54 ) . This is a choral adaptation of the Psalm. This Psalm is used in Clavicula for consecrating candles. 0 Lord. and upon the harp also. And praise him in the firmament that shows his power on high. His praises with a princely praise. ((The Chirk Castle Partbooks" Early Music History 2 (January 1 . He shall reward evil unto mine enemies. 0 God. 0 God. . Praise him upon the viol. for thy_name's sake. . of sounding trumpets blow.38 Let the people praise thee. of which only one other manuscript copy is known to exist. Psalm cl 40 Yield unto God the mighty Lord praise in his sanctuary. God shall bless us. and tyrants which have not God before their eyes. for thou shalt judge the folk righteously and govern the nations upon earth. In marg. 39. under the title ''Yield unto God. Advance his name and praise him in his mighty acts always. 0 God. and I shall be whiter than snow. The Lord shall make good his loving kindness towards me. for they have heard the words of thy mouth. Yea. 0 Lord. and in sin hath my mother conceived me. 0 Lord. thy mercy. that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Though I walk in the midst of trouble. yet shalt thou refresh me. Against thee only have I sinned and done this evil in thy sight. thou heardest me. for thou hast magnified thy name and thy word above all things. and clear when thou art judged. and thy right hand shall save me. PART 1: T H EU RG I A 79 Psalm c:xxxv iii 41 I will give thanks to thee. they shall sing in the ways of the Lord: that great is the glory of the Lord. even before the gods will I sing praises unto thee. Thou shalt make me to hear of j oy and gladness. yet hath he a respect unto the lowly. for I do acknowledge my faults and my sin is ever before me. thou shalt stretch forth thy hand upon the furiousness of mine enemies. and put out all my misdeeds. thou shalt wash me. Behold. OBVM ) literature. 0 Lord. All the kings of the earth shall praise thee. endureth forever. yea. Psalm 1 3 7 (KJV 1 3 8) . and shalt make me to understand wisdom secretly. thou requirest truth in the inward parts.g. and praise thy name because of thy loving kindness and truth. Psalm 50 (KJV 5 1 ) . When I called upon thee. according unto the multi- tude of thy mercies do away mine offenses. after thy great goodness. Wash me thoroughly from my wickedness and cleanse me from my sin. 4 1 . 42. The wording again follows The Great Bible. as for the proud. But lo. . used widely in magical and spiritual (e. with my whole heart. and induedst my soul with much strength.. Turn thy face away from my sins. [26] Psalm li: misere mei deus 42 Have mercy upon me. that thou mightest be justified in thy saying. Thou shalt purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean. I will worship toward thy holy temple. For though the Lord be high. This is one of the Seven Penitential Psalms. 0 God. I was shapen in wickedness. Despise not the works of thine own hands. Wording is again from The Great Bible. he beholdeth them afar off. So T H E BOOK O F O B ERON Make me a clean heart. Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness. Psalm xlvii: omnes gentes 45 0 clap your hands together. and why go I so heavily. 0 be favourable and gracious unto Sion. 0 my God. with the voice of melody. and sinners shall be converted unto thee. and why art thou so disquieted within me? 0 put thy trust in God. Deliver me from blood guiltiness. Psalm xliii: 43 iudica me deus Give sentence with me. even unto the God of my joy and glad­ ness. The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit: a broken and contrite heart. : "w" glyph. that they may lead me and bring me into thy holy hill and to thy dwelling. 0 deliver me from the deceitful and wicked man. . Why art thou so heavy. And that I may go unto the altar of God. In marg. while the enemy oppresseth me? 0 send out thy light and thy truth. Wording from The Great Bible. and stablish me with thy free spirit. 0 God. Why hast thou put me from thee. 0 my soul. 0 God. for thou desirest no sacrifice. which is the help of my countenance and my God. 44. thou that art the God of my health. and defend my cause against the ungodly people. Psalm 42 ( KJV 43 ) . Wording from The Great Bible. shalt thou not despise. Cast me not away from thy presence. 0 God. Then shall I teach thy ways unto the wicked.44 for thou art the God of my strength. 0 God. 0 sing unto God. but thou delightest not in burnt offerings. Used in Clavicula for constructing the circle and consecrating wax or earth. and upon the harp will I give thanks unto thee. Thou shalt open my lips. Psalm 46 ( KJV 47) . all ye people. 0 give me the comfort of thy help again. and my mouth shall show forth thy praise. with the burnt of­ ferings and oblations. else would I give it thee. 0 Lord. and take not thy holy spirit from me. build thou the walls of Jerusalem. and my tongue shall sing of thy righteousness. 43. and renew a right spirit within me. 45. for I will yet give him thanks. Then shall they offer young bullocks upon thine altar. Translation from The Great Bible. then go forward with this work: After duly48 com­ pleting the circle. God is gone up with a merry noise. The Lord himself is thy keeper. dealbabor. sprinkle it with holy or lustral water. Wording in The Great Bible: "keepeth thee. 1 06. So that the Sun shall not burn thee by day. The princes of the people are joined unto the people of the God of Abraham. and say: Asp erges m e do mine his s o p o et Thou shalt purge me with hyssop. Amen. which hath made heaven and earth. The Lord shall preserve thee from [ all] evil.47 will not sleep. yea. God sitteth upon his holy seat. and he that keepeth Israel. Lord.* * Psalm 50:9 (KJV 5 1 :9). Psalm 1 20 (KJV 1 2 1 ) . p. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved. the Lord is thy defense upon thy right hand. 0 sing praises. nor the Moon by night. 46. and I shall be whiter than snow. He shall choose out a heritage for us. mundabor: lavabis me et super nivem and I shall be clean: thou shalt wash me. 47. God reigneth over the heathen. Wording from The Great Bible. For God is the king of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding. Compare H. for this time forth for evermore. He shall subdue the people under us. PART 1: THEURG I A 81 For the lord is high and to be feared. sing praises unto our king. My help cometh [even] from thee. sing praises unto our God: 0 sing praises. and the Lord with the sound of the trumpet. Behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in." 48. [ 27] After thou hast read the Psalms. Psalm cxxi: 46 leuaui occulos I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. . for God which is very high exalted doth defend the earth as with a shield. it is even he that keepeth thy soul. he is the great king upon all the earth. and the nations under our feet. even the worship of Jacob whom he loved. through our Lord Jesus Christ. bless these creatures of specierum. Then say: b enedic do mine creaturam is tam Bless 0 Lord this creature of fire. which should be exorcised in this manner: Exorcizo te creatura Ignis per illum I exorcise you 0 creature of fire. . deus 0 God of Abraham. Concerning the garment and pentacle. when the Moon is increasing. Folger p. ately be ejected from you. and their use The garment should be that of a priest if possible. Then take a pentacle made in the day and hour of Mercury. etc. if not. The fire which is used for suffumigations. deus I s aac. ut benedicta sit. Then sprinkle them with the holy water.82 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON The blessing of the fumigations 49 D eus Ab raham. The exorcism of the fire The exorcism of the fire on which the fumigations are placed. God of Jacob. and sprinkle with baptismal water. per dominum nostrum Iesum Jesus Christ. in order that the strength and vir­ suo rum amplient. so that it will be unable to harm anybody.bearing or seeing it. Chris tum.tue of their scents may grow. et sanctifica. that all phantasms may immedi­ non possit in aliquo. it may be in a new clay or earthenware vessel. but first say over it a mass of the Holy Ghost. Another version of this blessing can be found below. so that no harm may come from nullo nocumento sit gestantibus nee vi. enter. in sanctify it. J a c o b . b e n e d i c h u [ n ] c c r e a t u r a s . ut vim et virtutem odorum spices. 98. through our Lord dentibus. for the praise of your holy colla [ u] dation em nominis tui sancti ut name. so that no tasma in eas intrare possit per dominum enemies nor phaf!tasms may be able to nostrum Iesum Christum. and Ignis. It should be made of kidskin parchment. by [ p er ] quem facta sunt omnia ut statim him through whom all things have been omne phantassma Eiicias a te ut nocere made. ne hostis nee phan. 49. &c. God of Isaac. let it be made of fine linen. I put on the garments of salutis: ut hoc quod desidero.: "w. 5 1 .: "w" glyph. [T] o consecrate all instruments so 0 mighty and merciful God. hear us in thy righteousness and vouchsafe of thy holiness of thy Godhead to consecrate. Amen. by the virtues of your holy an­ sanctorum domine Induam vestimenta gels. whose kingdom endures omnia secula seculorum. that this which I desire I will ducere ad effectum per te sanctissime be able to bring about. we may feel thy deity healthful unto us and assistant in all things through Jesus Christ our lord. hal­ lowing. Amen. In marg. In left marg. Grant. An cor. which in the finger of thy deity. Amacor. sanctified. and blessing of these instruments that no wicked spirits have power or be 50. The presence of multiple possible rituals for consecration is unusual. grant now. Amides. Amen. that there remain no occasion of evil nor unholiness in them. wholesome. blessed. Amen. that the draught drawn with the same in the dignity of thy name may serve effectually to my operation by him that liveth for evermore. PART 1: THEURGIA The oration to be said while putting on the garment An cor. Not in H. and hallowed by thy deity. Another prayer 52 0 God. Theodonias. through the most Adonay. for all the ages. despise not the petition of wretches nor the voice of them which cry unto thee. Anitor. Ami des. the gifts of thy deity in sanctifying. 0 Lord. cuius regnum p ermanet per holy Adonay. Another Increase. and healthful to us and our work. hast healed all kind of plagues and hast restored the diseased to their former health. passim per salvation. for the merits of Christ Jesus + Amen.. and sanctify all these kind of instruments. 52. Another prayer 51 0 God." . I do be­ seech thee. that these instruments may be touched. bless. per merita Angelorum: tuorum Anitor. that when I invocate thy mercy. we beseech thee almighty God. Amacor. Theodonias. I beseech thee. but that they may be profitable. by the holy God. I fillium eius unicum dominum nostrum bless you.virtue of the Holy Ghost. with the blessed benedicta ut per I [ In margin: [ D ] e usum sight [ *pronunciation? ] t that through communionem I et in eo] I descendat in [ In marg. through thy holy and blessed inspiration of power and virtue into them and us. t Translation uncertain. the representandi spiritus exorzizatorii I Im.retain the virtue and efficacy of the con­ cratum benedico te insuper Iesus Christ secration which we have p erformed. Grant this. world without end. T H E B O O K OF O B ERON able to resist us. Another 53 Benedic<ti>o te N per deum vivum I bless you N. 0 Lord God. Amen. This seems to be specific for consecrating the scrying medium. that you ut consecratum et confirmatum existas may prove to be consecrated and con ­ virtutem e t efficatiam potenter suscipias firmed. and as you pour lestia harmoni [ a] tue claritatis benignus the celestial harmony of your gracious infunde tu [ . Another Tu deus omnipotens Invocationibus 0 all-powerful merciful God. The Latin is corrupt here. et per reflectio. and compel all spirits to our obedience through thy divine grace and power. Jesus Christ his qui te corrustantem diaphonumessae only son our Lord. to send shapes. 53. In addition. and bring them to our obedience.your glittering translucent medium. which liveth and reigneth with thee ever one God. by the living and true per deum verum per deum sanctum per God.our loving invocations. . and you may potently accept and et retineas ad quod te duximus conse. obediendi mitissime fecundet required to make manifest the exorcised * Perhaps a mistake for charitatis [ "charity" ] . the knowledge p erio. bind. that they and we may be more effectual and powerful to constrain. by the God who deum qui tibi specialem virtutem dedit has given you special virtue. be near nostris clemens adesto et ut hanc N de ce. ] hoc N tuore [ *tu ore ? ] clarity* into this N .: the use of the communion I hoc N virtus spiritus sancti N scientiam and in it] I may descend into this N. and to show through varying reflection. . for Jesus Christ's sake. who has ordained voluit et mittere figuras. and nem varias [ *varians ] demonstrare.. The Father incomprehensible. [28] The Athanasian Creed 54 Whosoever will be saved. seventh prayer. I With the command. chapter XIII. And the catholic faith is this: that we worship one God in trinity. such is the Son. . the Son uncreate. and another of the Holy Ghost. it can be found in LIH. and of the Holy Ghost. and the Holy Ghost uncreate. Neither confounding the persons nor dividing the substance. p. This well-known prayer is also called the Symbolum Athanasianum. But the Godhead of the Father. and such is the Holy Ghost. which faith. that it may be made malignos spiritus per virtutem domini more effective. Amen. and trinity in unity. of the Son. another of the Son. is all one: the glory equal. may have your power against all spiteful spirits through the virtue of our Lord Jesus Christ + the Son of God. obeying habeat habet potestatem contra omnes most agreeably. before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith. 7 4. 54. for there is one person of the Father. and the Holy Ghost in­ comprehensible. except everyone do keep holy and undefiled: without doubt he shall perish everlastingly. the majesty coeternal. Among other magical texts. PART 1: T HEURG I A ss effectum ut omnium hominis quod te spirit. in order that all mankind nostri Iesu Christi + fillii dei. Such as the Father is. the Son incomprehensible. The Father uncreate. so likewise the Father is lord. nor begotten. As also there be not three incomprehensib [ le] s. The Son is of the Father alone: not made nor created.: "w" glyph. He therefore that will be saved must thus think of the Trinity. God of the substance of the father. 55 so are we forbidden by the Catholic religion: to say there be three gods or three lords. So the Father is God. the Son eternal. touching his manhood. and the Trinity in unity is to be worshipped. So likewise the Father is almighty. For like as we be compelled by the Christian verity to acknowledge every person by himself to be God and Lord. the Son is God. The Holy Ghost is of the Father. not three fathers. but one eternal. But the whole three persons be coeternal together and coequal. nor three uncreated. . And in this Trinity none is afore or after other: none is greater or less than an­ other. And yet they are not three gods. but one almighty. not three sons. but one God. the Son of God. the Son lord. and the Holy Ghost is God. one Son. and the Holy Ghost lord. In marg. Perfect God and perfect man: of a reasonable soul. and inferior to the Father. but begotten. neither made.86 THE B O O K OF O B ERON The Father eternal. not three holy ghosts. And yet they are not three almighties. So that in all things as is aforesaid: the unity in Trinity. And yet not three lords. is God and man. but one Christ. begotten before the worlds: and man of the substance of his mother. Who although he be God and man: yet is he not two. and the Holy Ghost eternal. but one un- created. neither created nor begotten. borne in the world. and one incomprehensible. Furthermore it is necessary to everlasting salvation: that ye also rightly believe in the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. For the right faith is that we believe and confess: that our Lord Jesus Christ. 55. nor created. and of the Son. Equal to the Father as touching his Godhead. and human flesh subsisting. but one Lord. And [yet] they are not three eternals. the Son almighty. but proceeding so there is one Father. and the Holy Ghost almighty. The Father is made of none. one Holy Ghost. rose again the third day from the dead. and we saw the glory of it as the glory of the only begotten son of the Father. not by confusion of substance: but by unity of person. and yet the world knew him not. is preferred before me: for he was before me. Gloria patri filii et spiritus sancti sicut erat In principium [ "Glory be to the Father. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten son which is in the bosom of the . He was not the light. PART 1: T H EURGIA One not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh: but by taking of the manhood into God. which lighteth all men that come into the world. The same was in the beginning. One altogether. John bare witness of him. he cannot be saved. for the law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. saying: this was he of whom I said he that cometh after me. nor yet of the will of man. That [ that light] was a true light. In it was life. to them gave he power to be the sons of God. nor of the will of the flesh. The same came as a witness to bear witness of the light. he sitteth on the right hand of the Father. all things were made by it. with God. and Holy Ghost. And they that have done good. He came unto his own. This is the Catholic faith. and with­ out it was made nothing that was made. grace for grace. that all men through him might believe. And the light shineth in the darkness. but unto as many as received him. but was sent to bear witness of the light. but the darkness comprehended it not. [ He ascended into heaven. and of his fullness have all we received. into everlasting fire. and the life was the light of men. God Al­ mighty. Son. and the Word was with God and the Word was God. and his own received him not. and the world was made by him. as it was in the beginning" ] . from whence he will come to judge the quick and the dead. but of God. [ 29 ] The Gospel of Saint John In the beginning was the Word. and cried. He was in the world. ] At whose coming all men shall rise again with their bodies: and shall give account for their own works. in that they believe on his name which were born not of blood. which except a man believe faithfully. which word was full of grace and verity. shall go into life everlasting: and they that have done evil. for as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man: so God and man is one Christ Who suffered for our salvation: he descended into hell. There was a man sent from God whose name was John. Then this is the record of John when the Jews sent priests and Levites. lest it be ridiculed. whose shoe latchet I am not worthy to unloose." 57. saying plainly.: ((w. 24 1 and footnote 1 04. In left marg. and fast on bread and water for three days." Now they which were sent were of the Pharisees. here begins the treatise on how to converse with your own good angel. and there are extensive corrections. you should appear gra­ cious. that we may give an answer to them that sent us? What sayest thou of thyself?" He sayeth. fol. and your work hindered. Stephen Clucas. or in any event until the day is done. you should be well confessed. who are appointed as guardians of humanity. Elias?" and he said. Harley 1 8 1 . neither Elias. and the following verses: 56. lest anyone observes or detects your secret doings. has a somewhat shortened version. quotes from this text as being from Ars Notoria. Netherlands: Springer. cautiously hiding yourself. is marked out. fol." These things were done in Bethabara. 59. or else in a vestibule or facing the East) . where John did baptise. "I baptize with water: but there is one among you. An uncharacteristically large marg. In the name of the holy and indivisible Trinity. ''No. . contains another exemplar of this text. "Why baptisest thou then. "Who art thou?" and he confessed and denied not. John Dee: Interdisciplinary Studies ( Dordrecht." And they asked him. and say prayers devoutly. Handwriting changes. he it is that cometh after me. Sloane 1 727. quiet. and discreet. Although the handwriting in this section is neat. if thou be not the Christ. from Jerusalem to ask him. 2006). beyond Jordan. the Latin is somewhat corrupt.56 How you can speak with your own good angel whenever you wish 57 In the name of the Lord. whom ye know not. and they asked him and said unto him. "I am not the Christ. You should not eat until stars can be seen in the sky. saying. but it is not actually part of Ars Notoria proper. and go to a secret location (facing the church if you can see it.' as said the prophet Esaias [ Isaiah] . "I am the voice of him that crieth in the wil­ derness. "What then art thou." Then said they unto him. 1 9r (sixteenth century) .88 T H E BOOK O F O B ERON Father hath declared him. and give a coin to the poor in the name of the Trinity. "Who art thou. nor the prophets?" John answered them." "Art thou the prophet?" and he answered. "I am not. here begins the prayer to your own angel. 'Make straight the way of the Lord.. and all along the way that you have chosen. First. Then you should greet seven times with the Lord's Prayer and the Creed. prostrate yourself facing East. creatus spiritus sanctus. Te suppliciter rogo. a most nostrum Jesum Christum in cuj us po. may I per ejus visionem et defensionem fugere merit this powerfully and truly. and for truly guarding p rium et veracem ad custo diendum it and defending it from the assaults of ilium et defendendum ab incursibus evil spirits.wretched and unwo rthy s ervant of testate. * Or ((mockery.ask and beseech you 0 merciful Father lorum. uncreated Son. uncreated Holy Ghost. et son our Lord Jesus Christ. Cujus whose kingdom and power endures for- Regnum et p otestatem permanent in ever. creasti own likeness. PART 1: TH EURGIA Increatus Pater. p o ssim . with the seven Sabbath orations. aeternus pater. qui sedit in highest and disp oses all things.* I humbly spiritum malignorum. hanc po. saying the Seven Penitential Psalms. And [this prayer] : Omnipotens sempiterne deus. and the same number of Creeds. through viriliter et veraciter merear. et ej us virtutibus roboratus through his vision and defence. Amen. may be found worthy to obtain mus et indignus famulus tuus. and implore through your clementissime pater. consistunt omnia. et deposco [30} almighty. in whose obsecro. ut ego miseri. secula seculorum.yours. Almighty eternal G o d. p restante our Lord Jesus Christ. . 0 uncreated Father. et illusionibus il. all harm omnia Corporis et animae nocumenta of the body and soul have fled. eternal Holy Ghost. eternal Father.own proper body. aeternus filius. that I." Afterwards. in. adding each spirit to its addens unicuique corpori spiritum pro. p er filium tuum D ominum power all things endure. who sits on the domino nostro Jesu Christo. and strengthened by his virtues. who has licem animam humanam induisti et placed on the blessed human soul your plasmasti ad similitudinem tuam. et intelligere angel. aeternus spiritus sanctus. [ 30 ] omnipotens. increatus filius.this power to enable me to hear and un- testatem obtinere merear ut nomen derstand the name of my own proper proprij Angeli mei audire. qui fe. Amen. and their illusions. begging humbly and saying. eternal Son. and altissimis et aque cuncta disponit. in no­ lare nullatenus forundes [ *formides] ut wise be terrified. while saying: Angele sancte. to fendendum me. through him who will venturus est iudicare vivos. Amen. ages through fire. so that you omnibus.through the security of your help. and rescue me subveniendum mihi. tibi traditum mihi reve. so that with your holy nomine tuo sancto invocato et nomi. Then stand and say this prayer: . [ I may re­ nato. Afterwards. deus Father. te suppliciter that you have not learned. ab Auc.been handed over to wretched me.our requests may be fulfilled through sequi merear qui vivis. I humbly ask that you posco. et mihi misero sight of the most high God. et in necessitatibus ad guard me and defend me. and who has traditus es. qu1 all that I desire. Holy angel. et regnas cum you who lives and reigns with God the deo patre. responsa vera [ accipiam ] et mu. I humbly beg deprecor ut ab omnibus perturbationi. qui in conspectu al. answering compareas responsurus. times of invoked and named. who stands always in the tis simi dei stas you by the Author of all things. re- omnia opera occulta recordaris. ut nominis tui titulum. et mortuos judge the living and the dead and the et saeculum per ignem Amen. ad me custodiendum. per omnia secula seculorum Amen. p er eum. and nothing is latet in animis omnium creaturarum hidden within the souls of all creatures quo d tu non n ovisti.90 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON Deus qui cuncta abscondita intueris. [ te] suppliciter de. et de.ceive] true answers and I may perceive nera tuae sublimationis to be freed from all disturbances bus liberatus secure tuum auxilium im. raise yourself onto your knees with good devotion. in unitate spiritus sancti. [ one] God forever and ever. ut de the gift of your deliverance. 0 God who beholds all secrets. in unity with the Holy Ghost. et nihil cords all hidden works. given thore omnium.reveal to me the title of your name. quae desid [ e ] ro. that plorando: effectum petitionis meae con. mihi venias et may come and appear to me. famulo tuo dexteram tui celestis auxilii. Pili. Stretch out. Amen Amen. say this prayer: [3 1 ] Succurrite mihi Sancti Angeli dei de. . PART 1: TH EURGIA 91 Pretende domine. Pater de caelis.* Amen . the Father in heaven. Deus. Deus. ) domine auxilium de ( or to me) the help from the holy. Redemptor mundi. This done. San eta Trinitas. ut te tota corde perquirat. And *recite the whole Litany. Per Christum dominum nostrum. Et ne nos inducas in temtationem. 0 ei (vel mihi) domine turris fortitudinis a Lord. Et de Sion tuere eos (vel me) esto from Sion. a light 58.strength. Ms: ((sit tota Letania" reading "*die tota Letania. 0 Lord. God the Holy Spirit. ) Hail maria Mary. famulo tuo dex. 1 26: Pretende. Assist me. et nos homines in pace cus. Spiritus Sancte. et qui digne that he may seek you with his whole postulat. with vocionibus vestris santificate pleb em: your devotions. the Litany of the Saints ( from the Book of Hours) is intended. have mercy on us. And lead us not into temptation. mihi vel nobis. miserere nobis. mitte my trust is in you. the Father in Heaven. Domine. Saluum fac populuum tuum. to protect those (or me) . have mercy on us. D o . deliver us from evil. Deus. todite. but according to Sloane 1 727. and sancto. miserere nobis. redeemer of the world. . virtute [ *corde] perquirat. But mine + Deus sperauit autem in te. Dominic ( London: 1852). miserere nobis [ "God. et que digne postulat. 0 Lord God. save your people. have mercy on me. 0 Lord." There are a number of Litanies that include these words. but sed libra nos a malo. One God. send to him ei ( vel m ihi . * This text is found in ''the form o f clothing" in the Manual of the Brothers and Sisters of the Third Order of Penance of St. . 0 holy angel of God. . the right hand of tram Caelestis auxilii vitae [ *ut te] tota your heavenly assistance to your servant. unus Deus. miserere nobis. assequatur. consequi mereatur [ *assequa. Holy Trinity. and obtain that which he faith­ tur] per Chris tum dominum nostrum fully asks. God.people. Bless and guard us men in peace. have mercy on us" ] . because if you are clean and sincerely confessed and contrite. thro ugh Christ o ur Lord. a tower of strength against the face facie inimici. . Amen amen ( p ater nostor [ sic] ) Aue Amen. Sanctify the common Benedicite. you may sit (with bent knees) . and humbly listen if you are being ad­ dressed by him. ( Our F ather . have mercy on me (or us) . God the Son. 58 Which said. Pater de Caelis deus misere of the enemy. who al­ ways stands in the sight of God. may I feel the tentu] s<i> uper me esse sentiamt Precor help of almighty God approach by means * This prayer is from the book of hours. * angelic sp irit. Sloane 1 727: ((rest & quietnesse. Angelici [ * angelice ] : I b eseech the e ." 60. Sloane 1 727: ((a goodly wind shall com passe you about. et quod mea non exi. and converse with him about whatever seems good. by thy prayers Judicem ut [ nullum] in me vel loci non hold fast before God.whom I by providence have been en­ sus [ *commissus ] sum ut custodias me trusted: that thou guard me unceasingly. 59. and after this life. ] repelle a me omnem tempta. ab incarsu that thou protect.erywhere I go. and [ *incursu] diaboli. you may call him with his own proper name. boris continuis." . et dormi. the most merciful habeat contrariae virtutis adimixtio. et tribula. Italics indicate where text varies from the text in Hours. like a bedewed wind. and departs not from your body until I bring your most noble soul into the place of rest and growth. trouble thyself to lead me back to my re- et in quacunque angustia.thou beholdst me to be. tione. to Spiritus cui ego ad prouidendam emis. guard your body in this world. comitare without interruption cherish me and mecum [ . 59 and the angel will say. and accompany me ev­ tionem Sathanae. deemer. j udge. et protegas me.htm. Prayer for one's angel O b secro te. indesinenter." 60 Then turn towards whichever direction you hear him. And in whatever distress and trouble ilium Dei omnipotentis tuo optentu {*ob. ac while I am waking and sleeping. Translation based on http:/ /medievalist. et tristitia me esse prospexeris. me ing through the steep places of vices. so that [ nothing] of a contrary Cumque me coruptam [ *per abruptam] strength may have a place in me.92 THE B O O K O F O B E RON will encompass you. by night momentis conferre [ *confove ] mecum and by day. and that which my obtine< re > apud misericordissimum merits do not extinguish. reducere Satagas. t This line is written supra linea. for hours and moments ub icumque fuero [ * iero ] . vigilantem. And so he will protect your life and business from all harm. "I am N.defend me from every attack of the devil entem. he will per­ sonally bring your soul to God. And viciorum devia [ *devium] errare [ *esse] whenever thou hast foreseen me wander­ prospexerii: ad redemptorem meum. watch over me. nocte et die. Avert from me every gant [ *extingunt] merita tuis precibus temptation of Satan. aux. And so too whenever you wish to converse with /suffrage. that all spirits appearing in this cristal stone may be obedient unto me in all things. aut illudere. I pore siner am imbold need through the multitude of thy great and manyfold. god of Elie. merear laetari intervene with all the saints. world without end. tibi my creator.' which would indicate a loss of three folios. . ut p ersonaliter cum omnibus guard me. Fortunately a close parallel can be found in Sloane 1 72 7. Here followeth the Consecration of your stone and Berill and Booke: First say one pater noster. that. one Creed. which with a spear wast 6 1 . & god of Confessors. Earliest foliation seems to read " 1 8. . . viuit et regnat Deus per omnia with God the Father. god of Jacob. god of virgins. and blesse this booke and this stone 0 Lord Jesu Crist. Primary handwriting resumes. and in thy most [ ????] pains wast given to thee esell 62 and gall to drink. and in blessing this stone. god of Toby. (vel ne addmittas) malignos forth from this body. and with the Holy secula seculorum. I pray thee. then say dominus vobis cum spiritu tuo I 0 god of Abraham. god of Angells. if finem meum. et Spiritu Lord Jesus Christ. And do not abandon me at [ *p erduxeris ] ad visionem conditoris all until thou hast led me to the sight of mei. qui cum Deo patre. And when I shall be drawn [ *dimittas ] . to besech thy euerlasting maiesty to consecrate this Booke and pretious stone.] glorious 6 1 hands and feet. through our Christo. one Ave Mary. Ghost. thou makest my end adductus [ *eductus] fuero: non admittas known to me. Sr. qui me ad custo diendum. words and hearbs. and read some good prayers or spsalmes then Concecrate your book and your stone together. Amen. then must you confese yourself to god almighty with some Confession. and then concecrate your oyle and all instruments nesessary for your worke. which by the will of the father tqgether working with the holy gost by the death and passion and blood sheding hast quitened (?) the world . mercyes. which hast given vertue unto stones. Jesu Christi ut of thy covering over me. that I may praestante eodem domino nostro Jesu merit to rejoice with them. in si fieri potest [ *possit] notum facias mihi the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. god of !sack [=Isaac] . by the 0 god the Creator of all things. and then say Meserere mei deus [ =miserere mei deus ( PSSO/KJVS l ) ] . Early pagination on the other hand indicates a loss of two pages following this one. . PART 1: TH EURG IA 93 in nomine domini nostri. but there doesn't appear to be a gap in the text at that point. Amen. of all things that I shall demand of them. god of profetts. the son of the euerliueing god. . who lives and reigns Sancto. Esell (=aisliche) : "vinegar. nee in fo. so that you would personally sanctis interventis tuo. god of all good liuers." See Matthew 27:34. which starts as follows: "The method of the Glass or stone. to giue such a vertue unto it. who has appointed you to comisit. First haue a glase or stone fayer deane and sound without Cracke or Blemish: then must you haue oyle oliue to anoynte the stone withall. [32] [ + The method of the glass or stone] [ . . do not allow evil spiritus me terrere.spirits to frighten me or make sport of veam desperacionis: inducere [ *incidere] : me. et cum de [hoc] corpore it can be done. and that thor wilt voughtsaft to send thy blessing upon them. & to blesse them with the dew of thy heauenly blessing. and with a crown of thorn wast crowned. nor allow me to fall into the pit of Non me derelinquas donee me perducas desperation. :' 62. god of Marters [ =martyrs] . prophets. invocations. . grant that all spirits which I shall call into th [ is] stone with this book may visibly. bless . bless thee all the holy company of heaven.thee holy Mary. cherubim. thy unworthy servant N. 0 merciful Jesu. Sanctes: ( female) saints. bless thee all holy angels. plainly. 0 Lord Jesus Christ. and of all sanctes 64 and saints. conjura­ tions. which hast risen again the 3rd day.63 as thou hast heard the merits and prayers of thy blessed Mother. where out did run plenteously of blood and water for the redemption o [ f] the whole world. mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. so that every time and place wheresoever all the consecrations. 65. and from thence shall come to judge the quick and the dead and the world by f[ ire ] . confessors. the petition of me. and virgins. and confirm this book and this stone. martyrs. archangels. though there's space for it. No sign of the y. a [ men. and I by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ and of his holy apostles Peter and Paul and by the authority of the holy Catholic Church militant here on earth do bless. consecrate. [ seraphim .: Here the operator substitutes their name. and all the words which are contained in this bo [ ok] and written therein and thy true virtue and power and thy holy divination and full and perfect libert [y] . [ a] poor and wretched sinner. by thy divine virtue and power. and of thy grace and mercy do crave. bless thee. by the merits and pray [ ers] (?) of thy Blessed Mother. that th [is] day this book may be con­ secrated and confirmed with this stone and consecrate tho [ u] + and blesse thou + ratify and confirm them so that they may be firm and surel [y] 65 consecrated forever to remain. bless thee + the Son. apostles. and by the virtue of thy sacrament of thy body and blood. and aptly appear unto the sight of min [ e] own eyes. ] p atriarchs. innocents. . I do beseech thee. so hear the prayers of me. the Virgin Mary.94 THE B O O K OF O B ERON thrust in [ to ] thy right side. 63. and by thy virtue and power I beseech thee. N. and by all those thy miracles which thou hast done here. hast spoiled hell and hast ascen [ ded] into heaven. in the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Holy Ghost + Amen. ] (?) [ Take th] e (?) book in [your hand and] (?) say Bless thee + the Father. 64. so that I may see and discern them as plainly as thou wast seen of th [y] disciples after thy resurrection and at thy glorious ascension into heaven from Ga [li] lee grant this good Lord as thou sheddest blood and water for me and all man­ kind & c. bless thee + the Holy Ghost. the days. by his merciful working. I condemn thee into hell and int [ o ] the fire everlasting unto the last day of judgment. and the Holy Ghost. N . . earth. so that thou appear in this precious stone or glass in this hour and that quickly without any tarrying so that thou come and that in thine own person truly in a beautiful shape visibly. aptly. and by all their offices and powers. by the Holy Trinity.. PART 1: TH EURGIA 95 [Then after t] he consecration [of your book and] stone what spir­ its [ soever . Note that the caster wants the spirit to be visible to him. instead of a seer. and by all things in them contained by the height of the heaven and by the deepness of the sea. and I . I conjure thee. by the Father. I.. do comman [ d] you that you be ready and obedient unto all my commandments both ministering and serving unto me to fulfill all my will and pleasure. by heav [ en] . fiat. and the sea.. and by his goodness by which he made all things. ] 11 you may call [with this Call] if he come not [at the first. and by the angels and archangels. and by thrones and dominations. the Son. Fiat.. and by the virtue and by the secrets' virtues which secrets are hid in them. and the nights. and by the virtue of his substance by the holy providence of God which he had in his mind before he made the world. the servant of God the son of N . . and by the power whereby God created the world. even as truly as Christ Jesus did obey and fulfill the command­ ments of his father. by the 4 elements. fiat. And further I conjure thee by God omnipotent. by the virtue of God omnipotent and of all his saints. by cherubim and seraphim. The missing words are covered up by repair work. and by those which bear rule ove [ r] other powers and them which are under their powers by the 66. by Jesus Christ his Son. and by that wisdom when he hath set the heavens above and hath divided the earth from the waters. by principalities and powers and vir­ tues. c] all till he come [ and doubtless] but he will [ com] e 66 I. and by him which is Alpha and Omega + the beginning and the end by the dreadful day of doom. Amen. and I do conjure thee or you spirits. Except thou come quickly unto me and make me a true answer before thou dep [ art] of all things that I shall demand of thee. the servant of God and son of N . and distinctly unto the sight of mine own eyes67 and show unto me visibly and to all that stand by me that we may plainly see thee by my commandment and conju­ ration and by all thin [gs] which I shall command thee. and if thou do not. 67. and I command thee that all ways and without tarrying to come <to come> and certify me and obey unto my words and fulfill my commandments at all hours and times that thou be obedient and obey me justly and truly. N . the lights. and by the Holy Ghost. N. but supplied in pencil underneath. plainly. by the virtue of the living God and by all the names of God both effable and ineffable. . de a [ th] . by the nails wherewith his hands and his feet were pierced. by his fasting. and by all that are in heaven and under heaven. The first line of this page in a later hand seems to have been supplied at the time of repairs. N. N. and by the twelve apostles [ 35 ] 68 and by the 2 4 elders69 and their crowns and garlands [ gap ] of majesty and by thron [ e] of God. and by all those which praise and worship God. . by the preachi [ ng and] fasting and tempta­ tion of Christ. and by the holiness of wid [ ows ] and virgins. that you come into this stone without any tarrying and show thyself visibly in this crystal stone which I hav [ e ] consecrate [ d] for thee. by his baptism. I bind and adjure thee by the goodness of our lord Jesus Christ. and this I charge and command thee by the everlasting maj esty of God and the ministry of the Holy Trinity and by the birth. by the twelve patriarchs and by the twelve prophets and their prayers. Although the pagination jumps from p. by his cir­ cumcision. and by the spear which was thrust into his side.. by all the pains and merits of Christ. and that I and those that stand by me may see thee as plainly as Mary Magdalene saw the vision in the garden when she went to visit the bo [ dy] of our saviour Christ Jesus and as plainly as Jesus appeared unto his disciple [ s ] after his resurrection and as plainly as Jesus Christ was seen to the men of Galilee in his glorious ascension. by his incarnation. 35. there is not a gap in the text. and by all things which almighty God hath cre­ ated to the laud and praise of his name and of his majesty. I conjure thee. and by all the heavens and by all that are in them. and passion of Christ and by the glori­ ous resurrection and ascension of Christ. by the passions of merits by the me [ rit] (?) of confessors and of all holy priests. THE B O O K OF OB ERON firmament of heaven.. by the voi [ ce ] and thunders which proceed of the throne of God. 32 to p. and by these holy names of God El + Ely [ + ] + Theos + Adonay + Tetragrammaton + Mescias + Sather + Emanuell + Jesus + Fortis + Fons + Salvator + Gloriosus + Bonus + On + Unigenitus + Via + Vita + Manus + Homo + Usyon + Primogenitus + Sapientia + Virtus + Caput + Finis + Fons + Origo + Paracletus + Mediator + Agnus + Ovis + Vitulus + Serpens + Aries + Leo + Vermis + Os + Verbum + Splendor + Sol [ + ] Gloria + Lox + Ymago + Panis + Flos + Vitis + Mons + Ianua + Petra + Lapis + Angularis + Angelus + Sponsus + Propheta + Sacerdos + Past [ or + ] Athanatos + Kyros + Theon + Panton + Craton + Ysus + that thou appear in this crystal. and by the sweet prayer which he made to his father.. by the water and blood t [hat] flowed out of his side. and by the golden censers. N. 69. by his humility.: "w" glyph. by him which is Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end. by which he washed the feet of his disciples and by his cross and passion which he suffered by the crown of thorn [ s ] which7 0 he bare on his head. In marg. I conjure thee. and by the golden altar which is before the eyes of God. and by their holiness. I conjure thee. and 68. by his nativity. 70. cavil. fiat. then con­ strain him with the vinculum as followeth Hearken 0 thou spirit N. and dark [ ness] was upon the whole earth. and then straight ways he shall come. neither shall thou have power to hurt or crack this stone. come! In veni In nomine spiritus sanctus veni In the name of the Son. neither shalt thou lie. that thou come and appear in this stone in this present hour quickly and without any tarry[ ing] . guile. or harm to body alium et omnem desciderium meum ad. nor me nor any other creature. in mind. bind. conjure. but come in all plainness and effability and . and bind thee. or hear at this time present. I conjure thee N.. soul. Fiat. fraud. and exorcize thee by the most high mighty name of God our Lord + Tetragram [ m] a ton + Jehovah + I exorcise thee and command thee that thou tarry not. But if the spirit rebel and will not be obedient unto thee. and that you appear truly and that in thine own proper person in form of a man vis [i] bly unto the sight of mine own eyes. and that I do licence thee to depart to ( ? ) this I adju [ re] . PART 1: TH EURGIA 97 by his so [ ul] which departed from the body he commended into the hands of God his father. with­ ac gravamin [ e ] corpore et animae veil out any trouble. come! In the name of nomine summi omnium creaturas veni the holy Trinity. Amen. the Sun was dark­ ened. Son and the Holy Ghost. I conjure. until thou have answered me justly and tru [ly] and hast showed unto me plainly and distinctly all things which I desire to know. fiat. In Nomine patris veni In nomine filii In the name of the Father. adjure. and the graves opened and the dead bodies of many did [ st] rise and were seen by these and all other holy acts of God. Say as followeth three times if he come not at the first. nor body. and without hurt of me or any other that ever God cre­ ated. nor deceive me. nor depart fro [ m ] my presence nor commandment. I say to you come! In the ad me et visibil [ iter] appare mihi in hac name of the highest of all creation come hora sine aliquo nocumento et lesionem and appear visibly to me this hour. Amen. see. and fulfill all my imple I [ n ] nomine patris [ et ] filii et desires in the name of the Father and the spiritus sancti amen. and command thee by the virtue and power of him which shall co [ me] to judge the quick and the dead and the world by fire. so that I may see and discern thee and to show me the truth of all things that I shall demand of thee without deceit. and by th [ e] virtue by which the veil of the temple did rend. come! In the name nomine sanctis trinitatis tibi dico veni In of the Holy Ghost.or soul or anything else. malice. cap. and by all the holy names of al [ mi] ghty God which hath been. except thou come presently speedily and show thyself openly plainly in this stone and remain and be there until I give thee leave to depart. I charge. of his apostles Peter and Paul." . and by the name + y + N + et X + [which] Abram heard and did know God. 72. conjure." and by the nam [ e + ] y + et v + which Adam heard 72 and spake. 71. Corresponds with "Pneumaton" in Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. by the name Sabaoth which Moses names and the waters of Egypt turned into blood. I exorcise thee N. 29 1 ) . as thou wilt answer at the dreadful day of doom. 73. T H E B O O K OF O B E RON plainly. 3 . N o doubt referring to the important medieval Solomonic treatise De novem candariis. and by all these holy names of the living and true God + Ado nay + Saday + Athenatos + Kyros + Emanuell + Joth + Heth + Hee + Vau + and by the nine heavenly candles75 which was revealed unto Solomon. and if thou be disobedient and will not appear as before I have commanded thee.' but later in the prayer it is twice spelled "Newinaton. ( Candariis does not mean candles. 36674. and shall be. Isaac was the father of Jacob and Esau. which said. and command thee by the name Pneumaton76 and in the wonderful might of the great name Pneumaton [ sic] which Moses named and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up Dathan and Abiron and all their genera­ tion and people. Compare Additional MS. This I bind.7 1 and command thee in the nam [ es] and by the name + Adonay + Aloe + Alion + Sabaoth + Saday + which is the Lord God [ on ] high and king omnipotent of Israel. conjuration o f the spirits o f the air. If you be disobedient and rebel. and "Primeumaton" in H. shall and will excommunicate thee and deprive thee from all dignities into the deepest pit in hell. MS. are. "Let us make man according to our likeness and let him bear rule over the works of our hands. recited in his f�ar and to your condemn [ ation ] . 1 1 3 . here spelled "Newimaton. that thou appear in this stone without any further delay.. So by the virtue of the same name Pneumaton I condemn thee N. 75. Clm 849 (Kieckhefer. Forthcoming edition by Micrologus. ) 76. Forbidden Rites. and there shalt thou remain in everlast­ ing chains of fire and brimstone where shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth for­ ever. charge. I. and of the holy Catholic Church militant here in earth. Compare H. by the authority of Jesus Christ. and by the name Gyn which Noah heard and spake with his family after that he was from the flood. 74. that I may see thee without deformity. and mighti [ly] com­ mand thee by him which said and it was done. and all ways to be will­ ing and ready to come and obey me at my commandment to fulfill my will and all my desires. and by the name Joth which Isaac73 heard and was deliv[ ered] from the hand of his brother and by the name Tetragrammaton + which Jacob h [ eard] 74 [ 36 ] of the angel striving with him. Another version of this text can be found on Folger p. Amen. and by the name and in the name that the Israelites heard upon the mount of Sion and they died for fear. spirit N. 77. by the name and in the name that the stones heard and they burst. and constrain thee by the virtue of him that is glorious and everlasting. bind. Glistering: glittering. 80 greens. baths. Cestrons: cisterns. fiat. command. and that thou do come now and at all times and obey me. fields. 8 1 . that thou come from the 4 parts of the world and from the place in which thou art and appear plainly in this crystal stone to the sight of my own eyes upon pain of everlasting condemnation. I chiefly and manfully command thee by8 1 the name and in the name which Moses heard of the most holy and omnipotent God from the midst of the burning bush and was astonied. say as followeth I conjure thee. thou do pre­ pare thyself to come from all places in the which thou now art and come withou [ t] any tarrying from mountains. PART 1: TH EURG IA 99 into everlasting pain and torment except thou appear visible here before me in this crystal as I before have commanded thee. that ye go and be damned in hell into the fire everlasting. Fiat. and hills. there to remain for evermore. I charge. seas. 80. cestrons. Broangkes: brooks. and by the name and in the name that the fire heard and was divided. 79. .. Amen. Marrises: marshes. and floods. 79 streets. tors. valleys.: "w" glyph. if thou refuse to come and obey me by him that shall come to judge the quick and the dead and the world by fire. and by the judgment seat by which I most straightly charge and command thee that. and lands. and market pits. Amen. And again I condemn thee into fire everlasting and command you to be put into hell by the virtue of the true and living God. and marrises. and by the name Burne + which the sea heard and it parted in sunder. fiat. broangkes/8 ponds. floors. most quickly and without any tarrying. If he come not. the wheels thereof glistering77 beams of lightning and fire. whose seat is of flaming fire. by the virtue of our Lord Jesus Christ almighty and by all his holy names. and by the power that God hath over thee. 78. that thou be always bound in hell in fiery chains and sustain the great pains of fire until in this precious stone you appear and accomplish my will. In marg. I bid and command and condemn you into the pains everlasting and all the righteous blood which hath been shed from the death of the righteous Abel unto this day be indeed to you a just cause to condemnation everlasting. and from places of heaven and hell and earth wheresoever thou be that thou come to me without any tarrying. the Son. and be ready at my commandment. fiat. Jesus Christ overcometh. there 82. . tell me.. the son of N. and in all other places wherefore by the virtue of God. confessors. all the holy company of heaven curse thee.. N. for [there is da] nger to constrain [ and cond] emn him that doth [willin] gly appear according [to thy] mind. Note that both father and mother are used here. but wilt be disobedient unto my words. and dignities into everlasting darkness. because thou hast rebelled and not obeyed the word of almighty God. and be sure that if thou wilt not obey me to do that I shall command thee. [This] is the general curse [ again] st all spirits that [ . that is Lucifer. all the holy men of the holy church curse thee. .. by the authority of the Holy Trinity. Harken. . deprivation. thou rebellious spirit into the pit of hell. . Therefore I give thee warning and advertise thee that thou be ready withou [ t] any tarrying to show thyself in this precious stone and do all that God hath given thee power to show me. 0 thou spirit N. say: Thou spirit N.82 the servant [ 3 7 ] of the everlasting God. archangels. I charge thee and com­ mand thee by these holy names of God + Messias + Sother + Emanuell + Sabaoth + Adonay + Unigenitus + Via + Spes + Homo + Usyon + Saday + a + et w + Christus being flesh and Jesus the son of the Virgin Mary which shall come to judge the quick and the dead and the world by fire. in earth. apostles. fiat. I charge thee to appear in pain of everlasting condemnation. and do for me. in water. the Son. all holy innocents and virgins curse thee. . thou knowest tha [ t] Christ liveth. fiat. . patriarchs. Sa than. I commit and betake thee into the hands and cus­ tody of these infernal spirits. I conjure thee by the power of God. God the Father. Christ reigneth. Amen. and N. prophets. [and] the Holy Ghost and of the holy apostles Peter and Paul and of [the] holy Catholic Church in which I was regenerate in the holy font of baptism. fellowship. all the faithful people dispersed throughout the whole world curse thee. Facieton. but always beware whether he appear. Christ ruleth in heaven. So be it. Amen. I do curse thee. martyrs. I. all holy angels. and expulsion from all thy company. there to be burned with fire and brimstone until thou have appeared unto me and fulfilled my will and commandments. ] rebel 0 thou spirit N. the curse of the Holy Trinity. now the curse of almighty God the Father.100 THE B O O K OF O B E RON If he will be rebellious and not come. Beelzebub. and [rea] d no further. shall pronounce the great and gen­ eral curse against thee to thy utter condemnation. by the authority of Jesus Christ and of the holy Catholic Church. and the Holy Ghost come upon thee. I bind thee by the commandment of God. in hell. I adjure thee by the will of God. but if he [ ap] pear not. and I. say this constraint. without thou appear visible in this precious stone unt [ o] the sight of mine own eyes and do whatsoever I shall command thee without any further tarrying. ban­ tum athanatizabo [ * anathematizabo ] ish your name here placed or written. that you burn < spiritus> spiritus B combures et [ cale] and heat up this spirit B. fiat. and good and therefore thou mayest not doubt but proceed unto it with a manly face and good comfort. and have sulphur and other foul scents. Thus. and your written name scriptum hoc materiali igne comburetur will be burned up by this material fire 83. I have showed thee the perfect way of this art which is most noble.. . nor have been min [ . Because you have not obeyed the or- mini dei tui nee precepta eius custodis ders of the Lord yo ur God. . so that he will facias ita ut sua persona senciat in eter. qua propter (properter? ) in nomine dei which I carry in the name of God and the et authoritatis domini nostri Iesu Christi authority of our Lord Jesus Christ and et omnium sanctorum eius sis maledic. An unusual addition not present in other magic texts. . and so done I shall pray for thee to God 83 that thou mayest be restored unto all thy dignities and offices which thou hast given thee by him & c. Fiat. for it is proved to be true. do as followeth Take pen and ink and write the name or names of the spirit or spirits on virgin parchment. may you be cursed. say: Quia tu non obediisti mandatis do. perfect.feel it personally eternally. saying: Coniuro te ignis per ilium qui con. PART 1: TH EURGIA 101 to take part with all the cursed. far gentle reader. Amen.of all his saints. qui sum etiam warnings of his custodian. who is also his servant. [If the] spirit rebel and will not [appea] r when he is come [and] will [not ob] ey thee. nor the nee mihi appare voluisti. num. And holding the paper with the name or names over the smoke. fiat.will excommunicate you completely. and make a fumigation. I conjure you. ] seruus eius ad respondendum willing to appear to me. wicked. ex­ tus excommunicatus et nomen tuum communicated. and disobedient spirits there to remain for­ ever. nor respond to mihi quare omnino excommunicabo te me. wherefore I et nomen tuum hie positum sine scrip. 0 fire. by him who cremesscere fatiet orbem quod tu hunc made the world tremble. 84 � [38] [To] have a spirit in a glass Take a clean towel 85 and lay it upon a fair table and upon that lay thy glass. into the puteum abissi ign [ is] et sulffuris virtute stinking pit of fire and brimstone. 3667 4. But when you will deliver him from pain. A. . In left marg. Amen. . 66r. so too I spiritum B in nomine dei in profundum cast you down . who will come to judge per ignem amen.: ''w. Additional MS. 3667 4. he will break the binds and come unto thee. 79v. 39v. for the chains themselves will burst at the hearing of this great sentence pronounced. 3667 4. Compare Additional MS. 79v. and this way may you bring a [ny] spirit to obedience without doubt. This being with authority is the greatest secret that belongs to art. and say this oration following.102 THE B O O K OF OBERON ex in fetidis rebus suffurnigabuntur ita te burning from stinking things. 0 spirit B . 39v and 66r.. Finis. and Sloane 3 850." 85. where you de te ante faciem dei vivi qui venturus can never be recalled before the face of est Iudicare vivos et mortuos et seculum the living God. and if he burn in chains of fire and brimstone. where you will remain Iudiciij [ sic] et nunquam sit recordatio until the Day of Judgment. but write his name again and burn it with sweet smelling odours. but it is unfortunately much damaged. I the living and the dead and the world by fire. represent a second version. Your fire must be of consecrated wood of eglantine. Then cast the paper into the fire sprinkled with brimstone. 84. and also Sloane 3850. is the closest parallel.dditional MS. by the dei proiicio ubi remaneas usque ad diem power of God. say nothing. F.perfect knowledge. 39r. Apparently they indicate missing text meant to be inserted here. There are extensive corruption and corrections. perform such great mysteries. .i and in eo spiritum tuum benedictum infun. with­ scientiam p e r ffe c t a m 1 nv o c a r e out ambiguity or accusation. adesto ent at these mysteries of your great kind­ piis Invocationibus nostris ut speculum ness.g. that this mirror tates [ *pietatis] inclines [ *inclinas] ut hoc which is blessed in your name. e. by the speculum quod in tuo nomine bene + power of your holiness. which we strive to sanctify.past. 86. 3667 4. sec. t Underlined words are written in marg. 207-2 16. so that you may deign to make this facti fuere + digneris sanctificare [ +utl mirror worthy to be blessed in your intendimus I [spir l itum tuae Benedic. that we may be able tionem vere dicamus [ *veritatem ] et to call upon your ineffable grace. It seems to be a strained adaptation of the highly poetic and elaborate baptism rite in the Gelasian Sacramentary and the Stowe Missal. [ tu] tam en gratie tue dona non de. and future of a true* and tium preteritorum et futurorum certifica. which make this page difficult to read. may accept and dictus per virtutem sanctific [ ati] onis tue become a perfect receptacle for accept­ accipiat et perfectum fiat receptaculum in ing your angelic creatures in your holy hocque obtamus ut creaturas tuas angeli. Yet as you do not abandon the gifts seras [ *deserens ] ut [ *etiam] ad nostras of your grace. whatever * So additional MS. PART 1: THEURGIA 10 3 Prayer 86 Omnipotens sempiterne deus adesto 0 almighty and eternal God. so incline the ears of your preces aurem [ *aures] tuum [ *tuae] The Liturgy and Ritual of the Celtic Church ( Oxford: Clarendon Press. tum [ *tantis] ministerium [ *mysteriis ] exequendis sumus [ *simus] indigni.pour over it your blessed spirit. ] et licet nos tan. be present at our devout invoca­ istud quod in tuo nomine bene + dicere tions. 1 88 1 ) . They do not occur in the other two analogue texts consulted. present. although we are unworthy tur] effectus [ *effectum. as seen by comparing with Additional MS. * "Potentia" is written above this word. 36674 and Sloane 3850.goodness to our prayers. to show a demonstration of the cas quas in tuo sacro nomine ad presen. E. . be pres- magna [ e] pietatis* tue misteriis.your power. to tionis admitte [*emittel ut super eum et send out your spirit of blessing. that das ut [ *et] quod humilitates [nostrae] what is to be done by our humble minis­ gerendum est misterie [ *ministerio ] tue try may be accomplished by the effect of virtutes [ *virtutis ] impleate [ *complea. .and reigns with you in unity with the diis visibiliter representat per dominum Holy Ghost. .through the holy secret* mixture of clar­ tiones [ *admixtione] fecundet ut sanctifi. who permitted this mirror to fragili in [ *ad] usum humani generis be made from fragile matter for the use fieri per misisti ut lucidantibus radiis of human kind. because of [ + naturam intuentibus representet procull your] usual [ + mercy] t and nature. G o d forever and ever. which [ *arcanum ] claritatis et luminis adunc. uli ] et multiplica in eo benedictiones look kindly on the face of this mirror tuas quas gratie tue effluentes impetu and multiply your blessings in it. 39v. and other witnesses. in order that he may spiritus multiplices diffunderes intuen. it ergo [ + ab ] huic speculo In bent [ ?? ] te may represent by looking at. [ *benedicta] domine lucidissime et veris-Therefore 0 Lord. mus invocare propter assuntam [ * energy being accepted and conceived mine [ *tui nominis] <et> virtute intendi.judge by the illuminating rays.ferent multi-layered appearances ob­ menter in faciem istius specudi [ *spec.ity and light. through yo ur truthful angels. 3667 4 and Sloane 3850. nostrum Iesum Christum q 4 9 v f r m v Amen.whom we intend to call upon through tam ] [ + tuam misericordiam ] atque the power of your name. s p st p* sanctum deus per omnia secula seculorum amen. * Perhaps corrupted version of H. The Consecration Deus qui hoc speculum ex materia 0 it. as with the command of [ +tui] gratiam spiritus sancti [ *spiritu your visibly manifests with rays to our eyes. may all unclean sime omnis spiritus Immundus abstedat spirits depart far from this blessed mirror. who lives delacione quam quae occulis nostris ra. 36674. He (the Holy Ghost) may catione accepta et oncepta [ +per] angelos make this mirror fruitful. that a sanctify­ vere dicas [ *veridicos ] quos in tuo no. in order that it may ob­ sancto ] qui per sanctum in arthanum tain grace from your Holy Ghost.: qui tecum vivit & regnat in unitate spiritus sancti Deus per omnia secula . . the dif­ tium effigies varios iudicaret respice cle.served by looking at its different shapes.the inrush of your abundant grace glad­ tates imperio sanct [ *sumat] unigenit [i] dens the soul. * Following Additional MS. t So Additional MS. tiam ineffabilium sine ambiguitate vell through our Lord Jesus Christ. that letificas animam tuam ut tua [ e ] maies.10 4 THE B O O K OF OB ERON propon1mus [ *possimus ] tua [ m ] gra. statim resseruans occulta et ignota de and may your divine light surround it. 27. May the pugnator incurssu et totius falaciis pur.celestial harmony of your good clarity. t Another version of this text can be found o n Folger p.with us.the holy God.tently translucent and to send in the strarum [ *demonstrare] te deus omnip. so that being consecrated te duximus consecrat [ *consecratum sis] and strengthened you may accept and bene+dicete in super per Iesum Chris. so that through you. be present istis armonia tua claritatis benignus in.: "after drops 5 parts say" (?). so that anyone who gazes into [ * inde ] bene+ dicete [ *b ene+ dicito ] this mirror may operate in it. that your angels may reveal* spiritus sanctus perfecte certifacionis de very clearly that which is hidden or questitis efficaciam consequator. + by the God who has firmatum ] existes virtutem efficacem granted you special power for showing potentiam suscipias et retineas ad quod appearances. and purged of all de - mum dubia et incerta declara angelos ceits and immune from all almighty merciful God. and infuse into this mirror the fundes tu hoc speculum tuo ore benedi. and successfully understand deum + verum + per deum sanctum + what he asks about with certainty.withdraw far from this mirror. clarissime manifestas ut omnis homo in so that all doubts and uncertainties are hoc specula respiciens operante in eo indicated. for the common use of people. who has wished you to be consis - ras et p er reflectiones varias demon. per deum qui te specialem virtutem spe." . 0 perfect sp eculum + p e r deum vivum + per Holy Ghost. nostris clemens ferent reflections with invocations to adesto et et [ *in] istud speculum de eel. delusions. labeled "alia.creature of this mirror be free from all gata dysessorum ( ? ) speculum lucidissi. may all devilish ica fraudis et deceptionis absistat sit hoc wickedness. + by the true God.attacks. Be blessed and consecrated dominum nostrum qui te constantem through Jesus Christ his only son our diephunum esse voluit et Imittere figu.most clear and true. nostris nos reddent efficacitur certiores.shapes and to demonstrate through dif- otens Invocacio [ ni] bus. and may your angel be present in it to reliably an- swer our questions.retain the power for which we have di- tum <dominum et> filium eius unicum rected you. cito ut per te ustum ( ? ) commicionem et speak with your mouth the benediction in eo angeli tui compresentes de quesites [ + of this stone ] . PART 1: TH EURGIA 10 5 [ * absistant] pro cull tota nequitia diabol. * In marg. assaults. uncle doubtful.Lord. t 0 mirror + by cies representanti attribuere ut consecra. + by tur et confermat [ *consecratum et con. and deceptions speculum libera creatura ab omni im. Therefore I bless you.the living God. Assized: placed. and sanctificutum [ * -catum ] quae habeat sanctified. so that all doubts are resolved with bitorum redant certitudo. 9 0 . and gaudeat informacionem et demonstra. sentandi mitissimum ferum dit' [ *mitis. Through this anointing may this ulum consecratum et benedictum et mirror be consecrated. and make a cross and say these words following: Per istum [ *istam] uncionem sit spec. Additional MS.tly. May it stir up the [ *concitetur] speculi scientium repre. so that all people gazing into homo in hoc speculo inspiciens vere this mirror may themselves enj oy true sci en tum et certi tudinis p erfecte se knowledge and perfect certainty.knowledge manifested in the mirror. 89. 87 and say." 88.that is may further the effect most gen- sime secundet] effectum ut omnium du. 87.. through you. wash the glass with wine and holy water and mizes89 of white bread and after put all in the fire and so the efflor [a] tion assized 9 0 gladly spirits shall appear and answer openly to all things. Amen. Mizes: crumbs (compare Latin mica ) . make a sufflation.106 T H E B O O K OF OBERON After this is done. 0 Lord who ipsum dominum qui vivas et regnas et lives and reigns and rules forever. Amen. so that it may have the perfect perfectam potestatem ad dimonstran. imperas in secula seculorum amen. in the name of the Father and -o f nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti the Son and of the Holy Ghost. ut o mnis certainty.. amen. and then say this: Descendat in hoc speculum virtus May the power of the Holy Ghost de- spiritus sancti conthenzus conthenzuus scend into this mirror. A sufflation (or in this case an insufflation) is a ritual blowing commonly done in Catholic orthopraxy during the baptism ceremony. . 3667 4: (( Through this sufflation. * So Additional MS. take five drops together on thy thumbs.command* of the information and dem- cion em inpetrasse [ * imperasse ] per te onstration. 36674 and Sloane 3850 After this. descend into this mirror . blessed. Its purpose therein is to "blow away the devil" and "breathe in grace. put five drops of olive oil in [the glass] like a *cross. After that." and repeats the rest of the prayer as above.power we desire for revealing the angels dum nobis angelos quos desideramus in to us. ((Discendat in hoc speculum'' [ ((descend into this mirror" ] as above 88 After that. 433 lines 9-2 1 . In pencil in marg. Sloane 3850: Ne Truda Truda Normay instillator coniuro te Essleracon per nomen Belfalum etc. by the holy Mother Re­ morma instillata camnita (?) per crubem crata truda morma instilled camnita (?)* magtia minum per sufflitutiam [ *sufflen. that you Christi ut in isto sp ecculo continue j oin to this mirror to respond to every­ [ *continuas] ad omnia interrogatoria re. A.t by tributa per sanctam mariam magdelenam the holy Mary Magdalene. After this he shall soon appear. Therefore on the day and hour of Jupiter make the same circle that you made for love. 79r. Truda Normay instillator. by the greatest tiam] maximam per optimam consuitu. . Experiment of invisibility 91 Now I will speak about invisibility. per sufflentiam maximam. fol. and evidently in the prototype being used here. ( old hand) : " . with a voice saying and doing all things to thy will. .4. and 9 1 . 3667 4. . 3667 4 and Sloane 3850 read per fantasmatis cauta [ "by the concerns of the phantasm" ] ." Compare slightly more elaborate versions in Sloane 3853. and Wellcome MS. by the blessed per beatam margeretam per caput sancti Margaret. 20 1 1 ) . Traditions. . The Magical Treatise of Solomon or Hygromanteia (Singapore: Golden Hoard Press. 3667 4: Ne Truda. Additional MS. and A. 36r ff and 1 1 9v ff. spondebit [ *respondeas] . * Manuscript has "caita" with a macron above it. 50r ff. 1 1 9v ff.98. 92. t None of the three versions consulted make much sense: Additional MS. 99 .sufflation. I conjure you. Another variation can be found in Sloane 3853. . 0 exhalation. 1 92 7 ) . haue ( ? ) this experiment.the Baptist. Delatte. you should have had your bed properly and beautifully made up. 1 1 0. [Then] if he wishes. Lib' 9 ( ? ) . There is also a short version in Peterson. by the vir­ lum per virtutem domini nostri Iesu tue of our Lord Jesus Christ. Coniuro te Essleracon per nomen ·Belfalit per fantasmatis cauta per Cruelon istam crulem magtia minum. Anecdota Atheniensia I ( Paris. and Mun.92 and enter the circle with your instruments. 72 ff and 78 ff. the master should licence him [to depart] . Grimorium Verum (2007) . The experiment for love immediately precedes this in Sloane 3853 and Sloane 3885. and a recent translation by Ioannis Marathakis. fol. On a similar operation involving Queen Sympilia and her retinue. by Peter and Paul. PART 1: THEURG IA 10 7 Then say before the glass: Coniuro te effloratem per nomen bal. fol. by the sabu per sancte mater recratatruda name Balsabu. by the head of the holy John Ioh [ ann] is baptismi per petrum et pau. see Greenfield. 44.thing that is asked. by the best practice. as in Additional MS. by the infernal tributes ( ? ) . by all dinem per omnia cadaura per inferna cadaura. fol. Moreover. Sloane 3885. . 2 1 4. 72. Et tres cultellos novas cum manubriis albis & sanctificatis & 3es ciphos plenos aquam pura cum tribus peruis panibus paratis iuxta circulum [ "And you should make the circle around your bed. and by tus clementiam et per beatissimam vir­ the infinite mercy of the Holy Ghost. t Sloane 3853. Sloane 3853 and Mun. and by all the * Sloane 3853: "Aricol or Micol.4. 50v: "Michael [sic] Titan et Burfax. and Mun . and by his resurrection from nomina domini nostri Iesu Christi et per death. & Burfax. A." Sloane 3885. omnes spiritus louis omni mundo et per I also conjure you. 0 glorioust maidens dei patris potentiam per infinitam filii by the infinite power of God the Father. 0 three maidens. and furnished with three small breads. turn and face the south. and by the cunditatem beatissimum genetricis dei darkening of the Sun at the time of his et per omnia nomina sua et per omnia death . reads ''Michal titan et burfax. mother of meo hie in sculptur est et in anulo meo God.98. Setan. 3 1 v: ((Mycholl.98. fol. and by coni uro etiam vo s virgin e s p e r the terrible Day of Judgement. A. 1 1 9v: "Meillia. fol. Say the same conjuration. burfex o virgines gloriose per infinitam Titam. 78 "Micob" etc. and by all her names.4. et habeas mensam nouam quam in prima tractatu diximus ad latitudinem cubiti unius. is similar. and Tytan" in Sloane 1 727. with a width of one cubit.4. and only you should be operating. and Bursex or Burphax." Mun. 36v. With this well prepared.93 And the circle thus well prepared. 72: generose [ ((noble" ] . extending your scepter here (i. you should say the first conjuration" ] ." Sloane 3 846.e. the sun rising in the circle. And three new knives with white handles.108 T H E B O O K O F O B E RON equipped with clean linens. 0 spirits Micoll . Catillia. and three cups filled with pure water. Sloane 3853 adds: Et facias circulum circa lectum tuum. A. A. sui sapientiam per infinitam sancti spiri­ the infinite wisdom of the Son. beside the circle" ] . 37r. 93 . And this table of laurel should be placed beneath a new tablecloth washed in rose water.98. fol. fol.4. 72 ff.98: Sic que medietas mense sit infra circulum quibus bene preparatis verso vultu ad austrum protendendo sceptru ad austrum Sol existens in circulo dicas prima coniurationem [ "And thus the middle of the table should be beyond the circle. and have a new table which we spoke of in the first treatise.* and Burfex. stretching out your scepter towards the south. Mical. and by the tear­ nem et per virginitatem humilem et fe. ginem mariam et per omnem celi meli­ and by the blessed virgin Mary.' but on p.Jesus at his crucifixion.sigil of Jupiter which I show here." Compare "Fiorella.94 Coniuro vos spiritus Micoll titam et I conj ure you. . Et sint suppositoria eiusdem mense de lignis lauri habeasque mappam nouam lata in aquam rosaica. and by aconem [ *obscuracionem] solis in eius the flowing of blood from the side of mortis et per mortuorum resurrectio . and by the humble virginity and illud ineffabile nomen quod in sceptro fertility of the blessed Mary.. Sloane 3853. emanacionem sanguinis a latere crucifiXi by all the spirits of Jupiter. Tytarit or Titan. towards the south) . Mun. et Sabillia. and by tiam et per tremendum diem Judicii all the hosts (or army) of heaven. and by this per cissuram templi et veli et per obstrit. and of the veil in the temple. 94. face south in such a way that the middle of the table is beyond the circle. who will come to judge the world by fire. and omnibus preparatis et meum velle cum hasten to bring me the ring of invisibility. deceit. if they don't come.most sacred bed. But you should not leave the circle because of this. 38v. and by nus mihi visibilitater venietes et annu. and in order that all the tante qui veniet Judicare seculum per peoples of the earth may know what a 1gnem amen.95 and doubtlessly they will come. says the ring should have the name Tetragrammaton engraved on scepter. paying respects to you.without stopping and without fabricat­ ero in hoc lecto sanctissimo quiessere se ing. then repeat.names of our Lord Jesus Christ. PART 1: THEURGIA 10 9 mirifice in signiter [ *insignitum] quate. according to Sloane 3853.and comfort me in all things which you tione fallatia. whichever I will sciant quam mirabile sit et gloriosum select. • • • • [ 39 ] With this complete. and that one of you. * Sloane 3853. well-equipped with all foods possible. There is a drawing of it on fol. but you will see them has­ ten to eat. miracle is. vell mora mihi celeriter ap . and they will not fear the circle nor touch the scepter. but they will immedi­ ately put themselves around the table. and a glorious table. 53r showing Hebrew lettering and crosses.are able. Nor eat with them. and marked on my wonderful tis et mihi solacium que poteritis in ring. Design for the ring (pictured below) . . 95. but sit.* that you come to me visibly. and they will often offer you drink and wine. and (by) the excellent and glo- rious and most sacred name of God him­ self. and prepare to fulfill my will paretei ut una ex vobis quacunque elig. But one of them.98 add: 3a vice ["three times" ] . Sloane 3853 and Mun. and the smallest. Amen. will hasten to rest herself in this nomen deus sacratissimum ipso pres . effectu perficere non desinatis et sine fie. fol. or delay.4.that ineffable name which is carved on lum invisibilitates mihi aportare festina. the most pretty. quickly appearing to festinat et ut omnes terrarum populi me. A. and never have you had a more gentle or amorous creature in bed. invisibilitatis mihi visibiliter ad hunc that you give me the ring of invisibility. Then you may go to the bed. 1 1 0 adds: seu corpus [f]antasticum [((or phantastical body" ] . Amen. you should sit down." However.96 which if she doesn't fear. whereupon when you see this. because I select you as mine. Having finished this. you on your right side. amen. because she will try to cheat you. and everything else you wish. I believe I will satisfy you well enough. Wellcome MS. 1 1 0 adds: vel nihil [((or nothing" ] . and she on her left side. and lie down nude.110 THE B O O K OF O B ERON will not speak to you. she is willing to speak little98 to you. but will stand away from the others. nor may you inquire from her whether she is a woman or some spirit. because without doubt she is a woman. God. lectum accedere sine mora festines et Hasten to approach this bed without nuda ibidem quoque iaceas et mihi delay. and you should say as follows: Coniuro te virgo pulcherrima per I conj ure yo u. 98. 99. And without delay the others will indignantly stop dining. visible to me. not leaving until elego in meam et astringo te horum vir­ such time as I wish to grant your free­ tute verborum prestante domino nos­ dom. the first time you call them. but if you lie down with me. you will lose her forever. nor will she face you. who lives and reigns. and likewise lie omne solatium facias quod poteris sine down naked in that place. 1 1 0 adds: et socius meus similiter [ "and my associate has likewise" ] . Wellcome MS. and she herself will give you a ring of invisibility. saying "I cannot grant your petitions yet. give to her to kiss (while remaining in the circle) . if you ask her about her nature. after enjoying her company in bed. And you can know her and do whatever you wish with her. you will no longer be 96.97 Nevertheless. Wellcome MS. with our Lord Jesus Christ as our guide. before you go to the bed. . and tro Iesu Christo qui viuit et regnat deus bind you by the power of these words. and immediately afterward she will laugh a little. and provide fraude vell damno vell illusione vel me with all comfort which you are able. 97. lesure corporali nee recedes quousque without fraud or forfeiture or illusion licentiam tibi voluero concedere quia te or physical inj ury. by the conjuration and words hue venisti quatenus mihi data anulo by whose power you have come here. you are free to bid them depart in peace. 0 most beautiful coniurationem et verba virtute quorum maiden. for I have tried this many times. nor will she be able to harm you if she has been bound.99 But be careful that you ask her for the ring. so that you will be able to offer her the top of the sceptre. This is reminiscent of the tale of Lohengrin. Following Sloane 3853: vel [*nee} tibi loquetur nee tibi vultum faciet ad quem secrecius quo poteris ad os eius septri summitatem offeres. Presumably. confessors and virgins. I conjure you by the virtue of all rum nominum dei. apostolorum evangelistarum martirum martyrs. and the Holy Ghost.wherever you have come from. or any animal in the malis in toto mundo et paratus esto ad whole me when you are invoked. .storming.m aton + Go in p e ace . The end. et per omnia no . but licence him until another time. and you may lie down in your bed in the circle until morning. God Mary. When all is done. and when thou wilt call h [im] again. when that you call a spirit first and he appear: when he is come. Son. apostles.names of the holy angels.the holy names of God. And then say "In the beginning . without cumento corporis mei vell alicuius ani. that you rush from [ *to ] ut vadas de [ *ad] quibus venisti sine no. . I et die in principia &c. pa­ r u m p at r i a rch a r u m p r o p h e t a r u m triarchs.the virtue of the most holy mother of tutem sanctissime genetrices dei marie." 100 A general rule. but charge him to be obedient to that book forever after: and at that ti [me] ask him no more. John chapter 1 . and he shall tell and be ready to give thee a true answer at all times of all things. aut ullo malo fa. evangelists. 1 00. et filii. and be prepared to come me venire quando te invocavero per vir. archangels. who is a creature of coniuro per virtutem omnium sancto . PART 1: THEURGIA 111 able to compel her. and by confessorum atque virginum et per vir. without any que ulla temp estate. ask him nothing. by the vir­ tutem huius nominis dei + tue of this name of God + Tetragram­ Tetragram [ m ] aton + vade in pace abs. and the sancti amen. you may per­ mit her to depart. and without doing anything ciens in nomine patris.harming my body. in the name of the Father. et spiritus bad. Amen. because you will then be impure. . prophets. and by all the min a sanctorum angelo rum archangelo. The licence (or releasing) of any spirit 0 tu spiritus N qui es creatura dei te 0 you spirit N..God. Jesus Christ full of grace.+ ] Iskiros + Athanatos + loth + Atheo + baoth + pheabaoth + hele + hubiet + Sabaoth + Pheabaoth + Hele + Hubiet + ad [ . 68r. fol. . 1 0 1 . Amen.tions. Archangels.strong for helping and defending us. .prophets. power. Compare also Sloane 3853. In marg.Ad [ . consecrated rores trim ores [ *tim ores ] temp estates therefore so that no terrors. non valiant in ferre [ *valeant inferre ] or harm us in any blessed and consecrated. and infernal fernalia subiciuntur. consumatus [ * confirmatus ] et cons ilia. . patriarchs. martyrs. 0 circle. . fears. . . . fendente ] . Domina- tus circul [us] vel locus iste quatenus vir. ] Principalities. May it tus societate omnium sanctorum evan. cui eel est [ ia] terre stria et in. . sanctified gelistarum martirum p [ atri] archarum and guarded by the comp any of all prophetarum principatum potestatum saints. ] the name + Ianayara + and by sanctissima dei nota et ignota sit locus all the most holy names of God. . ." Compare with "consecratio circuli" on p. ] + Antrielle + Amarelle + Con- donelle + agios + chebenas + thele [ as + ] donelle + Agios + Chebenas + Thele [ as ymas + ban + hen + hely + en + vaus + + ] Ymas + Ban + Hen + Hely + En + ethen + bury + tallens + Sem [ . 6 1 . . s is more perfect . ] + antrielle + amarelle + con . mother of our Lord [ *ingredi nee intra] circulum istum ter. that it may be ipso adiuuante et circum cidente [ *de. d also in the booke .112 THE B O O K O F O B E RON This is the consecration of the circle 1 0 1 Coniuro te circulum et consecro I conjure you. . bene dictus + et circle be granted the gift of the grace of consecratu [ s] sanctifi +catus et custodi. earthly. . [Angels. and holh1ess sancta cruce Christi et a sancta maria from the sign of the living and true God matre domini nostri Jesu Christi plena and from the holy cross of Christ and gracie co [ nse] cratus itaque quod per from the holy Mary. . . deum creatorem celi et terri qui istum creator of Heaven and Earth. but this seems to be the general sense of the passage. strengthen tutem potestatem et sanctitatem suam and restore this circle or place so that it capiat in signo dei v [ ivi et veri] et a may take on virtue. by these names of celi et terre qui hista nomina the [ os + ] the creator of Heaven and Earth The [ os Iskiros + athanatos + loth + atheo + sa." In later (pagination) hand: " 1 07. th came out of order. .which all heavenly. ar after in this booke .: " . May the site of this tentis altissimi dei. 97. whether iste circulus iste ex dono gracie omnipo.known or unknown. and aliquo modo cause [ * nobis ] nocendi tempests may be able to enter this circle. I fol. Powers. preachers. and consecrate locum istum per ilium vivum et verum this place by that living and true God.* * There is corruption in all three versions consulted. ] no . .Vaus + Ethen + Bury + Tallens + mine + Ianayara + et per omnia nomina Sem [ . amen powers are subject to. and indeed circulum et locum per ipsum creatorem this circle and place.the almighty and most high God. priests. especially on Sundays in his Church to bless and sanctify that water in his name. tentis dei qui te aqua facit benedixit et who made you blessed and consecrated.ron + Vay + Any + Eye + Ass [ . and against bus potestate sancti spiriti nobis qui his assaults and snares. . in the benedicta in circulo et in loco omnipo. these names are written on your chest or in your hand. . in the name of God.for our protection and defense against bus] et infestationibus insidiis et fraudi. and ex­ voco et exo rziz [ o ] in nomine dei et orcise you. Here are the most holy names which make the spirits speak: + Emanuell + sabaoth + on + mes.Holy Ghost. . * Following Sloane 3853: dedit potestatem sacerdotibus precipue in diebus dominicis in ecclesia sua illam Aquam in nomine suo bene+dicere & sancti+ficere qui est pater .* who is the Father. ] where and for everything. ["he gave power to the . and besides in his name and et omnium sanctorum et sanctarum eius virtue and of all the saints male and fe­ cum omni celesti consertio ut tu aqua sis male. .circle and in the place of almighty God. 0 water. From Book of Consecration. . Amen. and I bless. ] + Es- sereayeey + Ado nay + sabaothe + sereayeey + Adonay + Sabaothe + 1 02. Son. es­ suis sacerdotibus precipue con [ secrare] pecially to the priests to consecrate [it in qui est pater et filius et spiritus sanctus. conse+cravit et dedit potestatem famulis and has given power to his servants. 67. by the power of misereco rdia suam p osse ubique ad the Holy Ghost. through Christ our Lord. PART 1: T H EURGIA 113 Consecration of the holy water 1 02 Asperge [ *Aspergo ] te equa [ *aqua] I sprinkle you. and ordered you to be consecrated aboli tempestationibus [ *temptationi. .all temptations of the Devil. and Mary eius nee non in nomine et virtu [ te ] eius his mother.+ You + Tetragram [ m ] aton + Semepho­ ron + vay + any + eye + ass [ . invoke. ] + es. may be conse­ et consecrari iussit sis omnibus nobis crated through that God who has made protectio et defentio a [b ] omnibus ] In order that the spirits don't have the power to harm you. his name ] . who is merciful to us. fol. 0 holy water. sancte matris Ecclesie et maria matris and the holy mother Church. and et ego te aqua benedict' [ *benedico ] In. + Emanuell + Sabaoth + On + Mes- sias + sother + Agla + Adonay + + yana sias + Sather + Agla + Adonay + + Yana + you + Tetragram [ m ] aton + semepho . who is the Father" etc. with all the celestial assembly. omne dignetur per Christi dominum and may it be deemed worthy every­ nostrum am [ en. compare Sloane 3853. 0 water. in consecra [ ta] per ilium deum qui te fecit order that you. In faded lighter ( red? ) ink in marg. with the blood of a lapwing." 107) three times. saying ever to me the truth in all things that I shall ask thee. 1 08. Then say the conjuration which con­ cerns the spirit Baron. Stylized Pseudo-Hebrew Tetragrammaton-Hebrew letters-"Yod-He-Vau-He. 1 34 and again p. / [ ??] er. or in your hand when you conjure the spirits. 39v. and by the high name of God + Agla + that thou be obedient unto me and serve me. and strength." The editors strongly condemn mistreating animals. I conjure thee by the holy names of God Pneumaton + that Moses named when the earth swallowed Dathan and Abyron. with the blood of a magpie. Iterum [ "again" ] . ] et hearap'e [ ? ] p 1 77 I so it is fol. ] tr set do [ ?? ] nis in th [ ? ] a I [ . When any (?) spirit appeareth. but ever tell the truth and give to me a true answer of all that I shall require of thee. mostly illegible: " [ ?? ] s exp'is [ ? ] rifer I [ . Compare below Folger p. and in the sea. Or perhaps pici [ "woodpecker"] ." 1 05. Psalm 50 (KJV 5 1 ) ..' and Sloane 3853. 59 lib. and by all his virtue. now that thou art appeared to me by Almighty God. 0 God .11 4 THE B O O K O F O B E RON [ 40 ] l I 1 1I 1 I 1 -." . which generally means hoopoe (upupa epops). . fiat. Amen. spirit N. 1 75. 105 but if you are unable. 1 06 Then hold the paper in your hand.1 1 1 � 10 3 It is good to have these names written on your chest. I conjure and command thee to speak unto me meekly. 2 1 5r. but this manuscript elsewhere (Folger pp. and write on it these charac­ ters � 6 � C "C � o E ! YJ. right so in the same name. say this: 1 0 8 I conjure thee. fiat. And if thou withstand my will and com- 1 03. and say the truth of that I shall ask thee. and recite Psalm 5 1 ( "Have mercy on me. lowly. might.. where it is called "Baraham or Baron. in earth. 56 and 1 67) translates it as "lapwing. 1 07.. I conjure thee by the dreadful day of doom that thou make no lies to me nor false imaginations. neither use any false wiles. 1 06. 1 1 0. Concerning Baron 1 04 Take a sheet of parchment made from unborn dog. .. where the spirit is named "Barachin. and by all the virtue which he hath in heaven." 1 04.Nun? I Yod-He­ Vau-Hel. Compare also Wellcome MS. . fiat.. Latin reads upupa. but JHP doesn't recall seeing the latter used in magical texts.. and under the earth. and gently and openly in a man's voice. here or elsewhere. Sloane 3853 reads canis [ "of a dog" ] . 0 God") three times. by day or night. Bind him by this oath. . or in whichever part you place one piece of paper. by the pain. by all the might of God and our lady Saint Mary and of all the company in and of heaven. Sloane 3853 adds "with the sword. 1 1 1 and make four pieces of paper. without leasing or subtlety or guile. 2 1 5r. I condemn thee by name N. character. and by the virtue of his blessed flesh and blood. both hands and feet. then hold the paper in your right hand and say Psalm 5 1 ( "Have mercy on me. N . and passion of our Lord Jesus suffered. PART 1: THEURGIA 115 mandments in word or deed. Compare also Sloane 3853. and by the virtue of all the holy names that I afore here have named and read. 109 who is said to be good for hidden treasure. The experiment of Baron Experiment of Baron. and by all the company of heaven that I will be ready to thee. In the first place. . with the blood of a lapwing. . and he is able to do many other things." 1 1 1 . Make a circle in the earth. . fol. .. death.. and "Concerning Baron" above does as well. mother of Almighty God. . now or at any time hereafter. and make him say after thee these words: I. that I can or may and that without circle. you will not need it again. 1 1 0. in the bedroom of the house. swear by God. by day and by night. to say and to do truly. Then take the skin of an unborn cat. [ or] conj uration when thou wilt call me. Instead of catti [ ''of a cat" ] . 1 10 but when you have spoken with the spirit once with the circle. and write these characters with the pen­ tacle of Solomon to what purpose they will be dedicated. by the Holy Virgin Mary. . N. . . and abstain from sexual gratification. You may operate at any day or hour of the day or night. I command and bind thee to the deep pit of hell: there to remain till the day of doom except thou give me anon a grant of my asking in all things that thou mayest do. Then say: 1 09. you must fast for three days on bread and water. when you wish to operate. or out in a field. ( ? ) . either alone or with two or three associ­ ates. and cut your nails. but alone is better. broke up * Following Wellcome MS. et per transiuit et per mortem and by <crossed> [ *the crown of thorns et resurrectionem et ascentionem eius et which he wore on his head] . and by the ring and per angelos et per virtutem qua sol ob. and will thronos et ducatus [ * dominaciones ] say "come. Wellcome MS. 1 1 0: dei viui ac veri et misericordissimi. and p at [ i ] bulum crucis in qua suspensus by the yoke of the cross on which he was <est deus> [ *fuerit. et Ghost. et per vinculum salomonis.+ and by the cesse sunt. Wellcome MS.and water which flowed from his side. et per sangui. Principates. fluxerunt. son of simi et per ill urn angel urn qui in tuba the living God. par [a] cleti. 224r. 39v. 1 1 0. and by the lance latus eius perforatus est. et] per claues quibus suspended. 43r. come." and by all An­ principalitates [ *principates] potestates gels and Archangels. t and canet in die Iudicii. which appears in parallel passages in this text Folger pp. pure and merciful. and by the Christi filii dei viui puri. come. et per anulum et sigillum sa. I conjure you. et virtutes. 1 1 0: per coronam spineam quam in suo capite portauit.116 THE B O O K OF O B ERON The invocation of Baron Coniuro te spiritum qui vo caueris I conjure you. fol. Potestates.* and by his per sempiternam graciam spiritus sancti death and resurrection and ascension. et monumenta apereta et sunt power which obscured the Sun. and Virtues. and by the angels.strength of our Lord Jesus Christ. by the loyalty which you owe to prevat et per virtutem domini nostri Iesu yo ur p ersonal s ervant. Thrones and Domi- cherubin et seraphin. et misericordis. t Wellcome MS. and by the blood nem et aqua [ m ] que de lattere eius ef.which pierced his side.and by the eternal t grace of the Holy lomonis. by the con- m 1 n 1 n o s t r i I e s u C h r i s t i e t p e r demnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. nations. 0 Baron.sigil of Solomon. Coniuro te baron per po [ e ] nas do. fol. and by the bond of status est [ * obscuratus erat] et petre Solomon. et dicet venit venit by that angel who will sound the truro­ venit et per omnes angelos et archangelos pet on the Day of Judgement. and by the nails which at­ affixus est cruci et per lancea [ m ] qua tached him to the cross. + Probably a corruption of lapidem angularem. . 1 34 and 1 75 .* 0 spirit who is called baron per fidem quam debes socio tuo Baron. 1 1 0: septiformam [ ''seven-fold" ] . * Compare Sloane 3853. Cheru­ bin and Seraphin. t Sloane 3853: dei viui et veri & pii misericordissimi [ ''living and true and blessed God most merciful" ] . the Paraclete. all the dead-good gent. and by the staff of dei viui. et per thuruludum [ *thuribu.altar which is before his eyes. mortui boni et mali in Ictu oculi resur. and by the milk of the glori­ latus [ *loc] eius gloriose [ *gloriosi] vir. 1 75 . . 1 1 0. I conjure you. <et latus eius> et holy name. Since this is evidently structured on Revelations 8:3. 1 6r ff.which being called. and by the Ark of the Covenant.t * Matthew 27:5 1 . 0 spirit who is called catur] b aron p er glorisum virgin em B aron. qui vacatur. and by the name Sothert + by * Likely an error for "Ya + Saday. and by the holy of sanctorum holies. and by his most simum nomen eius. 1 75 reads "Vasaday. mariam matrem do mini no stri Iesu mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. which the Lord accepted into ginis et uberaque dominus proprio ore his own mouth from her and from her suscepit et succit. Alpha et b reasts. 1 1 0 reads per omnes missas prophetarum et apostolorum [ "by all the Masses of the prophets and apostles" ] .and evil-will be raised up in the blink ciet dominus omnes lapides terra<u>m of an eye. and qui est ante occulos eius et per premissas by the golden censer. et per virgam had slept to rise up. and opened the tombs and ierunt surrexerunt.carried the son of God. he who is called Alpha and Omega + ya + haday + Emanuel! + sa. and by the golden [ *mensus ] < et per missas> pro posito. Wellcome MS." The parallel text on Folger p.the rocks.Omega + Ya + Haday* + Emanuel + Sa­ baoth + Arphaxat + et per hoc nomen baoth + Arphaxat + and by this holy sanctum dei semafores + et p er hoc name of God Semiphoras + and by this nomen Adonay + quod dominus media name Adonay + which the Lord pro ­ nocte clamauit ad qua vocem omnes claimed in the middle of the night. Wellcome MS. PART 1: TH EURGIA 117 et multa corpa sanctorum qui dorm.* and by the staff A [ a] ron et archum federis per tronum which parted the sea.ous virgin. per virgam quea caused the bodies of many saints who [ *quae ] mare apparuit.Aaron. Coniuro te spiritus qui vocater [ *vo. it originally probably read something like per omnes preces prophetarum et sanctorum et sanctarum [ "by all the prayers of the prophets and saints" ] . fol." Wellcome MS. fol. and by the rum [ * positionum ] . 1 1 0 and Sloane 3853 both read "Ya. who Christi qui dei filium portavit et sanctis." t Compare Sloane 3847. 3 7r. t Based o n parallel text on Folger p . by the glo rio us Virgin Mary. lum ] auream et per altare aureum que and by the throne of the living God. et p er sanctum weighing of the facts. et per nomen Sather + in quo fa. angels and archangels of God. and by all the powers of God. per fulgura et nubes coniuro te the raging heat.praiseworthy and miraculous ascension. et tunc [ 4 1 ] diciter umentibus [ *di. by which our Lord will carry cum omnibus impiis suis in carcere [ m ] out judgment o n the Devil with all his et in stagnum ignis et sulphuris precipi. "and then [41] the living a [ *et] facere [ + benedictionem] sedente will say to the mountains. by the winter and the Baron per terram et 4 elementa coniuro summer.118 THE B O O K OF OBERON et omnia edificia ·una die unum adver. et Baron. 0 humilis in omnibus mihi serui es [ sic] ] noctes. et in simull debel.opponent after another. and by his glorious judgment. 0 celos sunt." t and by this ineffable name cio diabolum cum tota corpore suo. fall upon us. by the blessing of God in lem ascencionem eius et per gloriosum the firmament of Heaven . and by all coniuro te Baron per aquas qui super the heavens of God. and terri- fying or tingling ( ! ) forever and ever. coniuro te exorzizo te Baron the triumphant glory of the Heavenly ut sis spiritus benignes [ *benign us ] et Father will be restored. by the et archangel as dei et omnes celos dei. I conjure you. by the waters which are above the per salem et lunam.throne.bly serve me in all things. [ *sedenti] sup er<a> thronum e [ t ] per and to the hills: cover us. et rain and the dew.which the Lord made all stones of the sum altrum distruere. t Revelations 4. and reuertetur. and likewise to cent viuentis] montibus cadite super nos vanquish them. and by all the spirits of estatem glacies et viues [ *niues. micabile in secula seculorum. that you be benignant and hum- socijs tuis per benedicionem dei in fir. Coniuro te iterum Baron per angelos I again conjure you. and by his Judicium eiu [ s ] et formidabile vel for. by night . by the ice and snows. et per laudabilem et mirabi. and all his wicked will be tabit. by the [ * coniuro ] te per ignis estum frigus. to demolish one lare." * and make ( a hoc nomen ineffabile quod est Ya in quo benediction) ((to him who sits on the dominus noster pacter [ *peracto ] Iudi. :f: Revelations 20:9. along with mento celi.your associates. and all buildings. I conj ure you by the fire and et dies. * Luke 23:30. et dominus cum suis electis cum thrown into prison and into the lake of gloria triumphali in celestium patriam fire. I conjure you. rorem et omnes spiritus domini coniure and by the Sun and the Moon. 9 and 6: 16. 0 Baron. per Imberem et heavens. et per omnes virtutes dei.congregation. the Lord.+ and the Lord with his chosen. et which is Ya. conjure you. et per quinque the spirits and souls of the just of God. 0 God" 1 13 three times." Then give him his freedom. And immediately that spirit will come. YJ II c!" cv I � · ? · · + C Y. whether in the house or outside. Then make your interrogation. and come in human form. Latin upupa. wounds. and by the seven sacraments of God's church. Psalm 50 (KJV 5 1 ) . by Israel. When you wish to operate. vulnera dei. et per septem sacramenta and by all the saints and those of humble ecclesie dei. ] Coniuro te baron per volucres the four elements . and by God's five dicam tibi. I conjure sanctos et humiles corde . and to my associates. by the coram me et sociis meis in forma hu. 0 Baron. I conjure you. et per omnes spiri. I conj ure you. 1 1 3 . 0 Baron. ''give me [leave. and omnes filius [ *filios ] homi [ num. p er omnes bestias et p e cora et Baron. and can do many other things. and by all the Baron per pulmonem et epac domini et priests and servants of God. and] 1 14 order him that he should come and respond to you when called by conjura­ tion. and can make discord or harmony between men and women. and by the beasts and cattle. Restored per parallel text o n Folger p . and he will re­ spond to you. that you may have conjugal relations without harm. Baron himself will say to you. but see note on Folger p. 40. and he will tell you whatever you wish. 0 Baron. 1 1 4. and tus et animas iustorum dei. 1 76. and he can point out hidden treasure. that you quickly come to me in person in human form. ] Con. Your petition complete. . and say the whole Psalm "Have mercy on me. and accomplish and fulfill whatever I ask you. ut sci to [ *cito ] venias hunc heart. and 1 1 2.___y c l f YJ I 10'"6 � · Hold �- these characters in your right hand. and by all per omnia membra dei. et omnes by all the children of mankind. by the birds in the erdotes et servos dei. coniuro te you.skies. by the mountains and hills. and whatever hour you wish to have him. 0 Baron. or however you wish. And if you wish he will bring a virgin girl. omnia gernimanta [ *germinantia] in I conjure you. write these characters with the blood of a lapwing: 1 1 2 · f. l · · � · · · · f<. who is wise and obedient in all things. by the earth and terr [ a. PART 1: THEURG IA 11 9 te Baron per montes et colles et p er and day.Lord's lungs and liver. I iuro te Baron per Isralem et omnes sac. by the lightning and the clouds. and then begin. and by all the in­ mana et facias et compleas quecunque ternal organs of God. 0 all that sprouts forth on the earth. and to complete the sense. (or unless you immediately appear culum. I order you to be harshly mentari multiplicantur si [ s ] vos omnes tormented in that place.and Holy Ghost. nisi thesaurum hie in ways in chains of fire. and virgins. Compare Sloane 3853. . and your pains dolores mundi et infernorum semper be multiplied with all the pains of the sitis infernis ignis ligati et penam ignis world and of hell. et virgintas beate marie virgines son. 1 1 5 A bond for a spirit who is rebellious and won't appear Maledicti summe trinitates.all saints.scend. martyrs. humility and the virginity of the blessed et intercessiones omnium sanctorum Virgin Mary bind and destroy you.forces of the highest God and Trinity. and refuses to appear to us in per­ tas.) Unless you 1 1 5. in the name of the Father. 2 1 5r. and the Holy Ghost. evangelists . and the Son. descend upon you. nium electorum dei qui ab initio mundi and all the elect of God. nem in ignem eternum m ittaturo s and by his resurrection. confound you. who have been fuerunt usque in hanc horam confun. one who has been unwilling to de­ recus [ at] conculcat capita vestra humili. archangelorum patriarcha.and all the merits and the intercession of rum. et filii. et spiritus and indivisible Unity. May you be bound al­ ibu [ *ibi] sustinatis. eo qui de. 0 sedere nolite. confessors.the passions of our Lord Jesus Christ. By tri Iesu Christi et per eius resurrectio.grant to us the treasure hidden beneath mine relinquerite. prophetarum apostolorum evan . Father and Son sancti discendat super vos N.120 THE B O O K O F O BERON __g then say to him that he can retire in peace. gelistarum i n n o ce n t i a m martirum prophets. vel coram nobis apparere N. et indivi. The curses of the ultimate Trinity. angels.cents. archangels. unless you immediately dederitis et in nostra potestate ac regi. etc ut vis et multiplicantur super to me before this circle. or otherwise obey nisi mihi statim appareti [ s] hie ante cir. et permisseritis vel sic this ground. they tread upon your head. and relinquish it into our mihi obedierite [ *obedire] mihi feceritis power and control. may you be sent [ *mittereris] Iubeo Ibidem duriter tor. fol. et potencie dei sumi trinitate [ + and destroy you. Amen. patriarchs.clean from the beginning up to this very dant vo s omnia sacramenta eccl [ es ] ie hour. due unitates p atris. May all the sacra­ dei destruant et interficiant vos omnes ments of the church of God demolish vires. inno ­ conffessorum atque virginum et om. May and there sustain terra subpositum et recondit nobis statim pains of fire. May the lig [ ent] et des truant vos omnea merita. May all the powers and per] passionis [ *passiones] domini nos.into eternal fire. apostles.. etc. et do mine 0 blessed God.pains mentioned above. Prayer [ + of purification] 0 pie exaudibilis deus. et po. 23. illud sanctissimum nomen tuum Adonay + cuius regnum permanet i n eternum sine fine. and by your terrifying name venerab ilem. and et habendi thesaurum his inffossum this treasure which is buried and hidden. 0 cursed spirit. 1 0862. and merciful God. Mathers. by your mine per tuam miserecordium. Deign to grant me seculum cuius pauore obediunt omnes success in this operation. Father almighty miserico [ rs ] deus qui cuncta creasti et eternal God. and this without any for- amen. amen. 73v. book I chapter 5. * Compare Clav icu la Aubrey 24. Michael 276. Amen. fiat. through that most sacred name verba tua hunc thesaurum quali sane. fulfill our p etitions and desires trarum aut corpor<or>um. atq [ ue ] sepultum ergo I obsecro te do.mercy and power and pity. The - Key of Solomon the King. feiture of our souls or bodies. Amen. fiat. Ado nay + whose power persists tum quae sat citissimum habeamus per forever without end. hoc] non facimus propter vel causa pro. 0 Lord. p.Therefore I entreat you. et trimendum nomen + loth + at which all creatures tremble tuum + loth + per quae tremet sanctum with fear and obey. as the sands in trum sine mora perimpleueritis et hoc the sea and the stars in the sky. and holy Lord.* worthy of being sancte pater omnipotens eterne deus et heard.of yours. but to obtain our petition. who has omnia cognostis tu sis que [ *et scis quod created all things and knows all things. .know that we do this not to tempt your band virtutem tuam sed causa obtinend. fiat fiat fiat without delay. because of creature mihi trubuere digne [ ris ] ut ex your most sacred and infinite words. Additional MS. I will supradicti sicut arene maris et stelle celi multiply your punishment with all the donee peticiones et disider [ i ] um nos. hac operacionem propter tua sanctis . PART 1: THEU RGIA 121 vos maledictus spiritus omnes dolores satisfy my wishes. unless absque damno aliquo anima [ rum ] nos.that we may h ave this treasure very sima et inficatissima [ * infinitissima] quickly. 1 9v. power. and ineffable tentiam et pietatem e [ t] per ineffabilem venerability. John. 0 God of Abraham.road. defend me chalem archangel urn defende me In in battle that I may not die in terror. nee will be able to condemn me. .122 THE B O OK OF OB ERON [ 42 ] When you have finished.* holy Barachiel. holy sancte barachiell sancte cherubin sancte Raphael. God of Jacob.grant help by the highest power of God. Michael.side the home. et o mne tem p o re a Jesus Christ. ecce sudden death. nee extra domum vigelan. and sancte michaell sancte gabriell sancte from the snares of the demons. with whom he appears elsewhere. be favourable to me. nee morte subita.holy cherubim. periculi mortis et ab insidiis demonum and at all times.only-b egotten son of God. and pro-· et protegat me ab omnibus Inimicis meis tects me from all my enemies visible and visibilibus et invisibilibus sanctum mi. and all rum ut mihi per summam potentiam the holy powers of Heaven. waking nor sleeping. nor at home. praelio ut non periam in tremendo Iudico. a poor miserimo et custos sis mihi omnibus sinner. Archangel Michael. that you rescue me today.have pity on me. holy Thobiel. nor out­ tern. michaell sancte archangelem I proclaim. holy archangel Christi per gratiam qua meruisti a dom. nor nea. and send the help of rum sanctum michalem arcangelum your holy and most glorious Archangel gloriosissimum qui defendat me hodie. nor to disturb me in any crucem + fugite partes adverse vicit leo way. may you dei prestetis auxilium deus det mihi gra. saraphin et omnes sancte virtutes celo . et mitte mihi adiuto.May God give me grace. Behold the cross + Flee ye adversar­ de tribu Iuda ex sterpe [ *filius ] david ies! The lion from the Tribe of Juda. Michael who defends me today.Michael. holy Gabriel. nor drowsy. the * An angel who turns up repeatedly in fifteenth-century sources. nee in via. tiam ut null [ us ] Inimicus me condem. bus miserere mei. from mortal say the following prayer. that no enemy nare posset.merited from God. If there were to be a seventh angel here. 0 holy uriell sancte raphaell sancte thobiell. nee in domo. and guard me all the days of my die bus vite me deus Abraham deus Iaco.invisible. and the Gospel of St. it would likely be Raguel. nee aliquomodo perturbare.of Christ. our Lord pias me hodie. holy seraphin. nee dormientem. by the grace which you have ino te deprecor per unigenitum deus do. I entreat you by the minum nostrum Iesum Christum ut eri. holy Uriel. Deus propicius esto mihi peccatori 0 God. not on the in coniuio. auxilia me deus meus Agros me. without hurting. * This is almost certainly a mistake for Agios.Agros Agros. alleluia. 233. by your cross and your blood you Agros crux + Christi salva me crux + have redeemed. both of heavenly things. Jesus Christ is the glory of the father. So by their virtues and powers I conjure thee spirit N. and by his nativity.quered. that our lord. neither is there any other name given unto man whereby he must be saved. by these holy names of God + Tetragrammaton + Adonay + Algramaye + Saday + Sabaoth + Planaboth + Panthon + Craton + Pneumaton + Deus + Homo + Omnipotens + Sempiternus + Y sus + Terra + Unigenitus + Salvator + Via + Vita + Manus + Pons + Origo + Filius + and by their virtues and powers. that thou immediately appear here before me in the circle appointed for thee. A vincle 1 1 6 or call I conjure thee 1 1 7 spirit by the living God.' as in parallel text on Folger circumcision. by his precious death and burial. earthly things. 1 1 8. for this holy name of Jesus is above all names: for in this name of Jesus every knee doth bow and obey. and infernal. 1 1 7. the first and the last. providing evidence of an independent transmission. * the cross + of Christ saves fende me. Therefore in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. by his cross and passion. and by the holy God. Discouerie of Witchcraft. help me. Discouerie of Witchcraft. 1 1 8 by his agony and bloody sweat. by the true God. and by their virtues and powers which have created both thee and me and all the world. and temptation. may your suffering be my protec­ tion. . Scot. the cross + of Christ protects me. by his glorious resurrection and ascension. Alleluia. by his corning in the dreadful day of doom: I conjure 1 1 6. PART 1: T H EURGIA 123 radix Iesse. 0 Jesus. and every tongue doth confess. "holy. Agios: Gk. 0 my God. I conjure thee thereto. alleluia. fearing. quietly and peaceably. son of Jesse has con­ qui per crucem et sanguinem tuum re. and by all that appertaineth unto his passion and by their virtues and powers. baptism. the cross + of Christ defends me.. and by all their names by which God gave power to man both to speak or think. all [ elui] a all [ elui] a salva me root of D avid. or in any wise annoying of me or any of God's creatures whatsoever. Vincle: bond. 52. I Iesu tua passio sit mihi pro . visible unto me without any tarrying or deceit. I conjure thee N. fasting. Save demisti me. frouting. tectio amen. holy. by the excellent name of Jesus Christ Alpha and Omega. This list is much more elaborate than that in Scot. harming. Christi protege me crux + Christi + de. Amen. and by all things contained in them. If thou refuse this to do. because thou hast denied thy faith. by the golden girdle which girded the loins of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. I conjure thee spirit N. by the blood of the innocent lamb Jesus Christ which was shed for me upon the Cross for all those that do believe in the virtue of his blood shall be saved. by the heavens and by the celestial city Jerusalem. For thy great disobedience thou art worthy to be condemned. that thou appear to me visible in that circle appointed there for thee.124 THE B O O K OF O B ERON thee. the shadow of darkness and of death. and all the souls of saints both of men and women condemn thee forever and be a witness against thee at the day of judgment. say thereunto. . Thrones. Revelation 1 . and salvation. let the great curse of God. thy health. harm. as is afore­ said. and let all the creatures of God and of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. Principates.. because of thy disobedience.. 1 1 9 so be thou spirit bound into the perpetual pains of hellfire. by the virtues and powers. Amen. Potestates. I conjure thee. and by their virtues and powers. except thou spirit do appear unto me visibly immediately in that circle quietly. I charge thee upon pain of everlasting condemnation. in human form. Virtues. and lamentably thy pain to be there augmented as the stars in the heaven and as the gravel or sand in the sea. for thy disobedience and unreverent regard that thou hast to the holy names and words of the living God by me pronounced and his precepts. by the virtue and power of the Holy Trinity do condemn thee into the place where there is no hope of remedy or rest but everlasting horror and pain there dwelling and a place where there is pain upon pain daily. horribly. Cherubim and Seraphim. I conjure thee N. be torn and cut in pieces with that sword. Dominations. and by the earth. and by the sea. and be con­ demned into everlasting pain where the fire goeth not out and where the worm dieth not. 1 1 9. I conj ure thee N. I conjure thee by the obedience that thou dost owe unto thy principal prince and except that thou do appear visibly in this circle in my presence here immediately as is aforesaid. the anger of God. without any dissimulation. or annoyance in manner and form aforesaid in human form and shape. therefore let the divine Trinity. Amen. that thou be in all things obedient unto me and to my words rehearsed. thou spirit N. and not alter thy shape. and by all the royal names and words of the living God by me pronounced. I conjure thee N. I. by the two-edged sword which John saw proceed out of the mouth of the al­ mighty and so thou spirit N. spirit N . and of eternal condemnation be upon thee for ever and ever. and as obedient as the hail. frogs. not Elijah. grasshoppers. so do I bind thee to my obedience. and by all that is aforesaid and by the names of God Elgrah + Ebanher + Agla + Goth + loth + Othie + Venoth + Nabrat + Nayoth + Nath + by the which Solomon the king did bind up the Devil. that there standeth or appeareth by the infinite word of God. and sores were at the lifting up of Moses's hands to come into the land of Egypt as obedi­ ent as the Red Sea that divided itself and as obedient [ sic ] as the Sun and Moon that stood still by the will of God at the commandment of Joshua. and spirits in the brasen pans. rain. which fell down without stroke of hand after they were compassed of the people of God seven times. thick darkness. and as obedient as the bears and fire were by the will of God to obey the commandment of Elijah. botches. by the which he made man to his own image and like­ ness. The incident with the bears actually involved Elisha. and as meek as Jesus Christ was when he suffered himself to be taken and bound and sent to Caiaphas. and as obedient unto me as Christ Jesus was when he suffered himself to be bound to the cross and nailed thereto suffering most grievous torments. and disobedience out of heaven into hellfire to be damned. and by his holiness and meekness. A band to bind them into the triangle or ring * I conjure and bind thee by the power of God into this � as fast as Christ Jesus was bound by the Jews in his humanity when he was sent unto Caiaphas and Pilate. lightning. by the which thou wast compelled hitherto. blains. by the great goodness of God. and as obedient unto me as the wind and the sea that became calm and the foul spirits came forth and possessed the swine at the commandment of Christ Jesus. and by the obedience of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ to his fa­ ther and mother. and by his justice and judgments cast you and your fellows for sin. and sweating both water and blood for the redemption of mankind. pre­ sumption. See 2 Kings 2:23-24. pride. mother of our lord and sav­ iour Jesus Christ. that thou be as meek unto me as the lamb before the shearer. I conjure you also by his abundant mercy and goodness by the which he saved us and redeemed us. thunder. I conjure you by the virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. and by the Cross of Christ Jesus so fast and sure do I bind thee as himself was bound to the Cross and nailed thereto in his humanity when he shed both water and blood 1 20. . I charge thee and I conjure thee by all the powers of God and by all his holy names. 1 20 and hereunto I bind thee by Jesus Christ and by his power. and here to come that thou be as obedient unto me as the walls of Jericho were. PART 1: THEURG I A 12 5 [ 43 ] A conjuration of obedience I conjure thee spirit. 1 25 And I bind thee up by and in the virtue of the name of God + Baruch + the which Daniel named in the lion's den. Compare Sloane 3 846. . I conjure and bind thee by and in the virtue of the holy name of God + Ka­ chionader122 by the which God set. 1 22. and the lion's mouths were shut and bound up that they could not open them to hurt him. 1 2 1 . placed. the earth. and bound the Sun. And I bind thee by and in the virtue and power of the holy names of God. Yea. Hachio • Nad [ a ] 1 2 3 Valislior + vel Hachionada + Balizer +124 by the which Josua bound the Sun that he stood still on Aaloth and the Moon stood still on Gibeon. I bind thee by and in the virtue and power of the holy names of God + De­ geron + or + Gegeron + by the which Moses bound the Red Sea that it stood as still as a stone on both sides like a wall while the people of Israel passed through. James 5 : 1 7. the seas. dealzhat. the Moon.126 THE B O O K O F OB ERON and suffered most grievous pains on the Cross for the redemption of the world. beltzlior. so long as the world end. I.. setting them their bonds the which they may not pass. 1 25 . 26r. I bind thee in and by the virtue of the name of God + Pan craton + the which Elias named and the heavens were bound up and shut fast that it rained not on the earth in three years and six months. Compare LIH name 53: Achionadabir? 1 23.e. seal. 1 24. and I sigillate thee by his holy name Phaa + by and in the which God sigillated the heavens. 67 Moses: bachando. Recounted by Agrippa in OP Book 3.1 8 . Yea. Razielis: Bachianodobalizlior. chapter 64. & thus bachiocoiodobaliz hac. I bind thee as fast as the body of Christ Jesus was bound in the linen cloths when he was laid into his sepulchre and I sigillate 1 2 1 thee into this L\ as Christ Jesus his body was sigillated and shut up in his sepulchre. And I bind thee to thy obedi­ ence by and in the virtue of the name of God Zechellote vell lechellote + Y smas + by and in the virtue of the which God hanged the earth upon the waters that it should not move at any time. and all therein. and they durst not move till he had fought the battle of the Lord and had slain the mighty king of the Amorites. yea. And I bind thee by and in the virtue of the holy name of God Panteon + the which Moses named and brought darkness on all the land of Egypt. and the stars in the height of Heaven to keep their course obediently forever. 1 74: "Ita Christus in ea forma qua ascendit cum omnibus ordinibus angelorum ad judicium veniens. Yea. . Elizabeth C. but to be obedient and serviceable to the will of God to cast him up upon the dry land safe and sound. Et per nomen et in nomine + Sa.+ Jehovahh at which all knees bend in tiam quam terrestium et per nomen et Heaven and on Earth. " Et per nomen. Iterum [ "again" ] I conjure and bind thee by and in the virtue and power of the holy name of God + Messias + by the which the great and mighty whale was bound not to hurt Jonah being in his belly three days and three nights. et emperor shall triumph in his glory. . in Parker.. 1 992 ) . and the fire was bound that it could not hurt nor touch them. . . And in the name of God + Praigmon + by the which God shall darken the Sun and the Moon and shall make all the stars to fall from heaven.* * The passage seems to echo the twelfth century Honorius Augustodunensis. and Mary B. and by the name [ in ] nomine + Tetragramaton + Jehovah and in the name of + Tetragrammaton + + in quo est plasmatum omne seculum Jehovahh* + in which is formed all the quo audito elem enta corruunt Aer ages.with his angels for judgment. III. And by the name and in the name of baoth + in quo deus ad Judicium veniet + Sabaoth + in which God will come cum angelis and like an emperor shall tri. bk. et angeli paribunt. and all elements ignis sulfuris et frigoris mixto. Elucidarium.. And by the name and in the name of vah cui omni genu flectitur tam celes. sulfur. And I bind thee up and sigillate thee by the names + Elgrah + Ebanher + Agle + Goth + Joth + Othie + Venoch + Nabrat + Nayoth + Nath + by the which Solomon did bind the devils and spirits and shut them up in the brasen pans for disobedience. will be disturbed by the season of mixed fire. and like an umph in his glory. p. The Cloisters: Studies in Honor of the Fiftieth Anniversary (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art. omnia elementa turbabuntur. chap 5 1 . et in nomine + Jeho. which being heard. 1 2 1 . angeli crucem ferentes . all the elements * H. PART 1: TH EURGIA 127 [44] And I bind thee by and in the names of God + Spargontio + Emanuel! + by the which Shadrach. and cold. tempestate ignis sulfuris et frigoris mixtim undique furente.. and Abednego called on the lord in the fiery furnace. And omnia elementa turbabuntur tempestate the angels will attend. Shepard. Mesach. I bind thee in the name of God + Abeneton + by and in the which God shall humble and make low the hills. Layaly. Libarre. Yalgal? and I bind and conjure thee by these And I bind and conjure thee by these seven glorious names of God + legetho. Libares. et sub pena legechomon the sea. tima nomina dei largia + gaaghum + or not intermingle.power Aye + by which the waters stay tur vel non comitantur et per hec sep. are corruu [ n ] t.monon + Ledelegna + Ledeforon + Ar­ genorochon + lederogaon + ledepoten + belgenorochon + Lederogaon + Ledepo­ ledeseleson + per que deus trembles. and are confounded. Lyalg.runs back. Ueham. and infernal hosts tremble. the sea tremit ignis extinguitur omnesque glorious names of God + Legetho­ monon + ledelegna + ledeforon + Arbel.back. and under + leolagnah + leoferon + Abelgenochon p e n alty Lege c h o m o n + L e o l ag n ah . and will come to judge et mortuos et seculum per ignem. Might these b e corrupted from the seven names of God o n Sigillum Dei: Narath. * Compare Wellcome MS. 43v: et per omnia nomina istorum que sunt maxi me dei Nigro man tie artis. s. the air is shaken. balsarum super Balsak paulin. the citus celestium terrest [r] ium et Inferno. Et per hac nomina que maxima sunt And through these names which are in Arte nigromantica + b alsac + super great in the art of Nigromancy + Balsac balsac + sarye + sarapye + pamulion + + over Balsac + Sarye + Sarapye + Pam­ de sede sarapais in potestate Aye + per ulion + down from the seat Sarapais* in que aque restant et elementa concutina. and by these seven levalogni lavafarim + vbalgana + haia + names of God: Largia + Gaaghum + layazogin + layarosin + layaschesyn + Levalogni lavafarim + Vbalgana + Haia per qui ligantur Omnia + Layazogin + Layarosin + Layaschesyn t + by which all things are bound. rum tremuit [ *tremunt] turbantur et worldly. 1 1 0. the living and the dead and the ages by fire. Et per ilium qui sedet super sedem And through Him who sits upon the Aemaelion et venturus est Judicare vivos seat Aemaelion. et si. the fire is extinguished. troubled. in potestate Orye Saraye de sede Sarparis quibus nominatis aque restarent a cursu s[??]. and all the heavenly. and all that is in them. This seems to be a variant or degenerated version of H . and the elements shook violently.128 THE B O O K OF O B ERON concu [ t ] itur mare retrogradatur terra are overthrown.ten + Ledeseleson + by which G o d gillavit celum et terram e t mare e t omnia created and sealed Heaven and Earth and que in eis sunt. t Obviously not seven. et deprivationis. And as he deprived Adam from the joys of paradise. presumption. And as the Lord God plagued and cursed Cain that he fled far from His presence. [ 4 5 ] and as the blood o f that blessed Abel shed by that accursed Cain cries to the Lord God out of the earth for vengeance against Cain. into sorrow without comfort. and condemned into hellfire and pain perpetual as is aforesaid. powers. from imperial rule and dignity to bondage and servitude. The malediction As God almighty cursed the earth at the fall of Adam that it lost his former force and strength. or comfort. "Cursed be thou. and remain upon thee forever. for thy pride. I do curse thee N. from life to death and everlasting damnation. upon thy belly shall thou go. that thou also hereby lose thy former power and strength. and deceit. into bondage perpetual. by the power that he hath given me. from ease to pain. even so do I cry unto thee. p unishments.ganarythin + Layagirym + Layaratyn uryn + vbalgamargthin + levalegin + Layasalasyn + Layagemyn + Lagha + layaselefyn . and cast him out into the vale of misery from j oy to sorrow. so be thou cursed and plagued that thou flee far from the presence of God of his an­ gels and of me. and dignities. where there is nothing but weeping. et s ub p ena damnationis Layasuryn + Vbalgamargthin + Levale­ eterna. and I do cast thee for thy disobedi­ ence into the dark dungeon of hell under the depth of all waters. so do I deprive thee of all thy offices.+ Leoferon + Abelgenochon + Leoeraga­ son + Aelchion + Emandiol + ferlilioh + ron + Leoeruchon + Leoseleson + Ael­ murdiell + melchion Edulthiol + muriol chion + Emandiol + Ferlilioh + Murdiell + layahymnum + laialagan + layasim + + Melchion Edulthiol + Muriol + Laya­ vbafganarythin + layagirym + layaratyn hymnum + Laialagan + Layasim + Vbaf­ layasalasyn + layagemyn + lagha + layas. ease." So likewise be thou cursed for thy dis­ obedience. and deceit. rule. where the wrath and curse of God be. And I also curse thee as God cursed the serpent that deceived Eve. PART 1: T H EURGIA 129 + leoeragaron + leoeruchon + leosele. 0 Lord God. and the dust of the earth shall be thy food. falsehood. eternal damnation. and dignities. verem ab officies gin + Layaselefyn. presumption. without j oy. place. Amen. and gnashing of teeth. so do I in the name of God almighty.. and under penalty of a locis a dignatibus vestris. and wrathful indignation up on these . and wailing. that thou lay thy plagues. into darkness without light. into the damnable pit of everlasting sorrow and pain. and from the presence of all spirits and creatures: into painful dark­ ness perpetually where thou shalt remain forever. saying. into prison without liberty. and depriving you from all your offices. " Send down thine angels. by the power that God-hath given me. <<Eloy + Eloy + Eloy +. utterly confounding forevermore. rend and tear you and bind you up perpetually into pains perpetual and torments everlasting. saying. and the curse of God almighty be upon thee. and Adma. and rain 1 26. Zeboiim. deceitful. and burned and utterly confounded. rule. And I also curse you and deprive you of all liberty. And as Christ Jesus. never to be restored to liberty. and brought many grievous plagues thereon to the de­ struction thereof. commanding the earth to open her mouth wide and to swallow up Dathan. cried unto his Father. stubbornness. and dignity. so God plague and torment you. and accursed spirits + for their pride. and tempest in Egypt. place. storm. deceitful. And as Judas was deprived of his office. power. 0 my God. And as the veil of the temple did rend asunder. so let them be rent with pains. and remain upon thee for evermore. power. T H E B O O K OF O B ERON disobedient." so in the name of God and in his behalf do I curse thee into hellfire. Gomorrah. vengeance. so God and I. and apostleship for his transgression. "Eloy + Eloy + Eloy +:' so cry I unto thee. and destroyed Sodom. and to thy holy names by which they have been invocated and called. See Genesis 14:2. and dis­ obedience to me at these and at other times. bringing all the plagues of Egypt upon you. Noah and his family excepted. and rained blood. 1 26 and confounding Babel. Zoar. so the Lord God pour out his wrathful indignation. . and accursed spirits for their stubbornness and disobedience. authority. And as Christ cursed the fig tree. saying. "Nevermore. do utterly deprive thee of thy authority. and as he rained down fire and brimstone from heaven. rest. and destroyed Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea. Corah. which presently withered and dried up. with the pride of Nimrod. being on the cross. rend and tear you asunder with infernal pains and plagues perpetual in his fury and wrathful indignation. dignity. and Abiron quick into hell for their disobedience. 0 Lord God omnipotent. [ and] ease by and in the name of God + Primeumaton + which Moses the man of God named. for help and power. fruit grow upon thee. for evermore utterly confound­ ing thee with Judas. and authority. office. and as Christ Jesus did rend and tear hell and break all the bands asunder wherein man was bound to perpetual damnation for sin and transgression of the commandments of God. And as the Lord plagued Judas for his treachery and deceit and caused him to break in sunder that his bowels fell out with pains and torment. by the power of God unto me given. so do I. to bind up in pain and darkness perpetual these disobedient. And as the Lord in his wrathful indignation opened the heavens and rained down great floods upon the earth to the utter destruction of all mankind. hail. and plagues upon you to your utter overthrow and destruction. with Pharaoh and his host. heaviness. 0 Lord God Father. to whom with the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost be rendered all praise. Grant this. darkness. Zeboiim. Amen. power. and eternity forever more. and power. imperial­ ity. and utter imprisonment. Amen. fiat. majesty. In marg. It is repeated under the text as well. wisdom. and bind you up fast under the depth of all waters. Curse them three times. torments. dominion. and Adma. Amen. utterly confounding you with the old world with Nimrod and Babel. pains. desolation. thunderbolts. fiat. confusion. and let his everlasting curse and indignation remain upon you for your disobedience and utterly confound you and bind you up as is aforesaid for evermore. damnation. lightning. 1 2 7 [ 46 ] 1 27. vengeance. and with Dathan. Gomorrah. PART 1: T H EURGIA 13 1 down upon you storms. snow. hereby saying this curse three times over. for Jesus Christ's sake. fire and brimstone. and Abiram. anguish. ice. ever one God in glory.: anchor glyph. fury. hail. with Sodom. Korah. in darkness and pain perpetual until the day of doom. . sorrow. disdain. which [ =who ] died for the sins of the people and now liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost. world without end. and wrathful indignation. vapor. Fiat. Zoar. and no spirit shall have power to withstand thee. holy. whipped. holy. go to thy bed alone in some fair chamber. which is Balancus. and have a wax candle burning by thee. and demand of him what thou wilt and he will answer. holy. and very neatly and carefully written. holy. holy. This page is in a different handwriting. holy. and buried. upon a Friday. upon the Thursday our Lord Jesus Christ was held and scourged. and you must have lignum aloes at your head. then ask his name. . 1 28. holy. and say these words three times: These be the words Holy. our Lord Jesus Christ was hanged. with all thy saints. When thou wilt work this. holy. holy. you must fast with bread and water and confess your­ self to God.13 2 T H E B O O K OF O B E RON [ 47 ] To speak with a spirit in thy bed 1 28 In the day of Mercury. and after you have said this above three times go to bed and thou shalt see a bearded man come to thee. send to me thy messenger. our Lord Jesus Christ was betrayed on a Wednesday. holy. holy. " Upper Right: "Sebondriones I arax I ariaz I ponsy I adoracie I Samari I Amon: I conjure and exorcise you that you make me :N: to win at all games that I shall begin or play at in what manner.:{orcise you tliat you maR. Text includes: Upper Left: "Odrion I Jesus of Nazareth King I of the Jews I in all my estates do thou me peruse. +++ Michaell + Raphaell + Aleazer with all the rest." .§ me : :JV: to win at a[[games tliat I s/ia[[ 6egin or pfay at in wliat manne0 state or orcfer I s/ia[[ lie(p to maintain my game wi[[or aesire to cfo it + 8 witli tlie 6est fiat +fiat + fiat 1 29. state." Lower Right: ' ergo I argon I astaroth I amon I Hoc vince in [ "in this you conquer" ] I ALEPH I Ozabuell 220. or order I shall will or desire to do it + fiat + fiat + fiat. help to maintain my game with the best." Lower Left: "y g I TE ' TRA GRAM MATON AN NA NIS ATA DE II I Zamaes. PART 1: TH EURGIA 133 [ 48 ] 1 29 [ + Diagram for winning at games] E9 }lmon : I conjure ana P. 7 4 1 5 2 6 3 n cfl 0 cfl 8 5 2 6 3 7 4 1+ cr�n 9 6 3 7 4 8 5 a ll�ltf 10 7 4 8 5 9 6 0 �]� 11 8 5 9 6 10 7 � rs-n� 12 9 6 10 7 11 8 � . at the right side be gov­ ernors of the night. Planets 0 ] a � 1+ � n Planets governing governing the day be the night these which be these follow: which follow: d1 0 cfl 1 12 9 0 10 0 11 1+ cr�n 2 0 10 0 11 1 12 a ll�ltf 3 0 11 1 12 2 0 0 �]� 4 1 12 2 0 3 0 � rs-n� 5 2 0 3 0 4 1 � . both day and night. the use whereof is this: At the left side be the governor of the day. in the uppermost place in the table be the governors of the whole day."1+)( 6 3 0 4 1 5 2 ] cram."1+)( 0 10 7 11 8 12 9 ] cram. which stand in place for the names of the days also.134 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON [49] This table is to know what planet doth rule every hour. 0 11 8 12 9 0 10 n Governors of Governors the day of the night . Bacon They and divers and others say best in philosophy in magic and also in necromancy etc. [ + one is] physic. One is of stars. the father of all creatures. and there is no doubt that superior things to inferior and inferior to superior do make answer and agree. the giver of virtues. this art magic is called of the wise. and [ + one is ] magic. for astron­ omy is the root of all things and showeth the secret of workings. [ + one is of] herbs. the which carried him in her womb through the air. 13 1. and our chief worker is God. and that to the130 introduction of four of the most excellent sciences. . and metals. even as all things be created of one only substance and of one disposition whose father is the Sun and whose mother is the Moon. and that with the pro­ ducing of one metal out of another. the virtue of superior things overcometh all things. and of her speaketh Hermes. Lombard. In marg. [ + one is of] stones. and that by examination of roots of nature. saying that where it is in himself. 130. salt. and [ + one is of] fig­ ures. by the which a man may soonest help himself. These most wise philosophers hath set forth a book of four things. and physic discer­ neth the nature within and without.. one is as­ tronomy. Planets which be good and evil �4 which be good n cr be evil )) 0 4 be indifferent The hours of the Sun and Venus are nevertheless best for performing all experi­ ments of love and grace (or influence) . PART 1: T H EURGIA 135 [ 50 ] Moses. only from whom all marvelous works do ascend. These be the most profitablest sciences. and it helpeth thee quickly of minerals and hel­ peth thee and preserveth thee wholly and clean and giveth judgment of the qualities of minerals the mutability of kind of stones. and utility of philosophers of the which our Allcamus. by magnitude and power.: "w" glyph. and that maketh everyone to know another thing and that by magic. for he divideth the spiritual possibility in binding and calling of spirits. 131 the philosophers in the desert. for magic excelleth in this and in all other arts. the solace. [ + one is] alchemy. Solomon. the treasure of marvels. Cyprian. David. Hermes. Allcamus: Unknown. and with their power and by them he doth incredible marvels and that to mankind. n� be airy signs t5enm. hie venit in testimonium a man. fuit homo missus a deo. T H E B O O K OF O B ERON Signs that be good to work rp Aries cren . darkness. In the beginning was the -word.nrtf t5 Taurus �. There was sent from God erat Johannes. which lighteth <hunc> mundum. et vita erat Lux ho.� rtf Virgo II ITL )( be watery signs �rtf . and the light shineth in bres [ *tenebrae] earn non comprehende. All things were made by it. was made. He was not the light: but was lumine <ne> . Omnia per ipsum facta sunt. cui nomen hended it not. 29. . and the darkness compre­ runt. Erat Lux vera quae illumi. the light of men. Folger p. was made nothing that est in ipso vita erat. and the life was min urn.n� be west �lS?'enii� en Leo II ITL )( be north ?' Sagittarius t5rtf lS be south lS Capricorn )( Pisces ITL Scorpio [5 1 ] John's gospel13 2 In principium [ *principia ] erat ver. sed ut testimonium perhiberet de believe. sent to bear witness of the light. sine ipso factum est nihill quod factum and without it. That nat omnem hominem venientem in light was the true light. The same was in the beginning deum. et with God.?1 be fiery signs rriinlS � Aquarius �. In mundo erat.?f)( II Gemini t5rtf lS be earthy signs . Another version of this text is found above. 132. et every man that cometh into the world. ut came as a witness to bear witness of the omnes crederent per illum non erat ille light. In it was life. et Lux in tenebris lucet. and bum et verbum erat apud deum et deus the word was with God: and God was erat verbum Hoc erat in principia apud the word. whose name was John. The same ut testimonium perhiberet de lumine. et tene.n Libra � Cancer cren .?1 be east cr t57€ITL. that all men through him might Lux. dwelt among us: and we saw the glory of num gratie et veritatis. And the same word became flesh.* + Jesus Christ benedictus deus quotidie prosperum iter + Blessed God makes the daily journey facit deus salutaris noste r + Iesus prosperous. t Your right hand is magnified in imicum. Folger p. own received him not. ple. deposuisti omnes adversarios meos + In the multitude of your power you have * Luke 4:30. effun. qui non ex sanguinibus.: " 1 1. as the glory of the only begotten son of the father. In propria venit et made by him: and the world knew him sui eum non receperunt quotquot not. Jesus. et videmus [ *vidimus ] gloriam. bum caro factum est et habitavit in nor yet of the will of man: but of God. and the world was eum non cognovit. and will beat the enemy. and his aute [m] receperunt eum. But as many as tatem filios dei fieri. be the sons of God: even them that be­ neque ex voluntate carnis." In left marg. Used elsewhere in this text. Ibat + Iesus Christus + their midst. 2 1. In right marg. see. in multitudinem virtutis tuae power. it. et furor Ire tue your anger over them. neque ex vol.: "5. PART 1: T H EURGIA 137 mundus per ipsum factus est et mundus He was in the world. and may the furor comprehendat eos + "Irrnat [ *Irruat ] o f your wrath seize them firmly. + "May super inimicos meos formido et pavor in fear and dread beset my enemies. + whom you have redeemed cata est. 133. dedit eis potes. lieved on his name: which were born. not of blood nor of the will of the flesh. his qui credunt in received him to them gave he power to nomine eius. . Pour out das super eas iram tuam.' donee pertranseat famulus tuus + immovable as a stone" until your servant quem redemisti + dextera tua magnifi. 0 Lord. Another version of this text is found above. passes by. in the magnitudine brachii fiant imobiles quasi greatness of your arm: let them become lapis. untate viri. in virtute domini percuciet In. sed ex deo nati sunt. and eius gloriam quasi unigeniti a patre. et ver." Note date May 8. + . t Compare Exodus 15: 16. Protection against thieves 1 33 D eus antem [ *ante ] transiens per But God [ *Jesus ] passing through medium illorum. He came among his own. Jesus established that their eyes will not et dorsum eorum in curva Iesus. and their backs bent. nobis. full of grace and truth. 0 God of our salvation + obstine<n>tur occuli eorum ne videant. went his way. 1577. 1. ( The priest re- Sacerd [ os ] . be willing to confess 1 34 B e n e d i c i te p at e r. dominus sit in corde tuo. II. in extollentia onulorum [ *oculorum] greatly in my pride. et sponds: ) May the Lord be in your heart. * Compare Exodus 1 5:6-7 . in being sad about the honore Alterius. Aubrey 24. 10862.. 19. true maj esty. et omnibus sanctis tuis. Son. plus Mathers. deliver me from unjust men. 1 577. tam honoris Alterius. In nomine patris et filii et sins. 1879). The Key of Solomon. guard me iniquis eripe me + Jesum «eripe me de from the hands of the wrongdoers. In ira. and the presence of your minius [ *nimius ] Superbia in vana glo . 16r. fol. The priest says. t Compare Psalm 58:2 ( KJV 59:1). Holy Ghost. § Psalm 58:3 (KJV 59:2 ) . and spiritus sancti Amen. 0 deus et blessed Virgin Mary. in haughtiness of et vestium ac fortitudinem. in coveting the honours or quam pecuniae. tro + Moxio + Bay + Gloy + Apen + Agia + Agias + yskiros + May 8 . In Tristitia de bonis et money of another. 102. 68r.* 0 Jesus. to the ginis. + Compare Psalm 139:5 (KJV 140:4) .4. quia peccaui saints. guinum salva me" + gloria patri + An. Additional MS.=�= + 0 Jesus. 479. I confess* to God in heaven. et Iracundia. Confiteor deo ceeli beate Marie vir. Amen. 0 God. and operantibus iniquitatem et de viris san. b ecause I have sinned ria. In marg. fol. in Labiis tuis ad confitendum omnia and on your lips for confessing all your peccata tua.: "w" glyph. Brevarium Ad Usum Insignis Ecclesiae Sa rum (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In the name of the Father. let us bless. In avaritia. 134. From the Catholic Church. 8v. and hatred. «deliver me from those who work iniq- thos + Anostro + Moxio + Bay + Gloy + uity. in envy et odio. in anger * Compare parallel version on Folger p.13 8 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON Iesu eripe me et ab insurgentibus in me put down all my enemies +. p."§ + Apen + Agia + Agias + yskiros + octovo Glory be to the Father + Anthos + Anos- maye 1 577. In good or honours of another. Sloane 3847. el [ *et] de liver me and defend me from those who manu peccatoris el [ *et] ab hominibus rise up against met + 0 Jesus. Fasciculus li. Re s [ p o n s at ] Father. Michael 276." . and save me from bloody men. and to all your coram vera Maiestate tua. de- Iibera me + Jesu custodi me.: "12 . In right marg. In inviduam eyes and clothes and firmness. in slander and planting dis­ iuramentis multimodis. in empty chatter. speaking. and touching. in thinking. in violation of et ludis. Confiteo r Tibi o p ater quia non I confess to you. and in urging oth­ [ s ] phemando alios. being a bad example to my subordinates. In non visitando infirmos living (with gluttons and wantons) . et palpationibus [ *palpantibus] Immun. et oppressionibus poor. drunk­ tibus gulosis. Audiendo. embracing. because I have sinned in all the ways pradictis set in omnibus alliis quibus hu. good which you have granted me. * in lying and many kinds of erariis ] falsis et Impiis. and in badly dis­ dentibus consentiendo. in gluttony and excessive [ *superfluis] . and spiteful flattery. And domino meo ceeli et terre creatori po. t Compare Folger p. delectando concu. In vive n d o . piscendo peccare p otest. of human frailty. In indicii timerariso [ *tern. videndo. and many dis. ers to do the same evil. 0 Father. In mendaciis et swearing. against sionibus et maledictionibus variis vigiliis the salvation of the soul. ceiving neighbours and oppressing the bus p roximorum.t in et d e s o lato s . In male redendo regarding the gratitude and prayers tibi deo creatori meo gratias et orationes owed to you. In b l a . In deceptioni. 0 my tentissimo veniam de omnibus peccatis Lord. in extortacionibus per vis et tion by force. false. and gluttony. transgresionibus preceptorum tuorum. therefore I ask pardon from you. loquendo. for all sins committed posco ut non gaudeat super me Inimicus by me and brought about. salutis anime meo contrariis. not only solum peccaui in omnibus peccatis su. in mocking and cursing the differ­ bus et discordiis Seminandis. in de­ adulacionibus malignis. In periuriis. seeing. and the de bonis et quas mihi concessisti. and homicide. In detractioni. hearing. in bus luxuriosus. et in malum swa. In your teachings. PART 1: TH EURGIA 139 ventris gule. in hatred of neighbours. * Parallel passages read iudicii [<<judgment"]. in deri . et odio proximi. pleasure. et in multis Aliis generibus sive acti. beseech that . cord. theft. consumption. in rash. ent vigils and (instead) gaming. 102. most powerful creator of the heav­ per me factis et commissis humiliter de. in mihi subditis. In dando mala exempla in not visiting the sick and desolate. in extor­ homicidiis. blaspheming others. et perjury. ens and the earth. Et ideo tibi and all the ways that one can sin. in impure kissing. other kinds or acts of wantonness. In fabulis vanis et ebrieta. furtis. God the creator. lower passions. et comestionibus superluis and irritability. mony. but also in all the ways mana fragillitas cogitando. mentioned above. In osculi et amplexionibus enness. and wicked testi­ pauperum. by your most glori­ [*modum ] voluntatem per gloriosissi. that I may face you in coram tuam presentiam altissime pater person. cited in George Harford. nor die Iudicii Accusans mea peccata et stand against me on the Day of Judge­ celera [*scelera] tacuisse. the remission of your sins. but give coelo sic de aliis iustis et confessis. forgive all your sins. that you will do hereafter. wishes. Amen. 1912). bona que holy Mother Church." . grant you your desires and desiderium tuum. Then the priest says 135 Misereatur Tui omnipotens Deus et May almighty God have mercy on dimittat tibi omnia peccata tua: liberata you. and will reign forever and sime regnas et regnaturus es in secula ever. and grant me the power to fulfill p ossim complere meam omni modam my will in all ways. accusing my sins and crimes left non fuisse sed sit gaudium de me in unmentioned and unconfessed. the prayers of our fragia sanctae matris ecclesie. pure and confessed of all my omnipotens per tuam clementiam. 2. be to you for catorum tuos Amen. conservet et con . through your mihi ut obedire possim. whereby you reign most mam magestatem tuam inqua gloriosis. 135. Amen. our Lord Jesus Christ. et [*per] meritum pas. gloriously. by the merits of the passion of sionis domini nostri Iesu Christi Souf. Amen.: "13. and omnis spiritus quos invocare voluero et recognize all the spirits which I wish to concedo [*concede ] mihi potestatem ut invoke. da sins. and by the grace of God ciam facies sint tibi in remissionem pee. eternum Amen. seculorum Amen. 0 most high Father. that I may be able to obey. et <aquam> [*quae] per dei gra. Pitman. the good which fecisti. et me me eternal joy in Heaven. From the Sarum Breviary of 1531.14 0 THE B O OK OF O B ERON meus et non glorietur adversum me in my enemy may not rejoice over me. The Prayer Book Dictionary (London: Sir I. conserve and strengthen you in firmet in bono et ad vitam. perducat goodness and lead you to eternal life. In marg. et confessum ment. and deliver you ab omni malo concede te voluntatem et from all evil. with the other mundus et confessus de peccatis meis just and confessed. ous maj esty. you have done. et cognoscere mercy. This prayer appears in the Liturgia Horarum (Liturgy of the Hours) and other medieval collections of prayers. that every operatio <et> a te semper incipiat. Amen. by your holy influence. and Kieckhefer. . 0 mus ] domine aspirando preveni et adi. and through you be Dignare me do mine die isto. A slightly different version is found in the Rituale Romanum (Roman Ritual). who is the highest mus pontifex per suam piissimam mise. and the spiritus sancti Amen. direct my steps and tuae<eri> sic tua iustitia adesto fragili. Jesus our Lord. Amen. and the Son. pontiff. 136. absolve you first from the sentence sentencia minoris excomunicationis si of minor excommunication* if you need indigeas. Sloane 3851. and carry uvando prosequere. say the seven penitential Psalms. Holy Ghost. Et ego Auctorita. Private Prayers. peccatis custodire. etc. Put Forth by Authority During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth (Cambridge: University Press. PART 1 : T HEURG IA 141 Then he gives absolution Dominus noster Iesus qui est sum. * Edgar Hoskins. Green. I. For special penance. Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis. by his most pious mercy. deinde absolvo te ab omnibus it. Direct our actions. Forbidden Rites. so that I will in no mortal way offend you. by the authority granted tern mihi concessa absolvo te. In nomine patris et filii et name of the Father. Amen. fol. et per prayer and operation of ours may always te [in] cepta finiatur. 252. dirige gressus et actus Deem me worthy this day. 1901 ). Or. Amen. by the paths of your tati me [ a] e ut in nulla te re capitalliter justice. Church of England. primo a me. Sarum and York Primers. including LIH VI (prima oratio). 2r. solves you. with Kindred Books. sine ended. ab­ ricordiam te absolvat. 1851 ). 0 Lord. 244. thus your justice will be present offendam. in my fragility. begin with you. Other magic texts incorporate it as well. in the peccatis tuis. my deeds this day. * Lesser excommunication involved temporary suspension of participation in the sacraments of the church. and Primers of the Reformed Roman Use Together with an Introduction (London: Longmans. we beg you. Lord.* meos ho die p er semitas iustitie guard me from sin. 1 36 Actiones nostras quesimus [ *quesu. Amen. and then from all your sins. ut cuncta nostra them on by your assistance. and all bus vestris loca sanctificata spirits who have been here. and all the saints of God-male and female-to intercede and pray for me. corde. visus. I confess all my sins to God* and to gine et omnibus sanctis factis in verbis. et libera nos propter nomen tuum. and therefore I beg for saint Mary. audi. of mind and body. exurge. and deliver us for your name's Domine esto nobis turris fortitudinis sake. me gravissima culp a. . et 0 Lord. Res [ponsus:] sins. with the heart. mouth. and guard us nobis et omnes spiritus qui hie humble sinners in peace. in pollution in polucione in isaie [ *mentis et corpo. the blessed Virgin Mary. ris ] in concensu. Response: May nos. dominus sit in corde meo et in labiis meis vere confitendum et declarendum. and with all culp a. that is kind and good be preserved. omnia peccata (?) mea in nomine patris etc. deprecor sancta dei o rare p ro me. in enj oyment. a facie inimici.142 THE B O O K OF O B ERON [52] Arise 0 holy ones from your lodg­ Surgite Sancte de mantioni. and bless this place of ours. touching. through this fuerunt benedicite. through the same sign + let everything dite per crucis hoc + signum fu. ings. etc. Amen. seei n g .t in feeling. be a tower of strength to us p e r i d e m s i g n u m s alvetur in the face o f our enemies. through my sin. with the mind. laughter. saints. et nos hu. and participating in the work with an tis et in cunctis aliis viciis mea mala mea excommunicated person. risus. and all the in cogitatione et locutione in dilecta. in the name of the Father. mente. verba ore. word of tas. Arise 0 Lord quotque benignum. et opere participando. my most grievous sin. in tastu [ *tactu] . sign of the cross may all evil flee. truly confessing and declaring all my Benedicite <me> pater. Amen. my sin. cum excomunica. to help us. t So the prayer books with closest parallels. giat procull omne malignum. in thoughts and words and deeds tione maria et omnes sanctos et sanctas and speech. et ideo my other sins. the Lord be in my heart and on my lips. hearing. and miles peccatores in pace custo . Confiteor deo [ et] beate Marie vir. let us bless. 104. domine adiuva Father. * Another version of this confession can be found below on Folger p. Amen. to intercede for me. nee in bello. have mercy on me and rium meum. in gladio. deus Isaac. . nee in aqua. through the gratiam quam meruisti habere te depre. have mercy on me. Garthwait . sanctum Mich alem ar. not wak­ cando. defend me. nee ullo modo. by the sign + of our gite partes adverse vincit Leo de tribu Lord Jesus Christ . and lead us to bono et ad vitam perducat nos eternam. nee do rmiendo. sancte Gabriel. nee horne. Gabriel. . and all Angels and Areh­ angely dei precor vos omnes virtutes ee. nip otens deus et dimittat nobis omnia and dismiss all our sins. miserere mei et mitte mihi in adiuto. not eating nor drinking. angels of God. I beg you cor. neither in the water nor in fire. nee in lecto. holy Raphael. 0 God of Abraham. 0 holy Michael. holy Cherubim Sancte Seraphin omnes Angely et Arch. I pray all you powers of lorum ut mihi plenam potestatem cleo. Flee ye adversaries! * Luke 18:13. from God. Amen. and protect me from all omnibus inimicis visibilibus et invisibil. and Seraphim. a sinner. be merciful to m e a sinner. nee vigil. marg. to condemn me. ((0 God. signum + domini nostri Iesu Christi fu. PART 1: TH EURGIA 1 43 Misreator [ *Misereatur] nostri om. 0 holy Mi­ ibus. Book of Hours. eternal life. . holy Sancte Raphael.* et custos sis omnibus die bus vite mee. nee bibendo. Deus propicius esto mihi peccatori. from mortal peril. neither in war nor in bed. sword. and our Lord Christum ut eripias me hodie periculis Jesus Christ. deus Iacob. that no enemies will be able sit. adapted in Orthodox ((Jesus Prayer" practice. . 16 59). life. and deliver us peccata nostra liberat [ *liberet] nos ab fro m all e v i l . grace which you have merited. 0 God. nee in domo. per unigenitum filium dei omnipo. . God of Jacob. nee rnandu. not by any means. A True & Faithful Relation of What Passed for Many Yeers between Dr. not with sudden death. not on the road nor at nee in igne." Used by John Dee. send the holy archangel Michael to help cangelum qui me defendat et protegat ab me. nee morte subitania. S anete Cherubine. that you rescue me this day mortis. John Dee . In . et sancte Michael Arcangele dei per chael. Maxwell for T. and Some Spirits (London: Printed by D. sancte Michael.: "w" glyph. a n d p re s e rve a n d omni malo conservat e t confirmet in strengthen us in goodness. per ing nor sleeping. archangel of God . not with a lando. by the only-begotten tentis et dominum no strum Jesum Son of almighty God. Heaven. nee in via. May almighty God have mercy on us. and may you guard me all the days of my deus Abraham. enemies visible and invisible. God of Isaac. that (you send) the full power ut nullus Inimicus me condemnare pos. uva me salva me quia per + tuam et san. all the days of my life. salvator mundi adi. times. Agios + Otheos + Agios + Iskiro s + Save me from all troubles and at all Agios + Athanatos + Crux Christi + adi. but the result is not something JHP recalls seeing elsewhere. Amen. Pentagram with characters. Raphaell + Gabriell + Samaell + Michael + Saquiel + Anael + Capcyel + Upon these angels he must call upon in the seven days early. David. probably a Greek pi. ro s + Agios + Athan atos + Cro ss of lacione et in omnibus diebus vite mee Christ + Help me at all times from all I [ n ] nomine patris et filii et spiritus troubles. in this manner or such like. in the sancti Amen. Mathers. Seven Angels Who that will work must not be unmindful of the seven angels. 0 Agios + Otheos + Agios + Iski­ uva me in omni tempore. The Lion from the Tribe of Judah. save me. the first Pentacle of Mercury. The first three glyphs are fairly clearly "a g 1. and upon the seven metals and upon the seven colours and upon the seven works having great power. The Key of Solomon has a somewhat similar diagram in Figure 9. which includes the name "Agiel.1 44 THE B O O K OF OB ERON Iuda david aleluia." . which seven angels are these. ab omni tribu. for doubtless some angels be upon the seven heavens and upon the seven planets and upon the seven days of the week." The last one (8 o'clock) seems to be a lower case Greek "omega. Halleluj ah ! 0 Saviour of the Wo rld ! guinem tuam redemisti me. 137. and the Holy Ghost. "a g 1 a +" is fairly common. salva me in Help me. name of the Father and the Son. because by your cross omni tempore et in omni tribulatione 0 and your blood you have redeemed me. and of course "e 1 I ely" in LIH." The one at the bottom is most uncertain. wherefore it is necessary for you know well the progression of the Moon. 6. In marg. 8. or 1 4. 4." . 1 0. 1 2. Note well thou must not work in this craft every day and every hour. or 4 times after the setting sun. 3 . You must complete it well within the day. If you wish to test experiments Understand the times. hours.. 0 holy angels mentioned ab ove . phase of the Moon. but you can test experiments in the waning Moon but not after the opposi­ tion. and help in all things. The sixth time the conjuration after sunset facing west. but read the conjuration aloud while facing east. 1 0. PART 1: TH EURGIA 1 45 0 Angely supradicty sanctis.: "w. Note: If you wish to write the experiments 20 times the Moon ( ? ) before sunrise. from the conjunction to the op­ position. me quo. 138. in omnibus adiutores. 1 2 or 14 and in none other in the )) to the next 0 conjunction. but not thoroughly. 138 The eighth time face towards the south until sunset. it is best if you complete it during days 2. but thou must well behold the )) increasing and of number as of 2 or 4. The tenth time after sunset face towards the north. vis quam volo querere adiutores et mihi come to my aid in anything that I seek. 6. 5. 208. all editions JHP has seen read "Milant Vah Vitalot. 140 I have seen a headache cured by wearing a hand-written document as shown at the side (*below). . Folger p. Haber. 140. Materials Toward a History of Witchcraft (New York: Thomas Yoseloff. See Henry Charles Lea. There is a slightly more elaborate version of this spell recorded in C. The Grimoire of Honorius repeats the same per the translators David Rankine and Paul Harry Barron. le Petit Albert (1 782). 228. To relieve a headache. Part 2. Habi. The Complete Grimoire of Pope Honorius (London: Avalonia. you may make thus of silver. vous n'aurez plus de crise. recite aloud three times the Lord's prayer. 152. Habi. En portant continuellement cet anneau au doigt. puis vous choisirez un lundi de printemps auquel la lune sera en aspect benin ou en conjonction avec Jupiter ou venun." ) The same headache cure is also repeated below. o/ali 139. 1957). 1 ( 1 895): 128: "Prendre un anneau en pur argent et dans son chaton vous enchasserez un morceau de corne de pied d'elan. LaVielle. The inside should be inscribed in this manner: + Dabi + Habi + Haber + Hebr + no epileptic fits will afflict you when placed on the finger." (It appears that the transcription of Lea and Howland is in error.'' Also in Secrets merveilleux . eta l'heure favourable de la constellation. . ''Erreurs et Prejudes Populaires Concernant La Medecine" Bulletin de La Societe de Borda 20. . which I have seen. THE B O O K OF O B E RON Epilepsy spell 139 It is said the ring. no. vous graverez en dedans de 1'anneau ces mots: Dabi. when the patient perceives no relief from medicine. 2013). Car dan has seen a headache cured by wearing a paper inscribed Milant Vap Vitalot while repeating the Lord's prayer thrice. 438: "Cardan gives the opinion of those who believe that demons can visit us likewise say that morbus comitialis can be relieved by a silver ring inscribed + Dabi + Habi + Haber + Hebr +. The order of Angels. 141 4. messengers. Let: a hindrance or obstacle.: " 1 6. «the endurance ( or strength) of God. )) The Moon therefore governs the elements and the bodies of living creatures. Perhaps "9" is missing. And the number of the proper names even as you and they be called in the ABC. numbers. of the bodies which by themselves are ruled. 1 43 . all things are conveyed to us out of the sky. there will be some let 143 ( ? ) .. Man" ] 5.e." 1 42.mpg. i. There is a space in the manuscript." For by means of the light of the Moon. and it is the most endurable in life. 1 44. and names of the planets 144 In order that we may recognize the nature of these intelligences. And then begin to say.cgi?page=309. it is very evil and dangerous. God. Note: If Christus remain. Of the intelligences...mpiwg-berlin. � Mercury presides over all comprehension and perception. . <<Christus deus homo. In marg. by which the virtues in us are brought together. The prince of these is Ga­ briel. And you must take away142 at once in number until the end of your number and look what remaineth. the powers should be known.. if . http://archimedes." For with the medicine of human beings. .step=textonly. Secondly the number of the planets in what day they do fall 3 . First take the days o f the age o f the Moon 2. The order of Virtues presides over Mercury. Cardano. that is «the medicine of God.dir=carda_subti_O 1 6_la_ 1 663. preside over these. 1 4 1 . PART 1: TH EURGIA 1 47 A B c D E F G H 1 6 20 23 12 9 12 3 I K L M N 0 p Q R 6 15 5 12 3 3 2 23 22 s T v X y 13 21 18 16 6 [53 ] 1 . i. if deus.. it is the perception with comprehension.e. De subtilitate libri XXI ( 1 663 ) . go freely." [«Christ. whose chief is Raphael. and lying together with love... i. "knowing. The order of Potestates (or Powers) is in charge of these: For in strength is power. whose order of Principalities is established in moderation and temper­ ance: Their prince is Sachiel.e. 0 To the Sun has been given all life: In charge of that is the order of Archangels. i." 1 46. the first messengers: For all virtue descends from the Sun through the Moon. but killed according to order. [The] parchment 145 To write any experiment. of time. and Power is joined with strength. THE B O O K OF OBERON � Venus. who is called "the Grace of God. "burning ones. In right marg. Of this therefore the lord is called Cassiel. and of happiness." and indeed those lights are seen to burn much of that sphere. of a virgin kid or a fawn. (J Mars provides strength and boldness. and the Lord of the Dead. But Cherubim.. The highest of those which are in charge of Venus is Anael.e. 146 parch­ ment of silk. "who is like God?" Nor is anything else comparable to the Sun..: '' 1 9. moreover beauty itself. i. e. The Thrones guard him: For by him the powers are strengthened. and beget offspring. and that is believed to be on account of the coldness and the dry­ ness of death. Of these first Michael.e. lest we live in perpetual fear. the best virgin parchment is vellum vitulino. Vellum vitulino: parchment made from the amniotic sac of an unborn calf.. The rulers of the Eighth Sphere are the Seraphim.' pre­ side in the first heaven. i. "the quiet of God:" For in moderation and with temperance we acquire quiet: The same is the author of tranquillity. The order of Dominations is placed in charge of them. n But Saturn gives firmness.e. 1 45. and she enjoins us toward produc­ ing offspring. "the hopes of God:" For durability brings hope and security. but provided always that the beast be not dead. the generation with lying together. from which also the Sun is said to be unique. of a lamb. and it mixes proportionately the moisture and the heat of the others. i. But guarding is completed with the generation." Indeed he is the grace of God. '4 Jupiter is that whereby everything is mixed and moderated. the "hearing of God:" For power and strength have been placed in the hearing of God. and whatever durability they have: The throne indeed is the seat. that is. to j oin the fertile. is the mother of pleasure and delight. of peace. The prince of the Potestates is Samael. i. . and charm. wherefore abilities and strengths. to be loved and to love. namely the power of guarding each species.e. with this ink thou shalt write the holy names of God. Scorpio. let it be cleansed." . Libra. Leo. or Jupiter. and fine musk. and abnea [storax] . Also Known as Liber Salomonis (Singapore: Golden Hoard Press. and Aquarius have power in the West Sanguine: Airy Cancer. and in every castle. and in every city 60 castles. thou shalt hold thy face towards the east. and write from morning until midday that thou eat. and clothed in clean clothes. thirty days Note there be 7 brethren. : "w-. [ 54] Seven planets. 60. Many of the herbal identifications below are taken from Don Karr's and Stephen Skinner's edition of the Sepher Raziel. 4. Virgo. and further do as the third leaf of the book aforesaid teacheth thee. for they be therefore true and good. thou shalt write no more that day. that shall be much better and have more virtue. if thou put to thy ink the blood of a vulture. [Wr] iting When thou writest any invocation to work by. or quick well. Note that the writing is of most force when the Moon is even. and Solomon says. 147 and crocus. but beware of Saturn and the Sun. and in each realm be 30 cities. twelve signs. ] vitriol. 148 [The p ] en The pen. Aries. caldee 1 field or wild towns. and Pisces have power in the North Phlegmatic: Watery 147. 6. and also in the day of Moon. or of a gander. and tempered with white wine. PART 1: TH EURGIA 1 49 [The] ink The ink wherewith you must write must be of a clean glass. which have among themselves 1 2 realms to be divided. with which the holy name� of God must be written. and after thou hast eaten and drunk. and do further as in the second leaf of Sepher Raziel thou art admonished. 20 1 0). and boil it with mastic. Mercury. which must be gathered before the Sun arise. and the third day when it hath taken residence. 1 48. When this reed is gathered as near as may be let the Moon be in cauda draconis or in Jupiter. as 2. turtledove. and Capricorn have power in the South Melancholy: Earthy Gemini. balsamum myrrh. must be of a green reed. gum [ . In marg. frankincense. then put thereto a little algabay. He that gathereth it must be clean washed in pure running water. mastic. and lignum aloes. and Sagittarius have power in the East Choleric: Fiery Taurus. amber. per­ forming his course in two years. and is called the greater fortune. the bladder. dropsy. very loving both of wife and children. masculine of the day. pestilence and continual ague. glorious. ajdrake. fierce. he maketh the children born to be of noble courage. His nature is immoderate. keeping anger. He hath two mansions: Aries and Scorpio. thick hair. Morphew: discolored skin lesion. wide nostrils. He signifieth fathers. He signifies good. midriff. for he performeth his course but in thirty years. He is of nature warm and moist. wild. consumption. He is first and the highest planet. 149. infection of the lungs. delighting to burn and de ­ stroy.htm. malicious. He governeth in a man's body the left ear. thick lips. upright in counsel. flux. easy to be deceived. blood. he ma­ keth the children of proud heart. slender. and griefs of the spleen. and virtue. and cods. and seed. an enemy to mankind. obscure. great head­ ache. 153.15 0 T H E B O O K OF OB ERON The nature of the seven planets 1 49 n Saturn in Hebrew called Sabday. heart burning. He is of slow motion. quartan ague. and hard favoured. Masculine. merry. the liver. small eyed. a Mars. wroth. subject to breaking their limbs and violent death. and is said to be tem­ perate. whose complexion is e2 1 l_spr_05/materials/ guides/med_humors. and all diseases caused by choler. his com­ plexion choleric. or else to fall down from an high place. If he be lord of the nativity. sad. honour. he maketh the children born rough. 153 a ravisher and a liar. and cold of nature. the lungs. apoplexy proceeding of blood cramp. ringworm. and discord in lands. masculine of the night. disagreeing with their wives. in Hebrew is Maclin. 4 Jupiter in Hebrew is zedec. gout. He hath two houses: Sagittarius and Pisces. hot. pale. If he be lord of the nativity. whose complexion is melancholic. Compare http:/ /www. Breme: fierce. and dry. He is meetly slow of motion. hard faced. trusty. quick of motion. evil disposed and termed the lesser fortune . he hath two houses as Capricorn and Aquarius. 150. breaking of veins. 15 1 . contentious. Cods: the scrotum. loose. 1 51 He hath influence in th. He governeth in man's body. the milt. redheaded. If he be lord of the nativity. the reins. . untimely deliverance. for that he is between old [ *cold? ] Sabday and hot Madyn. of stature lean. Megrim: migraine. invincible. He is a friend to nature and to mankind. of stature fair and lovely coloured. lofty in honours. of stat­ ure indifferent. gristles. and other diseases rising of blood. leprosy. gentle eyes. achieving great exploits. 152 rottenness. 1 5 2. the gall. 150 canker. palsy.e tertian fever. whose nature is cold and dry. performing his circuit but in twelve years. stately in going. He is indifferent. and breme. pleurisy. bold. He is evil. He governeth in man's body the right ear. ·He hath dominion over the king's evil. catarrh. megrim. ribs. He hath dominion over the phthisic. morphew. and honest. lean. and in all hot and dry diseases. having wanton amiable eyes. . she maketh the children born pleasant. religious. heart. and very pleasant among women. and best with a good aspect or conjunction. of person corpulent. performing his course in one whole year. he causeth long life. There is a tiny hexagram in the center top of the page. courteous. She is of a swift progression. feminine of the night. large limbed. and of them is called the writer and fore speaker whose nature in all respects is common and convertible. She beareth rule over all cold maladies and moistness in the liver. madness. in Hebrew fair Noga. Leo. i. and is called the lesser fortune. but evil fortune by corporal conjunction. She governeth in man's body the loins. buttocks. comely. belly. in distillations of the eyes. PART 1: THEURGIA 15 1 0 The Sun. cogitation. and for the most part. but of inclination well-disposed to mankind. and obedient to their parents. the right eye of a man. rheum. whose nature is cold and moist temperate. If he be lord of the nativity. memory. He is life and light of all other planets. masculine with masculine. given to pleasures. for he is most strong. Corporal conjunction: the appearance of two planets close to each other. hands. [ 55 ) 155 � Mercury. . If she be lady of the nativity. All other planets dread him. Gemini and Virgo. and specially in women about their privities. fair. in Hebrew is Haminam. of the day. and singing mirth and gladness. and matrix. lovely. thick and soft hair. He hath dominion over the pleurisy. finishing his course in 365 days and almost six hours. He hath only but one mansion. He governeth in man's body the tongue. If he be lord of the nativity. He is of a swift motion. their hair inclined to yellow. cough. and stomach. 154 He is quick of motion. His nature is hot and dry moderately. lofty. tall. and feminine with feminine. sometime curled dancers and delighted in music. dry with dry. absolving her revolution in one year. just. merry. marrow. just. He hath rule in all the hurt­ ings of the mouth. 1 55. moist with moist. whose complexion is phlegmatic. doing all things with a grace. She hath two mansions: Taurus and Libra. he maketh the 1 54. he maketh the children born trusty. wise. and thighs. and the abundance of distilling spittle. gentle looks. of stature tall. masculine. good fortune by aspect. hot with hot and cold with cold. which proceed not of choler. He governeth in man's body the brain. and generally all thoughts are subj ect unto him and he hath two mansions. kidneys. sin­ ews. good fortune with fortune. falling sickness. lecherous. inviolable keepers of faith and friendliness. � Venus. and the left eye of a woman. they are fat and fleshly. and if this planet be well placed. flanks. in Hebrew is Cocab. white. melancholy.e. " ] These seven planets of wise men are called the keys of the world. she maketh the children born honest. and given to see strange countries. 0 If the Sun should be destroyed. 157. Cancer. the stomach both in man and woman. Sec. white. and glory. somewise men the seven lamps burning. 156. [ "To God alone be praise. (J Mars.'' . obstruction of sinews. and 44 minutes. If she be sovereign of the nativity. 7 hours. hard and bony handed. fair eyed. Soli deo. Moon. the ligatures or buildings of the sea should be de­ stroyed. Note 1 5 7 that it were a great destruction and confusion in land and in sea. Solomon sayeth. lean. or seven candlesticks of light and of life. n Know you that n is earthy and holdeth all the earth in a balance that it shall not move. others seven heavenly bodies which we commonly call seven planets or stars. for if one of these failed. She hath but one156 house only. wise. and apt to learn. and every of these may do in his hemisphere in his empire as emperor in his empire or prince in his kingdom.152 THE B O O K OF O B E RON children stout. each life and each soul should be destroyed. with infirmities proceeding of cold and moisture. he calleth them seven quick­ sprites. smooth haired. reasons. In right marg. whose nature is cold and moist. the day.: "27. and of some called Malx. the fire. pale of visage. the prophets calleth them brethren. the belly and generally all the left parts of the body. the inconstant loving moist and wet places. laus honor et gloria. finishing her course in 27 days. the left eye of a man. � Venus holdeth the fair parts of the world. and in the elements if any of the bodies above were broken or were evil entreated. She ruleth the palsy and the writhing of the body. the earth. displacing of members. man. sea. the Sun. of person small. She is passing swift of motion. the earth should come again to his first state and all the elements should be consumed. and waters. honour. of stature tall. feminine. and of the night. � Mercury. 'l+ Jupiter holdeth the air. and ef­ feminate virtue. J) If the Moon were destroyed. and the right eye of a woman. J) The Moon in Hebrew is Labona. secret and eloquent. modest. conveyer of the virtue of all other planets. honourable. the privy parts of a woman. She governeth in a man's body the brain. and men. Crisopasuis. Yris. 2. Persius. � Venus in the fifth. 3 . second kind. Jagnucia. Joyeth: to be in the house where the planet has greatest influence. 5. Petersilum. Coriandrum. )) The Moon in the third house. 1 6. Artemesia. PART 1: TH EURGIA 15 3 1i. Seven precious stones The Names of 24 stones 24 Notable good herbs which were in the crown 1 . Onyx. Beryl. 1 59. or Rosemarinus. 1 6v. 8. Saturea. 4. Anisum. � Mercury in the ascendant in the first house. 6. 1 4. fol.. Sancta. Catell. Elithopia. 4. regia. 1 . 1 Acill almalit i. 1 1 . 3 . 1 0. Christallus. 14. 1 8 . edited from Sloane 3 826. Corona of Zepheraziel. Dragnucia. Canabus. A carbuncle. 158. Ypericon or hipericon 1 1 . ?. 2. A Jacinth. 20 1 0. * Karr. Saturn joyeth 158 in the twelfth house. Salma. . Coriandrum of the 1 3 . Saphirus. * 2. 8. Fleniculus. 7. Cardamomum. Cornelua. Jupiter is omitted from this list. 1 5. Sapphires. Emerald. 1 2. Coralus. 1 3 . Maiorana. Sepher Raziel: Liber Salomon is. 1 7. 3. 0 The Sun in the ninth. Jaspis. 1 9. 5 . 1 8. Apium 1 2. 1 7. Luna. 159 a Mars in the sixth. 9. 9. Topaz. Celonites.e. 1 0. Emerald. Adamant. 4. 1 9. 7. Nepita. 1 6. 1 5. 6. 5. Topaz. Red carbuncle. Crisolitus. 6. Sardus. Beryl. Serpillum. Cerammnuis. Calcedonis. the body of the Sun. 3. and loosing must be done with all pureness and cleanness. and therefore the invocating of them. cloud. i. 1 39r.1. or a vulture. 23. The wind. A spirit or souls of bodies . fowl. or any other etc. 24. and praising God. A fantasy or shade . . constraining.1 54 THE B O O K OF O B E RON 20. and is immortal and for­ ever enduring. but now hath taken thickness and darkness of the earth. vide in 24. otherwise call birds.9. 2. falco. Adamant. Magnetis.. 23. He hath power to take form or shape of what he will in the earth after the will of the creator. 20. 7. The mist or cloud . This was 160 formed of pure matter without corruption. 5. beast. as the Sun . angels. binding. Vultur. etc. ( Ceram uris? ) 22. 22. reptile. the Moon. fasting. 6. .e. Aquila an eagle. 2 . . Compare Raziel in Sloane 3846. the stars. Demon. 4. called a quick air. fumigation. These are like the body of the Sun. their appearing. Zephar Raziell folii 22 23 24. . fish. . and dwelleth in darkness and obscurity.* * Karr 1 6v. [ 56] Twenty-four beasts having power over stones and herbs and commonly called visions . Cannaferula. first with orison. 3 1 60.8. or animals of the air . 2 1 . Calamtum. . 1 . Savina. called a quick fire . Fire. Metestus. man. Cicoria. a falcon. 2 1 . Nasturcium. and for our uncleanness they are become furies. . Of suffumigations called incenses164 Note as there be seven heavens.e. 4 . Talpa. and the devils etc. a want.e. 1 63. 3 . so there be seven suffumigations which holdeth with them the virtue of the seven stars. PART 1: TH EURGIA 1 55 . a weasel.22. an elephant. Upupa. Haysoncke: a hedge-sparrow. i. and others.2 1 .. chapter 44. Ciconia: stork. and other good gums. 1 64. OP Book 1 . Leo. Delphine [ "a dolphin" ] king of the sea. 1 9.14. Folger p. 1 61 .24. 1 8. 2 . Turtur [ "a turtledove" ] . 5 .20. 1 6. Elephaufit. musk. Mustella. 1 . These are two different birds. Compare below. 163 6 For the virtue of these. C. 161 6 The wing concerning the fishes of Mars. seven stars.zconza. 1 . 4 . . Cattus. Balena [ "a whale" ] . a hart. 5 . and seven days in the week. a lapwing. a h aysoncke. 2 . and ma­ keth glad the spirits of the air.23. Renaviridis 162 6 The wing concerning animals or beasts of the earth . Want: a mole. 3 . Razielis. 162. . In marg. 13. Pisces claves or sepia. 0 Incenses of Sunday is mastic. Ceruus. 5 . 1. look in Sepher Raziel. [ "a cuttlefish" ] . 1 1 . 1 5 . 1 0.. Murena [ "an eel" ] . 1 7. Renaviridis: green frog. . : "w" glyph. . Cancer [ "a crab" ] . n Incenses of the Saturday ought to be made of all good things. 4 . the angels of heaven. 12 . etc . a cat. and well smelling roots as costus and frankincense etc. 93. an lion. 165 Cannabis ["hemp"] . Lazias: unknown 1 69. flowers. etc.. no devil nor spirit hath power over the same. rinds. cypress. 3.e. � Note that each incense of good odour gathereth together his spirits. Peony hath the same virtue. 169 1 65. It profiteth much to the achieving of secret and privy things. Roches: possibly ((riches. cassia lignea. and white. i. eat thereof or make fume of it. � Incenses of Friday is musk. Anise. A fume being made thereof with Apio167 nisquio [jusquianus. fruits. See Hockley. Acill. This we see that all suffumigations are made of roots. laurel bark. leaves. red. Coriander gathereth . black. Parsley. The next in Raziel is Artemisia.' or a term for a seam of metal. Fennel. after that his nature. 1 68. THE B O O K OF O B E RON )) Incenses of Monday is myrtle leaf and bay laurel and other leaves of good odour. . it is said. herba spirituum. There is an herb called Acill almalit. such as celeriac or parsley. and all such trees as aloes. 1 66. � Incenses of Wednesday is of cinnamon. his strength is. stinking. 4 Incenses of Thursday is nutmeg. and thou shalt see spirits [ that] shall (?) dread thee. Spirits were believed to guard both. violets. The house that is suffumigated therewith. fleniculus. corona regis or rosemary. Cardamom giveth gladness to him that useth it. The fume of fennel chaseth away spirits. and gums. and avisum into a private magical tract written for a client around 1 825. cr Incenses of Tuesday is sandalwood. and when thou invocatest any spirits. Take the herb anise and join to camphor. or "henbane" ] and lazias168 cictuta [ cicuta. and crocus and other flowers of good savour and in the contrary to the contrary put you all incenses. which is missed here. etc. his colour. 166 Coriander. and mace and other good rinds. roses. trees. Cardamom. Frederick Hockley copied the experiments for cannabis.spirits together. Apio: either honey o r a plant of the genus Apio. gathereth together spirits. This herb chaseth away the spirits of roches. cloves. 1 67. or "water hem­ lock"] urgeth spirits and therefore. Experimentum. Anoint thee with the juice of cannabis and the juice of arch­ angel [ "white nettle" ] and before a mirror of steel call spirits. and citrus. and thou shalt see them and have power to bind and to loose them. and the rind of oranges dry powdered and other fruits of good savour. presumably in this place precious. This herb luna. and being environed with any evil. henbane. e. Co lamton ["calamint. 1 7 1 . and suffume the place 1 70. and if ye do thou shalt obtain that thou cov­ etest.. if it be gathered when the Sun is in the first degree of Cancer and the Moon beholdeth Mercury.: ((23. dried. which maketh one to sleep. 170 Apium. the juice mixed with crocus. Apuim: see note for apio. Vazebelib i Martagon: two spirits to be summoned via the concoction that follows. artemesia. etc. as fantasies and devils of diverse manners. and defendeth a man against fantasies. the seed thereof. and make a suffumigation thereof. Dragnutia. or is in the house of Mercury. and is very good for a man in health to carry about with him. they shall be opened to thee. gathereth spirits together. This Colamton. parsley. being made in a suffumigation. Savory is an herb which. of the air and devils. Karr has Dragantia linked to either columbrina or adderwort. or sage"] . Savory. giveth grace and good fortune.e. Sa lma ["salvia. palma Christi. i." . and Apio. 172 The herb Dragnutia. and valerian root is very good to write withal. 1 73. or pennyroyal"] . for the obtaining of friendship. In right marg. Azartochona. of spirits. and the root of violet and axii. mint. maketh to see in the air things to come and to say many prophesies. PART 1: TH EURGIA 1 57 Ypericon ["hypericon"] . Martagon. Luna. according to Raziel. suf­ fumigate thyself therewith. and grind them together and temper them with chicory. being suffumigated. being born about one. above. either of a prince. especially in the day of Venus.. if thou touch closures or locks therewith. peony. Salma defendeth a place from evil spirits. and thou shalt see many wonders. 171 Apium. being made in suffumigation by seven nights with fagar Almaits roots. hath great power upon winds and devils and fantasies. Apium. 1 72. water hemlock. i. but not for a sick man. Hermes sayeth that it gathereth together wind and spirits if mandrake and Capillis dezoara be joined therewith. To defend treasure from finding 173 Take Coriandru m of the second kind. [ 57] Vazebelib ie. and adj oin thereto crocus. taketh away evil spirits from any place. Ypericon. and tempered with Aqua lapides. insqrino [ ''henbane" ] and artemesia. 1 75.1 00. "I found in the book of hermits. and with the tree that showeth by night called herba lucens [ "the shining herb" ] . and musk. For-done: undone. whither thou wilt. for it defendeth the place where it is from evil things. . for with this prophets made dead men to speak that were dead many days. sicorda [ chicory? ] . and say. The Latin Raziel gives Centaurea. fol. and with these make an ointment and put thereto the eyes ( ? ) of a whelp and the fat of a hart.. 84. and the tree that swimmeth which is said arbor cancri [ "crabtree" ] . that thou mayest see spirits in the clouds of the heavens. 1 76. garmene.e. 176 This herb. and confer with thee of what thing thou wilt. always and everywhere. This is proven. 1 77. and know you that it may never be dissolved or for-done174 again without an image made thereto by the point of stars. surge. spirits have no might. put upon the place where devils be enclosed. a considerably sized genus. and that treasure shall never be found and who that would take the same away shall be made fools. cosso. the early astrological treatise Liber Hermetis. chicory. In place where this herb is. musk. lignum aloes. and Solomon said. ever more devils will keep that place and evil winds. To constrain and bind devils Take the herb sancta 175 and bear it reverently. Glory to God. and come and speak with me. and shall speak with thee. arise. Note that in the laying or hiding of the same treasure thou suffumest them with frankincense. cast the water upon the tomb with the herb hyssop. In marg. 0 thou spirit." glyph. and in the third night he shall surely come to thee. lest they might have power to depart away.177 that who that taketh water in the hour of the night and goeth upon the tomb of a dead man. and anoint thyself and it will make open the air unto thee. See Sloane 384 7. etc. T H E B O O K OF OBERON where thou wilt hide any treasure in. destroyed. and maZie with rore madii. chicory. with whose spirit he would have speech withal. : ((w. in one hour. it constraineth them and bindeth them." This do by three nights. and let the water be suffumed with costus. when the Moon is joined with the Sun in angulo terre [ "the earth angle" ] . I. Take the herb fleabane. '' Surge. and all so there by thou mayest go surely. It giveth men power to obtain their desire. 1 74. To see spirits. surge [ "arise. arise" ] . but if thou put the stone with it that is called topaz. and somewhat of periwinkle. ivy. 78. and laved or washed. 1 8 0 To see devils or spirits Take the herb giant fennel. urtica. clover. artemisia. To win favour of princes. and put them upon the gate of the house and thou shalt profit evermore. So Razielis." It preserveth health. and procureth honour. and under thy feet. And in the morrow when the [ +Sun] waxeth 1 7 8 from the first degree of Aries. 13. Folger: topzins. hypericon.: ((+. and thou shalt see devils and strange things. from each place suffumed. the day of Jupiter. the Moon increasing ." . is a tree of love and delecta­ tion. it giveth favour and grace. which as some say. and bear them at thy neck. see in Sepher Raziel fol. Take the herb juniperus sabina. is join with crocus.: ((24. and stand thy face toward the east. PART 1: THEURGIA 1 59 That one shall prosper in his affairs Take catnip. athanasia.179 or else beryl. lingua. perunita. or water hemlock. etc. marjoram. Karr p. Know that. . and put it in a ring of gold. sage. and albeate together. and black poppy. which is dreadful and grievous and very strong in op­ eration. until the first of Cancer but when you gather them be clean. [5 8 ] To bind and loose spirits 1 8 1 Take chicory and join with trigon and cinquefoil. or before whomso­ ever thou wilt. and if apium were joined therewith. and then thou mayest go surely before the king. snake tongue. verbena. devils should fly. thou mayest fume what thou wilt. and hyssop gathered. etc. 1 80. henbane. Take the juice of it. the juice of cicute. In right marg. So Raziel. Put seven -knotted grass and seven -leaved grass [ the above] . With this confection made. 1 79. martagon and domestic 1 78. or stinging nettle. In marg. tapsibar­ bati. and be assured the hour and place is amended where these herbs be is mixed." 1 81 . and gather them. red sandalwood. This ring must be made when the Moon is joined with Jupiter in trine from the Sun and then it is called "the ring of the Sun. Sandelon. ((Raphaell. viz. hath one bone in his wings which gathereth together devils and spirits of the air. know that it maketh a man say things to come. mastic.' and they shall fulfill it.: circled "+" glyph. let him call devils and let him bear with him the half deal of the blood. etc. and hath the others in his neck. the property of him is. and cinnamon. In marg. and cinnamon. he whom he calleth and he shall tell him many things. and to do both good and evil in all places.160 THE B O O K OF OBERO N lily and silvestri 1 8 2 and the herb angelica . anoint himself and ever more one of the devils shall go with him. and take the blood of the heart of and anoint himself therewith. paritaseron. for he that hath these under his feet. Gabriel. .: "0. These be the chiefest names of the nine orders of angels.. with such others. 1 83. or sitteth upon them. complete meam petitionem et meam voluntatem [ ((fulfill my petition and my will" ] . neither the voices of a hound neither where wheat is sown. cassia. Cherubine. and therewith suffumigate every of the things abovesaid. Michael. )t 1 8 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 82. of conjur­ ing and constraining spirits of the air. a lapwing. Upupa is4 Upupa. cardamom . he shall have grace of enchanting. that who so taketh the heart of him and wrappeth it in honey. thimiamate. musk. and with the other half. Ariell. Seraphin. Silvestri: possibly white bedstraw or a variety of rye. In marg. etc. who that slayeth him in the day of the Moon. and suffumigateth himself with good odours as frankincense ." 1 85. Error for fingers? 1 84. and make you suffumigation of the these nine things: white frankincense. and hath seven rings of seven met­ als in the figures. and eateth the flesh with fennel seed. and who that cutteth off the neck thereof where a cock croweth not neither may be heard. To subdue spirits Ciconia. a stork. and cloves . and when he cutteth of the neck. lignum aloes. Micra ton. 1 83 know ye that he shall have might in binding and in loosing and in chanting. say­ ing. and then as soon as he may swallow it and drinketh the milk of a white cow or red. mastic. . continue in prayer. in right marg. They washed and cleansed themselves. Suffumigating The manner of the suffumigating a man's self: It ought to be made in seven man­ ners. be clean. musk. remember the needy. He must not join to a woman to pollute himself. fast truly. nor menstruate. 6 . PART 1: THEURGIA 161 Note that they that suffumigate observe or ought to do seven things. 5. and swearing. He must not drink wine nor eat fishes nor anything with blood goeth fro. and he must eschew from evil malice and falsehood. and south. west. and he may have his will ful­ filled. he must eat nothing of theft. They did alms. 2. with wax for the part of the south and the earth Algalia almea and Tiriaca ["abelmo­ schus (musk mallow). trust 1 86. nor enter into a house where is a dead man. 4. They slew and burned all. and white wax. balsam.: <<w" glyph. In left marg. They slew and cast blood into the fire. praise ye angels. and theriac" ] . neither of any beast of four feet. almea (balsam of storax) . i. neither any thing unclean. The1 8 6 master that worketh must purify himself by seven days before the work. Light thy house with prayer. 7. and mace. for the part of the east and the fire serveth amber. Avoid pride. lignum aloes.e. for so Solo- . They used abstinence or fasted.. nor of none other. 1 . lying.: « 1 6. neither of raven. i. keep thy bed warily. Now we speak of the suffumigations of the four parts of the world. and towards the earth beneath. and attained to their desire. He must wash himself. keep thy tongue from slandering. neither of evil party. i. Clothe thyself with clean clothes. by the commandment of the creator. mon said the hermits did. neither that as is fallen to death. for the part of the west and the air. for the [ part of the] north and the water. towards the east. and avoid sin. and forget not the works of mercy and be not joined to evil men. 3.e. and of the four elements. and the seventh time all about. times in the day and times in the night. north.e. They made fumigation with good things and well smelling as above. and thereby attained to their petitions. They pray much in hours. nor go to the grave of a dead man. camphor. towards heaven above. and olive oil.. nutmeg. and ever more as oft as any man doth is let him address his mind unto God and pray. do alms. nor by him that suffereth and the law hath condemned." . 1 88. Compare Razielis. to the four elements. 4. in which be four letters compared and likened to the four parts of the world. be faithful. 1 . The third. 2. 6. 7. and use appellation in all necessities to the Cre­ ator. First meek­ ness. and these be they. The first S e moferas is when the Cre ato r fo rmed Adam in Paradise . and wild beasts . • 1 8 7. to the four complexions. The first. fishes. and the [four] 1 89 elements. herbs. presumably to switch to red ink. The seventh. 1 53v. is as much to say as Yana. and to the four natures of beasts. trees. abstinence. Who that by Semoferas1 8 7 will do anything must observe seven things. when Adam spake with the Creator in Paradise. and no doubt but thou shalt obtain that by petition thou desirest. trust. when Adam spake with winds. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. the Moon. 267 ff.: "+". when Adam spake with the Sun. when he spake with seeds. and mercy. and the stars. when Adam spake with men. By this Semoferas Adam did whatever he would. [ 59 ] Semoferas:188 Here followeth the names of Semoferas which God gave to Adam in paradise. when Adam spake with the angels. and growing things upon Earth. in great necessity who that meekly and devoutly calleth upon • this name. 1 . In left marg. reptiles. in right marg: "27. and meekly. when Adam spake with the devils. 7 11 I TI TI I TI -1- These letters must be named piteously. 1 89. charity. . The second. patience. There is a space. Solomon sayeth that there be seven Semoferas." Compare transcription of Razielis in Peterson. The fourth. devoutly. So Razielis. truth. The fifth. no doubt but he shall have grace • and help. 3. The sixth. which is virtually identical. which Semoferas was given unto him when the Creator inspired grace into him. 5 . THE B O O K OF OB ERON in God. fowls. have a good hope. Sloane 3846 reads '�do nay Sabaoth. with which he bound herbs. Tiel. Adonay. Myel.. Sabaoth. and whatever thou wilt do by them. Zazael. Sath. Lelara. . Adona. Letarimitim. etc. 190 This n am e th o u shalt name when thou wilt speak with the angels. Muel. and what­ ever. Sulela.. Om. seeds.e. Dilatan. 54v. Lanagala. Lamazirin. it shall be done. for they be names of the Creator which ought to be named in each thing and in every work. Via. addonay amiora. 7. etc. 4. Lagri. 1 90. Cal phi. Vialurab. Yarast. i. Elyaon. Saena. Alym. Perhaps AshR AHIH. Ela. The fifth is when he named the seven natures. Yacy. Lebaron. Yseraye. The fifth Semoferas is when (Adam named) animals and whatever. Piel. Patriceion. Man. Cados. Nycam. Paliel. Catinal. The seventh Semoferas is of great virtue and power. Langume. Eloy. Delis. Sya. This is similar to Sloane 3826. and it is divided into seven chapters of which the first is. Letagelogrim. Addona Amora. Calsas. Lalialens. sufficiently answered. These thou shalt name every time when thou workest upon the four elements. Ayom.e. Thau. 2. Cepheron. viz. and trees. Emanuel!. and without doubt it shall avail thee much in thy work. Adam bound and loosed spirits. Saday. Cados. e. Laasalilas. Ado nay. Yael. etc. beasts. The second Semoferas is when Adam spoke with the angel which brought unto • J J i . and fishes. With this Semoforas. PART 1: TH EURGIA him these letters i7 ) i7 7 �: f . Layfyalafyn. The third Semoferas is when he (Adam) spoke with demons and with dead men. These names thou shalt name when thou wilt that the elements or winds shall be helping unto thee. '�sser Eheie. Letafyryn. Elym. Lia­ ham. delyom. fowls. The fourth Semoferas is when (Adam bound) animals and spirits. Letaglogen. Papyn. Lematozim. Euola. The sixth Semoferas is of great virtue and power i. Letafatazin. Leuagelayn. 6. thou shalt name these. Baryon. Aglata. 191 These thou shalt name when thou wilt gather to­ gether winds. alla. ado nay cados. Zalaph. which reads '�dona Sabaoth Adonay Cados Addona Annora". Letamynyn. [ 60] The Semoferas of Moses Here begins the Semoferas which the Lord gave to Moses. Saday." . phenor. or spirits. 3. Eloym. Joth. Alma. which to every of his questions. Liafar. 5. Safna. When thou wilt bind or loose. Babaganarityn. etc. devils. Domyfrael. Yacy. Adon. Egiel." one of the names of God of seven letters. Yaena. Lialgana. 1 9 1 . Ebreel. Aglataon. Uza. helame. Ye. Afi. habana. hele. Sare. Macie. Lehahu. Buire. Zye. Loaraceram. ry. hy. quigo. The third. Elaye. Chapter 3 Eva. when he spake with God in the hill. ramye. Yly. and when he smote the Egyptians with plagues. syec. These be the names with God said to Moses when he ascended the hill and spake with him. Yre. and led the children of Israel from captivity. but they must be named chaste and clean. habe. roy. Aliale. Boene. 2. Lyeneno. Meharamehy. Bace. Vue. Vle. Chapter 2 Abguicam. Folger omits. hye­ ola. yasome. 7. habe these name devoutly etc. Pecarcecay. and drew out water forth of the rock. The second. yarimye. The seventh when he rained manna in the desert. Yard: staff. THE B O O K OF O B E RON 1. fossa. Naodicras. Lyly. By these are many miracles to be done. 4. and the calf. Ye. quleye. These be the names of the prophets. Azaye. Saccoci­ cum. Amare. Podayg. nechee. 6. Nimi. Malece. 1 92. ysale. maa. When Moses ascended the hill and spake with the flame that environed the bush and the bush burned not nor was not consumed. 5. Loena. Loace Cadeloy. Mabecha. ede. nice. These be the names with which the Temple of Bozale was founded . when the yard 192 was turned into a serpent. 3. wherewith the angels sealed the [four] 193 parts of the world. Lee or see. The fifth are the names which were written in the forehead of Aaron. vele. 1 93. when he divided the Red Sea etc. leyane. Chapter 1 Maya. Avayha. Cure. Acaptena. Lelahu. . tu. Sehie. Cy. The sixth when he made the brazen serpent. Loy. hycers. The fourth. Yeger. Leoy. yelo. zolye. these names. yeynimese [ y] . thou Maker. ven. holy. and by them thou mayest achieve what thou demandest of the Creator. Amen. hiebu. zahia. ycymor. fac nos ad fin em nostri operis. PART 1: TH EURGIA Chapter 4 Micracon. holy. eya. Jahe. and if thou be in any anguish. omni bonitate plene. clean. pious. Tivgas. Yena. Yana. vehu. have mercy on us through your name Yeseraye through the blessed word. Tablanac. JHP translation: ((0 God living. Eloy. holy. saconits. Astas. be it blessed by words. Chapter 5 These names were written unto the people. Ebon. Micondasnos. name these names. and properly written in gold. hahya Eyey. Sa day. Razielis adds: pervenire tu largitor nobis integru complementum nostris operis. before rehearsed being named. very great. va. strong. great. yane. With these names thou shalt destroy evils. Ebehel. meek. tu s [ancte] et miserationis. tu completur nostram. have mercy on us. blessed Lord. Chapter 7 Saday. Then say. va. oyaha. com­ pleas question em. Saniora. mighty. for they be of great virtue. Pheneton. vaha. Yane. Zacuss. These names when thou wilt have thy question fulfilled. strong. 1 94 elargum. full of all goodness. of Aaron. Peddem. and all enchant­ ments. Angila is the name of a prophet. hazyhaya. hia. blessed be your name. and 194. Laceas. 195 God quick. fulfill our question. make us come to the end of our work. bacuc hua­ donemi. and no doubt but thou shalt feel their virtue. 195. yecan. thou holy and merciful. Ya. you 0 fulfiller. By these thou shalt do many marvels. El. and merciful one. tu factor. nobis miserere nomen tuum Yesaraye sit per verbum benedictum. or Eol [yen ] . when he spake with the Cre­ ator. Messias. hyga­ ron. mighty. 0 maker. Eloym. piston. Temgaron. eye. Accida. Ahyaenia. benedicte domine benedictum nomen tuum. full of all goodness. roexi. va. Tabluist. you. 0 bountiful. vehu. Mycon. be thy name. Vanohia accenol." . but presume not to name them vainly. Thy name Yesarie. Amen. Sya. Eneyobcel. Jesaraye is as much to say. thou fulfiller. yaia. true. hayleos. make us to come to the end of our work. Translation follows in the text. eye. haya. ha. fulfill our question. patrint. Indy Xeddem. Cina. Elacy. ygnyron. hayya. Castas. Deus viue verax magne fortis potens pie sancte munde. pure. Citonii. loez. Abibhu. Keep well these names. as God without beginning and without ending. blessed Lord. Chapter 6 Yana. This is the end of the material from Razielis proper.. and whoso beareth it with him. 197 whereby he overcame the Gabionites and thirty-four kings: Bachionodo balizlior. Bycol. Joshua 1 0: 1 2. In Sloane 3846. for prophets were wont to bear them written in precious stones: Joac + Jona + Eloy + Yena + and whoso beareth them written in virgin parchment in letters of gold shall not lack living. nor wor­ ship. ... These be seven high great names and virtuous. This name giveth vengeance of enemies. For victory This name. neither in battle he may not be overcome of any man. removeth wrath and sorrow.... The following section... from "Four great names . which name when thou wilt ask any thing.. . [61 ] A name to get victory These be the names with which Joshua made the Sun to stand still in his place against his proper nature... and increaseth gladness and love. Mephemyphaton + whoso beareth upon him shall not easily be over­ come.- Four great names These four names of God are of great virtue. 1 58r.--. clothing.... but choose good times and hours. .." 1 97. a prison may not hold him... To remove wrath and sorrow This name.. Ycos" are a separate text sometimes appended to it.1 3 . and thou shalt obtain.. 1 96.. so long as he beareth them upon him. need to fear sudden death. this short text is titled "Here beginneth names that be necessary to euerich Christen man. 196 1+. Hacedion or Hachedion .166 T H E B O O K OF O B E RON whosoever beareth it upon himself shall not during the time he beareth it. Elioram. exorcise them at his pleasure through stringat eaque in omnibus experimentis the power of this ring. and the virtue. and by other names nominare. Emanuel + Sabaoth + Adonay + Pan­ thater + Primellus + Grabaton + per hec thater + Primellus + Grabaton + by sanctissima et alia nomina qui non licet these holy names. te suppliciter expostulo ut which it is not p ermitted to name. Tohomos. Messias. Finis. Istion. Eloy. Ely. . Jesus. [ "Honour and glory to God alone. Hyeyady. Principium. beginning and end" ] + The consecration of the ring Hoccindinos + Osytheon + Stimu. Deg. Alpha. Ye. Hoccindinos + Osytheon + Stimu - lama ton + Elioram + Messias + Sother + lamaton + Elioram + Messias + Sother + Emanuel + Sabaoth + Adonay + Pan. Eloye. which the wise Solomon mentis usus et super omnia demonia et prepared and used in his experiments. Sedalay. Onoytheon. ula] Amen. through the eternal ages. Elyon. Bycol. Eloye. Aneyym. Theos. Joth. Alzaphares. that this ring which is lomon instituit et quo in suis experi. Stimulamaton. Amen. Adonay. Ya. Yayn. here present. Soli deo honor et gloria. who are the refuge of all. I presente Annulo qui sapientissimus Sa. Noyin. PART 1: THEU RG IA Comiceron. Sabaoth." ] Vassaliel. Ya. et Omega. Orchona. humbly urge you. Usiormis or Usior. and he was able to suis qui sotiis salus sit et protectio per te bind them fast in all his experiments. 0 God. to the associates. through you. and may it be salvation and protection gloria et potestas per eterna seta [ *saec. glory. Selaleyl. and he was able to huius Anuli virtutem exorcizator con. Maynaceel. Agata. Christus. [ "Alpha and Omega. Zofyn. Ycos. Valayeyl. Onelabiasin. Emanuel!. Ye. Egirion. Sather. Ormis. deum qui omnium es refugium et virtus. and power. El. Tetragrammaton. On. malignos spiritus virtutem efficaciter and obtained effectual power over all de­ obtineat et eos ad libitum suum per mons and evil spirits. Egge. A & Q. On. 168 THE B O O K O F O B ERON After that these Psalms should be said: Psalm 1 20: I have lifted up my eyes . . . ; Psalm 1 1 2: Praise the Lord, ye children . . . ; Psalm 1 29: Out of the depths . . . . 1 9 8 Before this, for three days time, you may eat, but abstain from all impurity, and place it on the altar while celebrating three Masses, and then return the ring to a clean place and with fragrances such that the power is greatest. It is proven, not only for the present operation, but also previous ones, with all the necessities brought together, we have no doubt. And with this the consecration of the ring is accomplished. The end. Days most expedient to work any marvels on 199 1 The 1 day of the month is good to begin all manner of things. 2 The 2 for hate and enchantment against enemies. 3 The 3 is right naught. 4 The 4 to enchant and conjure wicked spirits. 5 The 5 to go invisible, and enchant against enemies. 6 The 6 for theft and knowledge of hidden goods. 7 The 7 naught. 8 The 8 for love of virgins. 9 The 9 naught. 1 0 The 1 0 naught. 1 1 The 1 1 at the afternoon, to enchant. 1 2 The 1 2 for theft. 1 3 The 1 3 for love. 1 4 The 1 4 to go invisible. 1 5 The 1 5 naught. 1 6 The 1 6 for discord. 1 7 The 1 7 for love of women. 1 8 The 1 8 for the theft. 1 9 The 1 9 for hate. 20 The 20 naught. 2 1 The 2 1 to go invisible. 22 The 22 for love. 23 The 23 for discord. 24 The 24 naught. 25 The 25 for enchantments. 1 98. In the KJV these Psalms are numbered 1 2 1 , 1 13, and 1 30. 1 99. In left marg.: "w- " glyph; in right marg.: "37-38." PART 1: TH EURG I A 26 The 26 both for love. 27 The 27 both for love. 28 The 28 both naught for love. 29 The 29 both naught for love. 30 The 30 against enemies. 3 1 The 3 1 Idem cum principia. deo semper et ubique gloria, laus et honor [ "The same as in the beginning. Glory, praise, and honour to God, always and everywhere." ] [ 62 ] A malediction for the fire 200 Coniuro te ignis per ilium qui orbem I conjure you, 0 fire, by him who contremere facit quatinus spiritum made the world tremble, that you will ilium N callefacias et comburas ita quod heat up and burn that spirit N. , that he in sup persona sentiat eternaliter fiat fiat may perceive his eternal sentence. Let it fiat. be so; let it be so; let it be so ! Maledictus et blasphematus sis per- May you be cursed* and reviled for- petualiter et in pena eternaliter, et nulla ever, and suffer eternal punishment, and requies sit in te in ali qua hora nee die may you have no rest at any time of the nee nocte, si statim non eris obediens day or night, if you do not immediately verbis, que diciuntur [ *dicentur] de illo, obey those words, which spoken make qui tremere facit orbem, et per hac no- the world tremble, and by these names, mina istorum nominum, quibus omni- the same names which all creation hum­ bus creatura humilliter obedit, et pavore, bly obeys, and all creatures tremble with ac tim ore, omnis eo rum creature contre- fear and dread, and by which the thun­ miscit, et in eis tonitr [ u] na, et fulgura, der and lightning were created, which s unt creata, que te et tuo s ub ditos will destroy you and your subordinates, destruant: qui sunt hac + Adepleniton + which are these: + Adeplenitont + Pera­ Perasac + patir + ffome + lameth + mem sac + Patir + Ffome + Lameth + Mem + + memene + sameth + ay + ey + ffy + Memene + Sameth + Ay + Ey + Ffy + Asade + Costin + vod + per ista nomina Asade + Costin + Vod + By these names * In marg. in pencil: "also page 1 08." t This is of course the Hebrew alphabet, here corrupted beyond recognition, as evident from parallel texts, e.g., Bodleian Library MS. Michael 273, 56. 200. Another version of this curse can be found on Folger p. 108, also Mathers, The Key of Solomon, p. 42. 17 0 THE B O O K OF O B E RO N te N. maledicimus et privamus ab omni- I curse you N., and deprive you from all bus graciis et habitibur [ *habitabatur] et grace, and from any place you may have priorum virtutem in stagnum Ignis et inhabited, and from any prior powers, sulphuris, ut h ostem in p rofundum and relegate you to the lake of fire and abissi, te religamus eternaliter nunc et in sulphur, and into the deepest abyss, now eternum, sic fiat sic fiat. and forever. Let it be thus. Let it be thus. If he come, rewrite his name, and make a fragrant fire, and perfume it with fragrant spices. This is to be done if the spirit has been rebellious against the exorcist and is un­ willing to come, then write their names on paper, and soil it with mud, and a fire should be kindled with sulfur, pitch, horn, asafoetida, and other foul smelling things, saying as above. Another for the fire for the four kings Coniuro te ignis et exorciso te illum qui orbem contremere facias [ "I conjure you, 0 fire, and exorcise you, by Him who makes the world tremble" ] , and by him whose presence made the infernal powers to tremble and quake, that thou 0 fire and angel of the most high God be now and from henceforth and that forever maledicted and accursed, and inasmuch as in thee lieth, grieve, torment, waste, and burn these names of these obstinate spirits, stubborn and unbelieving kings, and wicked mates of that great and unhappy prince Lucipher, i.e., Oriens, Amaymon, Paymon, et Egyne so that as thou, 0 fire, doth grieve and vex their names etc., so their proper shapes and forms most accursed may be afflicted and that most acerbitly in the bottomless pit, deep dungeon and odious stinking lake, which continually, and that without ceasing, lea­ veth not off to burn with unquenchable fire, mixed with sulfur, pitch, and other mat­ ter increasers of those flashing flames, being just and due plagues of God ordained, a�d for their merits and desserts, i.e., Oriens, Paymon, Amaymon and Egione, most justly provided, 0 fire, the Father curse thee, the Son curse thee, the Holy Ghost curse thee, all Angels curse thee, Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim, Powers, Potestates, Prin­ cipates, and Dominations curse thee, all holy patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, confessors, and virgins, curse thee, 0 fire, all the powers of heaven and elects of God curse thee, 20 1 and I now by the licence of God curse thee, by the licence, com [b] ina- 20 1 . The almost identical curse on Folger p. 1 09 rearranged the phrase ((The lycences, coniurationes, threates, & indignations of God curse thee." The crossed out ((the" might be evidence of editing here. PART 1: THEURGIA 17 1 tions of threats and indignations of God curse thee, and I now by the power and au­ thority of Aaron, the great priest of God, of my own priesthood, and by the virtue of all priests, that have been, now are, and hereafter shall be in the Church of God, here and in all places, in all times and in all ages, now and forever, curse thee. The curse which fell upon Cain, the whole world, and Judas, curse thee, all benedictions and blessings of God the Father, etc., curse thee and curse thee again, and make thee of such power, that thou mayest persecute, vex, waste, burn, torment, scald, scorch, and continually burn the names of those rebellious and wicked spirits that they may be urged thereby to come, to run, and to appeal to me for aid and help requiring to be released of their unspeakable anguish, sorrow, and unspeakable punishment and hellish torment and tortures, and that by the power and virtue of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is via sine devio, veritas sine nubulo, et vita sine termino, cui laus est et po­ testas honor virtus et gratia rum actio, gloria et victoria, qui vivet e[t] regnat, et imperat in Trinitate perfecta gloriosus deus per infinita secculorum seccula Amen. fiat, fiat. [ "a way without deviation, truth without a cloud, and life without end, to whom is praise and power, honour, strength, and act of grace, glorious and triumphant, who lives and reigns and commands, glorious God in perfect trinity, forever and ever. Amen. May it be so, may it be so, may it be so." ] 202 With penalty inflicted 203 0 N convertate deus in infernum 0 N . , God will return you to hell. Psalm. 9 verse 1 8 . pluat deus super te God shall rain snares upon you, fire, laqueos ignis sulphur et procellas 0 N brimstone, and storms, 0 N., God shall verberet te deus virga ferrea et tanquam flog you with an iron rod, and shall vas figuli confringat 0 N confundat te break you into pieces like a potter's ves­ deus, veniat Mors super te et descendas sel. 0 N., God shall confound you. Death in infernum vriens, deducat te deus in will come to you, and you will descend puteum interibus [ *interitus] , Confrin- alive into hell. ( Psalm 9 : 8 1 ) God shall gat deus caput tuum, et verticem �apilli bring you down into the pit of destruc­ tui [ + perambulantium] in delictis, tuis, tion. God shall shatter your head, the obsturentur occuli tui Ne videas et dor- hairy crown of you who walk in sin . suntum [ *dorsum tuum ] in curvetur Your eyes will be darkened that you see semper, Effundat deus super te Iram not, and your back will always be bent. 202. In left marg.: "+." 203. Another version of this curse can be found on Folger p. 1 6 1 . In marg. in brown ink: "4o-o." The whole of this curse is assembled from passages from the Psalms, recounting all the bad things therein which God inflicts on the wicked. See Psalms 9: 1 8, 1 0:7, 2:9, 24:3, 54: 1 6, 54:24, 67:22, 68:24-25, 68:27, 69:4, 82: 14- 1 8, 87: 1 7, 88:33, 88:47, 96:3, and 1 39: 1 1 . KJV numbers them 9: 1 7, 1 1 :6, 2:9, 25:2, 55: 1 5, 55:23, 68:2 1 , 69:23-24, 69:26, 70:3, 83: 1 3- 1 7, 88: 1 6, 89:32, 89:46, 97:2, and 1 40: 10. T H E B O OK OF O B ERON suam et furor eis te c6mprehendat, per- God will pour out his anger upon you, cutiat [ *percutiet] te deus et persequatur and his wrath will seize you. God will te, et super dolorem vulnerum tuorum strike you and persecute you, and add addat Avertat te deus retrorsum et erub- grief to your wounds. God will turn you escas, ponat te deus ut rotam et ut scipu- backwards, and you will blush in shame. lam ante faciem venti, sicut ignis qui God will place you like a wheel, and like comburit silvam, et sicut flamma com- straw before the face of the wind, like a buriens montes, persequatur te deus in fire which burns wood, and like a flame tempestate sua et in ira sua turbet te, Im- burning mountains. God will take ven­ pleat deus faciem tuam ignominia ut geance on you in his tempest, and shall obedias nomini illius o N conturbat te ut trouble you in his wrath. God will fill pe [reas] in seculum seculi. Transeat te in your face with shame, that you will obey ira domini, et terroris eius te conturbent, his name. 0 N . , he will confound you, so visitet te deus in virga iniquitates tuas, et that you will perish forever. The wrath in verberibus peccatta tua, Ira dei exard- of the Lord has come upon you, and his escat [ in] te tanquam ignis. Ignis ante terrors have troubled you. God will visit deum, procedat, et in circuitu inflammet you in your iniquity with a rod, and your te, cadant super te car bones in ignem sins with lashes. God's anger will flare up deiiciare, in miseriis non subsistas. against you like fire. A fire shall go be- fore God, and shall burn you. Burning coals will fall upon you; in misery you will not be able to stand.* [ 63 ] + A suffumigation that rejoiceth spirits Amber, lignum aloes, costus, musk, crocus, blood of a lapwing, frankincense. These be meat, drink, and gladness to the spirits of the air, and gathereth them to­ gether and urgeth them to appear, as sayeth Hermes. 204 Greek incense, mastic, sandalwood, galbanum, muscha lazerat, myrrh, and amber. These fumigations be collectors of spirits and placators of them. 205 204. From Raziel, e.g., Sloane 3846, 1 40r, and Karr, "Liber Lunae and Other Selections from British Library MS. Sloane 3826;' (20 1 0 ) , 1 79. Quoted in OP Book 1 , chapter 43. This section is repeated on Folger p. 1 07. 205. Raziel, Karr, "Liber Lunae," (20 1 0) , 1 90. PART 1: TH EURGIA 1 73 nlS� First Saturn. 4;")( Then Jupiter. <JCfrtl. Then Mars. 0 dl Then the Sun. � b'n Then Venus. n Saturn is lord on Saturday. n 4cr0 et � are masculine, i.e., man- 4 Jupiter is lord on Thursday. kind a Mars is lord on Tuesday. �J) are feminine, i.e., womankind. 0 The Sun is lord on Sunday. ncr] Are evil planets � Venus is lord on Friday. 40� Are good planets � Mercury is lord on Wednesday. � is changeable i.e . , indifferent viz. J) The Moon is lord on Monday. good with them that be good, and evil with them that be evil. n is cause of dearth, death, and peace. 4 is cause of long peace, rest, and virtuous living. a is cause of dryness, debate, and war. 0 is cause of life, health, and waxing. � is cause of lusty love and lechery. � is cause of much speech, merchandise, and sleight. J) is cause of moistness, great waters, and violent floods. 206. In left marg. : anchor glyph; in right marg.: "42 ." 1 74 THE B O OK O F O BERON [ 64] n The highest and slowest in proper motion, cold, dry, and pale, like unto lead colour, requiring thirty years to end his course. "4 Jupiter is next under "4, temperate, fair, and bright; his course is performed in 12 years. CJ Mars is hot and dry, of fiery colour, and in 2 years endeth his course. 0 The Sun is placed in the middle of all planets, most clear and bright, the well of pure light, every year finishing his course. � Venus is next to the Sun, cold and moist, and clear, yea, more brighter than Jupi­ ter. Her course is like unto the Sun, never above 48 degrees from the Sun. She is called the morning star when she goeth before the Sun; coming after the Sun, she is named the evening star. � Mercury is next under Venus, somewhat shining, but not very bright, never above 29 degrees. From the Sun his course is like to Venus or to the Sun motion. )) The Moon goeth about within 30ti days. For more plainness of that which is opened, now shall follow a figure, by the which ye may perceive how the orb of the one planet compasseth the other, also how these planets are placed in heaven, yea, which planet is highest from the Earth, and which is nearest unto us. PART 1: T H EURGIA 1 75 These seven planets are seven planets, moveable stars. The twelve signs take great power and might of them, and as some affirm, the planets of the twelve signs, so that the planets be to the signs as the soul is to the body, and the signs to the planets as the body to the soul, for like as the body may do naught without the soul, no more may a sign without the seven planets. [65] Here followeth a table of every thing of every sphere by himself To know if a man or woman be sick, whether he or she shall live or die. 1 . In the third sphere is contained three things: the first to know if a woman be with child and whether it be a man or a woman. 2 . 208 The second treatise of the same, 207. Geocentric Universe: "The first Mover I The .christalline heaven I The starry firmament I Saturn I Jupiter I Mars I Sun I Venus I Mercury I Moon, elements (fire, air, water, earth) ." 208. The rest of this paragraph is in marg. THE B O OK OF OB ERON and also, if two men fight, whether of them shall have the victory. [ 3 . . . ] ence whether I [ ?? ] shall speed I [??] or no The second to know who shall die first of a man or his wife. The third if a man be blind, to know in which eye it is, although you never saw it. Fourth to know under what sign or planet any man is born. Fifth to know whether a man shall speed in his journey or no. Sixth to know of life or death, if any man be sick, to know who shall die first of man or his wife, to know if one lie or not, to know whether a man shall come or go safe to any place, to know if one studieth, if one take a benefice, also, if to plead at the bar in the law, who shall overcome. Seventh to know if a servant be run away, whether he shall come again or no; also if one be sick, whether he shall recover; also if one shall have good fortune in play or gaming. First take the letters of his name that is sick, and the number that goeth by the let­ ters in his name, by the sphere following, and make thereof a sum and of the age of the Moon how old she is, and the number of that day that he sickened on, and put all the sums together, and of the sum take out thirty as oft as you may, and if you find the remainder in the middle circle above, he shall shortly amend. If you find it in the right side, he shall long languish in it, but in the left side, speedy amendment cometh, so in like manner the contrary holdeth in the nether part, if it be found there. The figure followeth. Deo semper et ubique gloria [ "Glory to God, always and everywhere" ] 7 1 9 23 11 2 24 � 13 0. � 3 14 27 � c 13 c 4 10 29 � 21 12 1 8 5 0. � 6 15 22 c 1 6 26 8 20 28 PART 1: T H EURG IA 1 77 [ 66] An example of the sphere following, how you shall work, and with all other as with this: if there be a man or woman fallen into sickness, look what day he sickened thereof, and take that day as it stands in the sphere, and the number of the age of the Moon on the same day, and the number of the sign in which the Moon is in at the same time, and the number of the letters of his proper name, and put them all to ­ gether, and then divide them by thirty and look the remainder in the sphere, and if you find it in the over part of the sphere, he shall live long, but and if in the nether part, he shall die, likewise do by champions that shall fight. Deo semper et ubique gloria [ "Glory to God, always and everywhere" ] The twelve signs should stand in the figure. 209. Outer circle reads: Dies Solis 1 5 vel 1 3, Lunae 1 7, Martis 15, Mercurii 25, Iovis 1 5, Ven[e]ris 1 8, Saturnus 1 5 vel 1 6 [ «Day of the Sun 1 5 or 1 3 , of the Moon 1 7, of Mars 1 5 , of Mercury 25, of Jupiter 1 5, of Venus 1 8 , of Saturn 1 5 or 1 6" ] ; second circle has Latin alphabet from A to Z; third circle has numbers corresponding to the letters; fourth circle: Media vita, Curta vita, Mors Curta, Mors Media, Mors Longa, Mors Longa, Longa vita [ «Medium life, short life, short death, medium death, long death, long death, long life" ] . Inside top has Aries 1, Taurus 2, Gemini 3 " I circle with VITA [«LIFE" ] and numbers I Cancer 4, Leo 5, Virgo 6. Inside bottom: Libra 7, Scorpius 8, Sagitarius 9" I circle with MORS [ "DEATH" ] and numbers I Capricorn us 1 0, Aquarius 1 1, Piscis 12. For other instances of this operation, see Joanne Edge, "Licit magic or 'Pythagorean necromancy'? The 'Sphere of Life and Death' in late medieval England;' Historical Research 87, no. 238 (20 1 4) : 6 1 1-632. THE B O O K OF OB ERON [ 67] To make a thief not to depart out of the place where he would steal 2 1 0 In the name of the Father, and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. This place I beset within and without, and all the place round about. If there come any thief to fetch goods away, set the holy place before and behind them, of the right side and left side and round about them, and cause them to tarry till I hither again come, by Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John, these, as fast bind you one to one as ever Saint Bartholomew bound the devil with the hairs of his head.2 1 1 Then so still as he stood, so still stand these in and by the virtue of the blessed and holy Trinity, and that until I again come and bid them begone. And say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys, and three Creeds. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen. The circle for this work 2 1 0. At top of the page: ''6" and the circled ''+" glyph (E9) in brown ink; in left marg.: (( 5 6." 2 1 1 . See above: There are two similar references to St. Bartholomew, but there they state he bound the devil with the hairs of his beard. PART 1: THEURGIA 179 The names of the seven sisters of the fairies 2 1 2 Lillia ( 1 ) , Restillia ( 2 ) , Faca ( 3 ) , Folia (4) , Africa ( 5 ) , Julia ( 6 ) , Juliana ( 7) Here beginneth the most true and profitable experiment for to make a thief to come again with that which he hath stolen, at the will of the master. 2 1 3 There be four kings reigning in four diverse parts of the world, that is to say, east, west, north, and south , under which four kings be four spirits as it were bishops . The power of the said four kings etc. are in the four elements, viz., air, fire, water, and earth, and these spirits have power to bring again the thief with his stolen goods, whither so ever the master will have him, at the reading of this experiment. Thou must on the Monday at the waxing of the Moon , or on the Wednesday go and be clean shriven, even as clean (I mean as thou shouldst presently die), and then before the Sun arise go and hear a Mass of the Holy Ghost, and then go into a secret place into a wood where no man useth to come and make a plate of lead, in manner of this form, which after ensueth, and write in the midst this name Satan, then write round about above this manner, Satan, the goods stolen, the name of the owner, man or woman, and whatever it be that is stolen: gold, silver, or cattle, etc. Then make four diverse plates, each by himself, and write the name of the spirit and his sign by him, the name Teltrion in the east , the name Spyrion in the west, the name Boytheon in the south, and the name Mayeryon in the north, and then set the great plate between them, all four with the names of Satan , and the stolen goods by him, and the owner of the goods, and then a little way aside make a round circle and stand therein and say this conjuration. 2 1 2. There is more information on these fairies on Folger p. 8 1 . Sloane 3853, 1 43v, gives the names of the septem sorores [ ((seven sisters" ] but only six of the seven: "Iilia, Restilia, Foca, Affrica, Iulia, Iuliana." This is in a charm for ''expulsion of elves and fairies." Sloane 1 727, 23v, has the equivalent charm in English, and gives seven names: "Iilia, Restilia, foca, fola, Afryca, Julia, Venulia" These names are also listed in fanua Magica Reserata ( in Sloane 3825) as "Lillia, Restilia, Foca, Tolla, Affrica, Julia, Venulla." See also the article by Frederika Bain, "The Binding of the Fairies: Four Spells" in Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural ! , no. 2 (20 1 2 ) : 323- 354. Bain includes a transcription of Folger MS. Xd 234 (ca. 1 600) , giving their names as Lilia, hestillia, fata, sola, afrya, Africa, Iulia, and venulla (variant: Venila) . 2 1 3. Compare Sloane 1 727, SOr; Sloane 3 824, 1 6v; Sloane 3853, 73r; Wellcome MS. 1 1 0, 99v; Rawlinson D. 252, 1 24r. In marg.: "This exp. is also in the ould parchment booke." In right marg.: "56 b." Mun. A.4.98, 78, has their names as Lillia, Restillia, Foca, Folia, Afficia, Iulia, and Remilla. and by the prophets. and Mayeryon or Maorys . and by the waves of Citis vel in aqua. et per omnes spirituum or. virtutes et potestates . and Powers . and all other chas. hermits. Boytheon. ut ubicumque stars in the heavens . the in­ Martiros . things: X and Y. 0 0 yo u spirits Theltrion. delivered to this place: X . and by all the holy san eta no mina domini no stri Iesu names of our Lord Jesus Christ by which Christi. et illos redux. vel in terra conveniatis in unum whether in water or fire or air or in locum. per heremites. verum p er deum sanctum et per omnia by the holy God . principatus archangels of God. and lead them et N et ut deliberantur in tali loco N. et per ders of angels . apostles. et per vicinos. ties.180 THE B O O K OF O B ERON [68] vos spiritus Theltrion. and the Caeli. et back. Con. aere. that you will assemble together in eritis. et p er prophetas [ et] per patriar. . et reducere faciatis. and by the angels and Thronos atque Maiestates. that wh e reve r yo u move . and by the Thrones. tern omnium sanctorum et sanctarum. and by all virgins and per omnes viduas . et per undas Maris. et per virtu. and martyrs . et per apostolos et per Evangelistas orders of spirits . et novem ordines Angelorum nocents . and by the dines. et monks. by the Sun and Moon . Principali­ et Seraphine . Virtues. and the nine or­ et per Angelos et Archangel as dei. Speryon. · patriarchs. vel Mao rys. quorum nomina sunt hie scripta. inno cents. whose names are here written. et ples . Cherubim and Seraphin . disci­ tyros et confessores. Boytheon. et san etas dei. cum tali re N one place those thieves. per Caelum and by the neighbours . ken by God. et and female-and by the disciples . and by the per excellentissime nomen dei + Tetra. at this time: X . and by all the saints of God . et dici possunt. martyrs . and make them return. et per omnes sanctos all widows . evangelists. by heaven and et Terram per Solem et Lunam et Stellas earth . and he helped them. with these taly tempore N. et per Cherubine Greatnesses [ *Dominations] . quibus patriarchae et prophetae the patriarchs and prophets called upon eum invocaverint et ipse iuvabat eos. et Mayeryon . earth. confessors. and those yet to be spoken. in quo illi latrones. et per omnes virgines. Speryon. et dissipulos et Innocentes et per Mar. and by the power of all the saints-male et per dissipulorum et Innocentes. most excellent name of God + Tetra­ grammaton + et per omnia que de deo grammaton + and by all the words spa­ dicta sunt. et per Monachos. et him. vell in ignem vel in the s e a . I conjure iuro et exorciso vos spiritus per deum and exorcise you spirits by the true God. until you satisfy me by a true teres. 4 ( 1 97 1 ) : 293-3 1 6 . 2006 ) . and by all the elements virtutes. et tali in loco reduxeritis per virtu. by the power of all celestial. and in such a day and time. Sloane 3853. I conj ure you spirits Teltryon in the ente. or by the fo ur Luciferem inferni p otestatem. :f: Revelations 8:7. t The magic word Ananizapta is found in charms. et a place. et per plagues of the world. sacra dei. + Elyzar + and I conj ure you by the zar + et coniuro vos per predicta nomina afore-mentioned sacred names of God . Discouerie of Witchcraft.1 2 ? . rings.. preciosos. sine lesione corporis vel anima mea. Thomas Roger Forbes. and amulets at least as early as the fourteenth century. PART 1: THEURGIA 181 Coniuro vos spiritus Teltryon in Ori. and fulfill my wishes and de­ untatem et desiderium meum impleatis. and in fiery donee impleatis per vera signa. ter­ inferrorum. * Compare Sloane 3853. and by all herbs. Sp eryon in Occidente Boetherion East. you to be sent to eternal fire. Skemer.* [ * septentrion ale ! ] . mina domini nostri Jesu Christi Mess [i] Messias + Sother + Emanuel + Sabaoth as + Sother + Emanuel! + Sabaoth + + Ado nay + and Helyon + Ananizapta t Ado nay + et Helyon + Ananizapta + Ely. chains. hora. 1 6v: Theltryon . and in such tern omnium celestium. Infernalia. ut non requiescatis in 4or Ele. trees. by all the illius vel illorum per omnia sancta no. et per Satan. vos Iubeo. PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. terrestrium. Sperion. cum talibus rebus. hoc est nee in igne nee in aqua. nor the water. Another example is a charm against the "falling evil" (i. until you lead back ilium. and by all celestial. chapter 1 4. et tali die et that thief or thieves with such things. Boetherion in in Meridie. et in catenis igneis.+ and by Lucifer. Boytheon. et sign and characters. veil or to that one or those ones. See Don C. Terrestria. et per precious stones . Speryon in the West. et per and all their p owers. donee illos vell air nor the earth. 1 55 note. who per omnia mundi elementa et per earum you must obey. epilepsy) in Scot. that you Regem vestros ut mihi obediatis et vol. Sloane 3824. et carac. 89r: 0 vos spiritus Teltrion + Sireon vel Spirion vel Spirdon + Bethereon vel Betheron + Mahireon vel Mahereon +. without harm to my body or soul. Book 1 2 . and infernal beings.e. et Mayeryon in attentrionale the South . Machyreon. and by Satan. and infernal beings. et arbores Lapides que power of hell. terrestrial. nee in Terra. obey me. Binding Words: Textual Amulets in the Middle Ages ( University Park. Beytheon. holy names of our Lord Jesus Christ. not in the nee in Aere. mon . by the bonds of Solo - omnia Caelestia. no. that you rest not in the four elements: mentis. sires. "Verbal Charms in British Folk Medicine" Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 1 1 5. et in ignem eternum vo s restrial. Mayerion. cui debetis obedire. and Mayeryon in the North . Spireon. per vincula Salamonis. vel per 4or mundi plagas. Coniuro vo s p e r I conjure you by your king. Not in the fire. the omnes herbas. and I order mitti. 73v: Theltryon. " Another exemplar for this can be found in Sloane 3824. Tetragrammaton. Emanuel. and truly thou shalt not fail. Jesus Christus. which reads Eleyson. Messias. Text reads ((Messias" and Greek ((IHS." a very common abbreviation for "Jesus. Ihys. Amen.182 T H E B O OK OF O B E RO N And if thy work come not to effect at the day and hour. but have it again within short space after. Sabao th. Adonay. Asmus. Alpha et Omega. This is the circle of the experiment 2 1 4 2 1 4. Cyprian us. Michael. . Gabriel. bury all thy plates in the earth until it come again. in left marg. that I thy faithful friend may see thee prosper still. . Of all good things the world brings forth. when she shall be in place in utraque fortuna fidelis [ "in each chance faithful" ] The earth profiteth none ( ? ) that I pass for but one. a faithful friend is thing most worth. PART 1: TH EURGIA 183 [ 69 ] This is the figure of this preceding experiment 2 1 5 Orient � cTe{trion c o d'- Jfic est resfurti � . Yet I live in hope to win our lady's grace.:f .Jl ?:. : anchor glyph.o � .l � � � � � � � c �- � � � VJ tt ofn 1 [><] Speryon [><] Po A Occic[ent God send thee to thy end both health and wish at will. according to the instructions at the beginning of this experiment. to speak for mercy to her lord." In right marg.: t c � @ � � S. Figure includes words hie est res furti [ "here are the things stolen" ] . 2 1 5.:f � .f � � 0 � � .JlJ.: "57". you should list both "the stolen goods byely by the name Satan" and "the owner of the goods. which without beginning and without ending art one God and true to remain Alpha and Omega ." 2 1 7. 1 7. holy. shield. so that at no time they may have power to hurt or harm me. and that he by the calling of thy holy name may by per­ fect demonstration reveal and show unto me N. pure. and replenished with all goodness. holy father and marvelous disposer of all things. and help me. . holy. and show unto man true judg­ ments. earthly. and infernal. The Sixth and Seventh Books ofMoses. hear me. To be said at the beginning and ending of every work 2 1 7 0 the most high and the very true God. the great and merciful God of exceeding much might. for the bowels of thy mercy's sake. and grant also most benign and merciful Jesu that N. God of all celestial virtues. world without end." 2 1 8. vouchsafe of thy great mercy and unspeakable power. King of Glory. for thou art our God whose power is unspeakable. to be my protector. all things that I shall demand or ask of him and to fulfill my desire. and for the love and merit of thy bitter death and passion. to whom all things doubtful. of whose unspeakable sweetness the heavens and the earth be full. illusions. and of all creatures glorified. now suffer me to have this my desire to be accomplished and fulfilled. the first and the last. . a spirit of great power. thy poor servant N. heavenly. unknown. Compare Raziel in Peterson. 0 thou my Lord and God. may through thy omnipotent might. In right marg. and defender against the malice. T H E B O OK OF O B E RO N [ 70 ] To be said before the invocation 2 1 6 0 Lord Jesus Christ. to me N. for thou my God art he which art the fulfiller of this my prayer and of all my desires. descend by the beams of heavenly light unto me. 0 holy. which of the Blessed Virgin Mary hast willed to be borne. which from God the Father earnest human into the world. . so be it. to whom all secrets. I do beseech thee. and from whom no secret is hid. compare also Folger p. 0 merciful God . Amen. to whom every soul do confess itself and every tongue do speak. in right marg. 0 God blessed art thou and blessed be thy holy name. that thou wouldst loose the world from sin. 269-270. In left marg. whose kingdom is everlasting. and crafty assaults of all unclean and wicked spirits. now and forever. the beginning and the ending. and be unto me meek and merciful in this present work. and hid is manifest and certain. This grant. in whose sight all thing visible and invis­ ible.: "w" glyph.: 58 " . by whose presence the eyes do behold. be known. and that now through thy merciful goodness. and unto whom every heart is open. and thou my Lord God in Trin­ ity and that through thy most holy Name + Tetragrammaton218 + i1ii1" Agla + Saday + 2 1 6.: "59. and here I desire thee my God to be my help and comfort. suffer me now to bring to good end and effect is my bold enterprise and attempt. now hast thee to help me. from the great burden of my sins. the which didst deliver Daniel out of the den of lions. being full of all honour and glory and praise. now ne [ =not] yet in the time of my necessity. and from all my enemies. and Abednego out of the burning furnace. and by all these holy. subdue him. N. and Sancti­ fier of me. 1 7 but omitted here. 0 God of Isaac. Saviour. now and at all 2 1 9. I. poor sinful wretch that I am.. deliver me N. and bring him to my obedience. Redeemer. 0 Tetragrammaton + 0 Agla + pater kyrie + Adonay + 0 thou the Creator. oh yet I ask mercy and forgiveness of thee. now desire thee most heartily to give me power and strength over this spirit N. and from all evil misfortunes. Sections in [ ] is found on Folger p. and also of all creatures. 0 thou + El + and Eloye + of incomprehensi­ ble majesty. and over all spirits and [ 7 1 ] that I may overcome this spirit N. roe + saye + Gole + Maha + samoer + Bybyloey + ybyyre + Lylay + Raby + lee + velsee + leace + cade + lethe + [by + yre + tylay + Raby + lee + vel + see + leace +Cade + leth � + ] 2 1 9 lyhele + meamare + tyrya + hyse + Saquiel + Mum + seymee + yele + habe + 1 220 hele + Amye + hara + eyesserye + [Agios + Iskiros + Athanatos + Agla + On + Tetragram­ maton + Jehovah + ] 0 thou my God. Meshach. and honourable names. 220. 0 God of Abraham. although that I am guilty in the faith over ( ? ) my doings. 0 thou my God. 1 . 0 thou my God. 0 thou my God the which didst redeem Susanna and that from the false accusation of the <of the> great crime and shameful slander. as well in words as cogitations and thoughts. 0 God of Jacob... Now forsake me not. . and that now forthwith that he may obey me. and by thee. The ''1" probably means vel [ ''or" ] here. 0 thou my God that didst defend Tobias from his ene­ mies. N. PART 1: TH EURG IA 18 5 haley + Kes + El + Amye + Semy + hasy + hayn + yenmissye Sacodere + barew + Adanahew + Eya + hey + hew + hew + va + ha + Eye + Eye + Eye + ya + ya + ya + Ebel + El + El + Ahey + A + ha +A + hue + Ahue + Ahue + Ahue + va + va + va + vadua + ylaye + Alenda + Le + Ane + hy + he + ha + ysale + ne + he + ha + Araya + Acamine + leena + quiloso + lyeneno + pheale + neale + ye + ye + malahe + huana + Nethe + heyrete + hasyonada + Balysany + Methe + pheniphatoll + comythomo + sedalaye + Thro + Thro + Thro + homos + zepny + Aglatha + Byell + Ioell + Sa­ comith + paconith + pyfam + ytomor + hygarom + ynquiron + cengaron + myron + mycon + Dasnot + Cassas + Iatas + yeton + eya + Rabba + Rab + Raba + man + Sarus + Eyesarey + Agla + yana + Maysay + Sye + sere + Myge + Mehatae + Sare + Maasame + evana + Ate + Dacye + byne + Rahew + yabe + Astrolye . 0 thou my great and mighty God. and the three children Shadrach. 0 thou my great and living God. and the very God that heareth me in general. Jesus Christ. fearful. which by invocating of him I shall appoint him. nor soul. do call on thee now and on thy holy names. and that as thou art the very God in Trinity. and the Holy Ghost. to come forthwith here to me to do my will and mind. 0 God of the Apostles.: "w-" glyph. nor that he etc. 0 thou my God in Trinity. the which livest and reign est one God in Trinity for ever and ever. and of paradise and of heaven and of earth. 0 God the Holy Ghost. king of Jews. and that by thy mighty power and virtue and great strength of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Thrones. Amen. in thee is all my trust. con­ fessors. Cherubim.. I. and of things beneath the earth. and with these names and with this my desire or great petition now forthwith here to be fulfilled. Archan­ gels. and that this spirit N. now suffer me not to be led with no illusions of this spirit nor none others. virgins. 0 thou my God.186 THE B O O K OF O B ERON times. and that as near as he may. and Potestates.. Principates. and to fulfill my request and desire. N.22 1 so be it. and by the speaking and hearing of all thy holy and elect names and by Tetragrammaton + by all these and the rest of the holy names of God the Father. three persons and one God in Trinity. and suffer me here to have this spirit N. although it be against his will. and with these words. letters. And in the name of the merci­ ful God of Israel. 0 God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. and that through the blessed name of thee the most high God I desire it. and that through the power of Jesu Christ. and vouchsafe to keep me both from him and all mine enemies and other mischances. martyrs. 0 God of all patriarchs and prophets. 0 Jesus of Nazareth.. and thou the ruler of all these and of all things. and that by the sufferance of the great and everliving God so be it + In the name + of the Father and of the Son + and of the Holy Ghost + three persons in Trinity. and of the seas. Dominations. Seraphim. and of all creatures + now to be with me N. and Powers. that thou my God wilt now vouchsafe to grant me thy help and aid against this spirit N. 0 God of Angels. send me now and grant me thy blessed help. In left marg. and that now forth­ with I may have this spirit in obedience. to appear here to me in a fair form. 0 God the Son. and characters. may · now fulfill my will and petition. now to grant to me N . and that it may now so be. 22 1 . mind. and I desire it for our Lord Jesus Christ his sake. Amen. . the Son. and now most heartily desire thy benign and glorious majesty. so be it. to hurt me in body. suffer that this spirit N. and by thy holy name + Tetragrammaton + and by all the most holy and glorious names of God. 0 God the Father. j ust God. through the Holy Ghost dum in nomine unigenitus filii tui you have made to descend upon your predicare et baptizare voluisti. 0 domine Jesu Christe qui de sinu patris in Lord Jesus Christ. . a weak sinner. and from the most holy . done this and much more." . deus fortis. ten Son you are announced. et eos per uniuersum mun. hoc opus to your virtue and mercy. that in the name of the Father and of the b e at re ( ? ) o p t i n eat. through the perducere valeo ad effectum quod opto. the bosom of the Father into the womb et cum hominibus in terra apparuisti. and grant to me this or that intercessionem beate gloriose et in timer. strong God. for constraining and assembling ut ista verba verba [ sic] per totumque ei the spirits. per spiritum you have made. and through them to the whole et multa alia fecisti. because I. Lord Jesus Christ.: "6 1 . PART 1: TH EURGIA This done to your other business. and which dormienti secreta celorum revelasti. and you have inspired sanctum super Apostolos tuos descend. In right marg. of the wonderful virgin . and et desiderio quod tua gratia mihi de. by your grace. glorious. have wished to baptize. et you revealed to the blessed John . great mystery. beg you according Iesu Christi filii tui unigeniti. etc. work which I desire. mother of our ducte facere valeam ut spero et credo fir. the secrets of heaven . 0 God. ac secreetis celestibus eum super he slept. your Son . quod ego infirm us pee. deus sine great God. ad cortandum et cogendum have the strength to accomplish this spiritus nee non benedicere et sanctifi. deus potens. [ + prayers of purification and consecration] 222 Deus unus. you who have cator simplex et humilliter te peto quari. Deus Iustus. Only God. him with the heavenly secrets beyond all ere fecisti. end. tu qui hec apostles . deus magnus. . habe pacientiam in world. have patience nus in te virtuta tua et miserecordia. that I may miter viz. and appeared qui et beato Joh anni p e ctus tuum on the earth before mankind. ( ? ) omnes mortales inspirasti. God without fine. per with me. care dignare hoc presens opus scriptum namely. deus perfectus omnium bonorum. God-fearing Virgin Mary. other people. et in se ad Son and of the Holy Ghost it may hold 222. in the name of your only-begot­ me et largire mihi in hec vel istud mag. intercession of the blessed. Deign to bless and sanctify vell eis convenient ac ei vel eis convenire this present written work. ate virginis Marie Matris Domini nostri simple and humble. mighty God. *beacon ( ? ) . perfection of all good. who descended from uterum virginalem mirifice descendisti. while cisti. so spiritus sancti virtutes quas optinere de. your de sanctissimi pectorum de portare fe. and you num misterium. that all your poterint ut in nomine patris et filii et words which are collected together. pacificare et ligare. ac sine spe salvacionis and to depart. . from Heaven all the way to the nisi obedientes preceptis meis quam deepest pit of the abyss. aquatic. most dire pain of hell. forever and ever. to venire facere et respondere. damnare. and all spirits and obedientes ac voluntati in de resistentes. fiery. excitare. constringere. dere. the infernal powers. to remain cludere. . humiliare et obedire solvere et in. to gregare. omnes spiritus et anime. assemble. igneas aquati. and profundissimum lacum abissi. a facie huius ( ? ) expel without hope o f salvation into the seculi dampnare a aeris. . have determined to conjure. and by these words contained in volumine contenta per te sanctissime + this book. dispergere. per infinita secularum seccula Amen. souls. until the Day of cos. . con. 0 most holy + Adonay + in maiestate divina sedens Tri. mihi in. Amen.188 THE B O O K OF OB ERON coartandum et cogendum convincere the virtue and power for confining and scernere . if you are dis­ docum que mihi placueris. Ado nay + sitting in divine maj esty. . gather and disperse. ( ? ) of the earth. and by this same present presence scriptum vel ista verba in hoc book. et infernales potestates et the Judgement. Lord of Lords . nus et unus deus domine dominantium threefold and one God. stare. making them come to answer. to condemn. to be humble and obey.* * This whole paragraph is corrupt and translation uncertain. to constrain. to ingravissimis pene infernalibus piicere et release and to shut up. et p er istud and invoke. care. terreas. terrestrial. (?) I opus habuero ac eis coniurare et convo. compelling (the spirits) . to pacify and bind. et rece. from . et invocare voluero. et cum eis obedient to me and resist my will . through you. a celo usquae in the aerial. to arouse. and usque ad diem Iudicii. to conquer. overthrow. your to rum sanctarum ut mihi concedas mother. adiuva me misericordissima of your givers. et omnium sane. because my ficit sine te. Holy Ghost. and unt me. and the Amen. my soul. . te invoco ut sis solus defencio et pro. PART 1 : TH EURGIA [ 72 ] 0 Glorissim. foremost in life. Help domina quoniam labor meus non suf. and most merciful helper confugio. Regina Angelo rum et 0 most glorious queen of the angels. that you grant * Compare Weyer. et merita mea non adiuvant ad because my sins hinder me. and the Son. she who com­ omnium sanctorum.: "62. et misericordis. and my mer­ tam multa et maxima. Christ. the beginning of human et misericordie benignissime imploro et salvation. the Father. Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. et tibi. Amen. I n n o m i n e D o mini n o s t r i Je su In the name* of our Lord Jesus Christi. our Lord Jesus Christ and by the passion sime Matris tue Marie. * In right marg. release Amen Amen. Holy Trinity and in­ tas. et incomperabilia its are not of much help. separable Unity. maximis auxiliis ea optinere non valde cannot be obtained without great help uncle te in primis in vita gratia Ianua vite and support from you.* omnium celorum dominam mundi. and prayers of the most holy Mary. effort is not sufficient without you. patris et filii et spiritus sancti. expedit anime mee. exordium salutis humane mater pi etatis gateway of life. piety and mercy. p er virtutem tion of my body and soul. now and for­ S ancte + Crucis domini nostri Iesu ever. I take refuge in you. and you. empress of hell and all the inhab­ sima adiutrix donatorum tuorum ad te itants of hell. most generous mother of in voce in adiutorium meum et auxil. that tectio corporis mei et anime munc you may be the only defense and protec­ [ *nunc ] et in perpetuum. now and at all times. Imperatrix inferni mands overt all the world and all the et omnium infernorum. et quia peccata mea impedi. equivalent of lord or master. I implore you to be my lium hodie et nunc et in omni tempore help and aid. Sancta trinitas inseperabilis uni. but "lady" or "mistress" are both too easily misconstrued. and the incom­ dona qui desidero et peto sine multis et parable gifts which I desire and beg for. by the power of the holy + cross of Christi et passionis et orationes sanctis. desire. me most merciful mistress.. Amen. and all the saints. Amen. if it pleases God. so ut possim obtinere qui nunc desidero si that I will be able to obtain what I now placeat cleo. saints. female authority. et and of all the heavens." t Domina: i. I call upon you.e. " . 0 Lord . me your grace and divine power over all tern] divina [ m ] super omnes malignos evil spirits. by the power of seculorum amen. in whose hands lieth the disposition of all times and seasons." glyph. look back upon me* misere mei et ne abneges mihi quicquid and have mercy on me. per te Iesu Christi cui est laus whom be the praise and honour forever et honour in secula seculorum Amen. so that they work such force in all places that by them the spirit N. * Compare Sloane 3853. Amen. Creator 223 of all things. prayers of your servant N. i. and do not look back at all my non negavi. fulfill my will completely. through you. earth with all constellations and planets with such natural and kindly moderation. in right marg. to perficiat. your holy names. so that whichever of them I spiritus ut quoscunque in virtute sane. Then say. et tua divina virtute mandata mea orders. and with dientes mihi minissrantes [ *ministran. and ever. God for all ages. et 0 God my God. and the rather by their powers I may obtain and have my will and desire. sed potius pie obe. 223. qualify. not denied you. and do not re - a te petam quod pluribus aliis consesisti fuse to me whatever I desire from you. : "w. and permit rum tuorum veritatem invenire merear that I am worthy to discover the truth in qui vivis et regnas deus per omnia secula the present experiment. 0 Lord . but rather reli­ terrorem inferentes. giously obeying me diligently. as followeth Deus Deus meus Respice in me. In left marg. bringing no fecte impleant non mihi nocentes neque harm nor terror to me. . heaven. the inclinations of thy crea­ tures. 0 Jesus Christ . as may most serve to the obtaining of our purpose and weighty attempt. for you hear the mento per virtutem nominum sancto. and conveniant et voluntatem meam p er. call upon by the power of your sacred torum n ominu tuorum invo cavero names. they will immediately come to ­ sctami [ *statim ] ex omni parte ad me gether from all parts of the world. and also that those creatures aforesaid may serve to the commodities. I have tui N. propter exaudi preces famuli faults with which I have sinned. [ * concessisti] et ne respicias ad universa because you have granted many things delicta mea quibus peccaui te domine to others. Everlasting God. Amen. 57r.19 0 THE B O O K OF O B ERON graciam tuam atque pietatem [*potesta. your divine power he will complete my tes ] . who lives and reigns. sitting on thy knees.: "63. fol. I do beseech thee. et presta ut in presenti experi. may be urged and enforced to obedience. 0 Lord." ] [ 73 ] Officium de spirittibus The offices of spirits There be four kings of the air: Orience king of the east. 1 .OOO. and welfare of all mankind: so that we receive not only our desire and request by way of petition of this spirit N. the old roots of our native iniquity. the which is Bellsabube. And there be three devils. The end. honor. that we may spring up in all goodness: send us the fervency of the spirit that we may show forth ripe and perfect fruits of a lively faith. to appoint thy final harvest or vintage. Lucipher is the father of all devils. like ripe and profit grapes. Paymon king of the west. but also by them we may possess and have the fruits of the bare earth to our comfortable sustentation. whose idol was worshipped. and that in his circle. and that with a kind of majesty. that when it shall be thy good pleasure. they do all obey him. Amen. as it were. This Bell before the time of Solomon was thought to be the God Charon. et gloria. with the winter of cold lust to ensue them: so we the seed of thy grace within us. and giveth to the master that calleth him gold and silver. for all devils do reverence and worship this devil Lucyfer. during a man's life. He appeareth very beautiful. yet by him as by Tantavalerion. and that in the Art of Nigromancy: viz. killing them. . but Nota he hath one proper Invocation by the which he shall be called by: otherwise he hath been wont to slay the master conjuror. and glory. unless he did suffumigate . and maketh expert in sciences. other devils may be conjured and bound. and l .. and Egine king of the north. Satan. which is to say into thy everlasting kingdom there to rest with thy chosen Abraham + Isaac and Jacob. Finis. Lucipher. mortify within us. and he is the prince of devils. for he is in the depth of hell. Soli. Amaymon king of the south. for so hath God ordained and appointed to them. like good and cleansed corn. and giveth of each demand a true answer. laus. in all eternity. and he was of the order of Cherubim. honour. and thereby prompted duly to the honouring and praising of thy holy and reverend name. He appeareth well for half an hour. [ "To him only be praise. 2. He giveth a servant or familiar which shall be in service very dutiful. The second is called Bell. PART 1: THEURGIA 1 91 health. He may not be called. therefore. So be it. thou wilt vouchsafe to bring us into thy j oyful barn.OOOs of devils or wicked spirits do minister unto him. Bell­ zebub. 19 2 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON himself well. and there is a king under him whose name is Baall. having before him trumpets. he will vex all them that do not sacrifice unto him. but Note and if he be called alone. but he that is master shall say that he fell not of his own will. Amaymon. and he knoweth all experiments. and when the master will depart with him. to de­ stroy. These four kings are Orience. God defend us. He rideth upon an elephant. . he cometh with other great kings. and telleth the truth of things past.: <<w" glyph. He hath power to consecrate books. and that the four princes or the four kings. then he taketh such a shape as the master will. of diverse instruments. and when he is called. Shawm: a woodwind instrument like an oboe. and maketh a man to go invisible. and mastic. shawms. and he doth willingly receive the sacrifice or offering. except that he do give money or teach sciences." Note that Satan abideth in an obscure air. unto which king's power is given to hurt the land. let him say. that is of the Throne. the trees. after 1 . He is wont to ask of the master conjurer that he should with Solomon pray the Creator. wherein he must be urged to do his office and duty. Bu [ t] let the master take good heed that he do not obey him in his request. He hath power to kill. which is not to be believed. 224 The third devil or spirit is Satan. that thou mayest be again restored to thy former place or throne. Orience the king appeareth with 1 00 or 200 legions. and his office is to teach a man all manner of sciences. and that by divine power to the contrary. and Egin . and when that he is sacrificed unto or offered unto. Paymon. that if it be given to thee by him and that from above. to make blind. and hath power to teach them. present. lignum aloes. so be it.200 years. and for that cause he abideth in the air. and that fair with a femi­ nine countenance. who that likewise. and hath under him 250 le- 224. Satan knoweth the virtue of these kings. and they be of the orient. and that with amber. and to do many mischiefs. the seas. and is not cast into hell.225 and much minstrelsy. he then appeareth in the likeness of an horse. Amen. and if that he be angry. making them disobedient to God's will. East 4. In marg. and it was he that tempted our fathers in the desert or wilderness. ((I here beseech my God. and then he is compelled. He giveth well nigh an answer to all demands and questions. having of an horse the very shape. 225. the which was of the order and throne of the Cherubim . and a goodly crown upon his head. intendeth to come again and possess his former place. and he must be called towards the east. 3 . and to come. that he may come to his Throne again. and by Abraham. a magical procedure to aid in memory and learning.226 and he giveth the best acquaintance with nobility. Emlon. He may well be kept in obedience one hour. and Abdy [ Obadiah? ] . and that with all speed. and by the thrones and choirs of angels . Amaymon the king is of the south. and Lot. or day. and declare unto him the thing thou wouldst have taken in hand. He hath a bright crown on his head and rideth upon a fierce lion roaring. and call thou him in a fair air. and maketh a man wonder­ ful cunning and expert in philosophy. and by Moses. See Julien V eronese. the which is the messenger of the king of the east. and do my commandment. and confirmeth the doings thereof. Isaiah. and by the blessed Virgin Mary Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. to whom shall be said: "I conjure you now by God. and David. and by the thrones of angels. and look that thou have the ring of Solomon. Zachariah. 228. 227. and he gladly doth receive sacrifice and burnt offerings and gifts. and is great and mighty. and by the saints of God. He maketh answer to all things. during which time he may be used. and that gently and eke227 with pleasantness. that now shortly. without any tarrying. and the stole and the ausipi­ tes or coronepes. I conjure thee. his son Christus' mother. and he cometh with other three kings. and therein be kings. and that by the living God . and hold thou thy ring upon thy face. and he will do thy will. Katherine. . Ocarbydatonn. and by St.. [ 74] South 5. Ezekiel. Mary. and Jacob. Ely. 2007). his hairs like to a horse's hairs. PART 1: THEURGIA 1 93 gions. that now presently and without any delay or tarrying. Noah.22 8 He cometh with all manner of invisibility. you cause 226. L'Ars Notoria Au Moyen Age (Firenze: SIS MEL edizioni del Galluzzo. and obey my will. let the master say: 0 thou Bellfarto or Bellferit. Malachi. and by Elizabeth. and by all the prophets. Isaac. and by the death and passion of our Saviour Jesus Christ. the same spirit which is called Pernell that thou make or cause to appear. Zeph­ aniah. and in the art notaria. and by holy Shem. so be it. and he appeareth in the likeness of an old man with a great beard. Art notaria: Likely the notary art. Unknown. Enoch. i. and by the blessed Apostles . These kings be messengers of the king of the south. who is the messenger of the east. as dignity and promo­ tion. Eke: also. Habakkuk. Jeremiah. and a great company with him.e. Joel. yet at the first you must constrain a spirit called Pernell. and he shaketh a rod in his hand and his ministers go before him with all manner of instruments and music. but let the master turn into the south to receive him. Note. Daniel. and Madyconn . and Margaret. all the spirits appearing female are actually considered male. In marg. and by the nails that pierced his blessed hands and feet. His nostrils are very sharp like a sword. this same spirit Alphassis to be here ready. I charge and command you by our Lord Jesus Christ that you yield him to me and that without any delay or tarrying.230 and before him goeth a band of men.: "w-" glyph. 230. a king. without any tarrying. Then say.1 94 THE B O O K OF O B ERON the same spirit Emlon. and fulfill my will and desire. and so then he will. See discussion of whether evil spirits can be female in Johannes Trithemius." This. 1 0. see http:/ /www. Interestingly. then he appeareth in the likeness of a soldier. and that without delay or long tarrying. and hath the countenance of a woman. and to do all that I here shall command him to do. that he shall speak plainly and distinctly. and appeareth in the likeness of a man. obey me. he maketh variance still. and that to the redemption of all mankind. Joannis Tritemii Liber octo quaestionum ad Maximilianum Cesarem (Oppenheym: impensis Joh. I conjure thee. the messenger of the king of the west. These may appear from the third hour to the twelfth hour following. and that by the most meek Lord our Saviour Jesus Christ. and his face is very clear. yet the master shall cast to him a paper wherein it is written. and by the sphere that clave his heart 1 . and by all the virtues of God." North 7. (Pages are not numbered.alo?obj id= 1 1 936&viewmode=fullscreen&scale=3. 229 Paymon the king. He rideth upon a dromedary or a camel. and Rombalence or Ramblane. and that you now here do yield him unto me. ) 23 1 . and out of his mouth co- 229. Peterson. 1 5 1 5 ) . may tarry from twelve at noon till midnight. .33&rotate=&page=48 . and that with trumpets and all kind of instruments. a king. The discussion is in questio sexta [ "question 6" ] . and he being called is more obedient to the will of Lucifer than of any of the other kings be. when he cometh. is of the north. that the master may understand what he sayeth. and Baasan. yet when that he cometh to the presence of the m [ aste] r. and they do make a man to go invisible. and thou compel him by divine power. Agios + Yskiros + Athanatos + Otheos + Alpha + and Omega + Agla + El + Tetragramaton + that now shortly and that. for me N. he appeareth and speaketh with a hoarse voice. Egyn the king. Hasselberger. "And thou Alphasis . Compare Paimon. and there is Belial. So be it. and Paymon himself speaketh with his tongue. literature. that he shortly and speedily come to me. and by all the holy names of God. West 6. 2 3 1 and there is Belferth. and here to fulfil my peti­ tion and desire. and is crowned with a bright crown. The Lesser Key of Solomon. past. Perhaps "work" omitted? 233. and singing. and the art of Nigromancy. and knoweth all the places where 232. that this spirit by name Rodabell vel Radebelbes now to be here. and where it is. and he knoweth all things past. be the messengers of the king of the North. and of the being and compacting of this world. they may come from midnight to the morning. and what the earth is. I conj ure thee. and whether the water may sustain the earth or the earth the water. and to come." Then say the conjuration that to the four kings doth appertain begin. and he speaketh of and 232 in diverse parts of the world. and of certain secrets. and Rodabell. and that with­ out any delay or tarrying. and of things to come. or Radabelbes. Fersone234 is a king and appeareth in the likeness of a man. and he giveth very good acquaintance and dignities. and the master shall take and thank him therefore. having the face of a lion. and he cometh with a great noise and clamour be­ fore him go sundry kinds of musical instruments and sweet organs. " 0 thou Lambricon. spirit # 1 1 : Purson alias Curson. and by the crown of thorn that our saviour Jesus Christ had on his blessed head. and hid things. etc. and he telleth what a bottomless pit is called. I conjure you. Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. ready and obedient to all my will. Compare Weyer. and giveth true answers of all questions and demands.000 legions.. and so soon as he appeareth. and causeth a man to win at all manner of games. and thou must look to the north when thou callest him. and that by the meek Lord Jesus Christ. and he hath 40 playing before him. and present. and the art memorativia. and forthwith he will fall down to the earth and will worship the master. and by the Virgin Saint Katherine who slew Kw­ phin233 your brother. with trumpets and other instruments. commonly the Abyss. prelateships and con­ firmeth the same. 234. and in his cheeks he beareth two tusks. Emlon Rodabell. [ 75 ] and by these precious names La + Ya + Gala + Layagom + Vlba + Garanitom + Lasam + Sarym + Lassa + Ioratom + La + Ya + Lasary + that you now shortly. Unknown from the history of the saint. and he hath 1 2." as is aforesaid. and maketh consecration of books and other things. and by Mary Magdalene. and by the nails wherewith his blessed hands and feet were fastened to the + of tree. PART 1: TH EURGIA 1 95 meth flames of fire. then con­ jure those four messengers without fear. and his ring.. and that now herein you obey to me and that without any tarrying. Alphassis. and he rideth upon a dragon. and from whence it cometh. saying thus: "0 Pernell. and he teacheth perfectly all physic. and he beareth on his right side two hissing serpents shining. and what the wind is. vel Lambracaron. . 8 . and by the spear that he was pierced with to the heart. show him the Seal of Solomon. and he is crowned with a crown of precious stones. and the art Notaria. and by him which hath made of naught all the world and all and every thing therein. present. kings of the north etc. and that is of a brasen made [maid? ] . and he giveth true answers. he appeareth like a goat. 9.238 and he doth fetch money out of kings' houses. Skor 237 is a great king and appeareth like a curlew. and he hath under him 72 legions. for he is true and faithful. and he speaketh foully and evil favouredly. He teacheth to find treasures that are hid in the earth. and to come. he appeareth like a fierce lion. or out of any house or place. and appeareth like a fierce bear. 240 a great king. and to find precious stones. and before him cometh trumpets. 24 1 . : "Hee geveth true answeares and what familiars are best. 237. 1 1 0. and telleth where is treasure hid. present." 236.: "A carrier. Varbas or Car bas 24 1 a great prince or king. and there is nothing seen of him but his head. and hath under him six legions of spirits. 1 3 . and showeth all places. a king and a great ruler. and teacheth to heal sick 235. 1 1 . Garsone the king . Wellcome MS. and he hath under him 80 legions. Curlew: a wading bird native to Great Britain. and hath under him seven legions. he appeareth with a crown or diadem. and will answer to all hid and secret questions. Gorsyar is a king. and showeth it willingly. then he taketh on him the form of a man. Compare Sloane 3853. and that of things that be secret and divine of the Deity.235 1 0. and he rideth upon a bear.: "w-" glyph. and he will carry it there as thou commandest him. and he maketh a man to go invisible. and he cometh with minstrels afore him. and bearing in his hand a fierce viper. fol. In marg. and he hath under him ten legions. Harchase is a great king. .1 5 . and he is crowned with a diadem. and that in all his doings that he is com­ manded. T H E B O O K OF O B ERON any treasure is hid. and without discretion.236 1 2. In marg. and of hid things. 239. and he giveth true answers of secret and hid things. In marg. and he hath under him 26 legions. yet when he cometh before him that calleth him. In marg. Tam on. and he desireth sacrifice. and he knoweth things past. and he knoweth all things. and of the creation of the world. unless that he be constrained to the contrary thereof." . 239 he appeareth like a man." 240. 32r: Gorsyer. 1 4. and to find minerals and hid money. 257r: Gorsior. and he teacheth what spirits be best for familiars. and where hid treasures be. : "A good phisiection. and he will willingly appear. and appeareth having a lion's face. fol. and he hath under him 50 legions. Ebeyeth . In marg. : "A good & true spirit." 238. and giveth true answer. where treasure is hid. and namely to his caller. a great prince. OGya. Hold: fortress. 2 1 . 244 and to cast them that keepeth them into a sleep. The Lesser Key of Solomon. Forcase 247 a great prince. 246. fol. Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. and he giveth him that calleth him gold and silver. PART 1: TH EURGIA 1 97 people. and he maketh to appear a great army of harnessed men in the field. and to come. if he thereto be commanded. and maketh a man to go invisible. . and he giveth true answer of things that he is demanded of. and out of other places. and hath under him 29 legions. Pseudomonarchia Daemonum.248 242. and giveth true answers. Compare Sloane 3853. Compare Weyer. spirit #29: Porras or Forcas. he appeareth like a knight. and he giveth knowledge of friends and of enemies. 245 . appeareth like a viper. 1 7. and also of stones. and hath under him ten le­ gions. 257v: Glolas. 258r: Robo. and is very faithful in all his doings. Drewchall is a great prince or a king. 247. 257r: Scor? 244. and that of all things that is demanded of him. the which is against the caller. Compare Sloane 3853. present. 243 1 8. Pseudomonarchia Daemonum: homicidarum. fol. Rewboo. Compare Mar bas in Peterson. and hath under him 36 legions. Compare Sloane 3853. 248.246 and knoweth things past. and his office is to win holds. he appeareth like a great man. Gloolas. [ 76] 20. and he giveth true answers. and bearing a sharp sword in his hand. fol. and Weyer. 245 a great king or prince. and he hath under him 46 legions. and he fetcheth and carrieth all things. and two great horns. and he giveth again the sight that was lost. and he hath under him 26 legions. and he hath under 3 5 legions. he appeareth like to a dog having wings. he appeareth like a dog and hath a strange voice. Weyer. and he is marvelous in his working. There is one Skor a great prince.242 1 6. and hath under him 20 legions. and telleth the places of treasures. 243 . 9. having teeth. and he will bring money out of kings' treasures. a great prince. for he will take away the enemies' sight. and he himself appeareth like a great hart. 1 9. and he excelleth in the teaching of nigromancy and he causeth to be changed. spirit # 1 8 : Glasya labolas. and he knoweth the virtues of all herbs. and that from his right physiognomy. and so long as the caller or master will. and he is the chief leaders of murderers. and that with horns. . and he bringeth lunary and precious stones... 25 1 . and will take on him the form of a man.. and when the master will. lilecester 252 249... Formecones is a great prince. and telleth where treasures be that are kept with spirits.. and he giveth a man all manner of household spirits. and he giveth true an­ swers for hid treasures and he hath under him thirteen legions.. and he giveth favour to the master.. Doolas.. 252... \... Hanar.: "w" glyph...... and without him. 26.. none can do it. he taketh the form of a man.. and he keepeth all treasures where the serpents or drakes250 be seen to appear. and he telleth places where treasure is.. Pseudomonarchia Daemon urn.. and he rideth upon a dragon that hath two heads..249 a great prince.. and appeareth like a bull. and he maketh one marvelous cunning in astron­ omy and in all other liberal sciences.. Drake: dragon. and hath under him 36 legions... while that the men and they may come together. and he hath wings like to a goshawk.. that be not kept with spirits.... .. He rideth upon a dragon having two heads. and he giveth the best acquaintance and the favour of great men and princes. and under him is legions 34.251 Tamar or Chamor.. then he is a leader of women.. and deluding the sight. indicating that the information before was copied from a book from that place. 2 5 . he taketh the form of a man.. a prince. a great prince.. he appeareth like a child and wings like an angel. and he is excellent in astronomy and in all other liberal arts.. and under him be eight legions. he appeareth in a flame of fire... In marg.... a prince. Hooab. and he is cunning in astronomy... Compare Weyer. THE B O O K OF O B E RON 22. and he hath under him 26 legions. he maketh them to be turned into an­ other shape... Lilecester: Likely a variant of Leicester.. spirit #50: Volac. 23. Coolor.... and if he be commanded. yet when he taketh the shape of a man...... he appeareth like a child. he appeareth like a black bird. and he giveth the master wisdom.. 24. and when he is compelled. and he giveth to the master all manner of serpents.. and he maketh them to burn in the love of men.. he appeareth in a fiery flame.. and giveth true answer of hid treasures. and that with notable delay. a great governor. 27.. how many they be and what they be. and so blindeth the lookers on. and he knoweth best the virtues of herbs and stones.. 250... and hath under him 20 legions. If so..... and he giveth and appointeth the places where treasure is to all spirits to keep..... it might signify a break in the manuscript. a great prince. and in the planting of fruit trees. and he be vexed. he appeareth like a monster." 25 7. he appeareth like an angel. Porax256 a great prince and a strong. but he sayeth that he is one of the four kings. 254. and their strength. and he telleth of goodly things. and first he appeareth. and waters. If this reading is correct. and hath under him 20 legions. and willingly. and under him he hath 20 legions. In marg. the tail of a viper. PART 1: TH EURGIA 1 99 28. and he maketh one to seem as though he were mad. and confirmeth it and many other things. He is a liar and will not confess himself to be Abarak. Homely: plainly. and bringeth it anywhere the master will command him. 255. and he causeth the enemies to lose their sight. and one to rise against another. and he hath starry eyes. it shall be so. and he carrieth always in his forehead an eye. and the hands of a bear. Lewteffar or Falcas . and he beareth in his hand a spear with a banner. and in all other the liberal sciences. this is a century before the term "free love" came into usage. a great prince. and he fetcheth treasure or money. and if it please the master. Dissevering: division. and a head of a devil. and that laughing. and he hath under him 50 legions. Barbaryes.254 and he enticeth woman most to pride. and he speaketh of great things. 29. and he maketh one invisible. and giveth favour of friends and enemies. woods. and in geomancy. and he hath power in building of places and houses." 256.: "Dukes. He fetcheth money or gold from any place he is appointed. a great prince. and is very trusty in all things he is commanded by the master. [ 77] 3 1 . he giveth the love of women. and he appeareth in the seventh hour.: "Very trusty in all things. and he getteth best friends and that to withstand the enemies of the master. and he never entereth into run­ ning water. 253 and he healeth all sickness and diseases. and he spea­ keth homely. and maketh one to transform themselves into another shape. and the feet of a mole. he appeareth like a beautiful angel. and in dissever­ ing 257 of lands. and his breast is open and his breath stinketh. and he maketh one wise and bold. and in sowing of 253. First he desireth sacrifice. and his breath is fiery and he is crowned with a rain­ bow. In marg. 30. he appeareth like an armed soldier. and he loveth music. he doth make a man skillful in astronomy and astrology. and he rideth upon a fiery dragon. and getteth men the love of women. and he knoweth every part of free lone (love?) . and telleth the places of hid treasures. their hearing. and giveth dignity and promotion. Dyelagoo. then is he very desperate. and yet black and very dark. and in five days he teacheth on every part that is of necromancy. and his voice is very hoarse. and he looketh downward. 255 a great prince. . Compare Sloane 3853. and his office is to teach all languages. and hath under him 30 legions. and he causeth one that. Compare also Sloane 3853. then he causeth one of his ministers to enter into his body. Kayne. Compare Sloane 3853. . 3 3 . and teacheth to still waters. after he is departed out of this world. 3 2 .: ((dukes. present. 26 1 . or with any others. and knoweth herbs and stones. Barton is a great duke. 259 a duke. Compare Sloane 3853. 40. and he maketh women to be barren and to have no children.260 37. fol. 36. In marg. Marshiones. and showeth how they may be brought to pass. Allogor. and will leave it there as the master will. and doth carry treasures from kings' houses. and appeareth like a fair knight. 257r: Algor. and will carry one quickly where he will be. and to make them to burn in love with men. Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. and giveth true answers. present. he appeareth like a bear.261 38. Amada. and that swiftly and safe and hath under him 30 legions. and hath under him nine legions. and he knoweth the virtue of herbs. He ap­ peareth willingly like an old man.: ((w" glyph. 257v: Globa. In marg. and he caus­ eth them that be run away to come again. and beareth in his hand a spear with a banner. and to speak with one of his kind. Acharos. Wellcome MS. and hath under him 20 legions. or Aharas. a duke. 263. and he will carry one from country to country. having a serpent's tail. 34. Bartyn a strong duke.29: Abugor. and a counselor to steal. fol. He knoweth things past. "Les Who's Who Demonologiques. and that swiftly and without hurt. and he is very expert in the virtue of herbs and precious stones. and he hath under him 20 legions.' spirit # 1 8 of Cambridge. 1 1 0. He giveth true answer of things past. and hath under him 42 legions. and he is expert in herbs and stones. 258. and appeareth like a beautiful woman." 259. 262.200 THE B O O K O F O BE RON seeds. a duke. 0. 8.263 Rewsyn a duke. and what shall happen. 262 39. a duke. Trinity College MS. a duke. and to come. fol. 25 8 and he is under the king of the east. and appeareth like a raven. 258r: Merchius. spirit # 1 2 : Eligor or Abigor. and will carry one from region to region. He is the chiefest ruler of women. 3 5 . he appeareth like to a strong man. a duke. and hath under him 20 legions. fol. 2 57r: Bertin. and under him he hath le­ gions 30. Globa. fol. 32r: Virtyn. and he giveth favour both of friends and enemies. and he hath under him ten legions. and under him are 29 legions. and after to take the form of a man. and Boudet. he appeareth like a man. Compare Weyer. he appeareth like a great bear having a dragon's tail. and he openeth all doubts. 260. he appeareth like a monstrous beast. and to come. Moyle. and he maketh a man perfit 265 in all the liberal sciences and in the mathematical science. and taketh the form of a man. and he hath under him 1 3 legions. imperat legionibus viginti sex. and of hid treasures. present. in the which places do appear half women. and giveth the understanding of voices. and giveth the understanding of all languages. PART 1: THEURGIA 201 4 1 . and carrieth it where the master will command him. and yet by the master he taketh the shape of a man. and he maketh one witty and perfect in all sciences. and especially of maidens. Deydo alias Deyoo. Pseudomonarchia Daemon urn. 42. and Additional MS. spirit number 1. and when the master will. 36674. and to grow green. and to come. in Camelo equitans. and giveth favour of great men. and he fetcheth money and gold. Compare Weyer. and that out of time. Friblex. . apparet ut mulier pulcherrima ac ducali cingitur corona. and is the more mighty. Geyll a great earl. and hath under him 50 legions. and ruleth all wild beasts. Soonek. and giveth true answer of all things secret. and he is a prince. [he] appeareth like a cruel bear. a great earl. a great duke and a marquis. Gemyem. and a companion of the love of women. 45. and teacheth all manner of languages and to under­ stand them. fol. and giveth true knowledge of things past. and willingly he giveth of them to the master. praesentibus & futuris. and rideth upon a camel. present. appeareth like an elephant. and in feats of arms maketh one expert. 46. 43 . and hath under him 4 1 4 legions. and he giveth the best acquaintance and dignities and confirmeth it. and giveth victory upon enemies. and causeth a man to speak them well. spirit #5 1 : Gomory. conciliat amorem mulierum & maxime puellarum. and of all wild beasts. & occultis thesauris ubi lateant. He maketh trees to flourish. 265. 77r. and perfectly. and under him are 42 legions. 264. and he will declare where treasures be. and appeareth like an angel. a great marquis. and leaveth it for the master. 64r. a strong duke. 44. and appeareth like a child. and hath wings like a griffin. a great earl. he taketh the form of a man. and speaketh with a hoarse voice. he appeareth like a lion. Also compare Sloane 3850. and therefore he is called Friplex [sic] . He is both meek and true. and hath under him 1 8 legions. and knoweth that is past. and to come. Perfit: proficient. number 1 : Gomory dux fortis & patens.264 appeareth like a fair woman and crowned with the crown of a duchess. and that of all creatures. fol. and that from any place that the master will. bene & vere respondet de praeterritis. and hath under him six legions. and that in all commandments of the master. and in metals. and that willingly. and houses. and bulwarks of war. appeareth like a little goose. and answereth truly and desireth a sacrifice. and telleth of hid treasures and secrets. He maketh a man to ride in the same j ourneys upon what him list. and he maketh one invisible. appeareth like a pale horse. which is called. and that in the presence of the master. and he consecrateth books and other things. 48. 50.202 THE B O O K OF OB ERON 47. a great marquis. a great earl. He speaketh with a very pleasant speech. and evidently appearing in the form the which they first had. 266. and he maketh one to pass the seas. and waters. and of flowers. and he continually pro­ cureth venery. and telleth the places of treasures. and he rideth upon a black horse and dividing a snake with his arms or arm. and hath under him 36 legions. and namely the souls that are nigh to the waterside or the seas. and what souls so ever ap­ pear before the master. one like a horse. and he putteth souls out of the place of pains which some call purgatory. and he himself appeareth like a knight riding upon a horse. and that from time to time. and in a privy safeguard. Bryman or Myniciorom . fishes.266 whether he will in a ship or on a horse or boat. Him list: what he wishes. and hath under him 26 legions. He maketh the souls of the dead to appear before the master. Royne . and openeth the same to the master. and spea­ keth with a hoarse voice. and he buildeth great towers. the lawful affliction of souls. and under him are 26 legions. and desireth a sacrifice. waters and floods safe. and he is free. rhetoric. and one like a fish. . and that in a most swift course. and hath under him 30 legions. He instructeth in wisdom and philosophy. and they have power to answer questions. logic. and his face is like a lion. and he teacheth the mathematical science marvelously. 49. one like a bird. they shall come in the shape of airy bodies. and that between a man and his wife. woods. and appeareth in what shape that the master will. a great earl. and rejoiceth therein. Sowrges . a great marquis. and appeareth like a soldier. and that in a certain purgatory. and he destroyeth enemies. and is most excellent in herbs and stones. beasts. and that with three heads. and he causeth men to sleep continually and that till they die. and their houses. birds. and governeth in the parts of Africa and teacheth best grammar. Sogan or Sogom. and divinity. and he giveth true answers. and under him are 30 legions. he will deceive the master. in pyromancy. and he beareth in his hand a viperous eagle. and the art magic. and precious stones. he appeareth like a bull. man. and telleth of treasures.: "Philosyphers stones" and sec. 57. Compare Sloane 3853. riding upon a pale ass. that is. and in all arts. and he teacheth the knowledge of necromancy. He is the guide of many rulers. and appeareth like an old man. 272. and truly teacheth to understand birds.: "A good phisicion but yet deceitfull. and he knoweth the virtues of herbs. and giveth true answers of things past. or forest man. 56." . and thou bind him not well. a noble lord. and willingly showeth all things. and hath 26 legions. 54. Sagittary: in particular. and the secret places of 267. Pseudomonarchia Daemon urn. 52. present. and he telleth of innumerable treasures that be hid. and therefore he is of the greater force. 270 an earl. and he is very excellent in physic. and appeareth like a warlike knight. 257v: Corax. and how they may be come by. a lord and governor. PART 1: TH EURG IA 203 5 1 . fol. and hath under him 27 legions. his horse is red. and who keepeth them. and giveth true answer of things stolen. stones. Weyer. and trees. he appeareth like a sagittary. and he is crowned with a double crown. an earl. and he was of the order of the Archangels .27 1 and showeth the places where treasure is hid. and desireth sacrifice.267 Barbates or Barbares . 268. spirit #6: Barbatos. and hath under him 20 legions. and to come. Goorox. 269. 3 of brass. and beareth in his hand a warlike spear. Gemmos. Compare Weyer. Barbares. and hath under him 29 legions. 5 5 . a centaur. walking with a staff. Noocar. and the howling and crying of all other beasts. and rideth upon a pale horse. geomancy. 273 a lord. and sometime like a man. with 4 minstrels and bearing 4 trumpets. and that to the master. 1 of gold. 4 of ivory. and he hath great knowledge in astronomy and all manner of liberal sciences. In marg. In marg. and the barking of dogs. and knoweth the natures and properties of herbs.: ''w" glyph. half a man and half a beast. and that to the m [ aste] r and maketh him perfect therein in seven days. spirit # 1 5: Morax.269 53. and he teacheth physic and logic. and giveth to one every liberal art. and is obedient to the master. appeareth like an armed knight. 26 8 a lord and a great viscount. 272 a strong lord. and chiro­ mancy. and in micromancy [ sic] . 2 of silver. Ansoryor or Antyor. and he knoweth the virtues of herbs and stones. and he teacheth how all kind of metals may be turned into pure gold. 27 1 . Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. and he speaketh with a strong voice. In marg. This spirit is suspiciously close to #5 1 . appeareth like a knight. he appeareth like a shooter.: "A good phisition. 270. hydromancy. Anno bath. and hath under him 1 8 legions." 273. and it ought to be done. and crowned with a double crown. and thou do cause Jambex then to consecrate that image. 64. 6 1 . and dirty hands. his head is like a lion. so written. and he hath under him 27 legions.: ((w" glyph. a lord. and he speaketh with a hoarse voice. like to an ox. and of things that be in the earth. 58. and he hath the tail of a viper. and speaketh pleasantly. and seemeth to be meek and giveth the love of women. Pamelon. he appeareth like a woman. and he casteth flames of fire out of his mouth. and hath under him 30 legions. and of new men. and of secret hid things. and the voice of a screech owl. and he teacheth all tongues and that marvelously. 2 7 4. and he hath under him 36 legions.20 4 THE B O O K O F O B E RON treasures and the treasures which be kept under Saturn or Mercury." 275. and he appeareth like a man. and he discerneth the force of herbs and precious stones and waters. thou shalt cause a man or woman to come where that thou wilt. and he rideth upon a black horse. and telleth of things past. and his eyes do shine like fire. and getteth dignities and promotions. and earthly feet. 63. and he hath under him 25 legions. Aron or Aran. and he hath under him 45 legions. and under him is 44 legions. set that image for them to come to. to write that love overcometh love. till the master compelleth him. and telleth of secret hid things. he appeareth like a bear. a governor or marquis. and the master must make an image of wax. and he hath under him six legions. or shall be made under the lot of other planets. a lord. of this world and confirmeth the same. [ 79] under the fortitude and direction of every planet and place. and he looketh ever toward heaven. and his office is to carry a man from country to country. and hath under him nine legions. and he will not tell the truth. appeareth like a soldier. and truly. and how to come by them. and to come. 62. a lord. he appeareth like a man. and sayings. 275 a great ruler. and of all other he teach est [ sic] best the art of necro­ mancy. a great prelate. and hath great teeth. Fewrayn. and in the forehead thereof. and he giveth the knowledge for to understand the barking of dogs. and he doth transpose gold and silver. In marg. he appeareth like a beautiful woman. and he is good and that for the love of maidens. In marg. a captain. and that willingly. and telleth the truth of secret treasures and specially where women be seen. present. he telleth of things that be in the water. and rideth upon a camel. 59. and that from place to place. and a great governor. 60. and he is a prince thereof and keeper of them. and he liveth [ sic giveth? ] the love of great men. Jambex. appeareth like the countenance of a woman. Boab or Boall. Mathias. and he loveth money. . and getteth favour both of friends and enemies. Carmerin or Cayenam. and that with his doings.: ((for an image pro am ore.274 a marquis. PART 1: THEURGIA 20 5 65. He teacheth to make all manner of instruments of music. and he hath under him four legions. 276. fol. and hath under him 20 legions. and causeth a man to win. . Barsy. and he appeareth like an old man. for he teacheth a man and helpeth him in all manner of needful business. : ''A true spirit. Mageyne. and how to make a glass that all men may see the truth therein. and that of iron. and if he be enclosed in a ring and worn upon the forefinger." 278. he appeareth like an elephant and speaketh with a hoarse voice. and how it may be come by. and is just and true in all his doings. The Lesser Key of Solomon. and he maketh men to shoot near unto the mark. 8: Vassago. Vsagoo. 70. he appear like an archer. palace. and hath under him nine legions." This spirit corresponds with the third spirit in Goetia in Peterson. [ 80 ] 7 1 . 257v: Berci. and who they be that keepeth it. and bearing about a quiver. and teacheth astronomy. and hath under him 20 legions. then he will teach all the art of necromancy.: ''A good companion. and how to conclude27 8 them that be but for answers. and he bringeth forth money out of any place. 279. and is a very good compan­ ion. 280. Bartax is a ruler. In marg. he appeareth like an angel. magic. and if the master put him into the head of a dead man. shooting and bowling. Joorex is a ruler. He giveth the love of women. include.277 is a great ruler.e. of all such things as they are desirous of. and there leave it. and he teacheth how to have a true answer of all spirits. : ''A teacher of all artes. and namely in all manner of husbandry and occupations. and he hath under him seven legions. In marg. and appeareth like a hare. and will lay the same in what place by the master he is commanded. 2 76 a ruler. not found in Weyer. 68.. and he hath under him of spirits 1 6 legions. and he hath under him 30 legions. In marg." 277. or house. Gasyaxe . 279 69. and for the love of women. Gyell. Conclude: i. and teacheth a man to enclose all manner of spirits. and he hath great power thereto. Compare Sloane 3853. and he is the beginner of wars. 67. 66. and his office is to tell where and in what place hidden treasure is. he appeareth like a hart and speaketh with a small voice. or other sciences. a great ruler and a captain. p. 2 80 a great prince. and carders. a great count (or earl) . and for them that be dicers. Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. he appeareth like a hedgehog. and telleth of hid treasures. and that all games. and that to one place. 76. Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. In marg.: ((A teacher in art: and a teacher of phisike. and under him are six legions. and to fetch the same out of any country. and telleth of the unknown art. Corsone. he appeareth like a giant. and that before. 282. and he to take counsel with them. and that speedily and without delay. and truly and willingly he telleth where the places be where treasure is. and a lion's face. 283. and hath under him 1 8 legions. callet praeterita. and so will he do any manner of riches. and he teacheth how to enclose other spirits. aperit occulta. and when the master will. and to come. He carrieth men whether they will. Also Additional MS. 77. and he hath under him seven legions. he appeareth like a man. and crowned with a diadem. and most com­ monly he appeareth like a hare. and to make glasses wherein may be seen things lost or stolen. thesauros detegit. Geenex. Compare Weyer. and telleth where treasure is hid. 78. and that for things that have chanced against a man. Note that spirit 64 was also named Pamelon. and holding in his hand a viper. he appeareth with a spear of gold in his hand. 36674. familia res parit optimos. 73. praesentia & futura. spirit # 1 1 . 284. 40 . and to know a remedy therefore. and then he teacheth best all kind of languages. pres­ ent. and to take them. and telleth of treasures hid and of things past. and rideth upon a camel. and the making of rings. a knight and a mighty soldier. In marg. he appeareth like a captain. 64r. etc. 2 84 a knight. a valiant captain. Pamelon or paynelon 2 82 appeareth like a knight. 2 83 a knight and a mighty soldier. He doth compel other spirits to come from the four corners of the world and to appear before the master. he appeareth like a fierce bear. he appeareth like a fair woman and crowned with a crown. Gemon . and he giveth true answer of all things. and he hath power to gather together other spirits.206 THE BOOK OF O B ERON 72. . and leave it where he is commanded by the master. he appeareth like a child. 2 8 1 a great count (or earl) . Cornyx. 7 4. Syeonell. hills. 75. and he telleth how the truth of the answers of other spirits may be un­ derstood. number 5: Purson alias Curson. and he hath under him six legions. Lehan. and castles. a gre�t count (or earl) . and at the master's commandment he will carry mountains." . and hath under him of legions. fol. and he hath an earthly body. magnus rex prodit ut homo facie leonina. praeset legionibus 22. 28 1 . and hath under him five legions. and hath under him ten legions.: ((w" glyph. and hath under him of legions 20. Doodall. he appeareth like a valiant captain. and he hath power to call together birds. 79. out of the which rings answers be given of spirits. and he appeareth and that soonest in a dead man's head. and so doth he all other things whither the master will. and teacheth physic. She showeth the use of medicines and the truth. He telleth of things present. He giveth answer truly unto thy questions. 2 8 7 285. He is under the government of the Sun and Moon. 23r. but hath anothethe (another? ) as it were come forth of that. 2 86 He holds the waters and low parts of the earth �)(. He hath two eyes in the midst of his belly. Note particularly the unusual c's. he will carry or bring trea­ sure out of the sea." . Venalla. He 2 8 5 showeth where hiding treasure is and how to obtain the same. 287. 25v. and he is king of the fairies.: "quenn of ferres. where the first fairy is named Micoll. Bilgall. also they will bring a man the ring of invisibility. 8 1 . in pounds. Mosacus appeareth in the form of a giant with the snout of an elephant with fiery eyes. He is a great and mighty king. He causeth a man to be invisible. cfo3 � �5 crr 6 J§wo � 2 4 These seven sisters is for to show and teach a man the nature of herbs. and to come. 82. Afria or Africa. Oberyon a king. and trees. and in the midst of his two arms on every arm the heads of two bloodhounds. queen of the pigmies. and to in­ struct a man in physic. having two heads in his breast. herbs. She showeth the nature of herbs. For the ring of invisibility. falla. Handwriting changes at this point for the rest of the paragraph. appeareth in the likeness of an ox but a man's head with flames of fire proceeding out of her [sic] mouth. and is of the same office that Oberyon is of. and if he be bound to a man. His burden is 1 000000 £. he appeareth like a child with a red head. Sloane 3846. 286. They are under Micob. although it is not clear whether weight or the currency is intended. PART 1: TH EURGIA 20 7 80. he appeareth like a king with a crown on his head. but being commanded. He teacheth a man knowledge in physic and he showeth the nature of stones. and in his right arm a crook in compass of a sickle. JHP thinks £ here refers to how much treasure he can carry. Julya. stones. His hands and feet like the feet of a goose. and at his knees the heads of two bloodhounds. includes an operation to invoke Micol. and is very meek and gentle. see Folger p. and of all metals. She ap­ peareth in green with a crown on her head. Lillia + Restillia + fata. See also Sloane 1 727. In marg. the queen of fairies. and trees. [8 1 ] [ + Mycob is queen of the fairies] Mycob is queen of the fairies. past. 38. the head on the right breast a dog's head and on the left breast the head of an ass. She causeth the ring of invisibility to be given to the invocator. or as some write. of which twelve of the best and most principal are these. the which have power and domina­ tion upon all spirits of the air. 1 . to fear enemies. and he spea­ keth hoarsely. He can give any science earthly and earthly treasure.208 THE B O O K OF O B ERON [ + There be four kings of spirits of the air] Note: There be four kings of spirits of the air. with all manner of instruments of war. and speaketh hoarsely. and all the parts of the world. riding upon an elephant and all manner of minstrels before him. 3 . below this is a «w" glyph. 277 4to 1 65 1 " obviously referring to Scot. . and understanding. 2 89 and he hath power to take from a man hearing." 290. 4. with five heads. and spirit #42 in Goetia in Peterson. The fifth is called Semper. and to come. He can tell all things past. and he appeareth in the likeness of a king. see­ ing. and appeareth in likeness of an old man riding upon a cockadrill. He can bring again a fugitive or one run away. 3667 4. 5 . he can teach all manner of languages. Amaymon. pres­ ent. and to bring money. 26. whether he is commanded. and tongues. Oriens. Compare Weyer. spirit #32: Vepar alias Separ. a great chief. and appeareth in like­ ness of a maiden. The second is called Agaros . in a later hand: <� good and true spirite. both of man and woman. and to change a man into another shape. 289. The first king reigneth in the east and is called Oriens . 2 88 The first is called Baall . he can rankle wounds and make worms breed in them. and to make a man invisible. He can make great winds. to make an old man sick. Paymon. and can prophesy truly of things to come. but if thou call him with his company." Compare Additional MS. viz. 2. In marg. The Lesser Key of Solomon. and can promote to dignity and wor­ ship. he appeareth like a swanne. he hath power to make a great sea appear full of ships. and Egine . In marg. 290 288. Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. The third is called Barbas alias Corbas. and he hath power of love. and he hath under him spirits innumerable. the shape of a beast. He appeareth in likeness of a swan. He appeareth in likeness of a man. he appeareth with a fair favour and as a woman. . The fourth is called Star. and he cometh in the like­ ness of an horse with a 1 00 heads. fol 64r number 7: ((Scor can bring money is true to the commandements of any Exorcist. He can tell of all secrets. Discouerie of Witchcraft. in a later hand: <<according to Scot p. He is a good and true spirit. In marg. 8. Compare Additional MS. fol. but if he be constrained strongly he ap­ peareth like a spark of fire. and to bear a man from region to region. fol 7 4. and riches. and appeareth in likeness of a fair knight with spear and shield. with a serpent's tail. he hath power to break peace. but he may appear in likeness of a man. 292 and he can tell all things that ever hath been or ever shall be and hath power to show the place of hid treasure and to make one famil­ iar with every man." 292. to get love of friends and enemies. and battle. he can teach one to understand the chattering of birds. and cause debates. Foredoeth: destroys. strife. The seventh is called Seson. 7. casting fire out of his mouth. he appeareth in the likeness of a man. and rideth upon a wild boar. he hath power to tell of all things that hath been or shall be. He is false in his answers. The tenth is called Barbais. The twelfth is called Suffales . number 9: "Sefon can tell of things past present & to come. 1 1 . These three last are under Oriens king of the East. foredoeth293 witchcraft. End of the first king. and appeareth in likeness of a dog. and of all secrets. He appeareth with a lion's face crowned with a diadem. 10. He giveth dignity. worship. He ap­ peareth in the likeness of a bear. 1 0 . and a flame of fire coming forth of his mouth. princes. He giveth men favour of great men. & maketh thee familiar with euery man. and appeareth in likeness of a wild archer. number 8: '�gor can tell of all secret things. and lords. having a venomous serpent in his hand. PART 1: TH EURGIA 20 9 6. & give loue & fauoure to all great persons he appeareth like a faire knight. and then he hath teeth like a dog. The eighth is called Maxayn. he will gladly take a body of the air and appear in likeness of a man. The ninth is called Neophon. 29 1 . and he hath power to teach the virtues of all herbs. & hath power to shew thee where treasure is hidden. The sixth is called Algor. . He appeareth in likeness of a wolf. with a serpent's tail. and lowing of beasts. he hath power to make wild beasts tame. Nevertheless." 293. and tell all secrets. Compare Amon in Peterson. 294. Compare Additional MS. 294 1 2 . trees. in a brief time. 3667 4. 3667 4. and stones. He telleth of hid treasure. 64r. barking of dogs. and appeaseth the enmities of foes. 291 he hath power to tell all secrets and to give love and favour of kings. The eleventh is called Amon. 9. The Lesser Key of Solomon. In marg.3 00 unless he be mastered and strongly constrained. and by God's permission he hath power to consecrate books. music. riding upon an infernal dragon bearing a serpent in his hand out of whose mouth cometh a great sting. He bringeth with him spirits innumerable. and to come. His power is to give true answer of all things. he can make consecra­ tions as well evil as good. 1 . and ge­ ometry. he can teach the seven arts liberal. but of all spirits in the world beware of him. 5 . 299. his tail like a serpent. He can tell all things past etc. 227v. Pseudomonarchia Daemon urn. giveth true answer of all things. crowned with a bright crown. and a flame of fire cometh out of his mouth. adds "he is a liar. The first is called Asmoday. in modern hand: "26. for he is very perilous. and in his right hand he beareth a dart. and to give true answer of all things past. and he appeareth very horribly. and rideth upon a ramping295 lion. and all spirits in the south part of the world to him are obedient. for he is perilous and will put you in danger. present. fol. and he giveth famil­ iarity. arithmetic. 295. He appeareth in favour of an old man having a long beard and long hair hanging over his eyes. he can teach a stronomy.299 he giveth dignity.: "mistaken bileth is second and astaroth the 3d. In marg.1 3.210 THE B O O K OF O B ERON [ 82 ] The second king is called Amaymon reigneth in the south. getteth friendship. and riches. of whom twelve of the most noblest are these that followeth. all manner languages. 2. The second is called Bileth. He can cause one to go invisi­ ble. Ramping: rearing. Compare Sloane 3853. He speaketh clearly. 300. 1 2. 297. The fourth is called Abech. and appeareth with three heads. and can show the place where treasure is hid. he teacheth the seven sciences. but you shall see nothing of him but his head. etc. See Beleth in Peterson. the second like a bull. and the third like a ram. He appeareth like a knight riding on a red horse. the posture of a lion on a coat of arms. The fifth is called Berith." which should perhaps be supplied here to complete the sense. Weyer. one like an ass. crowned with two red crowns. 296. The Lesser Key of Solomon. and before him cometh trumpeters. he turneth metals into gold and silver. and appeareth like an king. he can teach the arts liberal." 298. and to tell of all things be it never so obscure. dignity. 29 8 4. He teacheth invisibility. Before him cometh dancers and all man­ ner of minstrels." Berith is the spirit #26 in Scot. his feet like an ass. Discouerie of Witchcraft. Therefore suffer him not to come within your circle. . 296 3 . The297 third is called Astaroth. He will speak of the state of the world. and he appeareth in likeness of a leopard. (modern) : "2 1 . bearing a serpent in his hand and a pin of burning iron in his mouth. In marg. 302 and when he receiveth the shape of a man. 302. He can inform thee to have the favour of great estates." 303.: "3 1 " i. PART 1: T H EURG I A 211 6. In marg. and appeareth like a wood bear. He can bring dead bodies from one place to another and to make one of his spirits to enter into the dead body. and he may give familiar­ ity. in Scot. he hath power to tell the virtues of herbs and stones. The sixth is called Mallapas . The twelfth is called Gamor. and to all manner of things done by the dead when he was living. The eleventh is called Cambra. He appeareth in likeness of a fair woman. The seventh is Partas . 7. and he appears as a spark of fire. but 30 1 . In marg. He rideth upon a dromedary and after him comes a great company of spirits with all manner of instruments of melody. His speech is hoarse. He appeareth like a king with a woman's face crowned with a bright crown. to tell all secrets. The eighth is called Busin . and to speak and go at command­ ment. and to carry it about. 1 1 . when he receives a man's shape. nevertheless he may appear by constraint like a man. 301 he maketh castles and towers. to restore to a man that hath lost his sight the same again.e. and willingly answers to all things that you ask of him. He can subvert and overthrow all manner of buildings and edifices. 1 0. Discouerie of Witchcraft. to change a man into another shape. but he speaketh hoarsely. 9. with the which pin he may burn what place or thing he is commanded to burn. and can show treasures hid. Pseudomonarchia Daemon urn. except eating. and he may make all fishes of the sea to be obedient. and to teach logic. The tenth is called Pathyn. Discouerie of Witchcraft. he answereth truly to all manner of questions. and what the spirits be that keep the same." He is actually spirit #22 in Scot.. . He appeareth with three heads. he hath power to teach the virtues of herbs and stones. to show the place of hid treasure. Discouerie of Witchcraft. he can marvel­ ously inform thee in astronomy and all the rest of the sciences. He appeareth in likeness of a raven. 304. 8 . Spirit #5 5 in Scot. and appeareth like a swan. 303 and he hath power when he receiveth shape of a man to teach the seven arts liberal and to tell all secrets. The ninth is called Oze. The third prince or king of the spirits is called Paymon3 04 and he himself has notable power. and to make any bird tame. and he hath power to make a man wise. to make one invisible.: "28 Foras. 1 2 . and Weyer. then he appeareth with two kings and speaks mystically. 5 . Also he can turn water into wine. He getteth friendship. The second is called Bason . 2. and appeareth like a night raven. He appeareth like a knight riding upon a crocodile. and to take from a man his senses or wits. The third is Gordonsor . 7. he can carry one from one place to another. ut Taurus prodit cum alis ad modum gryphis: sed assumpta hominis forma. but he is very false in his answers. hominem ingeniosum reddit. his office is to make a whole man sick. The fourth is Balath ." Compare Weyer. 6." 306. Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. ( modern): "47." 307. and he giveth love and favour of all persons. and of a fool make a wise man. fol. receiving man's shape. He appeareth with three heads. Sloane 3850. The sixth is Lecher . he maketh one invisible and wise. 305 he giveth dignity and promotion. and beareth upon his fist a goshawk. riding in a chair of fire. and trees. and he is right mighty in the errands doing. In marg. He hath infinite of spirits under him but twelve of the most mightiest be these. and praeest 33 legionibus. one like a dog. (modern ) : "22. stones. and will answer to all questions. The eighth is called Caleos . and aquam in vinum. 307 he hath power and knowledge of infinite trea­ sures. number 2: "Zagan magnus praeses and rex. [83] 1 . The first is called Beliall . In marg. The seventh is called Zagayne . 4. He may give love and dignity to all men. he giveth wisdom. but if he be well constrained and mastered. spirit #48. He hath power to teach and instruct one in witchcraft and necromancy. 8. and also Additional MS. 3 . he knoweth the secrets of the seven sciences. Nevertheless thou mayest command him to speak in thine own language. The fifth is called Mistalas . He maketh a man marvelous cunning in the seven liberal sci­ ences. He maketh one beloved and purchaseth familiarity. and knoweth the virtues of herbs. fol. and speaketh sweetly. etc. he. He appeareth like a good angel having a dark face. He appears like a knight with a red lion's face. and appeareth like a misshapen image and speaketh hoarsely. and one like a raven. and he weareth upon his head two crowns. 3667 4. . 305. He rideth upon a wild bear. and he speaks hoarsely. and out of his mouth proceedeth a flame of fire. and he speaketh very sadly. In marg. and turneth earth into any kind of metal. one like a man. 306 and when he receiveth man's shape. spirit no. He appeareth in likeness of a fair angel. and appeareth like a wild bull.212 THE B O O K OF O BERON if he be called alone. for he would not be understood. 77r.: "w" glyph. 2. transmutat cuncta metallorum genera in monetam illius ditionis. he can tell the truth of all things. 36674. present. and before him co ­ meth diverse sorts of instruments. PART 1: TH EURGIA 213 9. he can bring money from any place he will. 309 who having human shape can resolve all doubts and tell all things. ( modern ) : "65" i. or water to wine. number 6: Vual dux rnagnus and fortis. He can carry one from one place to another. He appears in likeness of a pale horse. He can in a mo ­ ment show the building or situation of any plot. 308. get friends. and he rideth upon a dragon. He appeareth like a dromedary and speaketh sadly. and can procure dig­ nity and honour. : "In mettelles. 3 10 he turneth one metal into another. city. of a fool maketh one wise. and give favour of enemies. The eleventh is Ryall. of which these twelve are chiefest. or is assigned unto him.e. The second is Vriell or Vriall. 1 2 ." . and cometh with a fearful noise. The fourth prince or king of spirits is called Egin and he reigneth in the North. and to carry the same to any appointed place. and futura gratiamque confert amicorum and inimicorum. to speak with thee. Inde nouit praeterita. He appeareth with a fair face like a woman. and to come. He getteth friendship and raiseth one to dignity. The first is called Ozia. with a bright face. He can give love of women. but being called alone. this corresponds with Weyer. 308 he hath being in human shape to bring any soul being not in the heavenly nor infernal power. Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. and to carry one in short space from one place to another. 1 0. and especially of widows. He giveth the love of women. and turn the hearts of enemies. and is in that the most principalest. or castle. In marg. he can teach all manner of arts or sciences. for gowld [ or] siluer. he can teach all manner of languages. spirit #65 ( should read 66) : Vuall or Wal. He appeareth like an old man riding like an elephant. The ninth is Cagyne or Cogin. crowned with a double crown. fol. wine to water. as iron or brass into gold and silver. In marg. Also he hath with him in­ finite spirits. 3 1 0. and that upon a sudden. The twelfth is called Zayme. Compare Additional MS. 65r. he appeareth in the likeness of a man. 2 . invisibility." 309. conspicitur ut Dromedarius rnagnus and terribilis: at in humana forma sonat linguam Aegiptiacam grauiter: hie prae caeteris amorem maxi me mulierum conciliat. and cometh like a raven. 1 1 . ( modern) : "46. . he bringeth with him three kings and comes not so hastily nor so dreadfully as others. He hath power to teach all manner of sciences and will gladly tell all secrets and the truth of things past. praesentia. In marg. The tenth is called Suchay. 1 . He can make alterations of things. 3 1 3 . He can raise dead men. The eleventh is Hinbra .21 4 THE B O O K OF O B E RON and maketh one go invisible. number 1 2: "Umbra can give dignity and familiarity and tell all things to come. number 1 1 : "Gam or when he doth receiue mans shape can meruaylously confirm to haue the fauours of great persons and sheweth of any treasure that is hid which any spirit keepeth. He teacheth astronomy and arithmetic. He appeareth like an angel. 8 . 3667 4. towers. and he.317 He giveth dignity and telleth secrets. The fourth is Synoryell . and giveth true answer of all things. Upon the sudden: suddenly. Compare Additional MS. He appeareth like to a tun of wine. he can convey money from place to place if thou bid him: he is very true. and "for love. [ 84 ] 3 . The sixth is Gayle . The fifth is Fessan ( Tessan?) . and appeareth like a ramping 313 lion. and can tell all things. He getteth love and favour of all men. 1 0 . but he is passing true. birds chirping. He answereth truly to all things. 3 1 5. and towns. 3 1 2. and all manner of languages. 3 1 1 who. 64r. fol. 36674. conveyeth money from place to place. and he appears like an ass with a woman's face. The eighth is Othey. and appeareth as a white lion. as on a coat of arms. he cometh loke a Gyant. 3 1 1 . and to change man into another form or likeness. and speaketh hoarsely. Compare Additional MS. and cometh like a wood 312 bear. fol. 64r. and he appeareth like a boisterous king and speaketh hoarsely. He hath power to carry dead coarses3 14 whither they be appointed." 3 1 7.: a glyph. and appeareth like a flame of fire. and faithful in all his doings. 1 1 . and is right. He maketh a man gorgeous and gay. but speaketh so small that vunethes ( uim-?) one can hear or perceive him. and appeareth like a giant. getteth friend­ ship. The seventh is Auras . 7. and dogs barking. He answereth to all questions. 6. and he can upon the sudden31 5 make castles. and then his eyes burn like fire." The description is different from that of Vassago above. 3 1 4. 5 . Wood: rabid. 4. and appeareth in the likeness of a wild ass. taking human form. hath power to make one wise and invisible. having human shape. He can teach one the seven arts or sciences liberal. 3 1 6. and some­ times like a man. true. Ramping: rearing. and to speak with men. The third i s Vzago . and giveth answer to all questions. and cause them to take again their own shape. to have the love and fa­ vour of princes. and show the places of hid treasure." . The tenth is Muryell . In marg. 9. teacheth to understand beasts lowing. The ninth is Saranyt . Coarses: corpses. and giveth true answer of secret things.316 He maketh love between persons and can tell of trea­ sure hid. The spirits that reign this day are as follows: King Barkan . Compare H. and bring on or take away sickness.3 1 8 He hath power to make one marvel­ ous expert in necromancy. . Compare Sloane 3850. 3 1 9. Beallphares 319 or Beallphare. Pseudo-Agrippa reads caudatus ( "tailed" ) . which Du Cange glosses thus: Caudatos autem dicebant. In left marg. Bybell. and to tell who keepeth it. 3 1 8. an excellent carrier. with a gold colour tinged with blood. It also has parallels with Honorius. a king with a crown.: << 1 70. In right marg. 77v. Liber Iuratus. This doesn't seem to fit the context as well. He telleth of hidden treasures in the earth or of things stolen or lost and is true in all his doings. In marg. their particular forms are: A king having a sceptre. Also he can tell of wonderful strange things. riding a lion. 322 a sceptre . as well as grace and good will. There is a space in the manuscript. in late pencil: "page 1 of Theus MS. he will drive him away. fol 64r. bloody and thick. 323. and if the spirit be of the north. 321 a bird.: "w" glyph. and Additional MS. number 1 3." 325. a queen with a sceptre. 323 The fumigation of Sunday: Red sandalwood. and appeareth in likeness of an armed knight. presumably to change pen. man.: <<w" glyph. a [yellow or gold garment ] . 324 The sp�rits of the air for Sunday are subject to the North Wind . grant honours (or public office) to them. wealth of gems. This note is inserted at the bottom of the page sec. [ 85 ] The shapes familiar to the spirits of the Sun 320 They appear for the most part with bodies that are large and tall. Instead of candatus. a shining one . and the sign that they have appeared is that the one who calls them will break into a sweat. Mylalua. for so he hath been called from the east and he appeared very (?) dutifully to God's people and his servants. He cometh forth out of the east. In marg. 36674. Here state your re­ quest and your business. 320. with his helpers. fol. 32 1 ." 322 . but so Pseudo-Agrippa. a lion . Buesaba . jewels. a rooster . PART 1: THE URG IA 21 5 1 2. viz. This wording of this section is almost identical to that in the so-called Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy of Agrippa. number 1 3 . Their 325 nature is to procure gold. Moreover. The twelfth is Annoboth ve1 Anaboth . Their movement is like the glittering of the sky. 324. and to show the place of hid treasure. CXXII ff. They can break down hostilities among people. quibus ablata erat cauda. Towards the North: Aiel. and Sloane 3850. et in adiutorum my helpers in these petitions. Aniel. Matnyel. invoke the angels from the four parts of the world that rule the air on that day. + Iskiros. Machasiel. or at the discretion of the master. Then. then say. Michael DarDiel huratap el. adiuro atque contestor I adjure and call all you forth. 326.* Dardiel. Capabil.216 THE B O O K OF OB ERON This done by the space of one hour after. Paracletus. Charsiel. 78r. p." 327. Towards the South: Habudiel.: " 1 7 1 . Baciel. fol. Athanatos. . Atel. be adiutores mee petitioni. Athanatos.327 After you have repeated these names in their heavens. call upon the angels of the day and hour after this manner. and by these three secret Agla + On + Tetragramaton + quod names Agla + On + Tetragrammaton + hodie debatis ad implere quod cupio. Estote 0 Michael. 326 The fumigation of Sunday: Red sandalwood.: "Cum genibus flexis" (kneeling) . Ystael. Alpha a et W ." Compare H. In right marg. et per hac tria nomina secreta and Omega. Uriel. Masgabriel. and help mihi meis rebus et petitionibus. Towards the West: Anael. Paracletus. * In left marg.: "page 5 T Ms. Vionatraba. me in my affairs and petitions. Towards the East: Samael. Suceratos. by the per sedem Ado nay + per Hagios + seat of Adonay + and by Hagios + Otheos Otheos + Iskiros. 0 vos* omnes. Pabel. Huratapel. * In marg. Sapiel. Fabriel. meekly kneeling upon your knees. Burchat. Note the duplication. 1 1 1-1 1 2. Naromiel. that you at once fulfill what I desire. Cados. et erit. hour nature & artif of the Sun I Sol. Cados. and is. Chapter 22. 27v). earth. who is ex­ Eye. et per Cados. ye geli fortes Dei et sancti in nomine strong and holy angels of God." Compare H. JHP believes the seal in this and the following six illustrations are variations of the "planetarum sigilla" found in the Magical Calendar (Harley 3420. Cados. + Abray : and in the name Saday + alte sedentis super Cherubin. . qui alted above all . and is to come. Figures shows the portrait of King Barkan. Eye nomine Saday + Cados. the et omnia que qui in eis sunt in primo die. 328. in right marg: "171." At bottom is "seal or character of Mars" from OP Book 2. est. Saraye. mare. qui holy name Phaa. sitting above the nomen magnum ipsius dei fortis et po. strong and powerful. and by the names of * In left marg. Saraye. Eye + Abraye: et in is he who was. and Mars Kamea Seal-"made in the day of the Sun. creavit mundum. and by the great name of God ten tis. in ink: "w". terram. pp. exaltatique super omnes celos himself. 132-133. PART 1: THEURGIA 217 [86] 328 Seafe () Conjuration of Sunday Coniuro et confirmo super vos An. plasmatoris seculorum. T he seal of Mars has been corrected here to the seal of the Sun. Eye. in pencil: "page 5 Ts". the sea. in the Adonay + Eye + Eye + Eye + qui est ille name Adonai + Eye + Eye + Eye + which qui fuit. caelum. the heavens. Solar pentacle. who created the world. Cados. in et sigillauit ea sancto nomine suo Phaa: et the first day. I conj ure* and encourage you. and all that in them is.the heavens. and sealed them with his per nomina sanctorum Angelorum. cherubim. Coniuro te Mi. 329 The forms familiar to the spirits of the Moon C They will appear 330 for the most part with a large and tall body. et quic. a bald head. which is the Sun . and the angel Michael. with a swollen face. The fumigation of Monday: Aloe. In right marg. and everything that is in it. : (( 1 7 [ . A millipede . A small boy. t In marg. tions according to my will and desire in gotio et causa mea. his sign. magno et honerato: et per nomen stelle. and by the que qui est 0 et [ per ] signum. 329. and by Immensum nomen dei viui. and teeth like a boar. A cow." This ended. is chief ruler of Sunday_. 0 great angel who diei Dominice: et per nomen Ado nay. the God of Israel. read the invocation for the angels of every day as you shall find at the end of the invocations and offices of the seven angels. living God. et per name of his star. and by all the names aforesaid. eyes red and full of water. A green or silvery garment . and by the name dei Israel. and fulfil all my peti­ iuxta meum velle et votum meum. corresponds with the sphere of the Sun. and the sign that they have appeared. and by the immense name of the min a omnia pre dicta. Angele magne qui es prepositus I conjure thee. the angels who rule in the fourth* army. et per no." 330. The spirits of the air on Monday are subject to the West wind . Angelo and serve before the most mighty Salamia. where the fourth heaven. my business and plea. their particular forms are: An arrow-armed king riding a fallow. A doe . Michael. ] " . which is the wind of the Moon. unt coram potentissimo Salamia. 7 Theus Ms. qui creavit mundum. that adimpleas omnem meam peticionem. is that a huge rainstorm appearing near the circle." but ((quarto" is consistent with Raziel in Peterson.218 THE B O O K OF OB ERON Dominantur in quarto exercitu. A woman huntress with bow and arrow. quod pro me labores.t * H. who created the quid in eo est. Machonon. in pencil: cc p. et servi. Their movement is like a mighty sea storm. et universe. reads cc primo. Adonai.. Moreover. chael. in ne. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. A goose . you labor for me. an angel great and honourable. soft and phleg­ matic: their colour is like a dark and obscure cloud. An arrow. In marg. in pencil: ((See Agrippa 570. his helpers. I adjure and appeal to etc. Humastrau.: "w)) glyph. etc. you. PART 1: THEURG IA 21 9 [87] Their nature 3 3 1 i s t o give silver. Michael. Darquiel. etc. Adiuro atque contestor 0 all of you. Mylu. Milalu. Zaniel. Samael. LIH: Harthan is the king. Vetuel. estote adiutores mei petitioni etc. Corabiel. To the South: Curaniel. Baliel. Gabrael. Figure shows the angel Gabriel. . Samael be my assistants in this petition. To the North: Mael. Deamiel. 332 Gabriel 333 "Gabriel. To the West: Sachiel. Acuteba. 33 1 . Bachanael. Dabriel. 332. Vuael." [ "Gabriel. Compare LIH CXX. 333. Luna Kamea Seal. and to disclose the secrets of persons present and past. viz Bylethor. Hanuin. and Habuchaba are his ministers. Anayl. Balay. Bileth. they can also carry things from place to place. King Harkam. Byleth. In marg. Valnum. Ianael." ] To the East: Gabriel. Michael. 0 vos omnes. and King Harkam. Madiel. to grant speed to horses. Habaiel. Circle. et quasdam in terra. Cados. which serve Orphaniel . great. and the claws of a griffin. in the name of Adonay. vit mare in alto [ *alio ] nomine suo. Ia. the pools. Eie. Abim. which is petitionem.337 and ugly in appearance. of the angels who have command in the qui serviunt O rphaniel Angelo magno. Ya.220 THE B O O K OF O B ERON Conjuration of Monday 334 Coniuro et confirmo super vos An. Adonay. The choleric humour was associated with fire and yellow bile. in pencil: "p. which it cannot pass. who created omnes aquas in secunda die. and all waters on the super celos. namely Gabriel. qui es Moon . Ya. Ze." 336. . etc. Eie. stagna et Ya. in pencil: "p. cum Ia. Cados. that you work on my be­ meum. 33 7. other name. in nomine Adonay. S. et and in the earth. Abim. Ia. 1 1 T [ =Theus ] Ms. in pen: " 1 72. which are above the heavens. And lae que est Luna: et per nomina predicta. In left marg. Ia. [ 88 ] d The fumigation of Tuesday: Pepper. by the name of the star which is the super te Coniuro. Saday. quod pro conjure over you." 335. Marinata. half and fulfil my all petitions. Ya. in Negocio et causa mea etc. Adonay. and sealed the sea in his terminum. precious. tis Ia. scilicet: Gabriel. Cados. sigilla. first army. according to my will and vow. quasdam the seas. Cados. Marinata.". Saday. Eie. 0 geli fortes et boni. Cados. second day. Achim. Cados. 334. Or irritable. And by the names rum. i n my business and plea. d The forms familiar to the spirits of Mars335 They appear with a long forehead. I conj ure and encourage you .336 yellowish. Ieia. Iuxta meum velle et votum the second day. Ieia. 1 3 Th. and respected angel . and somewhat red. I prepositus diei Lune secunda. qui Maria creavit. strong Ia. with a brownish colour. Eie. Ya. Anathay. in right marg. Eie. qui Dominantur in primo exercitu. Achim. Sinai. with a boundary beyond non preteribit: et per nomina Angelo . strong and good angels . Zebaoth. with the glorification of the king b aoth. Ya. Achim. Adonay. In left marg. Eie. Anathay. quem [ *quam ] sibi posuit. Adonay. Adonay. Pseudo-Agrippa: longo corpore [ "long body" ] . who appeared on Mount glorificatione regis Adonay. And by all the preceding names. for. the precioso et honorato: et per nomen stel. Achim. who is me lab ores et adimpleas omnem meam placed in command of Monday. qui apparuit in Monte Sinai. with deer's antlers. death. Moreover. The spirits of Tuesday are subordinate to the Eastern wind. my assistants. Pasfran. Palframen. In marg. The sign of their appearance is that they will bring the ap ­ pearance of lightning and thunder near the circle. LIH: Iammax the king. and burnings. but it has been added here for consistency and completeness. 340. To the North: Rabumel. sickness. an armed man . The seal of Mars in black at the bottom of the image is missing from Folger. etc. a woman wearing a round shield on her thigh. riding a wolf. Lobquin. Galdel. Isiael. a tapeworm .: "w" glyph. Ianiel. S amael . a he-goat . murder. S atael. Zaliel 338. Astagna. 339. and give two thou­ sand soldiers for a while. a red garment . may you be adiutores mei et c. Amabiel . Hyniel. To the West: Lama. Osael. Iaxel. Mathiel. Fraciel. 33 8 made in the day of the Sun. Rayel. e s tote Samael. Perhaps Mars is meant here? . To the South: Sacriel. Ichanol. 340 hour of Mars. King Iammas . Figure shows the angel Samael. Viannel. their particular forms are: An armed king . Soncas. Mars Circle. Seraphiel. Palframe. Iriel. Guael. Itamall. and King Iammas. Their nature is to cause battles. Calzas. Arragon. Satael. and health. a horse . To the East: Friagne. and to grant death. PART 1: TH EURG IA 221 bellowing like a mad bull. a stag . wool . [ and his ministers] Carmox. Damael. with his helpers Carmas. Amab ie l . An. Eloim. Aie." . et sigillauit called the dry land Earth. placed in command over Tuesday. by the names before spoken. that you work for me. adiuro atque contestor 0all of you. Ha. Va. El. of the angels governing the fifth* army. An. Hy. p er nomen. in my business and plea. Eloim: et per nomina ip. and ful­ meum. who made apparere. He. * Fifth: Quinto follows Razielis in Peterson. et vocauit terram. powerful. you. and by the sius alti dei. Angelo magno. An. I conjure positus es diei Martis: et per nomina over you. Ha. Va. met. and super te Samael Angele Magne. and holy name. and set his uendo et sancto nomine suo: et per seal upon it with his precious. I adjure and appeal to etc. Samael. norato : et per nomen stelle. Va. great angel. Va. Ya. Ya. by the names ( sic) Adonay.222 T H E B O O K O F O B ERON 0 vos omnes. and by the name quinto ex<c>ercitu. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. Va. and by Mars: et per nomina praedicta coniuro the name of the star which is Mars. Eloim. Ay. Elibra. qui prae. Va. I conj ure and encourage you. honoured. according to my will and my vow. and bores. He. moy. Ha. El. An. He. He.Ay. qui serviunt. who s erve the great angel Acimoy. et herbas de ea. He. Conjuration for Tuesday Coniuro et confirmo super vos. read "tertia. Ya. Ya. Aie. Hy. duced trees and herbs from it. etc. Ya. Ha. by the name Ya. who is Adonay dei vivi et veri quod pro me la. Aie. Elibra. God living tionem iuxta meum velle et votum and true. Hy. and he arb ores. nomen Angelo rum dominantium in feared. An. forti potenti et ho. An. Aci. An. in negocio et causa mea etc. Aie. et produxit the water and dry land appear. He. qui fecit aquam ar [ i ] dam names of the same high God . and he pro­ super earn cum precioso honorato. and respected. some editions of H. et adimpleas omnem meam peti. Va. Aie. Va. Hy. Aie. fill all my petitions. Eloim. 0 geli fortes et sancti. etc. que est strong. strong and holy angels. but so H. The sign that they have ap­ peared. Alvedio The spirits of the air on Wednesday are subject to the Southwest wind. a she-bear. Their nature is to bring all kinds of metals. Figure shows the angel Raphael. and LIH. is that one who calls them will start shivering. but not with perfect power. Mercury Kamea seal. past. Their movement is like silvery clouds. to reveal everything earthly. [ cast down the high ones. But their particular shapes are: A king riding a bear. and to complete the sense. bind] or unbind [ spirits] . a dog. and King Saba. in human form. looking like an armed soldier. condi­ tionally. Words in [ ] omitted from manuscript. an attractive young man. a wand . to teach all experiments and rebuild destroyed knowledge. .: "w" glyph. They also give sickness or health. King Saba. one into another. a staff. and future. at­ tractive. a woman holding a distaff. to give victory in battle. circle. his ministers: Hanyey. In marg. Such spirits have the op­ erations of the others. with likeable voice. a magpie . to appease judges. humid. PART 1: THEURGIA 223 [ 89 ] � Fumigation of Wednesday: Mastic. and to transmute bodies from mixed elements. Their col­ our is translucent. elevate the poor. 342 34 1 .341 and to open locks. pres­ ent. 342 . a variable-coloured garment. cold. but in virtue or knowledge. The shapes familiar to the spirits of Mercury: They appear for the most part with bodies of moderate height. Y ron. seal from God . front of the Aaron . Asamie. and fulfil all my p etitions. in the tis. To the West: Ierescue. Eie. Iariahel. que est angel Tetra . gillatur a Deo fortissimo et honorat [ i] o. Babel. Saday. t Revelations 4:8. Adonay. who is placed in erdotis altissimi creatoris et per nomina command of the fourth day. highest priest of the malium habentium senas alas.* and distin­ nocte: et per nomen omnium Angelo . et per nomen sigilli. Eloim. To the East: Mathlai. Mitraton.22 4 T H E B O O K OF O B E RO N [ + Angels of Wednesday: ] Raphael. God of Israel. qui creavit lumi. Nelapa. and by the Angelorum . and potent angels. and Adonay. which is a per omnia predicta super te Raphael An. Genesis 1 : 14. ad distinguendum diem a who created the great lights. metuendissimi et benedicti. the name of the star which is Mercury. Vcirmiel. most fearful.' ] etc. Asaraie. blessed Ia. of the living creatures. Asamie. and by Mercurius. iuxta meum velle et votum the saviour. and I call upon you. 0 fortes. great angel Raphael . quod pro Creator. 6:2. qui in gratia [ m ] salvatoris holy name which was written on the confirmati sunt: et per nomen sedis ani. and by the rum deservientium in exercitu secundo names of all the angels serving in the coram Tetra Angelo maiori. Eie. naria magna. Eloim. Miel. in the name of Adonay. Saday. strong. in the presence of the great et potenti: et per nomen stelle. Abviori. . and Adonay< e> . and by all the previously men­ diei quartae: et per nomen sanctum tioned names. and by the name of its seal. and by the names of the angels me labores. name of the mighty. Velel. The seraphin and cherubim are said to have six wings. Saday. strong and powerful. Ia. Asaraie: et in nomine Saday. most powerful and re ­ gele magne Coniuro. Seraphiel : Estate adiutores mei [ "May you be my assistants. guished day from night. Saday. et adimpleas omnem meam who are well established in the grace of petitionem. * Psalm 1 35:7 ( KJV 1 36: 7 ) . Eie. Eie. sancti et potentes. Eie. Eie. To the North: Thiel. qui es prepositus spected. qu� si. 0 quod erat scriptum in fronte Aaron sac. holy. in nomine for. Baraborat. etc. according to my will and desire. dei Israel. Isa. Caluel (or Laquel) . To the South: Millet. t that you work for me. Venahel. atque forti second army. in negotio et causa mea etc. each having six wings. Conjuration of Wednesday: Coniuro et confirmo vo s Angeli I conj ure and encourage you . and by the name of the seat meum. Saday. Rael. Tarmiel. 345 343. Latin horribile. An azure garment. with a long garment.: "adferre vel auferre damna. "horrible fearful. A girl with a crown of laurel. Or losses. with an unsheathed sword. King: Forman. The sign that they have appeared is that men will appear near the circle. Gutriz. ministers Maguth. Gewthem. which reads "King Suth. A man wearing a mitre. A bull. decorated with the flowers. A peacock. Boxwood. which RT translates with the more common meaning. and his ministers Guth." but rather is closer to LIH. which reads: " Formione the king. cause people to be happy and joyful. pacify quarrels. and Guthryn. their move­ ment is shaky.' but the root horreo means to "move shakily. Maguth." . Their nature is to acquire the love of women. 344. A stag.. of medium stature. Their colour is rust-coloured. their particular forms are: A king riding a stag. who will appear to be get­ ting devoured by lions. Their movement is flashing with thunder. his ministers: Gewthren.343 their appearance is very mild.344 The spirits of the air of Thursday are subject to the South wind. PART 1: THEURGIA 22 5 [ 90] The fumigation of Jupiter: Crocus (or Saffron) The usual shapes of the spirits of Jupiter: They appear with reddish and yellowish bodies. to bring or remove [ + condemnation] . calm enemies. and their conversation is soothing. Following H. A sword." LIH: trementissima in motu [ "very jittery movement" ] . Moreover. heal the sick and make healthy persons sick. It is very interesting that this does not follow H." 345. AsasieL * may you be adiutores mei etc. Ad occidentem To the west: 0 deus. etc. illustrious and just. 0 great God. Amen. esto Sachiel. that my work and my opus et meum laborem hodie de beam labour be fulfilled. ego rogo te piisime through the infinite ages. rum. per Infinita secula." But because there have been no angels of the air reported beyond the fifth Heaven. tu qui fectly. amen.226 THE BOOK OF OBERON Sachiel. pious Father. Figure shows the angel Sachiel. 0 wise God. Castiel. with ina clementia: ego rogo te piissime pater. therefore on Thursday say the following prayer towards the four parts of the world. AdOrientem To the east: 0 deus magne et excelse. * In marg. and King Forman. Jupiter Circle. sapiens. Asasiel. I. but it has been added here for consistency and completeness. clare et iuste ac div. 534.: ((w" glyph. I ask you 0 pious Father. and understood per­ complere. et perfecte intelligere. The seal of Jupiter in black at the bottom of the image is missing in Folger. in pencil: '�zazel I P.L. infinite ages. quod meum that my petition. . C a s tiel. who lives and reigns through the vivis et regnas per infinita secula seculo. I ask you most pater etc. In marg. divine mercy. quod meam petitionem. 346. et honorate. my assistants. exalted and honoured. etc. Ianic. and the birds above the face of the nomina Angelorum [ + serventium in earth. * Probably a mistake for nomen sigilli sui [ "the name of his seals" ] as above. highest God and atoris: et per nomen omnium stellarum. Alnaym: et per bat. Eschereie. cre­ tillia in aquis. Iaym. 0 Sachiel.* and nomen Adonay. fortis. Ianic. angels . Escher [ e] ie. . ego 0 God. Cal­ Calbat. Stro ng. and by the names of the angels sexto exercitu coram pas tore Angelo ] [ serving in the sixth army before the sancto et magno et potenti principe: et angel Pastor] . and by the name of the star o mnem [ *nomen ] sigilli sui: et per which is Jupiter. et aves super faciem terre. Anic. that you meam petitionem. Escher [ e ] ie. Anic. ut conjure you.O pious Father. name Adonay. strong and without cipio. Cados. on the fifth day. summi dei omnium ere. mina predicta coniuro te Sachiel Angele and by the names mentioned before. I ask rogo te piissime pater etc. and as in H . C a do s . World. Ad Meridiem To the south: 0 deus potens et misericors. 0 powerful God. per nomen Cados. and potent p er nomen stelle que est 4 et p er p rince. Conjuration of Thursday Coniuro et confirmo super vos An. business and plea. Sabbac Berifay. Hatim. all stars. Iaym. Sabbac Berifay. I magne qui es prepositus diei Iovis. Eschereie. Escher [ e ] ie. holy. Ya. and by the nomen Adonay qui creavit pisces et rep. ated the fishes and creeping things in the volantes versus celos die quinto: et per water. Alnaym. et per no. Cantine. powerful and merciful. Cados. fortis et sine prin. and by their strength and virtue. etc. Iuxta meum velle et labor for me. I ask you . 0 holy geli sancti. and by all his seals. PART 1: THEU RG I A 227 Ad septentrionem To the north: 0 deus potens. ya. great angel. by the name Cado s . you 0 pious Father. by the name Ado nay. I conjure and encourage you. Cantine. Cado s . strengthening the seculorum. creator of all things and by the names of et per vim et virtutem earum. who pro me labores. et adimpleas omnem has command over Thursday. ego rogo te piissime pater etc. firmator Hatim. beginning. Eschereie. and fulfill all my petitions votum meum in negotio et causa mea according to my will and desire in my etc. etc. great. who. Circle. gilded from above. 34 7. not Petrus. white or green gar­ ments. Their movement is like the clearest star. Their nature is to give silver. a nude girl." 349. calling for the one who invoked them to come and play. Venus is commonly called "the clearest star.228 THE B O O K OF OB ERON [91 ] � Fumigation of Venus: Costus. this follows Honorius.: "w" glyph. is that girls will be seen play­ ing outside the circle. with amiable and pleasant face. a camel. to bring harmony to enemies through extravagance. Again. Figure shows the angel Anael. their particular forms are: A king with a sceptre. a girl with beautiful clothes. to give or remove weakness. to gently draw men into love for women. riding a camel. and to make all things that have movement. . and incline them to extravagance. the herb savin . flowers. Manasa. The spirits of the air on Friday are subject to the west wind.347 The usual shapes of the spirits of Venus: They will appear with attractive bodies. of medium stature. a pigeon. to arouse men. Their colour is white or green. 348. Moreover. King: Sarabotres. his ministers: Nasar. and King Sarabotres.348 The sign that they have appeared. to make marriages. Venus Kamea Seal. In the marg. a she-goat. etc. qui est Venus: et per sigil. a. 0 me labores et adimpleas omnem meam Anael. To the east: Setchiel. strong nomen stelle. according to my will and desire. in right marg. e s tote Anael. Coniel. Adonay. and by the names Anaell. Ado nay." ] Conjuration of Friday 350 Coniuro et confirmo super vos sancti I conjure and encourage you. Tenaciel. Rabiel. 3 50. 0 vos omnes. Santaniel. and in the name Saday. etc. in pencil: "p. 30". who has been given command petitionem. Hey. iuxta meum velle et votum over the sixth day. etc. et On. To the north: Peniel. and fulfil all my petitions. I adjure and appeal to you. qui creavit quadrupe. and powerful. from nomen creatoris in loco suo: et per no. and by the names of the an­ exercitu coram Dagiel. Chedisutaniel. Saday. To the south: Porna. be­ p er nomina predicta coniuro super te cause it is most holy. Ia. and omnia animalia: uncle benedictum sit gave Adam power over all o ted creatures and creeping sexto die. Angelo magno gels serving in the third army. Ia. Tamael. adiuro atque contestor etc. Hufaltiel. who created the dia et animalia reptilia. I call upon you. Corat. Penat. Maltiel. in nomine Saday. be my assis- adiutores mei etc. [ "0 all of you. et homines in fo ur. Sachiel. To the west: Turiel. tants. PART 1: T H EU RG I A 229 An a e l . Hey. le. 0 holy Angeli fortes atque potentes. which blessed be the name of the creator mina Angelorum servientium in tertio in his place. Raphael. Samael. in nomine angels. strong and potent. and by the name of the lum eius." . et Adae dedit potestatem super things. Penael. In left marg.: " 1 76. in the name of On. Hey. Rac h i e l . Ie. Sachiel. Doremiel. Raniel. Famiel. meum in negotio et causa mea etc. S a c h i e l . Saday. a. quod quidem est sanctum: et star which is Venus. Hey. and men on the sixth day. Rachiel. Kadie. Chermiel. qui es prepositus diei sexte ut pro before mentioned. that you work for me. in the p rincip e forti atque potenti: et p er presence of the great angel Dagiel. and by its seal. the particular forms are: A bearded king riding a dragon. hatred. 353. one in the back of the head. his ministers:35 1 Albewe. ] Their nature is to sow discord. Th e sh apes familiar to th e spirits of Saturn They appear for the most part with long and slender bodies.230 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON [ 92 ] Th e fumigation o f Saturday: Sulfur Mayman the king. The spirits of the air for Saturday [ are subject to the southwest wind. one on each cheek. They have a black translucent colour. LIH: "Their bodies are long and slender. a juniper. an old man with a beard. having four faces. and evil thoughts. in right marg. much brighter than snow. but these be not so true as other of the other days. to give the metal lead if desired. an elderly woman. which appear to be crying with most great mourning. Their sign is that the ground will appear to be white. and each has a beak. which have two large and long beaks measuring three feet. a sickle. but so Pseudo-Agrippa. A line appears to have been accidentally omitted. Etheye. a dragon. They likewise have faces on each knee.3 53 Nevertheless. Cherasa. Alydee. The other two faces are on the two knees. The sign of their appearance is ] 352 a white ground. a black garment. In left marg. with angry faces." . They have four faces: one is forward. 3 1 J Ms." 352. and mutilate limbs. and they are black in colour.: " 1 76. a horned-owl. leaning on canes. Malyke. another behind. and to kill anyone. full of wrath and anger. Their movement is like [the moving of the wind. Their movement is the moving of the wind with the appearance of an earthquake. covered with snow when they are invoked. which can be seen devouring two serpents. a pig. and shining like a burnished mirror. As above.". 35 1 .: "p. great. Vriel. and King Maymon.* and hon- per infinita secula: ego rogo te piisime oured throughout the endless ages. ers. who lives and reigns forever seculorum. * This duplicates Jupiter/Thursday. e s to te Cassie!. et perfecte intellige [ re. just. To the west: 0 Deus potens fortis et sine prin. Saturn Kamea Seal. you. Uriel. quod you. and ever. 354. et honorate 0 God. Ad Orientem. differs. great and exalted. Machatan. meum opus et meum laborem hodie de. illustrious and cipio ego rogo te benignissime pater etc.: ''w" glyph. that I will be able to fulfill my work and beam complere. 0 God. wise. that my petition. 0 most merciful Father. and the divine mercy. Amen. Ad septentrionem. and to understand tu qui vivis et regnas per infinita secula fully. . To the east: 0 deus magne et excelse. PART 1: TH EURG I A 23 1 Cassie!. Circle. be my help- adiutores mei etc. H. amen. I ask you. Figure shows the angel Cassie!. most pious Father. etc. I ask pater quod me [ am ] p eticionem.] my labour today. In marg. Macha tan . etc. of the Lord mini formatoris seculorum qui in sep . and by his holy seal. that you labour for me. To the south: 0 Deus potens et misericors ego rogo 0 God. Cados. Eie. or] Ima. Sar. Do. etc. Acim ] . and without ac divina clementia: ego rogo te clemen. shaper of the world. etc. Adonay. ton ] e t Seraquiell Angeli fortes e t p o . etc. Cados. To the north: 0 Deus Magne sapiens. [Ina [ Ina vel] Ima. Conjuration for Saturday Coniuro et confirmo sup er vo s I conjure and encourage. Eie. strong and powerful an­ tentes: et per nomen Adonay. tissime pater. inde bonam in alio seculo remuneratio. et a dim. and by him who of his good neplacito suo filiis Israeli in hereditatem pleasure decreed the same to be observed observandum dedit. strong. Saday. mighty and merciful . 0 Caphriel. who has been placed in Sabati . Machatori * (or *Machaton) . and by the name Adonay. ad habendum fastly guard and sanctify the same. Coniuro super te Caphriel qui names previously spoken. Acim. Acin [ *Acim. which is Sat­ sanctum sigillum eius. * Machatori: so also H. and Seraquiel. Ia. [ *Acim. Ima. that they stead­ todirent et sanctificarent. et per nomina urn . Acin. gels. clare et iuste. que est dies you. Acim. . Eie.23 2 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON Ad occidentem. 0 God. Eie. nomen stelle que est Saturnus : et per and by the name of his star. Adonay. day rested. and meum velle et votum meum in negotio fulfill all my petitions. Acin. Adonay. Ia. and by all· the names of the servientium in excercitu septimo Boell angels serving in the seventh host before Angelo magno et potenti principi: et per the angel Boel. (or Cassiel) . mighty. and by the predicta.beginning. iuxta Sabbath day. according to my et causa mea etc. Saday. etc. 0 Caphriel Caphriel vel Cassiel Machatori [ *Macha. in my business and plea. great and mighty prince. Acin Adonay. thereby earning a good reward in the nem: et per omnia nomina Angelorum other world. vt eum firmiter cus. Cados. but probably an error for Machaton. Acin. quod pro me labores. will and vow. I conjure upon es prepositus diei septimae. and on the seventh timo die quievit: et per ilium qui in be. you 0 most great Father. Eie. I ask te magnissime pater etc. which is the pleas omnem meam petitionem. Acim] . command of the seventh day. I ask you. most kind Father. Ima.. Acin. by the children of Israel. Ad Meridiem. Eie. Cado s. Sar. n the root This you may see. and all such trees as cypress. mace. cloves. )) Incenses of Monday is myrtle leaf and bay laurel. etc. In marg: " [You] must take the odours [ of] Wednesday for Thursday. east. black. and the devils etc. In marg. musk. )) the leaves 355. � the bark rinds. and maketh glad the spirits of the air. camphor. and mace. For the part of the south and the earth serveth musk mallow. Compare Folger p.: "w" glyph. and other good flowers of sa­ vour. and white. ought to be made of all good things and well-smelling roots. balsam of storax. lt Incenses of Thursday 3 5 7 is cinnamon. and further we see that all � the flowers suffumigations are made of roots. For the part of the east and the fire serveth amber. Note 356 as there be seven heavens.355 suffumigate the four parts of the world and the four elements. This section seems to be based on Razielis. that each incense lt the fruit of good odours gathereth together his cr the wood spirits: after his nature. and theriac. nut. Compare parallel text on Folger p. and olive oil. and to the contrary. and seven days in the week. contrary. musk. 357. cr Incenses of Tuesday is sandalwood. the angels of heaven. colour.' ( 20 1 0) . and other leaves of good odours. Karr. fruits. 1 00. as costus and frankincense etc. trees. and other good rinds. . and gums. leaves. and citrus and the rind of oranges dry powdered and other fruits of good savour. n Incenses of the Saturday after the opinion of Solomon. etc.: " 1 77:' 356. � Incenses of Friday is musk." Below this in marg. � Incenses of Wednesday is nutmeg. seven stars. nutmeg. 56. and south. cassia lignea. For the part of the west and the air serveth bathamus. put you all incenses stinking. 0 Incenses of Sunday is mastic. crocus. For the part of the north and the water serveth lignum aloes. red. and white wax. west. "Liber Lunae. so there be seven suffumigations which holdeth with them the virtue of the seven stars. violets. laurel bark. Note: The incenses for Wednesday and Thursday are accidentally switched. and his 0 the gum strength is. PART 1: T H EURG I A 233 [ 93 ] [ + Directional and planetary incenses] This being done. 58. north. roses. and other good gums. insqrino. God of gold and lead. Note that during the time that these suffumigations are in burning by the suffu­ migator. 23. nature of beasts. mixed with coriander [ and] cardamom. 1 5. the God of strife and de. and artemisia. Venus and Cupid. . the master may take his ease and immediately after read the proper call of the spirits. Mars. the sufferance of God doth change the 9. and he is Alpha and Omega. God of shepherds and beasts 3 .: " 1 78. Deus pater. God of the seas and waters. Pluto. God the Son. Goddess of woods and chases. God of fruit. Mercury. 1 0. Cerberus." In right marg. etc. Goddess of riches and treasure. Apollo. Gods of love. God of wine and excess. Deus spiritus sanctus [ "God the Father. Saint Cyprian. 7. God of language. and he by 8. God of the Moon. 26. Isis. ] quiam" ( ? ) . the porter of hell. 5 . Hebe. the God of hell. 1 3 . also hemlock. 25. Pluto. 1 4. Friar Bungi. and coriander burnt are good to urge the spirit a body. and others say that Luci­ fer. sciences. Atropos. Aurora. 6. [ + List of Pagan gods] 1 . 2. vocance. 1 9. God of youth.234 THE B O O K O F O B ERON Martagon 35 8. Lamathan. . Juno. God the Holy Ghost" ] three persons and one great God and living God in trinity.. Morpheus. Phoebus. * Charmery and invocance: Magical arts. Neptune. these being tempered with aqua Iapides. Beelzebub." . henbane. Minons. bate. being made in suffumigation. the God of battle. 358. God of the air and the winds. Friar Lumbard. saving Tantavalarion. Ceres. In left marg. God of riches. let the master read the invocation for Tantavalerion folii. Saturn. the God of death. 4. Bacchus. and Cerberus be chief rulers of hell. Jupiter. and eloquence. 2 1 . the emperor of hell­ ish spirits. Minos. 24. appium. Fortune is a variable God not a cer. * 1 2 . God of the spring of the day. Friar Bacon. Sathanas. Baal. Asmodeus. Hecate. Discord. gathereth spirits together. 1 7. Pan.: " [ . Deu fillius. 1 6. Goddess of corn. 22. 1 8 . Goddess of charmery and in- 1 1 . is called the God of the Sun. Aeolus. Phoebe. 20. the opener of dreams. Balberith. the Judge of hell. seven nights during the time of the citation. God of wisdom. Diana. tain. Balphegore. and by the space of one hour after. and drypys. or of what art or science thou wilt have it. when that I will. and to write the same. and that now you forthwith do come here to me. 359. and that now by the virtue of God. as that it shall be given you in commandment by me. In marg. at my coming in readiness. and that alone. that this book be written now forth­ with. Catys. Oropys. and" ] Symeam et membres membris et [ "and members with members. and to fulfill the same. et [ "by the night. you angels being the best writers. Obymero. and that now you come to me to make true this book or books. and bid them make a book of alchemy. So be it. and that they to be of such effect.Yleory Go you to some secret place. Open thou thy book that thou callest them by. I now conjure you and that by him that created all things. and make me. and bear with thee quires of paper or parchment to make the book or books. and thou Abrinno or Obymero. Laycon. and that effectually. Therefore in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. now do you here appear. symon mobris.: "w" glyph. and all words. j(_jl '1rJ � 1 <JZ) z tz_Yleory � :Jl C0b � � <>-% � fo <l. that now forthwith and that without any let or hurt. . that now immediately you do come here to me and to make me such a book incontinent containing this form. and that in the shap·e of writers. and say as afore. to the same book or books. and that without any questioning. and" ] Lasys cawtis nomis et Arypys. per noctem. a very fair book. and in that form and shape. and by the virtue of these characters. or of art magic. and that it be done according to my will. Finis. and by this great and most fearful name + Tetragrammaton +359 and by all other his blessed names. PART 1: TH EURGIA 235 [ 94] These be they that make books and write books I desire you. per noctes [ "every night" ] . [ ''in cautious districts and Arypys ( ? ) " ] that you do command in this hour. conjuration. or nigromancy. the mighty name Agla. and hell. 5 J MS . mighty and good. birds flying upon the face of the earth. I conjure you. 0 angels. Cados.0 ]d'�lJ. I conjure you. that made the third day from the water to appear dry land and called it the land. God is. 0 holy angels. I conjure you. high sitting upon Cher­ ubim. the Moon. Saturn. . seas. and God shall be. In left marg. the Creator of heaven. I con­ j ure you mighty angels. and confirm upon you." Also in left marg. Ia." 36 1 . angels of great power in the name. high and mighty above all heavens. by the seven notable. who made the waters. in red ink are symbols for the planets or days of the week . Mercury.360 adjure. Venus. God was. and the name On. Saday. and sealed them with his own name I. T H E B O O K OF OB E RON A conjuration most necessary to the angels of each day to the obtaining of any spirit thou callest I conjure.: " 1 84. V ( ? ) . strong and mighty. In right marg. and by him which appeared in the Mount Sinai to Moses the great prophet and leader of his people Israel. I conjure and exorcise you. Eye. and by the name Acim. Sagla and Ia.: "9. the strong name. by the mighty Escherie. Tetra­ grammaton. that it should be unto times and tides. Coruscant: glittering. that created great lights to divide the day from the night the fourth day and sealed it with his own name Phaa. Heya. holy and of great power. Eye. the confirmer of worlds and by the name Adonay. and sealed it with his own name. I conjure and confirm upon you Angels mighty and holy. I conjure and invocate you by him whose name is Jehovahh." Below that in pencil: "p. and fountains the second day. Cados. by all these and all others 360. sea. and sealed it with his own name I that it should bring forth trees and herbs of itself. but not lined up with text (as far as JHP can tell) . 362 . . Saraye. Saday. which in the seventh day rested and gave it as a law to the children of Israel to be observed as a holy and sanctified day. and all in them that hath any being. 0 noble angels. . in the name of the dreadful and blessed Ia. names of singular majesty. earth. Ado nay Eloim. and that by the names of that high God. El. and that with great glory. �n. in the name of + Adonay + Adonay. 0 holy angels. 361 and splendishing 362 stars. and by the great name of God. 0 angels of great power. and by the great name of the strong God. Jupiter. On. coruscant. that made the first day and sealed it with his own name Phaa. the wonderful name Adonay. the shaper of worlds. Splendishing: shining. Adonay. floods. springs. Eye. 0 angels of God. nights and days. that on the fifth day created fishes and all other creeping things in the waters. the Lord of Lords. Hey. that created all four-footed beasts and men in the sixth day and gave to Adam power upon them and upon all the works of his hands . Mars. that they should not pass their straits and bounds. Phaa. Cados. and in the name Saday. Ima. wells. . and in the name of Adonay God of Israel. and in the name of God. whose name is Achim. the Sun. Eye. Asarie. known and un­ known. and rulers. yield. or fearing of me or any of my fellows. to punish. urge and constrain. which I. without the molestation of the air or hurting of any creature bearing life. and for a time lost his speech. and Zacharie pater Iohanes Bap­ tiste [ "the father of John the Baptist" ] for his incredulity and unbelief was stricken dumb. was attributed ad Tobie. require. that then you cause and enforce the same spirits. by reason of mine imbecility and weakness. to come speedily. and that being come. and I in the name of your God whose spirits you are. 0 you holy. so certainly. to give and yield unto me. you [ sic] are. � ut parentum Sanaret. bid and command you and every of you. I do charge and command you that you and every one of you licence and permit all superior spirits and devils.364 wast appointed the most joyful ambassador to the most pure. with all the hellish and unspeakable pains and languishings. one and all. 363 . 0 Raphael. or demand of him. annoying of beasts. free his son from danger. I conjure and adjure. et ei uxorem suam adduxerit [ "to Tobiah. and undoubtedly. that as certainly as thou. and chaste Virgin Mary. sands on the shores. truly. yea. superiors. and torment him the said rebellious and contemning spirit. dare not to attempt as once to be so hardy to name nor excogitate. and greeting her with this undoubted salutation. as now in this perilous work your strengths and aid. by these iterum atque iterum. art appointed to 0 to protect and govern the people of God. and excellent angels. and command this spirit N. trouble. ex periculis liberat filium. and that if he be in joy. to diminish the same. the Lord is with you" ] . and that you command by and under the licence of your God whose messengers to serve you. as assuredly as thou 0 Gabriel. as true as thou. give. j ointly and severally. mighty." 364. PART 1: TH EURGIA 237 most reverent and high names of God both effable and ineffable. vex. even like a child of three years of age. molest. holy. [ 9 5 ] fishes in the sea. and deliver to me the simple truth and nothing but the truth of all such things I shall ask. I beseech and pray you. and also if he shall be stubborn and pertinent in contempt and not obedient to me. and declare. show. In right marg. urge. and lead his wife to him" ] . and to appear visibly here in a circle for him made and prepared with his name written therein. 0 Michael. Ave gratia plena Dominus tecum [ "Hail Mary. In right marg. and that by invincible strength. magistrates. : «]. : « 1 85." . confirm and compel. to compel. again and again and so many times again as there be stars in the sky.363 and grasses upon the face o f the earth. calling upon him by the mighty power of your and my God. � that he cure his parent. and as Daniel received consolation from his God by thee. he do his best to the uttermost of his office and duty to tell. and if he be in pain. full of grace. virgo ante partum in partu et post partum [ "a virgin before giving birth and after giving birth" ] . and that in a fair human shape and form. to whom together with the Holy Spirit sanctifier of all the elects. per sedem gels . and the very time to him limited to him and assigned. to compel. and to dismiss the same spirit N . In marg. may presently without delay visibly come and appear personally in fair and human form. written in the forehead of Aaron the Priest 365 of the super excellent and honourable God. to make obedient. and my desire accomplished. now and forever. b e my mee petitionis et [in] adiutorium mihi in helpers in these petitions. . your aid and our calling upon. and in the most high and secret art in nigromancy contained and by the rod of Moses. ready to min­ ister the same presently. 0 all you an- omnes. This grant Good Lord God who livest and reignest in glory sempiterne without beginning and without ending. to bind. and that he may do his office and duty to the uttermost and nothing thereof to keep back. to all interrogatories. but be by God's permission. by the Ado n ay. by all these I invocate upon you. for thy dear son's sake Jesus Christ. by Agios.. necessary for the health of my soul. Iskyros. * estote adiutores 0 angels spoken of before. "On the Manner of Working. and in this book written. and help me meis rebus et petitionibus. he fulfilling my will and desire." 365. 0 vos Angeli in my affairs and petitions. nor conceal from me and us. * Compare H. that is that this spirit N. and truly to declare. I pray and beseech you to grant and yield unto me your + ( ? ) succors that I may have power to call. the saviour of mankind. and the most just judge. 0 angels . to curse. according as shall be most acceptable to the good pleasure of my God. and also. the ever­ lasting and true word. and I conjure and straightly charge you and every of you. per Agios Otheos. Amen. seat of Ado nay. be praise and glory. Isky ros. potent angels. the Immaculate Lamb. to urge. or demands as shall be by me or any other of my fellows or associates prepouned 366 or in any wise delivered. Amen. Otheos. questions. quasi puer tres annos natie [ "as if a child of three years of age" ] . by all the words now spoken. to release. my will fulfilled. 0 you most excellent. 366. adiuro atque contestor. 0 Angeli supradicti. the Ark of God and most high and mighty Name of God. and by this most terrible name and name of singular power + Tetragrammaton + that you labor for me and do your endeavour that I may have this my petition granted. I adjure and appeal to you. and true answers to make. Prepouned: propounded. T H E B O O K OF O B ERON to augment and multiply it. and the utility of my body.: "w" glyph. PART 1: TH EURG IA 239 Athanatos, Paracletos, Alpha, et Omega, Athanatos, Paraclete, Alpha and Omega, et per hac tria nomina secreta + Agla + and by these three secret names + Agla + On + Tetragram maton + quod hodie On + Tetragrammaton + that this day deb[e]atis, adimplere quod cupio. pro T. you might fulfill what I desire. On behalf B. et M. B. of T. B. and M. B.* * "Pro T. B. et M. B." is in brown ink in a later hand. 71 367 �eu (!Clabirul« � olo moni5' l\. egts [ 96 ] The order of the circle work Accingimini filii patens et I estote Be prepared, 0 mighty children, and parati in hoc tempore quoniam melius be ready now, because it is better for us est I nobis mori in servitia dei, quam vi- to die in the service of God, than to see vere mala gentis I per valebunt the calamities of the people prevail.* * Compare Divinum Officium Matutinum: Accingimini filii potentes, et estate parati: quoniam melius est nobis mori in bello, quam videre mala gentis nostrae, et sanctorum. This hymn from 1 Maccabees 3.58 is also used in the Mass on some occasions. For example, see Catholic Church, Breviarium Romanum Ex Decreta Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini Restitutum, Etc. ( [ Cambrai] : ex Ducali Campidonensi Typographeo, 1 796) , 530. 367. Probably added in the nineteenth century. 2 40 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON 0 filii omni tempore be I nedic 0 children, bless God at all times, deum, et pete ab eo viam vos diri- I gat, and pray that he guides your path, and at et omni tempore concilia vos in I ipso all times remain in his council.* permaneant. * Compare Responsorio de Tobia. Orate fratres pro me I ut meum hoc Pray, 0 brothers, on my behalf, that operum pariter que vestrum, I acceptum this work of mine, and also yours, may sit Domino cleo, et Illumina cor meum I be acceptable to the Lord God, and illu­ et labia mea: et accipiat dominus digne minate my heart and my lips, and may hec I opera et habeam desideriis, meis the Lord accept this work that I may Amen. have my desires. Amen. rrlie Order of tfie Circfe Work. � PART 1: TH E U RG I A 24 1 [97] Associates say kneeling, these Psalms as follows: 36 8 1 . Psalm 1 1 5 : I have believed, therefore I have spoken . . . 2. Psalm 1 1 9 : I cried to the Lord in my trouble . . . 3 . Psalm 1 39 : Deliver me, 0 Lord, from the evil man . . . 4. Psalm 1 40 : I have cried to you, 0 Lord, hear me . . . 5 . Psalm 1 4 1 : With my voice I cried to the Lord . . . The consecration of the circle, the master standing in the midst 369 Coniuro te circulum, et locum istum I conjure you, 0 circle, and this place, per ilium verum deum qui istam Terram by that true God who created this Earth. creavit, sanctifico + et consecro + te cir- I sanctify + and consecrate + you, 0 cir­ culum, et locum istum, per ipsum Cre- cle, and this place, by the Creator him­ atorem qui totum mundum de nichilo s elf who created and fashioned the creavit et fecit, et per ista eius nomina whole universe from nothing, and by sanctissima + Theos + Otheos + Yskiros these most holy names: + Theos + + Athanatos + loth + Agla + On + Eloe Otheos + Y skiros + Athanatos + loth + + Eloy + Elyon + Ya + TETRAGRAMA- Agla + On + Eloe + Eloy + Elyon + Ya + TON + et per omnia alia nomina sane- TETRAGRAMATON + and by all other tissima mihi nota et ignota sit locus iste most holy names known or unknown by et circulus iste ex dona gratiem [ *grati- me, may this place and this circle by the arum] omnipotentis altissimi dei bene- gift of the grace of the almighty and dictus + et consecratus + sanctificatus + most high God + blessed + and conse­ et custoditus + et societatem omniu [m] crated + and sanctified + and guarded + sanctorum dei, et sanctorum Angelo rum and the society of all of God's saints and et Archangelorum, dominationum, prin- holy Angels and Archangels, Domina­ cipatum, potestatem, virtutem, cheru- tions, Princip alities, Powers, Virtues , bine, et Seraphine, prophetarum, Apos- Cherubin, and Seraphin , and of his tolorum, Evangelistarum , Martirum, prophets, apostles, evangelists, martyrs, 368 . The Psalms are here numbered according to the vulgate. KJV numbers are 1 1 6, 1 20, 1 40, 1 4 1 , and 1 42. 369. In right marg.: '' 1 53"; in left marg. in pencil: "I think this is in the Secretum Secretorum Ms." Compare with the "consecratio circuli" on Folger p. 39. 242 THE B O O K OF O B E RON Patriarcharum, Confessorum, atque vir- patriarchs, confessors, and virgins,* pow- ginum, potenter confirmatus, et Recon- erfully strengthened, and restored circle ciliatus Circulus et locus iste, quatinus and this place, that it may have such vir- talem virtutem habeat potestatem et tue and power, and may keep and pos- sanctitatem suam capiat et optineat a sess holiness from the image of the living signa dei vivi et veri, et a sancta Christi and true God, and from the holy cross of cruce + quod nullus spiritus malignus Christ + that no evil spirit may have any habeat aliquam potestatem locum ali- power or place to advance into this cir- qualiter ingredi nee inter circulum istum cle, nor cause any terrors, phantasms, terrores fantasma tymores nee tempta- fears, nor temptations of any kind, nor ciones aliquo modo nobis nocendo vale- have power to harm us, with His help ant inferri ipso iuvante et defendente cui and protection, to whom all powers of celestia terrest [ r] ia et infernalia subiici- heaven, earth, and Hell are subject, by untur, per Dominum no strum Iesum our Lord Jesus Christ, your son, who Christum fillium tuum, qui vivis et reg- lives and reigns, God forever and ever. nas deus in seccula secculorum Amen. Amen. * In marg.: ((w" glyph. Here sprinkle the circle with holy water Surgite sancti de mantionibus vestris Arise, 0 holy ones, from your dwell- loca sanctifficate nobis, et omnes spiri- ings; sanctify our places, and bless all tus qui hie fuerunt benedicite, et nos hu- spirits who have been here, and watch miles peccatores in pace custodite [ *cus- over us humble sinners in peace. * todire] . * Compare this antiphon used in the dedication of churches: Surgite sancti de mansionibus vestris loca sanctificate plebem benedicite et nos humiles peccatores in pace custodire alleluia [ ('Arise, 0 holy ones, from your dwellings; sanctify our places, bless the people, and watch over us humble sinners in peace. Alleluia." ] . Catholic Church; Martin Gerbert, Monumenta Veteris Liturgiae Alemannicae, Pars II (S. Blas: Typis San-Blasianis, 1 777), 60. Then say this in the four parts, etc.370 Per cruce + hoc signum fugiat By this sign + of the cross, may all pro [ c] ull omne malignum, et per idem evil flee away, by the same sign may all signum salvetur quotque benignum. good be preserved. 370. In marg. : (( 1 39." Compare Scot, Discouerie of Witchcraft, 24 1 . PART 1: TH EURGIA 2 43 This being said and done, take the sword and do as followeth. Take the sword and therewith make [ four] 371 crosses in the four parts of the world, first the east, west, south, and north, then turn to the east and say as followeth: I Oremus eas I Let us pray to them Deus totius pietatis, autor [ + et] fun- 0 God of all piety, author, and foun- damentum qui per os unigeniti filii tui dation, who by the mouth of your only dixisti domus meam domus orationes begotten son you said "my house shall be vocabitur, hanc partem orientialem + called a house of prayer" * deign to + pu­ purificari + benedicere + et sanctificare rify + bless + sanctify + and consecrate + + consecrare + digneris, et adversus this eastern part, and deign to protect omnes Nove hostitias et illusione prote- against all unusual hostilities and illu­ gere digneris cum eius habitati, omni- sionst which inhabit it, through your bus, per gloriosam maiestatem tuam in most glorious maj esty, in which you qua gloriosissimam regnans et regna- reign and will reign most gloriously, for- turus es in secula secculorum. Amen. ever and ever. Amen. * Matthew 2 1 : 1 3. t Latin unclear; reading "omnes novas hostilitates et illusiones." Then go into the west, and with the sword crossing it, say as you continue: Deus qui per unigenitum tuum et 0 God, who through your only-be- eius Introitum ulnas per carum ( ? ) gotten, as you sanctified the gates at the hierusalem sanctificasti te suppliciter entrance to Jerusalem,* we humbly beg exoramus, ut hunc partem occidentalem that you deign + to purify + bless + et omnes in ipso habitantes + purificari sanctify + and consecrate + this western + benedicere +sanctificare + consecrare p art and its inhabitants, and protect + adversus omnes malignas illusiones against all evil deceits of spirits, by your spiritum protegere digneris, per glorio- most glorious reign, etc. sissime regnas etc. * This passage has a precursor in the oratio introitus in eclesiam [ "prayer of the entrance into the church" ] in some old monastic prayer books; see Catholic Church and Robert of Jumieges, The Missal of Robert of]umieges, Volume 1 1 (London, 1 896) , 280. Also Josef Anton Mesmer, Dber den Mittelalterlichen Kunstausdruck Galilaa" Mittheilungen der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Central­ Commission zur Erforschung und Erhaltung der Baudenkmale, 6, no. 4 (n.d. ) : 1 04-5 . 3 7 1 . There is a space, presumably to switch ink. 2 44 T H E B O O K OF OB E RON Into the south and say as you continue: Deus cuius proprium infima subli- 0 God, whose nature is to elevate the vari, et in te confidentes semper cadere, humble, trusting in you to always raise te suppliciter exoramus ex dono gracie the fallen, we humbly beg you from your tue hanc partem meridionalem et omnes gift of grace, + to purify + bless + sane­ in ipso habitantes + purificare etc. tify + and consecrate + this southern part, and all its inhabitants, etc. In the north Domine omnipotens qui de nichillo 0 almighty Lord who created all cuncta formasti qui ad te voce clamantes things from nothing, who clearly hears benignitur exaudis, te laudamus + Te the voice calling out to you, and rejoices, Adoramus + Te benedicimus + Te glori- + we praise you, + we honour you, + we ficamus + Te supplices + exoramus ut bless you, + we glorify you, + we humbly hanc partem septentrionale et omnes in beseech you, + we beg you to protect this ipso habitantes adversus omnes malig- no rthern p art and all its inhabitants nos spiritus illusiones protegere etc. against the deceits of all evil spirits, etc. This done, go into the midst of the circle, turning into that part the spirit is, and say 0 God the Creator of all things, which hast separated heaven and earth, and hast placed the deep in the bottom thereof, and hast given original increase unto all crea­ tures in fire, in air, in water, and earth, which hast made the Sun, the Moon , and or­ ders of stars, which hast created angels in the appointing of light, which hast formed man unto thine own similitude, and hast inspired him with the breath of life, hast coupled Eve unto him for his wife, being formed of a rib taken out of his side, which hast cast them from the paradise of pleasure, for the breach of thy commandments, which spakest unto Moses thy servant in the midst of the fiery bush, which didst cause the rod of Aaron to wax green [ 98 ] and to bring forth buds and fruits, which opened a way unto the people of Israel, through the midst of the Red Sea, and didst therein overthrow and drown Pharaoh with his whole army, which gavest food to Elijah by a raven, which didst deliver Jonas from the belly of the whale, wherein he lay three days, which preservedst the three young men, Shadrach, Meshach , and Abed­ nego , from the violence of the hot burning oven, which didst send thy only begotten son into the world for the salvation of mankind, which didst raise Lazarus, being PART 1: T HEURGIA 2 45 dead and stinking, which gavest sight to the blind, speech to the dumb, hearing to the deaf, and restored the health to his limbs, which by his death hath restored to life the lost world, 0 God, which hast done these things and others innumerable that neither tongue can express, nor man's mind conceive, we humbly pray and beseech thee that thou wilt vouchsafe, with thy great might to purify + bless + sanctify + and make holy both us and our circle,372 that it may be a place of preservation, protection, and defense for us against all wicked illusions of deceivable spirits, and that by thy holy and blessed commandment and virtue of thy Son's cross + grant Lord that they have no power over us, by thy glorious majesty, in the which thou dost and shalt reign most gloriously, now and forever and world without end. Amen. Then cense373 the circle with suffumigations meet and convenient, etc., but first bless both [ sic] the censer, the fire, and the suffumigations. 0 God,374 which in the finger of thy deity hast healed all kind of plagues, and hast restored the diseased unto their former health, grant now, I pray and humbly beseech thee, that this N. of metal etc. may be touched + blessed + and sanctified by thy deity, that by the dignity of thy name it may serve to the operation to which it is prepared: by him which liveth and reigneth God for ever and ever. Amen. 0 God, which despisest not the petitions of wretches, nor the voices of them that cry unto thee, grant we humbly beseech thee, that we invocate thy mercy, we may feel thy deity healthful unto us375 by Christ our Lord. Amen. 0 God, pour out here thy marvelousness and vouchsafe by the holiness of thy Godhead to consecrate + bless + and sanctify + this kind of instrument, that it may give in all our actions wholesome remedy. 0 Almighty God, increase, I beseech thee, the gifts of thy deity over this kind of instrument, that it may more effectually by the disposition of thy divine grace serve us, that by it we may come and aspire to our desire, by Christ our Lord to whom with God the Father and the Holy Spirit be all honour and glory, power, and dominion, now and forever and ever. Amen. Then sprinkle with holy water. 372. In right marg.: " 1 39." 3 73. In marg.: " 1 53." 3 74. In left marg.: "w" glyph; in right marg.: " 1 54." Compare Sloane 3850, fol. 1 30r. 375. Echoes of LIH? THE B O OK OF O B E RON The blessing of the fumigations 376 Deus Ab raham, Deus Isaac, Deus 0 God of Abraham, God of Isaac, I acob, B ene die hunc cre aturas God of Jacob, bless these creatures of the specierum, ut vim et virtutem odorum spices, that the power and strength of suorum amplient, ne hostis nee phan- their scents may be made greater, that no tasma in eis intrare possit, per Domi- enemies or phantasms may be able to num nostrum Iesum Christum fillium enter, through our Lord Jesus Christ tuum qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate your son, who lives and reigns with you spiritus sancti deus per omnia seccula in unity with the Holy Ghost, God for- secculorum, Amen. ever and ever. Amen. Then sprinkle with holy water. The exorcism of the fire, over which the fumigations are placed NOTE: The fire which must be used for fumigations must be in a new clay or earthenware vessel. Then exorcise in this manner: Exorcizo te creatura ignis, per ilium I exorcise you, 0 creature of fire, by per quem facta sunt omnia, ut statim Him thro ugh whom all things were omne phantasma eijcias ate, ut nocere made, that all phantasms may be cast non possit in aliquo. out immediately, and be unable to harm 1n any way. Then say: Benedic domine creatura istam ignis, Bless, 0 Lord, this creature of fire, et sanctiffica + ut benedicta sit in eolian- and sanctify it + for the praise of your dationem nominis tui sancti, ut nullo holy name, that no harm may come nocumento sit gestantibus, nee videnti- from bearing or seeing it, through our bus, per dominum nostrum Iesu, Chris- Lord Jesus Christ, your son, who lives tum fillium tuum, qui tecum vivit et reg- and reigns with you in unity with the nat in unitate spiritus sancti deus, p er Holy Ghost, G o d fo rever and ever. omnia secula secculorum Amen. Amen. Then let the master compass the circle seven times about, censing it and burning fumigations, saying, 3 76. Compare parallel version on Folger p. 27. PART 1: TH EURGIA 2 47 dirigatur domine ad te oratio mea Let my prayer be guided* to your sicut Incensum in conspectu tuo, eleva- sight, 0 Lord, like incense: the lifting up tio manum nostrarum sacraficium ves- of our hands, like the evening sacrifice.t pertinum. * In marg. : (( 1 54 (?)." t Paraphrased from Psalm 1 40:2. [99] Note 377 that he shall stay in the four quarters-first east, west, north, and south­ so long that he may say the whole dirigatur aforesaid. Which being done, cast holy water all about the circle, saying "Sprinkle me, 0 Lord," etc. Then take the sword hallowed and make four crosses in the four quarters thereof and say, Domine deus esto mihi Tueris forti- 0 Lord God, be a tower of strength tudinis contra omnium malignorum. to me against all evil.* * Compare Psalm 60. Then go into the east and hold up your sword and cast your arms abroad and say, Ecce signum + Nomina triumphato- Behold the sign + the names of the ris per quem vos cotidie ex pavescitis et triumphant, which continually cause timetis, obedite ergo mihi 0 N per hac you dread and fear. Therefore, obey me, verba seecretissima secretarum. 0 N ., by these words-the most secret of secrets. This done in all quarters, lay down the sword, the point towards the east, and place every man in his place, and assign unto them their office. Then turn thy face into the east and say on thy knees as followeth: Angelus qui mentis [ *meus ] es cus- 0 angel who is my guardian, through tos pietate superna, me tibi comissum heavenly love we are brought together, serva, defenda, guberna, benedicat me defend and guard me. May the imperial Imperialis Maiestas , foveat me regalis Majesty bless me; may the royal Divinity 377. Compare Mathers The Key of Solomon, 1.5; Aubrey 24, f73v. In marg.: (( 1 53." T H E BOOK OF OB ERON divinitas, custodiat me sempiterna dei- favour me; may the eternal Deity guard tas, protegat me gloriosa unitas deffende me; may the glorious Unity protect me; me Immensa Trinitas, dirigat me Ineffa- may the infinite Trinity defend me; may bilis bonitas, regat me potencia patris the ineffable Goodness direct me; may vivificet me sapientia, fillii, Illuminet me the mighty Father rule over me; may the virtu spiritus sancti + Alpha + et Omega wise Son vivify me, may the virtuous + deus et homo sit ista Invocatio mihi Holy Ghost enlighten me, Alpha and salus et protectio, Amen, amen. Omega, God and Man. May I, your ser- vant, the same one who is calling, have health and protection. * * Compare Folger p. 1 8 1 . In marg.: ((w" glyph. Then say this, making the fumigation answerable for the days. . . Munda me domine ab omn1 In - Cleanse me, 0 Lord, from all impu- quinamento mentis et corporis ut pos- rity of mind and body, that I may be sim mund [ at] us implere hoc opus sane- clean to complete this holy work.* tum. * From the mass-order of communion. In spritu humilitatis et in animo con- Accept us, 0 Lord, in the spirit of hu- tritio suscipiamur domine a te: et sic fiat mility, and contrite heart, and grant that factum nostrum in conspectu tuo a te the act which we offer today in your suscipiatur hodie et placeat tibi domine sight may be pleasing to you, 0 Lord deus. God. Libera nos quesumus domine ab Deliver us, 0 Lord, from all evil, past, omnibus malis preteritis presentibus et present, and to come, and grant us peace futuris, et da pacem in diebus nostris ut in our days, that with the help of your opere miserecordie tue adiuti et ab ira et mercy, we may always be free from anger malignancia diaboli simus semper liberi, and the malice of the devil, and safe et ab omni perturbacione securi. from all distress. Veni sancte spiritus reple tuorum Come, 0 Holy Ghost, fill the hearts corda fidelium, et tui am oris in eis of your faithful, and enkindle the fire of ignem accende. 3 tymes. your love in them. ( 3 times. ) PART 1: TH EURGIA 2 49 Sancti spiritus ascendit [ *adsit] nobis May the grace of the Holy Ghost as- gratia<m> , que corda nostra sibi faciat cend [ *be present] with us; may it make habitacula. a home in our hearts.* * Sarum Missal: Sancti Spiritus adsit nobis gratia, quae corda nostra Sibi faciat habitacula, expulsis inde cunctis vitiis spiritalibus. I Oremus j Let us pray Domine miserere mei sana animam "0 Lord, have mercy on me. Heal my meam quia peccavimus tibi deus qui soul , b ecause we [ s ic] have sinned contritum cor et humilitatem nunquam against you." * 0 God, who never de­ despicis, sed potius benigniter respicis, spises a contrite and humble heart, but et qui potestatem [ * peccantem ] non rather looks up on it kindly, and who statim iudicas, sed confessionem et peni- does not quickly judge a sinner, but tenciam et meritum expectas: te queso await their confession, penance, and re­ ut facinorum celerum [ * scelerem] et demption, I beg you to wash away the omnium peccatorum meorum squalares wickedness of my deeds, and the filth of [ * squalores ] abstergas per gloriosissi- all my sins, through the most glorious mam Maiestatem tuam in qua gloriosis- greatness by which you most gloriously sime regnas et regnaturus es in secula reign and will reign forever and ever. seculorum. Amen. Amen. * Psalm 40: 5 (KJV 4 1 :4 ) . Compare this paragraph with Veronese, L'Ars Notoria Au Moyen Age, oration "Theos patir vehemens." Then let the master say, and the associates answer. Kyrie eleyson. Lord have mercy. Christe eleyson. Christ have mercy. Kirie Eleyson. Lord have mercy. Creator omnium rerum deus, miser­ 0 God, Creator of all things, have ere nobis mercy on us. Christe filii dei vivi, miserere nobis, 0 Christ the Son of the living God, Spiritus sancte paraclite deus, miser- have mercy on us. ere nobis, 0 God the Holy Ghost, Paraclete, Sancta Trinitas unus deus, miserere have mercy on us. nobis. 0 God the Holy Trinity, have mercy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- on us. 25 0 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON Saneta �faria �fater dei, ora deum-ttt [ Crossed out: ] misereat nobis . Holy Mary, * mother of God, pray to Saneta dei genitr ix or a denm-nt God to have mercy on us. miserere nobis . Holy mother of God, pray to God to Saneta vir go virginttm ora denm-trt have mercy on us. miserere nobis . Holy virgin of virgins, pray to God to Sanctem �fichael or a denm--ttt have mercy on us. misereatnr nobis . Holy Michael, pray to God to have Sanctem Gabr iell or a denm--ttt mercy on us. misereatnr nobis . Holy Gabriel, pray to God to have Sanctem Raphael} or a denm-ttt mercy on us. misereatnr nobis . Holy Raphael, pray to God to have Sanctem Cher ubime or a denm-pro mercy on us. nobis . Holy Cherubim pray to God for us. Sancte Seraphine or a denm-pro Holy Seraphin, pray to God for us. nobis . Holy Virtues, pray to God for us. Sancte Virtntes ora dettm pro nobis Holy Dominations, pray to God for . Sancte Dominationes or a denm--pro us. nobis . Holy Powers, pray to God for us. Sancte Potestates ora dettm pro nobis . * This seems to have been adapted from the Litany of the Saints. Sancte pr incipatns or a dettm pro Holy Principalities , pray to God for nobis . us. Sancte Throni ora dettm pro nobis . Holy Thrones , pray to God for us. Omnes sancti Angeli etArchangeli et All ye holy Angels and Archangels , omnes Spiritns sanctns ora denm pro and all ye holy spirits , pray to God for nobis us. Omnes sancte patriarclrarnrn proph­ 0 holy prophet of the patriarchs , ete orate dettrn pro nobis . pray to God for us. Omnes sancti Apostoli e v angeliste 0 holy evangelists of the apostles , dei orate dettm pro nobis . pray to God for us. Omnes sancti discipnli domini or ate 0 holy disciples of the Lord , pray to pro nobis . God for us. Omnes sancti domini Innocenti-et 0 holy innocents, and virgins , and virgines et vidne et omnes sancti-et-dei widows , and all ye saints of the Lord­ sancte dei orate denm pro nobis Amen. male and female-pray to God for us. Amen. have mercy on us. mercy. have . have . miserere nobis By your nativity. per Admirabilem aseentionem tuam By your wonderful ascension. . mercy. ab omni malo. 0 Lord. per preeiosam mortem tuam miser­ . by your annunciation . 0 Lord. Lord. �fiserere domine. domine. 0 miserere nobis domine. Deliver us (or me) 0 Lord from all mine. libera nos all temptations and damnation. deliver us 0 Lord from sudden and lib era nos do mine . evil. Oremus Let us pray. have mercy. ab omnia peccato. 0 Lord. per ie v inium [ *ieiunium] tuum . do mine. 0 Lord. have �fiserere domine. unforeseen death. per Adventum saneti spiritus pera By the advent of the Holy Ghost Par­ eliti. have mercy on us. misere nobis to me. deliver us (or me) 0 libera nos do mine vell libera me do mine. have mercy. vel mei domine. Lord. be gracious to us sinners (or Annuneiaeionem tuam. �fiserere domine. have mercy on us. libera <me> nos do . miser ere By all your miracles . 0 Lord. a sinner) . per omnia �fir aeula tua. per !'�ativitatem tuam. 0 domine. �fiserere domine. By your precious death. mtser ere By your baptism. By your fasting. aclete . per er ueem et passtonem tuam. 0 Lord. mercy. nobis domine. 0 Lord. 0 Lord. * It is not clear why this section was crossed out. ere domine. a subitania et Improvisa morte. (or on me) . PART 1: TH EURG IA 25 1 [ 1 00] {1 00} Oremus Let us pray This must the master say alone. Lord from all sin. [ Crossed out: ] Propitius esto nobis peeeator is do This* must the master say alone: mine. per gloriosam Resnreetionem tuam By your glorious resurrection . By yo ur cross and p assion . have mercy on us domine. per Baptismum tuum . deliver us 0 Lord from ab omni scandela et dampno. have mercy. veH mihi peeeator is domine per 0 Lord. ful always. and sissime regnas et regnaturus es in secula will reign forever and ever. per glo. 3 78.: « 1 58. queso mihi peccatori ners. Then let the master say this: Ascendat ad te domine deus meus Let my cry ascend to you. in right marg.* * Compare Psalm 1 0 1 :2. Holy Ghost. * Compare Psalm 50:8 (KJV 5 1 : 8 ) ." . Et ostendo mihi Angelos et spiritus And reveal to me your angels and tuos iuxta desiderium meum: et fac me spirits.25 2 THE B O O K OF OB ERON This must the master say alone: 378 Deus cui proprium est misereri sem. In marg. me. a sinner." Folger reads commisi [«I have brought together"] . through your glorious maj ­ riosam maiestatem tuam in qua glorio. JHP would expect to see «in te peccavi" [«I have sinned against you" ] . 0 God. This series of prayers is also found in Rawlinson D. seculorum Amen. * * In left marg.: « 1 59. and absolution of all my nem omnium peccatorum meorum spa. 252. 1 42r ff. Amorem tuam gratiam et love. along with your moris et vite. and make them cognoscere illos. Miserere mei opus manum tuarum Have mercy on me. Amen. and to forgive and grant the nem omnium peccatorum meorum nos. grace. sins. I beg that you grant forgiveness to Indulgemus remissionem. et exaudi ora." Latin has «ommisi.* mihi. <<w" glyph. and the consolation of the consolacionem Sancti spiritus. et parcere absolucionem et ablucio . time for true repentance and cor­ cium vere penitencie emendationem rection of life and death. and forgive me for having disre- [ *ommisi] . whose nature is to be merci- per. absolution and washing away of all my trorum tribuere et peccatoribus veniam (or our) sins. 0 Lord my omnipotens clamor meus. Declara mihi gratiam et virtutem Declare to me your grace and virtue.:. et absolucio . and to grant favours to sin­ prestare largire. just as I desire. esty. the work of your et dimitte mihi quod in te commisi hands. garded you. recognize me. tuam: et occulta sapientie tue manifesta and reveal to me your hidden wisdom.God almighty. and hear my prayer and tionem et deprecationem meam my supplication. who reigns most gloriously. name. Tuum enim nomen est super omnem Indeed. you. May your mercy be abundant to me. 0 Lord. truly evil with the malum. Tu qui servis tuis confers sapientiam: You who bring wisdom to your ser- per quem omnis creature tue excolere vants. let not my prayers be in vain. Benedictus es domine qui sapientiam You are blessed. able to be perfected.their armies praise and honour your datur et honoratur. tu om. Tu vero Angelorum superiorum et Truly. and your strength will deficiet. et tua fortitudo non mightiest of all. and you in your name. thing. the creator of all creatures. Tu vero cum p11s es ho minibus Truly you are with the blessed. tuum nomen lau. PART 1: TH EURGIA 2 53 Sis mihi do mine copiosus miserecor. You are the nium es fortissimus.given wisdom to those who fear you. your name is exalted above nomen exaltatum: et Ideo omnes Angeli all names. the superior and inferior angels. Sit ergo nomen tuum super omnem Therefore may your name be blessed benedictem: quia nomen tuum in te est. by which they cunt et timent. You tionem hominibus per quam te cognos. . cuius etiam manu est omnia Anima viv. You are nium creaturarum es Creator. and therefore all angels and et excercitus eorum. who have dedisti timentibus te: qui dedistis agni. blessing you .give perception to them. not fail. dia tua: ne peticiones mee vanae his hand is the soul of every living ens. over all things. evil. recognize you. because your name is in et tu in nomine tue. through which all your creation is possunt te benedictum. and they are afraid. you hear clearly the speech of Inferriorum orationem exaudis: tu om. 0 Lord. Qui fideles tuos a Morte deffendis: in You defend your faithful from death. you bonum concedens : cum malis vero grant good to men.* * Compare Job 1 2: 1 0. 259. and power. glorificant. Hear therefore my petition. magnificant. in qua gloriosissime forever and ever. Invocavero. atque extol. * LIH XCV. wis- gratiam. Da queso domine deus meus mihi 0 Lord my God. et gels p raise. Forbidden Rites. sapientiam. also in Kieckhefer. prayer of your servant N. and in which­ iter exaudi me: sic exaudisti virginem ever day I will call you. and I ergo peticionem meam quoniam ad te trust in your kindness with all my heart. . heal my anima meam quia peccaui tibi non ab.* which all an­ laudent [ * laudant ] . Mariam Matrem tuam. * Compare Luke 25:3 1 . * 0 God. quickly hear me. soul. per gloriosam you reign most gloriously. because you hear the voice faithfully calling out to you. regnas et regnaturas es in secula seculo- rum Amen. bless. et poten. for I have sinned against you. strength. virtutem. vell appareantur. or any spirit or spirits vel spiritus istius N quotiens ipsum vel that I may call upon will kindly appear ipsos.2 54 THE B O O K OF OB ERON Tu unus es in seculo super sedem Yo u are one in the wo rld. sana My God. that this spirit N. . have mercy on us. sitting Maiestatis sedens quam omnis Angeli upon the seat of majesty. and will reign Maiestatem tuam. although you cannot be seen. hear the et in quacunqua die invocavero te veloc. et Therefore indeed. devote clamantes benigniter exaudis. dom. your mother. to me and truly satisfy my p etition. your voice. Tu igitur enim patre supplex exora. I beg such ciam. mihi benigniter ap. et peticcioni through your glorious majesty by which mee veraciter satisfaciat. glorify. Do neges vim [ *uni] quam pluribus contu. . b enedicunt. Amen. grant me grace. pare at. and ado rent [ *adorant] . not deny to the one that which you have listi: exaudi deus orationem famuli tui N given to the many. Deus meus m1serere nobis. with the Father in tua pietate tota mente confido: exaudi you exhort those who humbly beg. adore. quatin us Angelus vel Angeli ille. Tuam vero vocem Angeli audiunt et Truly the angels hear and understand Intelligunt: quamvis non te videatur. Thus you have clearly heard the virgin Mary. * Also in LIH XCV. Attend to me.* hear the voice of the praying or ita et orationes sanctissime Marie Matris the sinners. 0 Lord. saying. and all te deprecor ut oratio mea. esto mihi Turris 0 Lord my God. do not depart from me. prayers of Mary your mother. Intende in adiutorium meum do . 0 Lord my meus." . my help 0 Lord. and north. do mine hear my prayer. the requests of my mouth may reach the ears of your piety. audi Accept the cries of him who con- vocem precantis seu peccatoris per mer. by the merits and most holy tue atque omnium Sanctorum tuorum.: " 1 60. spectum tuo oratio mea do mine Inclina incline your ear to my prayer. my prayer enter into your view. t 0 Lord aurem tuam ad precem meam. be my tower of fortitudinis a facie omnium spiritum strength in the face of all evil spirits. the God of my salva­ mine deus salutis mee. In marg. and the master should face towards the four parts of the earth. and be­ fore each part say these words: 379. PART 1: THEU RG IA 255 Suscipe clamore confitentis. fiat miserecordia tion. and south.* Let your mercy spread forever. et preces oris your saints. and one of his associates should hold the book before the master with all the conjura­ tions. meus ad te veniat. Domine deus meus. fesses. Let tua confundar in eternum. * Psalm 37:22-23 (KJV 38:2 1-22) . After this. I beg that my prayers and mei perveniant ad Aures pietatis tue. t Psalm 87:3 ( KJV 89: 2 ) . then the west. and let my cries come to exaudi o rationem meam : et clamor you. then say your confession. Then prostrate yourself to the east. Ne derelinquas me domine deus Do not ab andon me. et ne decessaris [ * discesseris ] a God . malignorum. intret in con. [101] Then the exorcist 379 should arrange and place both hands on the pentacle. first of the air. Then say. so that by him man knoweth their force and strength. Viuit dominus. et Omega + the First and the last. L'Ars Notoria Au Moyen Age.3 8 1 and thereof it cometh and proceedeth that man hath power and grace to invocate and call. 1 0 1 and LIH LXXXI I. the 'strength of God. order and policy. the 'messenger of God. which always* fill you quotidie ex pavescitis et timetis. obedite with fear and trembling. and for that this shall not appear doubtful. et omnia que vivunt in ipso vivunt. and all things that live live in him. and earth to come and appear. Gabriel dei mitius missus fuit Danieli. [ "So Michael. Zacharie. condition. ex periculis liberat fillium. 0 spirit N. aiders. not only good angels. ut par­ entem sanaret. yea. qu[e] dat universus [ ''The Lord lives. omnem militiam celi nominibus suis [ "all the stars and all the hosts of heaven by their own names"] . 38 1 . . Marie. This God hath revealed to man. + On + Oreon these most secret of secret words. the Conqueror. E Deus totius pietatis ["0 God. and helpers unto sinful and worldly creatures. Behold + the sign and the names of phatoris per quem vo s o spiritus M . This seems to be quoted from Arbatel: See Peterson. fire. the names of his creatures. Mary. who made the universe" ] . earth. but also wicked spirits. who is qui venturus est. + On + Sercon + Eloe + Eloym + Sabaoth + + Oreon + Sercon + Eloe + Eloym + Sa­ Elym + Ely + Ado nay + Lamet + Saday + baoth + Elym + Ely + Ado nay + Lamet + Tetragrammaton + Alpha + et Omega + Saday + Tetragrammaton + Alpha + and principium et finis. (0 God. populum dei gubernat.3so Then give comfort to your associates. In marg. author of all piety"] etc.: "w" glyph. 382. [ "that he should heal his father. 22-25. and Zachariah the father of 380. governs the people of God. * The manuscript has a 1\ but with no inserted text. and hell have any being. He calleth omnes stellas. Arbatel. Ga­ briel. to urge and compel. 0 spirit N. and to bring him to his young wife Ita Michael dei fortitudo. per hec verba Obey me therefore. and deliver his son from dangers" ] . and nature. I read that Raphael was appointed by God to young Tobias. qui est et qui erat. water. He is the very Jeho­ vahh which by his word made and brought forth all things that in heaven.' was sent to Daniel. and was and ever will be. and appearing to do and fulfill the will of the caller and his request. THE B O O K OF O B E RON Ecce + signum et Nomina Trium. .3 8 2 that angels should become succors. author of all piety) : From Veronese. ergo mihi et tu spiritus N. Johann is Baptistae patri. the power and virtue of each thing both visible and invisible. through secratissima secretorum. pp. and he will hear you clearly. Invoco ergo in ignorantia tua dominicum. Arbatel.' 3 8 7 the Lord says. omnis autem ignorantia est tribulacio animi. All ignorance is but the tribula­ tion of the mind. 390. 385. Aph.390 and grant you your heart's desire. 387. Arbatel. Peterson. Peterson. but we must use the ministration of them with fear. and say with the Psalmist: <Not to us. 32: 1 0 ) and Matthew 6: 1 3 (or Luke 1 1 :4) . Psalm 49: 1 5 (KJV 50: 1 5 ) . let us pray only pro fide constante.3 84 well vivit deus [ "God lives" ] and seeing we live by him. and the Holy Ghost 3 8 3 now forasmuch as our souls live forever. 1 3 . and you will honour me.3 86 Let follow the counsel. Psalm 1 1 3:9 (KJV 1 1 5: 1 ) . [ "by him who created us" ] . et exaudiam te. and keep the word of his Son" ] in our hearts. 20. PART 1: TH EURGIA 2 57 John the Baptist" ] . et ex­ audeat te. the Father. Invoca in me in die tribulation is. and God" ] shall order no doubt all things in tempore oportuno [ <<in due season" ] . world without end. I will de­ liver you. also compare Deut. Aph. the Re­ deemer. And remember. 5 . the commandment of our Saviour etc. per eum qui nos creavit. including quotes from Psalm 1 7:8 (Vulgate 1 6:8. Aph. 0 Lord. that you assign the honour to God. and no doubt but the Lord shall defend you tanquam pupil­ lam occuli sui [ <<as the pupil of his eye" ] deliver you from evil. Peterson. everything is impossible to the un­ believing and unwilling" ] . hie sunt lex et propheta nemo potest sibi accippere quicquam nisi ei datum fuerit de super well [ <<here are ( sic) the law. Aph. Also from Peterson. et honorificabis me. 7. which God grant for his only and well-be­ loved son Christ Jesus's sake391 which liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost.3 89 and be of a bold heart and constant mind. 389. and Sanctifier. 386. et memento. In marg. Peterson. Arbatel. the Son. u t honore filium. let us there­ fore call upon the Lord our God. Peterson. sed nomina tua da gloriam [ <<<Call upon me in the day of trouble. John 3 :27.3 85 for omnia possi­ bilia sunt creden ti et volenti. Arbatel. and trembling of the Creator. et deus [ <<for a constant faith. ut honorem tribuas deo ac dicas cum psalmista non nobis do m in e non nobis. and no prophet can receive anything himself unless it be given him from above" ] ." . God of us requirit animum. Arbatel. omnia impossibilia sunt incredulo et nolenti [ <<all things are possible to those who believe and are willing. 1 8 . Aph. 39 1 . et ille soli servire [ "and may you serve him alone" ] . 384. Aph. fill your souls with good. hereby we may be ascertained that these be given to us that ask and they teach them that with heart and mind desire the true nature of things. therefore call upon the Lord in your ignorance. in order to respect the Son. 1 7. not to us but to your name be the glory' 3 88 " ] . in pencil: ''see page 20. et filii verbum custodire [ <<requires from you a mind. ever one God in glory eternally. Amen. 3 8 8 . 383. Arbatel. nay. foveat me regalis divinitas . humbly implore and beseech you. may the eternal me ineffabilis bonitas. passim illustrari I . Illu. ways worship and glorify your name. et prophet of your divine works. may the mighty Father rule over mihi salus et protectio Amen. Oriston. me. Rabur. imperial Majesty bless me. through your will. te volente. 20. ] convicti et constricti. Alpha and Omega. Escha. Escha. regat me potentia Deity guard me. your servant. show your heav­ catoris clarifica in me hodierno die. Taneha. I quos invoco. me tibi commissum serva. most Merciful Father. and al­ te et invoco [ +ut. 99 and 1 8 1 . 392 Amorule. guberna. have health and protection. Compare Folger p. THE B O O K OF O B ERON This done. the same one who is call­ ing. and guard me.t * This is a variant of the popular prayer to the guardian angel. to the four parts of the world. fenda. and LIH. O riston. may the glorious Unity patris vivi [ fi ] cet me sapientia fillii.33. Taneha. protegat Divinity favour me. Suppliciter exoro be illuminated with all wisdom. pietate 0 angel who is my guardian* through superna. that operum. Taneha. contemplator. licet enly mercy to me. t Compare parallel versions on Folger pp. Aladia. licet pee. and may adorare nomen tuum. Angele qui meus es custos. Aladia. Amorule. Clementissime and Omega. may the wise Son vivify me. Latisten. [ + that 392. may the royal custodiat me sempiterna deitas. Prayer to God which must b e said within the circle. Compare also H. Latisten. Adonay. let the master turn towards the east and say. protect me. Alpha Leiste. Taneha. defend. Amen. Pater mi Celestis miserere mei. Latisten. re­ indigno filio tuo tue potentie brachium. the arm of your power ego. Rabur. veal to me this day. may the virtuous Holy Ghost enlighten me. In marg. although a sinner. Adonay. May I. benedicat me Imperialis serve. CXXXI II. may be made a omni sapientia. although your un­ contra hos spiritus pertinacissimos: Vt worthy child. et semper glorificare. a et W . hi spiritus." . factus tuorum divinorum against these most stubborn spirits. may the infinite Trinity de­ minet me virtus spiritus sancti. 84 I 565 Agrippa. tuo iudicio. God and Man. heavenly love we are brought together. Alpha et fend me. may the ineffable Goodness di­ Omega + deus et homo sit isti invocatio rect me. Latisten. in pencil: ''Agripp. de. May the Maiestas. Leiste. nor hurting any other creature. swers to those things which I shall ask non ledentes. not hurting bus meis in omnibus que precipiam eis any creature. Pauma- machie et Apologie seedes. non frementes. and say. ac principes most magnanimous kings and powers. by Him who spoke and it was done. chia. and that they may declare and ciosque meos vel aliam creaturam leden." ] Then say: Baralanensis . the 393. [ 1 02 ] Then stand in the middle of the circle. Per pentaculum Salomonis advocavi dent mihi responsum verum. nee me so. [ "By the pentacle of Solomon I have called you. I invoke you. fying me or my fellows. prepotentes genio Liachide. quo audita elementa cor. per Reges po. you. and by omne seculum. in the ninth court. primae hie princeps sedis spirit Liachidae. I strongly command hoc nomen ineffabile + Tetragramma. and by invocating. mare retrogradatur. + Jehovahh +. sed peticioni. ment. ean seat. Beralanensis. Pau. + Tetragrammaton ruunt aer concutitur. in pencil: "See page 20 I Agrippa 565!' . ministers of the Tartar­ Apologie nona cohorte: ego vos invoco. Maiestatis munitus virtute potenter im. give me a true answer. per eum qui dixit et factum est. which being heard.393 hold your hand towards the pentacle. them. B aldachiensis. and affrighting none. ministri tar. and give true and perfect an­ cipietur eis non nocentes alicui creature. through the testates que magnanimas. et per preme Maj esty. shall be commanded them. and the mightiest princes. Baldachiensis. and perio. ton + Iehovah + in quo [est] plasmatum and to whom all creation obeys. ] may be bound and constrained ferant nobis eaque per me vel nos pre. this ineffable name. conj ure you. neither injuring nor terri­ sint obedientes. and Apologia Sedes. PART 1: TH EURG I A 2 59 veniant vocati et dent vera responsa de these spirits which I call by your judge­ quibus eos interrogavero: dentque et de. show us those things which by me or us tes et neminem terrentes. in all these things which I command. to come. chief prince of the seat of Apo­ et invocando vos coniuro atque superne logia. guardian taree sedis. et being armed with power from the su­ cui obediunt omnes creaturae. In marg. but let them be obedient to my requests. · now] peaceably. Whereas: where. forward with a valiant courage in Christ Jesus to whom be all praise. forthwith and with­ de omnibus quacunque interrogavero out delay. et veniatis pacifice visi. visibly and ligibili et sine omni ambiguitate. for all things are possible with God. and infernal [ + hosts] et omni occasione remota. affably speaking to us with a clear voice. being con­ fessed to God requiring pardon and forgiveness of thy sins. I Begin this whereas 394 thou findest this mark. majesty. shaken. might. the fire is extin­ trium et Infernorum tremunt turbantur guished. coniurati. out delay. Amen. come from all parts of the respondeatis vos. quatenus cito et sine mora heavenly. world. terra tremuit. clara voce nobis intel. for to him it belon­ geth. wherefore give to God the glory and praise. mighty. praying unto him for his Son Christ Jesus's sake to show himself favourable unto thee and to pour his mercy on thee and to give unto thee the spirit of power and might and to send thee the com­ fort of his Holy Spirit and the aid and assistance of his holy. and all the et corruunt. note that as soon as thou hast prepared thyself to begin this work. and affably. First. and make rational answers to all biles et affabiles. *Heliorem +. worldly. elements are overthrown . with­ per nomen eterni vivi et veri dei Helio . The matching marks referred to can be found on Folger p. the sea runs back. Wherefore. with a steadfast faith unremovable. steadfastly believing to receive comfort in Christ Jesus. ab universis tremble. and dominion for ever and ever. manifesting what we desire. omn. and nobis et affabiles. are troubled. 1 04. intelligibly. before thou proceed any further. the air I S esque [ + exercitus ] Celestium Terres . although impossible to man. and fulfil our finem et intencionem meam visibiles commands. and blessed an­ gels. do as followeth before thou enter thy circle. ren +. and are co n­ mundi partibus veniatis et rationabiliter founded. being conjured by the name of the living entes persistentes semper usque ad and true God. this done with sincerity of mind and humbleness of heart. [ + nunc] et sine mora things I shall ask of you. et mandata mea et nostra perffici. visibly. Make no doubt. and persist until the end. .260 THE B O O K OF O B ERON ignis extinguitur. and come [ + manifestantes quod cupimus. according to our intentions. the earth trembles. and without any ambiguity. Go forward with this as followeth. 394. In deceptionibus proximo. and hatred. and Holy Ghost. in empty chatter. the good or honours of another.: "w" glyph. in haughtiness of dine. In Tris. In nomine pa. and wicked testi- mendaciis et iuramentis multi modis. Amen. The priest says. and to all yo ur coram vera maiestate tua. b ecause I have sinned lencia occulorum et vestium ac fortitu. in lying and many kinds of swear- detractionibus et discordiis seminandis. furtis. Then tell your sins. and irritability. 0 God. and the presence of your nimis superbia in vana gloria.sponds) May the Lord be in your heart. in extor- bus malignis. consumption. et spiritus sancti Amen. dominus sit Father. greatly in my pride. sacer. multis aliis generibus sive actibus luxu. dicat sacerdoti. In ira et money of another. In peri uriis. in envy honoris alterius quam peccunie. et homicidiis. in extol. in gluttony and excessive tatibus gulosis. sins. tion by force. in coveting the honours or ticia de bonis et honore alterius. In the name of the Father. Benedicite pater. et oppressionibus pauperum. dum omnia peccata tua. Marie virgi. and touching. in being sad about Iracundia Inventris gule et comestioni. 5 1 . In invidua et odio. Inavaricia tam eyes and clothes and firmness. theft. let us bless. * ( The priest re- in corde tuo et in labiis tuis ad confiten. and spiteful flattery. Son. in right marg.* to the nis et omnibus sanctis tuis 0 deus. true maj esty. * In left marg.: 1 4 7 . in rash. and gluttony. in impure kissing. I confess to God in heaven. in anger bus superfluis. et in enness. be willing to confess." '' Tunc dicat peccata sua. In poor.and on your lips for confessing all your tris et filii. In ceiving neighbours and oppressing the iudicii temerariis falsis et Impiis. quia peccavi saints. in inderisionibus et maledictionibus variis mocking and cursing the different vigils * Compare Folger p. PART 1: THEURGIA 261 The order of the circle work: Volens confiteri. and many rio sus. in In exortacionibus parvis. other kinds or acts of wantonness. et blessed Virgin Mary. ing. drunk- bus et palpacionibus Immundis. in de- rum. in slander and planting discord. false. . In mony. embracing. and homicide. perj ury. Confiteor cleo celi beate. In osculi et amplexioni. et adulacioni. In fabulis vanis et ebrie. 262 THE B O O K OF O B ERON vigiliis et ludis salutis anime mee con. not only solum peccavi in omnibus peccatis su. grant me the power to fulfill my will in simam maiestatem tuam in qua glorio. and in urging others to alios. domino meo Celi et terre Creatori po. in blas­ ose in eis vivendo. nor stand against me on stellera tacuisse et confessum non fuisse: the Day of Judgement. with the other just and con­ sentia altissime pater omnipotens per fessed. that I may face you in person. tuam clementiam da mihi ut obedire pure and confessed of all my sins. heavens and the earth. whereby you reign most gloriously. In malo observando not visiting the sick and desolate. sp eaking. of human frailty. fiat fiat Amen. pleasure. but also in all the ways humana fragillitas cogitando. et non glorietur adversum me in bly beseech that my enemy may not re­ die Iuditii accusans mea peccata et joice over me. in thinking. and omni modam voluntatem per gloriosis. and ula seculorum. Et ideo tibi sions. Heaven. and recognize potestatem ut passim complere meam all the spirits which I wish to invoke. quos invocare voluero. et in malum swadentibus consen. and (instead) gaming. lower p as­ cupiscendo peccare potest. accusing my sins sed sit gaudium de me in celo sic de aliis and crimes left unmentioned and un­ iustis et confessis. et con. Innonvisitando a bad example to my subordinates. gulose luxuri. through your mercy. in infirmo et desalato. do the same evil. Indan do mala teachings. loquendo. confessed. 0 Father. for all sins com­ pasco ut non gaudeat super me Inimicus mitted by me and brought about. And therefore I ask pardon from you. in violation of your tuorum. In male redendo tibi deo creatori the gratitude and prayers owed to you. have granted me. Intransgressionibus preceptorum tion of the soul. against the salva­ trariis. sissime regnans et regnaturus es in sec. videndo. and the good which you mihi concessisti. Amen. et odio proximi. because I have sinned in all the ways pradictis. and all the ways that one can sin. in hatred of neighbours. by your most glorious maj esty. most powerful creator of the per me factis et commissis humiliter de. et' concede mihi that I may be able to obey. 0 possum et cognoscere omnis spiritus most high Father. delectando. 0 tentissimo veniam de omnibus peccatis my Lord. all ways. in blasphemando pheming others. audiendo. in badly disregarding tiendo. Confiteor tib i [ o pate ] r qui non I confess to you. I hum­ meus. meo gracias et orationes de bonis et quas God the creator. ing (with gluttons and wantons) . seeing. being exempla mihi subditis. but give me eternal j oy in fessus de peccatis meis coram tua pre. et me mundus et con. will reign forever and ever. . sed in omnibus aliis qui bus mentioned above. hearing. in liv­ solempnitatis sanctorum. I. devoutly praying unto God the prayers which is to be said before you begin your work. [ + Amen] . 395 Then he gives absolution. and the spiritus sancti Amen. by the authority granted thoritate mihi concessa absolvo te primo me. After. conserve and strengthen you firmet in bono et ad vitam perducat in goodness and lead you to eternal life. [ concede te voluntatem you from all evil. 5 1 ." And for special penance. See Folger p. et ego auc.: " 1 48 . the prayers of our sancte Matris Ecclesie bona que qui fe. * In mar g. who is the est sumus pontifex. say etc. deinde absolvo te ab omnibus it. and then from all your sins. PART 1: TH EURG I A Tunc dicat sacer [ dos] . eternam Amen. holy Mother Church. misericordiam te absolvat. By the merits of the passion of domini nostri Iesu Christi suffragia our Lord Jesus Christ. Dominus noster Iesus Christus qui Jesus Christ our Lord . say the prayers afore going.* forgive all your sins. Then the priest says: Misereatur tui omnipotens deus. by his most pious mercy. the good which cisti. Holy Ghost. be to you for [ + Amen] . Amen. and the Son. in the peccatis tuis. liberat te you. say as follows: [ 1 03 ] Prayer before the circle Then say after this prayer: 395. grant you your desires et desiderium tuum ] concervet et con. and by the grace of God tibi in remissione peccatorum tuorum that you will do hereafter. 5 1 . per suam piissimam highest pontiff. and deliver ab omni malo. absolve you first from the sentence a sentencia minoris excomunicationis si of minor excommunication if you need indigeas. et May almighty God have mercy on dimittat tibi omnia peccata tua. This done. absolves you. et quem per dei gratiam facies sint you have done.* * See Folger p. the remission of your sins. In nomine patris et filii et name of the Father. and wishes. et meritum passionis Amen. . .* and visit visita Imple superna gratia que qui tu your souls. charity. source. the gift of God most high.forter) . It is normally sung at Pentecost.finger of God's right hand. pacemque Drive the enemy far from us. fire. Send forth your spirit. thus leading us. (Ver) Emitte spiritum tuum et ere. Hostem repellas longius. and know the Son. sancto simul Praise be to the Father. Through you [ + may we understand] mus atque filium. virtute firmans perpeti<m>. promised by the Father. created with heavenly grace.likewise th·e holy Paraclete. cordibus. fons vivus Ignis Charitas et Spiri. Amen. THE B O OK OF O B ERON Veni Creator spiritus mentes tuorum Come 0 Creator Spirit. quickly dones protinque [ *protinus] . Per te [ + sciamus] da patrem. fill the hearts which you have creasti pectora. Nasca. cari. te utriusque spiritum the Father. You who are the Paraclete ( Com- tissimi. Sit laus patri cum filio. us the Son of the most dear Holy Ghost. infunde Kindle in us the light. and may credamus omni tempore. Amen. continually strengthening ris. donum dei al. we may te previa. avoid all harm. and spiritual anoint­ tng. * "Veni Creator Spiritus)) is a well-known ninth-century hymn invoking the Holy Spirit. you are the tu digitus. nobisque mittat fillius. and send to sima Sancti Spiritus. Accende lumine sentibus. words which en­ rich the throat. our fragile bodies.our hearts. ductore sic bring p eace. and they shall abuntur. a gift duly isso] patris. Qui paraclitus diceris. the spirit of each. pour love into amorem. for all time. sermone dictans guttura. living tualis unctio. tu rite promissum [ *prom. vitemus omne Noxium. Infirma nostri corpo. paraclito. be created. with the Son. Tu septiformis munere. dex [ e] tre dei You are the sevenfold gift. we believe you. that we may love you mereamur. and from whom seecretum latet. that every prayer and work of ours finiatur. we beg you. our ac- aspirando preveni. Amen. Deus cui [ *qui ] omne corpatet. f I G. and quere. Under this in marg. and please thee with a clean heart. p raise you. thro ugh o ur Lord Jesus Christ. 0 Lord. with a chaste /litanies. ut cuncta nostra [ oratio et] oper. * In left marg. p urify the Sancti spiritus cogitationes cordis nostri thoughts of our hearts by the infusion of ut te perfecte deligere et digne laudare your Holy Ghost. perfectly. and mus. et per te cepta tance. and heart.htm. per Christum dominum nos.may serve you with a chaste body.* * "Enflame 0 Lord our reins.: "w". S. who delivered the three chil- flammas ignium. D eus qui Tribus p ueris mittigasti 0 God. carry them on by your gracious assis­ atio a te semper incipiat. Acciones nostras quesumus domine Direct. Being towards the circle. grant nos famulos tuos non exurat flamma vi." http:/ /medievalist. Oremus Let us pray. 0 Lord. et 0 God. enflame our reins and heart et cor nostrum do mine ut tibi casto cor." . in right marg. say this Dignare [ "Deem" ] 396 3 96. and be p roperly worthy to trum Amen. _Ure igne sancti spiritus renes nostros. with the fire of thy Holy Spirit: to the end that we may serve thee. may begin always with you. Amen.* omnis voluntas loquitur et que nullum and all desires known. not burn me up. Amen. PART 1: THEURGIA ( Resp onsu ) Et removabis faciem ( Response) And you shall renew the Terre.: " 1 48.with the fire of your Holy Ghost: that we pore serviamus et mundo corde placea. please you with a pure heart.your favour." t There is a "+" or perhaps "4" in brown ink above this word. t. and through you be happily ended. t. concede propicius: ut dren from the fl aming furnace. to whom all hearts are open. tions by your holy inspi r ations. purifica per infucione n o s e cretst lie h i d d e n .: "G. face of the earth. that the flames of sin may ClOS. et adiuvando prose. . Attolite por. Ban. ut ad hunc all our iniquities. [ "in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. by the paths of your tua iusticia ad esto fragilitati mee ut in justice. we beg you. Amen. Jesus Christ. dominus dominantium qui frigisti claves Lord of Lords. thus your justice will be preserit nulla te recapitaliter offendam Amen. in my fragility. through Christ our Lord. peccatis costodire. Cross. Dux. 0 Cross. Cross. perhaps marking the end of the block of text similarly marked. open to me this circle. erect the gateway. Next say auffer [ "remove .266 T H E B O O K OF O B E RO N Dignare me domine die isto. Ado nay. dirige gressus et Actus guard me from sin. of hell. Amen. . Crux Crux Crux. . 0 Lord.* * In right marg. sic my deeds this day. dux. ban. Remove from us. salvation and defense. In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti Amen. Amen. "ad aperiendum Circulum" is repeated in the marg. who have broken the keys inferni aperi mihi istam enter this circle . troire. 0 Lord. that we may be worthy circulum puris mentibus mereamor in. Entering into the circle Make a cross in thy forehead and say. omnes Iniquitates nostris." ] : Auffer a nobis do mine quesimus. Ado nay.: "+" in brown ink. For opening the circle 397 Domine deus noster Iesus Christus 0 Lord our God. standing still in that place." ] Then put into the circle thy right foot and say. direct my steps and meos hodie per semitas iustitie tue. 397. tas. be my sis mihi salus et protectio. Amen.with a pure mind. so that I will in no mortal way offend you. sine Deem me worthy this day. per Christum dominum nostrum. who are im­ purcatae infinitis humanis opinionibus. because siderio desidero artes huius vite et neces.* * From Arbatel Aph. 0 Lord of Heaven and Earth. protegat me regalis divinitas eius. doceat ea. maker lum et Invisibilum. 0 Lord. as I see iis assequturum te non docente. ut que me docueris facile percip. that I may be worthy to enter bus merear Introire. and the usefulness of iam et in mente meam recondam inde our neighbors. ad laudem et honorem tuam. que vis nos discere et cognos. et N. call upon fillium tuum. Domine celi et terre omnium visibi. I though unworthy. iniquities. which may direct me in your truth. Grant to me also a heart . Christ our Lord. Aufer may his royal Divinity protect me. mersed in immense darkness and fouled ut ego videam me meis viribus nihill in with unending human beliefs. qui me my own power. for the good of all. praise and honour. who will teach me whatever you wish utillitatem proximi. Re­ a me do mine queso. te iubente. ut ad hunc Circulum puris menti. 0 God the Father almighty. Grant to me therefore one of your spirits cere. and those things Immersae sunt tantis Tenebris et cons. in spiritum sanctum. I beg you. per Christum Do. ad omnem bonum tuum amen. da mihi etiam cor me to learn and understand. for your docile. omnes Iniquitates move from me. te invoco. all my meas. Amen. which are necessary for us. da mihi that I can understand nothing through unum de spirittibus tuis N. this circle with a pure mind. Amen. conditor et Creator: and creator of all that is visible and in- ego indignus. through your only nostrum Iesu Christum. Deus pater omnipotens quia vero de. unless you teach me. through minum nostrum Amen. qui me in veritate tua order that you give your Holy Ghost to dirigat. May the imperial Majesty bless me. ut des mihi begotten son our Lord Jesus Christ. que the skills of this life. PART 1: TH EURG I A Benedicat me Imperialis Maiestas. Being entered and standing in the midst of the circle. with true longing I desire to learn fully sarias nobis perfecte cognoscere. me. per visible. unigenitum dominum you and invoke you. 1 4.. and the Holy Ghost. let us bless" ] . Credo in deum [ ((The Lord's Prayer. [ 1 04 ] Order of the circle This done. vere confitendum et declarandum on your lips for confessing and declaring omnia peccata tua In nomine patris et all your sins.268 THE BOOK OF O B ERON proferendam. a s from your inexhaust­ utar. one after another. retain in my mind what you have taught. and tuis. and the Son. tanquam de tuis in ex. fear. Amen. 1 9. sarios: et da mihi gratiam ut tantis donis and I will secure them there to b e tuis humillime cum metu e t tremore brought forth." . Benedicite pater [ ((Father. and trembling. Dominus sit in corde tuo et in labiis May the Lord be in your heart. 1 4. In the name of the Father. kneeling upon their knees. through our Lord Jesus Christ with your Holy Ghost.* * Also found o n Folger p . Hail Mary. shall say as is before from this mark and as order is prescribed. all together cum genu flectitur [ ((with knees bent" ] shall say pater noster. p e r dominum n ostrum Iesum ible treasures. grant to me your grace. And Christum cum sancto spiritu tuo Amen. In marg. Then shall the two associates.: " 1 50. Amen. for all necessary uses. that is easily taught. and the Creed (I believe in God"' ] etc.39 8 to whom the master being a priest shall answer. that I may use these great gifts of yours only with hu­ mility. which reason re­ quireth be two besides the master. Note that every one of the fellowship that entereth the circle. so that I may easily haustis Thesauris ad omnes usus Neces. unto the master say as followeth. Then shall one say: 398. filii et Spiritus Sancti amen. Ave Maria. quoted from Arbatel Aph. per suam misericor. who is the est sumus pontifex. absolves diam abso [1] vat te. quia ego miser peccator peccavi and to you 0 Father. 52. In the name cata tua In nomine Patris et filii et Spiri. et vos orare per me. et ego Auctoritate you. sinned greatly against you. and say from this mark hither . hearing. of the Father. Ghost. * beate Marie vir. my sin. et ad vitam per ducat te eternam strengthen you in goodness. and all the saints . et in cunctis aliis vitiis mea. and the Holy tus sancti Amen. intactu. in thoughts tacione et loqutione in dilectacione in and words and deeds and speech. I. This done. Then the master shall answer and say: Misereatur tui omnipotens deus et May almighty God have mercy on dimittat tibi omnia peccata tua. mala mea and participating in the work with an culpa. laughter. highest pontiff. and lead Amen. Inverbis. conservet et confirmet in liver you from all evil. mea gravissima culpa. Amen. and all the saints of God-male and female-to intercede and pray for me. absolvo te ab omni pee. cum excomunicatis mouth. et omnibus Sanctis eius. the other shall kneel down and say the same and the other arise. Amen. et tibi blessed Virgin Mary. seeing. in en ­ pollucione. with the mind. and dismiss all your sins. laying his right hand one the associate's head: Dominus noster Iesus Christus qui Jesus Christ our Lord. in pollution. solve you from all your sins.* * Compare with version on Folger p . and the Son. touch­ risus visus. Incogi. verba ore mente corde et ing. in feeling. 5 1 . in concensu. you to eternal life. and de­ ab omni malo. liberet te you. my most grievous sin. ab- mihi concessa. and therefore I beg for Saint Mary. et San etas dei. by his mercy. Then shall the master say. pater. auditus j oyment. and preserve and bono. and with all deprecor Sancta Maria et omnes Sanctos my other sins. with the heart. PART 1: TH EURGIA Confiteor cleo celi. through my sin. * Compare parallel version of this confession on Folger p. b ecause I have nimis Indictis. by the authority granted me. Infactis. et ideo excommunicated p erson. word of opere participando. I confess to God in heaven and to the gine . and by the proclaiming. et per quinque eius p ower s o f h e aven. feet. and per vulnera manum et pedum eius. in the middle of the circle eastward. per Patrem eius et Spiritum Sanctum. but first cense the circle and place the associates and do as followeth. etc. i n right marg. Coniuro te N. per Iesum Christum et I conjure you. let pass and come to this as followeth. Cyprianum Martiem qui te fecerit suis and by the glorious martyr Cyprian. and by the tam gloriosam Mariam Matrem domini saints and glorious Apostles and all the nostri Iesu Christi. and by the prophet John the Baptist.* 0 N. per tremendum diem who subjugated you with his command. ipsum ipsius quae death and resurrection. prophetam Iohannem Baptiste. et Tabu. per vulnus latere Iesu Christi. and his tus Sancti emisionem. coming to the same mark I next before this. and las Moysy. et per virtutem Michaelis qui the tablets of Moses. by Jesus Christ. et and by the terrible Day of Judgment. and by the power of te de Celo expulsit. and the sending out of the Holy Ghost. and by the glorious Virgin Mary. et and by his Father. predicationem et mortem eius et resur. and ascension. by its self and his Father. per bea. T H E B O O K OF O B ERON � DFY Then all kneeling shall begin and say. then begin where thou first findest this mark above and I after thou hast done so. et per omnes virtutes Celorum. shall say the Psalms where as this mark is made I . et ascentionem et Spiri. and by the wounds on his hands and rectionem eius.: (( 1 62. . per by the wound on the side of Jesus Christ. obedire mandatis. and let the master turn towards the east. et per glorio sam Michael who expelled you from Heaven. patrem per sanctos gloriosos Apostolos. the master beginning and saying one verse. by th e b l e s s e d * I n left marg. Iudicii. This being done. : ((w" glyph. and by the Holy per gloriosam virginem Mariam et per Ghost. they following." . Powers. forever and ever. and ad hue Coniuro te N atque requiro in by the good and evil angels. et per omnia mi-ties. and I most urgently con­ atque infinite virtu tis quatenus in vir. and by the heavenly Virtues.his feet and hands. I conjure you. and by all the terrible things tibus.* 0 N. and all the parts of his body." . by that highest name of God tute omnium predictorum et specialiter + Tetragrammaton + ineffable and in­ virtute istius venerandi Nominis Ieho. and magnificentie est nomen suum. and specifi­ que corustationibus tonitrius horribili. quatin us in te agnoscatur quam thunder. flashing. et per omnia terribilia in Celo et in Terra. inasmuch as by the vah + ut ad me Celeriter occurras et abs. his almighty Father. and by that deffluentem sanguinem a latere et pedi. earthly. et which are in Heaven and on Earth. and by his whipping. per assumptionem et coronatio. rabilia Iesu Christi ac per eiectionem de- and by all the miracles of Jesus Christ. and that you ap­ buslibet adoretur tam celestibus celitus pear without delay. and Trinus et unus viuit et regnat in secula by the power of God. Amen. mother of our Lord Jesus nem eiusdem virginis et instantissime te Christ. and I con­ virtute crucifixit qui est Maior omnium. power of all the preceding. inasmuch as you have quam Terrenis et Infernalibus per virtu. and by her five joys. who lives and reigns with the blessed Son and the Holy Ghost. jure you and demand of you. et per eius nomen + Tetragrammaton + in the power of the crucified one who is quod est nomen honorabile et terribile greatest of all. seculorum amen. Coniuro te N per Angelos et Archan.: " 1 63. and by the as­ N. and by the expulsion of demons from n e m e 1 u s . et omnibus sui par. without terrible noise. and without Tardas. jure you N. or terrible thunder. glorious Mary. et g r a m m a t o n + w h i c h c o n fe r s * In marg. great flowing of blood from his side. finitely powerful.. Thrones and Principali­ et per virtutes celorum. PART 1: TH EURGIA gaudia. cally of that venerable name Jehovahh + bus et strepitu horribili appareret non that you come quickly to me. 0 N. by the Angels gelos Thronos et Principatus potestates and Archangels. and bus eius et manibus. et per Angelos bonos et malos. et p e r i n ge n t i s s i m u m men. that is so honoured by benedicti filii ac Spiritus Sancti qui deus heavenly. one God and Trinity. monem de hominibus et per tlagellacio. and by his name + Tetra­ ac etiam amabile cunctis Christianis. recognised how vast is the greatness of tern dei p atris o mnip otentis sui que that name of his. and infernal beings. ut a qui. here.. Coniuro per ilium super excelsum dei sumption and coronation of the same nomen + Tetragramaton + Ineffabile glorious virgin. Jesus Christ. and adjure quiro et adiuro te spiritus N. by that infinite word through which all things were cre­ verbum quo cuncta creata sunt cum dix- ated. demand. appear to me visibly. then read this conjuration of obedience as follows. et meo pretence or fraud. then rest by the space of the reading of the conjuration. that you appear visibly biliter extra circulum app are as p e r bonitatem qua deus hominen [ sic] ad through the goodness of God. . pronouncing the foresaid conjuration. turn into the west. and by the jus­ iustitiam suam et per vestram super. et pelled you from Heaven. and without Interrogata fideliter respondeas.2 72 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON terri bile demonibus. [ 1 05 ] Invocation Coniuro te N * per istum Infinitum I conjure you. 0 N. et te p er people after his own image. and by the hum­ ble virginity of the blessed Mary. Coniuro et re- was done." . These being done. veil versutia qualicunque mihi ad delay or postponement. then say boldly + Boldly Tetragramaton + then read once again the conjuration. qua Inferum confregit et socios tuos and shaped and tormented your associ­ plasmavit et cruc itavit ut mihi de ate s . into every of which parts. and ve [ st] ri Iesu Christi.. Note if thou hear any hissing as it were of ad­ ders or such like. when God spoke ''let it be. who made Imaginem suam plasmavit. as above. and obey all my orders. etc.' and it erit deus fiat et facta sunt. t h at yo u faithfully re s p o n d * I n marg. et per potenciam by the power which has plundered hell. liter app areas et ab sque simulacione Therefore. and so into the south.tice which has condemned you and ex­ biam qui te damnavit et eiccit decelis.: " 1 63. mother per virginitatem et humillitatem beate Marie G en etricis domini n o stri etof our Lord and yours. then into the north. of our Lord Jesus Christ. . without fraude. qui vivit et ask. Christians . Amen. I conjure. 0 spirit N. qui ibi visi- you. Then if he come and stand still. but also inspires love in moram ac delatione exclusa mihi visibil. by the power regnat in secula seculorum amen. who lives and reigns forever and ever. or cunning of any iussu in omnibus obedeas per virtutem kind. and faithfully respond to all that I domini nostri Iesu Christi. but note that most commonly he cometh at the third time. but if then nothing be heard nor seen. repeat the same seven times over. qua tin us omnia honour and fear. and fear in the demons. " . by way of entreaty. per dominum nos . and the Holy Ghost . constrain him by a conve­ nient conjuration. 402.399 2 . Coniuro te N. ) Then. west. and let him put his hand thereon. you answer me truly concerning this thing. In this manner shall ye swear him. and filium et spiritum sanctum. Amen. the servant of the only true and everliving God + Jehovahh + and he. ed p e r admirab ilem dei Christ. under such a planet viz. by Jesus Ch ristum. N. promise. and obey my words and et ut in quantum poteris obedientiam accomplish as much as you are able. Now if he come. north. when the spirit appeareth in his proper form. ) let the Master turn himself towards him gently. . N. or south. I.) what is his office and dignity. ignem Amen. but the first time thou shalt bind him and make him to swear to obedience.) But if you see him stubborn or distrust him of lying. and whether he have any other name. our Lord Jesus Christ. courteously. do protest. 1 . : " 1 64. thou shalt not trouble him with any de­ mand or question. saying upon every question. 400. N. N. ) under what planet he is. 1 6 1 . the first time the spirit cometh. and as I hope at the terrible and dreadful day of judgment to be saved.. and how many are under his subjection. a spirit 402 of such element. ll 'l+ cr 0 �� )) and of such an office..400 4. neither yet the second time not passing on. Gently: i. to be ready at all times being called by N. I n left marg. being the son of N. 40 1 . by meis verbis faciatis. the said N.401 5. 3 . by the Father. . This paragraph is taken from Pseudo-Agrippa or a closely-related source. Note: The assumption seems to be that every spirit is under a planet. PART 1: TH EURGIA 273 omnibus rebus fideliter dicas responsum to all that I ask. and to fulfill thy will in all things. in right marg. who will come to trum Iesum Christum qui venturus est j udge the living and the dead and the Judicare vivos et mortuos et seculum per world by fire. enquire what is his name. But note. 399. and swear this. and by the admirable name of Nomen + TETRAGRAMMATON + ut God + TETRAGRAMMATON + that mihi vera respondeas de hac re. per Iesum the Son. : "w" .. This section is repeated mostly verbatim on Folger p. per <pal> Patrem et I conjure you N. even to the utter­ most of his office and dignity. that you may have a true and undoubted answer: stretch out your prince. . and to be ready to come at all times when thou shalt call him. and swear by the head and dignity of. east. and Egin.403 the uttermost of my power and office and the whole and that to any part of my dignity appertaineth. 1 1 3. and by all the Adonay + El Elohim + Elohe + Zebaoth names of God. In left marg.: " 1 64. 403 . : " 1 822/ 1 583/----/239". ton + Saday. by the most mighty and powerful name cizamus spiritus N. 65. and powerfully command tum ilium M pertinacissimum statim et you that you constrain and confine that sine ulla mora venire ante circulum hunc stub b o rn spirit M . where this conjuration is repeated. say:40 5 0 Vrieus ." 405. in the year 1 583 etc. then read some conjuration as thou shalt seem to be meet. and by the name + Ado- + Elion + Escerchie + Iah + Tetragram. et eius facti voluntate per endowed with power of God and made potentissimum et corrobaratum nomen according to his will. without deceit.: " [ rea] de (?) fol. Compare Folger p. et 0 Urieus. nai + El Elohim + Elohe + Zebaoth + maton + Saday dominus deus excelsus Elion + Eserchie + Jah + Tetragramma- exorcizamus vos atque potenter impera. and to give a true answer of all things that he shall demand or ask of me. to immediately * Compare H. qui dixit. In pencil to the right (evidently later hand) : " 1 642/ .Egin. 404. . within one hour after." This is evidently the contemporary foliation. and in charge teris malis spiritibus praeestis. and that without hurting or harming of him or any living creature of God's creation. et Imperamus p er of God + El + strong and wonderful. the same conjuration being read. Amaymon. even the day of N. . do exorcise you N. Paymon.404 But if he come not at the reading of the conjuration before said. We mus ut constringatis et coarctetis spiri. potentia dei. In right marg. In brown ink in marg. Nos facti ad Imaginem dei. craft.2 74 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON whom I confess to have overcome me and made me by God's permission subject to obedience. exorcise you." . and for witness whereof to this book I have with mine own hand wrote my name set to my character or seal. of the other evil spirits./59. qui estis quattuor reges p otentis. or cautell. corresponding with the more modern pagination 1 1 3. dotati We being made* in the image of God. Lord God Most High. Now if he come not. et factum est et per we command you by Him who spoke omnia no mina dei et p e r nomen + the word and it was done. Amaymon. who are the four mighty kings of simi iuxta quattuor partes mundy et ce. and to do most willingly. and eum.: exorcismus spirituum aereorum. dei + El + forte et admirabile vos exor. Paymon.the four parts of the earth. Cautell: a cunning trick. constrain and confine him. fair shape of a three year old boy. and by the name of God + Agla +. verse fuerunt in Moses n amed . and by the Aaron audiuit. and by et draconis [ * -nem] interfecit: et in no. in camino slew the dragon. et ascenderunt which he named. et Abednago. fuerunt: et per [ + nomen] + hagios + et Sidrach. sine omni deformitate et fill our wishes. and all the rivers pro­ in domos Aegiptiorum. and destroyed Bel and Sidrach. et loquens. such as had not fuerunt Locustee. tortuosity. fluvij ebullierunt ranas. to ful­ tem nostram. which runt que residua erant grandini: et per Moses named. omnia destruen. d u c e d fro g s in ab undance. and all the rivers and sanguinem: et p er nomen + Ecerchie swamps of Egypt were turned to blood. and were Isckiros + Athanatos + Paracletus + et delivered. Moyses nominavit. climbe d into the houses of the Egyp ­ ses nominavit et fuit grando talis. which mine + Emanuell + quo d tres pueri. and by the seat of + Adonai +. et sapiens fac. and locusts app e ared nomen + Alpha + et O mega + quo d upon the whole land of Egypt. and by the name + Joth + which Iacob audiuit ab Angelo secum luctante. et apparuerunt super been since the beginning of the world. the name + Alpha and Omega +. and was saved with his sua familia: et per nomen + loth + quod family. et factas salvus cum which Lot heard. Oriston + quod nominavit. which Moses named. and by [ +the name] + Hagios per hac tria secreeta nomina + Agla +. et omnes and by the name + Eserchie Oriston + . and Abednego. + Adonay + quod Moyses nominavit et and there was great hail. which Adam heard and loqutus est: et per nomen dei + Agla + spoke. devoured all that the hail had left. tate illum quia vo s imperamus p er because we command you by the name nomen + Y et V + quod Adam audiuit et + Y and V + . destroying all things. and by . and was made wise. name + Anaphexeton + . Daniel [ +named] . and in the name + Em­ ignis ardentis cantaverunt et liberati m anuel + . terram Egiptiorum. and [1 06} daniell [ + nominavit] . quod Loth audiuit. and by the name + Adonai + . and by the non fuit ab initio mundi: et per nomen name + Elion + . which Aaron tus est: et per nomen + Zebaoth + quod heard and spoke. et destruxit bell. PART 1: TH EURGIA 275 in aspectum nostrum in pulchra forma come to us here before this circle in the pueri tres annos nati et implere volunta. qualis tians. Misach. which the three children. et omnia flumina et and by the name + Zebaoth + . et [ 1 06 ] comede. wh i ch tes et per nomen + Elyon + quod Moy. Jacob heard from the angel wrestling et liberatus est de manu fratris sui Esau : with him. and was delivered from the et per nomen + Anephexeton + quod hand of his brother Esau. without any deformity or tortuositate aliqua constringite et coarc. which paludes de terra Egipti. Misach. sung in sedem + Ado nay + et p er + Otheos + the midst of the fiery furnace. * and by Maiestatis gradientia. et per with you. 4:6. ante sedem divine the dreadful judgment of God. approaching Tranum circumstantem. I do adjure you. and by the holy angels of Heaven . to quickly come and appear to vit. et per to the infernal realm . et per hoc nomen + you. we do powerfully exorcise sedem Baldachiae. and pectu nostrum venire cito ut sine omni by that which is named the Church of mora ad faciendam nostram voluntatem God. et occulos ante et the uncertain sea of glass. et per earn que ec. spoke the wo rd and it was done. + Rev. names. and by divina animalia .. and by these names. I exorcise and mare omnibus incertum.. by rom. T H E B O OK OF O B ERON + On + Tetragrammaton + adiuro. will in all things that will please us. + Otheos + Ischyros + Athanatos + Par­ testor. and by the Angelos Celorum. but " dei iudicium" [ "judgment of God" ] is probably a typo for the more frequent " die iudicium" [ "day of judgment" ] . exorcizamus et virilliter names our Lord Jesus Christ. vivi et veri vo s qui vestra + . and expelled you from Heaven illud tremendum dei iudicium. prout placuerit nobis: per almighty God.T. by Him who est ante conspectum divine Maiestatis. vitreum. our sight before this circle. and pellente.+ orcizamus ut constringa tis et coarctetis and by the fire round about his throne. . living and true. quod powerfully command you. esty. et per hac nomina et per alia no. maledicimus vos. T. to gradiens et potentiale. acleto s + . + Agla + On + Tetragrammaton nipotentis. con. : et in virtute istius nominis + the seat of Baldachia. and by these three secret mina domini nostri Iesu Christi dei om. and appeal to God culpa de ceeli eiecti fuistis usque ad in. et in cavernis abissi fuerunt pro fun. and having eyes before and behind. et per [ quattu] or whom all creatures are obedient. before clesia dei nominatur: et p er summam the throne. which is be­ retro habentia: et per ignem ante eius fore the divine Maj esty. and by the most high wisdom of in omnibus. et Aby. and by all the other fernum locum. who found fault est: cui omnes obediunt creature. datan. t The MS has a blank to switch ink. God al­ imperamus per eum qui dixit et factum mighty. spirit N. . privamus vos the earth opened and swallowed up * So also H.T. four t divine living creatures . T. to fulfil our dati vell absorpti. approaching the divine Maj ­ sapientiam omnipotentis dei viriliter ex. ilium spiritum N § ante circulum in as. et per sanctos (the throne) and p owerful. Corah. § Italics are JHP marking where Folger differs from H. and by this name Primeumaton + tota celi milicia com. Primeumaton. which also occurs later in this paragraph. that you constrain and confine that Primeumaton + quod Moyses nomina. which Moses named. and Abiram." . ( spirit) . con. sight before this circle. t In left marg. and into the lake of fire and brim- omnibus constringite et coarctate ilium N stone. remain until the dreadful day of the final trum ad faciendum voluntatem nostram judgment.: "w" glyph. m o st ob stinate nostram per implere. . Dathan. + Adonay + S aday + the most bilem cito et sine mora ante hunc circu. constringite. constringite ilium N . without delay. constrain him. and he commands eritis et constringatus ilium venire affa. et voluntatem this will b e to yo u . et in stagnum ignis et curse you. unless you obey.* and in the profundum abissy. et vsque. you . and do bind you in spiritum ilium N cito et sine omni mora the depth of the bottomless pit. imperat do our will in all things that will please vobis + Adonay + Saday + Rex regum us. loco et gaudeo vestro vsque in Korah. by potentissimus et tremendissimus cuius these names.: " 1 65". i[n] fire. forma pueri tres an nos nati. Adonay] + Amioram + . Adon ai + Zeb aoth + vires nulla subterfugere potest creatura. to appear before this circle. imperat vobis + Adonay + main with you. constrain him. why do you delay? ael + El + El + a + Hy + Hau + Hau + Hasten! He commands you + Adonay + Hau + Va + Va + Va + Va + Saday + the King of Kings + El + Aty + Titeip + Azia + Hin + len + Minosel + Achadan + Vay + Vaa + Ey + Haa + Eye + Exe + Ael + El + El + A + Hy + Hau + Hau + Hau + Va + Va + Va + Va+ . below it " 1 66. and deprive you of your of- sulphuris. let doleful ruin gite. and constrain lis miserabilisque et ignis in perpetuum that N. and we bind you into eternal in omnibus prout placuerit nobis. m ighty and terrible King of Kings . we in ignem eternum. tandem ruina flebi. to stringite. in the ergo ilium in nomine + Ado nay [ + Ze. et ilium. quid tardatis and misery. Adonay + Amioram + . Constrain and compel that N. nisi constringatis et coarctetis fice. there to venire ante circulum hunc in aspectu nos. baoth + Adonay] + Amioram + constrin. t * Psalm 1 06: 1 7 recalling Num. strain. and fulfill our wishes. therefore constrain him. . and place. dan + Vay + Vaa + Ey + Haa + Eye + Exe. PART 1: THE U RG I A 277 ab officio. . form of a beautiful boy of three years. com- diem iudicii vos ponimus. lum in asp ectum n ostru m in p u lch ra whose power no creature is able to resist. constringite delay. constrain. ad ultimum power of that name Primeumaton. to come affably and without inextinguibilis vos manet. j oy. con- vobis pertinacissimis futuris nisi obedi. and unquenchable fire re- festinate. to come and appear to our Adonay + Amioram + constringite. unless you constrain and compel per hac nomina Adonay + Zebaoth + that spirit N. et religamus manding the whole host of heaven. constrain that N . Saday + Rex Regum + El + Aty + Titeip in the name of + Ado nay [ + Zebaoth + + Azia + Hin + len + Minosell + Acha. in right marg. 1 6:30. and guide me. which grantest some of thy holy angels gently to assist thee. A guardian angel. viz. so be it. that in thy rigorous and just judgment. that I may merit and deserve amongst the sheep of thy flock. without whose licence scarcely will appear any spirit or angel come to fulfill your desire. nunc et in eternum [ "now and forever" ] . These be they: 1 Ormell 2 Teygra 3 Danall 4 Salerica 5 Asmoe 6 Pascari 7 Boell These are to be called on this wise: 0 noble and most renowned Senators. now to direct me in all god­ liness. 0 blessed angel. or rather slip ­ pery passage unto death. Note: in every hour you call. committed unto thee by grace from above. and chiefly to rid me from the whirl­ pit 407 of sin and wickedness. T H E B O O K OF O B E RON This being done. and that he may be obedient unto me and to my call. and that in every of the three quarters. and especially to this office to the which thou art appointed. a spirit that shall serve me and fulfill my re­ quest and desire. I most humbly beseech you. . and com­ mandest some to serve men and that here on Earth. God for ever and ever. now save. So be it. and south. 407. then call upon the seven senators. and to stir me up daily to virtuousness. therefore I N. albeit notwithstanding thou speak not personally with me: yet I beseech thee now to pre­ serve me both in soul and body. that I may here in this shadow of life. which being done and nonappear­ ance be had. prosper and direct these my doings. and that this be done. you shall cense the book. you are to be regarded with a good aspect. and all about the circle. defend. 0 noble and magnificent Senators. messenger of God. so behave myself. who liveth and reigneth with thee in unity of the Holy Ghost. Note that the associates must say this prayer also. whom I shall call or name to come unto me.. now pray you to have N. before whom continually you sing without ceasing songs of great and unspeakable joy. by the obedience you bear to the Immaculate Lamb which sitteth on the seat. and that to the pleasure of the most highest. Th en say towards the east: 0 God. when there shall be one fold of men and angels. 0 thou sweet angel which remaineth with me. 406. Whirlpit: whirlpool. favourably and mercifully grant thy angel committed to me 406 for the custody of my soul. saytng: 0 thou angel which art my keeper. west. read the strong conjuration. north. and through Jesus Christ our Lord. grant me to have such a one. which the master must have on his breast covered with a silk cloth. After this. Sloane 3846. 36674. These are the signs* and names.409 These be meat. secret of secrets and who dares to speak cens et rebellis signis et nominibus tri. musk. Compare Raziel. This section is repeated on Folger p. Amber. when4 10 the spirit cometh. e. Greek incense. so oft as the master doth show the scepter with the lamina unto the spirit. and amber. forget not to make such fumigations that delighteth the spirit. lignum aloes. and gladness to the spirits of the air and gathereth them together and urgeth them to appear as sayeth Hermes. continually must the master look on his book. say this: Hec sunt signa et nomina seecreta se. muscha lazerat." . during the which reading. the cretorum et quisquis erit eis contradi. : " 1 66. costus. 6v. 409. PART 1: TH EURGIA 279 [ 1 07] The consecration and fumigation of the circle This done. myrrh. the blood of a lapwing. Note. 1 3v. crocus & bloud of a lapwinge with thimiamate. 4 1 0 . mastic. 1 40r: "Hermes said there is not such suffumigacions for to inclepe Spirits as Ambra & lignum aloes. or else some other perfect one. These are collectors of spirits and placaters of them. which will move him to his circle. as at all other times. costus. Now. and then will he obey and grant thee thy desire. read the proper conjuration belonging to the spirit. galbanum. Come therefore * In marg. Fumigations that rej oiceth spirits 408 Here.g." Agrippa quotes this in OP book 1 chapter 43. you must do it with great reverence and obedience to God. [ one] of the fellows must heave up the covering of the pentacle.. and that will urge him a body. crocus. 63. Additional MS. In marg. fol. if he does not appear. sandalwood. and let the seer be circumspect in the view and tell what he seeth. mustus. and show it to the spirit. against and rebel against the signs and umphatoris qui totum regit et gubernat names of the conqueror who rules and mundum rebellis erit venias ergo [space] guides the whole world. and frankin­ cense. 408. or touch the lamina. drink.: " 1 67 :' Compare Sloane 3847. if there be any. otherwise all is in vain. in quacunque parte brimstone. venite venite venite ad viden. delay. I exorcise and p owerfully nomina ipsius + Pneumaton + Ade . . 1 3v: . come and b ehold durn seecretissima secretarum et ineffa. et cum non apparuerint exaltet vocem suam sibil[??] magnum exeat " cum magna impetu (?) quasi aerem verberans undique socios iterum iteratur et voce firmissima dicat . rnaton + Adepleniton + Adonay + Ze­ homos + Zofyn + Agata + Bycol + Ycos baoth + Amioram + Comiceron + Seda­ + ut rnihi alicui sociorarn rneorum ali. say: 4 1 1 Coniuro te N per corroboraturn no. . et per omnia old. and with­ forma pueri tres annos nati venias. and by all his names + Pneu­ oram + Comiceron + S edalay + To . Do not tardetis. and in a very firm voice. . ening name of God EL + strong and osarn et arniabile tibi irnpero ut nulla wonderful. 0 N out any deceit. by H e who spoke and it pleniton + Adonay + Zebaoth + Ami. forever burning. Compare Sloane 3847. from whatever rnundi sis. and behold the names * These last seven names appear on Folger p. but complete trurn Iusserit alioquin a dignitatibus ves. . the master should raise his voice. . . which flogs the air everywhere. all that we have ordered. 0 N. . " It is tempting to connect this to the magic whistle. . Corne. come mundi sis. me or any of my associates. in the form of a child three years eurn qui dixit et factum est. fable signs. otherwise we tris te privabirnus et in stagnum Ignis et will deprive you of all your dignities. mora facias et sine strepitu et omnia fal. I conjure you. et in aliqua parte rnundi non part of the world you may be. lay + Tohomos + Zofyn + Agata + Bycol quod rnalifacias sed omnia perfeceris per + Ycos * + that you do [ + no ] wrong to inde ac nos iusserirnus vel aliquis nos. and also in the last paragraph of Sepher Raziel liber Salomonis (Sloane 3846 ) . these most secret of all secrets and inef­ bile signa et non respuas respondere. If he still doesn't appear. 0 N. and expel a magic hiss­ ing (or whistle ) .280 T H E BOOK OF O B ERON hie coram nobis in quacunque parte [ space] here before us. 6 1 . veni ergo et vide nomina et therefore from whichever part of the signa consecrata summum triurnphatrem world you may be. command you. sulphuris te precipitabirnus eternaliter and cast you into the pit of fire and comburendurn 0 N. virtuous and adored by you. I command that you come with no fur­ latia et ab sque omni deforrnitate in ther delay and without noise. 4 1 1 . and do not turn away from answering. was done. come. 0 N . and without any defor­ te exorcizo et potenter tibi irnpero per rnity. by the strength- mine dei El + forte et adrnirabile virtu. 8 1 v. veni. first towards the East: Ubi es N spiritus veni. saying these words. t Compare Sloane 384 7. This say in the four parts If he does not appear. the master should reform the circle and project the whistle towards the four quarters of the world." ] Similarly Mathers. t * Compare Michael 276. Sloane 3847. compelled to obey us. make no further delay. whereby your associates have stood out. PART 1: THEURG I A 281 [ *summi triumphatorem] et per virtu. If he has not appeared. 6. and respond to our questioning. 1 7r. et nomina creatoris. 3 3 : uenite et uidete celestia signa et sitis testes coram altissimo inobedientie horum spirituum qui uestri socii extiterunt. and then slash the air with the sword. veni. comburent in eternum. chap. and come with­ spondeas. Key of Solomon II. Aubrey 24. ? Come.* Again and again I ex­ nomen + El + forte et admirabile ut o rcize you and command you by the nulla mora facias. e Where are you. in the form of a child three years old. Key of Solomon I. 1 7v. 1 7v. which words from ierunt tibi ignis ferventissimus que te my mouth are a burning fire to you.* * Compare Sloane 384 7. towards each of the four quarters of the world. iterum the names of the creator. the master should rise and strongly reassure his associates. [ «Come and behold the heavenly signs and bear witness before the Most High of the disobedience of these spirits. 0 spirit N . and the names atque iterum te exorcizo atque impero of the angels whereby your associates per potentissimum atque coroboratum have come forth. et sine strepitu et most powerful and strengthening name omni deformitate venias informa pueri + El + strong and wonderful. and consecrated signs of the most high tern eorum nobis obedire tenearis sint conqueror. and in all adj oining. vide celestia signa ineffabilia singularia come. and by that power you are que verba que de ore nostro [ *meo ] ex. that you tres annos nati. et nobis ad interogata re. et nomina signs and ineffable singular names. out loud noise or any kind of deformity. and bending his knees towards the North he should say: . come and behold the celestial nomina. and angelos qui socii tui extiterunt. which will burn you eternally. et cum omni discretione our will in all things." t There is a blank space here. nostro rebellis fueris tu in turpissimam but if you are slow and rebel against our I lepram cades et in turpissima mo rte Creator. I constrain and bind iuro et exorsizo ut ad nos sine terrore et you [ ? ? ? ] . burning flames.282 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON In Nomine + Adonay + Eloe + Sa. con.. 1 8r. God. et Adonay + sigillo Solis et God EL + strong and wonderful. and Lune 0 N Te constringo et ligo [ ?? ? ] tibi Adonay + with the sigil of the Sun and precipio te coniuro et terribiliter. I will rewrite your name. and exor­ Tetragramaton + et per nomen ineffa.: (( 1 67. from whatever place dum totam nostram voluntatem supplex you are. mitate de quovis loco ubicunque vis sis that (you come) to us without terror or occurras ante circulum hunc ad facien. ita ut in eternum affligare. Iterum Coniuro te N et exorsizo te per and throw it down in flames of brim­ nomen + Ia + Ia + Ia + quod interpreta. stone. Then the master may rise and spread out his arms.. almighty king of Israel. 0 N . 4 1 2 . nobis obediens in omnibus. In the name of + Adonay + Eloe + baoth + Saday + qui est dominus deus Sabaoth + Saday + who is the Lord God excelsis omnipotens Rex Israeli N. and bit ex ipsa dei presentia coniiceris et in in fire which will burn and lay waste to flamam ignis in flatus eris nomen tuum you.t I order you. 4 1 2 Coniuro te N in quacunque parte I conjure you. by the most ratissimum nomen + dei El + forte et powerful and strengthening name + of admirabile. Again I conjure you N. .* in whatever part mundi sis per potentissimum et corobo. ob eying in all things. humbly and agree­ discretus. God" and * In marg. leprosy. . and die a most foul death. cise you by the name + Ia + Ia + Ia + bile quod es + Iah + hee + he + vau + et which means "God. of the world you may be. and cast you from the presence of rescribam et in igne sulphuris et eorum God. 0 N. as if to embrace the air towards the four quarters of the world. any fear or ugliness. and terribly conjure and exorcize you. Compare Sloane 3847. and discreetly with all discretion. you will fall into the most foul morieris et in igne quite vret et devesta. 0 N. to come before this circle to do et mansuetus. absque omne metu et sine omni defor. I conjure you. j ust as you will be eternally af­ tur deus deus deus et p er nomen + flicted. . may yo u be with us. quod si tardaveris et creatori ably. and your name will be blown into p eriiciam. sis on high. the Moon. recite the Gospel of John. Now when you have your desire. show him the exorcised pentacles which are on your chest. "In the beginning was the Word. which. erfully. let the master say. and wash their faces with water and hyssop. because he might be bound with chains of iron or fire. and be peaceable and silent. when he seeth.. 4 1 5 . Compare Mathers. [ "go in peace. In marg: " 1 68 . [ 1 08 ] How to call Now when he is come.c ommand him to calm down. Key of Solomon. for undermining (?) in love. and Holy Ghost. (Athanasian Creed) . In nomine patris filius et spiritus sanctus amen. and has dominion over all fires. et pax sit inter nos et te. you should add to the conjuration that he should at least send a messenger to declare how they are occupied. 4 1 3 . etc. 4 1 6. and without any deception. and let there be peace between you and us. say ''Whoever will be saved" etc.4 15 one after another. in the name of the Father. or why have you brought me here?"413 Then the exorcist. with an air of indignation. JHP believes this is adapted from the standard closing words of the mass. Then the master should make a fragrant odour. You may ask for whatever you wish. Book 1 and of chapter 7. he will bow the knee and say. which is + Iah + Hee ignem dominantur ut ad nos venias + He + Vau + and by the name or in the cum celestia veritate et non cum ali qua name of the fire which reigns most pow­ falcitate. And if he might be in any part of the world. And note. by this name + Tetragrammon + and by tentissimum regnat et sup er omnem the ineffable name. Son. Then they may leave the circle. that you come to us with heavenly truth. Vade in pace in locum tuum. PART 1: THEURGIA per nomen vell in nomine ignis qui po. the silence given. The last part of the sentence seems to be corrupt. and he should cover the pentacle. "I believe in God" etc. (Apostles' Creed) . should . no spirit will dare to make any delay. and they may return to their other clothes and business. "What do you want." 4 1 4. and the Word was with God" etc. .416 etc. Amen." ] 414 Afterwards. but so the parallel texts in various Clavicula manuscripts. Adepleniton.: ((These maled. and a fire should be kindled with sulfur. Lamed. is set downe fol. Cheth. Michael 276. Daleth. tremble.. and by these names of his. Ayin. Menene. * In marg. F o m e . can destroy you. Costin . Zayin. and Additional MS. tremble with fear and dread. 0 N. Ay. Perasac. Mem. liter obedit et pavere ac timore omnis whom all creatures humbly obey. asode. Gimel. 56. 2. and eorum creatura contremiscit et in eis to." And then throw the paper into the fire and say: Maledictus et blasphematus sis N May you be perpetually cursed and p erpetualiter et in pena eternaliter et blasphemed. and other foul smelling things. Shin. t So Aubrey 24. if you do not verbis que dicuntur de illo qui cremere immediately obey the words which are facit orbem. to the lake of fire and sulphur. and in eternal pun­ nulla requies sit in te in aliqua hora nee ishment. Nun. Costin. sameth. namely: Aleph. and soil it with mud. * In this Clavicula prototype this is the list of letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Patir. T H E B O O K OF O B ERON And if he is rebellious against the exorcist and is unwilling to come. 49v. ay. Qoph. Beth. 1 0862. si statim non eris obediens any time by day or night. Mem. Coniuro te ignis per ilium qui orbem I conj ure you 0 fire* by him who contremere facitt quatinus spiritum makes the world tremble. these names which are mem. . He.* By these names graciis et priorum virtutem in stagnum I curse you. fome. patir. and relegate you profundum abissi te religamus eternali.. these subditos destruant: que sunt hec Ade. ey. Kaph. ffy. Tau. callefacias et comburas ita quod and burn up this spirit N. the deepest abyss. Vau. and may you have no respite at die nee nocte. names of him who created you and who pleniton. then write his name on paper. Samekh. now and forever. horn. Tzaddi. Asode. lameth. Vod. Ey. and say the exorcism. Yod. Sameth. will feel it forever. vo d. Teth. pitch. Perasac. and thus he in sua persona sentiat eternaliter. and deprive you of all ignis et sulphuris ut hostem [ *usque] t in grace and prior powers. that you heat ilium N. 3 5 p. 0 N. et per hac nomina istorum spoken by him who made the world nominum quibus omnia creatura humi. maledicimus et privamus ab omnibus Ffy. Resh. 83v. and into ter nunc et in eternum. which can nitrua et fulgura sunt creata que te et tuo subdue the thunder and lightning. p e r i s t a nomina te N Lameth. menene. Pe. and while the malediction is reading. nor be made subject. 4 1 9. read the invocation or conjuration for the four kings: 0 Urieus. and burn these names and pictures of these obstinate. grieve. Oriens. Which being done and yet the spirit not come. etc. filth. etc. for that something may be pol­ luted. and there let them burn. once beginning. Then without delay they will come to you from everywhere." Then rewrite their names. waste. etc. and then no doubt. etc. that shalt be master in this work. doing with them in every re­ spect as was done with the spirits. torment. secret. and at last throw them into the fire maledicted. wicked kings. Grave: engrave. that all is before said may be most perfectly done. and perfume it with fragrant spices. rags. be sure to have all needful necessaries.. 4 1 8. saying over the fire this: Coniuro te ignis et exorciso te per illum qui orbem contremere facit [ " I conjure and exorcise you. hold them over the fume. as before is said. write their names. then will he be obstinate and delay his coming to the end to put thee from thy purpose. The spirit being excommunicated. and grave41 8 or in paper make his picture. but and if the spirit do. PART 1: THEURGIA 28 5 Orders for the excommunication 417 Write the spirit's name. . observe the ob­ servations. rebellious. which term being expired. whoever thou be. 4 1 7. or the first time he was called by the book. convenient time. asafoetida. stubborn. Know thou.: "w" glyph. Hore: dirt. . make their pictures. let him so continue by the space of twelve hours. but put thy trust in God. 0 fire. and profound. prosecute and persevere. and unbelieving mates of that great and unhappy prince Luciffer. and you will have them granted. it may be the first month that he was called. and in as much as in thee lieth. but thou shalt prevail. and at length obtain thy purpose. leather. and ask for your desires.419 eat's turds. but therefore dismay not thyself. reveal the pentacle. Paymon et Egine. wherein must be put brimstone. Note that the fire must be made with coals not consecrated. an in­ tent to persevere and not to give over until thou have thy purpose. saying "0 Lord and prince. that thou. if thou speed not at the first or second time. hore. and make a fra­ grant fire. through him who makes the universe tremble" ] and by him whose presence made the infernal powers to quake. and the reason may be. deliver us from this punishment. and disobedient spirits. 0 fire and angel of the most high God be now and from henceforth and that forever maledicted and ac­ cursed. a fit place. pitch. wherefore. un­ derstand that thou once faint and mean to give over. and yet the spirit not come. In marg. Amaymon. high. Paymon and Egine. and elects of God curse thee. and shapes most cursed may be afflicted. and therein cast their names and pictures being newly written in paper or parchment. conjurations. prophets. in all countries. and Egine . the licences. and in right marg. and then rest by the space of six hours. in all ages. fiat.. 0 fire. all holy patriarchs. 420 in the bottom­ less pit. In left marg. so be it. Oriens. Archangels. the Father curse thee." . suffering the same to consume and burn. all benedictions and blessings of God the Father. and a fair new fire being made with sweet savours. Fiat. and odious lake. pitch. and I now by the power and authority of my own priesthood. then anew write his name and pic­ ture. the Son curse thee. confessors . all Angels. throw into this maledicted fire. 0 fire. so their proper p ersons. Principates. the curse wherewith Cain. and the Holy Ghost curse thee. But if they nor none from them come not after the twelve hours being expired from the excommunicating of the spirit as before. vex. and Egine etc. so that even as thou. Cast the same in and say in the four quarters. and for their merits Vriens. fiat. the names and pictures of these four kings. Amaymon. and Dominations curse thee. and make thee of such power that thou mayest persecute. threats. most justly provided. forms. All the powers of heaven. and indignations of God curse thee. and that by the power and virtue of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the fire and light of all mankind. and shall be in the church of God . and in all times now and forever. the whole world. being mixed with the odours before spoken of. Acerbitly: harshly. and unspeakable punishments. Potestates. that they may be urged thereby to come running and appealing to me for help. [ 1 09 ] and that most acerbitly. being just plagues and punishments of God ordained. burn. and Judas were cursed. Seraphim. and consume so the names of these rebellious and wicked kingly spirits. deep dungeon. martyrs. are. Powers. apostles. and requiring to be released of their anguish. Amaymon. during which time if they come any one of them.: " 1 70. or at least burn and consume them.: "w". and virgins curse thee. curse thee. the Son . and curse thee again.286 THE BOOK OF O BERON Amaymon. or any others sent from them. curse thee. having the sword and scepter in thy hands: 420. 42 1 . and other mat­ ter increasers of those flashing flames. waste. Paymon. then burn fragrant savours. and by the virtue of all other priests that have been. dost grieve and vex their names. the Holy Ghost curse thee. sorrow. After 421 you have this done. 0 fire. which continually and without ceasing lea­ veth not off to burn with unquenchable fire mixed with sulfur. Cherubim. Paymon. and say: Ecce conclusionem vestram nolite Behold your conclusion if you are fieri inobedientes. with us. which is closer to H.. Alpha + Congor + Coron +. Ubi es N. and LIH . spiritus veni veni veni. in nomine + domini Bachat + your master. quorum virtute six fires which burn before the face of stelle lunem capiunt. obeying in all things. 0 N in nomine + Adonay + Eloy + 0 N.56. disobedient. which you were damned. you late? 0 N. . and Folger p. 24. This done. namely fire. Where are you. Rex Israel sis nobis obedi. come. namely + Nodgor dorio + piri + et per sex Angelos ante + Romathi + Laromathi + Dimider + * Reading cccreavit caelum et infernum in sex dies. 1 24. by the power of which the Moon Romathi + Laromathi + dimider + gri. and stars are captured. + didragramay dagamay + Saday + Ya + Yoth + et per ( or dydagamay) + Saday + Ya + Yoth + hec sex nomina quorum virtute sit celo. King of Israel may you be ens in omnibus. 0 spirit N. in the name + of the Lord vel Vachat + Snyer [ *super] + Abrac + Bachat + or Vachat + rushing upon + Ruens + super vivens + Abeor + sny Abrac + surviving + Abeor + over + Ab- [ *super] + Aberer + erer + * Compare H. Aqua et terra. viz + Nodgor + God.1 25 . and by these six names by the power of rum et Infernus sex diebus + dodrast + which he [ +created] Heaven and Hell in gimel + ditro + Alpha + Congor + six days:* + Dodrast + Gimel + Ditro + Coron + . here begins the bonds over the four elements which must be read for all experiments. come. Then show the pentacle. et p er sx Ignis ante conspec. and earth. 0 you four elements. 0 vos Elementa quattuor viz Ignis. LIH CXXXI II. Aer. air. in the name + Adonay + Eloy + Sabaoth + Sadaym + qui est dominus Sabaoth + Sadaym + who is the Lord deus excelsus." . and by the tum dei comburentes. PART 1: THEURGIA Quid tardas? moraris? quid faci [ ti] s Why do you delay? * What is making 0 N preparate ipsum et obedias precep. . I exorcise you by these quattuor nomina dei quorum virtute four names of God by the power of vos dampnum.. ? Come. vos exorcizo per hac water.God on high. + didragramay vel dy. prepare yourself to obey torie tui. " Folger: ((sit celorum et Infernus sex diebus. et per resurrectio. showing the precedent of Chris- nem suam. also accepit in flumine Iordanis ostendens by Smargeon + with the power of which exemplum Christianitatis. sion of the generation they encounter. urrection. and by his glorious res- rabilem assencionem suam. per pri. (and) by the salvation of Sulon + Nocdi + Rimeloth + e per admi. et per Mylmo + and the names of God + Reggo omnia que que de nobis. + parcoth + Vstiron + Nos. by his tern accepit. living creatures walking before God . mum dei adventum. Jordan. and by the throne where he sits capit altitudinis + Noscor + Retulo + qui Aymaelion + and by Him who makes his venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos. fasting. angels. and by his circumcicionem. with the p ower of + Breri + tate continentur universalis ecclesia. et crucem suam in qua mor. spirits.288 THE BOOK OF O B E RON Tronum dei cantantes cantica nova qui. culi generacionis continantur moventer having eyes in front and back. et per tro . and by his circumcision. and by these most sacred num ubi sedet Aymaelion + per eum qui names + Dupo + Sulon + Nocdi + facit Angelos suos spiritus et ministros Rimeloth + and by his admirable ascen- suos ignem comburentem qui virtutem sion. and by his passion. and by his et per gloriosam resurrectionem suam. and his ministers a burn- Invirtute + Breri + Mylmo + et nomina ing fire which captures the power of the dei + Reggo + Miso vel dusperha + height + Noscor + Retulo + who will Palusper + Noroth + Tetragrammaton + soon come to judge the living and the Vilgo + Nycetus + Lillo + quorum pates. + Meaning unclear. etiam per smargeon the sea and the air are moved. et per suam speaking Adam became flesh. invirtute Stelco + Miso vel dusperha + Palusper + + et suo potencia et per excellenciam Noroth + Tetragrammaton + Vilgo + * Compare Revelations 1 4:3. the human race. tianity. and by his cross. t Compare Revelations 4:6. per ieiunium suum. et baptism which was taken in the river per passiones suas. Perth + Pariel + Cutro + and by the six cia. per salute humani generis. et per Baptismum quod Arro + . dead. quorum virtute visum capiunt oc.t by the mare et ayer. power of which the eyes capture the vi- sor + Surth + detriell + Arro +. Gridorio + Piri + and by the six angels bus totus mundus salvificabitur + Uriel singing new songs before the throne of + Asturco + Ronos + Perth + Pariel + God with which the whole world will be Cutro + et per sex animalia ante deum saved * + Uriel + Asturco + Ronos + gradiencia occulos ante et retro haben. where he et per hac sanctissima nomina + dupo + accepted death.+ + Parcoth + cui us virtute Adam factus loquebatur + Vstiron + Nossor + Surth + Detriell + carnationem. . by the first advent of God. resurrection. Seraphin which we know to reign with tho + et ditroel + Nondoel + Nemper + the nine names and orders of + Angels + quorum [ 1 1 0 ] virtute nascitur deus de serph + Velco Pitros + Vertes + Velio + Maria virgine . by the power of almighty God without trickery or deceit. et p er Gulprul + cuius Verlery + Nagel + Anero + Nisanl + by virtute veniant et integra et pura corpor the virginity of the blessed Mary whose a nobis accipiant et visibiliter appareant chastity is Innortho + and Ditroel + mihi iste spiritus N cum omnibus sociis Nondoel + Nemper + by the power of potestatibus et virtutibus ad obediendes which [ 1 1 0] God was born from the Vir­ mihi Ita quod in vobis nullam inveniam gin Mary. come and take whole and pure bodies. and without any in­ jury to my body or soul. et ates. . powers. . with the power of Stelco + and per Sancta Cherubine et Seraphin quem with its might and by the excellence and scimus regnare cum novem no minibus greatness and dignity. Therefore because I will discover no mee Amen. duke s . And if you invoke more spirits include this: . and virtues. PART 1: TH EURG IA et maiestatem et dignitatem quas scimus Nycetus + Lillo + which hold the power servare invirtute + polio + dydagramay of the Universal Church. cipiant et visibilliter mihi app areant and may those spirits and kings appear istus spiritus et reges cum omnibus visibly to me. loqui + and by the sacred Cherubim and tern beate Marie cuius castitas est Innor. obedient to sine omne lesione mei corporis et anime me. and all which is + ditro + Northi + Paldo + Palloqui + et from us. Amen. d o m e stic p owe r s .appear visibly before us with all associ­ nipotentis sine dolo et sine mendacio. eo rum ministris p rincibus. with all their ministers. ducibus p r i n c e s . quatin us vestram virtute veniant as far as your power may they et integrum et purum corpus a nobis ac. which we know to et ordinibus + Angelo rum + serph + protect with the power + Polio + Dydag­ Velco pitros + vertes + velio + verlery + ramay + Ditro + Northi + Paldo + Pal­ Nogel + Anero + Nisanl + per virginita. cunque illis precipiam invirtute dei om. defect in you unless he may come visibly and humbly in human form accom­ plishing whatever things I will order.and pure bodies. and by Gulprul + by the power defectum quin visibilliter et humiliter of which may they come and take whole veniat in forma humana facturus qui. and may this spirit N. . Solomon's seals. chalk. coals. and their characters. two rings. the plate of copper having thereon pictured the spirits. visibiliter et humiliter et non terrebiliter with humility and not terror. one of copper. etc. lean upon his sufferance. candles. acknowledge him to be almighty. a sword. tewisons. sprinkle. a table. oils. Sprinkle: a sprinkler for holy water. a chair for the master. Then provide an honest consecrated priest. three honest associates. blood. 426. Pannell: a band worn on the priest's left wrist. or protections. in human form. a tablecloth. ashes made of a palm stick hallowed on Palm Sunday. a cover for every one of the seven planets. standish. holy water bucket. 424. palm crosses. Solomon's pentacle. Standish: an inkstand. Th e necessaries for this art of Necromancy First have faith422 in God. in the one must be written Tetragrammaton. ink to write orderly prepared. repent truly. a copper needle. confess thy sins. spices or odors for the same. seven plan­ ets. 423. and fulfill enerirnell. 426 water. stole. and lesione omni mei corpus et anime mee [ + without] any harm to my body or etc. do work of charity. fannell.290 THE B O O K OF O B E RON potestatibus familiaribus ita quod in Therefore because I will discover no vobis nullam inveniam defectum qui fault in you unless they come visibly. censer. vellum. garments white. Unknown. and transport thyself to a better kind or shape.424 circle. soul. vestment. a crown of virgin parchment for every of the asso ­ ciates. books. humana facturi quicquid illis precipiam quickly doing whatever I will order. 425 glove.: "140. the lamina. suffumigations for the angels 422. a scepter. sede maiestatis dei [ ((the seat of the majesty of god" ] . 427 defensatives viz. salt. 427. sticks. a knife with a white haft. stoles for the associates. albs. another of silver gilt. suffumigations. use abstinence. and honourably. two white candlesticks. In right marg. a rod of correction. powders..423 and keep ob­ servations. silk to cover the lamina. . peacefully. and a cover for the same. Unknown meaning. pens. pacifice quiete et honeste veniat in forma quietly. 425. a black goat's horn. the principal's crown. in the other words to please the spirit. call for his help. four evangelists. " Then let him say: 0 Lord Jesus Christ that madest me. and in the hour of Mercury. ordures for the excommunication.. and only son. I most en­ tirely pray and beseech thee. which must be of the priest hallowed as holy water is. and say. and having used abstinence three days at the least during which time orisons have been 428 . wherewith. and of the Holy Ghost. mixed with bay leaves and lavender. unto thy similitude. and with a true believing heart on the first Wednesday of the new Moon. past. and hallow this element of water. thy holy. Amen. N. 429. and of the Son. one God. that thou wilt grant me that this water here present may be to me instead of baptism. They must use absti­ nence. and to come. PART 1: THEURGIA 29 1 suffumigations to please the spirit. Amen. world without end. an unworthy and wretched sinner. so that now thereby I N. and thou almighty Father that gavest thy only begotten son to be baptised in the flood Jordan and that of John Baptist. sanctify. which being done. and put on them their white vestments. In marg. and the same day at night let there be a bath provided of fair running water. suffumigations to urge the spirit a body. christen all thy fellows as is above said. let him take and put upon his head that it may run down to his feet. I confess it is inflicted and that by the infection of the old man. cleansed. A word seems to be omitted here. and that by the virtue of our Lord Jesus Christ. etc. Then wash all thy body in that water. etc. in the name of the Father. and that no illusions nor deceit overcome and vanquish me. that it may be a cleansing unto me now both in body and soul. true. "I christen or baptize me. may be renewed. 0 God. 428 First the master and all the associates must bleed a little. : ((w" glyph. which liveth and reigneth with thee and thy Holy Spirit now and forever. now vouchsafe to bless. and of the same being naked. and that I may be made pure from all [??? ] 429 and all manner of sins viz. and crafty assaults of Satan. and made free from all manner of uncleanness. . present. let the master confess himself unto God. clean and well smelling. 0 Jesu. in the disposition of working of it. bind. constrain. thou mayest not come to this work neither contemp­ tuously or temptingly. I.: " 1 4 1 . there is to be required clemence 431 of soul. [ "if God is with us. Clemence: mildness. suffumigations. 432. . In dei nomine amen [ "in the name of God . etc. or compel them. I shall show you the way of operation after the mind of some who were herein expert.. Amen. In right marg.432 and receive the benefit of absolution. .: "w" . 433. and scouring. for thou must be newly changed as in bathing. or deadly sin in thy soul. etc . washing. Si deus nobiscum quis contra nos. saying. even as though thou shouldest depart out of this wretched state of life presently. . Also thou must have cleanness of body." ] . In left marg. First you 43 0 shall understand that this art is divided into three manner of things viz." . completely committed to correcting your faults. for they think thee unworthy to call. who can stand against us ?. and made clean from sweat and all other corruptions of body. and of good savour. 2. for that thou art unclean. THE B O O K OF O BERON used. The third in fulfilling of your purpose. shaving. censer. Then let them demean themselves towards the circle. as who would say presuming to attempt to assay and prove 430. Let the associates bear the char act [ er] s. confessed of thy sins. for thou must be clean. 3. " ] . ei­ ther bodily or ghostly. Rules Hope thou must also as this. In disposition of works. Then thou433 must have cleanness of clothing. contrite and penitent for the same fully purposed of amendment. The second in the constraining of them that shall answer thee.: " 1 40. [111] 1 . the master having the sword in his left hand.e." 43 1 . for all thy clothing must be sweet smelling. the spirits will not obey thee.. for spirits therein delight exceedingly. the ring upon his little finger of the same hand and the scepter in his right hand. Wherefore thou shalt know for certainly that if thou have any spot of sin or other filth or corruption in thy clothes. in right marg. by the merits of Christ's passion of thy unfeigned faith of thy clean life and great devotion. and at every of them. Psalm. Preparing days Note: During the preparing days before thou work. trusting un­ doubtedly that. that thou shalt have grace to constrain. This is Daniel 3 : 5 7 (KJV Daniel 34 ff) . thy confession fair written. Nor thou mayest not come to this work heedely 434 or over boldly. and holy as thou should­ est go to receive the blessed sacrament of our Lord's body and blood.. The day 435 that thou goest to this work. and one of Saint Cyprian . 438. Psalm 53 . "Nunc dimittis servum tuum domine" [ "Now you dismiss your servant. 0 God" ] . thou shouldest hear three masses even to the end. "Benedicite omnia opera domini:' [ "0 all works of the Lord. Psalm 66 . Luke 2:29-32. but must have thy necessaries re­ quired in this noble craft or science of magic. I n marg. offer one penny. and that thou mayest have thine intent. one of our Lady. by your name" ] . or very subtle and false. thy answer none at all. "Laudate domini de celis" [ "Praise the Lord from the heavens "] . both of good and evil. for thou must not trust in thine own strength. . thy instruments and other necessaries. There is a blank space in the manuscript. Until thou have done. charges cast away. wherefore thou must know for certain. and let thy meat be white meat as small 436 etc. devoutly. bless ye" ] . Psalm 1 48 . time lost. 0 Lord" ] . "Mittere mei deus" [ "Be merciful to me. it behooveth thee to say these Psalms: "Deus in nomine tuo" [ "Save me. and thou in great danger. and thou must devoutly pray to the angels and to all saints to extend to thee their help and to further thy work. Also thou must go to this operation as sadly. and subdue to thy commandment all manner of spirits. thou must have also perseverance viz.43 8 and ever praise God of his infinite mercy to grant thee grace to make a perfect conclusion. thy operation shall be fearful. or scoffingly. ) 4 3 5 . temptingly. When thou enterest thy work. One must be of the Trinity.: " 1 4 1 . PART 1: THEURGIA 293 whether your experiment be true or false as one that is foolhardy. Small: from a small animal 437. Psalm [ ??? ] 437. though thou have no 434. thou must of necessity be fasting and so must continue thy work in abstinence." 436. Psalm SO . but thou must wholly trust and depend in the might and power of God. thy book. 0 God. that if thou go to this work unadvisedly. thou must demean thyself as honestly as possible thou canst. for without his grace and succours thy labour is but in vain. Heedely: giving attention (probably a mistake. "Deus miserea­ tur nostri" [ ''May God have mercy on us" ] . to compel. etc. First thou shalt call in a fair chamber quadrant and twenty or twenty-four at the most in broad in every part. and above all thou must work so secretly. east. and doubt not of good 440 and happy success. and how.. etc.. for if ever they discover the secrets thereof to any others. by the spirits' illusions or otherwise. hope to do well. The floor of the chamber must be paved. border or plas- 439. . etc. and that upon the reading of their proper invocation to the which they be sworn. to make answer and to per­ form thy intent. and south. etc. 2 . viz. etc. continue thy purpose. etc. etc. second. where thou shalt call. calls. will minister cause to urge you to in­ fringe your work and to give over your purpose. Hap: fortune. one week. 2. one month. But their nature is to prolong their coming as long a time as possible. [ 1 12] Place. third. but the so­ ciety may talk of all secrets among themselves and impart the same to the ghostly fa­ ther which must ever be but one priest. thou must neither faint. or it may fortune that the spirits that thou callest be occupied with some others that hath by constraint them bound unto him. ." 44 1 . whatso­ ever is seen or heard. method The third part is to call and constrain any spirit. for having once constrained and bound them. it may turn to your own destruction sundry ways. and so of good hap439 to despair. For it may be so that time or place is not convenient nor according to the ex­ periment or conclusion. Further know thou that spirits be very loath to be brought to subjection. a window a cubit wide or a little more. nor mistrust thy work to be unperfect or false. ever after of force they must needs be pressed to come and obey thy commandment and will. Therefore be constant and bold. person. though shalt either never or very hardily have thy intent performed. and that is the cause sometimes that they come not at the first. but determine thyself to persevere and not to give him over etc. that none know thy intent nor purpose other than such as are sworn and present at the work.: " 1 4 1 . .294 THE B O OK O F O B ERON appearance or sight by calling one hour. or to some other strong vincle 44 1 orderly done. and have a desire to see the end. west. 440.. This is divided into four parts. 2. 2... Vincle: bond. They may and as much as in them lieth. when. . Note: whatsoever is practiced in the said work or done by the workmen. north. it must not be discovered to any other earthly creature. nor the spirit to be called once in vain named. if counsel of all hands be not kept. have faith. and to be short. whom. and so by that means may defer their coming for a time. In right marg. one day. time. but dismay not thyself. thou mayest work. etc. for after the opinion of some from the change of the Moon unto the opposition. Be warned. seeing great clerks and expert herein have traveled many days as namely three. 1 4. and no good done. now thou shalt understand that thou mayest call unto the circle spirits good and bad. and if it be in the day that the Sun shine. 4. and when his own planet reigneth. and look that 442 . PART 1: TH EURGIA 295 tered very plain and close so that thou mayest make thy circle thereon. with chalk or coal. and devils of hell. see that the air be clear. moors. 6. being spent therein. as in woods. . Now I have shewed thee place and time. 3. nor where none of the seven sacraments have been ministered. and that in this manner. 4. for in that the spirit may not come. thou oughtest to work in. Wherefore select fair weather for the spirit much delighteth therein. is that spirits are more willing to appear in some waste place. or ever they could have any sight or appearance. and not near the course of men. and how. First when thou art well-disposed as is before said. and why? Be­ cause he cannot receive bodily form or shape.: '' 1 62. whom thou shalt call. for they hold opinion the place is holy where such is practiced. etc. if in the night that the Moon shine." 443. fens. and he will not lightly obey. or in any place where is no great resort. This rule is the most profitest 443 of others. or close weather. for the opinion of some expert men in this art. 8. or the skies full of stars. In marg. as 2. Also some necromancers say they have begun in the new of the Moon. choose a good time and weather according with a planet congruent to thy operation. look thou work no more until the next change. Also thou442 must understand that all times are not convenient for to work in. This house or chamber must be in a void place. downs. first celestial angels. etc. 1 2. Wherefore when thou wilt begin thy work. which being ended. but take heed of foul weather. etc. nor think for one day 2. but Solomon sayeth the most best times be the even days betwixt the change and the full. Also thou must note that all weathers are not good to enter thy work. Wherefore thou must know under what planet thy spirit is or else thou must prove every hour until thou find that is necessary and expedient.. 1 0. and it hath been thirty days' labour before they could have any appearance or answer. Also every hour is not necessary nor expedient to thine operation. spirits of the air. which mark. heath. nor come in none other hour. and that after they have once had appearance. but in the hour of his own planet. for every spirit is subject to one of the seven planets. . therefore let not this work seem tedious. Profitest: profitable. that it may be perfectly seen. that all is in vain. and in that he must needs obey. THE B O O K OF O B E RO N thy circle hallowed with all thy instruments necessary. and by all pains and passions that he suffered in his glorious body.+ * Instead o f «cum quo per ignem nominis. then must he sit down. te. saying de­ voutly and with a heavenly faith this invocation following: 0 thou444 spirit N.. Frater per virtutem sanguinis domini 0 brother. with which. or whatsoever name thou will call. by his scourging. turning his face unto thee. omnis [ «with which and by which. that this sword may be strong nere. by his beating. I conjure thee by the might of him that is almighty. by his annunciation. In marg.. cum quo p er to touch. then the master must put the ring with great devotion upon his little finger of the left hand."]. per eum qui compel the gatest of the fraudulent and venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos et evil spirits. and turn towards the place where the spirit inhabiteth. I charge thee by the might of �he Father omnipotent.* you will ipsum portas compestas. " Sloane 3849 reads cum quo et per quem . and by all the holy names of God. saying. by his tribulation. and being in the circle. I give to you hunc gladium benedictum tangere. and command thee by all mir­ acles and deeds of our lord Jesu Christ. and hold the sword as upright as is possible. all fraudulent. fraudulosae. and bound. and especially by the virtue and might of these most holy names + Tetragram­ maton + Iesu + Alpha + and Omega + Agyos + Emanuell + Agla + Usyon + basyem + Christus + Sabaoth + Adonay + panton + Craton + Ysus + Messias + Medekym + Halvecia + Hekesy + Heban + Medan + Trabema + zarohaday + flioboy + Obba + Alba + Senaphenas + and by all other names of God by the which thou art com­ manded. deliver him that shall hold it the sword. wherever thou be. Through Him who will come seculum per ignem Amen. . and by his most pre­ cious death the which he meekly and graciously suffered to redeem mankind.. etc. Having the sword. Amen. conjure. + Compare Sloane 3849. do tibi potestatem ut of our Lord Jesus Christ. I constrain." . and take the scepter in the right hand. being the master. by the wisdom of the Son most loving. t Sloane 3849: potestas [ ((the power" ] . by the holy and undivided Trinity. by the power of the blood nostri Iesu Christi. and thy fellows virtuously dis­ posed. I bid and command thee by him that is most holy. to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. hold. I thee call in the name of the eternal God. 24r. control.: (( 1 42. ignem nominis. fraudilosae malignorum through the fire of the name. by his cir­ cumcision. and by his marvelous nativity. constrained.the power. gubernare valeas . by the Holy Ghost the comforter. by his 444. 28v. viz. Discedite nunc discedite nunc dis .by the virtue of these names of God + mina dei + Agla + Agla + Agla + Tetra. ther and the Son and the Holy Ghost. In marg. and Egin. whither he brought Lucifer and bound him and brought his well­ beloved children. and how." Several pages of Sloane 3849 don't seem to be represented. Amen. but the next part corresponds with fol. when. in pencil: "See page 1 05.: "83. but when thou hast them before thy presence.: '' 143." .446 that as at this time ye depart and go to your place where God hath ordained you to abide without any great noise or storms. depart now. Amen. and by the virtue of our domini nostri Iesu Christi qui venturus Lord Jesus Christ. An invocation unto the four kings to urge and constrain a spirit 0 Oriens. and by the might and virtue of him when he shall come in the end of the world to judge both the [ 1 1 3 ] quick and dead. qui estis 4or reges potentissimi Egin. make thy conclusion. Amaymon. who will come to est iudicare vivos et mortuos et seculum judge the living and the dead and the per ignem Amen Ite in pace pax domini ages by fire. depart now. . Well now 445 I have taught thee the manner of calling: first where. to the joys of the heavenly paradise. cedite nunc per virtutem istorum no.: ((Licens.* Paymon. nos factiad Imaginem are in charge of the other evil spirits. by his wonderful resurrection and marvelous ascension. Amaymon. et per virtutem names of God. In marg. licence them to depart in this manner. 446. PART 1: THEURGIA 29 7 descension to hell. we * In left marg.AGLA + AGLA + AGLA + Tetragram­ gramaton + et per virtutem omnium maton + and by the virtue of all the holy sanctorum nomine dei. Now shall I show the last part. a. and who speritibus praeestis. out of those most painful and lamentable hellish torments. In right marg. etc." 445 . so at all times when I call or shall call you again. whom. In p eace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be be­ nomine patris et filii et Spiritus Sancti tween you and us. who are the four mighty kings of iuxta 4or partes mundi et ceteris malis the four parts of the universe. without any manner of tarrying that you come unto me and fulfill my intent. and when thou hast thy intent. to fulfill thy purpose wherein there is no more. The nostri Iesu Christi sit inter nos et vos. incense them with incense and sweet savour till they have fulfilled thy purpose." Further down in brown ink is '' 1 08" and ((w" glyph. Depart in peace. Paymo n et 0 Oriens. Depart now. In the name of the Fa­ Amen. et Egin. et corobora. and power- Oberion pertinacissimum statim et sine fully command you Oriens. and nomen + Y + et V + quod Adam audiuit.the hand of his brother Esau.which Jacob heard from the angel wres- tus et est et per nomen + Zebaoth + tling with him. ulla mora venire ante circulum hoc in Paymon. and was made wise. that you constrain aspectu nostrum in pulchra forma. et per nomen loth + quod name + Y and V + which Adam heard Iacob audiuit ab Angelo secum luctante and spoke. Amaymon. which Moses omnes fluvij ebulierunt ranas.Adonay + Ely + Elohim + Elohe + Ze- cizo vos atque potenter imperamus vos baoth + Elyon + Escherchie + Iah + Oryens. + et liberatus est de manu fratris sui Esau. et per omnia name of God. et per nomen + heard and spoke. because I command this by the familia sua. and was delivered from quod Moyses nominavit et omnia flu.named. which Aaron fuerunt in sanguinem. + El + forte et admira. tate. ] sine deformitate et pear to our sight without any delay be- tortuositate aliqua. viz and confine that most stubborn spirit pueri tres annos nati.: exorcismus spirituum aereorum. which Lot heard.blood. .fore this circle in an agreeable form. which Moses named. we exorcize you by bile vos exorcisamus et lmperamus per the most powerful and strengthening eum qui dixit et factum est. and by the name + Saday + domi [ n]us deus excelsus. and Egin .Oberion to come immediately and ap- untatem nostram. et per nomen + Elion + [+quod] Oriston + . and all * Compare H. and by the name Joth + Aaron audiuit et loquens et sapiens fac. Amaymon. and was saved et per nomen + Anephexeton + quod with his family.being made * in the image of God . et per nomen dei + Agla + liness o r deformity. [ ilium ] quia vos imperamus per namely that of a three-year-old boy. and by + Escherchiae + Iah + Tetragramaton + all the names of God . et [ +implere vol. and by the name + Eserchie + entes. and Ecerchie + Oriston + quod nominavit et by the name + Zebaoth + . [ +to satisfy our wishes. and by the mina et paludes de terra egipti verse name + Anaphexeton + . constrained and quod Loth audiuit et factus salvus cum bound. et ascend. and all the rivers were turned into erunt in domos egiptios omnia destru. et per nomen + Adonay + ful. constringite et coarc.dowed with power from God and made tum nomen dei. paymon. and by the name of God. + El + strong and wonder- nomina dei . Agla + . exor. ut Tetragrammaton + Saday + Lord God constringatis et coerctetis spiritum ilium Most High: we exorcise you. and we command you by him who Ely + Elohim + Elohe + Zebaoth + Elyon spoke the word and it was done. ] without any ug- et loqutus est.according to his will. dotati potentia dei et eius facti vol. THE B O O K OF O B E RON dei. en- untate per potentissimum. had left. Misach. Misach. and by the name + Em­ contestor.and by these three secret omnes obediunt creature. whom all crea­ nominatur. Paymon. and locusts came.all the way to hell. by Him who lo rum. [ +which ] Moses super terram Egiptios. and by the name + Adonai + . and destroyed Bel and Agla + On + Tetragramaton + adiuro et slew the dragon. I do adjure and call you to witness. and they qualis non fuit ab initio mundi. maiestatis names of our Lord. gradientia. et and by + Otheos + Ischyros + Athanatos egine per eum qui dixit et factum est. which Joshua called upon. and Egin . et per sanctos Angelos Ce. PART 1: TH EURG IA 299 Moyses nominavit et fuit grando talis. and Celo eiectus eras. probably omitted by mistake. which the three children. et per summam sapientiam tures obey. quod est and by these names.Hagios + . hagios + et sedem + Adonay + et per + and the sun stayed his course. [ +and by the name + Schema et liberati fuerunt.which Moses named. et per hac nomina et per alia manuel + . We exorcize and pow­ bentia. ] * and by Otheos + Iskiros + Athanatos + Paracle. et per nomen had not been from the beginning of the + Alpha et Omega + quod daniel nomi. usque ad infernum were delivered. and by the uncertain sea of * So H. you. et per ignem ante eius Thronum erfully command you. because of your animalia T ante sedem divine maiestatis crime you were expelled from Heaven. et occulos an tea et rete ha. te Oberion quia tua culpa de the midst of the [ +fiery] furnace. et per mare + . et per ascended into the homes of the Egyp ­ nomen + Adonay + quod Moyses nomi. the rivers brought forth frogs. living grandiens et potentiale. . sung in vivi et veri. vitreum. omnibus incertum. et comederunt named. such as qui residua erant grandini. nomina domini nostri dei omnipotentis Sidrach. et per [ +nomen] + Amathia + .the name + Alpha and Omega + . fecit. Amay­ circumstante. cui + Paracletos +. God almighty. Oberion . Oriens. which tus + et per hac tria seecreta nomina + Daniel named. et per 4or divina and true. destroying every thing. + Agla + On + Tetragrammaton tremendum dei iudicium. et Abednago land of Egypt. and by the seat of + Adonai + . and Abednego. et per nomen + Emanuell + quod which app eared throughout the whole trees pueri Sidrach. navit et destruxit bel et draconem and there was great hail.. and by the navit et fuerunt locustae. and by the dreadful day of omnipotentis dei viriliter exorsizamus judgment. and by the [ + name] + locum exorsizamus et viriliter impera. et apparuerunt name + Elion + . Amaymon. Paymon. and by all the other ante co nspectum divine . et per illud names. mus vos Oriens. T et p er earn qui Ecclesia dei spoke and it was done. devouring all that the hail in camino ignis [ +arden tis] cantaverunt. . joy. maledicimus vos. Paymo n . strain and confine that spirit Oberion to privamus vos Oriens.and fulfilling our will. and place. loco. by the yssi. had gradiens ["going" ] . et Egine ab omni officio. which Moses named. most high wisdom of almighty God we Datan + Corah & Abiron. et Egin. and deprive you prout placirit [ *placuerit] nobis. and compel that Oberion. echoing the subsequent phrase. and by Oberione cito et sine omni mora venire the power of this name + Primeumaton ante circulum. and by the four divine crea­ circulum in aspectu nostrum venire cito tures T going before the seat of the et sine omni mora ad faciendam nos. and bind you fast Zebaoth + Adonay + Amioram + con.powerfully exorcise you Oriens. and by the holy an­ et per hoc nomen + Primeumaton + gels of Heaven. in stagnum ignis et sulphuris. nisi statim and the earth opened up and swallowed constringatis et coarctetis spiritum ilium up Corah. et in virtute is. Amaymon. having eyes in front and tram voluntatem in omnibus prout behind. imperat fire and brimstone. Oriens. Dathan. hunc circulum in asp ectum nostrum by these names + Adonay + Zebaoth + * H. without any delay. making great * and possess­ spiritum Oberion ut nobis hie ante hunc ing power. and by the abyssi fuerunt profundati vell absorpti. in omnibus Amaymon. and Egin and I c o n s t r i n g i t e . et glass. per hec nomina + Adonay + final judgment day. that you con­ militia compellente.into the eternal fires and into the pool of stringite et coarctate Oberione. hunc in aspectum nos. and Abiram.accomplish our will in all things. e t c o a r c t a t e i l i um send you to the abyss of abysses until the Oberione. constrain him venire affabilem cito et sine mora ante in all things. Paymon. to appear to our sight vobis pertinacissimis futuris nisi obedi. Paymon.3 00 T H E BOOK OF OB ERON vo s O riens. Amay­ eritis et constringatis ilium Oberione mon. et usque in ultimum diem Iudicii seat of + Baldachia + and by this name + vos pono. and by the fire which is on both placuerit nobis per sedem + Baldachie + sides of his throne.come immediately and appear to our mon. Amay­ tius nominis + Primeumaton + tota Celi mon.+ commanding the wh ole h o st of trum ad faciendam voluntatem nostram Heaven: we curse you.Divine Majesty. and Egin. et sight without delay before this circle to gaudio vestro usque in profundum ab. Pay. Amaym o n . Paymon. Paymon . unless you immedi­ vos + Adonay + Saday + Rex regum per ately constrain and confine that spirit potentissimus et tremendissimus. ut constringatis et coerctetis ilium vine Majesty. T and by that which is quod Moyses nominavit. of your office. 0 Oriens. and Egin. et Primeumaton +. Oriens. et in cavernis called the Church of God. et religo in ignum eternum. which is before the face of the Di­ Egine. Amaymon. cuius Oberion and come before this circle vires nulla subterfugere potest creatura. Amaymon. quid tardatis quid tardatis. festi. con. pity. that thou bid and command N. and by the inestimable grace and goodness of the Holy Ghost. and fulfill our will. agreeable form. he commands you. to come even now unto me and that without any tarrying or delay or . . I command. and charge thee by the mighty power and virtue of the true and living God.Oberion to come immediately and ap­ nem. He commands you. constrain that Oberion. stubborn. Tan. disobedient. + Adonay + Saday + King of Kings + El [ + ] aty + Titeip + Azia + Hyn + len + Minosel + Acadan + Vay + Vaa + Ey + Haa + Eie + Exe +A + El + El + El + A + hy + hau + hau + hau + Va + Va + Va + Va +. unless Vaa + Ey + Haa + Eie + Exe +A + El + El you constrain that Oberion in the name + El + A + hy + hau + hau + hau + Va + + Adonay + Zebaoth + Adonay + Ami- Va + Va + Va + oram + constrain him!. yours in nomine + Adonay + Zebaoth + will be the most unyielding existence Adonay + Amioram + constringite. constri [ n ] gite ilium Oberio . by the mercy. the in p e r p etuum [ in ] extinguibilis vo s most powerful and most terrible. cursed. 0 Oriens. of all creatures the sanctifier. his only son and the world's Saviour. whose manet. PART 1: THEU RGIA 3 01 pulchra forma pueri tres annos nati et Adonay + Amioram + constrain and voluntatem nostram perimplere. constringite ergo ilium Oberione strength no creature can evade. imperat vobis Oriens.compel Oberion.pear to our sight before this circle in an nate. et Egine + Adonay + Saday + year-old boy. constrain him!. exorcise. other­ Rex regum + El [ + ] aty + Titeip + Azia + wise you will remain in miserable ruin Hyn + len + Minosel + Acadan + Vay + and unquenchable fire forever. namely that of a three­ Paymon. and Egin. and thou thyself being a spirit known and called by the name and title of Tantavalerion vel ["or" ] Golgathell. that rebellious. Paymon. [ 1 14] An Invocation I last 0 thou Emperor and most magnificent ruler of all spirits. why do you delay? why do you delay? hasten !. and compassion of Jesus Christ.unless you obey and constrain that stringite. + dem ruina flebilis miserabilisque et ignis Adonay + Saday + King of the kings. and wicked king and spirit and an inferior vassal of thine. Amaymon. mine and thy Creator. . 0 dead. In marg. by the same faithful promise and by the coming to judgment of the same seed promised at the last day. praying. earth. 0 noble and puissant senators. and namely by this great name. 45 1 . 449. Pas cary. Amaymon.. without thunderings. And you four kings. Trump: trumpet. to destroy all the rigor and cruelty of Satan. Jesus Christ. circumci­ sion. baptism. Tygra [. and passion. Asmo. and by him that all creatures obey. King of the South. and by him the which all the company of Heaven and angels and all the powers of hell and you spirits of the air. and thou Fen ell. that in the fullness of time he should come and break the serpent's head. or lofty winds. death. and be not slack therein. descension. 447. and fire do fear and reverence. and that he do and fulfill my will even to the uttermost of his power in such sort.] danell. Malcranus.. and name of excellent Majesty + Tetragramaton + and by all his power and might. T here is a blank space in the Folger MS. Descension: descent. by his preaching.. 450. order. as when Michael the Archangel shall blow with his trump448 unto wicked and disobedient spirits. that you do your best. the beginning and ending. even as you. by his son Jesus Christ's nativity. or tempests.3 02 THE B O O K OF OBERON hurt to me or my fellows or any other Christian or living creature. I conjure you by the promise that God made to Adam of his son. Salaryca. and Boell. and temptation. and by all his great and wonderful names effable and ineffable within this book contained. Emlon. Alphasis. water. and Egine. Rasinet.451 and glorious resurrection. King of the East.. King of the North. and again to possess and enjoy your former rooms and place from which with the great prince Lucifer for your pride and disobedience you were cast forth. 448. and come to judgement" ] . by his burial. Paymon. King of the West. do trust and certainly believe as then and at the same day to be saved. speech. and thou 0 Rodybell. viz.' ["arise. Maltrans. even as oft times I have before this time required him thereunto and that without molestation of the air. Orience. called the terrible and dreadful day of doom. lightnings. by his cross. or written in any tongue. and manner as I have commanded him. fasting. 447 Orymell. : ''w" glyph. or language elsewhere. 0 you seven Senators. blu�tering. I conjure and straightly command you by the power and authority of the most high God the Father + Alpha + and + Omega +450 the first and the last. and to fulfill my will and desire in all things. to cause and procure that obstinate and stub­ born spirit [??? ] 449 to come speedily unto me. either by sea or land.Sylquam. a most fearful and hideous voice. "Surgite mortui venite ad Judicium. miracles and holy supper. In marg. in pencil: "See 1 06. or hurting of me or any creature that ever God made other than to him by me for his good service shall be appointed him. and Rasyel. and wonderful ascension. and still shall. and virgins. quasi puer tres an nos nati ["like a child of three years" ] . and by his sitting at the right hand of his father always for us miserable and sinful wretches making intercession. or some one of you or me. confessors. twelve Apostles. 0 ye noble and royal spirits. and to bring with him and to show and deliver me. merits. or give leave to him to depart to the place appointed him by God. et postpartum ["a virgin before birth. martyrs. and that without tarrying. and further that all you. why tarry ye: why send ye him not? Why doth he not come hither and appear before me in a fair human form. PART 1: THEURGIA and by his appearing to Mary Magdalene and his Apostles. here within this circle. 452. the sum of gold or money. till I have my desire and request in each point fulfilled. as when all flesh and all you spirits whose aid I now require. patriarchs. that now we may be safe from all perils of wicked and malicious spirits whom daily wait and lie in ambush to overthrow the prosperous and most happy estate of man. . and licence. which by invocation and calling on I have and do desire. that then and there shall proceed and go forth of his mouth compared to a two-edged sword which divideth in sunder 452 and entereth in through the reins 453 and marrow by these words and by these great names of God + Indros + Adros + Edros + Esaram + Agla + El + Ado nay + Sabaoth + and by all other his holy and most virtuous names. shall stand naked and bare. and most fearful coming to judgment in the last day. In sunder: separated. 453 . and by Saint Cyprian and by all other saints of God whose prayers. bring or send or cause to be brought or sent the spirit N . Reins: kidneys. triumphant. who was virgo ante partum. and that he coming may as well answer make for his contempt against God and me calling him by the power and might of his name and names. I now here incite and charge you and every one of you. quivering and quaking before his tribunal seat and seat of singular brightness. till I obtain of him N. excogitated. [ 1 15 ] Wherefore..454 or meant. and a virgin all her life continued by all other virgins and godly matrons. and that by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ and of the Blessed Virgin Mary his Mother. 454. and by his glorious. and after birth" ] a virgin when she conceived. by your several names and offices. and desserts I now at this time require to the furnishing of my request and desire in manner and form as is before said. or hereafter to be said. Excogitated: thought up. to hear the sentence. as also to enter the circle pre­ pared for him with his name written therein and there still to remain and not to de­ part thence. In marg. conjured. 0 thou spirit N.. thou hast ne­ glected to come and appear and do my will. and thy name here written. . that this fire of hell may burn thee. etc. a. . and yet I am and will be the true and faithful servant of the everlasting and eternal God . and that here to burn in this material. and that by him that did make the world to shake. . and by him that made the stones rent. disobedience.. and thy name that here is written.. eternally. and for thy contumacy if thou do not come. and called. and say to that name. continual horror. and by him that entered the lowest parts and dispossessed devils forth of men. fire. a. . and stink.: " 1 07. and that in thine own person. that thou leave off thy delays and speedily come and that presently. and dead bodies to rise up. and the rest of the ordures for excommunicating in thy hand over the fire and say: [ + Malediction] I conjure thee. and that by the great sentence and curse of our holy church of God. and that under the smoke. 455. maledict. In marg. . I do here excom­ municate. the eat's turds. that thou may now feel thyself to burn and be pained. that now thou be excommunicated and cursed.: "w" glyph. "0 N. 0 thou spirit N.3 04 THE B O OK OF O B ERON Note : The spirit's 455 name must be written in virgin parchment. the which hath not obeyed the precepts and commandments of God. [No ]w if he come not 0 thou spirit 456 N. I command thee here to appear or ever that I do fully and effectually excommunicate or curse thee." '' 456." Then hold the spirit's name and the picture of him. and now because thou hast been lawfully cited. 0 N. thou spirit. and that by the whole authority of our Lord Jesus Christ and of all his angels and saints. and that in the likeness of a child of three years of age. I do charge and bind thee upon pain of eternal death. nor yet hast obeyed me. and that for thy stubbornness. invocated. that then. and contempt. and curse thee by the name of N. and everlasting torments and damnation. and that by the power of God et auctoritatem mihi concessa ["and permitted by my authority" ] . come quickly to the place here iuxta nos posita et pro te facta ["placed near us and made on your behalf" ] ." 457. the graves open.: 1 06. and appear here forthwith. In marg. therefore and in consideration thereof.457 Then cast the name and the picture into the fire and say. sometime an angel of brightness. there thou to abide in everlasting pains. pitch. the which being sent of Olybrius. from thy power. and here I cite and curse thee. and so to hear these words named which I have already recited. Athanasius... and yet I charge thee N. I charge thee make no tarrying. and by the nails and spear that did pier [ c] e that blessed head. and I curse and male­ dict thee. 458 . wicked and rebellious. and N. and fire. and office. and now I cast thee into the bottomless pit and hellish lake which continually burneth with ignem inestinguibile ["unquenchable fire" ] . obstinate and contentious spirit. I now yet once again do curse thee. be thou cast into the deepest and bottomless pit of hellfire. and that from hence­ forth never any remembrance to be made of thee.. and there to remain until the terrible and most dreadful day of judgment. So faithfully do I believe that thou N. and authority of God. before the face of the great true and living God. I do cite thee here to appear now at these my words and speeches. here to appear and that before me and my fellows here present with me. and that there to burn in brimstone. as thou right well knowest. I do conjure and exorcise thee by the crown of thorn. and that openly in my sight. and that upon pain of end­ less damnation. God the Son. and by the great curse of God. the great curse of God the Father. authority. yea. and that by the might of the word that Saint Margaret spake when she bound the fiend with. that thou now here. and by the curse that God pronounced to Cain and to all other cursed things. strength. Now I thrust thee.. or that now I do say my belief. the which shall come to judge the world the quick and dead and consume the same by fire. and side of our Lord Jesus Christ. so be it. and by all his whole passion and shedding of blood. now be upon thee.. and Nicene Creeds . light upon thee. and that by the great power and might of God. and that by the virtue of God. that thou by the sentence and curse pronounced by God against Lucifer. and continually rest and abide upon thee. hast no more power ne stay to abide in the same place in the which thou now art. and God the Holy Ghost. and by his great Godhead that thou N. and that from this time forward for ever and ever. fiat.458 would have destroyed her. and that thou forthwith come not to me here etc. PART 1: TH EURGIA 30 5 So thou spirit. . now to tarry no longer. 0 N. and that into the foulest and deepest pit of all the infernal powers. and here I cite and excommunicate thee. descend upon thee. by the virtue of my pater noster. Amen. all three curses being joined in one curse. Fiat. and now by the virtue. Olybrius was a government official in Antioch who imprisoned Saint Margaret and caused her to be eaten by a dragon. N. fiat. thou spirit N. but as faithfully as I do believe in the articles of the Apostles. feet. and that by all God's words and works. thou evil. and that by the name of God omnipotent. hands. and namely by virtue of mine own holy priesthood. and by the merits of Saint John the Evangelist. In marg.: " 1 08. spirit N. even to this moment. Thrones. 0 spirit N. 0 N. and by the merits of Saint John the Baptist. Seraphim. that thou come speedily. which cease not but continually cry and laud and praise God.]" 460. by Urim and Thummin. spirit N. Saint Lawrence. and by the Ark of God. Mary Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. 463 . is or may be done." 46 1 . "Sanctus. holy. and by Esau. Sanctus dominus deus Sabaoth +" ["Holy. and that most high and blessed virgin of all virgins. vestments. by his five books. and Potestates. which I have received by authority from above given unto me and by all the elect of God. Amice: hat or hood worn in religious orders.. and by the Sun and by the Moon. and that by all the doctrine and by all the faith that hath been and is in Christendom that God hath instituted. torments. and by the eight beatitudes. Collects: a shortened form of "acolytes.. and griefs. by his rod and pot of manna. sacred. and by the old law and new law. before named. confessors. and that before the Throne of God.461 stools. Archangels. deacons. and by all that in them is. and virgins. spirit N. Sanctus. and by all the merits of all other martyrs. holy. Jeremiah. subdeacons. 462 . . 464. and deliver thyself from acerb it 464 banes. and cor­ poras463 with such like. by all stars. and by the righteous company the which hath follow the Immaculate Lamb's steps. and by the gifts of the Holy Ghost.306 THE B O O K OF OB ERON [ 1 16 ] Yet in the name 459 o f the great and everliving God + Tetragramaton + I conjure thee. and by all holy. Dominations. albs.462 chalice. I conjure thee by all holy men and women that be of the number of Christ's Church. and by the four Evangelists. Pannell: a band worn on the priest's left wrist. Matthew. Acerbit: bitter.. water.460 door openers. and Saint Steven. amice. collects. Luke. by the seven planets. and other necessaries as oil. and by all the goodness that hath been done. and John. and by all their virtues. . Lord God of Hosts +"] and I conjure thee. and by all creatures that beareth name. in­ cense. and Ezekiel. 0 N. Principates. and that in all the world and in all ages. canons. and by Heaven and Earth. . [a. copes. and yet I conjure thee. wine. and by all those good documents that God taught Moses in the Mount Sinai. and by the nine orders of Angels. and I do conjure thee. Corporas: the cloth on which the Mass is conducted and used to cover the sacred items afterward. sharp. and by the two Tables of Moses. saying. and by the twelve small prophets. thou spirit before named. Cherubim. fannells. carriers of the holy books. Mark. and anointed priests. and by the 459. hermits. and by the twelve apostles and all other disciples and servants of our Lord Jesus Christ I now conjure thee. and by Saint Katherine. Orience. and to have everlasting and true light. Tantavalerion." 466. : '' 1 09 [a] . Pru­ dence. and by all the marvels and miracles of God. 468. Temporantia. spirit N.466 and I conjure thee. Fear. Justice. Danall. N. Maundy: the Last Supper. and by all the joys of his blessed. fruit. and his high majesty." and by the rac [k? ] and manger that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was laid in at the time of his birth. and that by the earth. vel Golgathell. I admonish and here now constrain and command you. In marg. Pastarie. righteous. Here endeth the malediction of the special spirit. herb.. and heavens. character. the which are mentioned in the book of life. eat all of this. Asmoo. "Take and drink ye all of this. and you. and I conjure thee. et Amor [ ''Wisdom. Amaymon. Emperor of all spir­ its. for this is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many for remission of sins. and by the nine celestial lights. and stone. a spirit oftentimes before named by virtue of all and every word. N. so often here rehearsed. and by the bread that he brake and gave to his disciples in his holy Maundy. : " 1 1 [0 a] . the which were showed. Prudentia. and all others. Salarica. and storms. before said. and you four kings. earth. and that by the annunciation of Christ by his bapti [ s] m and circumcision. and I conjure you and every 465. yea. and Boell. 0 repugnant spirits. and that from the begin­ ning of times until now. and most clean Mother and Virgin.. In marg. hails. and by the firmament of his power and their virtues. I conjure thee.465 betokening the seven spirits Sa­ pientia. dews. 0 moon's globe. Alphassis. waters. etc. Timora. and by the four winds that blow in the four parts of the world. I do conjure thee. or in the air. PART 1: THEURG IA 30 7 seven stars fiXed in the tegument. In marg.. Temell or Semell.." and by the wine which he gave thus in like manner. N. I now con­ jure thee. and therein to dwell and abide." 469. and by all things that God hath created in the land of his holy name. and that by the twenty­ four Seniors. and Egine. Temperance. saying. and you seven Senators. and floods.467 saying to them.. Strength. : " w" glyph.469 Emlon Rodobell. for this is my body which shall be broke for you. Justitia. spirit N. " Take. Tygra. Fortitudo. Orymell. and by the bodies and souls that God hath taken mercy on. . and that from the most highest of all. and by all that is in Heaven. and Love" ] . There is a "-" above the a. seas. Here beginneth the conjuration of the others I conjure you 468 and I exorcize you. and by the four thousand elect. 467. and that by the ring and seal of Solomon. Paymon. and fearfulness. and the Holy Ghost. and that in the shape of a child of three years of age and in a fair proportion. .. and by all the vir­ tues that God himself hath. I conjure thee and you spirits that be afore named. here to fulfill my will etc. and by all mankind and virtues that mankind hath. and by the whole power and strength and authority of God the Father. I mean. bringing with him his burden of 100. the sum of 100.. and by all the world which was made to the laud and praise of God and our Lord Jesus Christ.000 pounds. Folger: Tetrgramaton. yet nevertheless believing in his name. and further that here he give me a just and true answer of every thing or things.. and that by all these aforesaid names and words. and the Holy Trinity. and that he enter the circle iuxta nos propter ilium factum [ ((near us made for that purpose" ] . I do conjure you and straightly command you. may be enforced to come and to speak to me. and that by the virtue and power of the first word of my belief or credo. the which here I shall now demand of him require and by the virtue of all these holy names of God + Ado nay + Eloy + Sada + Sabaoth + Saday + the which the most high Lord God almighty and great King of Israel made. presently. the Son. of as many of you that are of more power than this N . and not thence to depart until he shall be by me licenced so to do. and all the rest of the words of the same. or else the uttermost farthing of his office if it be not so much. and that by the Father. and to bring either 100. etc. and that by the most mightiest names. righteousness. To me now. all sacraments of the Church. but that you or someone of you send or cause to be sent to me in manner and form as is before said and to fulfill my petition or desire that he bring to me in good and perfect gold and silver from some region.000 etc. and the most dreadful name of God + El and + Tetragrammaton 470 + and by the glorification and laud that he hath in heaven and earth. and that without any deceit or craft.000 etc. with the twelve Apostles and followers 470. and by the virtue that God hath given to me. I conjure you Tantavalerion and all the rest afore lately remembered. most vile wretch. and that in the name of the everlasting and living God so be it.3 08 THE B O O K OF O B ERON of you. [ 117] and his unworthy servant. and by the marvelous battle that was between the orders of holy angels and Lucifer and his adherents.. that you do make no more tarrying. and that he the said N. and by all that live under his power and obedience. God's son. by the whole power and strength of our Lord Jesus Christ. the Son. and by their great holiness. now shortly and that without any tarrying you cast lots amongst you. with all other that be your messengers and ministers that you send [blank space] that he rna) come to my presence openly unto my sight in form aforesaid.000 as afore is said of good treasure.. without any longer tarrying. that now you spirits may send N. and that in lawful coin. and I conjure you and all you spirits aforenamed and here written. to me. the sum of one 100. come quickly now. come. or if he be oth­ erwise busied and cannot. planets. by the Sun and Moon. and as well past [ as?] present. who keepeth the gates of hell. that now forthwith and that without any tarrying you will suffer him to depart from you.000 pounds in gold and silver. 4 72. logicians. Three spirits summoned at once.471 0 thou Lucifer and all thy whole company. that then either his or your messenger come and show me the cause of his absence. or else be now unto you all the pain of everlasting damnation. 0 you spirits afore named. if the spirit N. and that by the virtue of the bread and wine. 0 thou Maleus. etc. and by all things that ever God made and created. but grant me now your aid that N. and that in a fair form etc. the which God hath power to fulfill this my desire. and urge him to come unto me. air. as for to come. come. and mathematicians invisible and intelligible. that now forthwith. and that with all speed that may be thought or done. PART 1: THEURGIA of yours and my Saviour Jesus Christ after his ascension made. after whom I have so sore longed. to come and fulfill my desire. in the blessed name of Jesu come. appear. come. together with one other spirit and one of the best learnedst or most skillful spirits and an expert messenger. that now you procure Oberion here to appear. and all other spirits. the Son. if he have any need. and by her blessed 4 7 1 . and that on your behalf. that now you send to me the spirit N. I now conjure you all together. and ready to obey God. or for to be laid up. nor to your power suffer none other to do any thing that may hinder my will and purpose. come. and further that the said N. I conjure you by all the goods of the earth the which are laid up. I say N. magicians. Come. 0 thou Malcranus. 0 thou Beliall. by water. I conjure you in the name of Jesus of Nazareth and King of the Jews..472 having knowl­ edge in every art or science. be with you. 0 you forenamed spirits.. N. an­ swer me truly of all such things as I shall demand of him. . that you cause N. may come unto me etc. and by the Father. and send him unto me to fulfill my will and pleasure� 0 you Prince Lucifer and all you spirits infernal.. that now forthwith and without any delay you come together and so do that I may have your succours that Oberion may come and speak with me and that by the great name of God + Tetragramaton + and by all the grammarians. or gold or silver to the same sum. and that he may be a sub­ ject unto me for a time till I shall licence him to depart. and such a one that is meet and able to serve my purpose and especially to aid and help N. appear. I now conjure you and every one of you. Yea. In marg. fire. for the sum of 100. come and appear.. and earth. that you do noth­ ing against my will herein. Lucifer. come out of all four quarters and make diligent search and inquiry for this spirit or king N. astrologians.: "w" glyph. and that by God and his blessed mother Mary Maid and Wife. stars. and constellations fixed in the con­ cave or cope of heaven. I conjure you. of the earth. Why tarriest thou? Come quickly. ] " 475. fiat + come now and obey to me and." ["The Lord's Day (Sunday). Breviarium Ad Usum Insignis Ecclesiae Sarum. "Vade et mitte hanc tunicam super corpora defunctorum. Folger p. from what place that to you shall seem best.474 and book. and that even by and by. I charge you to bring or send him. unto me etc. Now if he nor none for him come not. I charge thee. and that upon pain of the great curse of [ God] 475 to be pronounced both against thee and the rest I have before named. thereupon. ccix. that now you incontinent gather yourselves together and send to me N.. I charge you. ." ] I conjure thee. spirits of the air. 0 N. and that now by the sufferance of my Lord God. and I promise upon my credit and truth to do for thee. as when the word or second person in Trinity did yield up to his father the life of his manhood. and that by the virtue of Saint John when he said. 0 N. the said N. and by the virtue of [ 118] these words that our Lord Jesus Christ spake. the whole mul­ titude of the people come together to John. 0 N. and there leave it and so depart and go into the circle appointed for thee. 474. and water. that by the dreadful sentence that Saint John gave out against all those spirits that came not but disobeyed. I pray thee this do for me. do thy office and bring to me even to this present place. afore named. 0 N. 0 N. 0 most noble N. come. and thereupon come. . of Saint John Evangelist and by all his holy life. the spirit. 1 67. In marg. Quid vis quid petis ["What do you wish? What do you desire?" ] . and that by the power and virtue of him that made this conjuration. Compare below. and to the end to bind and constrain spirits." ["Go and throw this tunic over the bodies of the dead" ] 473 and thereby the dead bodies revived to life again. 476... .000 of good and perfect gold and silver. and through it into this circle. etc.. the sum of one 100. but that by the space of saying these blessed words and reverend names of God + Salva tor + Unigenitus + Adonay + El + Tetragrammaton + Alpha + and Omega + dybbatary + Martina + Iones + Artike + Marta + Fenibie + Lomna + Ballerake + Fasmena +Totes + Feyereth + fiat. which now cometh. "0 thou.. and within that space undoubtedly he will appear. come quickly.476 then say. that thou come and make no more tarrying. then repeat the same conjuration three or four times. I say unto thee come. and yet I charge thee again. p.. fire. I now in the name of the Father + the Son + and the 473 . "Die dominica convenit ad Iohannem universa multitudo populi. There is a short space in Folger presumably to switch ink.3 10 THE B O O K OF O B ERON virginity. and to me. fiat. thou wilt appear and come to me as certainly and as quickly as the dead bodies did appear in the holy city to di­ verse. yield to me as now thy service.: " 1 1 3 [ a. to be at the correction of these words. Oberion. so be it. now all these maledict and curse you and every of you. pitch.479 Now by God the Father almighty + and by God the Son almighty + and by God the Holy Ghost almighty. In marg. and all the rest of you upon whom I have called. and without all craft or any deceit. and by the virtue of all the words and names of God. and by the dignity of the blessed and immaculate lamb. whose succours 477." Then say to him when he appeareth Take thou to me.: << 1 1 4 [a] .000 in gold or silver or both. Rodybell. Danall. and Egyne. Fiat. and utterly I do excommunicate you. But and if he come not and appear Take thou the fire maledicted and the picture with his name." 479. Amaymon. Boell. and to be brought me and that forthwith. Tantavalerion or Golgathell. and hold those names and picture over the fire and say this curse and malediction upon them. seals. world without end. which liveth and reigneth ever one God. Rasynet. which is the sum of 100. Emlon. Amen.478 and give to me as this writing doth make mention.. whose power thou and all other spirits are made subject to man and namely to me. and by the pure and undefiled Virgin Mary. and by Jesus Christ. and feathers. Amen. and that it to be done I charge thee without all craft. and eat's turds. to come now here to answer to me. Tygra. and by all the virtues and powers of heaven.000 of good and true lasting 477 gold or silver. 478 . and you Sylquam. Salarica. or disobedience. brimstone. and that by the chiefest virtue of God. Asmoo. leather. : ((w" glyph. and you Temell. PART 1: THEURGIA 3 11 Holy Ghost + I conjure thee etc. Amen. and to the succour of the needy and helpless poor. the Holy Spirit and invisible and blessed Trinity. thereupon to go and without any tarrying to fetch to me now forthwith the whole of my request and desire. earth. Or­ ymell. asafoetida. Alpha­ sis. and the pictures and names of all those spirits thou calledst written in paper. . so that it may be to the laud and praise of God and to the relief and comfort of me and of my family. fiat. signs. In marg. and you Orience. Jesus Christ . and that is to be done. air. and characters of Solomon. I charge thee by the almighty. fiat. and that now that thou N. and hell. Pastary. old rags. Paymon. Maleranis. and that good and perfect. that is to fetch and bring me hither the sum of 100. and by the virtue of him that hath made thee. The concern was that the riches would transfer into nothing upon the spirit's departure. three persons and one God in Trinity. horror. I do yet once more excommunicate and curse you and every of you spirits most disobedient. . and virgins. and continual flashing flames.. 48 1 . do come here to me and that by and by. where there is pains unspeak­ able. Katherine. or continual burning lake. Elizabeth. deprive you of your offices and royal estates. prophets. some and all. Jesus Christ. 482. I have here in my hand written. Saint Cyprian. whom I have called and will not cease 480. and for your contumacy throw you into the eternal pain and that of all pains where I.481 or service that any of your inferiors or ministers owe unto you. and all you spirits afore named. and whose names I have recited and named. where there is darkness without any light where the seely-482 damned wretches cry night and day without knowledge of time. and all professors of this high science called secret of secrets. all and every of those names do curse you. the om­ nipotent Father. and all other creatures. throw you into the bottomless pit of hell. and by the power of his most bitter death and passion of his only son. the twelve Apostles with all godly and chaste matrons. and do clean de­ prive you of all homage. and Son of the most highest God. All angels and saints. do curse and maledict you. stench. do excommunicate you and all you and do throw upon you the great and fearful curse of the great and ever living God. confes­ sors. which is both God and Man. Solomon. given me of God. do now maledict and excommunicate you and every of you. jointly and severally. except that you. and Margaret. and I N .3 12 THE B O O K OF O B E RON I have required. 0 wicked devils and obsti­ nate spirits. will you shall remain. that most excellent and reverent name of + Jesus + unto which name all knees do bow as well things in heaven as in earth and hell do bow to and obey. whose names I have here written and hold in ill} hand. patriarchs. 0 you wicked and froward 480 spirits. Saint Ann. [ 1 19 ] and all the rest of you do know very well. do condemn you and separate you from all the rest of your company. and bring with you the spirit N.. behold. Froward: difficult to handle. and I do now. even as I throw this paper into this fire. all you whose names. by mine authority. or one of you or some other for you. the Blessed Virgin Mary with Ursula and her companions. the which 0 thou N. the son of N . and yet once again in especial. and now do I. Seely: pitiable. and every of you. Fewte: fealty. and the ineffable name of Jesus Christ. by the power and grace of the very fountain and wellspring of all virtues. and the high name of God + Tetragramaton + and the twelve excellent names of God. martyrs. do now excommunicate and curse you and all you. "Ve Ve Ve quante sunt hii Tenebre" [ ''Alas! Alas ! Alas! how great is this darkness?" ] . and now. God and all his mighty virtues names maledict and curse you. and that in great tribulation. remove you out of your places. fewte. superior and inferior. Malcranis. In marg. and this by the presence of our mother holy Church. and that now. pain. a place where is trouble and anguish. but all disorder. thou in the name of the Holy Trinity. and all you spirits before named. and Ra­ synet. and that now by the power of God the Father. God the Son. PART 1: THEURGIA 3 13 to call until he come. and yet by the authority of this name Jesus. and that by the virtue of the omnipotent God. and that in good and true lasting gold the which now is my petition and de­ sire. and by the power of God the Holy Ghost. and never come to your former roams. N. saying. 100. territory. and on all you N. or grasses upon the face of the earth. as that there be gravels or sands on the seashore. to augment your pain and smart. and strength. and by the virtue of all the holy words. grief of griefs. and cast you and curse you into ignem in­ estinguibilis ubi est fietus et scridor dentium ["unquenchable fire where there is weep­ ing and gnashing of teeth" ] . and cursedness of all these afore written and named pains. thou spirit N. I now. Amen. authority. and now by all these aforesaid sentences. and also the m oney or treasure I desire to have. and woe. pounds. viz. I myself now here do curse and excommunicate all and every one of you spirits aforenamed. and burn them as above. 485. thither. this God grant now and forever. I do curse you into that cursed prison and dungeon of eternal death and damnation. whose names behold these are.483 unless that it be let. where the fire never goeth forth nor the worms leave off gnawing. a place wherein is always crying alas and woe. names. and by the sufferance of God's divine Majesty. and sorrow of all sorrows. rebellious spirit whose names these be." . And now by all these maledictions and curses.. go ye and there still inhabit and dwell. pain of pains. the wrath and hatred of God..484 may be now multiplied and that upon and all you wicked aforenamed. now to grant it so to be on you. Roam: space where one's roaming occurs. griefs. and by the power of all these three persons. now to stand and be in full power. and woes. and characters. stars in the skies. and that forthwith. cast you into the great furnace of horrible and ever-burning sulfur where there is the punishment and vengeance of God daily and hourly without ceasing practised. by the might of the Trinity.: "w" glyph.000 . signs.. everlast­ ing dissension. seals. words and names. In marg. roughly. 484. where no order is. and ch [ aracter] s of God. and yet but one God in Trinity. 483 . Then cast 485 their pictures into the fire and that of Sylquam. and that now and ever to be multiplied..: '' 1 1 7. etc. which if it be not done. and the eat's turds. and that so plentifully. After you have done Tarry in the circle two or three hours. to come and fulfill my desire and bring with him the aforesaid money or treasure to the sum of 100. Noy: annoy. and if you doubt. return in peace" ] . "Help me out of this pain. and that when I shall call you. rede. saytng: . Three persons in Trinity and one God in unity be rendered all laud. he or they will come running. and the Holy Ghost" ] .. and cast you into the bottomless pit and stinking dungeon of fire and brimstone. fiat. rede in pace ["return. both now and for­ ever. and that you do it quickly and that with all obedience. nor yet none other creature. Amen. and by the virtue of the high God. the salu­ tation of the Virgin Mary. his Son. praise. and dominion. lasting. then licence him to depart. and the peace of Jesus Christ be now between you and me and that in the name of the Father + and of the + Son + and of the + Holy Ghost. the Lord's Prayer. and it shall be done. I conjure thee. Another example of a sort of Tikkun doctrine. There is a large * in pencil in the left marg. or any of you. rede. and that now by the virtue of our Lord Jesus Christ. and good gold or silver. " Quicunque vult" ["Whoever will (be saved) " ] etc. unless you now come and speedily app ear unto me and cause N. and say unto thee. spirit or spirits. the Creed. to answer unto me again or to give me that that I shall require and desire. This done. fiat. and that you do not noy488 ne hurt me. the which was put upon the Cross for you and all you spirits. The Athanasian Creed. be upon you. and remain upon you. and there to detain you in the place of endless and uns [ p ] eakable486 pains forever and ever. 489. return. "In princi­ pium erat verbum" ["In the beginning was the word" ] . and say the Gospel of Saint John. but that now forthwith you do return unto your proper places.489 and one after another go out of the circle. fiat. 487.' and speak and bid them fulfill thy desire. . and go to your 486.487 that you and every of you do return into your proper places. A licence if he do appear and fulfill. in which spirits might be redeemed. Amen. deprive you of all your power and authority. eius filii et Spiritus Sancti ["The curse of God the almighty Father. etc. to be ready to come and fulfill my re­ quest and commandment.314 THE B O O K OF OB ERON A malediction Maledictio dei patris omnipotentis.000 pounds in true. world without end. 488.. wicked spirit and all thy fellows. This done they will come at all times. viz. . PART 1: TH EURGIA 3 15 house or chamber another way than that you came. Finis. deceit." 492 . In marg. which art here before me. in the name of the Father. and Raphael. and all that therein is. and by the virtue of our blessed Lady the Virgin. : "2 1 4 ( ? ) . by the head of your prince. 490. by the virtue and power of the Father. Po­ testates. so that thou mayest have no power to depart from my sight. A good constriction for a spirit I conjure thee. Thrones. and by the nine orders of an­ gels which are ministers unto the majesty of our Lord Jesus Christ. and remember still [ 120] and if they come not themselves to send then their messengers. nor body. and wash your faces with water and hyssop. 20r. and all other saints and virgins. Principates. and by these names of God + Saday + Tetragramaton + Tetragramay + Adday + Algramay + and by all the names of God. the Son. In marg. until thou be licenced by me. and of the Son. man. etc. and by the virtue and power of the sea. soul. that you nor none for you have power to hinder my sight. spirit 490 etc. by the Father. and if they come not. Michael. Saint Margaret." Compare Sloane 3853.. in the name of Saint Mary the Virgin Mother of Jesus Christ. or falsehood. Amen. and by all the virtues and mighty powers of heaven and earth. Sec. but that I may see and know you in the fair form of a child of three years of age. I conjure thee. then write their names and pictures in paper and burn them in the fire with orders as above and pronounce very angrily. Cherubim and Seraphim. and by the virtue of the dreadful day of judgment. and I conjure thee. and of the Holy Ghost. craft. and the Holy Ghost. Dominations. that thou have no power to hurt nor resist us neither in our heart. if any more be with thee. and the Holy Ghost. and by the vir­ tue of all virtues ( ? ) 492 and by the virginity of Saint Katherine. although they were bound with chains. the Son. and say your prayers with great devotion. until you give us an answer to all our interrogatories. three persons and one God. spirit. prophets. with all their fellowship. fol. Saint Barbara. without any lying.: " 1 1 8 . apostles. Ga­ briel. and by the virtue of all patriarchs. and of all the rest holy and unpolluted virgins and saints. by my Christianity. 49 1 . neither to disobey us nor to depart from our sight. and by the mighty government that our Lord Jesus Christ hath over us. For the ground In the name 491 of our Lord Jesus Christ and by his licence. spirit or spirits. earth. also I conjure thee or you spirits by the virtue of the crown wherewith he was crowned. Luke. confessors. and by the virtue of all holy prayers and words that ever the great priest Aaron or any other priest of his order said or spake. I bind you. as 493 . 494. has a similar operation "to drive spirits out of the ground" for at least thirty feet downward and forty feet across. and fifteen days. and namely by the great virtue of the water and blood that came and is­ sued from his heart. and by the virtue of the three nails wherewith his hands and feet were to the Cross fastened. fol. the happy as unhappy. and by the virtue of the spear that piercing his side it made the same wound. and hell.3 16 THE B O O K OF O B ERON martyrs. spirit or spirits. Wellcome MS. and John. and by the virtue of the four evangelists Matthew. and by the steps he took when he harrowed hell. and by the mercy shewed to Mary Magdalene. and being departed. my God. why have you forsaken me?"] . spirit or spirits. as in the sea. and by the blessed and sacred words that he spake on the Cross. and by the virtue of his blessed blood that he bled in the said his holy passion. the wording is different however. and stones. and by the virtues of the scourges that his tender and blessed body was scourged with. and by the virtue of the Holy Ghost that he sent down to his Apostles. 1 1 0. herbs. and by the virtue of the seven sacraments.494 and that thou or you spirits go and depart hence from this ground so far off that thou spirit or spirits neither see us nor hear us. and thereto I conjure thee. Also I conjure thee spirit or you spirits by our Lord Jesus Christ's glorious resurrection. and all deep places. to come hither until fifteen days from this present hour be fully completed and ended. by the virtue of the holy name + Ebrea + Stulpha + Alpha + Draco + and by the virtue of the blessed passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. In marg. sea. and I conjure you. that you spirit or spirits obey this my adjurement and conjuration. + Heloy Heloy + Lamazabathani + deus meus deus meus ut quid derelequisti me ["my God. by all holy ways that the Apostles fol­ lowed our Lord Jesus Christ. . and by the virtue of his wonderful ascension into Heaven. and immediately fly from hence. and by the virtue that God gave to words. if any be here within this ground or within a hundred foot especially. Mark.: "w" glyph. 32v ff. spirit or spirits. and each other thing as well in Heaven as in earth. I bind you. and by his sitting on the right hand of his Father. and by the virtue of the assumption of our Lady Saint Mary and by all her virtues. and by his coming at the last day to judgment wherein all shall rise as well the good as bad. and by all that God made. by these and all powers in heaven. and also that during the time of our working here now at any other time and in any other place no trouble nor molestation happen or chance either to me or any of my fel­ lows now present. the saved as damned. and that to a place where God will that you be agreeable to his good pleasure and our salvation. by these holy and high names of our Lord Jesus Christ + Agios + Otheos + Yskyros + Athanatos + Panton + Craton + et Ysus + Emanuell + Tetragramaton +493 and by the virtue of the blessed sacrament of the altar. that thou spirit or you spirits which be keepers of this treasure here hidden or laid. Bungi. of fire. and us. and that in the pain of endless damnation. now present or in time to come. Iterum [ "again" ] I conjure thee or you spirits that you trouble nor vex me nor my fellows in the time of our working and that by all the holy words before rehearsed. Vincles: bonds. Biassing: blasting? 499. molest. and that you do not draw it nor move it now away out of the place where now it is. 497. or grieve me or us or any of us with word. and that by the virtue and power of our Lord Jesus Christ. by the virtue of this conjura­ tion and all others in this book contained. to whom all knees do bow. and for the space and time of fifteen days and fifteen nights even from this selfsame hour. and that you neither trouble nor molest me nor my fellows. that thou spirit or spirits from hence peace­ ably in all haste depart and go. and without returning during the said time to trouble. and Aaron on his breast. and peace be between thee. by all the conjurations. eating or drinking. wind. Wale Cornelius. o r illusion. if there be any. [ 12 1] what kind 495 so ever ye be. Also I conjure thee spirit or spirits. and that 495. thou or ye do · exempt yourselves and go and re­ main in the place whereunto God hath and shall appoint you. are made. 0 thou spirit or you spirits. earth. Given the nature of the work as a miscellany." 496. . neither in body nor in soul. and by the dread that thou spirit or you spirits have in thine or your lord. nor alter nor change it by no delusion nor craft. fan ­ tasy.496 and licences that ever Cyprian.498 but to suffer u s to take it and carry it away and apply it to what use we shall think it most meet without your molestation. pax vobis [ "peace be with you"] . Solomon. and by the love and dread that thou and you have in our Lord Jesus Christ. nor hurt me nor them. and us that thou or ye flee from this ground. Iterum ["again" ] I conjure thee spirit or you spirits in the name of our Lord God which Moses bare in his forehead. malig­ nant or infernal. I charge and command you. I conjure thee spirit or you spirits. or air. PART 1: TH EURGIA 31 7 without the sea. in this conjuration rehearsed or hereaf­ ter may be rehearsed. or any other spake or wrote. vision. that you obey me and my conjuration. and by the virtue of the four kings of the air and their four princes under them. invocations. and I charge thee. In marg.: «w" glyph. but as verily as our Lord Jesus Christ said to his disciples. Lumbarte. Aristotle.: ((2 1 6.497 and by the virtue of all the conjurations that ever were made. resting or walking. or shall be made. In marg. either waking or sleeping. thy fellows. thy fellows. Bacon. Alexander. water. and from the treasure hid or laid in this ground. so verily peace be between thee spirit and thy fellows. vincles. this statement is likely from another source that was compiled with the rest without change. either with fire. 498. o r blassing. water. and the pain of the great curse that God shall give at the great day of doom.499 whereunto I conjure thee or you spirits by the virtue of all the words that ever Christ spake or man wrote. 1 900. 50 1 .318 THE B O O K O F OB E RON by the virtue.500 the most Christian Queen. and might of God the Father. whereunto I say. and as Mary the Virgin bare the seed. Dent and Co. London: J. This must be laid in the earth to urge a late dead man to appear and speak 501 +SR I P O R I C I P O S S 8 l: P L 0 1m 8 �� O rT) 8 r0 8 � 0 R 8 N P R 1 8 L+ 500. fiat. found the Holy Cross. According to the popular medieval text The Golden Legend (Volume 3 . and Holy Spirit. In marg. mother of Constantine. here hid or laid and the same process and enjoy. the profit of the poor. even so certainly we may find that we seek for." . his word. the Holy Cross was discovered by Helena.. p. : "2 1 8 . and to the salvation of our own souls. Fiat. M. and as certainly as the promised seed. fiat. even to the good pleasure of God. Amen. and brake the serpent's head. power. 1 7 1 ) . and as Eline. and another for thee and thy fellows. strong and patient" ] etc. This done. and appear visibly unto us in the circle for you prepared. and that to our use so that we may have and enjoy the commodity thereof. and that you lay it upon the ground. Compare Kelley's collecting earth from treasure locations in John Dee's Five Books of Mystery. height. go unto the place where the treasure is hid. to whomsoever you are subject. and carry it home with thee. There make a circle in the which the spirit may appear. and put the clot of earth in the spirit's circle. and in the night fol­ lowing. and to bind and constrain you.503 to the privy place where you will work. . in what place of the earth ye do abide. without changing or diminishing thereof. Moo: more. 506. I conjure 502 . and in that place take a clot of earth. distant from the spirit's circle three. Secondly. being distant [ . and that in a fair form and likeness of a man. 4 1 0-4 1 2 . ] 506 foot from this circle wherein we now stand. and that without hurting of me or any of my company or other living creature. bringing with you manifestly to our sight the treasure or any other good being hid there from whence I took this piece of earth. saying devoutly this orison or prayer. you must take heed when the Moon changeth. In marg. as well in deepness as breadth.505 that you come quickly without delay or noise. . deus fortis et patiens" [ ((God. In marg. or nine foot. the which is between your circle and ours.504 I conjure thee or you spirits. in breadth. He probably had instructions similar to these. 504. I conjure you that you arise even now. and have any power over it. or deepness from whence this clot or part of earth was taken and now pres­ ently lieth in the circle for thee or you prepared. ] " 503 . . as things wholly and ap­ pertaining and belonging to us. For hidden treasure First of all you must 502 believe that this work is and hath been approved most true. PART 1: T HEURGIA 319 [ 1 22 ] These letters before passed must be laid in the earth to urge a late dead man to speak. 505 . by the space of twenty-four foot round. ((In the name of the most merciful God. without deceit or craft. or length. or any oth­ ers now remaining in the earth. which do keep this treasure. whether you be one or moo. arise and say this conjuration as followeth. and by all his holy and blessed names which shall be here said to his praise. : ''2 [ 1 9. There is a blank space in the Folger MS. or within twenty-four foot of it round about. height. and that by the virtue of the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. to that place that I shall appoint you to. five.: "w" glyph. and then kneel down towards the east. ' and it was made. "Let light be made in the firmament of heaven. the Moon. say­ ing. and beasts in their kind. saying. "Let us make man unto our own likeness. Compare below. . and let them be dry. and by all things contained in them. "Let the earth bring forth green grass. by his nativity. and by hell. when he made fish and fowl. and beasts of the field." [Margin: 6] The sixth word was. Folger p. and their trees in the kind bring forth fruit." [Margin: 7] The seventh word was when he blessed them. and stars. and let him be head over all the fishes in the sea. and by the four elements. "Let the wa­ ters bring forth all creeping things that have life. wherein he shall come and judge you and all mankind. and by all the words that God spake [Margin: 1] in the creation of the world. which are under heaven. and let the days and years be tokens that they may shine in the firmament and lighten the earth. say­ ing. and by his sepulcher.507 and of all creatures by the first word that he said. say­ ing. and all creatures that live in the earth. and serpents." [Margin: 5] The fifth word was when he made the Sun. the second when he did create the [Margin: 2] firmament." [Margin: 9] The ninth word was when he made man. "Let light be made. 507. 129. whose fruit is within themselves upon earth. and by the coming of the Holy Ghost. and the sea. "Increase and multiply. [Margin: 3] The third word. saying. cir­ cumcision. saying. and by the shedding of his most precious blood. and that can fly upon the earth under the firmament of heaven. saying. and fill the earth. and by all the virtues of heaven. when he created man and woman. "Increase and multiply upon earth. in gathering together the waters which were under heaven. and let all living things be under them. I conjure you by all the words which God spake to Moses. "Let the waters be gathered together." [Margin: 8] The eighth word was when he made beasts." [Margin: 4] The fourth word was when he made trees and herbs to grow. baptism. and by all the names of God. saying. birds of the air. worms. that they may divide the day from the night. "Let the earth bring forth all living things." 0 you spirit or spirits. by the dreadful day of judgment. when he made light. by sea. and passion. and did bless them.320 THE BOOK OF OBERON thee or you spirits·again with all your powers. by the Incarnation of Christ. by heaven. and fruit. the waters." [ 123] [The] tenth word was. by his resurrection and ascension. by earth. in the midst of the waters that it might separate one water from another. and to all other prophets. and fill the earth. fiery. Arise. Earth. : "266. harming. the son and only wisdom of God his Father. and great goodness. and under and upon pain of eternal or everlasting damna­ tion. airy. and yet Mother of our saviour Christ. PART 1: TH EURG IA 321 0 thou spirit or spirits with all your company. or fearing of me or any of my fellows. o you wicked spirits. reverend. and by the virtue of all his works and miracles of his Son. confessors. and by the virginity of our blessed lady. lightning. : "w" . judge of quick and dead and confounder of all disobedient and malign spirits. Arise. and sweetness. that you or thou arise and appear quickly in the form a11d shape of a man. and give me a true and direct an­ swer of all things that shall demand or ask of you. and that in the likeness of a fair man. and that by the power and strength of the holy and indi­ visible Trinity. I say. that Immaculate Lamb without spot Jesus Christ and by his won­ ders and words. and apostles. by the head of your prince. as well the quick as dead as devils. or tempest. and by all patriarchs. mercy. and glorious names. earthy. and I adjure thee or you." 509. and virgins. by his pity.. in fair human form and shape. all devils and you spirits do tremble and quake. arise. In left marg . the Father etc. spirits. 0 spirits. and Hell. without hurting. and by his continual and everlasting reign with his father in his kingdom of everlasting glory most triumphantly to judge the world. strength. in right marg. and fulfill my desire in each point. that you or thou dost appear incontinently visibly before me and my company. at the hearing of whose most high. etc. . and fear of almighty God and most holy father of Heaven.. meek­ ness. 0 spirit or spirits. 0 thou or you spirits. 0 thou spirit. Jesus Christ. martyrs. and watery. I conjure508 you by the virtue of him. by him to whom all honour and glory is given in Heaven and Earth. Elfin: another term for elves. if you have any. and whom you spirits fear and obey. and by the virtue of all his godliness and pureness. prophets. love. I say arise. 0 thou or you spirits with all your company. with all your company. the son of the pure Virgin Mary. which is called holy king and Lord of Glory. I conjure you by the virtue of his most bitter passion. with all your fellows. I conjure thee or you. in the circle which is made for you. I do conjure you by the head of Saint John Baptist. which he hath reigning 508 . I conjure and warn you. by Jesus Christ. virgin and wife. and under your continual remaining in hell until the day of judgment. Yea. three persons and one God. or any other living or Christian creature. and that upon the earth in the circle for you prepared visibly to our sight. Creator of the world. and that by him which shall come most fearfully to judge the quick and the dead and the world by fire. etc. as also all elves or elf­ ins 509 and other incorporate or inhuman creatures. Saviour of mankind. without thun­ der. I the great power. to arise in the virtue of the Holy Ghost and by his Godhead. Arise. under the pain of everlasting torments and the maledic­ tion of all Holy Church. as when he wept languishing upon the cross and cried to his father + Heloy + Heloy + Heloy + Lamasabathani and by that word that he said unto the thief ( ? ) [ 124 ] hanging on the cross. 0 thou spirit or you spirits. and that with most strong strokes of flames of fire and thunder and withal. death. and by the virtuous virtue of all creatures praising and lauding God. and his left hand nailed thereon. so be thou or ye spirits nailed and handled with the most strong pains of the infernal lake. Sudary: Christ's winding sheet. for your contumacy and disobedience pierce thee or you. nativity. by the virtue and power of all these be horrors and terrors upon you binding and chaining you. by the virtue of God and of all things that are alive or dead. by the virtue of the right hand of the same Jesus Christ which was nailed upon the Cross and with a second nail pierced through. That spear which did pierce and open the side of our Saviour Christ Jesus. 0 spirit or spirits. and by the strength. and by the coming of the Holy Ghost on the twelve Apostles. in the strength. moveable and unmovable. Arise therefore. and be bound with fiery chains until you do come and ap­ pear visibly to me and my fellows. and that by the virtue of his said pain. by his glorious resurrection. which was covered with blood. and as he was handled with cords on the Cross. by his salt tears distilling from his pitiful eye. so if you will not arise and appear. etc. that in heaven or earth have any being. by the virtuous power of God. the pains of hell. in his Holy Sudary 510 carrying huge and great cross. Arise ye or thou spirits. by these and all others pertaining to his holy Incarnation. Arise thou or you spirits. and damned souls light upon you and every of you. If you refuse this to do. I con­ jure you by the most sharp and bitter passion of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the virtue of his most precious blood and water which issued out of his most blessed side. by the virtue of the pains that Christ did suffer in his left foot upon the Cross. of the death and passion of Christ. baptism. by the virtue and power of all these aforesaid do I charge and command you to come and presently yield unto me your obedience. be you or thou spirit or spirits stricken with the pains and torments of hell.3 22 T H E B O OK OF O B ERON with God the Father and the Son in eternal and everlasting glory. devils. so be thou or ye spirits nailed and thrust through with the pain of everlasting damnation in hell. . and temptation. ye or you spirits. by his crucifying on the Cross. so be ye spirits or spirit punished with pains of fire. and passion. and by the virtuous grace of God. Arise thou or you spirits. in time of his said passion. unless or except you come quickly and appear visible to my sight. by his de­ scending and ascension. and that by the virtue of the pains which Christ did suffer upon earth as well upon the cross as elsewhere. which shall continually burn. except ye appear and come quickly. fasting. pressing you and rending you by omnipotent power 5 1 0. and by his most sweet face. and all man­ ner of hellish torments of that damnable pit. . by the holy Virgin Mary and by her virginity. Amen.51 1 or ease.. 0 Lord God. N . majesty. patriarchs. Know: understand. Let this be said thrice. and by his coming most gloriously to judgment at the last day. and virgins . Christ Jesus's sake. earth. know 513 thou that Christ + doth overcome. come. proph­ ets. if thou have any. 5 1 1 . might. and give a true answer. I conjure thee by the power of the om­ nipotent God the Father. lisse. showing and perfectly speaking unto me. be thou ready to my will. and unto all men here standing about thee. Fiat.: "269. and enter into this mirror visibly and in a fair form and comely shape. the truth of all things that shall be asked or demanded of thee. excuses. the air. I conjure thee. fiat. the look up to the air. but by and by all occasions. that thou be quickly and incontinently obedient unto me. Amen. . without craft. circumcision. archangels. but in all things to arise. . . and hell. but true and truly ac­ cording to my meaning speedily and unfeignedly to fulfill my request to the utter­ most of thy power. and by the incarnation. and that thou dost not tarry by no means. + Christ doth reign + Christ doth command in heaven. that thou dost arise and enter visibly into this [ mirror] plainly appearing unto me and to my sight. both now and forever. or any dissimulation. what place or habitation is where the power of the Lord is not seen. confessors. praise. and dominion. for thy Son. and by the head of your prince. spirit N. come thou. seas. etc. . Lisse: happiness. angels. 0 thou. 5 1 2. and then let the master stand on his feet and say. apostles. and by the merits of all saints. PART 1: THEURG IA 3 23 for your disobedience shewed unto me. etc. guile. arise. 0 thou spirit N. In marg. fiat. martyrs. and delays set apart. with thy fellows." 5 1 3 . Grant this. but every twinkling of an eye be your horror and unspeakable anguishes upon you for your disobedience. which liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost ever one God to whom be rendered all laud. and never have you a moment of j oy. and by his resurrection and ascension. For a keeper of treasure 0 thou. and passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.512 spirit N. and by the power and virtue of this most holy high and reverend name of God + Tetra­ gramaton + and by Saint Michael the Archangel. I conjure thee. visible and in a fair colour. craft. I charge thee that thou dost show unto me the truth of all things the which I shall ask or demand of thee. I conjure thee. ye dead. and by the faith which you do owe unto your private lord. N. N. bind him I conjure thee. without fraud. and by his nativity. and also that thou be deprived of thy power. and fiery chains. or long delay. judgment. [mir­ ror] appointed for thee.. if he come not. then say this: 514 I conjure thee.324 THE B O OK OF O B ERON Say three times.. by the obedience which thou owest unto thy private lord.. [ mirror] etc. I charge thee. which I do call by the Father etc.. until I be an­ swered of the very truth of all things that I shall ask of thee or of thee shall be de- 5 1 4. but true and truly according to thy knowledge and my intent and meaning. and that forever thou mayest sustain pains and torments in the furnace unquenchable. Amen. p erpetual damnation descend upon thee and be multiplied. so now by that salvation the which the blessed shall have. and answer me to all such things as I shall demand. . but except thou dost come and personally appear in this same N. spirit N. passion. which did cast out infernal spirits. N. and suddenly fall from the place where thou now art. without any hurt or harm doing to me or to any other living creature upon earth. and that in a visible shape. When he is come. and by that glory the which they shall possess. circumcision. and that thou dost not go nor vanish away out of my sight. earth. as thou trustest as then to be saved. and that thou dost shew unto me all things which I shall demand of thee quickly. death.. nor out of this M [ irror] . fraud. and by the angel that shall blow with the trumpet that most terrible and fearful blast sur­ gite mortui venite ad iudicium [ "arise. and ascension. arise and come. except thou arise and come speedily. and shape. fiat. In marg. deceit. Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. and by the darkening of the Sun in his death.. and by all things that ever was done in heaven. that thou N. and by the virtue of the true and living God. and that speedily and unfeignedly to fulfill my request to the uttermost of thy power. without any deceit. N. office. or lie invented. do appear unto me in this same N. and hell. and by the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. resurrection.. eternal pains. for thy iniquity and contempt. Fiat. come to judgment" ] . fiat. and griefs that Christ God and Man suf­ fered in the time of his passion. vex and trouble thee. : "w" glyph. by all the torments. pains. and by the continual weeping of the same our blessed lady and virgin for her son. and dignity. and. form. I charge and command you spirits that keep here any treasure of gold. laud and praise which is and shall be one God in trinity for ever and ever. Festination: speed.. which he shed in the time of his said passion. silver. had in the time of that most do­ lorous and grievous passion. I bind you by those most holy words which he spake hanging upon the cross of tree. 0 spirits some and all. 0 spirits present or that are to come. world without end. In marg. required. keep­ ers of this treasure. I bind you by his most blessed wounds five. 517 I bind you by the great pity and compassion that his blessed mother. 5 1 7. Finis. and of the Holy Ghost." 5 1 6. I bind and charge you by his most precious blood. here or within thirty foot of this place by me marked. and beaten. I charge and bind you. 1 9r. Compare Sloane 1 727. PART 1: THEURG IA 3 25 manded. so that I may give unto God the Father etc. . and by all his virtues. [ 12 5 ] To bind the ground. I bind you to avoid and no longer to tarry by all the merits of our Saviour Christ's passion. I bind you by his dolorous grief and pain when he was mocked and despitefully entreated. I bind you by his fasting and temptation. nor to change nor transport it by your devilish or hellish power. keepers of this treasure. or enquired. In marg. by the power of the almighty and ever living God. I command you. but 5 1 5. to remove or translate it. and that with all festina­ tion5 16 and speed possible. the spirit that keepeth any treasure In the name 515 of the Father. that you depart and go from this treasure. and namely by that most deep and wide wound made in his most tender side and pitiful heart. I command you to avoid out of this ground upon pain of everlasting damnation. I bind you spirits to avoid out of this ground wherein I now stand. I bind you by his great pain he suffered when he was crowned with sharp thorns. and by the coming of the Holy Ghost. that holy virgin. wherein he was most painfully tormented. unless you remove hence and avoid. I adjure you by his most bitter passion. glorious resurrection. yea. : "270. and wonderful ascension. death and burial. which he suffered in his manhood here upon Earth. by the space of a hundred foot and more. by me or any others. Amen. Amen. I bind you and every of you one or more by the unspeakable power of the almighty God. that you remove not this treasure nor no part thereof from us. The malediction and curse of God the Father fall upon you spirits. and of the Son. and by the power and virtue of all saints. and that you be not so hardy to come near it. I bind you by his Holy Circumcision. or precious stone.: " w" glyph. scourged. Saint Mary. 0 spirits. one and all. and virgins . . by the meekness of the Blessed Virgin Marie. prophets. neither bodily nor ghostly. exorcise. spirits. being by name called or invocated. 0 ye malignant and wicked spirits. being departed. by all patriarchs.326 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON suffer it to remain and be there where it now is. 0 spirits. and come no more thereat by no kind of means nor ways. even to the uttermost of your powers and that to your office apper­ taineth. which is + Alph a et Omega + primus et novissimus. by the Father. or token. and the Holy Ghost . and thereby you still suffered to keep and detain the same. holy matrons. and that none of you by your devilish might or power do neither hurt nor harm me. ye come no more unto it be­ fore such time we have our wills thereof. nor none of my fellows. That this be done. mar­ tyrs. 0 spirits. and also this hereafter. but that ye permit and suffer us peaceably and quietly to take and detain this treasure. I charge you by the most mighty excellent and unspeakable name of God + Tetragramaton + and that even now most speedily ye depart and go hence from this treasure. destroy your power. and leave it in the self518 place where it was first laid. and. and if ye cannot see it. bid. that you in no manner of wise neither harm nor hurt us. I charge and bind you. how many soever you be. and that you peaceably go and quietly depart away from the same by one hundred foot. make vain your craft and subtlety. Amen. etc. dig a certain breadth and a certain depth. that ye be not disobedient unto me. all these urge you to obey. and the holiness of angels. sign. Depart. and forever cause you to come unto me. but also grant and give us your aids and succours. and command you that none of you by any craft or subtlety in any respect make against us. initium et finis [ "Alpha and Omega +. This [ done ] . and command you. but obey me in all things before spoken and rehearsed. I say. by all the evangelists. Self: same. the Son . pronouncing every word plainly and distinctly. first and last. but most quietly and peaceably to depart from it and the place wherein I now stand by the space of a hundred foot.. doctors . and that under the pain of everlasting death and damna­ tion. sight. and not to return again to the same place before we have our desire and request thereof. I charge you. Hereunto I bind. both with devotion and solemnity. sound. confessors . widows. the Son . that you shew no visions or illusions whereby we may be let or hindered from our purpose and intent. and innocents. by neither voice. by the mighty power of God the Father. and I charge. nor no other living creature of God's creation. [ 126] I conjure you. I charge and bind you. noise. then read this invocation aforesaid again. To this I do bind you and every one of you. 5 1 8. charge. and the Holy Ghost. and by Jesus Christ his Son. silver. by the Father of might. and by the Holy Ghost. and by all other stars fixed in the tegument. three persons and one very and true God without beginning and without ending. without altering. and by the Sacrament of Christ's most precious body and blood. but depart and avoid therefrom. and by the righteous sentence of judgment that God 5 1 9. and by the faith and obedience that you owe unto the everlasting true and most great God. and efficacy of every of their dignities and offices. and Seraphin. and leave it within the compass of this circle. of the air. that ye minish not nor change this treasure here hid or laid or within [ 1 00 ] foot of this place wherein I now stand. and by his unspeakable virtue and clemency. and in the self similitude and like­ ness. and land. and by all the works that ever God wrought. and by the virtues of the heavens and powers therein." 520. strength. by all Angels. by the virtue of his substance. by his strength and virtue. and likeness. and in departing ye leave it in the same place where as it was first laid or put in the same manner and form. enjoy. and by his infinite power. 522. or others.. that ye spirits go even now. without any more delays. Cope of heaven: as above. Concave: the vault of the sky. by his holy name. and suffer us to take. and possess the same after our wills. I conjure you by this most holy blessed and glorious Trinity. I conjure 519 you. sea. Hereunto I bind and most earnestly command you. and by the virtue of God when he gave water out of the hard and stony rock of flint. and by the most terrible and dreadful day of judgment. 52 1 . PART 1: T H EURGIA 3 27 beginning and end" ] . 0 spirits. full of all grace and mercy. fire. changing. or made in his own name and by his virtue. etc. and this I charge you under the pain of eternal death and everlast­ ing damnation.521 or cope of heaven. by the Sun and Moon. Tegument: a cover. . and by the virtue of the seven planets. that ye by no means nor no ways remove not this treasure of gold. so that we may peaceably have it. 0 spirits. 0 you spirits. but that depart therefrom. and by the virtue. Cherubim. ordained. Dominations. when he made man to his own image.520 concave. 0 spirits that be keepers of this treasure here hid. In marg.522 and by the most mighty power of God the Creator of them and all creatures.: "274. and all things therein contained and have any being. or diminishing the same or any part thereof. from this treasure. Then begin again and dig. Principalities. then say: I conjure you. Archangels. similitude. God pro­ ceeding from them both. and Powers. to you known and unknown. and also I charge you by the might and power that he had when he arose from death to life the third day. and that in every thing without craft. and ascension. and by the virtue of all things that God would have worshipped and praised. and by the seven lamps continually burning before the same. and by the painful death and passion of all holy martyrs. resurrection. and his ascension most wonder­ ful. or English. but let it be and remain within the compass of this circle. 524. I conjure you spirits by all patriarchs and prophets and their estates. both God and man. and by the virtue and strength of all holy and clean things. to the end we may quietly and peaceably come by it. holy. and the devotion of all the blessed con­ fessors. and renowned name + Tetragrammaton + by his agony. and by the great meekness that he 523. I bind and charge you that you go and depart from this treasure. 527. This I charge you by all the holy words rehearsed and spoken. that you obey to all things foresaid which I have bound you unto. the only Messias and mediator betwixt God and man. cautel. and by the immaculate virginity of the most pure and undefiled Mother of God. Paul. Also I conjure you by Christ's birth and nativity. death. that we may safely have and enjoy it without any fear. By all these. Latin. Mother of all virgins. and Magdalene. and by the virtue. 525. and by his pure. Saint Mary. and by all his holy names written in Hebrew. 0 spirits most ungracious. did fulfill and obey the will and pleasure of God his Father. Aspected: looked for. Also I conjure you spirits by our Son 525 Jesus Christ. Greek. or harm doing to me or to any living creature. I charge and command you to obey my will and bidding. his resurrection most glorious.3 28 T H E B O OK OF OB ERON gave upon you for your transgression and fall. Cautel: trick. In marg. hurt. and by all the virtues of his passion most bitter. that you obey this my will and com­ mandment. and that you come no more nigh it by 1 00 foot. and that in each point ye fulfill the same as truly as God shall judge you at the last day in the great judgment.523 and by the great mercy and pity that he had upon those penitents Peter. by his circumcision. and by the inestimable estate and dignity of the mighty Godhead. and power whereby he descended into hell and from thence fett 526 out Adam and the rest of the holy and believing Fathers that aspected 527 his coming in the flesh. and that as meekly as Jesus C hrist. Fett: fetched. by his [ 127] fasting and temp­ tation.: ccw" glyph. so likewise I charge you to depart and go from this treasure. as ye will an­ swer at the great day of doom before that most dreadful and just Judge. strength. and by the golden censers and most sweet sa­ vour and smell that is forever offered by the angel in the sight of the Deity." 526. mighty. yea. . and by the golden altar before the Throne of God. Son: should be ((Lord.524 or guile. and by the virtues of all the Sacraments . fastings. and by all the pains and pangs of his dolorous passion. and virtue of all the holy words that God spake in and at the Creation of the world. . that God had when he commanded Lucifer. just deeds. and seals that King Solomon used. as mockings. Scot. by his precious body and blood. In marg. : ccProbatim est." 53 1 . by these and by all the whole virtue. hang upon the + and by the unspeakable joy that she had when he rose from death to life the third day. and buffetings. book 1 0. strength. and by the virtue. with all his adher­ ents and companions to fly from their place of joy and felicity. and first say this Psalm: Deus in nomine tuo sal me face: Et deus misereator nostri: misere et nun dimittis: laudate domini omnes gentes magnificat anima: Deus deus meus respice: [ " 0 God. and brightness of the glorious Trinity. her dear son . but obedient and willing to depart and go hence quickly and quietly from this treasure. this for to be true. when the Moon is new and the first is best." 529. spittings. in right marg. In the first place.: cc256:' 530. the master of the work must go with his fellows there as the treasure is. by the strength. and without any tar­ rying or longer delays. and that you alter nor change the nature nor shape thereof. and watchings.: "w" glyph. chapter 7. In left marg. power. might. all prayers. with a clerk with him to help to say the prayers that belong thereto with good devotion. and when they come there as it is prick down a wand of hazel 531 of one year's growth. your prince. and kneel down.528 and that you remove it not from the place where it was first laid. save 528. signs. I charge and command you spir­ its to depart and avoid from this treasure. and strength. and that by and by.: "272. Discouerie of Witchcraft. PART 1: T H EU RG I A 329 shewed when he washed the feet of his disciples. By these and all other aforesaid. power. An expediment for the ground First the master of the work must hear a Mass of the Holy Ghost [ and] a mem­ ory 529 of the holy + and he must be in clean life and in steadfast faith and trust. Memory: a commemorative act.530 and the first 2-3 nights are best. I charge and bind you spirits that you be no longer obstinate nor disobeying. In right marg. might. might. and by the great heaviness and sorrow that his blessed Mother had when she saw him. and go there from thirty foot. and by the crown of thorn where­ with he was crowned. at any time or times practised within the whole and universal Church militant and by all holy characters. I conj ure you and charge you spirits. for it hath been proved many times. look upon me" 538] . through the Father. 534 and "Now you dismiss". 1 29. 5 3 3 . tern et pacioneem et effucionem [ +san. Psalm 21 (KJV 22).33 0 T H E B O OK OF OB ERON me by thy name". I conjure you. and pas- guinis ] eius et per omnes vulneras de sion. 0 N. Psalm 53 (KJV 54) . virgin and mother of * Compare below. Luke 2: 29-32. in the worship of God and constraining of thee or you: Ego Coniuro te vel vos speritus p er I conj ure yo u. Not a Psalm. and by the outpouring of his [ + Iesu Christi: Coniuro te N vel vos spiritus blood] . verba que qui dominus dixit in creacione and by all the words which the Lord mundye et omnium creaturarum et per spoke at the creation of the world and all omnia verba qui deus dixit ad Moise et its creatures.prophets. Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum. but often used as the final song of a religious service. 537 "0 God my God.. and the air. 533 "Have mercy". 536 "My soul magnifies". be merciful to us". Psalm 6 6 (KJV 67 ) . and by beate Marie virginis et Matris dei et per all your princes. and hell. Psalm 5 0 (KJV 5 1 ) ? Psalm 55 and 5 6 (KJV 5 6 and 5 7 ) also start with this word. 0 all you nations". Folger p. Luke 1 :46-5 5. (or "you spir- vestrem vel vestrim et per virginitate its" ). 537.* 0 spirit or spirits. . I charge thee by the virtue and sufferance of almighty God that thou spirit arise and appear. through the virtue of his passion that here shall be re­ hearsed on this manner as followeth. and by the virginity of capud Sancti Iohannis Baptiste et p er the blessed Mary. and the et aerium et terram et mare et inferniem Holy Ghost. and by all ineffabilia et per incarnationem nativita. 538. the earth.and by his incarnation. and all that are in them. and the Son. Psalm 1 1 6 (KJV 1 1 7). 534. nativity. effable and ineffable. 536. 532. 535. or within the space of thirty foot or more. 532 and " 0 God.the names of God. and by all the wounds of Jesus per ignem et per aquam et per principes Christ. that keepest this treasure that we have marked. Then the master of the craft shall say this that followeth with a faithful and merry spirit: Thou. by the fire and by the water. N. 535 "Praise the Lord. and by the four elements and rum et per omnia nomina dei effabilia et by all the powers of Heaven. the et omnia que qui in eis sunt et per omnia sea. and by all the words which omnibus alliis Sanctis prophetis et per God spoke to Moses and all other holy 4or elementa et per omnes virtutes Celo. without malice or deceiving the creatures of God.: "256. under penalty of mihi et socios meos sine lecione et fal. but now thought to have originated in England." . I charge thee by the virtue of God and of his passion that here shall be rehearsed. or has other goods. 0 you N. apos­ Inferni ad hue Ego coniuro te vel vos ties. The XV O's of the Crucifixion are fifteen prayers attributed to St.540 etc. spirit or spirits. and the master must say as followeth with a faithful and merry spirit. eternal delight . under penalty sub pena inclucionis usque ad diem Iu. and appear over this treasure in 539. spiritus sub pena maledicciones ecclesie and by all your torments in hell. 0 thou. and I warn dicii ut cito et aperte aperias vel aperiats you.and dominion [128} here or wherever nem [ 1 2 8 ] ubi sint vel fueritis veni venite these goods may be or where you will et aperire super terram istam et super h ave been.ment. Amen. or guards any trea­ rum vel aliud bonum habet vel habetis sure. Then must the master and the clerk stand on their feet and say the Psalms of the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.of the holy Church's curse. confessors. " 0 domine Iesu Christie eterna dul­ cedo" [ "0 Lord Jesus Christ.guards this treasure. Bridget of Sweden.html. . I con­ Sancti et ego ad monio te vel vos spiritus jure you.imprisonment until the Day of Judg­ cione creature dei et respondeatis vera. and respond truthfully to my questioning. that you come quickly and appear citer ad interrogacionem meam. that by and by thou arise cum socios [ "with your associ­ ates" ] in the likeness of a child of the age of ten years in the pain of endless damna­ tion. and by the head of Saint John the Confessores et Virginis et per tormenta Baptist. ( or "you sp irits" ) who dis thesauris vel custodit aliquid thesau. Amen. or any power hie aliquam potestatem et dominatio.539 then say this. openly to me and my associate ( or asso- ciates). And then say the Fifteen O's. martyrs." ] . . Ibidem. that keepest this treasure where we have marked about this wand 541 by the space of thirty foot or l .umilta. PART 1: THEURGIA 331 omnes patriarchas Appostolos Martires God. come now and reveal this thesaurum ap erte in fo rma puerum earth. N. . and virgins. and by all the patriarchs. See http:/ /www. 540 . and by the virtue of all the holy words that followeth: 0 tu N vel vos spiritus qui hie custo. In right marg.. spirit or spirits. 54 1 .. I will ask you. et per virtutem rity. length. son of God and * This was evidently composed by someone with a poor command of Latin. as evidenced by such forms as "omnie" and "saluacioneorum" (corrected) . et per virtutem amoris and by the power of the love of Jesus Iesu Christi comfortacionis et leticie Christ. and by the power of the great gener­ m [ ag] nie ( ? ) generositatis Iesu Christi osity of Jesus Christ. with your associ- aperire vel aperiatis mihi coniuro te vel ates. or any things within thirty feet in . Regis bonita tis. and by all the holy words Celo et in terra surge o tu spiritus com of God in Heaven and Earth .and by the great power of truth. et per virtu. pedum in latitudinem et in longitudi. through the one strength tetudinem et potestatem Sanctem dei and power of the holy Trinity of God . . nem et profunditatem: Coniuro te vel vos per allteriam po. 0 sociis tuis qui est custodis vel custodies you spirit with your asso ciates who in hac terra aliquius thesaurie vel guard or will guard any treasures in this aliquius rei infra spaciem tregente earth. and by the power of all mira­ rum et mirabillium p er omnia sancta cles and wonders. and appear to me. and depth. king of goodness.sight. I conjure you* by the one force and tenciam et fortitudinem Iesu Christi power of Jesus Christ.332 THE B O O K OF O B ERON decem Annorum visu mei et sociorum the form of a child ten years old. king of goodness. God of Heaven. et p er virtu tern Christ. the comfort and j oy of Jesus Iesu Christo dei Celi. and by tern veri Christi fili dei et altitudinem the true power of] the one strength and by the fear of more altisime dei patris in Celo et per the highest God the Father in Heaven . virtutem magnam veritatis et per beati. and by all the holy nomina dei et verba dei sancte quem in names of God.width. and to the sight of my associates. and by tudinem divnitatem altisimi patris in the blessed divinity of the highest Father Celo et per virtutem omnium Miraculo. 0 you spirit.of his brightness and goodness. I conjure you [ + vos [ + per] alteriam fortitudinem et ti. Arise. Regis bonitatis. et per virtutem omnes and by the strength of all power and pu­ potestates et mundicia. to my meorum obediuntur respondeas vel re. Trinitate: Surge o tu spiritus com sociis tuis et Heaven . spondeatis in omnibus rebus de quibus obediently answering to all things which interrogabo te vel vos per alteriam for. and by the power clarita tis et bonita tis ipsius. Thereafter he will j udge all the num tam vivam quam mortuum et de. * In left marg. understanding. pietas. and by his terrible Day of Judg­ dein dicabit omnem ( ? ) genus huma.human race-the living and the dead. counsel. t and by the power of all the names of God. fear of the Lord" ] . with your associ- babes ali quos tecum: aliter. and all evil spiritus in e o dem tam vinam quam spirits. the grace of the Holy Ghost . fortitude. and by the power and di­ itus sancti. Surge o tu spiritus com socciis tuus si Arise. 0 you spirit. et per virtutem timoris immun­ of the Holy Ghost." t Compare this list with the well-known "seven gifts of the Holy Ghost:" sapientia. and virtutem omnium nomine dei graciam by* the power of the fear of the Lord of spiritus sancti: the Holy Ghost. consilium. who truly reigns in eter­ gl [ ori] am ( ? ) cum prie maiestattis fortis nal glory with the Father of strong maj ­ et per tremendum diem Iudicii eius.ment. qui veraciter regnat in eternam. sancti. timor Domini [ "wisdom. surge super ates if you have any with you. et per the knowledge of the Holy Ghost. mones et elphus ( ? ) et omnes malos and the demons.the dead. intellectus. in the form decem annorum et loquere mi. . and speak to me vera responsa de omnibus rebus quibus and give me true answers to everything te interrogavero : Surge o tu spiritus et that I will ask. et per virtutem siencie spiritus and the understanding [ and] of the piety sancti. Arise. height of God. : "25 7.: ''w" glyph. scientia. the bonorum filiorum: brother of all good children. 0 you spirit. in right marg. Otherwise thesauorum aperte visu mei sosiis meis arise over the treasure. I con­ ego coniuro te et admoneo te in virtute j ure you and I admonish you by the spiritus sancti et per virtute omnes filii power of the Holy Ghost. and by the power of dio [ *domini ( ? ) ] spiritus sancti. piety. and elves. See Isaiah 1 1 :2-3 . and all knees will bend to tite Iesu filio salvationum fratri omnium him-to Jesus the son of salvation. PART 1: THEURG IA 333 dei. plainly to my qui hie mecum in simillitudinem pueri sight. fortitudo. et intellectus pietatis spiritus vinity of all wisdom of the Holy Ghost. and to my associates. et des mi of a child ten years old. knowledge. at the same time the living and mortuam et eum cuie omnie genus flee. esty. and by the [ *consilii? ] spiritus sancti et per virtu­ power of all children [ * counsel] of the tern et divinitatem omnes sapientie spir­ Holy Ghost. Arise. 0 you spirit. . resulting in this awkward text. 0 spirit. and the Son in three-fold unity. so you will suf­ s i c tu s i s com so ciis tuis clavatus fer being nailed to a wooden cross. I conjure you magnam fortitudinem omnipotente dei by the great power of almighty God . Arise. b y the virtuous majesty of dei surge o tu spiritus et coniuro te per God . et filio in unitatem Trinus et power. arise by the powerful grace of graciam dei. which was sancta passionem: surge o tu spiritus per pierced and nailed to the wood of the virtutem dextera manus C hristi qui fuit cross.334 T H E B O O K O F O B E RON Surge o tu spiritus coniuro te per Arise. by the power fuit dedicate rubio sanguinem in sua of the right hand of C hrist.that pain which C hrist endured when riam pedem clavatam sic tu ligna crux his right foot was nailed. and all creaturarum adorant cuam deum om. honouring God . and so you will be dragged with tractis com fortissimis p enis inferni et the strongest penalties of hell. Arise. vulneris qui fuit in pierced: C hrist. 0 you spirit. thus you. the potestatem. 0 you spirit. I spiritu [ s ] . I conjure you by magnam potenciam et fortitudinem et the great force and strength and divinity divinitatem q [ ue] m ipse habebit regnas which itself will have you reign. 0 you spirit. 0 spiritus per virtuosam m [ aiestate ] m ( ? ) you spirit. Surge o tu and one God. and ecclesiastics . 0 o tu spiritus. by the power of qua1n Christus sustinuit super dexte.* Arise. 0 you spirit. surge o tu spiritus per vir. of almighty God . will be beaten clavatus ligna crucis perforatus. adorantium dei surge o tu spiritus com by the power and strength of the sacred sociis tuis si aliquos habeas tecum alliter: passion of Jesus Christ. and with com corde Igneis nisi venias et appares cords of fire.of the sweet face of God Christ who has tudinem sancti passionis Iesu C hristi et consecrated his red blood in his sacred per virtutern dulsis facie dei Christi qui passion. by the power and surge o tu spiritus per fortitudinem et strength of that one whose side was per virtutem illis. coniuro te spiritus per virtu.creatures who honour almighty God . and by the power surge o tu spiritus per virtu tern et forti. surge [ + per] virtuosam you spirit. by the power of all tern omni C oelos et Ecclestium omnium the heavens . by the power of Surge o tu spiritus per virtutem dei God. 0 you spirit. 0 spirit. fasten to wood with cum cordis lignum fixus com clavatos et nails. sic tu with infernal punishment. of all things. unless you come and ap­ ante ap erte per virtutem illius p en e pear before u s openly. by the powerful tuosam victo r i am d e i : surge o tu victory of God . 0 you spirit. 0 you spirit. along * Perhaps the scribe missed a line. and as he himself was latere: Christi et sicut ipse fuit tractum dragged with ropes. Arise. unus deus omnipotentis dei. both dead and mov­ omni Rerum et mortuorum et mobilum ing. nipotente: Arise. Arise.conjure you.God . spiritus sic percuss us I cum pena Inferna Arise. that pain which will come quickly. and pore passionis sue: surge o tu spiritus by the salty tears which his bles sed p er virtutern omni Sanctos verborum mother Mary wept for him at the time of que ipse Iesus loquebatur in sua pas. so you will suffer with the pun­ vas cum fortissimis ictibus tonitrus et ishment of ever-burning fire. I conjure you in cruce effundebat forte [ *de latere] sua and warn you by the power of that pre­ et Acerba passione et Aque et pauores et cious blood and water which flowed per salsas lachriimas quas Beatie Marie from Christ's side while on the Cross. by the power of per crucifigentibus sic dicens patri igno. for per illud verbum sacrum sitio et per illa they know not what they do. surge o tu spiritus per virtutem il. by the power of Christus sustinuit in sinestra peda pu. PART 1: TH EURGIA 335 passiones et perforatiam com pen a in. . hell will descend onto you. super te vel vos nisi veneris sito appereas and all the torments of all the demons of mihi aperte visui meo. saying "forgive them father. will be pierced with ferni.he said.with your associates." and quisti me et per illa verba sacrum con.his suffering. "My God. verba qui ipse dixit mulier ecce fillius when he prayed to God while being cru­ tuis et addissipulum ecce mater tua. unless you Surge o tu spiritus coniuro te vel vos quickly come and appear openly to my per fortem passionis Christi fili dei surge sight. "woman. and of his disciples "behold your mother." sumatum est. which will fullminis et cum fortissimis igneis In. 0 you spirit. o tu spiritus conioro [ sic] te vel vos et Arise.with the strongest fire of hell.blows of thunder and lightning. and with manum Inferni omnis penis dessendunt the sword of death. behold your son. 0 you spirit. sione videlicet qum audo [ *deo ] oravit Arise. and ores et omnium tormentum omnim de.and by the harsh suffering and fears. the son of presiosi sanguinis et aque quos Christus God. sua dulsissima Mater ploravit in tern. et cified.descend onto you with the most mighty ferni et gladio mortis terrorum et pau.and by those words "Eloy Eloy Lamaza­ mendo spiritum meum] . I conjure you by admonio te vel vos per virtutern illius the strong suffering of Christ. of terror. lius passiones in veneris cito pena quam Arise. which neat te et clavat te com penis igneis que Christ endured when his left foot was semper ardebunt et desendat super te vel nailed.' which is interpreted.all the holy words which Jesus himself ssi illis quia nessiunt quid faciunt et per spoke at the time of his passion. 0 you spirit. namely.the punishment of hell. 0 you spirit. et per virtutern bathany." pater in manus tuas <domine> [ + com. Arise." and by the verba Eloy Eloy Lamazabathany quod est words which he said to his mother when deus meus deus meus ut quid de relin. et p er illa I sacra verba and by the sacred words "I am thirsty. Christ.his resurrection and ascension. 0 spirit. I conjure you alone. and by all the saints of out let and answer me fiat fiat Amen. ducat te vel vos rebelling spirits if you do and by all the sacred sacraments.the holy Trinity. and reveal everything maladicat te vell vos spiritus com cathe. T H E B O O K OF O B E RON sancte Marie que portavit Iesum Chris. and by the power of all the bus intterogabo te nisi cito venies sine wounds which Christ had and poured mora <omnipotente: deus pat [ e] r sancte out in his God. 0 you spirit or spirits. in the form specified before.the terrible Day of Judgment of our liv­ iiciat te vel vos spiritus in Ignem eter. and by the power of celi et terre> excommunico excommu. si habes aliquos et alliter. 0 yo u spirit. why hast thou forsaken me?" tum et per virtutem sancte Crucis quam and by those holy words "it is finished" Christus portavit passioni sue surge o tu and by those holy words "Father. spiritus ego excommunico te vel [ 1 2 9 ] holy father o f Heaven and Earth> I will vos per Ecclesia dei. Jesus Christ will et sanctam puerum et Matrum eius te curse you. num. mute vel vos spiritus com dolore et tristicia et and deaf. and expel you into eternal fire. and by the holy child and his . and Surge spiritus et aperire aperte et re. 0 Lord Jesus Christ. without delay.plainly. the only son of God. Arise. in sua passionem et per virtutem resur. and app e ar rectionem et ascentionem suam et per plainly to my sight and that of my asso­ tremendum diem Iudicii domini nostri ciates. if you have any. <almighty God. and by not come quicky and stand before us with. and by the power of per Iesu Christi et per virtutem omnium the holy cross.your hands [ + I commend my spirit] ". in the strongest punishment of omnie tormentum eiiciat super te vel hell. et cum omnibus excommunicate you with your associ­ Sanctis sacramentis et Sancta Trinitas et ates. siis meis in forma predicta com sosiis and by the power of Saint Mary.otherwise. and respond to me in all things nis mutvum et surdum vel mutuos et which I will ask you. et unicum filius dei Iesus Christus Arise. into spiritus et aperire aperte visui meo et so. I excommu­ vos et cadat super te vel vos miserie per. Unless you come surdos in fortissima pena inferni. who tuis. God. by Jesus spondeas mihi in omnibus rebus de qui. and omnie [ *omnes ] Sancte [ *sanctos] dei. and by nico te vel vos com sosiis tuis et per ie. along Iesu Christi vivi with your associates. which carried Christ dur­ vulnerum que Christus habuit et efudit ing his passion. with chains.nicate you [ 129} by the church of God. o tu quickly. coniuro te carried Jesus Christ. and by the virtue of the fifth word when he made the Sun and the Moon and the stars.543 when he made light to spring. I conjure and charge thee that thou appear by the virtue of the words that are written hereafter: 542 I charge thee that thou arise and appear to us by the virtue of the first word that our Lord spake in the creation of the world. with pain and sadness and all torments will fall upon you. . PART 1: TH EURGIA 337 mother. ''Fiant luminaria magna in firmamento Celi et dividant diem ac noctem et sint signa et tempora et dies et An nos ut luceant in firmamento Celi ut illuminent ter­ ram" [ '<let there be lights in the firmament of heaven. Fiat. ''Congregentor Aqueque sub Celo sunt [in locum unum] et appariam arida" [ "let the waters which are under the heavens be gathered together in one place. and may they be for signs and seasons. Amen. and by the third word when he made the firmament. when he made fishes and birds.: " Verbum primum creationis. he said. and let the dry land appear"] . and trees bearing fruit in which is seed of its kind. cujus semen in semetipso sit super terram" [ ''let the earth sprout forth green herbs. 1 3 2. 0 you spirit or spirits. days. to shine in the firmament of heaven. 544 and by the virtue of the second word that he said when he made the firmament. fiat. "Fiat lux et facta est lux" [ "let there be light. he said. ''Germinet terra herbam viren­ tem. and light up the land" ] . he said. and there was light" ] . and years. et facientem semen. and may they divide the day and the night. : "257. Compare parallel versions of this text on Folger pp. and 2 1 7. and by the virtue of the sixth word. and those producing seeds. if yo u do not come quickly and stand before us without let. over the earth" ] . ''Fiat firmamentum in medio aquarum et deuidat Aquas ab Aquis" [ <'let there be a firma­ ment in the midst of the waters." 543 . leave. In right marg. he said. he gathered all the waters that were under Heaven into one place.* and answer me. * Let: permission. The passages that follow are from the Vulgate Bible. 1 22. ''Producant aque reptile ani me viventis et vola­ tile super terram sub firmamento Celi'' [ "let the waters bring forth the creeping things 542. In marg." 544. and by the virtue of the fourth word when he made to spring trees and herbs. and misery will overcome you rebelling spirits. and let it divide the waters from the waters" ] . he said. et lignum pomiferum faciens fructum juxta genus suum. And charge him that he appear by the virtue of all the holy words that our Lord God spake in the creation of the world and all creatures visible and invisible. and by the virtue of the seventh word when he blessed them. 546. and the beauty of the heavens . and the beasts of the earth. and flying creatures of the heavens . and the beasts of the earth. and by the virtue of the ninth word. In marg. and subdue it. et per hac verba que dominus dixit ad Moyse et omnibus Aliis Sa. and those that fly over the earth under the firmament of heaven " ] . when he put Adam and Eve into paradise . and be master of the fishes of the sea. "Producat terram aliam in genero suo iumenta et reptilia secundum species suas" ["Let the earth bring forth living creatures and beasts of burden and creeping things according to their own kinds"] .: "w " glyph. THE B O OK OF O B ERON with living souls. "Crescite et multi­ plicamini et repletae aquas maris aves multiplicentur super terram" ["Go forth and mul­ tiply and fill up the waters of the sea. 545 and by the virtue of the tenth word. . he said. Surge o tu spiritus ego te coniuro te vel vos spiritus per ignem et aquam et per capud vestri prenceps et per vir­ ginitate Beate Marie virginis Matris dei et per capud Sancti Johannes Baptistie et per omnes patriarchas prophetas Apostolos Martires confess ores et virgines. when he made man. he said. et per admen tum [*admonitum?] domini diem iudicii quia iudicabit vivos et mortuos et seculum per ignem. and by his glorious resurrection. and by the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. and serpents. et per passionem eius. et per 4or Elementa et pulcritudine Celorum et omnia dei ineffabilia et per incarna­ tionem domini nostri Iesu Christi et per sepultum eius. et per ef- fucionem preciosi sanguinis domini nostri Iesu Christi et per gloriosum resurrectionem eius et per admirabilem assentionem eius. he said. he said. "Crescite et multiplicamini et replete terram subiugate earn et dimitte vivi pissibus maris et volatilibus Celi et bestias terre et uniuersis animantibus quem moventus super terram" [ "Increase and multiply and fill the earth. and the flying things in the heavens. and let the birds be multiplied upon the earth" ] . and by the shedding of the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.nctis proph­ ets. and all creatures which move upon the earth" ] . and all the ineffable (things) 546 of God. and by his passion. [ '�nd by these words which the Lord spoke to Moses and other holy prophets. and all creatures which move or crawl upon the earth" ] . and by the four elements. worms. and let him preside over the fishes of the sea. and by the virtue of the eighth word when he made beasts. et per tormenta inferni ad hue que te subpena maladictiones Ecclesie et ego admonio te vel vos spiritus subpena incluciones usque diem iudicii ut citum aperte appareas mihi et sosiis meis sine fallacia et lecione ad mei veil socios meorum vel allicuius rei vel creature dei et veraciter respondeas ad omnia interrogata fiat fiat fiat Amen. and by 545. "Faciamus hominem ad Imaginem et similitudinem nostram et presit pis­ sibus et volatilibus Celi et bestias terre et universi creature qui reptile quem mouentur in terra" [ "Let us make man in our own image and likeness. Perhaps nomina ["names" ] omitted by mistake. and by his burial. " ] And when he is risen547 or appeareth. and then beware how you do ex­ amine him to fare forth. Then charge him that he go to the place that he was assigned to and thereto abide the doom of God the Father. and by the command ( ? ) of the Lord on the Day of Judg­ ment. and for certain. (saying) : Rise up. and by the torture of hell which will be the penalty of the Church's curse on you. PART 1: THEURGIA 339 his admirable ascension. under penalty of imprisonment until the day of Judgement. that you quickly and openly appear to me and my associ­ ates. speak to him in the mother tongue what he doth there and what he keepeth there. [ the Son. I conjure you. and by the head of Saint John the Baptist. or by what means ye may come to it best. 547. and answer' truthfully to everything that is asked. and virgins.] and the Holy Ghost. for some will speak and some will not. and by all the patriarchs. I warn you. the Son. prophets. and if he be well bound. then ask him how ye may best come to it.: " 1 58. other gold or silver or any other treasure. for he will judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. three persons and one God in Trinity. apostles. that he set it up before you. upon the pain of ever­ lasting damnation. and what time. but give him nothing but charge him that he go into the place that he was as­ signed to and there to abide the doom of God our Lord Jesus Christ the Father. by fire and water. mother of God. mar­ tyrs. he will take it upon him by the same bond aforesaid and shall bring it to you. In right marg. 0 you spirit. without deceit or harm to me or my associates or any thing or creature of God. then charge him by all the words abovesaid. and by the head of your prince. and then set him to keep a stake or a wand of hazel of one year's growing and cast it out aside. and the Holy Ghost. Proven. 0 spirit or spirits. confessors. and by the virginity of the blessed Virgin Mary. but then he will ask something for his labour." . and charge him to be ready when ye call him again. and if he speak. 0 spirit or spirits. and if he be obstinate to tell you. The end. Let it be so ! Let it be so! Let it be so! Amen. I conjure thee. by the same sign may all good be preserved. 549. King549 of the North. A. 0 our God. the 548. Men". In marg."] : The other phrase reads ''V.: "w" glyph. I Conjure thee. In right marg. and by the virtue of his passion that here shall be rehearsed on this manner that follows to the worship­ ping of God and the constraining of thee.: "259. It is proven. who is called King Egin. os. An. Egin. la. and by the sign of this holy cross deliver us from our enemies. 1. by the F ather. and also charge thee that thou appear before me. Et. spirit Egin . os. before this circle." . Text reads: Per crucis hoc signum fugiat omne malignum et per idem signum salvetur quodque benignum [et} per signum sancte crucis lib era nos de inimicis nostris deus noster [ " By this sign of the cross. may all evil flee.34 0 T H E B O O K OF OB E RON [ 130] 548 + "D • � s ·A · 11 · �t ttn •/• am • OS'• meft • � 0 • + + [ 131 J The spirit of the North. by the sufferance of almighty God. am. which is obscure. that thou come shortly and appear to me and my fellows. I conjure thee. and that thou go not away without licence of me. and by the dreadful day of judgment where he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. by all the high names of God . and by the com­ ing of the Holy Ghost . and of all creatures visible and invisible. by all the bitter wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ . thou spirit Egin . by the great comfort and sweetness of Jesus Christ . under the pain of condemnation unto the great day of judgment. and by all the holy words of God that is in heaven and earth. and by the incarna­ tion of Jesus Christ. by the virtue of all patriarchs. by all the holy words that God spake in the creation of the world. the son of the Blessed Virgin Mary. and that thou go not away without licence of me. Egin .: ((w" glyph. Egin . I conjure thee. Egin . 551 I conjure thee. and I conjure thee. Mother of God . and by [his] burying. and virgins. by the high power and virtue of Jesus Christ. that thou come and appear before me in the likeness of a child under the age of ten years. by the virtue of the Holy Ghost. thou spirit Egin Mosacus. and son of salvation of all the elect chil­ dren of God . and by his mighty ascension. thou spirit Egin . prophets. martyrs. thou sp [ i] rit Egin . I conjure thee. Egin . and by his only begotten son. and the most mercifullest God . Egin . fraud. which livest and reignest with his Father in his majesty. that thou appear before me. thou spirit Egin . and the Holy Ghost . and the sea. and by the love of Jesus Christ that he bare to all creatures visible and invisible. by the high power and strength of our Lord Jesus Christ . Jesus C [hrist] . not terrible nor fearful. that by and by thou appear to me and to my fellows without deceit. I conjure thee. 55 1 . I conj ure thee. Also I conjure thee. . Egin . by whose power all heaven. or illusion. and by his passion. I conjure thee. and by the dreadful day of judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ . and by all the virtue of heaven. the son of David . and by the shedding of his precious blood. by the virtue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 550 in what place of the world soever thou art in. Also I conjure thee. and by all the pains of hell. and by all the powers of heaven. Egin. earth. the son of God . and by hell and by all that therein is contained. by the same Jesu . and by the heavens. and by the virtue of all charity and love of the Holy Ghost . and by his taking down off the cross. and by all the holy words that God spake unto Moses and to all other prophets . I conjure thee. Egin . PART 1: T H EU RGIA 34 1 Son . and by the four elements. the heavenly king of glory. the air. confes­ sors. the earth. by his glorious resurrection. Possibly indicating the incantation can be used for multiple spirits. and hell do bow. and by all the virtue and gladness of Jesus Christ . and by the wisdom 550. I conjure thee. In marg. Egin . I conjure thee. by the virtue of Saint John Baptist and Saint John the Evan­ gelist . and that thou hurt not me or any Christian creature. craft. or to whom soever thou art bound. I conjure thee by the virtue and blessed pas­ sion. I conjure thee. and by his nativity. Son of God . Egin . I conjure thee. by the great curse of God and all holy church . when he said to his disciple John. that thou appear before me. when to his sorrowful Mother. with the sword of sorrow and all the pains that all devils suf­ fer. 553. when he said.34 2 THE B O O K OF OB ERON and understanding o f the Holy Ghost." [ "Into your hands. 0 Lord. Compare also Additional MS. and call thee by the virtue of the fifth word. saying. by the virtue of all the words that our Lord spake as he hanged upon the Cross. according to my meaning. 0 thou spirit Egin. when he said. by the virtue of the third word. 20. by all the spirits. forgive them. and by his precious blood and water that ran out of all parts of his blessed body. by the power of God. Egin. I do accite552 and lay upon thee. thou spirit Egin. thou spirit. that do worship in the sight of God. may light upon thee. I con­ jure and call thee." I conjure thee. heloy. "Behold thy mother. "In manus tuas domine commendum spiritum meum redemisti me do­ mine deus veritates. by the virtue of the [ 1 32 ] second word. I conjure thee. and of thunder and lightning. spirit Egin. and by the shedding of his most precious blood. quick and dead. and by the meek counsel of the Holy Ghost. and by the great power and strength of God. I conjure thee. by the hands and feet of Jesu that were fast nailed unto a tree of the cross for my redemption and thy great confusion. when he said. by the virtue of the sixth word. that thou arise and appear. 3667 4. to fulfill all my requests and demands." I conjure thee. thou spirit Egin. Accite: summon. he said. Egin. lama zabathanie. by the virtue of his blessed passion. Egin. or whosoever hath the government of thee. . I conjure thee. Egin. Such great pain light upon thee. "Father. for they know not what they do. by the wisdom and sapience of the Holy Ghost. true and truly." I conjure thee. that in what parts of the world soever thou art or be in. such great pains for to light upon thee with the flame of fire. 97r. Egin. incontinent. I conjure thee." I conjure thee. that thou appear visible to me and to my fellows. by the sharp and strong passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. I conjure thee. "Heloy. behold thy son. and by all the creatures in earth that do worship him. with the horrible pains of hell. except thou dost app ear to me." I conjure thee. spirit Egin. speedily and unfeignedly. "I thirst. the son of the true and living God. and by the glorious mercy of God. fol. with the great uncomfortable pains of hell may light upon thee. that thou dost come and appear to me and to my fellows and to answer me. who is the saviour of all the world. thou spirit Egin. and by all the creatures of heaven that do worship in the sight of God. you have re- 552. and call thee by the bitter weeping that the Blessed Virgin Mary wept in the time of her son's bitter passion. I conjure thee. ever without hope of salvation. by the virtue of the fourth word. I commend my spirit. thou spirit Egin. of sulphur. 0 thou spirit Egin. Egin. by all the mercy and grace of God.553 which was when he prayed de­ voutly to his father for his enemies. except thou dost come and appear before me. "Woman. without hurt doing to me or to any living creature. Also I conjure thee. Compare Folger p. by the virtue of all the words that God spake in the creation of the world. or to send one next unto thee of power. with all thy legions. to appear before me. and call thee. Amen. thou spirit Egin. " [ "It is finished. Om ­ nipotens deus pater sancti Celi et terre excommuniat te et progeciat te in Ignem inferni et unicus Jesus Christus filius dei maledicat te com cathenis et com do lore et tristicia et omnem tormentum Inferni percusiat te et cadat super te miserie et perducat te horribel­ lum [*rebellem] 554 spiritus si. let it be so. I charge thee and conjure thee. by the virtue of that heavy + that Christ bare unto the [place? ] of his passion. Egin. of a child under the age of ten years. and call thee by the dreadful day of judgment. that thou never rest nor stay in any place. by the sufferance of God. visible and in fair form. King of the North. 1 29 . ." ] Iterum atque iterum [ '�gain and again"] I charge thee. let it be so. and the only son of God Jesus Christ curses you with chains and pains and sorrow and all the tortures of hell will beat you and misery will overcome you." ] I conj ure thee. and if thou be bound to any man before this time. by the virtue of the words that I have before spoken or rehearsed. to answer me to all my demands. non veneris statim sine mora et respondeatis mihi in om­ nibus questionibus mei ita fiat fiat fiat Amen [ "Almighty God. and upon the pain of the great curse of God that here shall be rehearsed. Egin. Egin. and of all creatures. let it be so. where he suffered the most shamefullest death that could be devised or thought. and if thou be bound to any man before this time. I conjure thee. thou spirit Egin. resurrection. I conjure thee. 0 thou spirit Egin. I charge thee to appear before me. Egin. when he said. I conjure thee. that thou. excommunicates you and throws you into the fires of hell. and call thee by the virtue of Christ's death. except thou meekly here appear to me and to my fellows."] I conjure thee. and call thee by and in the pain of thy utter and everlasting damnation. in human form. if you do not come immediately and respond to all my questions. I conjure thee. the father of the holy heaven and earth. by all the virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Mother that bare Christ in this world. thus. in what parts or part of the world soever thou art in. 0 rebellious spirit. that thou send one of thy legion next under thee that is out of bondage to answer me truly to all my demands and to obey me upon the pain of utter and everlasting dam­ nation. or to any thing that ever God created. with­ out hurt doing to me or to my fellows. dost come and appear meekly and in fair form. I conjure thee by the virtue of the first 554. but that thou appear before me. I accite and cast. and also conjure thee. and call thee. 0 Lord God of truth. by the virtue of the seventh word. and by the coming of the Holy Ghost. Following parallel passage on Folger p. PART 1: THEURGIA 343 deemed me. "Consumatum est. then by the same bond and virtue. and mighty as­ cension. such heavy burden and pain to light upon thee. that thou appear before me openly. Egin ." ] I conjure thee. that the dry land may be seen. by the virtue of the fifth word. "Germinat terram arbam verentem facientem in semet ipso sit super terram:' ["Let the earth sprout forth green herbs. "Multiply. he said. when he blessed them. Compare above. Egin . Egin . by and by. by the virtue of the ninth word. when he made man. and all the universal creatures of the air. the earth after your kind. In marg. " Fiat firmamentum in medio Aquarum et deuidat Aquas ab Aquis." I conjure thee. and let it divide the waters from the waters. he said. I conjure thee. he said. when he made the Sun and the Moon and the stars . ''Multiply. Egin . and call and constrain thee to come and appear unto me and my fellows. that they may shew light on the earth. and water. "Gather all ye waters together under heaven. "Let the light be made." [ "Go forth and multiply and fill up the earth:' ] I conjure thee. by the virtue of all the holy words that God spake unto Moses and all other holy prophets .: "w" glyph. and call thee that thou appear before me and my fellows in the form of a child under the age of ten years. by these names. he said. Egin . that he may rule the beasts on the earth. Egin . he gathered all the waters under heaven into one place. King Egin . I con­ jure thee. by the virtue of the fourth word." [ "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters." I conjure thee. "Re­ plenish the waters and the earth with living fowls under the firmament of heaven. and call thee and constrain thee to come and appear before me and my fellows. and those produc­ ing seeds. I conjure thee.344 THE B O O K OF O B ERON word 555 when he made the light. to divide the day from the night. by the virtue of the tenth word." I conjure thee. and fishes of the sea. when he made beasts and worms. "Let great lights be made in the firmament of heaven. " Cresite et multiplicamini et replete terram. ye one. Egin . King of the North. and increase. and call thee by the virtue of the eighth word.556 Egin . when he made Adam and Eve and put them into paradise . and let them be in the firmament. over the earth. and trees bearing fruit in which is seed of its kind. 556.' and it was made." ] I conjure thee. thou spirit Egin . King of the North. and fill full the <the> waters of the sea and the birds. earth. and by all the glory of heaven . he said. Egin ." I conjure thee. . when he made trees and herbs to spring. he said. + Heeb + yreos + Iesus + fortis + fons + salvator + Eloy + Theos + Deus + Christus + Iiectata + Sabaoth + De­ gramonis + Agie + virtus + lotis + helium + histerium + Adonay + risus + laabatonis + 555. "Make man after our own likeness. and let them be into signs and times and unto days and years. and said. by the virtue of the second word when he made the firmament. he said. multiply upon the land." I conjure thee. by the virtue of the sixth word when he made fishes. and birds of the air under Heaven. and call thee by the virtue of the seventh word." I conjure thee. and call thee by the four ele­ ments. when he had made firmament. and call thee by the virtue of the third word. he said. thou spirit Egin . then he said. et finis [ "and the end" ] . Origo [ "the origin" ] . world without end. and not to depart without licence of me. . In left marg. both now and forever. fallacy. vita ["the life" ] . Egin ." Beneath in pencil: "See this page 48 MS Palimis. The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century. dost appear before me and my fellows at this present time without any delay. petra [ "the rock" ] . might.558 557. homo + usion [ "of one substance (with the Father ) " ] . Athanatos [ "immortal" (Gk) ] . Capud [ "the head" ] . lapis angularis [ "the cornerstone" ] . Alpha and Omega. and I call thee and charge thee to appear by all the holy names aforesaid. Jesus Christ. 2 1 4-20. Amen.: "26 1 b. Sera + Crasme: perhaps sacratissime [ "most holy" ] ." An abbreviated version of this rite may be found in Raphael. Apres + Elon + Vrsta + Gloriosus [ "glorious" ] . Varios [ "different" ] . that you come meekly without any troubles or commotions of any of the four elements. It is proven and certain without doubt. King of the North. Sapientia [ "wisdom" ] . as thou art called by that salvations that thou thinks to have of our Lord God and of his son. Bonus [ "good" ] + On + Vnigenitus ["only begotten" ] . to whom with God the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory. Egin. and call thee by all these other names of God Sera + Crasme + Varios + dominus + Leta + Apres + Elon + Vrsta + Gloriosus + Bonus + On + Vnigenitus + via + vita + Manus + homo + vsion + principium + primogenitus + Sapientia + Virtus + Alpha + et Omega + Capud + et finis + Origo + Paracletus + petra + lapis + Angularis + Pastor + propheta + Sacerdos + Athanatos + Kerios + et Isus + hogeron + Allaluia + Abednago + heretis + hesben + Geroti + Covit + Absia + Sminina (?) + et ista + pre­ dicta [ "and with this preceding " ] 557 + I conjure thee. or fraud. Pastor [ "shepherd" ] . majesty. Virtus [ "virtua"] . PART 1: T HEURGIA 345 Tetragramaton + Semeton + Graton + Maton + lection + Messias + [ 1 3 3 ] lactea + Abite + Aponas + heleos + helebe + Agie + Agee + Paton + Regum + Abraca + Bata + legita + Yreos + Victor + Osanna + hebonibatica + Helsell + Nazarenus + helemon + Vita + Victor + Theos + Thea + Thanatos + Thesion + Perceveratori + Lam + Gesa + Emanuell . Also I con­ jure thee. Kerios ["Lord" (Gk) ] . that thou. primogenitus [ "first begotten"] . and Isus + hogeron + Allaluia + Abednago + heretis + hesben + Geroti + Covit + Absia + Sminina (?) + et ista + predicta 558. dominus [ "Lord" ] + Leta [ "joyful" ] . thou spirit Egin . In right marg. via [ "the way" ] . Sacerdos. manus [ "hand"] . and dominion rendered. Paracletus [ "Paraclete" ] . [ "priest" ] . propheta [ "prophet" ] . principium [ "the first" ] .: "w" glyph. Text in upper left corner reads: ''Aglaitha" (i. Talui.34 6 THE B O O K OF OB ERON 559 [ 1 3 4] [+ Conjuration of Baron] This experiment 5 6 0 can be done in the house or outside. This is a version of the magic circle from de Abano's H .. the names should be varied according to the time the operation is conducted. R. An-das. Aqusita:" I " + Ado -nay + Elo-y + A-Gla + Tetragrammaton". Amatiell. 5 5 9 ." [ "the circle of B. 40 and 1 75. Magic Circle. .e." ] . Sina-bal I Michael [ sigil of Michael ] Dardael. during the day or night. According to that text. Commissoros. Aglatha) . Text in circle: "+ Ver-kan Rex. in whichever you prefer to operate. Cara [ ca ] sa. Tus. Spugligueell.R. Abraem. Talvi. : Compare http:/ /esotericarchives. Amadai. in any secret place or time. 560. (inside:) "+ Al-pha et w +Al-pha et w " I (center: ) "Cir-culi B. Huratapell.gif. Compare Folger pp. I adj ure you. by the tern domini nostri Iesu Christi fili dei power of our Lord Jesus Christ. et per lapidem angulariem et per virtu. and by that gibbet of the Cross danos quibus affectus qui hie demonstra on which was suspended God and man.� . and the Ark of reum: the Covenant of our Lord Christ . with his characters written in his circle. with circle and sceptre. o1[ · · ¢ ·'?t · + · )3 · 0 .� · � · + ¢ X0 · <DS · '?t · � · <D · crf·X· 0 ttm · 8 · p · <B · ccf · do · 1 ¢ But when you wish to operate.the golden censer. son of vi ui et veri pueri [ * dei] miserecordis.* nostri domini et per thuribilium au. Psalms 5 0 and 3 4 ( KJV 5 1 and 3 5 ) .and by the staff of Aaron. and make similar ones in the circle. by the mini nostri Iesu Christi qui filium dei glorious virgin Mary. .� ·L· ll · + . PART 1: TH EURGIA 347 Here begins the conjuration of Baron. sime et per ilium patibulum crusis in son of the living and true God.the living and true God. and by his holy name. first northern spirit. and most qua suspensus est deus et homo et per merciful.and by . which you demonstrate tern qua 0 11 Obscuratus est et tenebre here. 0 spirit Baron. . and by that angel who will blow the canet in die Iudicii dicet venite: coniuro trump et on Judgement D ay and say te Baron per penas domini nostri Iesu "Come": I conjure you. 0 Baron. and by <I> ( ! ) coniuro te spiritus Baron glo. 0 spirit Baron. 56 1 . and by the cornerstone." then say this Psalm: "Judge. ( ? ) . those who wrong me" 56 1 and then: Adiuro te spiritus Baron per virtu. and by the facta sunt et multa corpora Sanctorum p ower which obscured the Sun and que dormierunt et surrexerunt et per brought darkness. and say three times in a row the Psalm "Have mercy upon me. 0 God. and these characters of his as following below. mother of our lord portavit in utere et per eius Sanctum Jesus Christ. riosam virgenem Maria Matriem do. I conjure you. . and by the sweetest milk of the same Virgin * Matthew 27:5 1 . who carried the son of God nomen et per dulsisemum lac eiusdem in her womb. and caused the bodies virgam Aaron et Archam federis Christi of many saints who had slept to rise up. 0 Lord. with two types of sword. by the Christi filii dei viui veri et miserecordis.punishment of our Lord Jesus Christ. hold the preceding characters in your right hand.� · <D · � . most merciful sime et per ilium Angelum qui in tuba God. Baron per terram et per quattuor Ele. and virgins . Compare Folger pp. and by all brem et omnes spiritus dei Coniuro te the powers of God . "and then the living will say to the cooperite nos a facia sedentes super mountains. 4 1 and 1 75 as well as Wellcome MS.which are above the heavens . by the menta: Coniuro te Baron per omnes vo.clouds and the lightning.gels § and archangels . and build­ cia et dicent tunc viuentes montibus ings. Daniel 3 : 56-8 8. 41 and 1 75. 0 Baron .name of God Adonay.e. and all the beasts on the earth. because the Lord minus faciat omnes lapides terre et edifi made all stones of the earth.t Coniuro te Baron et exorciso te ut sis I conjure and exorcise you.+ and by bilem ascentionem [ + eius ] et [ + per] his praiseworthy and admirable ascent. and by the Moon Baron per ignem et estum frigus et esta. I conjure you.confessors. i. and ice. THE B O O K O F O BERON virginis Marie et per verba eius et per Mary.and the Sun . 1 1 0. by the fire dies per Nubes et fulgura Coniuro te and heat. 2 1 6r.that they do. by the an­ Archangelos Martires Confesso res et vir. by the blessed (Lord who men to] celi et per laudabilem et admira. and rain. cover us from the face of thronum et per hec ineffabilia [ + nomen him that sits on the throne" * and by this Ya ] : ineffable [ name Ya ] . I que que super Celi sunt et per omnes conjure in the firmament of Heaven. and all spirits of tern [ + et] glaces per omnes noctes et God . and Misael) . . Coniuro te B aron per Angelos et I conjure you. by all the birds in the sky. by the Thrones tern omnes spiritus virtutes et omnes and Powers . that you and your associates may in omnibus faciunt et sosiis tuis per be kind and humble to me in all things benedictionem in formando [ *firma. 37r. See also Luke 23 :30. t So Folger pp. gloriosam formidabilem iudicium in and by the glorious. winter and summer. gines et per Trones Potestates per virtu. lucres Celi et per omnes bestias terre et 0 Baron . ements.. 0 spirit spiritus benignes et humilis rebus mihi Baron. by the martyrs . and by the holy nomen I sanctum dei Adonay quod do .and by all the nights and days. by the waters virtutes dei per lunam et solem et im. " § The general outline for this section seems to be based on the Song of the Three Children (Anania. and by his words. I conjure you. terrifying judge - secula seculorum: ment forever. 0 Baron . and Sloane 3853. Celos dei: Coniuro te Baron per aquas powers. * Revelations 6: 1 6. I conj ure you. by the earth and by the four el- per omnes filios hominum. and all heavenly beings of God. Azaria. and by all the children of man­ kind. :j: Following Sloane 3853: «per benedictum dominum qui est in firma men to celi. 0 Baron . 0 Baron . by the power of all spirits. peacefully accomplish everything I will cipio tibi.* by Ananias. or not before this time. ] (?)" 563. be bound to any man or not before this time. as thou appearest unto me by this conjuration and invocation. [ In margin: ] Then he will appear in the form of a man. which doesn't make sense if it is talking about the children (plural). PART 1: TH EURG IA 349 Coniuro te Baron per Israelem et I conjure you. nor make us unhappy.of God . that thou show what is thy property to do. Then say. by the p er queram Ecclesie edificatione ista members of the church I make this invo­ facio invocationem et per omnes Sane. but compleas omnia quicunque vel prin. and by all saints and those of tos et humiles corda Coniuro te Baron humble heart. by the lungs iepre [ *hepar ] do mini no stri et p er and liver of our Lord. In right marg. * (?) Parallel version on Folger p. and then thou may ask whatsoever thou wilt.5 6 2 I charge thee. and not harm me or my sosiis mei sed pacifice et quiduis facias et associates. 0 Baron .by all spirits and souls of the just. which appearest unto me before this circle. et per septem sacra. 0 Baron . Coniuro te Baron per pulmonem et I conjure you. 0 Baron . I conjure you indeed. thou spirit Baron . all which are graven in this scep­ ter pentacle. and I charge thee to tell me if such a spirit N. and omnes Sacerdotes et servos dei et per by all priests and servants of God . and whether thou be bound to any man. thou prince Baron. and appear to my face in noceas mihi vel da mihi miseras mihi vel human form. Wellcome MS. without any dissimulation. and also I charge thee. by Jacob and John . I con­ iura te Baron per omnes Sanctos Ap . 0 eterfin [ *etenim] per Ananiam Azariam Baron. by the virtue of the most holy and dreadful names of God .cation. and omnes spiritus et animas iustorum Con. and all members omnes membra dei et per quinqua vul. Azarias.of God . 1 76 has an imam [ "the soul" ] . that you come to me here et facie mee in forma humana et non personally.: "2 [ 62 . The last letter may have been struck out. representing the strong pentacles of Solomon containing in it the fore­ said dreadful names of God + El + Eochye + Elan + belt + Agla + Yonthachy + The­ anothe 563 + Nalta + by the which he subdued and included all spirits in a vessel of 562. by Israel . .jure you. and by the five principal wounds nera dei principalia. ask you. 1 1 0 and Sloane 3853 don't have any extra words here. [ and Mis- [ + et Misaelem] ael] . by all saints and apos­ postolorum dei Iacobum et Iohannem tles of God . and by the seven sacraments of menta ecclesia ut venias hunc coram me the church . if there be none. which is signified in the crown imperial standing in the top of my scepter. and by the virtue of the Holy names and mysteries aforesaid. that thou go to such a place and bring with thee the treasure that there lieth. . 0 Baron. and by his passion. quod mihi reuenias et respondatis vel re. Baron. Also i charge thee. and however often. Precipio tibi Baron per coniurem et I warn you.things which I have asked in whatever gavero in quacunque die vel in quo . Amen. may it fiat Amen Amen be so. and bring with thee to the value of 6. (?) I will have called you lapidem Anepestem [ anepostem?] In ar. [ 1 35] Precipio tibi per virtute domini nos. or night. the living and most vivi misserecordissime. I command you by the power of our tri Iesu Christi et per passionem eius Lord Jesus Christ. fiat. and safely deliver it to me by the virtue of the sup erial [supernal? ] majesty of the blessed Trinity. and by the conjuration aforesaid. fiat fiat merciful God. that thou bring with thee to the value of 6. and. and that thou suffer me and my fellows to have and to carry away the same without any interruption or letting of thee or any other spirit. may it be so. ceps obidientis et humilis sitt et ut sum- securus. and by the dispersing of his precious blood.into the stone . . and such that I am safe. obedient and interrogavero et respondeas mihi dein. May it be so. I charge thee to go to the sea or some other place where thou knowest any hid from the use of man. and not leaving until I have turis nisi A me licentiatus confueris per given you licence. that thou go without tarrying or any hurt doing to me or any earthly creature. and unto this I charge thee.that yo u return to me and answer all spondias mihi de omnibus de te interro. and re­ cunque no cte et quo cienscomque et spond to me thereafter. 000 pounds. 000 . . . by the virtue of the blessed Passion of Jesu Christ and by the virtue of his five principal wounds.ver ball. and by the mystical scripture of the same.humble. ( ? ) enclosed in this sil- genta pilla hac inclusum inque inde exi.35 0 THE B O O K OF OB ERON brass or glass. Amen. by the virtue of the excellent name of God + Tetragramaton + that I hold in my ring on my left finger. by the preced- invocationem predictum ut postquam te ing conj uration and invo cation. thou spirit Baron. that in trinitur [ *iterum? ] invocavero intres hereafter you . by the power of our virtutem domini nostri Iesu Christi dei Lord Jesus Christ. . Fiat. <<In principia erat verbum" [ "In the beginning was the Word" ] . and work fasting. the author seems to have shied away from such rituals." ] An experiment of Rome 565 An experiment566 of the secrets of Rome. and the master needeth not to have no child in this experiment. looking toward the south. Amen fiat. Decoded in pencil thus: «John Porter.56 7 He may do this every day." 565. and saying. Let it be so. with mastic and lignum aloes. whereby the Romans know all things present. nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti in the name of the Father. saying: "Per crucis hoc signum fugiat procull omne malignum et per idem signum salvetur quodque benignum et per signum sancta crucis de Inimicis nostris Iibera nos deus nos­ ter: " [ "By this sign of the cross.: «263 b. putting the basin with­ out the circle and first anoint and fumigate the basin. but fast. except holy days. The word ends with a curious flourish. and bless thyself with the sign of the cross. Greyfriar. 0 our God. and have with thee a sword or a knife to make a circle. and write op. and have a fair chamber and have a one clean basin full of water and clear." ] 564. That spirit will appear in a basin of water.' and • • • • then fasten the candles on their brim of the basin as ye shall see the form hereafter. In right mar g. and first be well ware that thou be not polluted with any lechery. Then sit in the midst of the circle. and of things past. 143 John Weston. and the Holy Ghost. 564 Pro certo: By nh 43 retr 4 p [ "For certain. It is proven without doubt. and things to come by a spirit that is called Sathan and was invented by William Bacon. and thou must have four candles of virgin wax. and by the sign of this holy cross deliver us from our enemies. and be steadfast in faith. by the same sign may all good be preserved. unto the end. Although the use of a child medium was common in divination. every candle: "Moyses Aaron Iacobe Usion Tetragramaton + mei Ratoim." 567. may all evil flee away. and the Son. See p. PART 1: T H EURGIA 35 1 Et lam vade In Pace et Recede per And so go now in peace and depart Passionem domini nostri Iesu Christi In by the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ . . by John Porter. 566. Amen. The End. and by the air (?) of God . et per denti. and the Holy Ghost .of God . and by the quinque vulnera dei.thumbs of God .throne of God . et per coro. et per ti. bens occulos ante e retro. et per merita dei. and by the Iuditii Incoqumes Christiana et humana birth of God . having eyes before and gram veritatem illius rei dicens de qua behind. * There is � above the "nn" in "Satanni.35 2 THE B O O K OF OBERON Then begin the conjuration as followeth. and by the passion of God . so loud that thou mayest be heard: I conjure you. without falsehood or deceit. et per venas dei. and by the head of God . and by Maria Matrem domini n o stri Iesu holy Mary. nam dei. et per capud dei. and per omnes virgines et viduas dei et per by all virgins and widows of God . 0 Satan. by the fallatia. et per ungues dei. and by the per polices dei. and by all his saints . and by the 4 or animalia ante Tronum sedem dei ha. et per mor. by the Father .the face of God . I conj ure you. et per crucem dei. et per aere dei.6. et per passio. § See next paragraph and further passages below. and by all apostles of God . et per and by the merits of God .and by the crown of God . et per diem by God ." t ? reading tibiis.tongue of God . et Christ . Coniuro te Satanni* per patrem et fil- lium et Spiritum Sanctum et per Sancta and the Son . and by the cross of God . et per plantas dei. dei.and by the Day of Judgment. and by the five wounds nem dei. et per omnia tor. . and by the bus dei et per occulos dei. erit in statum trigintem annorum. and speak the whole truth to all things which I will ask. et and by the eyes of God . and by all the tortures suffered tern dei. Incoqumes tiam Salamonis.feet ( ? ) of God . ut statim venias et aparias in hac four living creatures who are before the pelui [ + in forma] Albi monachi et inte.death of God . et per nasum dei. and by the rum. et per omnium sanctorum and by the legs ( ? ) t of God .appointed for thirty years. 0 Satan. mother of our Lord Jesus Christi et per omnes Apostolos dei. + and by the wisdo m of Solo - interrogabo te sine aliqua falcitate vell mon . power of the preceding words. virtutem horum verborum predicto . et per linguam nose of God . et per and by the nails of God . and by the veins of God . that you immediately come and appear in this basin [ + in the form] § of a white monk. and by faciem dei. menta dei. coniuro te Satan urn per ( ? ) who will be Christian and human. berias dei. et per sapien. and by the eius et per nativitatem dei. + Revelations 4. and by the teeth of God . tres principium figura et per daniel em and by the three principal figures.568 Then say. Isus Acme didatur et Messias . Adonay. and deceit. Saba. Sponsus. and north. and earth- 568. Gonca . 569. and turn thee toward the north. Alba. Agla. Arceret . Magon. Adonay. ((In the beginning was the word. and by saints Peter Paulum et per ista nomina dei + Agla + and Paul . and by these names of God + Marra + Mandra + Natha + Matha + Agla + Marra + Mandra + Natha + Morarimionbon + Moncray + Nazay + Matha + Morarimionbon + Moncray + Nazay + Matray + Mataliza + et per cla. Alba. standing in the part before thee.cigo r. Masi. John chapter 1 . . air. Mortha. by the staff of et per nona candelaria Celestiam et per Moses . Filet . 0 Satan. monachie et dicence ac demonstres mihi 0 Satan. Fea . with the basin fumigated as ye did before. Sother. and per 7 em plan eta et per 4 or Elementa fire by the seven planets. Sponsus Sancta corpora Sanctos Mortuos. PART 1: THEURG IA 353 Then put out the candle. water. Feodem . and by the Sigillum dei vivi: Coniuro te Sathan ut holy bodies of the dead saints. Then put out the candle that standeth in the part. that you appear to me in this veritatem de omnibus questionibus sine vessel in the form of a white monk. Magon. 569 And then say: Coniuro te Sa than per virgam Moysi I conjure you. Abba. Mo. I conjure you. Mortha. Agla. then fumigate as you did before. Sother. Saba. filet . Masi. and by the four ele­ Ignem Areum Aquam et terram et per ments-fire [ sic] ." etc. John chapter 1 . saying. Azaray. by these dei arceret . Sabaoth. and by the nine heavenly candles. south. funcigor. Meridiem O ccidentem et Borialem et and by east. Morarie. I sus Acme. Mobonum. and by prophetam et per Sanctam Petrum et the prophet Daniel . Messias. Sabaoth. Gara . bonum. Fun­ gonca. and fraude et falacia et dolo: speak and explain to me the truth to all questions without fraud. Coniuro te Sathan per ista nomina I conjure you. et per [ "bridegroom" ] . 0 Satan. Morarie . Abba. "In the beginning was the word" etc. gara. saying.Nazay + Nazay + Matray + Mataliza + vos Christi Crucifixi et per O rientem and by the nails of Christ's crucifixion . fea . names of God . Azaray. falsehood. west. and by mihi aparias in istud vas in forma albi the sigil of the living God. feodem . and by Saint Michael. and by the sigil of Virgil. Amen. Then say: Coniuro te Sathan per vincula Sala. Coniuro te Sathat ( ! ?) ut aparias mihi I conj ure you." Then put out the third candle. by the chains monis et per sigillum virgilii et per sig [i] of Solomon . and by the Holy Ghost deus Misit in cruce emitte Spiritum et which God expelled at the cross. 0 Sathat ( sic) . and fumigate the basin as ye did before. when he said.354 THE B O O K OF O B ERON duodecim firmamenti ut sine aliqua fal. and by the brum Vite et per Spiritum Sanctum qua Book of Life. and tur catenalentis.and by the sigil of William Bacon. * Figendo: JHP would expect another synonym of deceit. May it be so.ens.and by the twelve firmaments. per omnia alia verba qui possunt et qui " it is finished. and turn thee toward the east. saying.out any deceit you will speak to me with- en do out fastening (?)* and without lying. et per Sanctum Mi. and when he hath fullfilled your desire. then licence him to go from whence he came.complish my will. may it be so. and which are ineffable. and all that they contain. that with- latia dicas mihi non figendo non menci. and illa sanctam verba qui dicebat in Cruce these holy words which he spoke while pendens dicendo Consumatum est et suspended from the cross. full of grace. 0 Satan. * This seems to be a simple typo for Satan. without deceit.will appear in manner aforesaid. or possibly "delay.the binding chains that Raymond taught chaelem et p er illam Sanctam [ 1 3 6 ] ( ? ) . . or I will strip you of fecio tuo et pone te in abissum Aquarum all offices and send you into the abyss of usque ad diem Iuditii fiat fiat fiat Amen: water until the Day of Judgment." and by all other words sunt Ineffabilem: which may be." per omnia bona qui possunt esse In Celo and by all good which is po ssible in et in Terre et per omnes Celos et per Heaven and Earth. and by that Salutacionem qua S anctas Gabriell holy [1 36] greeting by which Saint Ga- sallutavit S ancta Maria dicens : Ave briel greeted Saint Mary. and willing to ac- precepta mea facere et dissolvo te ab of. llum Wilhelmi Bacon et Ramundi desi. "In the Beginning was the word" etc.* that in forma albi Monachi sine fallacia: et you appear to me in the form of a white vellem meam per feciendo et tu volueris monk. and by all the heav- omnia qui in eis continentur et per Li. I conjure you. ''Hail Maria gratia plena dominus tecum et Mary. saying. may it be so. Then the spirit . the Lord is with you. :: c 0 � � � c . Through this sign of the cross free us from our enemies. It is proven for certain. Compare with figure on Folger p. starting at top: "Ho + +on I Alpha + & o I Ho + + on I Alpha + + Et ( ! ) & o. 570 57 1 ~ Jlzaray + 0 lion � �� on � § � . in right marg." 57 1 . Per signum sancte crucis de inimicis nostris libera nos Deus noster Amen [ "Through this sign of the cross may all evil flee. The phrase in the circle reads: per crucis hoc signum fugiat procul omne malignum et per idem signum salvetur quodque benignum. 1 30. and through the same sign let everything that is kind and good be preserved.: "w" glyph. starting at top: "Azaray + 0 hon I Theon + Maton I RATON + Deiton I Meiton + Pheon.: 1t � * on * UOJJ3([) + ~ 570. Magic circle·. but the rest don't seem to appear elsewhere." Outer square. ." ] Outside circle. PART 1: T H EURGIA 355 The end. Amen. surrounded by four incense burners (or shafts of wheat?) .: "264." The word (or name ) Azaray occurs in the conjuration on Folger p. In left marg. 0 our God.: Cir cu{i + + cG Q � � c � � · � � � � � c � � � 0 � � . 1 35. and by all the names vinculum eius et per omnia vocabula in in those same t bonds. and cern Apostolos. et dominations.35 6 THE B O O K OF O BERON [ 1 37] In order to know about things lost. I adjure you along nibus sociis tuis per patrem et fillium et with all your associates. written in such idiom as though you have written on the paper previously. et per omon. et per omnes Sanctos by all the holy martyrs. and all that are mare.: "2 1 9. . Again I adjure and conjure you. I Virtutes. D o minations. and the meaning eodem vinculo. et per sigillum eius. and by the twelve Apostles. et per Angelos.the terrible Day of Judgment.gin Mary.000 innocents of Revelations 1 4:3-5 . 0 you Keryth. mortem. and afterwards say : 0 tu Kerythe. Powers. by the Father Spiritum Sanctum. t In right marg. potestates. Then write your petition on some piece of paper. and you will discover what you asked for. confessors. Cherubine et Seraphine. Coniuro vos omnes per beatis. by tium. by all the rum et p e r centum quin [ qu a ] ginta orders of angels. or hidden in the earth. Thrones. make this figure in the courtyard of the house. Thrones. et per duode. per omnes ordines Angelo. and return to the same place in the morning be­ fore daybreak. and by his ring. in the following specific form as shown.* who. annulurn eius.conjure you all by the most blessed Vir­ simam virginem Mariam Matrem do . and place the paper in the mid­ dle of the said figure with tweezers. or accumulated. et significatio vocabulo. et per and by his bonds. and by the great wisdom of Sol­ summam sapientiam Salomonis. in hoc Tetragono nocte ista detis de night + may you give [ + knowledge? ] redubitabili et quesita. and Martires Confesso res et Virgines. * Probably meaning the 1 44. et omnia que in ea sunt. et per tremendum and the Son and the Holy Ghost. by uro et Coniuro vos per �C eelum et per the heavens and the sea. in this quarter of the rum. and by all the saints and elect of omnes Sanctos et electos dei. principatus. and by diem Iudicii. Archangels.God. et Cherubim. et Archangelos and by the Angels. concerning the thing in doubt and sought. Seraphim. and Virtues . ego te adiuro cum om.fifty-four thousand innocents. Principalities . and by his sigil. and by the one hundred [ *quadraginta] quatuor millia Innocen. You should always perform this work in the first quarter of the night. qui per Christi nomen passi sunt the name of Christ have suffered death. et per in them. et per virgins. Item adi." + See below.of the names. mother of our Lord Jesus mini nostri Iesu Christi.Christ. and temper it with glier. and write with the other end about the eye with the matter aforesaid these four names Malkeo. and therewith make the eye. In right marg.573 572." Then rehearse his name that thou dost suspect. 573. Grind thy foil and glier. and then get a nail of clean copper. and say these words. 0 spirit. or a substance made from egg whites. statim clamabit [ "he will immediately acknowledge" ] . Nabbasr. and if it be he." . Battenayer. and the names as here followeth. upon a marble stone. Coniuro vos spiritus ut faciatis furem apparere. and touch the eye in the black with the nail's sharp end. that you make the thief appear who we are seeking.: "2 1 9b. and make his face be shown and recognized" ] .57 2 and they ground together. Glier: likely gleir. Take a stick of cypress and paint upon a wall an eye with the one end of the same stick. et appereries os suum et recognoscere furum quod querimus [ "I conjure you. Colkeranon. ''Malkes Nabbas Col­ keran and Battenaye. PART 1: T H EURGIA 357 Beginning of the treatise on the experiment for a theft Take silver foil. your superior. . without hurting of me. days. saying these words : Dala. In marg. constraining all inferiors under you to serve me at all times.: "1 on Wednesday � I 1 A howlet. saying these words: Iuuan. give virtue and strength to this my purpose. Faon. Emenguilla Saluagan. and by Hemeolon. Then reserve his blood in a clean vessel.575 Take a lapwing and kill him as you did the howlet. I adjure you. B. I adjure you that you do your humble obedience unto me at all times hence­ forth and. Pandlath . Kill him under the right wing. and. Dyiaga." . under the right wing. This fowl I kill in the name of you all. Arsdortho Sedaon. Dangolath. that you do your humble obedience unto me. This fowl I kill in the name of you all. your prince. J. by whom you do all secrets in earth amongst men. your prince." 575. by whom you do all secrets in earth amongst men. at all times henceforth. your superior. hours.: "2 on Thursday 'lt I 2 A lapwing. Rufangoll. and of his fat in another clean vesseL Then in the day of Jupiter consequently following and in the hour of Mercury. and by Heme­ olon . Rufan­ goll. In marg. for seeing spirits from the air. commanding you by this name. with your power unknown. handavmusdah. give virtue and strength to this my purpose. as followeth 5 74 Take the white howlet in the day and hour of Mercury. or any other living creature. 574. at all times and in all places. commanding you by this name. my body or soul. Sumiellam Rostafala­ gath .35 8 THE B O O K OF O B E RON [ 138] To make an oil which is precious most rare and excellent of all others. with your power unknown. and minutes. and in all places. or any other living creature. saying these words: Odauan Opathan. and of the fat in another vessel. at all 576. my body and soul. constraining all inferiors under you to serve me at all times. at all times henceforth. Then reserve his blood in a clean vessel. hours. This beast I kill in the name of you all. hermyadell. and by Hemeolon. Rufangoll. your prince. Then. Then. In marg. 577 Take a black cat and kill her under the right side against the heart.57 8 Take a want or mowld. and with your powers unknown.576 Take a black hen and kill her as you did the lapwing against the heart. your superior.: "5 on Sunday 0 I 5 a mowld. and minutes. your prince.. saying these words: Fellofell. and. without the hurting of me. fervolam. days. deothan. . in the day of Saturn and the hour of Mercury next following. and by Hemeolon . at all times and in all places. by whom you do all secrets in earth amongst men." 579. by whom you do all secrets in earth amongst men. hours. Want or mowld: a mole. commanding you all by this name. saying these words: Eloofe. I adjure you that you do your humble obedience unto me. PART 1: T HEURGIA 359 constraining all inferiors under you to serve me at all times. constraining all inferiors under you to serve me at all times. unto me. Her­ madafinuni .: "3 on Friday c. days. in the day of Venus and in the hour of Mercury ensuing." Below it in marg. Then reserve the blood in a clean vessel. your superior. I ad­ jure you that you do your humble obedience. hours." 578. Edlodell . and minutes. with your power unknown. This beast I kill in the name of you all. days. my body or soul. In marg. commanding you by this name. flodalath . give virtue and strength to this my purpose. and minutes. give virtue and strength to this my purpose. and of his fat in another vessel. Pandugell. Then. your superior.(. or any other living creature. give virtue and strength to this my purpose.579 Kill her under the right side. or any other living creature.: "4 on Saturday 11. Etheluill. I adjure you that you do your humble obedience unto me at all times henceforth. Then reserve the blood in a clean vessel. 3 a black hen. This fowl I kill in the name of you all. with your powers unknown. at all times and in all places. commanding you all by this name. my body or soul. without hurting of me. in the day of the Sun and in the hour of Mercury ensuing. your prince. Rufangoll. In marg. at all times henceforth. Gariguanim. ganyhaon. by whom you do all secrets in earth amongst men. Euantr Dirathon Riamiuta. 577. and by Hemeolon. Rufangoll. Samionim Elogamillo Reumdatha Iesoraell. without hurting of me. and. and of the fat in another vessel.: "w" glyph. I 4 A black cat. constrain­ ing all inferiors under you to serve me at all times. and of his fat in another vessel. in the day of the Moon and in the hour of Mercury ensuing. at all times [ sic] and in all places. days. and minutes. without hurting of me." 58 1 . Lady Delforia. I adjure you that you do your humble obedience unto me at all times henceforth. hours. . or any other living creature. commanding you all by this name. give virtue and strength to this my purpose. commanding you all by this name. give virtue and strength to this my purpose. or any other living creature. or any other living creature. In marg. Then. Kaell­ dath. In marg. without hurting me. Riarufa. your prince. Dupanfalo. your prince. Sibilis. mix all well together with a slice of a bay tree. and with your powers unknown. Sede llpha. by whom you do all secrets in earth amongst men. without hurting of me. days. and by Hemeolon. con­ straining all inferiors under you to serve me at all times. that mighty prince. Lymaxillo . seven drams. : (( w" glyph. saying in tempering of it these seven words or names:5 82 Iulia • Hodelfa Iuafula Sedamylia Roauian Segamexe Delforia Inferiors and servants • • • • to the Empress and princes of all fairies. Then reserve his blood in a clean vessel. and minutes. This fowl I kill in the name of you all. Take the fat of all these foresaid fowls and beasts. hours. Rufangoll. 5 80 Take a bat and kill her under the right wing.360 THE B O O K OF OB ERON times [ sic] and in all places. and by Hem eo len [sic] . and that you be as familiar with me as you were with King Solomon . Then reserve his blood in a clean vessel. Upon the palm of your hand. constraining all inferi­ ors under you to serve me at all times. my body or soul. clean washed with rose water. 5 8 1 Take a raven and kill her under the right wing. saying these words: Ohorma. and of the fat in another vessel. In marg. and 580. my body or soul. Rufangoll. that you do your humble obedience unto me at all times henceforth. Oremaelle Saquidaell. at all times and in all places.: ((6 on Monday )) I 6 A bat. Exoniloelli Iesaloeella Reralath. as soon as I shall anoint mine eyes with this commixture. I adjure you all. by whom you do all secrets in earth amongst men. your superior. This fowl I kill in the name of you all. Then reserve his blood in a clean vessel and of his fat in another vessel. your superior." 582. as you be present amongst men in­ visible at all times. saying these words: Ramasaell. my body or soul. Of each of them. [ 1 39 ] and with your powers unknown. Myiasaleti Rendos. and all amiable creatures delighting in the company of human people.: ((7 on Tuesday (J I 7 A raven. Then in the day of Mars and in the hour of Mercury ensuing. the mix­ ture of all these as followeth. and south of the fairy throne in the hour of Mercury and put the vessel in midst of the fairy throne. with the Empress Delforia. This done at the conjunction of the Moon in the hour of Mercury. put the oint­ ment in a vessel. repeating these seven names: Iulia: Hodelfa: etc. west. or [ere] thou do put this into the fairy throne. 584. Compare Bodleian MS. and the secrets of all sciences underneath heaven. Discouerie of Witchcraft. But first. and as you opened and showed to King Solomon the hidden natures. north. Iulia hodellfa: Iuafula: Sedamilia Roavian Se­ • • • gamexe. precious stones. four times with the feather of a raven made of the fifth feather of the right wing with tv iJUL these characters. upon pain of hellfire and everlasting damnation. the Moon increasing. Cut them in the day and hour of Mercury. north. into the midst of the fairy throne. King Arthur. then write upon every one of them these seven names in the hour of Mercury: Iulia etc. In • • • • • sealing of it. 5 8 3 that valiant prince. by these names whereby I do bind you: + Gath + Vasgath + Vlagar + Ieramila + Roboracath + Redath + Segath + even as you fear the j ust judgment of Readufan. � * zu � Yt g5 Q) � Then lap it about the vessel. south. three times with a pen made of the third feather of the lapwing of the left wing. west. properties. and herbs. 5 84 but first take two or three drams of each blood and write these seven names in virgin parchment: Iulia Hodelfa Iua­ • • fula Sedamilia Roavia [ n] . east. shave them white. to do the like to me at all times. or Prince Arthur. trees. Ashmole 1 406 ( circa 1 600) . even so I command. Note link to Sibilla. first to the east. the seal must be made in figure following of copper. These seven names. three times at every wand. the Prince of Wales ( 1 486-1 502 ) . without disdain ­ fulness. and adjure you. PART 1: T HEURGIA as you were with Prince Arthur. provide four hazel rods of one year's growth. saying these seven names: 583. Put these four wands in the four quarters. require. and virtues of metals. Segamexe and Delforia: all these names written seven • • • times. and seal it fast with virgin wax. repeating these seven names: Iulia Hodellfa Iuafula Sedamilia Roavian Segamexe and Dellforia. Briggs quotes a passage that describes the mechanics of a rite for conversing with fairies and the use of hazel rods and the curious phrase "fairy throne. who appears in Scot." . even as you fear the just judgment of God upon pain of hellfire and everlasting damnation. as thou dost hope to be saved at the dreadful day of judg­ ment. In marg. thine eyes therewith. To this I swear thee. and also I command ye by all power that God hath over all creatures in heaven.. to what use soever thou art created. I may see you in your perfect being.: "w" glyph. Fiat. in earth. The three days ended. by God the Son I command thee. Iulia. and by the obedience thou owest to thy Lord God. 293-4. fiat. then thou shalt see diverse creatures most beautiful to be behold in garments of diverse colours. the empress of all fairies. and in hell. put it into the Sun to rectify five other days. by God the Father I call thee. metals. and privy talks of people. Then speak to one of them which thou likest best beckoning thy head towards her with saying: 0 thou beautiful creature and gentle virgin. by what name soever thou art called. or presume to anoint.587 to be true to me at all times. the mighty prince. ye cursed. that as often as I shall anoint my eyes therewith. without fraud or collusion. and the Holy Ghost. This do three days. etc. whose names here included sealed with the seal of King Solomon. 586. Include: enclose. by God the Father." even as thou dost fear the just judgment of God upon pain of hellfire and everlasting damnation. truly shewing to me all secrets of herbs. fiat. Secretly turn thy vessel three times every day. but first before thou anoint. and all other amiable creatures delighting with the company of Christian people. Then anoint therewith and look towards the east. the Son. " 587. Grimoire ofArthur Gauntlet. and of what order soever thou art. take it up and put it into a secret dark place three other days. into everlasting damnation in hellfire to burn forever. every one. . hear me. � 586 [ 1 40] w Making this pentacle over the vessel upon the ground within the fairy throne with a hazel rod of one year. by God the Holy Ghost I choose thee. be in clean life the space of seven days. which only shows a hexagram with " T in center. with which seal here sealed the vessel wherein he bound you. by the name N. and inherit my Father's kingdom. and make perfect this ointment. Give me true answer of all such things as I shall ask and demand of thee. in which he shall say. stones. hereafter to meet with me at all 585. and by the mighty names of ligation where with Solomon did include585 you into a ball of glass + Pannath + Davion + Segamilion + Svgamyell + darvfa + Ierasami + Ariamilath + that you come at this present. every day. Sibbells. trees. even as thou wilt avoid the heavy wrath of God sitting in his high throne to judge everyone according to right. I adjure thee to be obedient to me forever henceforth. This done or ended. and go. THE B O O K OF O B ERON Iulia: Hodellfa: Ivafula: Sedamilia: Roavian: Segamexe with Delforia. "Come ye blessed. three times a day. Five other days let it remain not moved. Compare Sloane 385 1 . I call you. grant grace to these. wash thine eyes with rose water. neither yet whether she be a spirit or woman. and that thou wilt grant to us that all things may be brought to good pass that we take in hand. say: I conjure you. thy creatures. When thou wilt gather them. whereupon depart at this time and the peace of God be between thee and me. so that the rather by them I may come to the knowledge of that thing I desire. Finis. et Spiritus Sancti [ "In the name of the Father. and that being done. seven Ave Marias. This being said. I do beseech thee for thy dear Son Jesus Christ's sake. in the hon­ our of the Trinity. say. by whose providence the earth and all therein was created. "In the name of the Father. and when she doth depart. "In principia erat verbum." . and all things have their being. neither yet demand her name. through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let us pray. etc. I have found thee. In right marg. When thou hast talked enough with her. Son. An experiment of two hazel rods of one year's growing Note that5 88 the rods be but of one year's growth and not above. Let that talk go. talk not long. "0 Lord by whose providence mankind is increased. now and forever. signing thyself with the sign of the cross. good lord. 0 Lord.' either of them at four strokes. I command you 588." which being said. say three Pater Nosters. or any other thing. Amen. and that by the virtue of the holy name of God written in you." In Nomine Patris. and Holy Ghost" ] . hear my prayer and let my cry come unto thee. In the name of the Holy Ghost. Filii. PART 1: T H EURGIA times. because that if they be there will be a fault in the operation. but when thou talkest with her. in saying. humbly we beseech thee to put away from us all hurtful things. This grant. her parentage. say these words: Now go in peace. thyself alone quietly. Of this assure thyself to be most true. Then at all times she will meet with thee at what time thou anointest thy eyes. I have sought thee. or for what she is. I do cut thee. Then say. thou beautiful creature of God. Amen. by the ineffable names of God + Hely + Helyson + Orca + Tetragrammaton + that you bring me without all manner of deceit and craft unto the place where any treasure is hidden. nor yet her kindred. let it be upon the first Friday of the Moon before the Sun rising. In the name of the Son. that they may be unto me aiding.. for fear of indignation. hazel rods of one year growing this day.: "220 ( ? ) . or some other sweet water. Amen. Beware you offer her no discourtesy at any time of polluting thyself. Amen. Lord. to the place appointed of God. in the honour of the seven j oys of Mary the Vir­ gin. but demand things necessary for thy purpose. both now and at all other times as when I shall have cause to use them. and remember there be so much of the earth of the churchyard where one was buried be well mixed with the foresaid oil. In the other. New York: Lea Bros. and sufferance. 59 1 . who hath redeemed me. and by the Holy Spirit who hath sanctified me and all creatures. write + Adonay + three Raavarax times. as they being wise and prudent men. by the three kings of Cullen. put them into a silver vessel. look5 8 9 that the Sun do enter into Aries or Taurus . A Dictionary of Medical Science (Philadelphia. for in the month of March. Amen.59 1 make thee a circle of as hereafter appeareth. which is the most fittest time. & Co. of the oil of juice of the leaves of Mandragoras.: << 1 92. you may take the adder's skin. you may take oil olive . that so you may bring me into the certain and sure place where any treasure is or metal is hid or hath any being. and take 6 oz. Melchior. and set the vessel of oil in the midst of the circle." 590. I bid and command you by the power of God the Father. and look when the Sun is four or five degrees in Aries or Taurus. In right marg. how to see them and overcome them First . and by God's p ermis­ sion. In the first rod. I adjure you. This mixture is best to be made when the 589. Then take 5 or 6 oz. Then take the powder of Carpobalsamax 590 2 or 3 oz. were conducted and led by a star where as they found Christ. and devils. All these being mixed well together. write arifax + Agla + three times. . and Balthazar . 1 903 ) . According to Robley Dunglison. Corrected thus in marg. spirits. and make powder thereof. [ 141 ] This is the office of angels . Amen. . T H E B O O K OF OB ERON that you do not rule in vain. and the like quantity of the oil of Car­ pobalsamax. and for want of this oil of Carpobalsamax . 0 hazels of one year's growth. Jasper . and that this be done. . grace. and of the earth of a grave in the churchyard four spoonfuls. who hath made you. of the powder of the root of Mandragoras. that. being cast voluntarily. Carpobalsamum corresponds to Amyris Opobalsamum and Balsam of Gilead. so that it may stand between thy legs. and cover it with a cloth. and make it in a house or fair chamber. by God the Son. one of our Lady. and look out at the east window. 595. or in any part you will into the air. and yet thou shalt not perceive what they be that do it. and the vessel shall be opened which thou didst cover. and let thy ring be always on thy little finger. but in any wise look thou be clean when thou touchest it. Originally written "30" in red ink. but if thou look well and be vigilant. thou shalt hear a sound. and bear it on thee.. that a consecrated priest should both mix it and handle it. and hang it about thy neck. lifting up thy scepter. thou mayest lie in a clean bed alone. Enter and turn to­ wards the east. and other necessaries. continuing in prayer. In marg. and planet." 594 and hear three masses before thou enter: one of the Trinity. for fear of polluting it. ring. 594. place the sword and other necessaries near to the oil. " Domine ante pr etc. superintendents. : "w" glyph. Unknown significance-possibly a reference to the pictures later in the book. of whom thou mayest demand his name. de­ voutly saying this prayer. 592. and refrain from venery. in the circle thou mayest stand or sit. and some with their legions as appeareth in the book of pictures596 etc. who shall pronounce words the sound whereof thou mayest hear. and not within the circle. and likewise the sword. and without doubt about midnight. thou shalt see the scepter lifted up in the circle. . but thou must use abstinence only with bread and water for three593 days. and when thou seest them. but beware the place or lamina touch not the earth at no time. Look thou keep the oil in the vessel still. and to make the circle also in the same Saturn and the592 degrees when the Moon is new and increasing.. 595 I find that it is written there shall come a thousand angels to bless the oil or mixture.. etc. 593. and thy garments clean. and you shall see the spirits standing in their order. which is of spirits coming to the circle to bless and consecrate it. thou mayest call one of them to come unto thee. and no doubt but he will tell thee. and may be misplaced. Perhaps the preliminary communion prayer "Domine sancte Pater omnipotens"? See http:/ /www. and look thou be confessed.preces-latinae. Now being in thy circle. office. and then into the other parts of the world. crown and scepter. and offer at every one a penny. These three words are crowded to the left of the text. 596. but the words thou shalt not which bed must be near to the circle. and if he be not for thy purpose. during all which time have good regard to thyself. but the "0" is crossed out in black ink. and that about midnight.html. and he will come imme­ diately. Note that it were of much greater virtue. constella­ tion. and robe it in some fair cloth or silk. And then when you will you may anoint your eyes with the oil. and one of Saint Cyprian. then take the sword. and the oil. upon peril that may fall thereon. PART 1: T H EURGIA Sun is in the opposition of 1 1 th degree of Mercury Mars. and look thou be clean in all respects. and note that the first night after thou hast entered thy circle. And during that time. etc..e. and then that worm will be turned into a lapwing. and in the hour of Saturn and Mars being in opposition and triangle of them. is best working this work of the lapwing. and having thy pur­ pose. and whose office is to do that thou requirest and to bring him with all speed possible. and put the worm therein." [ "Go. and cover it close with a cover of the same stuff. the which was sometime a companion of one Mr. because he would not reveal or declare the manner of making this precious and most secret 597.. the Son. it will be turned into worms. 599. April. and also freely doth permit and suffer us to speak of this most precious oil or ointment. to teach thee the art of necromancy. and to make the Philosopher's Stone. The great living God is he that hath given the gift and the knowl­ edge to the learned. Very close: i. which I myself saw it once made of a learned Turk. and look that there be room enough for it to increase therein. to tell the truth of all questions and doubts. and within another ten or twelve days. in the name of the Fa­ ther. If thou wilt have any to bring thee money... etc." ] Note in March." 598. [ 1 42 ] To see spirits in the air or elsewhere To have597 the sight of spirits. and look forth at the east window. and the Holy Ghost + Amen. or more if need be. and sooth thou shalt see the spirits of the air. and let her blood under the right wing. and July. In left marg.: "w" glyph. T H E B O O K OF O B ERON then command him to depart and to set [fett [ ch ] ? ] one that is. In right marg. in nomine patris et filii et spiritus Sancti + Amen.598 and so keep it ten or twelve days. The oil 599 or mixture aforesaid is called the oil of the choleric. Then make paste of walnuts or almonds beat small. in right marg. Now when the same is ready in proportion. to a lapwing again. it will be turned into one worm. take a lapwing two or three and kill them. a vessel that seals tightly. etc. and save the blood as is before said." . now if it be not fully grown. : " 1 94. or any other science. of which thou mayest call on. then take her out. that no air come in nor go out. On a time the same Turk. anoint thy eyes with the blood. and at the end of the same days. W. discharging him say. and that as speedily as is possible. or eastward. to declare the very way to make gold and silver by the art or science of alchemy. Note: you may look unto it after ten days. and save the blood in a vessel as above that is very close. May. "vade pax sit inter te et me. : " 1 93. the weather being fair and warm. or the anointment to see spirits. let there be peace between thee and me. June. and when thou wilt see the spirits. and let it lie therein another ten or twelve days. etc. Sithens: afterward. and as I was kissing him.. . and as men dismayed fled. a very honest and godly man. 600. but the Turk was the most excellentest in all the world thereat. especially of Egypt. Dowway: Douai. a city in France that served as a refuge for English Catholics when Elizabeth took the throne. And suddenly there hap­ pened a great tempest. who. indicating a clumsy effort to integrate a narrative from another source into the text. he gave me. in a city there called Dowway. being in Henowaye. and thereby forthwith the Turk escaped the danger he was in by the means of invisibility and so fled from them. the Turk was commanded to be slain. and so I did. as they supposed that I had delivered the Turk by the virtue of my kiss. of which three my fellow the Turk was one. that at that time in all the world. and here I do write the same for learned men to solace themselves withal. Accompted: accounted. lest I should be accompted 603 with the unprofitable servant. who was both a great philosopher and very rich. And this choleric or ointment I have used many times sithens. and as the Turk was led towards the place of execution. to the end I should not forget it. I kissed the Turk. and at my departing from him. Soldan: a great Muslim leader. the Turk came to me invisibly. then forthwith he anointed mine eyes with this aforesaid choleric or ointment. there was not above three persons that could make that ointment. and J. who hid this talent in the earth. from whence the same night we fled secretly and went towards Jerusalem and Lombardy. was another. a ring wherewith I might go invisible. then secretly I did deliver the ring to the Turk again. that as occasion is offered. He taught me and gave me this copy etc. the Turk desired that he might talk with the said Mr. but I saw him not. W. and thereupon they apprehended me. Note the change in person in this story. 602 . and. the said W.604 and in the company of a canon. And when that I did perceive myself to be invisible. and charged me. and so he and I went to his house both speedily and quietly. the which goods were brought unto us afterwards by the spirits with much more. and forthwith commanded them and charged them that they should minis­ ter to me their help and deliver me from that peril I was in. 603 . 604. and leaving our goods behind us. It was the site of the English College founded in 1 56 1 . John Weston. . and so great thunder and lightning that the Saracens which led me fled and were so dispersed. Gent'. and brought me before the Soldan. PART 1: TH EURGIA ointment. I. . And as they were a leading of me towards the Soldan. and that to the Soldan600 then being in Alexandria by the Soldan. and then I spake to them. then I fled to my fellow the Turk. or that he suffered. and forthwith I saw him and an infinite number of spirits. which was granted him and so we 60 1 conferred together. 60 1 . and his name was Joseph. and I seeing them in such fear that they ran away. W. that they left me alone. they might put it in practise.602 and I dare be bold to say. and how he came by it.. etc.? ) . who was one of Arasey and was lieutenant to the said prince of Pavoy." 607. and as it roasteth keep the grease that droppeth therefrom. Baaye: possibly either boxwood or bay.608 and beware you shed no blood. Savoy? 606. and let the blood run into a vessel made of baaye. and make a paste thereof round as a ball. every one in his de­ gree. and do many strange and wonderful things to God's honour and comfort of the poor. small nuts. in the likeness of a lapwing. . and so let it rest another nine days. Then cover the vessel again. and when you will work any work of philosophy. and keep it therein well covered. and anointed mine eyes therewith.. and provided always that you yourself shall not see the same in nine days as when you may look thereinto. and set it up again. and make in the midst thereof a hole. but yourself. : "220. and cover the vessel therewith.: " 1 98 ( . and so let it stand ninety days. so that no air come thereto more than cometh in at the hole in the cover. princes. Then uncover the vessel. In left marg. and I gave him a great thanks. and put it in a privy place.: "w" glyph. and bruise them all together. The secretness of secrets hid � Take a lapwing 607 and slay it on the Wednesday in the hour of Mercury with a knife steel and made of brass. etc. as when you may look therein again. and then you shall see the blood full of worms. For the goodwill he bare me. nor as near as you can come there nigh. if thou 606 regardest that which is before said and do all accordingly as is pre­ scribed. thou mayest be rich in substance." 608. and you shall see but one worm. in right marg. and this canon did so favour me that he told me how he came by this ointment. dukes. and of almonds and figs. In right marg. and you shall see a chicken. he gave it unto me. 605. but that all run into the vessel. THE B O OK OF O B ERON j oining with me and others. and make the fire with date stones and shells of walnuts. where no man cometh but yourself. Slay it and put it on a spit and roast it. kings. Then take the meat of dates and kernels of walnuts. etc. For hereby thou mayest call the great and mighty power of spirits as emperors. and look that no man see the same vessel. and I saw a heav­ enly sight. we entered in league and attempted a secret work for the Prince of Pavoye 605 and for one Monsieur Brettencort. [ 1 43 ] This. and they shall not be able to hide their doings from you. wash your eyes and face with water that swallows were sodden 609 in. and they shall tell you. and you shall hear them. and ask of them what you will. and there thou shalt find thy chiefest substance. without the which it may not be done. At the bottom in pencil is written: "John Weston I See folio 1 3 5 John Porter. thy labour is lost. but secretly. and they shall hide nothing from your presence. PART 1: T HEURGIA anoint thy face and thy eyes with the grease. or else thou canst not do. Note that the vessel must be made on the Wednesday under Mercury and the Sun. But thou must first do as thou shalt find in folio 97. what they do. or else if thou neglect or omittest one thing. and that this ex­ periment must be done under Mercury and the Sun and on the Wednesday at the hour of Sun. and you shall see spirits face-to-face." . 6 1 0. and speak with them. Look in the previous folio. also the knife of brass steel. Now when you will no longer see them. 6 1 0 609. Sodden: soaked. for by this means was our science found out. and you need not to be afraid of them. and they shall seem to you as though they were men and your fellows. and no6oc£y wi[[ liave liatredtowards you." The sixth has the words: Mentem . am£ everyone wi[[ 6e joyju[ to you. "i.spotaneam ­ honorendeo . 6ut you wi[[ 6e pfeasing to everyone.and prayers to him -?" ] . Seven talismans. First one "gives love" and has the words sana [ "healthy"] fama [ "reputation" ] .? -? . Janna da rea [ "you give sanctuaries to the defendant" ] . of men and women.holy . a !STJ7l a � Carry tliis sea[ witliyou. Jlgainst visi6[e and invisi6fe enemies.37 0 THE B O O K OF OB ERON [ 1 44] [ + A collection of talismans ] 61 1 'Tiiis sea{gives {ave Carry tliis sea{witliy ou. and against demons and preces ei .veracionem [ "Mind . Anarathrra & lorabonus I homo [ ''man" ] . ave maria [ ''hail Mary" ] .sanctam . . Carry tliis sea[ witli you. 6 1 1 . andfoes andevi[wi[[ 6e s[owec£. .On .usyon ( Greek "of one substance") I fortu Christus aem.El ..__ . (]3efio{c[ tfie cross of tfie Lord! Carry tfiis sea{witfi you and a{{ Pfee ye adversaries! aerie{and infima{powers wi{{ o6ey you. injury.On .Agla ­ Semaphoras . PART 1: T H EURGIA 37 1 [ 1 45 ] 612 crliat you may notfear an enemy. @ }l[ .. . _ ..[Venus] I a a g l a.Tetragra-maton I EL . Seven talismans.Sabbte. crliis is tfie inja{[i6[e name off}oc£ 6ut on[yfear qo£ wfiicfi }laron 6rougfit against a{{dangers. The fifth has the words and names ''Primellus" . }lnd o6ey terrestria{and infernaL Carry tfiis sea{witfi you rtfiis sea{is poweifu{ against a{{danger.El .. andyou wi{{fear no evi� and wi{{ maf& a man agreea6fe. Semaphoras is a corruption of Shem Ha-Mephorash (iD11�Di1 CliD ) ( "the explicit Name [ of God ] '' ) ....On .pan ton craton (Greek "Ruler of all") . nor demon. 6 1 2. The second one has the words Con Dio [ =condio "I preserve"? ] . serpent. o/[----( . (?) I homo.. Eloe .Chaie ass era . o/[ · ( � crliis sea{wi{{soften tfie tongues of tfie wick!c£ and reveaCs fove. Melchior. Six talismans.372 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON [ 1 46 ] 613 (}3y tliis sea{ a{{powers and CJliis sign no evi{ can prevai[ against you. Also in center is famous ((SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS" square. The last one has the traditional names of the three Magi: Jaspar. and Balthazar. andyou wi[{ notfear your enemy. CaJ!Y tliis sea{ witli you in war. andyou wiT{ 6e defiveredfrom a{[ftar. and against sliot to 6eJurtlier Off s a t 0 r }l r e p 0 t e n e t 0 e r p a r 0 t a s 6 1 3 . inferna{ spirits wi[{ o6ey. Wliicliever cf_ay you sfia{[ liave seen tliis sea� (}3y tliis sea{ a[{ infima{ you wi[{6e defiveredfrom a[[ evi[ spirits andpowers wi{{ o6ey. . Carry_ tliis sea[ witli you. The last one includes the words: Recumbentibus 12 discipulis apparuit illis [ "He appeared to the twelve disciples as they were at table" ] . PART 1: THEURGIA 373 [ 1 47] 6 14 }Igainst a(( married women and motliers Sigi( of tlie seven pfanets 6 1 4. where the number of Apostles mentioned is eleven. Four talismans. And Jesus Christus Dominus [ «Jesus Christ the Lord" ] . . Compare Mark 1 6: 1 4. when he calleth any of the afo resaid Kings. and Ysquy. Analogues can also b e found in Sloane 1 727 and Sloane 3824.374 T H E B O O K O F O B E RON [ 1 48 ] 615 �t es de arde vaude C magor · · Jlg {a (])it es de arde vande Jl[carofi Jlg{a 6 1 5. 1 1 r. "Saviour" ) . where they are described as circles for calling forth a series of spirit kings. + Neon" . In Sloane 1 727. "Eman [ u ] ell." The first on this page includes the words Sother (Gr. Acharon ( or Acheron) . A G 1 a On ." The latter is probably a corruption for something like "this is the circle for the spirit Magor/Magoth. . In Sloane 1 727. . Maguth.1 7r. . they are named Magoth. Ysus. The next seven figures appear to b e a set. Jenathon.e I:' and "Pit es de arde vande C. Jennathan. Ysquisy. Sloane 3824 describes them as "the Seaven Regall Spirits" and gives the names as Macharioth. Macharioth. Achachardus. magor. Ely.' perhaps in some Dutch dialect. the circle for Magoth has the words ((NEON: OST: THEON I SOTHER: OST: MOTHER I EMANVEL I NEON: SABAOTH!' The second talisman has the text ((Tetra [ gra] mmaton + Neon + Adonay + Sabaothe +" inside: "Dit es de arde vande Alcarofi" ( *this is the circle for the spirit Alcaron/Acharon). Acharon. it describes their purpose as follows: "These following serveth the Invocant to stand in. and Achachardus. Is us. .. PART 1: THEURGIA 375 [ 1 49 ] 6 1 6. . Second circle text: "Sabaoth + Neon + Dominus + Agla +" and "Die es de circle vanden com--e isquier" ( *this is the circle for the spirit Isquier) .... First circle text: "Messias + Neon + Agios + Agla +" inside "Dit es de.. vande-. Arcle.ysus" ( *this is the circle for the spirit Ysus).. Second circle text: ((NEON + VSYON + CRATON + EMANVELL'' and ((Die es Arii cirli van de Simagon Inde ar clirustrarchun phorum" ( *this is the circle for Simagon I . THE B O OK OF O B E RON [ 1 50] [151] 6 1 7. . . ? ) Following the pattern in Sloane . First circle text: "+ Neon + ADONAY + Yskyrios + Athanatos" and "Die es den caclen van den ci enachariorh" ( *this is the circle for the spirit Enachariorh/Macharioth ) . 1 727. JHP would expect this to be the circle for king Jennathan. . I would expect this to be the circle for king Achachardus. Large circle and Saturn talismans. The second figure starts a series of eight planetary talismans (there are two for Jupiter) . . The first (labeled "Saturn us" ) includes the words: "+ Alasse + Habaelon + Osanna + Agla + Tetragrammaton. The first figure completes the series of seven circles with the characteristic "AGLX' box inside. Tetragrammaton . .lous 6 1 8. PART 1: TH EURGIA 377 618 (])ic es dlr trisife Judeum arufe mortzyn en dari vp trisen j1." ] Inside: Die es dir trisile Judeum a rule mortzyn en dari vp trisen Alous [ *this is the . ." . The text reads + El Tetragra:rnmaton P ne Iesu Christe + filii Dei vivi Miserere + Nobis esto vobis Domine turris + fortitudinis A facie Inimici [ "El. + Be a tower of strength to us in the face of our enemies. . Jesus Christ + Son of the living God have mercy. ? ] Following the pattern in Sloane 1 727. In marg.: ''w" glyph.37 8 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON [ 1 52 ] 619 6 1 9." The original drawing in the manuscript has a note saying "this is false. The Jupiter talisman has "Messias + PANTON + CRATON + Tetragrammaton: +. . but it follows hereafter parfitt (=perfect) " and this corrected version is provided on Folger p." Messias being Greek for "Messiah. 1 55. and includes the words "+ Alasse + Sabaoth + Astrodus + TETRAGRAMMATON. The second talisman is of Mars." and Panton Craton Greek for "Ruler of all. Sun has "MON + Saphalyon + MON + Tetragrammaton +'' and Venus has "Aasse Almon + Aglonomo + Malabyend + SADAY +.'' . PART 1: T H EURGIA 379 [ 1 53 ] 620 �ol 620. " 622. This page of the manuscript has a corrected version of the Jupiter talisman. 1 52. Mercury has ((Panton + Craton + Aglamay + Saday +". T H E B O OK OF O B ERON [ 1 54 ] 62 1 1Luna [ 1 55 ] 622 62 1 . Mercury and Luna talismans. Luna (the Moon) has ((ADONAY + AGRAMAY + SADAY + TETRAGRAMMATON + . . see Folger p. The closest analogues I have seen are in Sloane 3850. 32r. PART 1: THEURGIA [156] Characters of the planets. ij ~ rm4 ~C·lf·f<~ft· 623 ~ ?r~~~~ ~~ c31 ~)~ L v t 0 V CV ~ 1=l ~ WI I 07 ~ ~ h±~:L~22R7 ~ ·+ ·4. and Sloane 3885.t ~ ~2m f2l Jm }-tt+o ~ ~I fJ 0)_s ~ D ~[-t-o-R ~ IJ=P:s( ~9818 623. Characters of the planets. 12lv-122r. .· x sn ~ ~ll~J 5) ~ q t cR llOLr ofot: The sigil of the planets of the pentacles of Solomon. ij )-t-6 ~ ? *t ~ 1-t_ 1-f -&6 * ~ ~ C91t(9 (31 >---0 +f 9 w f2] r) ll \f'/)1 9 9 ~ 11V 0 )38~~~?2 ~ l. Tetragramaton Sabaoth Ado nay Meleh 1:::1 . Iah Iod '..i1'?� Elohim gibor * I..�n:J\V p 1� tJ.u Elion El tJ..... [ + Hebrew for the planets] . from Agrippa book 3 chapter 1 0. T H E B O OK OF O B E RON The ten most sacred names of God.....�a \Va\V i1�i:J ::l�i� i1:J::l'? Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon .� Elohim Elohim Gibor i1i\Vi1.e." See OP Book 2 chapter 1 3 .. � tJ. "The Name Jehovahh of ten letters Extended.. Ihesuh Eloha 1ii1 Hod Tetragrammaton Sabaoth �i1 i�i �i1 1i. Eheie i1.i1'.� El Tetragrammaton Elohim 11�?.:J1� Adonay Sa day rli�::l� i1ii1. Tetragrammaton* Adonay Sabaoth . from OP Book 2 chapter 22. At the bottom are the geomantic characters of the Moon from OP Book 2 chapter 5 1 . PART 1: THEURGIA 3 83 [ 1 57 ] Inte{{i� Seals without characters of the seven planets 624 Saturn tum (])aemon ofSaturn ~ � Inte{Cigence ofJupiter (])aemon ofJupiter ® � /j �ars Inte{Cigence of�ars (])aemon of�ars ~ !} It Sun Inte{Cigence of tlie Sun Q>ae '\ Sun X 1 Venus Inte{Cigence of Venus q)� y n� ~ ~ �ercut] Inte ::.: "w" glyph. At the top are planetary Kamea Seals and Signs. There appears to be something in brown ink smudged out at the top (Tetr? ) .r rcury q)�mo ( ercury M :Moon Inte{Cigence of tlie :Moon (])aemon of tfie :Moon II 624. These have been corrected according to Agrippa. . In marg. In right marg. : "294. Geomantic characters of the planets and labels from OP Book 2 chapter 5 1 . Note the characters of the Sun are missing. In marg. . : "w" glyph.Draconis i ��& � A 625.3 84 T H E B O O K OF O BERON [ 1 58 ] 625 Charactersfor the 9vtoon o/ia � I CFopu[us §�§§ Charactersfor 9vtercury Conjunctio CJ GJ I XX� L CD C)X & SZ }l[6us 2���� Charactersfor o/enus }lmissio dJGJ >\�X� X ���0 CFue[[a <?i" -t Y 7W Charactersfor the Sun Portuna 9vtajor c:r 9 Y� � 9 Y Portuna 9vtinor cS � AA A cS � Charactersfor 9vtars (j(u6eus 6 B g8 A CFuer � + � <>? � Charactersfor Jupiter }lcquisitio 4J ����� X �0'7� Laetitia B LJ E� E? Charactersfor Saturn Career ¢ � r��H$J V� 0 9 'I'ristitia E? Q ?A e Caput (Draconis T Yt\I W ? Cauda c. 27v ff. Alheniel. and 3rd days. Kyriel. good to obtain audacity. Compare OP Book 2 chapter 33. for hunters and alchemists. Dirachiel. Seheliel. Ataliel. Enediel. 627. Egibiel. In the 4th house. fortitude. 6 2 9 the 2nd . Neciel. Requiel. to get nobility and power in dominion. and breed dis cor [ d] . Gabiel. . Abrinael. There are again twenty-eight angels. 628. based in David Edwin Pingree. The third day available for sailors on the sea.J. Perrone Compagni in his edition of Agrippa. Tagriel. Aziel. immodesty. the Moon hath her course in Aries . Brill. The second day available to find treasure. Ergediel. and to retain captives. Emediell . in the 2n d . the Angell Samiell. in the 5 th . Bethnael. The first day. 1 66 n. Thus they say 62 6 if a fumigation is made out of coriander and parsley or henbane. Amutiel. Ardefiel. Amnixiel. in the 3rd . Amnediel. Unshamefastness: indecency. PART 1: TH EURGIA From Petrus de Abano [ + fumigations] The fumigation of Sunday: Red sandalwood The fumigation of Monday : Aloe The fumigation of Tuesday: Pepper The fumigation of Wednesday : Mastic The fumigation of Thursday : Crocus The fumigation of Friday : Costus The fumigation of Saturday: Sulfur Agrippa. 257 the first day. with hemlock. [ 1 59 ] Brief notes concerning the course of the Moon 627 The 1 st . In the first house. Picatrix: The Latin Version of the Ghiyat alhakim (London: Warburg Institute. 626. book 1 . see V. Agrippa based this on Raziel 2:3. Cakiel . Azariel. 1 992) . Agnix. 1 986) . Geliel. and unshamefastness. Abdizuel. Ayeariel hath dominion. courtesy. Adriel. Azeruel. Available to: efficacious for. 2n d . the daemons will immediately be congregated. ]azeriel. whose names in order are these: Geniel. which rule in the twenty-eight mansions of the Moon. to get wisdom. available to628 journey. De Occulta Philosophia Libri Tres (New York: E. the 3rd . Barbiel. Hence they call those the herbs of the spirits. Amixiel. chapter 43 [+ fumigations] There are fumigations made under favourable influxes of the stars that cause spectres of the daemons to appear immediately in the air or elsewhere. [ ?? ] e and beauty 2 6 4 The 4 th and 5 th in Taurus . 1 :4. 629. in the fourth cold and moist. The fifth day is available to return from a journey. The thirteenth day is available to obtain benevolence. In the gth house.631 In the 1 3th house. Amediell hath dominion. in the second hot and dry. it is very available to gather riches. The twelfth day. in the 14th. yet it bringeth forth all the conceptions of the superiors. to drive away fleas. for corn. in which the Moon is warm and dry. The eleventh day available for those that journey. it is good to get riches. OP Book 2 chapter 32: "for in the first quarter. to instruct scholars. according to Bacon. fountains. to ob­ tain gain by traffic. to give health and benevolence. for the delivery of captives. to besiege cities. The 1 3th. in Gemini and thus is completed the first quarter of the sky. it is good for the obtaining of wealth. Neael: in the 1 2th. 1 4th day in Virgo and thus the second quarter of the sky is completed. 1 2th day in Leo. and although it is the lowest of the stars. The fourteenth day is available to increase the love of married folk. in the 7th. good to better the estate of servants and captives. to redeem captives. in the third. In the 6th house Birachiel hath do­ minion. wells. but hurtful for those that journey on the land. to raise buildings. The eighth day is available for love. it is hot and moist. as the Peripatetics deliver. friendship. The eighth day in Cancer. Cazariel hath dominion. Scholiel: The sixth day is available to hunt. to hinder the endeavor of physicians. to obtain love and be­ nevolence against enemies. and good to breed discord among men. profitable for sailors.: "264. cold and dry. to destroy corn and fruit. 630. hurtful for sailors. 1 oth. The Moon being in Cancer. namely the seventh. 26 In June is one day for preparing truly destructive. to drive away creeping beasts and to engender discord. in the 1 1 th. good to build. and to confirm the prison. The seventh day is avail­ able to obtain wealth and friendship for lovers. In right marg. 1 1 th. and to destroy of­ fices. Abdizenel. in the l Oth house. for from it in the heavenly bodies beginneth that series of things which Plato calls the Golden Chain. In the gth house. prosperous for corn and plants. and gold mines. wealth to enter a journey. The tenth day. The Moon being in Virgo . The ninth day is hurtful to harvest and to those that labour in a journey." 63 1 . Ardosiel. the Moon being in Taurus. to drive away mice to afflict prisoners. THE B O O K OF O B E RON The fourth day is available to destroy and to hinder buildings. in which the Moon is hot and moist 2 5 6. Engadiol. for the revenge of princes.630 The sixth and seventh day. to heal the sick." . Barbiel hath dominion. The gth. and for the society of those that journey by the way. or Levanael . Aquarius by Doliol [ * D eliel] . Gemini by Tamimiel [ *Tomim­ iel] . Cochabiah . Virgo by Betuliel. Taurus by Suriel. Zedekiel : the spirit of Mars. Capricorn by Godiell [ *Gediel. or Semeschia . Cancer by Sartamiel. and that he do in no wise doubt neither stagger in his mind for the obtaining of his purpose for as a firm and steadfast credulic doth work marvelous things. and defraudeth him from his de­ sired effect. [ 1 60] The spirits of the signs at the circle 634 Aries is presided over by Teletiel. Libra by Magniel [ *Masn­ iel] . The spirits of the planets The spirit of Saturn 633 is called Sabathiel : the Spirit of Jupiter. PART 1: TH EURGIA It behooveth that the worker of magic be of a constant credulic63 2 and confident." 634. OP Book 3 chapter 28. and Pisces by Dagymiel . in right marg. Credulic: credulity? 633.: ''w" glyph. [ + the spirit of Mercury. signs of the Zodiac. In left marg. Jareahel . Signarum: i.. Nogahel . so a distrust and doubt destroyeth the virtue of worker's mind. Madimiel : the Spirit of the Sun. the Spirit of Venus. or Cochabiel . Sagittarius by Chesetiel. ] the Spirit of the Moon. Scorpio by Acrabiel. Leo by Ariel. Ibid.e. . 632. Semeliel .: "289. from all evil. guard our entrance and our exit. psal: 50: psal 1 3 5 psal 1 48 * In right marg. all ye people. et universi qui habitavit the Lord's and the fullness thereof. a conturbatione inimicarum.tion descend over us. protectio tua. 0 Lord . all ye nations: praise him.] 2 has prepared it upon the rivers. So be it. et exitum nostrum. and all those who dwell therein. a your face. Quia ipse super Maria fundavit world. psal 40: 1 4 ver So be it. eum et super flumina preparavit eum For he has founded it upon the seas. Guard us. 5 1 . 0 tras domine domine custode Introitam Lord." Domine abscondes nos in abscondito (KJV) Psalm 3 1 :2 1 (paraphrased) : ((0 faciri tuae. THE B O O K OF OB ERON Before beginning you should say: psal 9: psal 1 8 : psal 24: usque ad ver. . 0 Lord . 0 Lord mine ab omni malo custodi anima nos. from the disturbance of ene­ contradictione linguarum psal 30 ver 2 1 : mies." When we enter the circle: psal l 7: usque ad ver 5 : psal l 1 6 : 1 ( KJV) Psalm 1 8: 1-5. and psal 2 3 : ver 1 [ ." ) Domini est Terra et plenitudo eius. et usque in seculum. may your protec- descendat super nos: custodi nos do . You shall protect them in your tab­ ernacle fro m the contradicti o n of tongues. 1 3 6 . you shall hide them in the secret of Proteges nos in tabernaculo tuo. ( KJV) Psalm 24 : 1 -2 : (( The earth is orbis terrarum. 2 5 : 1 -8 . Psalm 1 1 7: 1 ( "0 praise the Lord. * 1 9 . 1 48 usque ad finem." Benedicitus dominus deus Israel . Guard us. the in eo. nostrum. ( KJV: ) Psalms 9 .: "290. guard our souls. 3 3 ." Domine custodi nos. sum 8: psal 3 2 : psal 3 5 : a<d> versum 5 : 3 6 :5-1 3. a Psalm 4 1 : 1 4: "Blessed by the Lord the seculo et usque in seculorum fiat fiat God of Israel from eternity to eternity. Lord. nunc. ex hoc from now until eternity. gladium suum day? Unless you will have been con ­ vib rabit. 75. 9 1 90: Domine.1 3 : "God i s a just judge. who made heaven 1 2 3 : verse 8: and earth. 0 Lord. tuae quia pauperes your mercies speedily go before. and be favourably inclined to correct 1 6: 1 7: our wrong doings. deliver us. psal: 43 : * There is no Psalm 1 7 1 . 86. ne memineris iniquitatem ( KJV) Psalm 7 9 : 8-9 : "0 Lord. and may your brilliance be upon esto peccatis nostris dirrige psal 8 9 : ver us. for we facti sumus nimis." At the time of the invocations: psal: 2 : psal: 1 2 : psal: 1 9: psal: 1 7 1 : (KJV) Psalm 2 .1 7 (KJV 90) .* 44. have become exceeding poor. h e ponaouit ilium: psal: 7: ver: 1 2 : 1 3 : has bent his bow and made it ready.1 7 : "Look upon us. fortis e t patiens Psalm 7: 1 2. et propitius ( us ) . et Psalm 90: 1 6. psal 78: ver 8 [ : ] 9: Respice in nos servos tuas [ *tuos] . 0 Adiuva nos deus salutaris noster. et verted. and upon our work. PART 1: TH EURGIA Before the invocations: psal 8: psal 27: psal 74 75 psal 85 psal (KJV) Psalm 8." propter nomen tuum. our saviour: and for the glory of propter gloriam nominis tui audiuua your name. arcum suum t e tendit. . in pencil is small figure. Deus Iudex Iustus. give us our sins for your name's sake. strong and patient. is he angry every Nisi conuersi fueritis. h e will brandish his sword. your [ in ] opera nostra et dirige [ no s ] sit servants. 20 . 28. 1 7 1 ( ? ) . and direct splendor tuas super nos. nunquid Irascitur per singulos dies." * * Adapted from Psalm 89: 1 6. et God. Help us. 76 ( ? ) . re- nostrarum antiquarum cito anticipent member not our former iniquities: let nos miserecordiae. and for­ nos et p ropitius esto peccatis nostris. Adiuto rum no strum in n o mine ( KJV) Psalm 1 24:8 : ''Our help i s in dommini qui fecit celum et terram psal the name of the Lord. 1 3." * * In marg. the poor." Deus confringet capita Inimicarum ( KJV) 6 8: 2 2 : " God shall break the suarum verticem capilli perambulan . me. 0 Lord .* and Psalm 3 : 7 : " I will not cumdantis me exurge domine salvam fear thousands of the people.39 0 THE B O O K OF OB ERON Exurge d o m i n e de u s . and have mercy on me. 85 . 82 : psal: 84: psal: 90: psal: 1 46: psal: 85: For expelling fear: Psal: 6 : non timebo millia populi cir. 9 1 . 65 et 66 : psal: 73 : psal: 76: psal: 79: psal: 77. Between the invocations: Psal: 2 : psal: 5: psal: 1 2: psal: 46 : psal: ( KJV) Psalms 2 . save me. 1 47. 0 Lord . The troubles of my tae sunt de neacessitatibus meis erue me heart are multiplied: deliver me from my psal: 24: ver: 1 6: 1 7: necessities. 0 Lord . 5 . Psalm 6. 66 .: ((29 1 ." Tu domine servabis nos et custodies ( KJV) Psalm 1 2: 8 : "You." Respice in me do mine. 67 . the hairy crown of tium in delictis suis psal: 67 ver 22 et lege them that walk on in their sins. 83 . will nos a generatione hac in eternam spal 1 1 preserve us and keep us from this gener- ver 8: ation for ever. surround- me fac deus meus psal: 3: ver 7: ing me: arise. et ipse ad (KJV) 6 0: 1 4 : " Through God we shall Nihilum deducet tribulantes nos psal: do mightily: and he shall bring to noth- 59: ver: 1 4: ing them that afflict us. for I Tribulationis cordis mei multiplica. 47 . 74 . ne obliviscaris pauperum: God . 1 3 . 0 my God:' * In right marg." And psal: 43 : ver: 22: usque ad finem. et miserere (KJV) Psalm 2 5 : 1 6-1 7 : "Look upon mei quia unicus et pauper sum ego.heads of his enemies. let your hand be exalted. read Psalm 44 verse 22 all the way to the end. and 8 6 ." . 80. forget not psal: 1 0 ver 1 2." In cl eo faciemus alone and poor. exaltetur ( KJV ) Psalm 9 : 3 2 : "Arise. 0 Lord manus tua. ucat te deus in puteum Intaritus ibidem and you will descend alive into hell ver: 24: Confringat deus caput tuum et ( Psalm 5 4 : 1 6 ) . as the tuarum protege me psal: 1 6 : ver: 8: et si apple of your eye. fire. brimstone. psa: 1 0 ver: 6 : verberet te deus virga fer.ened that you see not. God shall flog you rea et tanquam vas figuli confringat te with an iron rod. . God shall shatter your head. God will return you to hell 9: ver 1 8 pluat deus super te laqueas (Psalm 9: 1 8 ) . you have said to the Lord: you are spal: 1 5: ver: 1 : my God . Lord . they have comforted me. for you are consolata sunt psal 22 ver 4: with me. 0 N. for I have put trust in you. and your back will hendat percutiet te deus et persequater always be bent ( Psalm 6 8: 24 ) . walk in the midst of the shadow o f Virga tua e t a baculus tuus ipsa m e death. I will fear n o evils." [ 161 ] Circle work 635 Conuertat te Deus In Infernum psa: 0 N . Effundat deus super ( Psalm 67: 22 ) . shadow of your wings. In marg. 0 N . . 0 my quoniam bonorum mearum non eges soul. et [ spiritus ] procellas you. and storms. God shall confound you in Infernum vivens psa: 54: ver: 1 6 : ded. custodi ( KJV) Psalm 1 7: 8 : "From them that me ut pupillum oculi sub umbra alarum resist your right hand keep me. Protect me under the ambulavero in medio umbrae mortis." non timebo mala quoniam tu mecum es Psalm 2 3 : 4 : " For though I should domine.( Psalm 24:3 ) . Your rod and your staff. and shall break you psa: 2 : ver: 9: confundat te deus psa: 24: into pieces like a potter's vessel (Psalm ver: 3 veniat morse super te et descendat 2 : 9 ) . [ et] sulphur.. ( KJV) Psalm 1 6 : 1 : "Preserve me. et furam eius te compre. . my goods are nothing to you. : ''With penalty inflicted. God shall bring you verticem capilli tui [ + perambulantium] down into the pit of destruction (Psalm in delictu tuis. the tur occuli tui ne videas et dorsum tuum hairy crown of you who walk in sin in curvetur semper. . Your eyes will be dark­ te Iram suam.( Psalm 1 0 : 7 ) . God will 63 5. psa: 67 ver: 22 obscuren." Another version of this curse can be found on Folger p. PART 1: T H EURGIA 39 1 Conserva me domine quoniam spe. 0 ravi in te dixi domino deus meus es tu Lord . 0 N ." A resistentibus dextrae tuae.54:24 ) . 62. Death will come to you. God shall rain snares upon ignis. . and his addat psa: 68: ver: 24 avertat te deus re. a like fire which burns wood. ante faciem venti. et] terrores eius te conturbent ps: in his tempest. God will fill uitates tuas.his wrath ( Psalm 82 : 1 6 ) . et ut stipulam add grief to your wounds (Psalm 68: 27 ) . and your sins with lashes (Psalm 88:33 ) . God's anger will flare up against you like fire ( Psalm 88:47 ) . .wrath will seize you (Psalm 68: 2 5 ) God trorsum et erubescas psa: 69: ver 4 1 [ *4] : will strike you and persecute you. God will take vengeance on you mini. sicut ignis qui combu. and shall burn you ( Psalm 96:3 ) . and shall trouble you in 87: ver: 1 7: visitet te deus in virga. Burning coals will fall upon you. A fire shall go before God. so that you will perish deum praecedat et in circuitu Inflammet forever (Psalm 82 : 1 8 ) . in miseriis non have troubled you ( Psalm 8 7 : 1 7 ) . destroy not") .will place you like a wheel. After the licence Psalm 58 ( "Unto the end. and nomini illius conturbet te ut pereas in like a flame burning mountains (Psalm seculum [ + seculi. God montes persequatur te deus in tempes. The wrath of the te psa: 96: ver: 3 : cadant super te car.God will turn you backwards. Iniq.82 : 1 5 ) . that you will obey psa: 8 8 : ver 3 3 : Ira dei exardescat in te his name ( Psalm 82 : 1 7 ) . after the spirit has appeared 1 If he appear in his proper form. and ponat te deus ut rotam.39 2 THE B O O K OF O B ERON te et super dolorem vulnerum tuorum pour out his anger upon you. Psalm 6 7 ( '<Let God arise and let his ene­ mies be scattered" ) . and like straw tate sua et in Ira sua turbet te Impleat b efo re the face o f the wind ( Psalm deus faciem tuam ignominia ut obedias 82 : 1 4 ) . turn yourself towards him. in mis­ ery you will not be able to stand (Psalm 1 39: 1 1 ) . 0 N. God subsistas psa: 1 39: ver: 1 1 : will visit you in your iniquity with a rod. he will tanquam Ignis Ibidem ver: 47: ignis ante confound you. and you rit siluam et sicut flamma comburens will blush in shame ( Psalm 69:4 ) . and his terrors bones in ignem deiiciare. Transeat te in ira do. receive him gently.Lord has come upon you. etc. et in verberibus peccata tua your face with shame. Observations. N. . I beseech thee that thou wilt save and preserve us. But if you will be sure of a true answer. treasure to the value of [omit­ ted] . maker of mankind. and without hurting. [ "I conjure you N. saying upon every question. how much. and how many are under his subjection. etc. 5 But if you see him stubborn. and what be their names and offices and whom be they under. 636 guile. and that you cast it without delay or lingering. PART 1: T HEURGIA 393 2 Then.. At the entering of the circle 0 everlasting God." ] [ space] or I conjure thee. 4 What is his office and dignity. thy unworthy servants. "Coniuro te. by Jesus Christ . 636. Amen. N. or impairing of the treasure or any part thereof.. . bruising. a�d the Son . subpena damnationis [ "I conjure you. but rather that he be converted and live. which willed not the death of a sinner. and in what house is treasure. and the Holy Ghost . N. under penalty of damnation" ] etc. per Iesum Christu m et per admirabilem dei nomen Tetra­ gramaton + ut mihi vera respondeas de hac re. Covin: trickery. and by the admirable name of God + Tetragrammaton + that you answer me truly concerning this thing. 3 Under what planet he is. or distrust him of lying. per patrem et fi­ lium et spiritum sanctum. and let him put his hand thereon. tempting thee in divine and secret matters. constrain him by a convenient conjuration. covin. and where it lieth. That you tell me truly what treasure is hidden in this house called. as thou hopest to be saved etc. and that thou wilt defend us with the right hand of thy deity and bring us to the fulfilling of thy commandments and grant us our desire by Christ our Lord. by way of entreaty.. by the Father. . enquire what is his name and whether he have any other name. and swear. N. [ space ] or coniuro te. wherein I am. . N. either from the parts of this realm. or from the parts of some other nation. without hurt or damage either to me or to any one of my fellows.. or fraud into the midst of this circle. Our general request That you bring or cause to be brought unto me speedily. stretch out your sword. and by what means I may come by it and whether there be any keepers thereof or no. Tua est potentia tuum est refugium Thine is the power. Cleanse me. 0 Lord .* * Also from the communion. 0 Lord. In spritu humilitatis et in animo con. God . and grant that factum nostrum in conspectu tuo ate the act which we offer today in your suscipiatur hodie et placeat tibi: domine sight may be pleasing to you. ] ies. be humbled in the sight of my adversar­ ne gaudeat de<e> me inimicus meus [ .rity of mind and body. 0 Lord . and not abandon us in evil in tempore malo. 1 :5 Ne derelinquas me domine pater e [ t] Do not abandon me. * * 2 Mac. from all impu- . Exaudiat dominus orationes nostras: May the Lord hear our prayers. . quia non est ali us qui pugnat pro nobis for there is no one else who will fight for nisi tu deus noster. nee nos deserat restore us. quinamento mentis et corporis ut pos. Therefore come to my help. clean for completing this holy work.* * From the Mass-order of communion. pacem domine in diebus nostris.394 THE B O O K O F O B ERON Munda me domine ab omn1 1n. domine deus times. give peace in our days. D a pacem domine in diebus nostris Give us peace in our time. tue es super omnes gentes da refuge. us. if not for you. 0 Lord deus. Accept us. that I may not in conspectu adversariorum meorum. You are above all nations. 0 Lord and fa- dominator vite mee: ut non cor [ r] uam ther. in the spirit of hu- trito suscipiamur domine a te: et sic fiat mility. our God . and et reconcellietur nobis. . that I may be sim mundus Implere hoc opus sanctum. not that my enemies may triumph apprehende arma et stutum: et exurge in over me. 0 Lord. and ruler of my life. and contrite heart. adiutorum mihi. where it reads sacrificium [ ((sacrifice" ] instead of factum [ ((act" ] . Your power is a domine. 0 Lord . qui ductus misericordia unigenitum of all goodness. I glorify you. * * Psalm 1 0 1 (KJV 1 02 ) . 0 God the Father. who. show us your face. et ab omni [ per] devil. Deus pater fans origo totius bonita. casta corpore te servire valeamus per and forgive our sins. we may always be adiuti: et ab ira et malignatia diaboli free from anger and t the malice of the simus semper liberi. that with the op ere misere cordie tue domine ( ? ) help of your mercy.: ''28 1 . * In right marg. but help us. and safe from all distress." t This word is underlined. descend for us to this base world and tetota mentis ac cordis intencione laudo [take] flesh: I worship you. and futuris. PART 1: T HEURGIA 395 [ 1 62 ] After you have made the invocation at the circle Lib era nos quesumus domine ab Deliver us. Dominem exaudi orationem meam.* 0 Lord. and has "o" over it + This paragraph is largely based on the so-called embolism of the Mass. Domine deus virtutum converte nos. from omnibus malis preteritis presentibus et every evil. we pray.:f: turbacione securi.I praise you with the whole attention of seras. sed adiuva nos. present. through Christ our Lord . moved by your tum pro nobis ad infimandi descendere mercy. . source and origin tis. 0 Lord God of power. and et ostende faciam tuam et salvi erimus. and future. et da pacem in diebus nostris ut grant us peace in our days. and grant that with Christum dominum nostrum a pure heart and chaste body we may prevail. et pctam nostram my mind and my heart. past. 0 Lord hear my prayer. and beseech you dimittas et concede cum puro corde et not to forsake your servants. and let my et clamor meus ad te veniate cry come to you. willed your only-begotten son to et carnem voluisti. et precor: ut nos famulos tuos non de. te adoro te glorifico. and we shall be saved. restore us. /thesaurus/Hymni/VeniCreator. fill the hearts which you have creasti pectora. THE B O O K OF O B ERON Veni Sancte Spiritus corda fidelium: Come. Aufer a nobis quesumus do mine Remove from us. 0 Lord . tance. It is also the first prayer in LIH ( ch. Sancti of your faithful. that every prayer and work of ours may begin always with you. fons vivus ignis charitas et spirit. and semper Incipiat et per te incepta finia. living alis unctio. created with heavenly grace. you are the digitus. Veni Creator spiritus mentes tuorum Come. that we may be worthy circulum. per Christum Dominum nostrum through Christ our Lord. * and visit visita: Imple superna gratiae qui tu your souls. . and make a Acciones nostras quesimus domine home in our hearts. Holy Ghost be with us. May the grace of the nostram sibi faciat habitacula. 0 Holy Ghost. we beg you. promised by the Father. your love in them. 398. 0 enter this circle with pure minds. tu rite promis< e>sum patris ser. preces-latinae. Amen.finger of God's right hand. Liturgical Services Liturgies and Occasional Forms of Prayer Set Forth in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth (Cambridge: University Press." http:/ /www. Qui paraclitus diceris donum dei al. asperando preveni et adiuvando prose. Amen. qui cordam. words which en­ rich the throat. and through you be happily ended.forter) . vi) . Amen. we beg you. You who are the Paraclete ( Com- tissimi. * This is "one of the most widely used hymns in the church. a gift duly mone ditans guttura. source. and enkindle the fire of Spiritus assit nobis gratiam. ut ad hunc all our iniquity. our ac­ quere ut cuncta nostra operatio a te tions by your holy insp irations. and spiritual anoint­ In g. troire. including Church of England.html. the gift of God most high. charity.carry them on by your gracious assis­ tur: Amen. puris mentibus mereamr In. Tu Septiformis munere dextre dei tu You are the sevenfold gift.* * This prayer appears in the Book of Hours and other medieval collections of prayers. fill the hearts et in am oris in eis ignem accende. 0 Creator Spirit. Direct. 1 847) . omnes iniquitates nostras. that we may love you per­ meream [ u ] r per dominum no strum fectly. Paraclito nobisque mittat filius carissma likewise the holy Paraclete. thus leading us. Da pacem in diebus nostris ut opere Grant peace in our days. you. Hostem repellas longuis pacemque Drive the enemy far from us. purify the thoughts tus sancti cogitaciones cordis nostri ut te of our hearts by the infusion of your p e r fecte dilligere et digne laudare Holy Ghost. avoid all harm. and be properly worthy to praise Iesum Christum etc. and know the Son . and send to Sancti Spiritus. to whom all hearts are open. Let us pray. quickly cl ones p rotinus. forever and ever. et ab may always be delivered from sin. . and omni per turbacione securi. believe you. we may vitemus omne noxium. Emitte spiritum tuum et creabuntur Send forth your spirit. Amen. be secrets lie hidden. and you shall renew the face Or emus of the earth.* * Who lives and reigns with you in unity with the same Holy Spirit. we simus [ * sumus ] semper liberi. etc. and they shall et ren [ o] vabis faciem terre. with the Son . Amen. PART 1: T H EURGIA 397 Accende lumen sensibus infunde Kindle in us the light. us the Son of the most dear Holy Ghost . infirma nostri corpo. Deus cui omne cor patet et omnis 0 God. Per te sciamus da Patrem noscamus Through you may we understand the atque filium teque utriusque Spiritum Father. our fragile bodies. pour love into amorem cordibus. Sit laus Patri cum filio sancto simull Praise be to the Father. that being misericordie tue adiuti: et a peccato assisted by the help of your mercy. secure from all turmoil. continually strengthening ris virtute firmans perpetim. Amen. and may we credamus omni tempore. Amen. voluntas loquitur et quem nullum latet and all desires known. for all time. through Jesus Christ .our hearts. ductore sic te praevio bring peace. the spirit of each. and from whom secretum: purifica per infucionem spiri. Amen. T H E B O O K OF O B ERON [ 1 63 ] [ + Instruments of the Art] rrlie 6reastpfate made pafe fiR.§sfor tlie circfe .§ rrlie eye 4 tlie needfe ®icR. These circles must be made with a knife having a white haft in the 2n d . 6 th. and the other for the spirit. or 1 2th day of the month. The Clavis o r Key to the Magic of Solomon (2009 ) and known from many manuscript sources. . The text in circles read "Othe Orno Thou Ches I Birto" and "Alpha & Omega + Seme-phoras +. lOth. PART 1: T HEURGIA 399 [ 1 64] An experiment approved by Friar Bacon to have a spirit appear in a circle to make answer to any question to be demanded. Month: from the context. 4th." In marg. the one for yourself. 638.638 the air being clear. Also found in Sibley. First you must make two circles." The second circle is often labeled as "Magister. on this sort as followeth. (Birto 637. this would seem to mean the lunar month. instead of the calendrical month. 639.: "w" glyph. Alpha and Omega. Amen. that thou do here appear in the circle assigned for thee in a fair shape of a man. I command and charge thee to depart in peace. by all the words that I have spoken.' then say the Psalm as is before said. Then say this conjuration: I conj ure thee. thy servant N. licence him on this wise to depart. Amen. I pray and beseech thee by the virtue of thy holy + . and rest with thy God. for ever and ever. . the Son. Christ + overcometh + Christ comman­ deth + Christ + vouchsafe to command me to be a triumpher over all my enemies bodily and ghostly. and glory. but note thou must say these conj urations and Psalm three times before thou de­ mand any question. 0 Birto. 0 spirit which art called Birto. who thou hast made to thy own image and likeness not to be oppressed with the deceit of ene­ mies. by him to whom be all honour and glory. Amen. neither with adversity or need. King of England.400 THE BO OK OF OBERON Then . power. and therefore keep it safely. one God for evermore. visible and invisible. . by Jesus Christ our Lord the Redeemer and sav­ iour of the World and king of glory. This experiment of Birto was proved at the instant request of Edward the 4th. "deus innocent. tuo salvum me fac. for ever and ever. Psalm 54. and by the same virtue that thou didst come hither at this presence unto me. thou sitting in thy circle upon thy knees towards the east. and by thy power that you suffer me. of all such things that I shall ask or demand of thee. and the Holy Ghost. Then when thou hast ended thy work and hast thy desire. and be ready to come unto me another time when I shall call thee by the virtue of our Lord Jesus Christ. by the dignity of thy prince Or­ nothochos and Booth and the Father. and that thou tell me the truth without any falsehood or craft. Amen. Finis. Then demand of him what thou wilt and he will openly declare to thee thy desire. say this conjura­ tion: 0 Lord holy father almighty and everliving God. power and dominion. to whom be all honour. aquam et terram. bearing a beard. and by all the powers of Heaven. 0 Bylgall. The original manuscript of the latter is fully digitized on Wellcome's website. the true God. et per virtutem om. water. http://blog. with colour illustrations. PART 1: TH EURGIA 4 01 [ 165] Bilgall 640 [ + Conjuration of the Spirit] Ego exhorter te Bylgall per deum qui te I * exhort you. ignem." The section describes deformities at birth. per virtutem lapi. and Sloane 1 2/ 1 2/a-book -fit-for-a -queen/. que que in eis sunt. earth. grow in length and width in the sight of tius pueri N et nominando ilium. that you im- visibilliter in pulcra forma humana mediately appear visibly in this crystal. per four elements. in apereas et facies istum lapidem crescere in a fair human form.wellcomelibrary. 0 Bylgall. the virtue of the stones and the prophets. et jure you. (naming him) . 1 44. fol. This figure seems to have been inspired by Boaistuau and Fenton. Compare Sloane 3826." 640. 64 1 . with a brest like to a man. and omnem potestatem celi. which describes it as follows: "This as you see (resembling most a Calfe) hath the head of a man. ego coniuro te Bylgall and by the virtue of all the words. by the per obedientiam quam tu debes cleo om. There is a "G" at the top of the page. 99v ff. Certaine secrete wonders of nature ( 1 569). by the viz aerem. * In marg: "w. and " 1 89" in the right mar g. namely air. holy God. and make this stone longitudinem et latitudinem in visione is. and all which is in them. fire. I con- per verum deum per sanctum deum. nium verborum. per quattuor Elementa the sea. this child N. Fenton's text in turn was based on Pierre Boaistuau. 1 09r. and by the obedience which nipotenti quod statim in isto christallo you owe to almighty God. Histoires Prodigieuses (London: 1 569) . by the God est creator ceeli et terre maris et omnium who is the creator of Heaven and Earth. and two dugges well formed. by dum et prophetarum. . fol. Fiat. sz partisan. that you ab isto lapidem per mi--quitalem ( Bilgall in this crystal stone. not depart from this stone charged by uitalem? ) adiuratus sine licentia mea et Minquitalem without my licence and magistri mei. fiat. by the tern illorum verborum per qui Michael. that you now manifest in this in pulcra forma humana. per ista namely Partisan. fiat. Fortisan. I N . quando compareat die ut sequitur When he appears. and by my chastity. by nomina intelligas. et per meam castitatem fructum my master. quoniam prius facias ac that of my master. Lucifer the infernal dragon.power of those words through which the lem Archan gellum Angeli Te rrenus Archangel Michael bound the earthly ligavit Luciferum draconem Infernalem angels . et hoc until my licence. ter. who lives blessed forever. precipio tibi per omnipotentum deum and this I order you by almighty God . Alingon. by those mina per qua exhortatus a magistro meo names by which you were exhorted by es. because you must first compleas omnia que tibi precipiam et a do and accomplish all that I will order te invirtute demonstrari desiderabo. et facias te crystal in a fair human form. that event by which you fell from the debas a throno celi. Amen. and reigns blessed forever. he should say as follows: Ego N fillius N precipio et ligo te Bil. Primeumaton. et per illam nomina throne of Heaven. through which you were cursed. fiat. . qui vivit benedictus creator of all. and not depart from it sine licentia mea et magistri mei. and by meum. tion what I desire. . et per ilium casum per quem ca. 0 Bylgall .4 02 THE B O O K OF O B E RON Afterwards the boy or man should say as follows: Ego exhortor te Bylgall per ista no. per virtu. omni creatorem. order and bind gall in isto lapidem christalli. fortisan. and make crescere visibilliter. Alingon . you. fiat. Amen. Primeu­ quod te iam manifestes in isto lapidem maton. the child of N . . I exhort you. and explain by perfect demonstra- fiat. and by that name per quem maledictus es. and that of my master. eternaliter et Regnat benedictus eternali. et non recedas ex eo you arise visibly. hoc quod non recedas these names you understand. Instead of obturatus anulus et purus [ "the ring sealed up and pure" ] . fiat. But know that you should make the ring with a small door over the opening through which something can enter. therefore.4. 64 7. 1 1 0. alias te Invocavero iterum sis paratus and be prepared to return when I invoke mihi et obediens per nomen domini you again. 64 6 and carry it with you [ + into the circle. and thence enclose it in the inner part of the ring. Sloane 3853 and Wellcome MS. PART 1: TH EURGIA 4 03 The licence of Bilgall Per illam virtutem per quam domi. and Mun. 1 10: die mercurii. Do this these three days only: The days of the Moon. but most often I have tested this in the hollow of a golden ring. Lord Jesus Christ. and place it in the western part of the circle in a very pure] 64 7 veil or covering. cum malice to us or to any human creature. Wellcome MS. or sione alicuique creature humane. In right mar: " 1 69. 644 You should work in the day of Mercury and it is better if the whole is done in the hour of Mercury 64 5 but if well prepared.close them in. Sloane 3854 and Wellcome MS. Fiat. 1 1 0. a Turk. harm. So Sloane 3854 and Wellcome MS. Mercury. " Sloane 3853. is similar: "hoc multum affectant propter preconsitatem auri quod est metallum preciossissimum ut mihi retulerunt s. precipio quod tu recedas ab isto lapidem I command that you depart from this sine nostro tedio aut nocumento aut le­ stone. 643. and the ring completely sealed up and pure. 85r. 1 1 0. Following Wellcome MS. and this they have greatly pre­ ferred because the metal is so precious. Venus For enclosing a spirit in a ring642 But I now digress and note for you a means of enclosing [ + a spirit] . 644. without any weariness. 1 2 1 . 1 1 0 read anulo totaliter obrizato et puro ["the ring highly refined and pure" ] . fiat. 85r: et hoc multum affectant ut mihi retulerunt spiritus propter '' pretiositatem metalli. First ." 645. which I received from my associ­ ate. who had himself learned the method from the spirit Seraphius. Wellcome MS. 42r. 1 1 0: idem. A. which I have tested the truth of beyond doubt a hundred times. and your gar­ ments and all things should be clean. . without which the meaning is obscure. 642. since 64 3 he had been recently baptised." Compare Sloane 3853. 42r. and you should also have whatever you wish to en. and obey by the name of our nostri J Christi fiat fiat fiat. make the following circle in the hour of Mercury. and by his holy names . By that power through which the nus ligauit te et per sua sancta nomina Lord bound you. 646.98. then enter the circle with the instruments and censer. 98. maton + which was on the front of signes spiritum non Inferiorum sed su. this consecrated sceptre. Moses [ *breastplate of Aaron ] + and on preme scientie qui mihi poterit. 1 1 0 �nd Sloane 3853 both read ''Aaron" which is probably more correct. Iii domini nostri Iesu Christi passionem by the Prophets.Judgement. + Wellcome MS. et vos per iusti. 1 1 0. begin the following conjuration Coniuro te o princeps Alastiell et I conjure you. . and mirificam conversacionem in terris. and by the power omnem celi miliciam. created mankind in his own image. Martyrs. that among 1 * Compare Sloane 3853. and by all the hosts of gines et per omnia dei nomina et eius ter. and by the j ustice tempus et per Infinitam bonitatem qua which condemned our first parents eosdem sanguine redemit. et Angelo s et which has plundered hell and tormented Archangelos. mother of the et p er tremendum diem Iuditii.t and by this mirifice extitit insignitum quia inter vos declarable name of God + Tetra gram.* and omnes spiritus tibi subditos per illud In­ all your subordinate spirits. per potestatem qua humble virginity and fertility of the Infernum spoliavit et demones cruciavit. the same sin with blood. and all virgins and by all the per hac Iudicabile nomen dei + Tetra. et per virgini. I conjure and demand of bonitatem dei qua deus hominem ad you by the goodness of God . et Confessors . whereas Sloane 3853 reads eius matris ["of his mother" ] . and Wellcome MS. 0 prince Alastiel . et Lord Jesus Christ .I tu princeps Alasti el in unum veracem as. t Wellcome MS. Patriarchs. 1 22. (Adam and Eve) at the time and by the tatem humilitatem et fe cunditatem infinite goodness which has redeemed sacratissime virginis Marie Mater do. and the Angels and Archangels. per prophetas patriarchas the demons.names of God and the passion of his Son grammaton + quod erat in fronte Moysy our Lord Jesus Christ and his wonderful et in hoc sceptro consecrato. and by the mini Iesu Christi.4. et in anulo way of life on earth (?). which God ymaginem suam creavit. 43r ff. by that in­ finitum dei verbum quo cun [c] ta crea­ finite God who has created all things vit. and wonder­ minum vite mee fideliter respondere de fully displayed on the ring. and ciam per vestra superbia dampnavit et by the justice which has condemned you eiecit de caelis. et per quam Iusticiam and expelled you from Heaven because primos parentes nostros damnavit ad of your arrogance. fol. and by the terrible Day of I Martires et confessores et omnes vir.40 4 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON [ 1 66] With the ring thus hidden. most holy virgin Mary. A. also read in terris ["on the earth" ] . Coniuro vos omnes et requiro per with a word. 1 1 0 and Mun.Heaven. 85r. by the power of your prince and prim us licentiatus fueris mihi qui dili. because otherwise he will be unwilling. quod Christ . non simulando. hunc ergo coarctam per to faithfully answer my questions. S. m. you. and this I command by the power of this in­ cense and offering. But it is necessary for you to say this conjuration three times. e. that as long as you sus es et virtutem tui principis et mee remain in this place which you have en­ coniurationis nunquam exeas nisi a me tered. depart from me unless I authorize it. When this is done and the spirit assigned. Which done. et per verba tua in the utmost power of God . you may assign to nee fraudem faciendo sed veraciter mihi me one truthful spirit. e. Then take the ring and throw it outside the circle towards them. Therefore tus fuerit et hoc tibi precipio virtute m ay yo u constrain ( o n e ) by yo ur huius thurificacionis et sacrificii per strength. and by all the operacione astringencia. and by that name of God + Tetra­ hie in Annulo et sceptra meo inscriptum grammaton + which is engraved here on est quatenus hunc locum quem ingres. and as long as the ring will en­ omnia verba realiter supradicta per eum dure. Take it into the room with you. PART 1: T H EURGIA quisitis non menciendo. not inferior but de quesitis et interrogatus abeo fideliter of highest knowledge. and by all the words mentioned above. et per mirabilia words used in your binding operation. I. v. the end of my life. until tuis viribus ut quamdiu Anulus In. without deceit. all the spirits will remain in the window. though him who will come to j udge the living and the dead and the world by fire. per ignem Amen. my conjuration. truly to any questions I ask. Amen. And then say this conjuration: Coniuro te spiritus inclusus per sum. 0 spirit. emerge. and they will assign one of themselves who they will close up. enclosed by mam dei potentiam. may he never emerging from it or qui v. I conj ure you. who will be able respondendo. they will put the ring back next to the circle. my ring and sceptre. dis­ d u r ave r i t i l l i e u m i n g r e d i e n d o simulation. et p er illud Ineffabilem and by all the miracles of our Lord Jesus nomen dei + Tetragrammaton + . and then you will see all the spirits gather together and consult amongst themselves. but faithfully respond to whatever . 0 Prince Alastiel . unless authorized beforehand by gavero sine fraude et fallacia ut alia me. Iesu Christi . e. that at no time may you gentur de quesitis quacunque Interro . in order to hear your words. or fraud but resp onding numquam exeat nisiame ad hoc licentia. Folger: plauees (?). Sancte et immortalis. . I ask without fraud. my questions. or possibly a mirror. per ignem: qui venturus est ludicare viuos et mortuos et seculum per ignem. through him. and inside triangle: + Deus pater + Deus filius + Deus Spiritus Sanctus [" +0 God the father + God the Son + God the Holy Ghost" ] . Amen.40 6 T H E B O O K OF O B E RON aliqua simulacione respondeas et sic In. * Reading pigres. M. God. Lord Jesus Christ. In right marg. and thus confined you non deferas veritatem refferre. e. : " 190. per eum will not hesitate * to reveal the truth to deum domini Iesu Christum qui v. Analogue in Wellcome MS. I. v. Circle. t Qui v. v. t Amen. To the right i s a shape that might b e a path into or out of the circle." 648. M. 1 1 0. e. deceit. 0 holy and immortal. e. 98r. I. and mirror (?). with the words + Sather + Agla + + Usyon [ Gk. per ignem. Text reads:+ Tetragrammaton + Sancte Raphael + . or any other clusus non plauees et mihi de quesitis dissimulation. S. Sancte Deus [ "0 holy power. 0 holy God".+ Sancte Gabriel + Sancte Uriel + Sancte Michaell + Sancte Samael + Sancte Anael [ "Tetragrammaton + 0 holy Raphael" etc. which is a common enough feature. e. ] Inside: Sancte fortis. our e. S. who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. 1 1 0 and Sloane 3853: planges ["strike" or "lament" ] .Wellcome MS. "Saviour + AGLA + of (one) substance" ] . triangle. e. Compare also LIH. . Be­ forehand you must obtain a lapwing.650 begin to write on virgin parchment with the above-mentioned blood: Bethala I inus ( ? ) I suspensu suspensus in ethera super ea enpeogidum pamelon anguis norius Egrip­ pusi fons florisses de sede Baldachison saporisi Araarastano . 242. and then he will immediately depart. PART 1: T H EURGIA [ 167] For having whatever you may covet. Olemdemis et Banta tis. Then rise again to your feet and face the north. perrenay. carrying a hawk like the first. convenite et concurrite ab omnibus mundi partibus. permyga. you should extract its blood and carefully preserve it in a glass vessel. even more fair than the first. Afterwards rise to your feet. " 650. CXXXI II. as before. 649 . aray. Emprogudum. Origratiumgu. go to a secret wood with a bright sword in your right hand. And in the entring into the wood begin and say thus Betha suspensus in Ethera super Ea Enpion. 18 as transcribed in Brian P. and see how easily it can be fulfilled. " Compare also Honorius. you should arrive ( ? ) . These are names of the necromantic art. Partus. Lapwing. percuretaih. iracundus. and standing in the middle of the circle. you will immediately see a fair soldier sitting on a horse. The Literature of Witchcraft (New York: Garland. on a horse. je t' exorcise .18: "Bethala suspensus in ethera. Compare Sloane 1727. closing it so that no air or impurities can enter. And he will say to you. iamtarpa . Levack. and he will also 649. aboaga. and make a squared circle as shown below. Sloane 1727." ] But avert your eyes from him. (19) ara. 18r: "when you would worke: goe p [rivi] ly.. as the time of the Moon might require. suspensus. Grimoire ofHonorius." . When that has been spoken. pangula. and more distinguished. carrying a hawk on his hand. and say nothing to him. say the words you have written two or three or four times. And immediately a second soldier will appear to you. payga. and when entering you should remember. N. and first hold a bright sword in thy hand and say these words (which must be written in an Abortive) with the same blood. to a woode. with the same sword held in your hand. toward the east. cur vocastii me paratus ad omnia respondere et voluntatem tuam ad implere [ "What do you wish? What do you desire? Why have you called me? I am ready to answer all things and fulfil your wishes. atariron. pamelion anguis Marius Egripus fons floriseme de sede baldithe sapors ana vel area siras: but these are truer: beltha suspensus Mathexa Superea Implex pamilion auanrius fons floris Tresdosed Baldachia sarins Mars. Conjuration du roi du Septentrion: "Balandier. and recite Bethalani etc. 1992) . and when you wish to operate... You should rest for a little while in the middle of the circle. . quid vis quid petis. And when you wish to operate. as though with indignation. while he is departing. �ver wishes to obtain for themselves something desired should ex­ � amine this chapter of the work. in the morning you will discover what you desired." 653. and will ask. When he hears this he will immediately depart. vis societatem meam [ ((do you wish my fellowship?" ] But you should respond with discretion. I am here the whole day. 652 Experiment of Solomon for what you wish653 654 � + * . and soon a third soldier will appear to you. In marg: " 19 1. 651 I have proven this many times. Folger adds falcitate exuleque nil [ "with falseness and exile nothing" ] . crowned with a golden diadem. and defer that possibility to another day. 654. rise to your feet and say as before. which JHP is unable to make sense of. . but do everything as you did with the first.. et dicet. quid vis ["Behold. more noble and fair that the previous two. "What do you wish?" ] etc.4 08 THE B O OK OF O B ERON speak like the first. Never­ theless. wea­ ried" And he will say. " 652. And he too will soon depart.:t � + � � � � � � Finis 65 1 . on a horse. These words are in the marg. For a third time. Sloane 1 727: "and soe leave untill the next day: and the next day come againe and thou shalt find what thou desirest: Approved. and petition him for what [ + you wish] . facing west. Words read ista pars versus occidentem [ "this part faces west" ] . but do not speak to him.: . ecce ad sum tota die fatigatus. and he will calmly respond.: . And he will say. carrying a hawk on his hand.: � � � � · � 0 V) � . Bethalani etc. Then you may speak with him and examine him without fear. and are the label of the figure. He can tell of diverse strange things and appeareth like an armed knight." . King of the North. : ''w" glyph. he can drive them away. and if he or they be of the north. in right marg: "126. PART 1: T H EU RGIA [ 1 68 ] Annobathe Annabath Annabath 655 This spirit is under Egin. and is one of the twelve noblest of his number. In left marg. 655. His office is to make one marvelous cunning in necromancy and to shew hid treasure and to tell who are the keepers. et ipsam bonitatem and by the goodness through which he * Black. et per p rovedentiam and by the foresight which God has had quam deus in mente sua habuit ante in his mind before it has been allowed. I conj ure you . ((Notes on a Silver­ Mounted Charm-Stone.' Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 39 (May 1894) : 445 ff. 93b. " ( 1894) reads: antea qua mundum fecit ["before he made the world. et per Jesum Chris-almighty Father. This text can be traced back to Sloane 3849. . at the beginning of ((A wonderfull discourse of precious stones. fol. and the word. Certaine secrete wonders of nature ( 1569). 1973). J. by God the trem omnipotentem ." . ver itatem eius . 142r. Ascariell .* quam passus fuerit. and by Jesus Chris t his . . Thompson. Son . "Notes on a Silver-Mounted Charm-Stone . The Mysteries and Secrets of Magic (New York: Causeway Books.4 10 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON [ 169] [+Conjuration of Ascariell]656 Ascariell [+ First Conjuration] Coniuro te Ascariell per deum pa. Perhaps inspired by Boaistuau and Fenton. Compare George F. Sloane 385 1. and by the tum filium eius et per spiritum sanctum. mentions Askariel. et per sanctam Trinitatem. and by the Holy Ghost . 38." ] 656. Black. Compare also C. the Person . personam ( ? ) et verbum et spiritum sanctum et per and the Holy Ghost . S. as does Sloane 3853. holy Trinity. 267. 657. and by his truth. Principalities and Powers . e t p er o mn i a alia that has seeds. et p er iussionem quam lucem [ and by works] of mercy. eorum coniurationes. et per eos qui sub ipsius offices. et tions . and by all that is under celo sunt.and Archangels . In marg. and by the firma­ celorum. and through the wis­ deus caelos collocavit. . et per firmamentum celi. and that you always come without delay when in­ voked. et per mundum quatuor ele . qui in eis sunt. visible to my percep­ tion. ut ad me venias et omnia them. terogata veraciter mihi respondeas. et per eos qui Cherubim . and by all which is in heaven and under cavero ad vision em meam ac preceptum heaven. by the quo creavit deus caelum et terram et power of God who created heaven and herbam viventem. all my questions truthfully. et per omnem semen earth. et ated for the praise and honour of his per omnes celos et omnes virtutis eo rum greatness of his name. and by cione imisit superius ( ?spus) miserecor. and by those who God ere­ omnia ea qui sub firmamento sunt. Second Conjuration658 Coniuro te Askariell per virtutem dei I conjure yo u. and by all the life which 658. Thrones and Domina­ bine et seraphine et per eorum officia. and by the creavit. that you come to me and answer meum venias in omnibus horis Amen. et per ea qui deus creavit ad and by those who preside over the oth­ lawdem et honorem nominis suo maies. et per Mare et omnia and by the earth separately established. the firmament. diem et noctem ordinavit. positi sunt. and by the depths of the abyss.the power he mingled with the elements. and by all the heavens. PART 1: T H EURGIA 4 11 per quam omnia fecit. Virtues . et per sapientiam made all things. and by those who have been placed tatis. and Seraphim . at all hours. et per Angelos and by the wisdom which God arranged et Archangelos et Tronos. et per omnia que in celo et sub ment of Heaven.and by the four pure elements. menta. et per profunditatem and by the seas and everything which is abissi. quod semper et sine mora cum Invo. and by all quodcuque e s t . dominaciones the day and the night. 0 Askariell . et per sapientiam quam deus command whereby He created the light.: ((w" glyph. et per virtutem elementis confu. et per under them. and by the conjurations of them. and by the Angels principats et potestates virtutes cheru. seorsum fundavit. Amen. and the living plants. die. ers. and by their praesunt aliis. et per terram dom by God has arranged the heavens. et and by all the powers of those heavens. and dei. et per o [ mn ] es sanctos et lightning. et per terras they sprout forth. et per omnia que under the earth. and through the altar of fulgura. and mare. and through the seat occulos dei. and through the twenty­ eorum stellas. and by Amen. et per sedem Maiestatis their stars. and by his mercy demit et salvabit. good spirits. and by all the holy priests. et per xii Ap . and produxit. and by that justice by which God con­ diam suam qua deus bonos spiritus re. et per Iustitiam illam qua deus God has for the image which he created. the Sun and Moon. et per through the twelve apostles. and all Temporalia signam. et per volatilia celi. et con. Third Conjuration Coniuro te Askariell per duodecem I conjure you. and under the sea. who cre­ stellas et eorum officia. Amen. et per omnia by the flying creatures of the sky. demned the evil spirits. et sub which is beneath the firmament. and through eorum sedillia. and through 24 seniores et eo rum coronas. et per ea qui sub fir. and by that mamento sunt. creavit celum salem et lunam et omnes and by the perception of God. and the rocks. all that is under the heavens. and terre. et per bonitatem stars and their offices. and by all who praise and honour God. Askariell. and in inferno sunt. et per aquas quas deus which God produced. et per omnia qua deus by which God redeemed and saved the imperio hominis subiecit. damnavit malos spiritus et misericor. through the terrible breeze ( ? ) and by the fessorium . et per passiones Martirum. and by the voices which emerge sanctas dei. et per voces egrediuntur e Trono gold which is before the eyes of God. and everything which is in hell. patriarchs. et per omnia reptilia all the creeping things of the earth. and by the goodness which creavit. and by their tern ­ quo d deus hab et ad Imaginem suam poral signs. et per sanctos sacerdotes et from the throne of God. et per eo rum palmas. and by all the commands of God which man is subject to. et per preceptum dei qui by hell. and through their palms. et four elders and their crowns. all the saints of God-male and female. and by the pas­ per omnia que deum laudante et adorant sion of the martyrs and confessors. et per omnia que by all its creatures.41 2 T H E B O O K OF O B E RON viventia in germina eorum. and postolos. through the prophetas. et per infernum. et per terribilia auria et per of God's majesty. et sub terrae. and et o [mn ] es creaturas. and by the earth. Amen. Amen. and by que sub celo sunt. et per their judgement. and dei. and through their praises. et per eorum ated Heaven. . et per duodecem patriarchas twelve prophets. and by the waters in eis sunt. et per Altare aurum quod est ante through their seats. de petra. et per eorum iudicium. and through th � twelve et per eorum preconia. ut names of God . in virtutem dei et per potestatem sancto . by my [170] order * and my con­ meam. wearing a garland on your head.( ? ) + histerion Tetragramaton + Ageos + feneton + era.+ virtus + loth + ho----l e---. sona tua propria veraciter in pulcra without delay.and may you appear quickly. and through these sa­ + El + Erros + Jesus + fortis + fontis + cred names of God which are: + Eli + El salvator + Eloy + Theos + deus + om. et per omnia que tibi iussero : et juration. Judgement. + Adonay + risus + Beabaco + Tetra­ ton + saton + lexaon + messias + lactea gramaton + Ageos + feneton + craton + + Alte + Appanas + heles + helibe + To. + Erros + Jesus + fortis + fontis + Salva­ nip o tentes + hiceteca + s abatho + tor + Eloy + Theos + deus + omnipo­ Agramo---. Askariel . PART 1: T H EURGIA 4 13 Fourth Conjuration Coniuro te Askariell per eum qui est I conjure you. and by-all which I have ordered si hec non feceris ego te in virtute et per of you: And if you do not act on these. 0 Askariel.) + Eifel Abycor + Thalim + Thabin + Thea + + Nazarduus + heleno + Vita + Abycor + Ancior + Leo + Thanatos + La + On + Thalim + Thabin + Thea + Ancior + Leo gesa + Emanuell + et per omnia nomina + Thanatos + La + On + gesa + Emanu­ dei sanctissima quatinus tu Askariell in ell + and through all the most holy ista gemmam christalli intres etc. into hell and num usque ad ultimum diem Judicii fiat into the eternal fire until the day of Final fiat fiat. visibiliter mihi demonstres et omnibus and visibly explain to me with all details. truly in person." Corrected per the similarly worded passage below. through him + Alpha et Omega + initium et finis et who is + Alpha and Omega + the begin­ ista sancta nomina dei que sunt hec + Eli ning and the end. saton + lexaon + messias + lactea + Alte cipaton + Oratos + holos + Age + pate + + Appanas + heles + helibe + Tocipaton regum + Abraca + brata + legota + Ely + + Oratos + holos + Age + pate + regum Victor + Osanna + conhibenebaceta (?-) + Abraca + brata + legota + Ely + Victor + Eifel + Nazarduus + heleno + Vita + + Osanna + conhibenebaceta ( ? . (as above) come quickly. in a fair forma et certum in capito tuo portas te form.the power and by the power of God and rum nominum suorum condemno te by the power of his holy names I will Askariel in infernum et in ignem eter.condemn you. so that it videre possimus [ 1 70 ] per sentum [ *pre.will be possible to see you and them ceptum ] m e u m et coniur ati o n e m clearly. and may cios mihi adducas ut te et illos aptissime you lead your associates to me. * Original wording "sen tum. circumstancius cito apparias et tuas so. that you enter this crys­ supra sine mora certissime venias in per. .( ? ) + tentes + hiceteca + sabatho + Agramo---­ histerion + Adonay + risus + Beabaco + + virtus + loth + ho----l e---.talline gem etc. * Compare Folger p. begotten + The Way + The Life + The cipium + finis + fons + et Origo + para. Citius accedas et ad me venias et May you quickly approach and come omnia interrogata veraciter mihi re. . Amen. And I condemn yo u. Amen. are in the heavens. impose punishment on you desiderium meum ergo maledicti te unless you truly fulfill my desires. Fifth Conjuration Ad hue Coniuro te Askariel per alia From here I conjure you. Amen.414 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON Et condempno te Askariell per virtu. simo. through the other holy names of God. Amen. 0 Askariel. horis Amen. appearing at all times to my preceptum meum venias in omnibus vision and p erception. Amen. responding honestly to all ques­ spondeas et quod semper et sine mora tions. Amen. Hand + Man + Ysion + The Beginning + clitus + splendor + sol + gloria + Lux + The End + The Fountain + and The Imago + panis + flos + vitis mons Ianua Source + Paraclete + The Brilliance + + petra + lapis Angnilaris [ *Angularis] + The Sun + The Glory + The Light + The pastor + propheta + sacerdos + Athana. tern omnium creaturarum qui sunt in through the virtue of all creatures which celis et in terris et Infernis. Agerion + VIla + Abbimagothereth + Iheun + Eros + Conhapea ( ? ) + Sannagh + so that you will enter into this crystal I gemstone as said before. vero + dominus + Leto [ *Leta? ] + which are most awe-inspiring. I N. 0 Askariel. being cursed. ego N . Lord + *Leta + Apnes [Apres ] * + Eloy + riosus + bonus + on + Vnigenitus + via Ustra + Glorious + Good + On + Only- + vita + manus + homo + ysion + prin. or in aplico tuas penas nisi veraciter compleas hell. Amen. and do so always without delay cum invocavero ad viscionem meam ac when I call. on the earth. acknowl­ per virtu tern domini nostri Iesu Christi edge your sentence through the power of Amen. to me. N . 0 Askariel . nomina dei sancta que sunt reverendis. 133. Amen. Amen . our Lord Jesus Christ . N. True + Apnes [ *Apres? ] + Eloy + Vstra + glo. Amen. Image + The Bread + The Flower + The tos + Kiros + Theon + panton + ysus + Vine + The Mountain + The Gateway + Agerion + VIla + Abbimagothereth + The Rock + The Cornerstone + Shep- Iheun + Eros + conhapea ( ? ) + Sannagh herd + Prophet + Priest + Athanatos + ( ? ) + ut in ista gemmam cristalli intres Kiros + Theon + Panton + Ysus + etc Sicum ut supra. There­ Askariel Recognosce sentenciam tuam fore. with a garland tans et te visibilliter mihi demonstres et on your head. and by the *tearing of the veil in the soll et tenebras facti sunt. Christi perforatum fuerit in cruce et per and by the lance which pierced Christ's acetam quod potavit. PART 1: T H EURGIA 415 Sixth Conjuration Ad hue Coniuro te Askariell et con. who per humilitatem qua deus pedes suorum died and rose again. and by Christ's death. et per circumcitionem ness of God. et Sun and made it dark. et per hoc nomen Ineffabile + fasting. and by the nails which fuerunt et per crucem Christi. quae ante deum patrem omnipotentem and by the most sweet invocation which invocavit. in person. and by the blood and vit. and by the vinegar et aquam que de Christo latere emana. hour. qua tenus in ista gemmam cristalli in hac I conjure you. and by bus manus et pedes Christi perforati Christ's suffering. without delay. qua mortuus est sustitatus. Tetragrammaton + et per p atientiam and by this ineffable name + Tetragram­ Christi. and by the crown of thorns per passionem Christi. and by the humility dissipulorum lavit. in this hour. et per spineam coro . 0 Askariel. 0 Askariell. and enter gemma christalli sine mora certissime into this crystal gem. I conj ure you again. et per Invocationem dulcissimam water which came from Christ's side. and order hora statim sine mora certissime venias that you enter this crystalline gem in this et persona tua propria veraciter in pul. so in pulchra forma et certum in capite that it will be possible to see you and . which he drank. temple. et sine mora ut intres tu Askariel in ista quickly and without delay. and by Coniuro te Askariell et tibi precipio those names mentioned above. 0 Askariell. and may you app ear in ista gemma cristalli in hac hora statim quickly in this crystal. which God had on his head. and stringo et adiuro te per bonitatem dei et constrain and adjure you by the good­ per ieiunium dei. et disciples. and by the power which hid the crum in quo positum est Jesu Christi. and by God's ( Christ's) Christi. with which God washed the feet of his nam quam deus in capite suo habuit.. and by Christ's circumcision. and by the tomb per hac nomina supradicta. in which Jesus Christ was placed. come quickly. et per sepul. truly era forma et fertum in capite tuo por. and visibly explain to me omnibus circumstantibus cito apparias in all details. in a fair form. et per clavos qui. et per pierced Christ's hands and feet. et per sanguinem side on the Cross. and venias in persona tua propria veraciter may you lead your associates to me. et maton + and by Christ's suffering. and by mortem Christi et per lanceam qua latus the cross of Christ. et per figuram [ *scissuram ] he made before God the almighty Fa­ templi et virtutem qua obscuratus est ther. and have these names written on your right hand: Acherim . et per omnia que tibi condemn you. Fiat. Psalm 4 First say the Psalm. in cas sicut et illos apertissime videre pos. . 0 God " ] . Amen. "Irascimini et nolite peccare" [ "tremble and do not sin" (verse 5 ) ] . For making a stolen item return again Fast for one day. Lord have mercy. . Amen." ] . ''Kyrie leizon Christe eleyzon. and put it under your head and sleep upon it. fiat. and thou shalt see in thy sleep what thou wilt desire.. Char­ itates .... cum te vocavero voluntatem meam et p receptum meum venias in omnibus horis fiat fiat fiat Amen Amen Amen. 0 Askariel . I believe in God . and answer truthfully my questions. of you: And if you do not act on these. Amen. the power and by the power of God and simus per preceptum meum et coniura. Hail Mary. and Melchor. by my order and my conju­ demonstres et omnibus circumstantibus ration. 6 59 and thou shalt come to this verse. and by all which I have ordered cito apparias et tuos socios tecum addu. in the end of the Psalm say. and num usque ad ultimum diem Iuditii fiat that yo u always come without delay fiat fiat Amen nisi citius accedas et ad when called. by the power of his holy names I will tionem meam. and when you go to sleep. and say it three times. Psalm 4. "Cum Invocarem exaudivit me deus " [ "Answer me when I call to you.. Amen. or to your bedroom. fiat. kyrie eleyzon: pater noster Ave Maria et creedo in deum " [ "Lord have mercy. Fiat. Unless you quickly come to me Askariel in infernum et in ignem eter. . Our Father. into hell and Iussero. An experiment to see in thy sleep whatsoever thou shalt desire. respondeas et quod semper et sine mora Amen. fiat. fiat.. Christ have mercy. put a burning candle next to you. et si hec non feceris ego te in into the eternal fire until the day of Final virtute et per virtutem dei et potestatem Judgement. and you will dream truly of the things that were stolen.4 16 THE B O O K O F O B ERON tuo p o rtans ut te vissib illiter mihi them clearly. Wrap it in virgin wax. sanctorum nomen suos condempno te Amen. 659. . Then write these Greek names or words in virgin parch­ ment: + Agla + Leta + Y skyros + Mediator + Eleyson + Panton + Craton + In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ life everlasting. obeying my wishes and or­ me venias et ad meam Interrogatam vera ders at any time. and then shall his name that is guilty rise." Also Sloane 3853. 1 1 0." Another analogue in Wellcome MS. 252. consuratur est: This must be done on a Wednesday and under Mercury.:: � . Mahyrion (or Mahireon) . Botheon. where the four kings' names are spelled «Theltrion. Speryon.zds •• X X X \.6 (?). If there be none guilty. standing once." Compare Folger p. "quicunque vult salvus esse" [ "Whoever will be saved" ] . The third square has ((Boitheon. and put all the balls therein. 66 1 . 661 kneeling once. and set a basin of water in the midst of it. Mahurion. Compare Sloane 3846. 662 663 X X X CBoitlieon X � * . perhaps indicating a second variant. Then say this Psalm three times. in right marg: ((222. 1 03r: "Theltrion. below that in left marg: «w". 9 1 r: "Teltrion + Sireon vel Spirion vel Spirdon + Bethereon vel Betheron + Mahireon vel Mahereon.:: . Spirion. 68. 43r and 7 1 v. Celtrion. then make a circle of this fashion following. the Lord's name will rise. tl 660. PART 1: T H EURGIA 4 17 [171] To know whether one suspect be the thief or no Write the names 660 of these whom thou hast in suspicion in virgin parchment.:1· � o � X uoJJ. lying once." Also Rawlinson D. Bero + Barto + Bartoras + quinquiel. Boytheon." 663 . 94v. The Athanasian Creed. and Mayeryon or Maory�. 662 .o � � � . In marg: ((223 ". and our Lord's name also + Alpha + and Omega + and put everyone in a ball of clay by himself. First includes the word dicitur [((it is said" ] . Spirion." . reads ''Boicheon + Machniron + Spirion + Celtrion +. but it will always be bound until the owner returns. because I have tested this. and say the following while making the circle: + orion + Musion + Tetragramma. Seems to have been inspired by Boaistuau and Fenton. 153 1. and of the sacred names whose power you do this with. . + Orion + Musion + Tetragramma- ton + i11i1" + fons + virtus + sapientia + ton + i11i1" + the Spring + the Virtue + deus + the Wisdom + God + 664. But first. around the middle of the hour. in the yere. you must fast for three days on bread and water in honour of our Lord Jesus Christ. In right marg: ((243." . when you wish to know the truth. nothing can be removed from the house. 665. 110. make a circle as shown below. make a circle with the polished sword. But beware that you make nothing unless it can be completed in one hour. Here is that invocation with which you can compel the demon. depicting ((a Monster.418 THE B O O K OF OB ERON Whoever has this s�gn in their house. who was taken in the forrest of Haneberg. so that he will immediately provide a true answer. [ 1 72 ] Satan [+Conjuration of the Spirit]664 If you wish to invoke the spirit Satan. and you should be clean on account of the holiness of the names. and also make it with clay or with quicklime. before making the invocation. On the fourth day. when you wish to operate. Certaine secrete wonders of nature ( 1569 ) . in whatever hour you wish. From the invocation Solomon congregated the names. having the shape o f the face o f a man. that servum suum per se mittat qui super ea he comes and appears in a fair form. deign to preserve me from all snares and malice of the Devil. cised and baptized. who made all things from noth­ cifferum de celo eiecisti. endured death. . credentes cum eo. et baptizari. I beg 0 most merciful God. stand in the middle of the circle and say:666 D eus qui hominem ad Imaginem 0 God who formed man after your tuam formasti. qui Lu . in order to tui in uterum virginis descendisti. et a malis your Apostles . things. Paradise. into Heaven. et Evam ei ad societa. God forever and ever. by the superioris nominari. that I have the strength to conj ure Sa­ ut in pulcra forma veniat et appareat vel tan's presence according to my will. answer. and cendisti. qui vi vis et regnas I beg. into the womb of a virgin. and then placed him in dizo constituisti. et Angelos in eo ing. who expelled Lucifer from Heaven. : ''w" glyph. propter eos Adam et company. and by this name + AGLA + untatem Coniurare coram compellere. and he and they may do as I have ordered. you came into the world from the nostra Redimeris a sede Maiestatis patris seat of your Father's majesty. PART 1: TH EURGIA 419 And when you have done this. after you miraculously Te exoro clementissime deus ut me transmitted your Holy Ghost was to ab omnibus Insidiis diaboli. ascended Apostolis tuis mirabiliter transmicisti. et ut peccata Eve. that you deus per omnia secula seculorum Amen. were circum­ deinde resurgens a mortuis. or que abs ea Interrogavero verum Respon. and gave him Eve to keep him tern tradidisti. Iskiros + . post spiritum sanctum tuum were reborn from the dead. et mortem pati. along with those angels who believed in sime deus per sanctissime nomina que him. else sends his servant. 666. et post ea eum in para. redeem us from our sins you descended cum cidi. In marg. because of them. 0 most merciful God . cir. Amen. conserva digneris. own likeness. Adam and Evam in mundo venisti. 0 Almon + caron + Staron + Deyron 0 Almon + caron + Staron + Deyron + rex fortis qui dominaris in omnibus + mighty King who is the master of all qui omnia ex nichillo fecisti. ad celos as. and by this greatest name + + Agla + ut valeam Satan ad meam vol. to furnish a true sum exibeat et faciat ea que ei precipero. te exoro clementis. through you who lives and reigns. et per hoc nomen most holy names which are the greatest maximam + Iskiros + et per hoc nomen to be names. to tuum pro te transmittas qui mihi super provide true answers to my questions + hiis. who tempted the Lord of mundi. that you come. qui mihi self. and super ea que te vel ipsum Interrogaveromoreover to provide true answers to my verum responsum exibeas. 0 Satan Con. que ab eo interrogavero verum re. lignus spiritus quin ut venias vel servum or send your servant on your behalf. the world. 0 Satan Con. the world. 667. te per eum diem (?) dominum . 0 Satan. [ + be a tower of strength] in Agla + Erigerio + deus meus [ +turris the face of my enemies. I conjure you by the iuro te per excellentissima nomina dei most excellent names of the living God. vivi. and super ea que te vel ipsum Interrogaveromoreover to provide true answers to my verum responsum exibeas. I conj ure and command you Coniuro et Impero. Then say: In manus tuus domine . quo d sunt hac + Almagros + Is. say: 667 0 Satan qui temptatisti dominum 0 Satan . or one of your attendants . that you come. vivi. 0 Lord ." . In marg: "244. I commend spiritum meum Redemisti me domine my spirit. that you come your­ vel unum de fatellibus tuis. Agios + Otheos + Agios + Iskiros + sponsum exibeat + Agios + Otheos + Agios + Athanatos + Agla + Engerio + 0 Agios + Iskiros + Agios + Athanatos + my God. commendo Into your hands. ut tu ipsem venias by the same Lord. quod sunt hac + Almagros + Is. I conjure and command you Coniuro et Impero. I conj ure you by the iuro te per excellentissima nomina dei most excellent names of the living God. lignus spiritus quin ut venias vel servum or send your servant on your behalf. questions. ut tu ipsem venias by the same Lord. Yo u have redeemed me. 0 Satan.evil spirit is able to resist. te per eum diem ( ? ) dominum. who tempted the Lord of mundi. 0 deus veritatis Amen. Amen. Lord God of truth.which are these: + Almagros + Ismagros magros + Achiriachim + Almatrolos + + Achiriachim + Almatrolos + which no quibus non potest recistere aliquis rna. questions. that you come your­ vel unum de fatellibus tuis. evil spirit is able to resist.420 THE B O O K O F O B ERON The prayer completed.which are these: + Almagros + Ismagros magros + Achiriachim + Almatrolos + + Achiriachim + Almatrolos + which no quibus non potest recistere aliquis rna. qui mihi self. fortitudinis] a facie Inimici mei. 0 Satan qui temptatisti dominum 0 Satan . or one of yo ur attendants . to dis- tern demonstre. that he comes and appears in a suum per se mittat.lieved in him. qui Lu.all things. 0 Almon + Caron + Staron + Dey. to eum Interrogavero verum responsum furnish a true answer. PART 1: T H EURGIA 4 21 tuum pro te transmittas qui mihi super to provide true answers to my questions hiis. along with those angels who be­ clementissime deus. these holy names: + Athanatos + Engelat ios + Archiriachim + Almatillos + On + + Almarios + Archiriachim + Almatillos Tetragramaton + i11i1" + a + et w + ut + On + Tetragramaton + i11i1" + Alpha + mittare (?) michi prendam (?) ex Ange. que ab eo interrogavero verum re. fortitudinis] a [ +facie] Inimici mei. close the truth. + Agios + Otheos + Agios + Iskiros + sponsum exibeat + Agios + Otheos + Agios + Athanatos + Agla + Engerio + 0 Agios + Iskiros + Agios + Athanatos + my God. Amen.and Omega + to send me one of his an­ los eius quos superius nominavi verita. I beg. 0 Satan. Then say: In manus tuus domine. who exp elled Lucifer fro m cum Angelos in e o credentes. qui super ·ea que fair form. vel compareant. per sanctiissima no. and by this meam voluntatem. te exoro conjure Satan's presence according to pareatur. 0 Lord. and he and they exibeat et faciat que ei precepero. by the great- ima + Y skiros + et Ala + et hac nomina est name + Y skiro s + and Ala + and Sancta + Athanatos + Engelat + Almar. quia may do as I have ordered. et per hoc God. 0 deus veritatis Amen. and by this nomen + Agla + ut valeam Satan ad greatest name + Iskiros + . [ + be a tower of strength ] in Agla + Erigerio + deus meus [ +turris the face of my enemies. I conj ure you. qui dominaris in omni. who is the master of bus qui cuncta ex nihil fecisti. [ 1 73 ] Then: Coniuro te Satan per nomina max. Redemisti me domine my spirit. who made all things fro m cifferum propter superb ia eiecisti.ron + mighty king. Coniurare et coram name + AGLA + that I have the strength me compellere ut in pulcra forma com. vel Servum my will. 0 Almon + Caron + Staron + Dey- ron + rex fortis. or else sends his servant. by the most holy names which are nomen maximum + Iskiros + et per hoc the greatest to be names. commendo Into your hands. Because I am .gels whom I have named above. 0 most merciful mina qui superius nominavi. Lord God of truth. I commend spiritum meum. et nothing. You have redeemed me. et virgo fuit ante partum. et filii et spiritus sancti Amen. nor harm any creature. by the Thrones and Domi­ et potestates. these uncertain things. say:668 Coniuro te Satan per omnes virtutes I conj ure you. who continually sing secula Amen. Amen. Amen. and moreover may he reveal the truth stret. domine Iesu Christe que semper es 0 0 Lord Jesus Christ. 0 Satan. nations . qui assidue cantat. and remained a virgin partum. in the name of the Father. eum Interrogavero. coniuro te befo re giving b irth and after giving Satan per sancta Iohanem Baptistam et birth. by Saint per omnes baptizatos in nomine patris John the Baptist. and the Holy Ghost. darkness to declare the truth regarding tudinem dicet nee me terreat. 668. I conjure you. gloriam in by all the angels standing before the excelsis deo et per Infinita seculorum throne of God. by the Principalities and Pow­ ine et per Asistentes Angelos ante Tro. In marg. ever. "glory to God on high. et post born of a virgin. 0 Satan. now and for- mecum sis nunc et semper Amen. that I ut Angelum Luces Andeam Rogare in would dare to ask an angel of light for hiis rebus et eo obcansam peto Angelum these things." and by the infi- nite ages of ages.422 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON ego nonsum tanti momenti aut meriti. who was conceived by a virgin.: "245. and by all the baptized. ers. 0 Satan." . Amen. by the Cherubim and Seraphin. virgo per mansit. After praying. per Cherubine et Seraph. but coram me compareat et super eaque may he appear before me in a fair form. virgo Christ. by all the celorum per Angelos et Archangelos. not of great importance or merit. neque ali. therefore I ask an angel of Tenebrarum qui mihi de re dubia certi. who always propicius peccatorem rogantem bono in kindly hears a sinner seeking goodness animo exaudi et costodi corpus meum et in his heart. and may he not cui creature noceat. per powers of Heaven-by the Angels and Tronos et dominationes. and num dei. peperit. veritatem demon. Coniuro te Satan p er beatem virgi. by the blessed nem Mariam Matrem domini nostri Virgin Mary. hear and guard my body Animam meam. and the Son. concerning all that I will ask. ab omni p ericulo et and soul from all danger. per principatus Archangels. sed in pulcra forma frighten me. I conj ure you. mother of our Lord Jesus Iesu Christi quem virgo concepit. and immediately at my ero. or else send one me Servuum tuum per te et in nomine of your servants in your name. Coniuro te Satan per omnes patri. I conjure you. and moreover give a true answer sum exibeas. and by his head. per toni. et per eius virtu tern et the power of God. that you come yourself. and of the Lamb . and by Saint Peter. by this mina dei + Algramay + Saday + Dia. by the crown of God . and by all trum et per omnes Apostolos. leave. the earth. to give true answers to my verum responsum exibeat. who will tuo. 0 Satan. quod ei precepero. and everything truum altito nantes [ *intonantes?] . et per Sanctam Moysem . Iterum coniuro te Satan per omnia Again I conj ure you. et per celum et terram everything that is beneath God.* ipse venias vel servum tuum ad me mit. 0 Satan . and accom­ verum responsum exhibeat et faciat plish whatever I order. prophets . et lists-Matthew. questions. * Revelations 7. by all patri- arches. Mark. qui super ea qui earn Interrogavero answer my questions truly. by Saint John nem Evangelistam et per omnes Evange. the Apostles. that ut ad me venias aut velociter mittas ad you come to me quickly. 0 Satan . and by que sub deo sunt. Iterum coniuro te Satan per hac no. Matheum Marcum. et per that they contain. your servant. and per coronam dei. et super wish. et per archs . I conjure you. et cum precipiam recedas. et per omnia and by all of G o d's limb s . et Lucam. PART 1: T H EU RGIA 4 23 Coniuro te Satan per sanctam Joha. or send one of tas ut super ea que eum Interrogavero your servants. and by mare et omnia que in eis sunt. et per omnia membra dei. and by his virtue. by the *resounding . by all potentiam dei. I again conj ure you. et per capitum suum. and leave when I order you to hijs abs te Interrogavero verum respon. all martyrs and confessors of God. et per Sanctum pe. and Luke. name of God + Algramay + Saday + Di­ gramay + ut ad me venias vel servum agramay + that you come to me or send tuum per te mittas et statim cum volu. and by Moses the saint . and by per omnes Martires et Confessores dei .the Evangelist. Satan. and by all omnes prophetas . to whatever I will ask. et per cen. . and by the other evange­ listes. the sea. ut in the sight of God . the sky. and by the one hundred tum quadraginta quatuor milia signatos forty-four thousand sealed and blessed et beatos in conspectu dei et Agni. as shown in the following circle. Iterum coniuro te Satan per tremen. When the large circle N. verum responsum exhibeat will answer my questions truly. terrestrial.42 4 T H E B O O K O F O B ERON omnia celestia terrestria et Infernalia. observing that he must write: mihi domine [ "to me 0 Lord" ] in the farthest circle. 0 Satan. Amen. has been made.J\]1 + o /f/f (. entrance of the circle you must write: Jesus Christus + Agla + Adonay + [ "Jesus Christ + AGLA + Adonay +" ] . and by all celestial. or send your servant who terrogavero. in which the spirit will appear ff X. con­ constrictus per eum qui vivit et regnat strained and bound. make a small circle in this fashion. as shown below. come to me. I adjure you tum p oteris adveniendum festines ad that as much as you are able. lives and reigns forever and ever. velociter ad me venias vel servum tuum and infernal creatures. terrible Day of Judgment. by the dum diem Iudicii adiuro te ut in quan. with � o A A . Again I conjure you. . and after you have entered. ut thunder. and ac- et faciat quod ei precepero. that you quickly ad me mittas qui super ea que eum in. as the lower part. complish whatever I order. through Him who per omnia secula seculorum Amen. that you voluntatem meam perficias astrictus et come quickly and fulfill my will. At the 1. etc. 0 Lord. The text reads: esto mihi domine turris fortitudinem meam a facie inimici ["you shall be to me. [heal] my soul"] . in the face of enemies" ] . Next line reads: D[omi]ne [sana] animam meam [ "0 Lord. PART 1: THEURGIA 42 5 [ 1 74 ] Here follows the circle for the spirit called Satan. 669 Satan 669. Next line: Agla +xpus + Adonay + Jesus + Agios + Sather + . a tower of my strength." 670. In right marg: "245. Third line: + Agla + in nomine Iesu + flectitur + omne genu + xpus VINCIT + + + ["+Agla + in the name of Jesus + all knees + bend + Christ conquers +++"] . The "domine" is abbreviated "dne" with a tilde above the n. or in a country house or outside it" ] . sive extra domum. sive in villa sive extra [<<whether in a house or field. 30. 110: sive in domo.V stain from sexual gratification. Baaran. or Baryth This experiment can be done at any time or any respectable place. Bareth.. showing the conversation between St. 672. Then draw the circle in earth as shown below. Wellcome MS. the editors strongly condemn mistreating any animals. you should put on your linen shirt. or outside the house. 6 73 67 1. Perhaps inspired by Boaistuau and Fenton. and write on it the following characters with the blood of a lapwing or a mole.4 26 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON ( 1 75 ] Concerning all days and hours. and also wash your whole body. sive in agro. but see note on Folger p. 40. . and fast on bread and water. and you should guard them in a cloth. Then take virgin parch­ ment from a small dog which has not sucked from its mother's breasts. with the consecrated sword. and clip your nails and make --� them very clean-hands and feet. and when you wish to begin the work. The Latin reads upupa. with a seat (?) and country house if necessary. Experiment concerning the spirit called Baron. For three days ab- \. Again. Certaine secrete wonders of nature ( 1569). 673. whether an open place or a room. Anthony and a satyr. 671 l� 672 � \I'l 11 �0 ? I begin a time-honoured experiment. p er fidem quam debes socio tuo dno by the loyalty which you owe to your [ *demoni] privata. Princip alities. et per ilium [ + angelum] qui tuba most merciful. Tronos. come." los. 179 and Wellcome MS. 6 74 standing in the middle of the circle after you have spoken. and by the gibbet of the est. Conjuration Coniuro te spiritum nomine Baron I conjure you.1 2 a 11 .o-- others 8g E (. 110. and Seraphim. Elsewhere. 0 Christi. private servant demon. and * Following parallel version of this text on Folger p. by the punishment of our Lord pensus est. dominationes. Thrones. et per omnes Angelos. te Baron per penas domini nostri Iesu Cherubin. Folger: dn6. Adiuro Dominations. Psalm 50 (KJV 5 1) . principatus. Judgment and say ''come. per lanceam quam perforavit latus Cross on which he was suspended.So � en "VL • And when you wish to try the experiment. potestates. 42v. Powers. I adjure you. and by all Angels.* by the power tatem dei veri et viui et miserecordis. and truth of God. and say three times in a row Psalm 5 1 "miserere mei deus" [ "Have mercy on me. Archange. cherubin et Seraphin. or in this manner 2 0 13 0 ¢� [9£2 /Jt ¢ o-. come._ ¢ U u C0 or thus 2 0 2 5 2� 11 6' 0 ¢ ¢ :ZZ: 0 V. per clavos quibus confixus Jesus Christ. but a reading of * domino ["to the lord/master" ] wouldn't fit as well. living and true and sime. "your private demon" or "your private associate/servant.. Baron. take the sheet of paper in your right hand. per virtutem et veri. Archangels. 0 spirit named Baron." 674. and by that angel who canit in die Iudicii et dicet venite venite will blow the trumpet on the Day of venite. 0 God" ] . PART 1: THEURGIA 4 27 G) J ? �0 ¢ not with you $c. afterwards say the following conjuration until the spirit appears._____. per patibulum crucis in quo sus. 0 spirit who is called Baron. per archam federis. et per Altare Aaron. Wellcome MS. and by the Sanctas. Since this is evidently structured on Revelations 8:3. per many saints who slept.4 28 THE B O O K OF O B ERON eius. and resurrected the bodies of gam Aa ro n. et per sanctissi. Eloy. and by his gratiam. and by all saints-male and female. and by his death. and by the name Sather . Eman­ sanctum Semiphoras . golden altar which is before his eyes. and lapidem Angularem. He is called Eloy. per resurrection. per candelebrum which p arted the sea. t Compare Folger p. power which ob s cured the sun and pora que diu dormierunt resurrexerunt.t * Matthew 27:5 1-52. by the weighing of the facts. crumbled the stones . et multa cor. and by the name Adonay. and by his ascension. p er ascentionem the crown of thorns which he wore on eius. et per virtutem qua by the seven. which being called all the dead­ per nomen Sather + in quo dominus good and evil-will be raised up in the frangit omnes Iapides terrae et omnia blink of an eye. Lux. tombs. Arsetice et per Athanatos. which the mavit. and by her most mum lac eius quod gloriosus deus per os holy milk which the glorious God ac­ suum suscepit vocatus Athanatos. per gloriosam virginem Mariam Baron . Light. Vasaday. per spineam coronam quam in ca. it originally probably read something like per omnes preces sanctorum et sanctarum ["by all the prayers of the saints"] . by the aurem quod est ante occulus eius. by the staff of aurem. 110 and Sloane 3853 read per omnes missas prophetarum [ "by all the Masses of the prophets"] . et per nomen uel. Ghost. who que filium dei portavit. by the nails which fastened him.* and by the staff Thuribelum aureum. per thro num dei. Vasaday. Emanuell. per septiformam Sancti spiritus his head. by the et monumenta aperta sunt. by the throne of God. and by the holy Semipho­ Adonay quo dominus media nocte cla.fold grace of the Holy sol absturatus est et petrae scissae sunt. et night. and opened the per virgam quod Mare aparuit et per vir. per mortem eius. by the golden candelabra . per sigillum Salomonis. and by resurrectionem eius. cepted into his mouth . carried the son of God. per the lance which pierced his side. and by pite suo portavit. Arsetice. 40. by the Seal of Solomon. by the glorious Virgin Mary. per golden censer. mensus pro positionum et per Sanctos et by the Ark of the Covenant. ad quam vocem omnes mortui Lord proclaimed in the middle of the boni ac mali in ictu occuli resurgent. Coniuro te spiritus qu1 vo car1s I conjure you. Matrem domini nostri Iesum Christi mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. ras. 0 N . I conjure you. PART 1: T H EURGIA 4 29 edificia in uno die adversus distruere et + by which the Lord crumbles * all stones debellare et tunc dicet montibus cadete of the earth and all buildings in a single super nos. nents. [ 1 76] et per omnes tains and hills. that you be humble. returned to carry out judgment against vertetur. per solem et worthy. :f: Revelations 20:9. the Devil with all his wicked. I menta. t Luke 23:30. your associates. along with all sanctis sanctorum. and by the heavens of per glacies et nives noctes et dies. ((and then the living will say to the minus Iesus peracto Iudicio diabolum mountains. and all that sprouts forth * Folger p. � by the filios hominum et Israelis. 110: faciat ["made" ] . and by the Sun and Moon. angels of the Lord. triumphant glory of the Heavenly Father ciis. by the blessed name of Coniuro te iterum Baron . 134 and Wellcome MS. � It is interesting to see the generic "N. by the winter and the summer. Per sacerdotes earth and all the elements. by the lightning and omnes bestias et peccora. by night and day. fall upon us. and exorcize sum admirabilem creatorem mundi A you. 0 Baron. et per day. mamento caeli et per laudibile virtuo.e. by aquis. will be restored. by the te per ignem et aestum frigus et estatem. + Yay + by which Jesus the Lord will be umphali gloria in celestem patrem re. I conjure you. per montes et colles. per God. admirable creator of lunam et per stellas celi. Maybe an indication of an earlier archetype? . virtuous. by the moun­ et omnes Servos dei. et collibus Apere nos. who will be Coniuro te Baron et exorcizor te ut consumed in the lake of fire. per benedictum nomen dei in fir. per light and darkness. cover us". and by the rain coniuro te N per terram et omnia ele. per Ange. and to the hills: cum se peresis et cum omnibus suis Im. per fontes et maria heat. demolishes and vanquishes oppo­ Inestimabile nomen + yay + in quo do. per fulgura et nubes. and the dew and all the spirits of God. per omnia conj ure you by the fire and the raging germinantia in terris.§ et rorem et omnes spiritus dei.+ and the spiritus humile sis cum omnibus tuis so. et per imbrem the universe from the Holy of Holies. in stagnum ignis tri." here instead of "Baron" or "Barachin" in the parallel texts. praise­ los domini et ceelos dei. the stars in the heavens. and by lucem et tenebras. by flumina et omnia que moventur in the ice and snows. per omnes volucres celi. et per omnes the clouds. t and by the inestimable name piis in carcerem i. § Instead of a sanctis sanctorum the parallel texts read in secula seculorum [ "forever and ever"] . coniuro I again conjure you. 0 Baron. God in the firmament of Heaven. and all his internal organs. and after he has fulfilled everything he will say to you. and then you may make your petition and he will answer. * and by the Lord's lungs and liver. and by the springs and seas omnes humiles corde et per Ananiam and rivers. and all that moves in the wa­ Azaariam et misaell. and by Anania. et per on the earth. and by all those of humble heart. and order him to return whenever you call by conju­ ration. {176} and by etc.. Depart in peace. and will carry it to wherever pleases you. dren of mankind and Israel. and Mish'ael from the Benedicite. and if you wish he will transport whatever you desire. Azari'ah. and then give him his freedom. et per pulmonem ters. By all the cias et compleas quecunque tibi dixero priests and servants of God. Then say three times: Recede in pace.e. give me leave to depart. and by all the chil­ membra eius ut cito venias ad me et fa. Daniel 3:66. Azaria. by all the birds in the skies. and Misael. * Or Hanani'ah. Then immediately Baron himself will come to you in the form of a man. et per omnia interiora the beasts and cattle. that you come to me quickly and accomplish whatever I ask you.43 0 THE B O O K OF O B ERON spiritus et Animas Iustorum dei. . i. and tell you whatever you wish. all the spirits and souls of the just of God. and by all hepar domini. PART 1: T H EURG IA 43 1 Circu[us (Baron Order what you wish. Text reads + IHS + Messias + Emanuell + Sather + Eloy + Agla + IHS + Nazarenus + Rex + Iudeorum [ "Jesus. Messiah. thou most wicked 675. except thou come and fulfill my will and obey my precept and commandments. and fulfill my command­ ments truly and unfeignedly. and be ready to come again when called. This. . and power of this most great and unspeakable name of God + Tetragrammaton + and in the virtue and power of this name + Tetragramma­ ton + which was written in a plate of gold in the forehead of Aaron the high priest. and it will be done. then God the Father. which is Solo­ mon's bond: 0 N. there to be tormented with extreme torments until the last and dreadful day of doom. by the virtue. and peace be between you and us. then licence him thus: In nomine patris et filii et spiritus In the name of the Father · and the sancti ite in pace ad loca vestra et pax sit Son and the Holy Ghost. then all the members of the blessed be unto thee everlasting torments. Heaven and earth curse thee and condemn thee unless thou speedily come and appear visibly unto me. Then. I conjure thee into the depth infernal and bottomless pit of hell. except thou come and fulfill my will and commandments. . parati sitis venire vocati. depart in peace inter nos et vos. 0 N. then pronounce this. and make thee partaker of some and all of those hellish and horrible torments. might. Emanuel + Saviour + Eloy + Agla + Jesus + of Nazareth + King + of the Jews" ] . This if thou deny to do. . 0 N. Inside: Circulus Baron[is] ["Circle of Baron" ] . the Son. 0 N. to your place. if he be stubborn and do not appear. if thou do not. and the Holy Ghost curse and condemn thee from this same hour forever and ever in the fiery lake of hell. without fraud or guile. . and in his seat. breasts of his mother. Divination et Magie Dans L'occident Medieval. while saying the following words: 0 sancte Georgi mile Christi Con. and by the vir­ et per virginitatem lactis quod ipse sue. veiled. and by the whole posse quod deus habent in terra et aqua capacity which they have. by the Christum per sanctissimam virginitatem most holy virginity of the most glorious gloriosissime virginis Marie Matris eius Virgin Mary. XIIe-XVe Siecle ( Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne. and by the virgin­ tatem gloriosissi matrium ( ? ) virginum. ity of the most glorious virgin mother. then scrape 6 7 6 the thumbnail of the right hand. and by his most sacred suam quod vos in ungula pollicis dextre resurrection. fire. soldier of Christ. and make a circle in a secret loca­ tion. In de Belton's text. 1 889). for ever and ever. et per virgini. the Sun being very clear. martyrs. 398-399. and make the first seat inside. Compare Thomas Hearne. first select a virgin and proper person. then anoint it carefully with olive oil. this grant 0 Lord Jesus Christ which in the unity of the Trinity liveth and reigneth with God the Father. Remarks and Collections of Thomas Hearne. Innocentium martirum et per to tum the innocents. except thou come and fulfill my will and commandments. that you appear in the nail manus istius pueri in tua cathedra of yo ur r ight thumb o f the whole 676. Jean-Patrice Boudet. Amen. so by the virtue. or suspected. gin milk which he sucked from the cit ab uberibus Matris sue. 0 God. Entre Science et Nigromance: Astrologie. then like as this M. sua. 3 . I con­ iura te per dominum nostrum Iesum jure you by our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 712 (Oxford: Clarendon Press. which quotes from a text attributed to one Master John de Belton circa 1 39 1 . power and strength and force of this holy name of God + Tetragramaton + I condemn thee into the most terrible pains and punishments forever. . his mother. [+ Saint] George Whoever wishes to know the abundant truth concerning anything stolen. in the and in aere in igne et in celo et in sede land and water. doth consume in this noisome stink. also mentions an onychomancy exsperiment attributed to John de Belton in a fifteenth-century manuscript. the thumbnail is scraped with a new knife with a white handle. 1 71 0-December 1 4. and sky.43 2 T H E B O O K OF O B ERON and obstinate spirit. 0 Saint George. et per sanctissima resurrectionem. 365. in the air. May 25. 2006). Agminus could be a mistake for agminum [ ((o f troops" ] . that you appear in the nail men to vel Impedimenta per donum of the right thumb of this boy sitting in quod dedit nobis yo ur seat. heavenly king Agminus. Words read: Jesus fili virginis. resurrection. and without doubt he will appear. say <<the boy desires that he may discover the iden­ tity of the thief.* [177} the man or woman theft. in the dens tales res. cheerfully showing such things. and when the blessed George has appeared. it should be read. Tested 1 .000 times. 0 God. Matris tue precibus [ ((Jesus. in the air. or other person who was able to harm him. land and water. erem furtum sive aliqui de aliud ita puer and in his seat. fire. PART 1: T HEURGIA 433 cathedra sedens hilaris apereas osten.' and he will tell you himself. such that the boy himself can recognise it. capacity which they have. or anything else about it. If not. The figure of the mirror 677. without any defect. . by the gift that has he gave to us. provided the child is good. without any harm or hindrance. and by his most sacred isse possit cognoscere sine aliquo nocu. son of the Virgin. Rex celestes Agminus.' seemingly indicating the first word of the following page? And if he fails to appear at first. of your mother with prayers" ] . and sky. read it a second and third time. * At bottom is another ((res. [ 1 77 ] Hominem vel Muli. Also. and one holds that cross made from palm which will be blessed on the day of the palm branches. El + G + L + A + . In right marg. 2 lea are the highest names 2 Alma.43 4 THE B O O K O F O B E RON Whoever will carry these names on themselves will not be able to be arrested or detained by anyone.: (( 84:' 680. under the power of all small or great demons.e. Certaine secrete wonders of nature ( 1 569). whereby you call the spirit called Romulon. certifying that this is the infernal spirit Romulon." is perhaps an abbreviation for ((i. En plausmum • • • • Samuel. Perhaps inspired by Boaistuau and Fenton. or all most true works. 678 [ 1 78] Romulon 679 [+ Conjuration of the Spirit] The most noble experiment is elegantly begun. and the 678.2. "lea" is pehaps a mistake for ista [ ((these" ] . and he is willing to satisfy the wishes of whoever prepared the circle by three conjurations. In the beginning. have two associates with you in the circle. . 6 1 . ((. which is in fact for stolen treasure." 679. Aloy. . by the holy God . deum verum per deum sanctum. I conj ure all you demons great and Coniuro vos omnes demones maio. .small. are seeking. or send yourself to us. . I conj ure you by the whole body of ino nostri Iesu Christi et per omnia our Lord Jesus Christ. given in full on Folger p. words of God. and 56 (KJV 5 1 . 682 . to tell us potestis et ipsum mittere nobis ut Narrat the truth in these things N.. Amen. God. Psalm 50. . Amen. Coniuro vos per totum corpus dom. by the true res atque min ores per deum vivum. The Athanasian Creed. by all the powers of our Lord Jesus potentias domini nostri Iesu Christi ut Christ. by him who will come to mus per eius qui venturus est Judicare j udge the living and the dead and the vivos et mortuos et seculum per ignem world by fire. 68 1 . 28. which we nobis veritatem de hac re N quam queri. I conj ure all you demons great and nos atque parvos. I co nj ure yo u by all the works of Coniuro vos per omnia mirabillia dei."682 Repeat these with great devotion to each of the four parts of the circle. per omnias [ *omnes] small."68 1 and "Whoever will be saved . Then the master says this oration with good devotion: Coniuro vos omnes demones mag. Ion hasten to us in a pleasant or beauti­ tinare in pulcherima pulcra forma qua ful form. that you make the spirit Romu­ vos faciatis ilium spiritum Romulon fes. per God. and 57) all start with these words. and by all the verba dei. PART 1: THEURGIA 435 master and associate kneel and say these Psalms: "Have mercy upon me. . 0 God . I conjure you by all the wonders of God. . by the living God. 55. Coniuro vos per omnia opera dei. 56. such as on Folger pp. Tetragrammaton + and by the name + mum dei + A + g + 1 + a + et per ilium Athanatos + and by this most excellent qui dixit fiant omnia et facta sunt omnia name of God + A + G + L + A + and by Iterum Coniuro per omnia p redicta Him who spoke "Let it be" and all things verba dei. by the five wounds of our Lord itatem. ut facia tis ilium spiritum Ro. and without storms. per omnes virtutes et potestates Jesus Christ. who will come to judge the living and Coniuro vos ad hue per virginitatem the dead and the world by fire. words . T H E B O O K OF OBERON Coniuro vos per omnia nomina dei I conj ure you by all the speakable effabilia et Ineffabilia et per ilia verba and unspeakable names of God. by dei + Sabaoth + On + Arphentex + Pan. the holy Trinity. without delay. per eum qui hail. were. herbis. or harm to any living creatures through­ mine. these most holy names of God + Sa­ ton + Craton + Deminon + Eristimon + baoth + On + Arphentex + Panton + Gero + et per summum nomen dei + Craton + Deminon + Eristimon + Gero Tetragramaton + et per nomen + Athan. atque virtutem beate maria virgines. et lapiddibus. + and by the highest name of God + atos + et per ilium nomen excellentissi.* that you make the mora et narrare nobis veritatem cum spirit soldier Ro mulon hasten to us viva voce quod possumus audire intel. nive et grandine. and tell us the truth with ligere et audire sine ali qua falcitate et a lively voice that we will be able to hear no cumento alicuius creature totius and understand. or dere nobis lam ad presens. and by the virginity * This suggests that this conjuration was adapted from one which contained a longer list of the words which God spoke at the creation. et vento. et per all those words which people are not omnia gaudia be ate Marie virginis . 1 29 and 2 1 7. snow. the blessed Margarete virgin is. Again I conjure you by all the pre­ mulon militem festinare et nobis sine ceding words of God. et ab omnibus tempestatibus et respon. permitted to speak. pluvia. lightning. o ut the wo rld. and by que non licet hominum loqui. herb s . and by the virginity and the vir­ et per virginitatem atque virtutem beate tues of blessed virgin Juliana. . the virtues and power which God has bis. Iterum Coniuro vos given to p eople. and by all the joys of Iterum Coniuro vos per quinque vulnera the blessed Virgin Mary. ver. et I conj ure you here by the virginity per virginitatem atque virtutem beate and the virtues of the blessed Virgin Iuliane virginis. you. beate katherine virginis. rain. and demones per ista sacratissima nomina stones. Again I conj ure you demons. per virginitatem virgin Katherine. thunder. tonitruo ful. and by all quas deus dedit hominibus. by him seculum per ignem. without any falsehood mundi et sine tempestate. wind. Again I conj ure domini nostri Iesu Christi sanctam Trin. and free from all storms to answer venturus est Judicare vivos et mortuos et us now regarding the present. Mary. Amen. PART 1: T H EURGIA 437 atque virtutem beate Agathiae virginis. out any falseness or harm to any living creatures anywhere in the world. cie pulcherime hominis et dicere nobis and by all the words and names of God . all the martyrs and confessors of God . et sine aliqua tempestate. and atque virtutem beate Eliene virginis. et per and the virtues of the blessed virgin virginitatem atque virtutem Sancti Io. Margaret. Eliene. and the virtues of the blessed virgin per virginitatem beate Cicilie. omnia verba et nomina dei. eum qui venturus est Iudicare vivos et and to speak to us only the truth. by him who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. et by the virginity and the virtues of the per virginitatem atque virtutem om. and by the virginity and the vir­ omnes Martires et confesso res dei. and by ad visum nostrum in forma [ 1 7 9 ] et spe. virginis. and without any storms. per appearance of a most beautiful person. and by the virginity and virtues hannis Evangeliste. omnem veritatem sine aliqua falcitate et that you make that spirit Romulon come no cumento alicuius creature to cius here. visible to us in the form [179} and mundi. Amen. and by the virginity Coniuro per virginitatem atque vir. et per tues of St. et per Baptist. ut facia tis I conjure you by the virginity and the ilium spiritum Romulon hue [ ce] venire virtues of our Lord Jesus Christ. John the Evangelist. with­ mortuos et seculum per ignem. . blessed virgin Cecilia . and the virtue of the blessed John the tutem domini nostri Iesu Christi. and by the virginity and the Iterum Coniuro vos per virginitatem virtues of the blessed virgin Agatha. nium virginum et per virginitatem atque Again I conjure you by the virginity virtutem beate Iohannis Baptiste. of all the virgins. I conjure te p e r fidem quam deb es demone you by the loyalty which you owe to privato. et per prophetiam and you demons. Coniuro 0 spirit soldier Romulon. Co niuro te romulon et here quickly next to this circle. saying: Deus qui misisti Sanctum Tuum 0God. right marg: ((85. 0 Romulon. send your Holy spiritum sanctum tuum super nos fam. and by the prophesy of Moysy. I Infernalem. 1 1 0. THE B O O K OF OB ERON Then the master humbly asks. 795 as quoted in Elliot Stock. 1 884) . Coniuro te romulon spirit Romulon. Iesum Christum. by Caine. Compare parallel text for Mosacus on Folger p. Compare Lansdowne MS. 0 Romulon. that in the spirit of in spiritum veritatis videre possumus et truth we may be able to see and hear audire creaturas tuas ut nobis revelent your creatures. 0 Romulon. and by the strength of Saint anum Martirem qui vos suo nutu sub Michael whereby you were exp elled in . 7 1 r. I conj ure you. conjurations._. Coniuro te romulon per conjure you. I conjure you. as ((A collection of charms. by the purification of per purificationem beate Marie virginis." In. by the Coniuro te romulon per Immundiciam purification of the blessed virgin Mary. God. ut vos paratis ilium venire hue the same curse by which God cursed festinanter. by him who lives omnia secula seculorum Amen. and reigns God through all the ages of the ages. 1 04. Coniuro te spiritus romulon per (your) private demon. in Latin. 1 82 and Wellcome MS. 0 purificationem dei. Bouton. to tell us vos demones per spoliatorem Inferni the truth. The Bibliographer. Amen. and by the tablets vos de celo expulcit et gloriosum Cypri. ut our understanding. that they may reveal the omnem veritatem de rebus quas quesiti whole truth concerning the things which sumus qui vivis et regnas deus per we have been asking. The British Library catalogue describes the Lansdowne MS. of Moses.* I conjure you. by Jesus Christ's plun­ Sancti Iohannis Baptiste. ugauit [ * sub i u g avit ? ] . et per from Heaven. that it may illuminate and clear net et clarificet intellectum nostrum. narare nobis veritatem Iuxta Cain. et super istum circulum ut illumi. circle. per virtutem Sancte Michalis qui Saint John the Baptist. probably extracted from the Flagellum Dremonum or some such work. 5 (New York: J. who has sent * yo ur Holy Sp iritum super Ap ostolos tuos. per tabulas dering of hell. and over this ulos. I conjure you. 0 Romulon. that you prepare that one come hue circulum. and by the glorious mar­ Salomon [em etiam] p [ ruden] tissimum tyr Cyprian. Then the master says: 683 0 spiritus miles Romulon. by some person in the seventeenth or eighteenth century. vol. mitte Ghost over the Apostles. Ghost over your servants. * Compare Sloane 3853. who subj ugated you with 683. by the infernal idem maledictionem qua deus maledixit foulness. W. fol." . and exorcisms. 56v-5 7r. per tles and all powers of Heaven. proclaiming and death and burial. et p e r vulnera obey. 1 580 (New Haven. who lives and reigns with the blessed Son and the Paraclete.t and by the as­ etiam Coniuro te romulon per illud ex. that you quickly come to me.+ by that em­ ton + quod in Anulo meo sculptum est. Amen. and by the terrible Day of Judge­ manum et pedum eius. ring. infinitely ut quid in isto septro Imperiali sculptum powerful and awe . and by the suo filio. and without terrible noise. et absque to. et per septem dolores Father. and also by the most wise per tremendum diem Iudicii. 2. resurrection and ascension. 0 Romulon. insasmuch adoretur tam celice terrenis et infernali. with obedience. gloriose virginis et instantissime vos and each of her joys . per Anunciatio. See Eamon Duffy. 1 992). earthly. and in­ unus deus et Trinus vi vat et regnat in fernal beings. one God and Trinity. inent name of God. c.inspiring + Tetra­ est. mighty Father. quatenus virtute omnium predicto. by the per ipsum et eius patrem. that in te agnoscatur quante magnifficentie you always come without delay at my est nomen suum quod a quibuslibet command. most urgently. 835 of Scheible's Das Kloster ( 1 845) . t Prayers and meditations on the seven sorrows and joys of Mary were immensely popular in medieval times. grammaton + which is carved on my rum et specialiter istius venerandi nomi. seven sorrows of the blessed Virgin sumptionem et coronationem eiusdem Mary. hands and feet. 257-259. as you have recognized how vast is the bus. The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England. by the annunciation and centionem. CT: Yale University Press. and on this imperial sceptre. and specifically of that venerable tonitruis. per vulnus Solomon. * Compare Verus ]esuitarum Libellus [ "The True Petition of the Jesuits" ] included in vol. et quique eis gaudia. et per as. mother of Christ." . et sine horribili strepitu mihi name. much as by the power of all the preced­ nitruo. and by her son . et Spiritus Sancti mission em. and by the wound on the side of nem et praedicationem. sion of the Holy Ghost. et per virtutem patris omnipotentis greatness of that name of his. and by the power of his al­ secula seculorum Amen.* and all saints and glorious Apos­ beate Marie virginis matris Christi. or terrible Imperio veniens cum obediens quatenus thunder. inas­ nis ad me celeriter accedas. p. · + In marg: "86. and I also conj ure you virtutis et tremendum + Tetragramma. et his command. flashing. ment. ineffable. per resurrectiionem et as. sumption and coronation of the same cellens nomen dei Ineffabile et infinite glorious virgin. forever and ever. and apperere non tardabis et meo semp er without thunder. and the mis­ tos ac gloriosus Apostolos et omnes vir.c. by its self and his tutem celorum. corustantibus vel horibilibus ing. et omnes sane. that it is so sui que benedicti filii ac paracliti qui honoured by heavenly. and by the wounds on his sepulturam. whose orders forced you to lateris Iesu Christi. PART 1: THEURG IA 43 9 qui vos suis fecit obedire mandatis. per mortem et Jesus Christ. 1400. and by all terrible things which are terra. pear to me visibly. who lives and reigns God forever and ever. and by his whipping. et per flagella. terribile demonibus. and seek you in the et per eius nomen + Tetragrammaton + power of the crucified one who is great­ quod est nomen honourabile et terribile est of all. hands. and by cruorem defluentem a latere pedibus et that most sacred blood flowing from his manibus et omnibus eius corporis. paripabazin + Collatizantin (or. cuntis Christianis. par. 0 Romulon. per virtutem celorum et omnia Principalities and Powers. et meo Iussui om. fraud. Christ. collizantu et ad hue con. I conjure you. Ariel. and you per Angelos et Archangelos. * Compare ]esuitarum Libellus. Ezea. requiro atque exoro jam vos: o Almaziel. ap­ absque simulacionem et fraude et versu. in heaven and on earth. by the tates. Anathamia. here. Tronos et demons. 1 1 0. colli­ iuro et adiuro te romulon et requiro te in zantu) . et per illum Sanctissimum from men. 0 Romulon. Jesus Christ. and by the expulsion of demons cionem eius. Abiul. Ezebul. per virtutem domini nos." t The words "omnibus pareatis et" should probably be supplied as in Wellcome MS. et maton + which confers honour and fear. . feet. And if he come not within three hours. Cypriani citation angelorum: "Orphanim: Aralim: Hasmalim: Cherubim: Seraphim: et Malachim: per ternam dmonum damnationem: per hos angelos bonos: Malazim: Peripalabin et Calizantin.t by the power of our Lord secula seculorum Amen. per principatus et pates. et per Angelos bonos vestros dom. or cunning of any kind. 69v: "Cito imprecor. and witho ut p retence or fideliter respondeas. cit. then curse him. by the Thrones and Dominations. dominationes." Also compare Wellcome MS.* and I conj ure and adj ure you virtute crucifixi qui maior est omnium. 1 1 0. Amen. by the Angels and Archangels. et per eiectionem enly Virtues.440 THE B O O K O F O B E RON Coniuro te romulon et vos demones. Ahesin et Calizabin angelos Dei sanctissimos per omnes dominationes" and op. and obey tri Iesu Christi qui vivit et regnat deus in all my orders. and faith­ nium obedias. 7 1 v: << Analazabin pephalsalin et ••• colatizaltin. Therefore. masters the good angels + Analazabin + latizantin veil. and by his name + Tetra gram­ ac etiam amabile. by the heav­ mirabilia Iesu Christi. and by your inos + Analazabin + paripabazin + Col. side. without delay or post­ cia qualicumque et mihi ad Interrogata ponement. and all the miracles of Jesus demonum de hominibus. qua tenus sine omni but also inspires love in all Christians mora et dilacione mihi visibiliter apareas but fear in the demons . et per omnia terrabilia in celo et in body. fully respond to all that I ask. and all parts of his tibus. and nem sanguinis Iesu Christi . alios celeriter adducas qui potestatem then by the sprinkling of the blood of habet et scientiam." . aliam vel if you are not able to come immediately. et per potesta. appearing Imaginem suam plasmavit et te per visibly through the goodness of God . and without any deceit. Jesus Christ. by the obedience by which your sacratissimum nomen dei + Tetragram. and tormented your associates. spiritus per obedientiam quam superi. ''let it be. by illud Infinitum verbum que cuncta ere. as much as you are permitted. dampnavit. name. per virginitatem et humilitatem demned our first parents. 0 spirit. when God spoke est. per I conjure and adjure you. et si tu non me with the power of this most sacred possis Immediate incedens per aspersio. into per bonitatem dei quam hominem ad that place outside the circle.' and it was done. Requiro et adiuro te romulon Ibi. Iustitiam qua primos parentes nostros who made people after his own image. In marg: ((87. 0 most wise spirit Ro - oribus tuis adhibere debes. 684. Compare Wellcome MS. et per hoc mulon . mihi fideliter respon. that you quickly make true obedience to misses es celeriter facias. that infinite word through which all ata sunt. that you ciam facias. tered the lower region and plundered sponsum ut numquam in eisdem falla. sacratissimi nominis in quantum per. superiors summon you. 0 Romulon . et per miserecordiam qua and you by the justice which has con- redemit. PART 1: TH EURG IA 44 1 The bond of obedience684 Coniuro te spiritus et adiuro. ut mihi de Christ . 1 1 0. I conjure you. virginity and humility of Mary the most tern qua Infernum confregit et socios holy virgin mother of our Lord Jesus tuos spoliavit et cruciavit. provide reliable an