Amanda Palmer - Wikiquote (2025)

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Amanda MacKinnon Gaiman Palmer (born 30 April 1976), also known as Amanda Fucking Palmer, is the lead singer, keyboardist, and songwriter of the Brechtian punk cabaret duo The Dresden Dolls, the duo Evelyn Evelyn, as well as a solo performer and impresario. She was formerly married to writer Neil Gaiman.



  • I write a lot, but it's not all fantastic. There's plenty of terrible crap. We work on a few things at a time, let some things fall away, make changes. We certainly have enough for the next album, which could take at least another year to come out.
  • Interviewer Barb H: Your sound is quite refreshing, did it come naturally?
    AP: As natural as the day you were born, my love.
    • Interview in Only Angels Have Wings (April 2004)
  • It makes me very sad when I find out that people who never hear our music think that we are really about image and not about substance. … I can understand why you might get that impression if you've never heard the band's music and see a photo of a guy and a girl dressed up in crazy costumes and think, "I don't need to pay attention to that — why do they need to wear those crazy clothes?" I think that's why we've constantly toured. Our live show is so intense and so substantive and emotional that it's sort of the price we have to pay for being so flamboyant — we have to prove ourselves as a rock band.
  • I'm bisexual, but it's not the sort of thing I spent a lot of time thinking about … I've slept with girls; I've slept with guys, so I guess that's what they call it! I'm not anti trying to use language to simplify our lives.
    • As quoted in "Getting Real With Amanda Palmer" at AfterEllen (18 July 2007)
  • I really like Neil a whole, whole, whole lot, and I really do not want to marry Kevin Smith, even a little. Do you remember the Trojan War, dude? I’m just saying. Can you imagine what a world war between a Neil Gaiman army and a Kevin Smith army would actually look like? Their fans are serious. I predict there would be lots of very high-fallutin’, toilet-based name-calling, confusing many. And possibly foam swords swinging at hockey sticks. Actually, that’s bullshit. There’s no way anybody would leave their Twitter feeds for long enough to pull out a foam sword or a hockey stick. Maybe it’ll be the world’s first full-on digital war and people will just head over to Second Life to duke it out. I hope Neil’s army wins.
    • On a humorous twitter courtship by Kevin Smith, as quoted in "Amanda Palmer Freaks Out With Evelyn Evelyn" by Scott Thill in WIRED (29 March 2010)
  • Nothing is crueller than children who come from good homes.
    • "Night Recconaissance" Live (2006)
  • A turn, a screw, a pull, a twist, the drug that makes you prettiest.
    • "June is Busting Out All Over" Live (Date unknown)
  • I'm not gonna live my life on one side of an ampersand.
    • "Ampersand" Live (2006)
  • you're rich in love
    you're great bed
    you'll see the world
    you'll knock 'em dead

    and all the thick books that you've read
    will count for nothing in the end
    • "Straight" Live (2004)
  • I still get laughed at but it doesn't bother me,
    I'm just so glad to hear laughter around me.
    • Do You Swear to Tell the Truth the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth So Help Your Black Ass (2010)

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Amanda Palmer - Wikiquote (2025)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.